Turkey-Syria Earthquake Solidarity Appeal

Solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria. This is an urgent appeal for Solidarity and assistance.

Tens of thousands of people are dead, and hundreds of thousands are injured after earthquakes hit parts of Turkey and Syria.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) is calling for donations to fund direct support and Solidarity with the ordinary people who are suffering now.

The money will be used mainly to fund the activities of the Turkish Food Industry Workers Union and the United Textile Weaving and Leather Workers Union. They are already providing important relief on the ground. In areas where they do not have networks, similar competent trade union bodies will be used.

The need, and the horror of what has occurred, are felt particularly strongly in Britain. More than half of those living here with Turkish and Kurdish roots come from the areas hit by the earthquakes.

What are called “natural disasters” take place in a political and economic context.

The Turkish government did not heed warnings about the devastation earthquakes would cause. And it has been slow to provide relief to the 17 million people who are estimated to be affected. We demand no discrimination in who receives aid and who does not.

Survivors forced to flee their homes face freezing winter conditions, and people struggle to find safe shelter, water and food.

Experts warn the quakes could continue for weeks or even months, so long-term support is needed. Every donation raised from this appeal will go towards relief efforts on the ground.

Please pay donations to the Solidarity with the People of Turkey. Account details are as follows:

Account name: Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)
Account Number: 20384900
Sort code: 60-83-01

New Education Curriculum in Turkey Sparks Controversy: Critics Cite Religious and Authoritarian Leanings

Minister Yusuf Tekin unveils ‘Turkey Century Education Model’ amidst scrutiny over its ideological underpinnings

In a move that has ignited widespread debate, Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin has introduced a new educational curriculum titled the ‘Turkey Century Education Model’. This announcement comes amid criticism from various quarters regarding its content and approach, with detractors alleging a tilt towards religious and authoritarian ideologies.

The new curriculum, slated to be open for public feedback for nine days under the name ‘Turkey Century Maarif Model’, has already drawn sharp criticism. Critics argue that the curriculum reflects a market-oriented and reactionary approach that has characterised the AKP government’s educational policies. This marks the fourth major overhaul of the curriculum under the current administration, which has been accused of reshaping education without achieving its intended goals.

Adnan Gümüş, a columnist and faculty member at Çukurova University, has been vocal in his critique, highlighting what he describes as a fundamental flaw in the curriculum’s philosophy. Gümüş points out that the curriculum emphasizes religious values, particularly Sunni Islam, over a comprehensive educational framework. He criticizes the curriculum for dictating religious identity and values to children instead of focusing on their holistic development.

Gümüş further contends that the curriculum’s emphasis on ‘virtue-value-action’ perpetuates a religious agenda that undermines modern educational principles. He raises concerns over the curriculum’s potential to stifle intellectual freedom by prioritizing religious and moral teachings over scientific inquiry and critical thinking.

Moreover, critics have pointed out discrepancies in the government’s claims about the curriculum’s development process. Gümüş challenges the Ministry’s assertion that the curriculum was developed in consultation with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including universities and educators. He argues that the curriculum lacks scientific rigor and fails to address the educational needs of students, teachers, and parents.

The introduction of the ‘Turkey Century Maarif Model’ comes against a backdrop of ongoing reforms in Turkey’s educational system, which has seen multiple changes in entrance exams and school policies under the AKP’s tenure. Critics argue that these reforms have not adequately addressed the core challenges facing education in Turkey, including teacher shortages and disparities in educational access.

As the new curriculum undergoes public scrutiny, questions remain about its implementation timeline and the readiness of schools and educators to adopt its provisions. Critics fear that rushed implementation could further exacerbate existing challenges in the education system, leaving students and teachers unprepared for the changes.

In conclusion, the unveiling of the ‘Turkey Century Maarif Model’ has sparked intense debate over the future direction of education in Turkey. While proponents see it as a step towards reinforcing national and spiritual values, critics argue that it risks marginalizing scientific inquiry and stifling academic freedom. The coming months are likely to see continued discourse and deliberation over the merits and implications of the new educational framework.

A trustee was appointed again to the Hakkari Municipality

A trustee was appointed once more to the Hakkari Municipality, located in the easternmost part of Turkey where Kurds predominantly live. Hakkari Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış was detained in Van in the morning hours. While the police raided the municipality, the Ministry of Interior announced that a trustee had been appointed in place of Akış. The decision to appoint a trustee has drawn criticism.

The Kurdish people, who have been voting for the DEM Party for years, voted for it once again on March 31, electing it to manage the municipality. As in previous elections, Erdoğan, who lost this election as well, once again did not recognize the will of the Kurdish people. There have been reactions to this trustee practice in many parts of the country.

Turkish Court Imposes Substantial Sentences on Pro-Kurdish Leaders

Selahattin Demirtas, the former Co-Chairman of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), along with other Kurdish politicians, has been convicted and sentenced to prison on charges related to the case involving the 2014 Kobani protests.

A total of 108 HDP members were prosecuted in relation to the nationwide incidents that occurred on October 6-8, 2014. The trial commenced on April 26, 2021. The defendants faced 29 separate charges, with a request for life imprisonment for each charge, resulting in a total of 38 life sentences and a cumulative imprisonment period of 19,680 years. 

Selahattin Demirtas has been sentenced to 42 years in prison, and his detention will continue. FigenYüksekdağ, another Co-Chairman of the HDP, has been given a sentence of 30 years and 3 months of imprisonment. Ahmet Türk, a former Member of Parliament, has received a 10-year prison sentence.

During the announcement of the 130-page verdict, the lawyers expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision by applauding and leaving the courtroom.

In the AKP Government in Turkey, 33 Thousand Workers Lost Their Lives in Work Accidents

In Turkey, under the AKP and Erdogan government, approximately 33 thousand workers lost their lives in work-related accidents. During the 22-year reign of the AKP, Turkey witnessed some of its worst work-related accidents in history.

Despite significant negligence on the part of the government and state institutions, not a single resignation has been tendered to date. Only symbolic, short-term sentences have been handed down. None of the government or state officials have faced any penalties.

Even in the case of the Soma mine disaster, where 301 miners lost their lives, only a few individuals managed to escape with short prison sentences. The legal proceedings have been ongoing for 10 years.

Similar incidents have occurred dozens of times, with the primary cause being the government’s failure to inspect workplaces and its tendency to produce superficial inspection reports.”

As for turning it into a web article, you might want to expand upon each point, provide context, and possibly include quotes from experts or affected individuals to add depth and credibility to the piece. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a neutral and objective tone in the article.

Turkey: Everyone is now a “spy”

Turkey’s partisan President (from the Islamist/Nationalist Justice and Development Party – AKP), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, signalled a “softening process” aimed at compensating for his party’s defeat in local elections a few days ago by stating, “I want to initiate a softening process in Turkish politics.” Erdoğan’s move resonated with the main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), which came first in the local elections, and CHP leader Özgür Özel met with Erdoğan. However, opposition circles claimed that this, like Erdoğan’s previous statements, was the beginning of a more aggressive move in the opposite direction.

Recently, Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç gave clues in an interview with a pro-government newspaper about the new hardening move that the Erdoğan regime would take in this direction.

Minister Tunç outlined the contours of a new judicial reform expected to come into effect soon in a newspaper close to the government. According to the report, the judiciary’s hand will be strengthened in defining the boundaries of “espionage” during the investigation process (dependent on the government).

Tunç stated that this regulation would define a “new type of espionage crime” and that it would be in line with the “needs of intelligence units.”

In a subsequent statement on the matter, Justice Minister Tunç said that a new crime would be defined under the Turkish Penal Code as an “influence agent.” He stated that this new “crime” is regulated against crimes committed through social media, beyond espionage and spying, and those who create room for black propaganda against Turkey would fall under the category of “influence agents.”

The day after this news, Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) released a video titled “What is Espionage” on public platforms. The video suggests that there is no clear definition of espionage and that almost any activity that could be considered against the “moral values and security of the country” falls under the definition of espionage. The inclusion of the sentence “Our citizens should not be involved in these espionage activities consciously or unconsciously” in the video implies that almost anything shared or criticized by journalists or the public could be subject to espionage investigations.

Initial comments suggest that the primary target of this legal regulation is news that does not appear in print or visual media due to censorship but still attracts attention on social media.

The Erdoğan regime had begun preparations for “new espionage” and “influence agent” accusations in 2022 and had established a “disinformation combating centre” within the Presidency’s Communication Directorate to monitor, report, and profile opposition activities.

Journalists Continue to Be Arrested in Turkey

In the past two weeks, approximately 20 journalists have been detained in Turkey. As the latest example of this trend, two journalists were detained in Diyarbakır last night following raids on their homes.

Concerns over press freedom in the country are escalating. Journalists’ right to report critically is continuing to be restricted.

Nurcan Yalçın and Derya Us, residing in Diyarbakır, were detained as a result of the raids conducted in the city.

The Dicle Fırat Journalists Association issued a statement regarding the situation. The statement emphasized, “We do not know why journalists are being detained. However, journalism is not a crime.”

Rights groups routinely accuse Turkey of undermining media freedom by arresting journalists and shutting down critical media outlets, especially since President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan survived a failed coup in July 2016.

Turkey is one of the world’s biggest jailers of professional journalists and was ranked 158th among 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF) World Press Freedom Index published on May 3.

Such interventions targeting press freedom and journalists’ professional activities in Turkey continue to draw international attention. Calls for the protection of press freedom and freedom of expression are increasing. It is noted that such restrictions are concerning from the perspective of democratic values and human rights.

288 people who participated in May Day demo detained, 38 arrested!

On May 1st, police attacked workers who wanted to demonstrate in Taksim Square in Istanbul and detained a total of 288 people. 38 people were arrested and placed in prison.

Although demonstrating in Taksim Square is a constitutional right, the Erdoğan government arbitrarily banned it.

On May 1st, 247 people were detained, and yesterday and today, 41 people were detained by breaking down doors in the early morning.”

“288 people who participated in May 1st were detained, 38 were arrested.

On May 1st, police attacked workers who wanted to demonstrate in Taksim Square in Istanbul and detained a total of 288 people. 38 people were arrested and placed in prison.

Although demonstrating in Taksim Square is a constitutional right, the Erdoğan government arbitrarily banned it.

On May 1st, 247 people were detained, and yesterday and today, 41 people were detained by breaking down doors in the early morning.”

Turkey’s trade with Israel breaks records

According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), exports to Israel have reached a record level since the conflicts began in October 2023. In March, exports to Israel amounted to $436,928,000. Export figures between October 2023 and February 2024 were as follows: $347,868,000; $319,207,000; $429,054,000; $349,481,000; $422,059,000; $436,928,000.

So, while Erdogan declares support for the Palestinian people on the one hand, on the other hand, many products, including those used in military activities, are being sent to Israel. As previously announced, a significant portion of these goods is being transported by ships belonging to Erdogan’s close relatives.

May Day demonstration banned from Taksim Square!

Taksim Square, known for its historical significance as the site of the Gezi resistance in 2013 and the tragic May Day demonstration in 1977 where 37 workers lost their lives, has been banned for this year’s May Day demonstration.

The decision has faced criticism from labour unions, who argue that workers should have the right to choose the square they wish to gather in on the International Day of Unity and Struggle. However, the Minister of Interior has defended the ban, claiming that Taksim Square is not an appropriate location for demonstrations.

Taksim Square has the capacity to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, making it an ideal venue for large-scale gatherings. However, it is believed that the real motive behind the ban is the fear of worker protests by the ruling AKP and President Erdogan. In recent years, security forces have responded to worker protests with force, suppressing even the smallest demands for rights.

Nine Journalists Detained in Istanbul and Ankara Police Operations

This morning, police operations were carried out against journalists in Istanbul and Ankara. In a house raid conducted in Ankara, Mehmet Aslan, a reporter for Mezopotamya Agency (MA), was detained.

In house raids conducted in Istanbul, MA reporter Esra Solin Dal, Enes Sezgin from Yeni Yaşam newspaper, as well as journalists Saliha Aras, Yeşim Alıcı, Beste Argat Balcı, Şirin Ermiş, and Erdoğan Alayumat were detained. Former MA reporter Doğan Kaynak was also detained in a house raid in Urfa.”

Press Freedom Under Siege: More Journalists Face Prosecution in Turkey”

Another journalist in Turkey is confronting criminal prosecution for the publishing of news and opinion.

Journalist Oktay Candemir faces investigation following complaint filed by Abdulahat Arvas, the AKP Van Metropolitan Municipality Candidate, resulted in an investigation being launched against journalist Oktay Candemir on charges of “insulting a public official” during the local elections. However, it is important to note that Arvas does not hold any public office.

During his statement, Candemir emphasized the importance of press freedom and stated, “Abdulahat Arvas is a politician, and I exercised my right to criticize individuals of public interest, which falls within the scope of press freedom.”

Candemir raised concerns about the impact of the investigations and lawsuits on his ability to practice journalism. He expressed his frustration with the pressures faced by journalists, saying: “The government has been consistently exerting pressure on journalists for a significant period of time. We observe the frequent use of legal measures against journalists. Every news article or social media post we publish is immediately treated as a criminal act. Journalists are being detained and arrested. In recent events in Van, we witnessed police officers attacking journalists who were documenting incidents, attempting to hinder their work.”

Over the past decade, hundreds of journalists have been indicted, convicted, or imprisoned for news coverage deemed undesirable by the Turkish state. Turkish state must stop the systematic harassment and intimidation of journalists and media workers, who are simply doing their job and exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Migrant shops are being closed

Burcu Köksal, from the main opposition social democratic party CHP, who became the mayor of Afyon City in the local elections held on March 31, closed the unlicensed shops of migrants. Köksal also said she would send the migrants back to their home countries.

During the election campaign, Burcu Köksal, who said that if she won the mayoralty, she would not allow DEM Party supporters, who are mostly Kurds, into the municipal building, closed 5 unlicensed shops belonging to refugees.

Known for her racist approaches, Köksal targeted the refugees by saying, ‘We promised our voters, we told them that we would send them, the Syrians, from this country without ‘no if’s’ or ‘no but’s'”

Massacre and Trade are separate

The Turkish government and AKP’s response to public calls for cutting trade with Israel has stirred significant interest. Nihat Zeybekci, AKP Vice Chairman and Head of Economic Affairs delivered a notable response by drawing a line between the atrocities and commercial ties, stating, “Massacre is one thing, trade is another.”

Zeybekci’s remarks highlighted the complexity of the situation: “We condemn the massacre. But some of our colleagues trade with Israel. We have a trade agreement with Israel. We sell 6 and buy 1.” He emphasized the distinction between political condemnation and economic necessity, pointing out, “We sell them six [items] and buy one from them. This trade is useful, but we are working to be more sensitive about it.”

In contrast to the Finance Minister’s statement on implementing trade restrictions due to public outcry, Zeybekci maintained that his colleagues are continuing trade activities.

Despite widespread demands across various sectors for an immediate halt to this trade, which many believe contributes to the suffering of Gaza civilians, Erdogan’s son Burak Erdogan and individuals with close government ties persist in such transactions. This ongoing trade has drawn criticism despite Turkey’s official stance against Israel’s actions in Gaza, showing that economic interests sometimes outweigh political rhetoric.

Zeybekci’s remarks have come under intense scrutiny at a time when Turkey’s trade relations with Israel are facing heightened scrutiny. His comments sparked anger among Turks, who took to social media to express their discontent.

In response to the backlash, Zeybekci defended his position, stating, “I stand by every word I said. Our trade agreement with Israel, which was not suspended even during the Mavi Marmara incident, allows our Palestinian brothers and sisters to buy Turkish goods, which improves our trade balance.”

The revelation of trade between Turkey and Israel, including transactions involving individuals close to President Erdoğan despite his anti-Israel rhetoric, was first brought to light by investigative journalist Metin Cihan in late November. Cihan continues to report on this commerce using official statistics and maritime traffic websites, all of which are publicly accessible.

Political Prisoners Remain Detained

The detention of political prisoners, including HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş, continues as the court rejected the request for their release. The decision hearing has been postponed to May 16 due to procedural deficiencies and time constraints. Despite being held for nearly 8 years, the reasons for their detention remain unclear. This situation raises concerns about the politicization of the judiciary and the lack of transparency in legal proceedings. The expectation that President Erdoğan will play a role in deciding the fate of these politicians further highlights the challenges facing the rule of law in Turkey.

The request for the release of the 18 politicians, including Selahattin Demirtaş, was based on the argument that the court proceedings were incomplete and that the time given was insufficient for a fair trial. Despite being in prison for a significant period, the reasons for their detention have not been adequately explained, fuelling concerns about the political motivations behind their incarceration. The expectation that President Erdoğan will be the one to decide the fate of HDP politicians underscores the politicization of the judiciary and executive branches of government in Turkey. This situation reflects broader concerns about the erosion of democratic principles and the rule of law in the country.

Statement from the Ministry of Treasury and Finance regarding the Istanbul Convention and LGBTI+

The Ministry of Treasury and Finance clarified that the loans provided by the World Bank in cooperation with Turkey do not have any relation to the Istanbul Convention and LGBTI+ issues.

In a written statement released by the Ministry, it was emphasised that the allegations circulating on social media regarding the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), which serves as a roadmap for the 5-year collaboration with the World Bank, are baseless. The statement highlighted, “Since our membership in the World Bank in 1947, a total of 52 billion dollars in financing has been provided. These funds are utilised within the scope of development priorities through projects jointly developed by our relevant institutions and the World Bank. The use of funds provided by the World Bank is strictly in line with the objectives of the projects.”

It was noted that the World Bank loans aim at sustainable growth focused on poverty reduction and equitable sharing of prosperity. The statement clarified, “The utilisation of these resources considers the common interest of society. The term ‘vulnerable groups’ mentioned in the CPF primarily refers to individuals working in professions adversely affected by the green transformation and those facing difficulties in accessing financing. Through World Bank projects, skills are imparted to these groups to integrate them into production, thereby increasing employment and reducing poverty. Therefore, these loans have no relation to the Istanbul Convention and LGBT issues.” The statement also highlighted the significant role of the World Bank in the utilisation of grant support provided by the European Union under the Financial Support Program for Refugees (FRIT). Indicators related to such support are monitored in the CPF document. However, there is no provision for any loan from the World Bank specifically for refugees in the new CPF document. The statement concluded with a commitment to continue working with the World Bank to support our development goals and to generate added value through the large-scale projects we have developed.

Statement from the Disinformation Combat Center

The Disinformation Combat Center stated, “Support for LGBTI is not included in the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) signed with the World Bank.”

In a social media post, the DCC clarified, “The claim circulating on some social media accounts that ‘World Bank project financing will be provided for LGBTI support and refugee employment’ is not accurate. Support for LGBTI is not included in the Country Partnership Framework signed with the World Bank. Within the framework of the program, the term ‘vulnerable groups’ refers to individuals working in professions adversely affected by the green transformation and those facing difficulties in accessing financing. While indicators related to grant support provided by the EU for refugees in our country are monitored in the CPF document, there is no provision for any financial support from the World Bank specifically for refugees.”

Why should trade unionists in the UK support SPOT?

Solidarity with the People of Turkey was established to support those struggling for democracy and fundamental freedoms in Turkey, whilst also contributing to the working people’s struggle in the UK.

People often ask why international work has anything to do with trade unions in the UK. As trade unionists, we understand the need for solidarity. It runs through everything that we do, from standing on picket lines, to attending marches and rallies and to the core work that we do in our workplaces defending workers’ rights.

Solidarity knows no borders and that is why supporting trade union partners globally is an essential part of the work that we do. We know that attacks on our rights, working conditions and salaries do not differ from those of workers struggling in other parts of the world.

SPOT has stood with those in Turkey fighting for democracy and human rights. We know that despite huge attempts to silence them the working people of Turkey have fought back against this. It is particularly powerful to see the struggle among women to defend their rights to self-autonomy, to education and equality.

We also know that academics and education workers have been at the forefront of the struggle to freedom of speech and for free and equal access to education.

We know as workers of the essential need for international solidarity, we know that our struggles are intertwined and that none of us can be free until all of us are free.

That is the reason that trade unions need to support and be actively involved with SPOT to enable us to stand in solidarity with those in struggle, to amplify their voices and to hold to account the current ruling regime for its attacks on democracy, human rights and civil liberties.

Make sure your union branch is affiliated, invite a SPOT speaker to your next meeting and get involved in our actions to defend democracy and human rights in Turkey.

Turkey’s Complicity: Unveiling the Hypocrisy in Erdogan’s Stance on Gaza

The recent police beating and arrests of over 40 people in Istanbul for protesting the genocide in Gaza underlines the rank hypocrisy of the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Those demonstrating had embarrassed the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) by highlighting Turkey’s continued economic ties to Israel.

Another march in the city of Konya raised the slogan “Murderer Israel, Collaborator AKP”.

Support for the Palestinians is very widespread in Turkish society. Erdoğan has made repeated statements denouncing Israel. He has increasingly tried to pose as a friend of the Palestinians and a tenacious opponent of imperialism. But like every other utterance from his regime, it is a lie.

Many people have seen through the pretence and it was one reason why the AKP lost millions of votes in the 31 March elections.

A few days after the elections, the Turkish Ministry of Trade said it would no longer send to Israel items in 54 categories spanning iron and steel products, jet fuel, construction equipment, machines, cement, granites, chemicals, pesticides and bricks.

But this was an admission that until then such trade had gone on seamlessly despite the horrors in Gaza.

Turkey will be a key site for the US if Israel’s provocations against Iran, Lebanon and Yemen trigger a wider regional war.

Erdogan host US and Nato bases, including Incirlik Air Base in Adana and the Kürecik Radar Base in Malatya.

Journalist Metin Cihan has revealed damning facts about Turkey’s links with Israel despite the attacks on Gaza.

Last December he reported that Turkish companies shipped four million tonnes of goods to Israel on 400 ships since 7 October. These companies included major belonging to important figures in the AKP.

“We are sending fuel to Israel, covering its raw material needs, and a Turkish company produces over 7 percent of Israel’s electricity,” Cihan explained, adding that Turkey also supplies the barbed wire used by Israel.

Cihan said, “We deliver oil from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to Israel without any hindrance,” and “Turkey meets 65 percent of Israel’s steel requirement,” a critical component in warfare and general construction.” The authorities have now forced Cihan into exile.

The Turkish regime is not an enemy of Zionism, it is fully complicit in its filthy policies.

Our solidarity goes to all those who are protesting against Erdoğan and seeking to build real support for the Palestinian cause.

The individuals who expressed their opinion of ‘Ceasing trade with Israel’ were apprehended.

In Taksim, Istanbul, 43 individuals expressing their desire to sever trade relations with Israel were apprehended. President Erdogan and the AKP government’s strong rhetoric against Israel has consistently sparked reactions. However, the recent developments have caused a significant backlash in Turkey, which has also been reflected in the election results. Despite widespread public support for cutting off trade with Israel, Erdogan has refrained from taking any actions that may upset Israel. Alongside protests in various cities, yesterday’s demonstration in Istanbul led to the detention of 43 individuals, with 38 being released at midnight while investigations continue for the remaining 5. Numerous opposition parties have condemned the detentions and criticized Erdogan for his perceived double standards.

Opposition figure who ousted Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s nominee restored to Van’s mayoral position

Turkish authorities have yielded to significant protests in the southeastern city of Van, reversing their decision to disqualify an opposition politician who secured victory over the candidate from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ruling party in Sunday’s election.

Van, a vibrant city situated near Turkey’s border with Iran, erupted into jubilant celebrations on Wednesday and Thursday following the announcement by the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM) that its mayoral candidate would indeed receive the mandate to govern.

Previously, provincial authorities had disqualified DEM candidate Abdullah Zeydan and announced plans to replace him as co-mayor with a runner-up from Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Zeydan had triumphed over AKP candidate Abdulahat Arvas by a significant margin of 28 percentage points in Sunday’s race, securing 55 per cent of the vote, as reported by the state-run Anadolu news agency. Overall, DEM clinched victories in 10 provincial capitals, compared to eight in 2019.

The reversal occurred following intense protests that rocked Van after Sunday’s local elections, marking the AKP’s worst defeat since its inception over 20 years ago, co-founded by Erdoğan.

Initially pledging non-interference in the outcomes, Erdoğan and his government mostly accepted results in major cities across western Turkey. However, the AKP initiated a recount in Istanbul’s Beykoz district after its mayoral candidate was defeated by the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP). Despite this, the country’s election board eventually upheld the result, cancelling the recount, as confirmed by the CHP on Thursday.

Meanwhile, in Istanbul, CHP member Ekrem İmamoğlu successfully defended his position as mayor against the AKP’s strong attempts to regain control of the municipality. However, disputes between the CHP and AKP continued in other races in Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, as of Thursday.

In Van, located in the southeast with a significant Kurdish population, outrage erupted over the interference in its election process. Following the resistance of the Kurdish people, allies, and the democratic public, it was decided to award the election certificate to Abdullah Zeydan, co-mayor of Van Metropolitan Municipality, as announced by DEM in a statement on Wednesday night.

The clashes between police and demonstrators in Van echoed the Gezi Park protests from a decade ago, initially starting in Istanbul but later evolving into one of the most significant national public uprisings against Erdoğan since he assumed power at the beginning of the millennium.

A resident of Van described chaotic scenes on Tuesday night, with fires everywhere and the constant sound of police tear gas bombs, likening the situation to a war zone.

Erdoğan suffered defeat in the local elections yet persists in lawlessness!

Turkey has been governed unlawfully for years. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who obtained a majority in the government, tries to do as he pleases in the country. He disregards judicial decisions and does not grant any freedom to his people. Even in elections, he always stayed in power through various fraudulent means.

However, he suffered a major defeat in the recent elections. In the local elections held on March 31, 2024, Erdoğan received fewer votes from another party for the first time since 2002 and lost many of the municipalities he held. This means Erdoğan can no longer use the municipal budgets as he wishes. With the municipal rents, Erdoğan has bought ships for his children, made ministers and party friends billionaires, and completely handed over the country to capital groups.

It is evident that a significant portion of the people felt great joy at the outcome of the recent elections. A people who have been thirsty for victories for years and have been subjected to constant oppression, torture, and imprisonment naturally celebrated the election victory.

While the social democrat party CHP dealt a heavy blow to Erdoğan by winning most major cities, the DEM Party maintained its strength in Kurdish provinces and won the municipalities of all cities where trustees were previously appointed.

Erdoğan couldn’t stomach this and through judicial means annulled the mayoralty of the DEM candidate in the city of Van. Despite receiving 55% of the vote, Abdullah Zeydan had his mayoralty taken away and handed over to the candidate of Erdoğan’s party, AKP, who only received 27% of the votes.

However, the people objected to this. Despite the immediate ban on demonstrations by the governorship, people took to the streets to protest. Many parties, including CHP and the Labor Party (EMEP), expressed their objections. In a city in the west, people also protested, and ultimately the Supreme Election Council had to reverse its unjust decision and give the mayoralty to Abdullah Zeydan.

In many parts of the country, AKP and security forces intervened in the elections and handed over the mayoralties to AKP candidates. In many cities, soldiers were mobilized to cast votes, ensuring the victory of AKP candidates. Despite this, Erdoğan, who suffered a significant loss of power, is preparing for new attacks.

Economic problems in the country are worsening. According to ENAK, inflation has exceeded 124%. A retiree can only afford 15 kilos of meat with their pension. Rents have surpassed salaries. Minimum wage earners can no longer afford to educate their children. Erdoğan constantly deceives retirees and workers about wages, while billionaires increase and workers become impoverished.

Erdoğan and the AKP government constantly lie upon lies. In the Palestinian issue, they appear as if they support Palestine and the people of Gaza. However, they continue to expand their trade with Israel. They do not even respond to calls for embargoes.

Due to poverty, the complete disregard of democracy, and the denial of freedom of expression to anyone, the people punished Erdoğan. They did not vote for his party in these local elections.

These elections once again showed that Erdoğan’s hypocritical and deceitful policies have become evident. The British government, which benefits from these policies and only thinks about doing business, must now act according to reality. Britain and the Sunak government need to suspend all relations with the Erdoğan government, which pursues anti-democratic and aggressive policies.

Unions and professional associations issue a statement in response to the passing of 29 workers

Trade unions and professional organizations made a statement regarding the fire that broke out during renovation at the Masquerade Club, a nightclub on the ground floor of a 16-story building in Beşiktaş Gayrettepe, resulting in the deaths of 29 workers.

The Istanbul Regional Representation of DİSK, the Istanbul Branches Platform of KESK, the Istanbul Coordination Board of TMMOB, and the Istanbul Chamber of Physicians members gathered in front of the Masquerade Club where the fire broke out, drawing attention to the negligence and stated, “Enough is enough! Let’s stop workplace accidents and worker fatalities.”


Reading the press release, TMMOB Provincial Secretary Seyfettin Avcı stated that yesterday, the team wanting to conduct a technical examination regarding the fire was not allowed access, and said, “People living and working in the area were consulted, and images shared previously about the place where the fire broke out were examined. According to this information: The fire occurred as a result of the spread of sparks of unknown origin during renovation works in a publicly accessible establishment operated as an entertainment center on the 2nd basement floor (-0.00 m) of the 16-story building. The sparks infiltrated the building materials used for the renovation of the establishment, reached petroleum-based building materials that should definitely not be used in this venue, and ignited these building materials. As a result, poisonous and asphyxiating gases quickly spread throughout the venue, causing the workers engaged in renovation work to run out of oxygen in a very short time, unfortunately resulting in deaths.”


Avcı, stating that there was no emergency exit in the entertainment venue located under a multi-story residential building and where hundreds of people could be present at any moment according to the information obtained, said, “Similar situations are observed in many entertainment venues. In such places, it is likely that there will be other incidents that will harm many people, both workers and visitors. Municipalities, especially those places where there are many people and high risk of fire, such as entertainment venues, should regularly inspect workplaces and residences. Such inspections should not only be based on license applications or complaints. Municipalities need to carry out these activities with expert engineers in fire prevention. During the extensive renovation works apparent in this workplace, it is primarily the responsibility of the business owners and the contractors renovating the building to take necessary precautions for the safety of both the workers and the occupants of the building. A massacre of such magnitude, in which 29 people died, cannot happen without serious negligence of those responsible. The perception being created in public opinion through capital and official institutions that ‘work accidents happen due to the mistakes of workers’ is completely misleading. Planning for worker health and safety should prioritize from the planning stage to the organization, equipment used, chemicals used, and collective protection measures to be taken, and these should be done by employers, not individually by workers. The consequences of not taking these measures can be seen from the fact that at least 7 workers die in work accidents on average every day in our country.”


Avcı, stating that in the current conditions, only the public can act as a restrictor against capital, which does everything to increase its profits and disregards human life, continued his words as follows: “However, public institutions also do not fulfill these duties. The failure of the relevant units of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and municipalities to carry out inspection and enforcement duties against these practices, which jeopardize both worker health and safety and the lives of people in the vicinity, magnifies the incident. Additionally, similar catastrophes could occur at any moment. The responsible parties for the massacre in Gayrettepe are both the operators of the establishment and the public officials who failed to carry out inspection duties. Regulations that prioritize human life over profit must be made to prevent further massacres. Lessons are not learned from the occurred workplace accidents due to the pro-capital government policies and municipal administrations. The power and municipal administrations that go hand in hand with capital and do not learn from the explosions that occurred in Davutpaşa in 2008, in OSTIM in 2011, in Marmara Park Shopping Mall in 2012, and the explosion in Bayrampaşa in 2017 are the real culprits of these massacres.”

Workers trapped in goldmine after landslide destruction

Search and rescue operations are currently underway for the nine workers who are trapped in the collapsed heap leach at the Çöpler Gold Mine, which is owned by Anagold Mining in the İliç district of Erzincan. This incident has once again brought attention to the country’s poor safety record, as previous calls to shut down the Copler mine were ignored.

Rescuers are searching through cyanide-contaminated soil to save the workers who were trapped when 10 million cubic meters of sludge rolled over their open pit on 13 February 2024. The mine is operated by the private company Anagold and is the second-largest gold-producing mine for SSR Mining. Eighty per cent of Anagold is owned by SSR Mining, a company based in Denver, United States, and Turkey-based Lidya Madencilik and Calik Holding.  

The Çöpler mine was previously closed in 2020 due to a cyanide leak caused by a burst pipe into the river. It was reopened two years later after the company was fined and a cleanup operation was conducted. Despite local efforts to shut it down, the mine continued its operations.

Environmentalists are concerned that the cyanide and sulphuric acid used in the gold extraction process could potentially contaminate the Euphrates River, which flows from Turkey to neighbouring Syria and Iraq. However, the Ilic Nature and Environment Platform, a local pressure group, has stated that the stream has already mixed with the Euphrates, and instead of sealing off the stream, they are urging authorities to close down the mine.

The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects said on Wednesday that the government should close the Çöpler mine in the eastern town of Ilic “immediately”. The union stated that their previous warnings about a potential disaster had been disregarded. “All those responsible for the disaster should be held accountable before the judiciary,” it said in a statement. “All environmental impact reports should be cancelled and the plant should be closed immediately.”

Turkey has a significant history of poor mine safety. In 2022, an explosion at the Amasra coal mine on the Black Sea coast claimed the lives of 41 workers. The country’s most devastating mining disaster occurred in 2014 at a coal mine in Soma, western Turkey, where 301 people lost their lives. Following these incidents, engineers warned that safety risks were frequently disregarded and inspections were not adequately carried out.

photo: protesters gather in Denizli against mining massacre (Evrensel)

Imprisoned MP Can Atalay loses MP status

Turkey’s parliament revoked the status of the jailed opposition MP today after the judicial crisis between two of the country’s top courts.

Can Atalay was elected to parliament as an MP for Hatay from TIP in the May 2023 elections. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison in the Gezi trial.

Atalay’s applications for his release to perform his MP duties were rejected by the Court of Cassation despite a Constitutional Court ruling that his rights to be elected were violated.

The Supreme Court of Appeals had referred its own verdict to the parliament that Atalay should be stripped of MP status, alleging that the Constitutional Court exceeded its authority.

Atalay lost his status as a member of parliament during the General Assembly of the Parliament today, which saw protests from DEM, TİP, EMEP and other opposition deputies.

photo credit: Evrensel

AKP Government’s Discriminatory Policies Fuel Islamic Extremism and Violence

The discriminatory policies of Erdogan’s AKP government have created a hostile environment that led to the unfortunate armed attack during the Sunday mass at the Saint Maria Italian Catholic Church in Sarıyer district of İstanbul on January 28, where one person died.

The Islamic State jihadists claimed responsibility for the attack. The organisation stated that the attack was carried out in response to the call of ISIS leaders to target Jews and Christians everywhere.

The hate speeches propagated by President Erdogan and the discriminatory actions of the AKP party have undeniably played a significant role in inciting the attack. Their divisive language and policies have created an environment of hostility and intolerance, leading to the rise of extremism and violence. Erdogan and the AKP Party must recognise the consequences of their words and policies.

photo credit: Pi István Tóth

Solidarity with Ozak Textile Workers

We once again call for solidarity with the Özak Textile workers, whose hearts beat with courage in different countries around the world!

Özak Textile workers have been exercising their right to choose a union in the face of oppression, mobbing, and slave-like conditions at the workplace since the 27th of November.

The voices of these workers have been attempted to be silenced through pressure, bans, gas, rubber bullet and baton attacks, and mass detentions.

Those who turn a deaf ear to the Özak workers, drowning in oppression, will hear our voice!

Our demands are clear:
Rehire all dismissed workers!
Respect the workers’ right to choose a union, and end the pressure to change unions!
Pay the
wages for the days spent in the protest!

Özak workers will prevail through solidarity!

Saturday, 20 January 2024


Levi’s Regent Street

176 Regent Street, London W1B 5TJ

#LevisTakeAction #ZaraTake Action

UPDATED: Is Erdogan’s one-man rule the end of democracy in Turkey?

As in previous years, the SPOT conference will discuss a range of issues generated by the experiences and struggles of workers and campaigners in Turkey. It will address the most recent attack on trade unions, women’s rights, LGBT+ people and climate activists.

It will seek to put this in a wider context of the drive to win greater equality, democratic freedom and justice globally.

SPOT is an umbrella group made of progressive organisations, campaign groups and trade unions in Britain. It aims to support those struggling for democracy and fundamental freedoms in Turkey. You can visit its website at spotturkey.co.uk

There will be a broad range of speakers from Britain, Turkey and internationally at the conference (more TBC).

Click here to register your interest.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

SPOT stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and calls for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the siege of Gaza. We condemn the killing of Israeli civilians by Hamas and the response of the Israeli government to collectively punish the Palestinian people.

Following the attacks on the 7th of October, Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was now at war with Palestinians, but the reality is that Israel has been waging a decades-long war, enacted to enforce a system of occupation, apartheid and colonisation.

The current assault on Gaza has included the bombing of hospitals, schools and other public buildings. The total blockade has prevented the entry of food, water, fuel and medical supplies. These acts of collective punishment and indiscriminate killing are prohibited under international law. The Israeli government has said it plans a weeks-long brutal assault on the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million residents, including a ground invasion.

Israeli politicians and military leaders are using genocidal language and threats. The Tory UK Government is backing the Israeli Government. Shamefully, Labour under the leadership of Keir Starmer has not demanded an immediate ceasefire. We call for this, and the opening of a humanitarian corridor to allow vital humanitarian aid into Gaza.

As SPOT we are also concerned about the absence of international action and assistance for the Palestinian people. Turkey and other nations need to reassess their trade and political relations with Israel right away to demonstrate their actions rather than words. Erdoğan needs to act immediately and stop trying to mislead the political arena with crocodile tears.

There was hardly $1 billion in trade between the two nations in 2002 when Erdogan took office. This trade volume rose under Erdogan. This sum increased to $6 billion in 2014. While Israel was purchasing more raw materials and oil products from Turkey, Turkey was purchasing tanks and other armaments from Israel. Erdogan temporarily cut off ties with Israel. However, business relations persisted even throughout this time.

We are concerned by the rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia following the escalation of hostilities. We must work to build unity between people and oppose racism wherever it happens.

We support any workers and their unions who refuse to make or supply arms to the Israeli state. SPOT recognises that only through the achievement of the rights of the Palestinian people will a lasting peace be achieved.

photo credit: think0

SPOT urges solidarity with Rojava amid ongoing attacks

The Turkish government’s bombardment of the autonomous Kurdish administration in northeast Syria (Rojava), which began two days ago, amounts to the collective punishment of the Kurdish people in the region.

Erdogan’s Islamist regime is targeting infrastructure facilities and civilian settlement areas in Rojava.

“The infrastructure in the north and east of Syria is a legitimate target for the security forces, the military, and the intelligence service,” said Hakan Fidan, the foreign minister of the country on Wednesday.

Fidan was known for his leaked recording of a discussion of a possible military action in Syria back in 2014 when he was the head of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT). Back then, he was saying that if there is a need for justification to attack Syria, “the justification is, I will send four men to the other side. I get them to fire eight missiles into empty land. That’s not a problem. Justification can be created.”

This time, Fidan justified the recent bombardments after the attack on the interior ministry in Ankara on the first of October, just hours before Parliament was set to reopen after its three-month summer recess with an address by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) claimed responsibility. Fidan alleged that the militants who conducted the attack had trained in Syria. The Kurdish-led autonomous administration in Rojava and the PKK denied the allegation and said that militants did not enter Turkey from Syria.

Following Fidan’s allegations and a fierce declaration of war, Turkish drones conducted multiple strikes in northeast Syria, and one of the unmanned aircraft reportedly operated by Turkey’s intelligence (MIT) was shot down by US forces.

Meanwhile, the Turkish government is increasing its crackdown on dissidents, including prominent journalists and politicians, allegedly for conducting “terrorist propaganda” and having “terror links.”

As SPOT, we demand an end to these attacks on Syria and call for solidarity with the Kurdish people.

Merdan Yanardag arrested in latest attack on opposition media

The arrest of TELE 1 editor-in-chief Merdan Yanardag is the latest intimidation operation by the Turkish government against the opposition press.

In a televised speech over the weekend, Yanardag said: “[PKK leader Abdullah] Öcalan is the longest-serving political prisoner in Türkiye. If normal execution laws were applicable, he should actually be released… The isolation imposed on Öcalan has no legal basis.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s administration and the Directorate of Communications, RTÜK – which is under Erdogan’s thumb – took swift action and claimed that Yanardag’s comments praised terrorism and crime.

For a long time in Turkey, criticism of the government’s politics has been criminalised, and lawyers and journalists who report and comment on it are treated as criminals.

The government aims to punish, silence and intimidate Merdan Yanardag as well as all opposition media platforms by criminalising dissent and eradicating voices that do not align with its views.

We must not allow Erdogan and the AKP government to normalise such acts and eradicate the democratic rights of the people of Turkey.

As SPOT, we call on trade unions, including the National Union of Journalists, and labour organisations to stand with the people of Turkey by opposing the one-man regime’s actions through their international relations.

Photo: still taken from Tele 1 broadcast

Turkey: Before and after the elections

This panel is organised by SPOT and Day-Mer and is a part of the 34th Day-Mer Culture and Arts Festival.

Labour MP Kate Osamor

Bir-TEK Sen general secretary Mehmet Turkmen

EMEP MP Iskender Bayhan

Unison international officer Mark Beacon

Day-Mer MCM Ceren Sagir

To register your interest, visit: eventbrite

International observers visit the trial of trade unionists in Ankara

On Monday 5th June a delegation of ten international observers, four from UK trade unions, attended the hearing of eight trade unionists in Ankara, Turkey. This is the sixth trial and details of the allegations and people charges are below.

One of the defendants Gonul Erden joined remotely as she is still being held under house arrest and Selma Atabey who has been imprisoned since July 2022 was brought to the courthouse from prison.

The defendants all had an opportunity to speak and their legal team also addressed the court.

The key issue being raised was that evidence against the group has come from an anonymous witness who was not in court to be cross examined and whose claims are completely unsubstantiated. In fact, the legal team had produced evidence that showed the allegations could not be substantiated but this seemed to be ignored. The anonymous witness has apparently made similar witness statements about 80 other people.

There was also an issue about books that were found in their homes, yet these same books were freely available to buy in local stores.

The key requests from the legal team were for Selma to be released from prison, Gonul’s house arrest to be lifted and administrative control orders to be removed.

At the end of the hearing there was a ten-minute adjournment. When we returned it was announced that Selma was to be released but in to house detention. All other restrictions would remain in place for all the trade unionists.

Following the case, we returned to the KESK offices for a press briefing.
This started with a briefing from the lawyers and was then followed by solidarity messages from various organisations. We then had the privilege of meeting Selma when she was released from jail.

The next hearing will be in October 2023 and all impositions on the defendants will stay in place until then.

It was deeply concerning to witness a complete lack of justice where an anonymous witness statement can lead to people facing imprisonment, house arrest and other restrictive measures even where evidence is clearly presented to show the lack of truth and inconsistencies.

In the lawyers summing up of the case they stated that ‘“the judiciary is used as an instrument to suppress trade unions.” This certainly seemed to be the case from our observations.

Details of the case:
On 25 May 2021, anti-terror unit police raided SES leaders’ houses and arrested them. They were taken to the anti-terror unit of the security department in Ankara.

After 4 days, they were referred to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ankara. The public prosecutor accuses the SES executives of membership (Turkish Penal Code Article 314) and leadership of an armed illegal organisation (Turkish Penal Code Article 220). Not surprisingly, there is no concrete evidence about these accusations.

The following colleagues face leadership accusation:
1) Ms Selma Atabey, co-president 2) Ms Gonul Erden, former co-president, 3) Ms Bedriye Yorgun, former president, 4) Mr Fikret Calagan, former executive committee member, 5) Ms Belkis Yurtsever, former executive committee member,

The following colleagues face membership accusation; 1) Ms Rona Temelli, former executive of the SES Branch in Ankara, 2) Mr Ramazan Tas, former executive of the SES Branch in Ankara, 3) Mr Erdal Turan, former executive of the SES Branch in Ankara

The public prosecutor asked the judge to declare confidentiality on the file. The judge immediately approved the prosecutor’s demand. The legal team had no access to the details about the file until the court approved the indictment.

The judge who examined imposed a travel ban on all colleagues. In addition to the travel ban, the first 5 colleagues (the group that faces the leadership accusation) have to go to the police station once a week. Unfortunately, the public prosecutor appealed the release of 8 colleagues. As a result of the appeal, Ms Gonul Erden who is the former co-president of SES was arrested by police officers on 22 September. She has been in prison since 22nd September 2021. Gonul Erden was released on 13 March 2023.

Selma Atabey, the successor of Gönül, was arrested on 3 July 2022 and has been in prison since.

Erdogan turned illegitimate elections in his favour!

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has been managing Turkey like his own family business for 21 years, will remain in power for another five years after the recent elections.

Erdogan, who received 49.5 per cent of the votes in the first round, secured 52 per in the run-off elections last month. Main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was close behind at 48 per cent.

No matter how one looks at it, Erdogan’s victory was based on a grossly unfair election.

All the means of the state, which are largely under Erdogan’s control, were used to strengthen and hold onto his position of power. Public resources were spent for Erdogan and his party, the AKP, to win. These include the use of funds and bodies such as councils, the police and even the army. All were forced to act as Erdogan’s representatives.

In addition, 90 per cent of the media, the Directorate of Communications, the government-owned Anadolu Agency (AA), and broadcaster TRT were mobilised for propaganda in favour of Erdogan. While this allowed his speeches to be aired over 30 channels simultaneously, the main opponent could only use one or two alternative channels, which regularly face threats from the government, and self-made YouTube videos from his kitchen to get his voice heard by the public.

Lying, plundering, slander, pressure, blackmail, and unimaginable games. These are the methods Erdogan and those who “served” with him used. They wanted to benefit from the subsidies of the power they held, and so they corrupted and used religion without hesitation.

When Erdogan fell behind in the polls ahead of the elections, he and his agents circulated fake and manipulated videos showing his opponents working with so-called “terrorists.”

At many ballot stations, there were reported attempts of people to vote under false identities or even more than once. Most of those caught red-handed were members and supporters of Erdogan’s AKP party or his fascist allies, the MHP.

Ballot officials, including presiding officers, were attacked, and witnesses and officials from all opposition parties were threatened and even beaten. Many of the main opposition party officials from the CHP party had to leave the ballot boxes and counts due to threats made to their lives. International observers and other independent bodies responsible for monitoring elections were restricted to the main cities.

It is no surprise that a system which enriches a handful of pro-capitalists and Erdogan’s family with the taxes of the people, and that only considers those who pledge allegiance to this government as citizens, does not refrain from stealing votes.

And despite the constitutional laws that require ministers to resign during an election, all ministers refused to step down and continued to work for Erdogan.

Erdogan also pumped out vile propaganda against LGBT+ people in an effort to split the opposition. Regrettably, the main opposition went along with, and even went further than, Erdogan’s assaults against refugees. This weakened the movement against Erdogan.

It is important to note that throughout this, Western countries that raise their voices against Erdogan only do so for their own interest.

While refusing Nato membership for Sweden and Finland, Erdogan has maintained a good relationship with Vladimir Putin and Russia. At the same, by working with the EU to stop migrants from crossing over to European countries, he has kept the EU and other Western countries quiet on all of the injustices that took place.

Following the results, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak declared that he was eager to work with Erdogan. The UK government is happy to work with such authoritarian leaders as long as it suits them. But this is not representative of the people of the UK which has seen the highest number of Turkish citizens voting against him in the elections.

The past 21 years of Erdogan’s rule have seen thousands of young and skilled people leave Turkey to emigrate to many European countries, including the UK. The way this election has been won and threats made by Erdogan during his acceptance speech have led many people in the opposition, young people, women, and LGBT+ members in particular, to fear for their lives.

Following this, it has been reported the most Googled term in Turkey was “how do I go abroad.”

At SPOT, we want to appeal to the entire UK public. Erdogan will continue to increase his oppression and cruelty. We call on the UK public, political parties, trade unions, campaign groups, charities and all organisations to show greater solidarity with all those who will fight for democracy.

photo: CHP

Jihadist “Political Party” Supports President Erdogan

Huda-Par (Free Cause Party), a radical jihadist “political party” in Turkey, has announced its support for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his People’s Alliance (the religious and nationalist alliance) in the upcoming May 14 elections. 

Huda-Par has roots in the outlawed Kurdish-Hezbollah which is responsible for the horrific executions in southeast Turkey during the 1990s. At the time, they were called “Hezbocontras” and allegedly were being trained in the Diyarbakir headquarters of the Turkish police force.

Their victims, including journalists and leading Kurdish political figures, were found in a network of torture chambers.

A Month After the Earthquake: Humanitarian Situation Worsens

Millions of people are living in tents and informal settlements across earthquake-hit areas in Turkey. It has recently emerged that the Turkish Red Crescent sold tents to the earthquake victims after the quake. As a result, there are thousands of people who could not find any shelter, even a tent, in freezing weather conditions.

Among them are hundreds of unaccompanied children rescued from collapsed buildings whose parents are dead or missing. Radical Islamist networks are exploiting these children with the help of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime at a time when they most need support and protection. Erdogan’s government is also trying to break the solidarity efforts of the progressive organisations and block volunteers’ access to the region as they have been providing shelter and aid to the victims.

Heavy rainfall and storms on 15 March resulted in flooding in Adiyaman and Sanliurfa, which were already devastated by the tremors, aggravating the situation for vulnerable people living in the region.

Almost 50 days after the catastrophe, people are still desperately looking for their loved ones whether alive or dead and it is believed that there are still tens of thousands of corpses under the rubble. 

Photo ©European Union, 2023 (Begum Iman)

Corruption and misrule made Turkey’s earthquake deadlier

Videos of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, taken during a campaign stop of Turkey’s March 2019 local elections, have resurfaced showing him boasting about the amnesty programme in the earthquake epicentre that allowed contractors to ignore the safety codes and forgave faults in millions of buildings across Turkey.

While campaigning ahead of local elections in 2019, Recep Tayyip Erdogan told rallies in the southern provinces that legislation passed by his party had allowed buildings with construction violations to be certified without developers bringing them up to code.

Erdogan’s government approved 7.4mn applications within a year and a half, providing legal status to buildings that had breached a broad set of basic licensing, design and safety rules. The scheme raised TL 24bn, at the time about $4.2bn, in building registration fees, according to the environment ministry.

The Turkish government has been criticized for failing to enforce building regulations, fuelling corruption, and misspending special taxes levied after the last big quake in 1999 in order to make buildings more resistant.

Birtek-Sen calls on workers for international solidarity

We, United Textile Workers Union (BIRTEK-SEN), with our members, executives and numbers of volunteers have been mobilized, day and night, to relieve the injuries caused by the earthquake chiefly in central Gaziantep and its districts as well as other affected cities such as Maras, Adiyaman and Malatya.

In collaboration with Nar Art Society, we set up a coordination and relief distribution centre in Gaziantep. And we have relief distribution teams in other cities. We deliver life-sustaining materials to thousands of people such as food, clothes, blankets, tents, heaters, and personal hygiene items, especially for women and children in these areas.

The catastrophic earthquake has already inflicted deep wounds in millions of lives. It will take a very long time for these wounds to be attended, for such a major grievance to disappear.

There are hundreds of thousands of workers living in this region hit by the quake, majority of whom are working in the textile industry. They work for poor wages, under irregular, insecure and extremely heavy working conditions, living in poverty, so they are one of the social sectors most affected by the destruction of the quake. This includes migrant/refugee workers and their families as well, who have been exposed to racist, xenophobic and discriminative practices. Despite all these violations they face, migrant/refugee workers quickly became a part of local solidarity networks we set up in the field. 

BIRTEK-SEN puts in special effort to reach out to workers and their families. Bosses in the region, specifically in the Organised Industrial Zone in Gaziantep dared to call workers whose houses were hit by the quake, who lost many members in their families back to production on the sixth day. And in the middle of such pain workers feel that they are obliged to work in order to survive. Our union tries hard to organize workers around the collective demands for an additional paid leave for another week, one-month-pay quake relief, housing benefit for 6 months, a ban on termination of labour contracts at least for 6 months, and an increase in wages at 70 per cent.

All the work we have achieved so far we could manage thanks to our members, organisations and people that are our friends.

We call on all workers in Turkey and other countries, all the unions and democratic organisations, all of our friends for sustaining and strengthening solidarity.

Long live international solidarity among working people!


United Textile Weaving and Leather Workers Union

📞+90 554 771 82 27

Twitter : @birlesiktekstil

Web : birteksen.org

📧 birlesiktekstilsendikasi@gmail.com

Donations can be made to Birtek-Sen at:

Ziraat bankası
IBAN: TR 8100 0100 1156 9761 6266 5003
Swift Kod : ZKBATRIS

Turkey Earthquake: A preliminary report from the ground

The Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey has participated in the search and rescue operations in the earthquake zone and published the “Preliminary Investigation Report for the Earthquakes of February 6, 2023” on February 11, 2023.

The report from the ground points out that the poor disaster response of the government and organisational structure of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) magnified the death toll and scale of destruction and the region is facing severe challenges in the aftermath of the tremors.

The report says: “The first 36 hours, which are extremely important in search and rescue efforts, were lost, and rescue efforts only began in the earthquake zones, especially in the districts, from the afternoon of the second day.”

Engineers specify that “AFAD’s method of reaching the person by drilling a hole from the top of the wreckage” caused additional loss of life and the Disaster Authority also intervened with the miners’ rescue methods in the debris. As a result, the miners were not able to save more people. It was underlined that AFAD also prevented the participation of civil society’s post-disaster assistance efforts. The report indicates that tents and toilets availability is currently the biggest problem in the region.

The death toll of the earthquake which hit Turkey and Syria on Monday has now surpassed 33,000 people.

Turkey Earthquake: “The main reason for this catastrophe is Erdogan”

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), yesterday said in a statement: “I saw the state of our people with my own eyes. I refuse to accept that this situation is above contemporary politics and I refuse to align with the government (discourse).”

Kilicdaroglu stressed that this catastrophe is exactly the result of the systematic corruption and greedy policies of the ruling political power and President Erdogan personally. 

“I will not align with Erdogan or his palace (politics) or the gangs of profiteers on any ground. I will fight for my people’s struggle. Up until the end,” he said.

The main opposition leader also called for acts of civil disobedience against Erdogan’s State of Emergency ruling. He added that the detention of journalists and blocking of aid activities by the opposition councils cannot be accepted and urged for solidarity: “Either arrest us all or release the young people and journalists you have arrested. We have a lot of work to do. (…) We will remove this debris.” 

Turkey Earthquake: Access ban on social media

Turkey’s government officials have waged a war on the media.

Fahrettin Altun, Turkey’s Presidential Communications Director, yesterday proudly announced that a smartphone application called “Disinformation Reporting Service” is available to report people who are sharing “fake news” or “disinformation” online. The Directory also banned “nonaccredited” journalists’ access to the disaster area.

Twitter – which has become a vital public communication application for rescue activities in the region – has also been restricted. Prof. Dr Yaman Akdeniz from the Freedom of Expression Association said the restriction was made by narrowing the bandwidth. Netblocks, a non-governmental organisation which follows global internet access, also confirmed the ban saying: “Confirmed: Real-time network data shows Twitter has been restricted in #Turkey; the filtering is applied on major internet providers and comes as the public comes to rely on the service in the aftermath of a series of deadly earthquakes.”

Turkey’s Information and Communication Technologies Authority did not comment on the issue.

Countries close their consulates in Turkey due to terror threats

It is known that terrorist incidents are frequently seen at the beginning of every election period in Turkey. In previous elections, the Erdoğan government received the electorate’s support through such events.

This week, the Consulate of Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium and Switzerland in Istanbul were closed due to a new terrorist threat. 

Turkish elections to be held on May 14

Turkey’s general elections, which were supposed to be held on 18 June, will be held on 14 May. According to the election law, a person can only be president for a maximum of two terms. But President Erdoğan is looking for ways to take on the role for the third time by using a constitutional amendment made in 2018.

The following three alliances will participate in this election:

1. The People’s Alliance (Turkish: Cumhur İttifakı) –  the racist and fascist coalition led by Erdoğan;

2. The Nation Alliance (Turkish: Millet İttifakı) – made up of 6 opposition parties led by the CHP;

3. The Labour and Freedom Alliance (Turkish: Emek ve Özgürlük İttifakı), a coalition of six left-wing parties, with the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).

While some claim that Erdoğan has no chance of winning this election, the opposition has warned that he will try using many pressures and tricks, including declaring war on Syria.

Turkey launches deadly attack on Kurds

Turkey has launched deadly airstrikes on the Kurds in Kobani, and various areas of North Eastern Syria. 

These latest aerial attacks on Kobani and various other places in North East Syria are yet further examples that radical Islamists and their ideology are favoured and supported by Erdogan regime.

The Kurdish groups in the region previously defeated the jihadists who were responsible for multiple crimes against humanity in Syria and Iraq. Despite this, Erdogan’s regime in Turkey has been targeting the Kurds and has falsely pointed the finger at the Kurds following last weeks terror attack in Istanbul, Taksim. Contrary to the statements of Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, the findings related to the terrorist attack in Taksim point to Turkey-backed jihadist groups in Syria. Yet Turkey is using this as an excuse to attack Rojava. The ministry of defence  of Turkey announced the war by saying that “now is the time for revenge.”

The HDP also made a call to the Turkish Government, saying that “the Kurds are not a threat to Turkey. It is ISIS and associated groups that are getting rich by occupying the areas in which the Kurds live.”

It is long known that the Islamist-nationalist regime in Turkey wants to attack the Syrian Kurds before the elections in order to stop its loss of power by provoking nationalism. The jihadists in Syria were also looking forward to such a battle in the search for new areas of domination.

SPOT urges the UK Government to take immediate steps to stop these deadly attacks against the Kurds.

We are also calling the international community to stand up for Kobani and against Erdogan’s regime. 

SPOT Conference: Life & Resistance Under Erdogan’s Turkey

Starting as Prime Minister and cementing his premiership through rigged elections, referendums and an executive presidency, Tayyip Erdogan has managed to demolish the fundamental apparatus required for the rule of law and democracy since 2002. He is responsible for Turkey’s economic, cultural, political and ecological demise.

At its 4th conference, SPOT invites you to join us to discuss what life and resistance under such a turbulent dictatorship looks like, and what difference internationally solidarity makes to democratic forces fighting back.

Speakers include: 

Ercument Akdeniz, Leader of the Labour Party of Turkey

Lindsey German, Convener of the Stop the War Coalition

Baroness Christine Blower

Elif Gorgu, Journalist, Evrensel

Jeremy Corbyn MP 

Ilke Isik, Lawyer for the Ankara Bombing 

Ertugrul Kurkcu, HDP 

Seyit Aslan, Disk 

Unison International  

Book your place here

Prisoners denied fundamental rights and access to a fair trial

Makbule Ozer, an 80 year-old mother is in prison in Turkey on so-called charges of “aiding and abetting a terrorist organisation”. She has been denied an application for release made by her lawyers on grounds of her serious illness and deteriorating health. Ozer’s case was not reviewed at Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) on the grounds of no Kurdish language translator being avaliable. Her family are fighting for her release and are concerned for her welfare behind bars, where she is denied the care she needs.

Ozer’s case is the latest example of increasing rights violations  in Turkish prisons where the release of political prisoners are deliberately suspended. Some human rights advocates say that these are indeed “de-facto death sentences” on Kurdish political prisoners especially. They say that the numbers of prisoners who either die in the prisons or are released shortly before they die is growing in recent years.  

The advertisement bans on Evrensel must end!

Evrensel Daily, a Turkish daily workers’ newspaper which has been subjected to considerable harassment from the establishment since it first went to print in 1995, recently received Press Advertising Agency (BIK) decision revoking its right to receive public ads.  BIK is the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of state advertising and which is under the tight control of the Islamist AKP government.

The suppression of Evrensel is part of the ongoing crackdown on independent media outlets that are not pro government and is meant to forbid publications writing stories about workers’ rights. 

The right of Evrensel to receive public advertisements has been suspended since September 2019 and the recent move which was prompted by alleged bulk buying that distorted Evrensel’s distribution figures against which the advertising levels are set. With the latest decision, this suspended right was completely cancelled.

“This newspaper will not bow down to those who are paid to silence it. Never!” says Fatih Polat, Editor-in-Chief of Evrensel about the cancellation of the newspapers right to publish official advertisements by BIK.

The International Press Institute (IPI) and 17 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organisations call upon the BIK to withdraw the decision to revoke ad revenues for Evrensel.

Signatories of the call say that: “Media freedom in recent years has been deteriorating in Turkey in light of the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in 2023. We are concerned about the state of remaining independent media outlets, the repercussions it will have on the right to access information for the residents of Turkey who will need to rely on the existing media outlets to make informed decisions in the election calendar, and how this will contribute to an already-shrinking civic space in the country. Hereby we once again call upon the Press Advertising Agency (BİK) in Turkey to withdraw the decision to revoke ad revenues for Evrensel.”

Readers of the newspaper are also sharing solidarity messages under the #EvrenselSusturulamaz hashtag across the globe and we as SPOT are calling for the advertising bans on Evrensel which threaten the survival of the newspaper and the journalism in Turkey to be lifted with immediate effect.

Turkish Pop Star’s arrest over joke on religious schools sparks outrage

A Turkish pop star, Gulsen was jailed on Thursday in relation to a joke she made on stage about religious schools in Turkey. She was jailed for commenting about one of her musicians, in particular saying that he is a pervert since he graduated from a “imam hatip” school (a type of islamic religious school). 

The mentioned schools recently came into focus due to allegations of their graduates being involved in the sexual abuse of children.

Dissidents on social media spoke out in support of Gulsen and say that the video of the singer’s comment was deliberately circulated by “trolls of AKP” on social media and she was already being targeted for her stance about secularism and women’s rights. 

Omer Celik, the Justise Minister of the Islamist AKP Government argued that this is “a hate crime and a disgrace to humanity” and also said that “there is no doubt of judicial independence in Turkey” .

The arrest sparked an outrage among the public calling for Gulsen’s immediate release.

Turkish Finance Minister “Sticks Two Fingers Up” to the Public Over Inflation

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Finance, said  in a live broadcast that while chatting with a foreign country’s minister about the rocketing inflation in Turkey, he told him that “I can go out and mingle with the public even with this high inflation rate while you cannot do it with 10%”. 

Nebati’s remarks have become a political issue in itself and immediately led to a public outcry all over social media. 

Turkey’s unofficial consumer inflation rate rose by 176% in July compared with a year earlier according to ENAG, a credible independent research group. TUIK (official statistics agency) put the figure at 79.6%. 

Sect leader’s funeral reveals close links government officials

According to various Turkish outlets hundreds of thousands of men have attended a so-called cleric’s funeral in Turkey on 24 June.

Mahmut Ustaosmanoglu, a notorious Islamic sect leader was mostly known for his hostility towards women. He wouldn’t want women in his funeral and his sect said “please obey his wishes” in a press release.

Taliban sent a condolence message for Ustaosmanoglu saying that “Afghanistan considers the death of this great scholar an irreparable loss.” 

Almost every high ranking Turkish government official and some opposition figures attended the funeral of the bigot who argued publicly that girls should not go to school. President Erdogan also attended the funeral and said that Ustaosmanoglu was “one of the spiritual guides of Turkey” and “had devoted his life to Islam.”

Mahmut Ustaosmanoglu who died at age of 93 had an imperious power on Turkish politics. 

Femicide in Turkey: Another Family is Fighting for Justice

Pinar Gultekin (27), was brutally killed by Cemal Metin Avci on July 21, 2020.  The charge filed for the murderer Cemal Metin Avci was “killing with monstrous feeling or by tormenting”. There were also other collaborators charged with “destroying, hiding or tampering with criminal evidence” in the case, namely murderer’s brother Mertcan Avci, his mother Ayten Avci, his father Selim Avci, his ex-wife Eda Karagun and his friend Sukru Gokhan Orhan. 

A Turkish court in Mugla reduced an aggravated life sentence jail term to 23 years in prison for Cemal Metin Avci on the basis of “unjust provocation”. The Court also acquitted the collaborators in the final hearing. 

It has been proved by forensics that murderer Cemal Avci put Pinar Gultekin’s body in a barrel while she is unconcious and set fire to her while she was still alive and then filled the barrel with concrete.

“This murderer will be released from prison after 14 years and 4 months if the decision is finalised at the appeal” says Rezan Epozdemir, the solicitor of the Gultekin Family. 

Human rights organisations and feminist activists including “We Will Stop Femicide Platform” (KCDP) and “The Federation of Women Associations of Turkey” (TKDF) have protested the court’s decision. 

Massive Crackdown on Kurdish Journalists

In Diyarbakir, a Kurdish-majority south-eastern province of Turkey, 20 journalists who were working in various media outlets such as Dicle Firat Journalists Association (DFG), Mesopotamia News Agency and Jin News have been under arrest since 8 June. No official charges have been pressed.

Erol Onderoglu, the Turkey representative for Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said that “As the RSF, we are astonished at the extensity of an investigation based on ‘terrorist propaganda’ targeting of so many media workers. Evidence must be disclosed as soon as possible by the law.” 

Gulnoza Said, Program Coordinator of Europe and Central Asia program of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also commented on the crackdown on the Kurdish journalists and said that “Turkish authorities arbitrary detention of journalists (…) marks another dark day for the press in the country. Authorities should be ashamed of their raids on newsrooms and journalists’ homes. The journalists targeted for detention should be released immediately and without charge.” 

The criminalisation of journalism is unacceptable. SPOT stands in solidarity with the journalists who are under attack in Turkey.

Erdogan calls protestors sluts

President Erdogan once again used cheap words to insult the dissidents in Turkey. On the 9th anniversary of the Gezi protests, the fiercest anti-government unrest in Turkey for years, he branded the protestors as “sluts”, “terrorists” and “rotten”. 

Erdogan, who is known as the “most insulted” head of state, did not hesitate when using offensive terms to refer to the gezi protestors. Ironically, thousands of citizens are subject to lawsuits for insulting the president.

The President also repeated his allegation -which yet needs to be proven true- about people drinking beer at a nearby mosque during the unrest.

“These terrorists and bandits had contaminated the inside of the mosque with beer bottles. These are rotten, these are sluts” Erdogan said in his speech at the parliament. 

Erdogan’s comments sparked a public outcry. #sürtük (slut in Turkish) hashtag has become a trending topic with fiercely comments on Erdogan.

Kurdish Culture Banned

Kurdish musicians and actors are being banned from performing in Turkey.

Prominent Kurdish singer and composer Aynur Dogan – who recently performed at the Barbican as part of the London Jazz Festival- was one of the banned artists. An Islamist-Nationalist municipality in Kocaeli cancelled Dogan’s concert without specifying any reason. 

Soon after leading Kurdish duo Metin and Kemal Kahraman’s concert was also cancelled by the order of the Mus Governor for being “inappropriate”. 

Another Kurdish band Sterka Karwan’s concert which was part of the youth spring festival in Bitlis State University was also banned. 

Amed City Theater’s Kurdish “Don Quixote” play was also banned by another municipality in Kocaeli held by Islamist AKP. 

Imposed bans mark the ideological Turkish state policy on Kurdish culture and underlines the repressive character of the AKP regime. 

SPOT stands in solidarity with the Kurdish people and artists in Turkey.

Crossroads for Opposition in Turkey

Canan Kaftancioglu, a leftwing leading Turkish politician who challenged the ruling Islamist AKP’s power during 2019’s mayoral campaign has been banned from politics. 

Kaftancioglu has been sentenced to 4 years 11 months in prison for insulting “the President of Turkey” via her tweets in 2013 and 2014. 

Kaftancioglu was expecting this sentence for sometime since she is a key figure in the Republican People’s Party (CHP) as a chair. She said that it is time to raise the hope (political promise) which can be achieved through organising and this sentence will act as another challenge for Erdogan and his circles. 

This political ban for Kaftancioglu is no doubt a reprisal for the regime which lost the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) to the opposition. 

Judicial crackdown on political opponents will make Erdogan’s job easier in the coming presidential elections. 

In response CHP has called for an urgent executive board assembly to decide the political roadmap. Analists and leading progressive figures argue that opposition is at a historical crossroad. 

Statement of Solidarity with Imprisoned Gezi 8

Signatories of a petition released today in Turkey sent a message of solidarity with the Gezi 8.

“Whatever they said or did during the Gezi movement, we did the same, we said the same words. If they are convicted, we must be convicted too. If they are considered guilty, we are guilty too. We are reporting ourselves to the prosecutor’s office by declaring that we are in agreement with their ideas and actions” said the 888 signatories of the petition. 

You can access to the list of the signatories making the call for solidarity with the Gezi 8 though the link:


PROTEST – Free the Gezi 8!

Saturday 7 May 2022 at 11am / Turkish Embassy, London

Join the protest against Turkey’s criminalisation of Gezi and help strengthen the call for the Gezi 8 to be released.

On 25 April, a Turkish court sentenced Osman Kavala to life imprisonment for allegations of “attempting to overthrow the government by force” during the 2013 Gezi Park protests.

A further 7 activists were also given 18-year sentences and were immediately imprisoned. Those imprisoned are Mücella Yapıcı, Çiğdem Mater, Hakan Altınay, Mine Özerden, Can Atalay, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Tayfun Kahraman.

The criminalisation of the Gezi resistance is unacceptable. The right to protest and provide democratic opposition must be defended.

All those imprisoned in connection with Gezi, those imprisoned for exercising their right to free speech and for defending democracy must be freed immediately.

Pegasus Sacks Workers for a Drinking Post

Pegasus Airlines – a privately owned economy airline in Turkey – sacked their workers due to a shared photo of a social gathering.

Workers from the airline shared a photo on social media showing them drinking alcoholic beverages with a note saying “may God accept” and a tag related to a holy Islamic day. 

The Nakliyat-Is Union, which the dismissed flight workers are organised under, said “According to the current labour law, this cannot be grounds for dismissal for any workers.”

Pegasus Airlines argued that this kind of a post is “an insult to religious belief” and said that the company finds its sharing unacceptable.

A Public prosecutor in Istanbul also found the post unacceptable and took legal action against the workers on the grounds that they had committed a crime of “inciting the people to hatred and hostility or humiliating them” via the tagged photo.

Under the ruling of the Islamist-nationalist coalition many religious duties are gradually becoming imposed as a way of ordinary life in Turkey. In most cases people who do not adhere to the strict rules become subject to social harassment and some are being prosecuted. The most visible of these incidents are the ones related to alcohol consumption and womens rights.

SPOT Supports The Gezi Resistance

A Turkish court in Istanbul has sentenced Osman Kavala to aggravated life imprisonment on the account of allegedly “attempting to overthrow the government” in 2013. The court also sentenced seven activists to 18 years imprisonment with an order for their immediate detention for “aiding the attempt. ” 

The trial, widely referred to as the Gezi trial, accused Kavala and a wider group of activists, journalists and individuals of organising the Gezi protests with the aim of overthrowing the government. The Gezi Park protests started in 2013, with opposition to the bulldozing of Gezi Park in Istanbul – which sparked protests across the country against the government.

Nils Muiznieks, Amnesty International’s Europe Director, said:

“Today, we have witnessed a travesty of justice of spectacular proportions. This verdict deals a devastating blow not only to Osman Kavala, his co-defendants and their families, but to everyone who believes in justice and human rights activism in Turkey and beyond.”

“The court’s decision defies all logic. (…) This unjust verdict shows that the Gezi trial was only an attempt to silence independent voices.”

Emma Sinclair-Webb, Turkey representative for Human Rights Watch, said the verdict was an “active defiance against the Council of Europe”.

Following the decision of the court, Gezi Park activists expressed that they will not bow down no matter the consequences.

Can Atalay, one of the defendants said “We will resist oppression!” 

Today’s notorious convictions confirm that the “Gezi Trial” is politically designed to punish and harass dissidents in Turkey. As SPOT we are supporting Gezi and express full solidarity with the defendants.

Following the court’s decision, Taksim Solidarity announced that it would be holding an ongoing vigil outside Caglayan Court. The Izmir Law Society will also be starting a vigil outside the law society against the decision.

Background of The Gezi Park Protests

Gezi events started as a protest against the redevelopment plan for Gezi Park in Istanbul in 2013. 

At the beginning local residents were objecting to the destruction of the park. After police forces’ violent attacks against the local protestors, well attended demonstrations were organised to protest against the planned destruction of Gezi. 

Various non-govermental organisations set up a collective platform to coordinate the protests. These protests led to national protests against the regime’s attacks on the environment, human rights and any democratic opposition to the ruling AKP. 

The park turned into a protest camp with similar protests, in solidarity with the protestors, emerging across the country. Protests shook the country with 11 deaths. Large scale arrests were made and protests eventually evolved into a loud call for Prime Minister Erdogan’s government to resign. 

Since then Erdogan has been pursuing his personal vendetta against Gezi activists, and the Gezi Park Trial has been pursued on fabricated charges, a complete lack of evidence and a  to comply with the rule of law. 

Anti-refugee Hostility Rises in Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of Turkey’s ruling Islamist-nationalist coalition recently said that “We are trying to send migrants by their own will. ” 

Erdogan’s statement came amid rising hostile environment towards migrants in Turkey in recent times. 

Public misery due to the soaring living economic conditions accompanied by social polarisation has made the hostility more dangerous then ever. 

Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) anti-refugee campaign promising to  “send them home” if they gain power is another determinant factor which has increased the hostility towards refugees. 

Ercument Akdeniz, chair of Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) said in an online discussion – broadcast on Thursday via Twitter Spaces- that the tension is very high and the country is on the brink of massive attacks towards migrants. 

Akdeniz said that it is important to defend the unity of the migrant workers and to build a joint struggle. 

“It is not possible to compete with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on the basis of hostility to refugees. With this oppressive authoritarian understanding, no one can gain anything by competing over hostility to immigrants.” said Akdeniz and urged the main opposition to change their discourse regarding the migrants. 

Akdeniz also warned about an ongoing preparation of sending scores of migrants abroad before the general elections:

“Such an operation would not be a surprise when AKP is most comfortable. It will also create an environment in which the opposition could be weaken and get out of the place where it is assumed to gather votes.” 

Intention to Abolish Co-education in Turkey

A school head teacher in Turkey has formally announced an arbitrary classroom sitting plan which bans interaction between boys and girls. 

Haydar Akin, the Islamist head teacher in Bursa (a northwestern province in Turkey) ordered the school staff in official correspondence not to allow girls to sit next to boys in the classroom.

The Bursa Governor made a written statement following the public outcry saying that there is an ongoing investigation about the school. 

Critics are warning that this should be considered as another sign of the intention to abolish co-education in Turkey and the final aim is to construct an Islamist regime through education policies. 

Polarisation increases in Turkey

Mahire Yenturk, a council worker in Turkey has lost her job for sharing a photo of Selahattin Demirtas’, former co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), on her personal social media account. 

Yenturk was forced to resign after she was labeled as a “terrorist” on a local newspaper that published a story about her social media post. 

Apart from losing her job Yenturk said in a letter to opposition MP’s that ever since the story was published in the newspaper she and her family have been excluded from their social circles in Bolu where she has been living for 25 years. 

Yenturk was working in Bolu Municipality. Although the mayor Tanju Ozcan is from the main opposition political party namely CHP and not a member of the Islamist  nationalist coalition, he is known for his discriminative and racist policies against refugees in the city.

Doctors on strike over worsening conditions in Turkey

Healthcare professionals across Turkey, represented by the Turkish Medical Association(TTB) are on a one-day strike today. 

Doctors say that they are calling on the government for new regulations since they are suffering from the worsening economy  and the dysfunction of the national health care system in Turkey. 

TTB made a statement saying “We are on a one-day strike on February 8 against the withdrawal of the draft law regulating economic and personal benefits of physicians. ” 

Medical workers are also complaining of  an increase in physical violence towards them. 

Doctors in the country are leaving their posts in huge numbers and increasingly looking for working opportunities abroad due to worsening social and economic  conditions.  

Privatisation Policies Kill

Isparta, a southwestern city in Turkey has been without electricity since Thursday 3 February. 

The Governer’s office made a statement saying “There is a delay in restoring power due to disruptions on power transmission lines.”

This power cut is solely because of the privatisation policies. Eighty percent of the electricity distribution has passed to private companies in recent times and government’s solution to the current crisis is to ban use of electric scooters and pause education in schools in the city .

A man named Ramazan Nazli (70) froze to death at his house due to  power cuts in Isparta.

The Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO)  – representing Electrical, Electronics, Control, Biomedical Engineers and with members over 50000- called for restoring to public ownership the transmission and distribution of electricity in Turkey.

In the wake of the Isparta case the privatisation of TEIAS (Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation) should be canceled immediately, said EMO in a statement.

Rising Electricity Prices Spark Protests

Meanwhile protests broke out in several cities against rising electricity prices, in the last few days.

Thousands of people in Agri, Izmir, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Urfa and Mugla protested sharp electricity price hikes and rising cost of living.

Electricity prices increased by 50-125 percent in Turkey compared to last year since the start of 2022.

Workers’ Resistance Map

In Turkey workers from all branches of the labour force are demanding that employers pay the price of the failures of the ruling class. 

Do not expect us to pay for the crisis, say workers from various cities. 

From couriers to metal workers, 

you can follow the resistance all over Turkey on this workers’ protests map, which is kept up-to-date:


Prisoners with underlying health issues at risk in Turkey

Turgay Deniz, 39,  a prisoner in Turkey, passed away on 1 February. Deniz, was a tuberculosis patient with a tube inserted into his left lung for nearly 12 years.

According to Meltem Akyol’s report from Evrensel daily, Deniz was imprisoned pending trial since February 2021. 

Turgay Deniz was one of many in Turkey’s overcrowded prisons with underlying health conditions. Evrensel report says that there are at least 1600 prisoners with health issues in Turkey, 600 of whom are seriously ill. 8 prisoners died in the last 3 months and  the number of sick prisoners who lost their lives in 2021 is at least 59.

SPOT Calls For Farplas To Respect Trade Union Rights

Workers at the Farplas in Gebze occupied the factory on January 31. They urged employers to respect the right to join a trade union and to reinstate their dismissed unionised co-workers.

Protests at the factory began last week after Farplas, which manufactures components for the major automotive brands, fired 150 workers for leading an unionisation effort. Workers eventually stopped production and locked themselves in the factory.

Farplas employers acted aggressively against the protests and after several hours of the occupation, police forces attacked workers in the factory.

Birlesik Metal Is (United Metal Workers Union) announced that 108 people, including union representatives, have been detained. In the wake of the police attack, workers from other factories showed solidarity with the Farplas workers by gathering in front of the factory. Detainees were released several hours later.

Representatives of progressive unions and political parties -including main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP)- also expressed solidarity with the workers and condemned the Farplas’s violation of the fundamental workers’ rights.

As SPOT we are calling on Farplas to respect trade union rights and to reinstate fired workers. We also urge all friends to support #Farplas workers in their fight for unionisation.

Solidarity posts are being shared under these hashtags: 



“Do Not Overreact to The Killing”

Abdulgaffar Dayan, 23, died on 26 January after being hit by a state-owned vehicle on January 24 in the Sirnak province in the southeast of Turkey.

Mezopotamya News Agency (MA) reported that the vehicle which hit him was an escort vehicle of the trustee mayor of municipality of Cizre, located in Sirnak. 

Mehmet Sait Dayan, the deceased’s uncle said that the deputy district police chief visited them in the hospital and told them “not to overreact to the incident” because the vehicle belongs to the police.

District authorities forced the family to bury Dayan’s body at night. 

Upon an inquiry, Sirnak Police Department also made a statement regarding the state owned (armoured) vehicle killings saying that “these incidents do not concern the public”.

This is the latest killing of many, involving vehicles belonging to the state in Turkey’s Kurdish populated provinces. 

Erdogan’s “necessary measures” is a further assault on the media

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey yesterday issued a circular designed to muzzle the media under the pretext of protecting “youth and the family values.”

President says “necessary measures” will be taken against media outlets that endanger “family and common values.”

Erdogan’s Islamist rule systematically assaults media by shutting down critical outlets and by arresting journalists by accusing them of being “terrorists”.

The latest news is that access to the web sites of Yeni Yasam, a Turkish daily newspaper and Xwebun, a Kurdish weekly newspaper, were blocked by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BIK) on January 29.

Turkey currently ranks 153rd out of 180 in the Press Freedom Index 2021 issued by Reporters Without Borders.

Islamists Target Famous Singer

Sezen Aksu, a famous Turkish pop star is the latest target of the ruling Islamist-nationalist alliance of Turkey. 

Bigoted Erdogan supporters targeted Aksu on the pretext of “insulting religious values” citing lyrics in a song recorded five years ago. In the song, the lyrics references are “Say hello to the ignorant Eve and Adam…”. 

Fanatics filed a criminal complaint about the singer, arguing that “this is an unacceptable insult to Adam.” 

Later Turkey’s Presidency of Religious Affairs indirectly slammed Sezen Aksu for “being disrespectful” in a written statement. 

Radio and television governing body (RTUK) also took part in the attack by threatening the media stations with heavy penalties for playing the mentioned song. 

Erdogan’s ultra nationalist ally Devlet Bahceli, chair of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), also targeted and threatened Sezen Aksu in his speech at the parliament by saying “watch your step”. 

And today President Erdogan made a highly provocative speech regarding the incident about the lyrics. He called on his supporters not to be silent against such an insult to Adam.

“No one could say such things to prophet Adam. When necessary, it is our duty to cut off the tongues saying such things. ” said Erdogan during Friday prayer in a mosque. 

Vendor Burns Himself to Death Over Poverty

Suleyman Ekici, a 63 year old street vendor, set himself on fire and last week died in a hospital in Muğla, in the southwestern province of Turkey.

According to Health and Safety Labour Watch bulletin, Ekici burnt himself to death after police did not allow him to work on the street. He was living in extreme poverty and trying to pay his debts by selling charcoal sacks.

Protest for Free Sanitary Towels

Women activists demanding sanitary products to be free of charge, were arrested in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey on January 18.

“Sanitary towels and tampons are basic necessities, they are not luxury products” said the protestors who were gathered in front of the parliament.

The number of women who are unable to afford sanitary products rose sharply last year due to the economic turmoil in the country.

The commercial products for sanitary products are subject to 18% VAT in Turkey (the highest VAT category) and have increased in price by 58%. The cost of sanitary products for many women in Turkey was already unaffordable (relative to the average wage) and this increase is causing significant further hardship.

Attacks On Refugees Intensify In Turkey

Racists have attacked a shopping mall with shops owned by Syrians at Esenyurt district of Istanbul on January 9, Sunday. A dozen racists chanting anti-Syrian slogans threw stones at the shops. According to the shop owners, the attack in the neighbourhood came after a refugee from Palestine who was escaping the attackers took shelter in the shopping mall.“Two people were injured and seven people, including four children, were taken into custody.” according to the Istanbul Governor’s Office in a statement. 

In a separate incident, an Afgan refugee family were been threatened and tortured in Ankara, Turkey’s capital city on 8 January.

Ercument Akdeniz, the chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) commented on the recent lynch attempts and anti-migrant sentiment in Turkey in a live stream on Artı Tv which was broadcasted yesterday. Akdeniz said that since there is hate speech towards migrants involved, these attacks can not be seen as singular judicial incidents. Akdeniz added that immediate action must be taken towards these political cases which are results of racism and an intensifying nationalism.

Youth despairs due to poverty in Turkey

Enes Kara, a 20 year old medical student, killed himself two days ago. In his final note Kara says that poverty forced him to resort to a dorm run by an Islamist sect and he can not stand the compulsory “religious” practices and degrading treatment anymore.  

As the political and economic conditions deteriorate in the country there is a significant increase in suicide rates for the last five years. Rising living costs and unemployment rates alongside with the political Islamist path of Erdogan regime “to mould a generation of pious Turks” is leading youth into desperation.

Kara’s suicide note, where he described the enforced prayers and compulsory indoctrination lessons, stirred a fierce debate in Turkey in which progressive youth organisations are calling for religious sect dorms to be banned.

Racist Burns Syrian Workers to Death in Turkey

The Human Rights Association Izmir branch (IHD) reported that three Syrian men were burnt alive in a racially motivated killing on 16 November 2021 in Turkey.

According to the press release of IHD, a Turkish man (identified just as Kemal) set alight Mamoun al-Nabhan (23), Ahmed Al-Ali (21) and Muhammed el-Bish (17) after pouring gasoline on them while they were sleeping.

Ercument Akdeniz, the chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) made a statement on Twitter regarding the killings.

Akdeniz underlined the media black out about the incident -up until now- and said that immediate clarification is needed about the facts surrounding the deaths of three Syrian workers.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK based non-governmental organisation is the initial source of the report of the killings and no further details were provided by the authorities.

Political prisoner Hanged in solitary confinement

Garibe Gezer, a Kurdish woman has died in a suspicious way in the Kandıra F-Type Prison, which  is known as one of the most notorious secure prisons in Turkey.

Garibe, a member of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) died in solitary confinement after speaking out about the sexual assaults and torture she was subject to while in the prison.  In her letters Garibe says that she has been raped and subjected to systematic torture in  prison.

Turkish authorities claimed that Garibe hanged herself. Pro-government Islamist media outlets published the story of Garibe as “a relief for the state” using the headlines “a terrorist eventually died in  prison.”

Collective Punishment for Demirtas Family

A court in Turkey has sentenced Basak Demirtas, former People’s Democratic Party (HDP) co-leader Selahattin Demirtas’s wife to 30 months in prison  on “document forgery charges” due to a date typo in a medical report for sick leave. She had medical operations to resolve complications of a miscarriage and her physician is also convicted on forgery.

The lawyers stated that the verdict was made deliberately when Basak Demirtas is being targeted about her statements about her husband. “The original of the report was not checked and this verdict is not a coincidence. This is the result of a collective punishment manner” says Demirtas’s lawyers.

Kurdistan is being denied

“Our language, identity and Kurdistan are denied.” said Cemil Taskesen, a Kurdish worker (Turkish citizen)  who is living in Siirt, a province in the South East of Turkey. He spoke to Meral Aksener during her visit to the region. Aksener is leader of The Good Party (IYI Party) which is affiliated with the nationalist far right Turkish movement in Turkey.

The Kurdish man was later arrested in the night at his home on terorism related charges and released the next day upon public unrest. He commented that he was arrested because he was “telling the obvious truth” .

Taskesen said that the land where Turkish nationalist Aksener is visiting is actually Kurdistan and he further elaborated his views to reporters:

“I asked her if Selahattin Demirtas is a terrorist? Because they are constantly voicing this in the parliament. They are accusing Kurdish voters and Demirtas of being a terrorist. If Demirtas is a terrorist, then we are all terrorists.(…) I expressed that we are Kurdish people and this is where we live, they are ignoring the truth. (…) Kurdistan has existed for thousands of years. (…) and I was expecting to be detained for what I have said.”  

Pro-goverment Islamist and far right nationalist media immediately condemned IYI Party leader Aksener for lack of a proper response to this kind of “arrogant manner.”

Aksener, who is currently a leading political figure for the aftermath of Erdogan era, was the infamous interior minister of 1990’s in Turkey associated with unindentified political murders. She is denying any wrong doing during her post.

Turkish Minister Targets LGBTQ

Suleyman Soylu, Turkey’s Interior Minister, once again used hate speech aimed at the LGBTQ community. 

LGBTQ was one of the targets in his speech at Hak-Is confederation, a pro-Islamist AKP trade union, meeting. 

The Minister said that they  (AKP government) have prevented LGBTQ activities so that “they will not spoil Turkish family values.” Soylu said that the LGBTQ community is “immoral” and “deviant.”

“We are a Muslim nation. You could not succeed to corrupt our culture and civilisation with your broadcasting, your television channels (…) . ” said Soylu. 

Soylu also used hate speech towards the community earlier this year via his social media account saying that “LGBT deviants committed disrespect to the Kaaba-i Muazzama” regarding the detained students from Bogazici Resistance.


Meanwhile Soylu is facing serious accusations about corruption and drug trafficking. The allegations surfaced as convicted organised crime leader Sedat Peker’s YouTube disclosure videos received great attention. 

Turkey’s Business Association Targets Erdogan’s Regime

The Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen (TUSIAD) has called for a change in the current political system of Turkey.

TUSIAD criticised the current presidential system in Turkey which they’ve paved the way for by supporting President Erdogan for many years.

The Businessmen’s Association called for the need of democratisation and secularism in Turkey at their 50th annual high advisory board gathering today.

The Association shared their agenda with the right wing opposition parties beforehand.

Erdogan’s latest family scandal

TUGVA (Turkish Youth Foundation), which is affiliated with TURGEV (Turkey Youth and Education Service Foundation) is the latest scandal linked to President Erdogan in Turkey.

Erdogan founded TURGEV in the 1990s, and his close family members and his inner circle sit on the board of the foundation. After the corruption scandal about Erdogan’s family in 2013, TUGVA was founded as a cloak for other corrupt activities. Currently Bilal Erdogan, the President’s son is on the advisory board of the latter foundation.

Last week Metin Cihan, a freelancer journalist, shared a leak of documents and files exposing the deployment of unqualified individuals -who are affiliated with TUGVA and Erdogan’s Islamist party AKP- into the public enterprises and their harmful, corrupt practices. The lists include appointments to almost every public institution in the country, from army to education.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Chairperson of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) commented on the scandal via his social media account. “It’s just a matter of time before the power shifts in Turkey and then the investigations will begin.” said Kilicdaroglu and urged for a new chapter in public as of this Monday:

“There is a person (Erdogan) and his family who have transformed the Turkish state into a state of their family. Government officials are forced to serve his personal interests. (…) Everybody must keep in mind that there is a price to pay when you serve personal interests rather than public.

We are watching the TUGVA scandal together. The smell of dirt is again all over the place. The person and his family are trying to take control of the state with a parallel structure that they pretend to be a foundation. (…) The Turkish state has once again entered the path of being the state of the people. Those who turn institutions into their own barn will of course be held accountable.”

Meanwhile TUGVA officials initially denied the allegations but later accepted that there is a leak. They are now targeting the journalists and newspapers who are investigating the incident saying that this is “an operation against Islam”.

Turkey’s “Moral” dresscode in public dorms

“Cihannuma Kız Ogrenci Yurdu”, a public funded dormitory for higher education in Turkey’s İzmir distict has announced a “moral” dresscode for students. Administration ordered the residents to dress “morally. ”

According to Derya Dogan’s report from Yeni Yasam, a public funded dormitory announced to the students that they could no longer walk inside the perimeters of the dorm wearing “immoral” outfits (such as in pyjamas or gym clothes).

Anonymous students asked for solidarity against this oppressive new dresscode saying that “Be our voice and support us to resist this regressive obligatory rule. “

The dresscodes for women has always been a controversial issue in Turkey. Today critics fear that AKP is pushing a religious agenda on to future generations of women in the country.

Turkey Deports Cypriot Journalist

Ali Kismir, President of the Press Workers’ Union (Basın-Sen) of northern Cyprus, was detained at Istanbul Airport and deported for “security reasons.”

The journalist said that he was deported due to his support for the presidential candidate Mustafa Akinci in the latest election in northern Cyprus. At the time of the elections there were serious allegations of interference by the Turkish government against Akinci.

Kismir also said that he is deeply saddened for his colleagues in Turkey who are subjected to such a “dictatorship” constantly.

The Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS) condemned the deportation of Kismir and said that “Intimidation operations against Cypriot journalists are unacceptable.”

According to Avrupa (a daily newspaper published in northern Cyprus), apart from Ali Kismir, 42 people from northern Cyprus who criticized AKP’s policies were also banned from entering to Turkey. Former President Mustafa Akıncı’s name is also on the list.

Baldur Srike Ends After Workers Win Their Union Rights

A strike involving workers at the Baldur Factory in Sekerpinar Organised Industrial Zone in Gebze, has been called off after a massive win for workers. 

Baldur workers who manufacture suspension components and other parts for the automotive industry went on strike for 281 days in order to push for recognition of their trade union rights.

Along with the determination of the striking workers, the powerful solidarity of representatives of major labour organisations both from Turkey and abroad paved the way for the victory.  

Further background: 

Police Attack Waste Pickers in Istanbul

Turkish police raided waste warehouses yesterday in Istanbul on the pretext of public order and attacked workers with tear gas and rubber bullets. Three waste pickers have been arrested.

There has been tension for some time between the Governor Office and waste pickers about the recent regulations on waste which are in favour with some big investors in recycling sector.

Ali Mendillioglu, president of The Recycling Workers Association said that the governor’s office laid the groundworkfor the arrests.

“Three of our friends were arrested. It doesn’t matter, let them take us all, let’s stay inside (the prison). It’s like a prison outside in Turkey anyway. We will not abandon our friends.”said Mendillioglu and called for solidarity.

Waste pickers, the most important link in the recycling chain in the country, face the worst conditions, working for almost 15 hours every day and suffering extreme poverty. 

Erdogan Attacks Bogazici Students Once Again

President Erdogan once again targeted the Bogazici Resistance and branded the students as terrorists in a speech yesterday.

The Turkish president said: “I cannot accept a Turkey where there are students stamping on the rector’s car. We don’t need such students (…) these are terrorists who have infiltrated the university.”

Since the start of 2021, Bogazici university students, staff, alumni and the broader civil society are demanding a return to the democratic process in the university and an end to outside interference.

More info here:


Turkey’s Separatist Kebab Shops

“Separatist kebab shops” said Devlet Bahceli, “are one of the reasons of unemployment”.

Speaking at parliament today Bahceli, Chair of extremist right wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), incomprehensibly blamed the kebab shops for “aiding and abetting terrorism” and argued that they are one of the reasons of unemployment among the country.

No one could understand what Bahceli is talking about and soon this nonsense statement became a topic trend in social media with #kebapci hashtag.

Armed Men Attack MP’s Home

Tulay Hatimogullari, Deputy Co-Chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was attacked at her home last Friday by two armed men claiming to be undercover police officers.

MP Hatimogullari said that this is not an isolated event since abductions of dissidents became widespread recently in Turkey. She also stated that they (HDP) have a pretty good idea about the intent and they will not allow chaos to reign in the country.

Ex-EMEP Chair faces 15 Years Imprisonment

Levent Tuzel, the former MP and the former chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) faces trial and up to 15 years jail over charges of terrorism and propaganda for participating in the activities of DTK. 

DTK stands for the “Democratic Society Congress”, a non- governmental organisation that aims to draw attention to democracy problems, particularly the Kurdish question in the country.  DTK has a wide profile of participants, from political parties to trade unions, academics and writers.

Last year Yusuf Karatas, columnist for Evrensel daily, was also put on trial and sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison for participating in the DTK panel as a member of the executive board of EMEP.

Students call for affordable student accommodation

There is a growing “Movement of the Unsheltered” protests against rising living costs and lack of affordable accommodation for students who are enrolled in universities in Turkey. Since last week students in seven cities are sleeping outdoors and camping, mainly at parks where they conduct their vigil.

Students also have launched a campaign on social media under the #barinamayanlar hashtag to call for solidarity. They are basically demanding rent controls, reduction in dormitory fees and a decent rise in higher education scholarships.

Education and Science Workers’ Union (Egitim-Sen) accused the government of failing to provide proper accommodation for students and forcing them to resort to the dorms run by Islamist sects.

“You are lying. Your life is a lie!” said President Erdogan in response to ongoing protests of the unsheltered students and claimed that some “irrelevant people” are sleeping on the park benches as part of “an ugly campaign”.

So far some major opposition municipalities -such as Ankara and İzmir- and a nongovernmental organisation -namely The Federation of Alevi Foundations- offered temporary accommodation for students in urgent need.

“We have just begun! We have nothing to lose and we are getting more crowded every day. Let’s extend this movement everywhere, starting with the campuses.” says the students within the movement in their Twitter account. (@barinamayanlar)

Remarks on the Kurdish Question

Ercument Akdeniz, the chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) said on Tuesday, that the Kurdish question is a fact in Turkey and “the denial of the democratic demands of the Kurdish people is the main source of this question.”  Akdeniz made his statement on Twitter regarding the current discussions about who will be the interlocutor for the solution of the Kurdish question.

EMEP Chair Akdeniz also criticised the continuing discussions about the legitimacy of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) by underlying that “HDP is a democratic, legal and legitimate political party” and said that “The democratic solution of the Kurdish question is the responsibility of the people of Turkey as a whole, beyond the HDP.”

Debates on the interlocutors in resolving the Kurdish question sparked as Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Chairperson of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) commented on the Kurdish question in a documentary saying that his party could work with HDP to resolve the issue.

Sezai Temelli, former HDP Co-Chair commented on Kilicdaroglu’s remarks saying that Abdullah Ocalan, the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is “the interlocutor” on the Kurdish question.

The extremist right wing political formations reacted fiercely to the statements of both Kilicdaroglu and Temelli. The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) argued that the “CHP administration’s actions and statements have turned into a national security threat.” Bahceli the chair of MHP accused Kilicdaroglu for “legitimizing HDP” and said that there is not a “Kurdish issue” in Turkey and the ones who claims there is are “cravens.”

Meanwhile HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar has welcomed the remarks of main opposition leader and stated that the Parliament is the place of resolution and yet there are also other actors in the resolution of the Kurdish question.

Selahattin Demirtas former HDP Co-Chair also commented on the debate via his attorneys. Demirtas said that HDP is a political actor that aims to resolve all problems of Turkey, including the Kurdish question.

Emine Senyasar calls for support on 200th day of vigil for justice

Emine Senyasar, who lost her husband and two sons three years ago is calling for solidarity on Friday, September 24 which marks the 200th day of her vigil for justice.

The Senyasar family were subjected to a brutal attack on 14 June 2018 which was launched by the relatives of Ibrahim Yildiz, an MP from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the Suruc district of Urfa, a southern province of Turkey.

According to security camera footages and eyewitnesses, in 2018 MP Yildiz’s family went to Senyasar family’s store asking for their votes as part of their election campaign.  During their visit a political argument took place between the families after which Yildiz’s family members went  back a second time to the shop and opened fire. After the incident all family members were transferred to Suruc State Hospital.

Emine Senyasar went to the hospital to see her sons with her husband, where all three were brutally killed the same day by a later raid 

by Yildiz’s family. A member of Yildiz family also lost his life at the same hospital as well. 

According to Turkish Medical Association’s (TTB) report about the massacre the raiders also destroyed the security cameras at the crime scene.

Fadil Senyasar, one of Emine Senyasar’s sons, who survived the attacks, has been sentenced to 37 years, 9 months in prison despite acting in self-defence.

“Emine Şenyaşar is the portrait of injustice in Turkey” says Ayse Acar Basaran, MP from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). Basaran also states that “the trial process shows how justice has been shaped by the interests of the government.”

“I want this cruelty to end and justice to be served. We need legal support” says Emine Senyasar, who is calling on lawyers to gather infront of Urfa Courthouse on Friday where she has been on justice vigil.

Another Kurdish Child Killed by Armoured Police Vehicle

Mihrac Miroglu (7) was killed by a Turkish policeman while riding his bicycle in front of his house in Sirnak province in the southeast of Turkey. According to Mezopotamya News Agency, Mihrac died shortly after the crash of an armoured vehicle on 3 September 2021.

“The deaths involving the security forces and the vehicles they use in Kurdish provinces are not accidents but massacres.” said Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in statement via Twitter.
Mihrac’s death is the latest incident of many, involving armoured vehicles belonging to the Turkish forces in Turkey’s Kurdish populated provinces. At least 40 people, 20 of them children, in the last 13 years have died in armoured vehicle killings. Particularly in Sirnak at least 76 children have been killed via police shooting or armoured vehicles in the past ten years.

Another recent armoured vehicle incident which could make the headlines was killings of siblings Muhammed (7) and Furkan Yildirim (6) again in Sirnak. The siblings were killed while they were sleeping inside their house on 3 May 2017. Omer Yegit, a Turkish policeman who crashed the armoured vehicle into their house almost acquitted on November 2020. The trial was completed last year and the policeman -who lacked a licence to operate the vehicle- was convicted of “involuntary manslaughter” and sentenced to two years and one month in prison. This was later reduced to a 19,000 Turkish lira (£1680) fine. Policeman Murat Maden, who was Yegit’s supervisor at that time, was acquitted of all charges.

Recently a footage of an armoured police vehicle trying to run over children in Batman (another Kurdish populated south-eastern province of Turkey) also created a public outcry. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) condemned the incident and called on the justice and interior ministries for an official investigation.

At the time an investigation have been launched to the HDP Batman branch for “inciting the public to hatred and enmity” for sharing the footage via social media. (The footage can be reached at: https://twitter.com/HDPElih/status/1366101751007502339?s=20)

There are too many incidents involving armoured vehicles in Turkey’s Kurdish populated provinces and generally there are extraordinary obstacles to bringing perpetrators to justice. Even when a judiciary process takes place, there is a climate of impunity for government security forces.

Kurds brutally killed by Turkish Gang

Seven Kurds from the same family were brutally murdered today in a racist  attack in their home in Konya; a central province in Turkey.  

The Dedeoglu family was threatened and racially abused by a gang of 60 grey wolf members earlier this month. The racist group said to the Kurdish family, “We are nationalists, we will not let you live here. We don’t want Kurds here.” After that attack some of the perpetrators were detained but soon after released from custody. And today gunmen shot the family and set their house on fire.  

In a video footage filmed at the crime scene, voices were heard still shouting “We will not let a single Kurd be left here!” 

Turkey saw a big jump recently in politically motiviated racist crimes and offences against Kurds committed by supporters of the ruling party. 

Recent political murders include the shooting of Deniz Poyraz, a party member of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) by a racist hitman in İzmir. 

“Racist attacks that have been forcibly flared up recently are starting to claim lives, and constitute a threat to every person who is different, starting with the Kurds. These racist attacks are being encouraged. This perilous game must end.” HDP said in a statement. 

“Seven Kurds, from the same family, three of which were women were murdered in Konya. The rulers who have been fueling hate speech for days and the bourgeois opposition that lends support to chauvinism is responsible of this attack. Let’s unite for fraternity against racism and fascism!” Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) said in a statement. 

The massacre created a public outcry. Thousands of social media users, including representatives of community organisations, associations, politicians, journalists and academics, blamed the government and local authorities as abettors of this brutal attack. 

As SPOT we call for solidarity with the Kurdish people.

Gunman attacks HDP offices and kills employee in Turkey

Deniz Poyraz, a party employee at the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir branch was killed today in a brutal attack at the party office.  

An armed attacker has been identified as  Onur Gencer. It is believed he entered the building in the early hours despite the presence of constant police force at the gate of the party building. He took Poyraz as a hostage and burned the property, and then killed her.

“Our friend, Deniz Poyraz, was murdered in the attack on our İzmir district building. The instigators and abettors of this brutal attack are the AKP-MHP government and the Ministry of Interior which constantly targets our party and our members” HDP said in a statement.

As the incident created a public outcry, Izmir Governor’s Office released a statement saying that the attacker was a former health care worker and has been detained. Onur Gencer is believed have been sent to fight in Syria against the Kurds and has previously shared armed photos from his time in Syria on his instagram. 

Onur Gencer (Instagram)

Democratic forces in Turkey have called for urgent solidarity stating that this brutal attack -which by itself has the capacity to be a trigger- has been triggered by AKP’s all-out attack against HDP and the constant harassment of democratically elected opposition politicians and the utter intolerance for criticism of government policies or officials.  

As SPOT we are calling on the progressive forces in UK to stand up for the people of Turkey.

Gendarmerie opens fire on peaceful protest in Turkey

Turkish gendarmerie opened fire against villagers protesting the demolition of their barns for a marble quarry in the village of Gurpinar in Van eastern province of Turkey on 26 May 2021.

“Where shall we go?” said the villagers stressing that their only source of income is livestock and they are afraid of the death of their animals.

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP’s shared video recordings of the incident via their official social media accounts. The footage showing villagers screaming and running away while shots are being fired has caused outrage. Social media users expressed their reactions under the #VanGurpinardaVahset hashtag.

The mentioned footages can also be reached at: https://twitter.com/ekolojibirligi/status/1397912566978863107

SPOT calls for the immediate release of health care workers

Trade union leaders and the members of the Turkish Health and social service workers union (SES) were arrested last week.

The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office claims that the SES members “operated under the name of ‘the public health committee’ but were connected with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).” It is believed that the prosecution’s claim is connected to the previous accusations related to the round-the-clock military lockdown lasting 78 days from December 2015 to March 2016 in Turkey’s Kurdish populated towns. At the time SES members were accused of aiding “terrorists” due to their volunteer ambulance service in the area which saved lives during the military lockdown.

Turkey’s leading progressive unions and associations including Public Employees Trade Union (KESK) and Turkish Medical Association (TTB) released a joint press statement calling on the AKP government to release the SES members.

“The arrest of health workers is an intervention in the fight against the pandemic” said SES and Ankara Chamber of Medicine in their recent press statement.  

The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), Unison and Unite the Union (UNITE) has also expressed international solidarity with the Turkish health workers and called for their immediate release.

As SPOT we are calling on the Turkish government to release the health and social service workers immediately.

Organised Crime Leader Exposes AKP Corruption on Youtube

Sedat Peker, who was convicted for organised criminal activity in 2007 in Turkey, has broadcast a series of videos via his personal YouTube account. He has been in exile in Dubai for the last two weeks.

He released allegations against well-known figures in Turkey including Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, former Interior Minister Mehmet Agar and his son Tolga Agar – MP from ruling AKP.

“You will be defeated by a camera on a tripod” says Peker.

Mehmet Agar’s drug trafficking and illegal confiscation of a marina; Tolga Agar’s cover up about the death of a journalist who filed a complaint of sexual assault against him are among some of the revelations of Peker.

But Peker’s main target is Interior Minister Soylu. He claims that he heavily invested in Soylu in politics for the last 20 years, so much that he even is at odds with Berat Albayrak (Erdogan’s son in law) because of his support of Soylu which was going to be a license to get him back into the country. The Criminal leader also said that Soylu tipped him off about a legal action targeting himself so that he could escape abroad. 

Furthermore Peker doesn’t stop there, he exposes public offices of criminal activity, confesses that he is accustomed to such practices and even shared videos and exposed an individual close to the government who publicly denied speaking to him. 

Peker’s expose of senior Ministers and those close to Erdogan demonstrate the scale of corruption and illegality within the ruling AKP.

In the face of Israel’s brutal crimes, we can’t remain silent!

SPOT Statement on Palestine

Israel is attempting to ethnically cleanse Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem.

As Palestinians protest in Jerusalem against these evictions, and Israel’s ongoing programme of ethnic cleansing, Israeli forces have responded with brutality, including an assault on worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque that has wounded hundreds.

Israel has now started bombarding the population of besieged Gaza, many refugees from Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948. So far, dozens of Palestinian civilians have been killed, including children.

The plans to forcibly dispossess the families is part and parcel of Israel’s attempt to alter the demographic balance of the city, by ethnically cleansing Palestinians, while simultaneously providing financial and political support for illegal Jewish-only settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.

The UK government must take immediate action and stop allowing Israel to act with impunity. It must demand an end to current proceedings to evict these families, and start holding Israel accountable for all its actions ,which contribute to the crime of apartheid. This includes through implementing sanctions, and banning the import of goods from Israel’s illegal settlements.

In the face of Israel’s brutal crimes, we can’t remain silent!

We demand that the UK government take action.


#SaveSheikhJarrah #FreePalestine

Turkish Army Kills Civilian in Dersim

Murat Yildiz, a 28-year-old Kurdish man was killed by Turkish soldiers in Dersim (Tunceli) in eastern Turkey on 7 May 2021.

Local sources said that Yildiz may have been killed by a drone (UAV) attack which occurred near the village of Agacpinar.

Tunceli Gendarmerie Command said in a written statement that three members of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) were killed in the scope of “Operation Eren-7” in Tunceli and has released footage of the weapons and equipment allegedly belonging to the three people who died in a civilian car alongside Murat Yildiz. The earlier statements which were shared on the social media saying that “The operation was led by the Tunceli Gendarmerie Command and was assisted by the Turkish Air Force.” were deleted afterwards. At the time no official source shared any statement mentioning Murat Yildiz’s name or an incident concerning the targeted killing of a civilian.

Upon public reaction on the killing of Murat Yildiz -who was a great-grandson of a prominent spritual figure of the Dersim Alevi culture, Seyit Riza- official sources made contradictory statements. Murat Yildiz’s parents were summoned to the district gendarmerie headquarters and were asked to provide DNA samples for identification of a body. Yet the Governor’s Office of Tunceli said that “There is no civilian death and there has been no air or land bomb attack in any way.” The Governor’s office claims that “the terrorists detonated explosives in the vehicle.”  

Alican Onlu, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) MP for Tunceli gave an exclusive interview to SPOT regarding his visit to the Yildiz family. Onlu said that Mazlum Yildiz, father of Murat Yildiz was summoned to the Torunoba police headquarters where a police officer told him that his son’s car has been hit from the air. The father saw the remains of the vehicle and afterwards the remnants of the burnt body that still awaits identification. Onlu stressed that some social media accounts linked to the JOH (Gendarmerie Special Operations) members shared graphic images of the corpses which were deleted shortly after the official statements denying any drone (UAV) activity. Onlu also pointed out that the Governor’s Office has claimed that they have the video images of the full operation to deny the reports about a targeted killing of a civilian but have not not shared any recordings yet.

Dersim Bar Association has made a written statement calling for a comprehensive investigation into the incident, in their statement they highlight that “The villagers cited that there were two explosions, with helicopters and UAVs at the scene. Those who saw the vehicle reported that the vehicle was burnt and there were hundreds of bullet marks.”

Parliamentarians call for UK government to take action to prevent human rights violations in Turkey

On Tuesday, May 11th over 50 Parliamentarians co-signed a joint letter by Crispin Blunt MP and Hilary Benn MP regarding Britain’s relationship with Turkey.

The letter outlines the sharp decline in human rights under President Erdogan’s leadership. It called for the Government to take a more active stance in seeking to prevent human rights violations in Turkey and called for the UK to add its voice in calling to account Turkey’s Human Rights violations. 

The letter highlights that the “UK owes the people of Turkey a duty to speak up openly for a return to the path of democracy and respect for human rights and pluralism. We request that [the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs) make an early statement to Parliament, making clear to the Turkish government that the United Kingdom’s public friendship cannot be unconditional and that we will always stand up for human rights. The UK’s many friends in Turkey would welcome and draw strength from such a statement of Britain’s position as they work to restore a properly open society.’


On the 10th Anniversary of the Istanbul Convention SPOT sends solidarity to the hundreds of thousands of women in Turkey fighting back against the Turkish State’s attacks on women’s rights and gender equality.

Violence against women has intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey and gender inequality has been rife, with women workers more likely to be in low paid insecure jobs, sacked, discriminated, and forced to work overtime. Particularly after the outbreak of Covid-19 we have heard from women in Turkey, how they have been forced into the home into ever more difficult domestic violence situations, which have been compounded by challenges relating to childcare and increasing debts.

In these circumstances the Istanbul Convention provides desperately needed protections and safeguards for women in Turkey, and SPOT condemns Erdogan’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention by Presidential Decree on 20 March.

As SPOT we stand with the women in Turkey fighting for their right to safety, justice, liberty and equality at home, in society and at work. The Women’s movement in Turkey is an inspiration to us here in the UK.

As SPOT we support your demands for the reinstatement of the Istanbul Convention, and call on the UK Government to end its silence on the Turkish state’s attacks gender equality, perpetuation of violence against women and girls, exploitation and discrimination of women in the workplace, and criminalisation of the women’s movement.

#İstanbulSözleşmesi10Yaşında @ekmekvegul @esik_platform

Turkey bans sale of alcohol citing the precautions against the pandemic

The AKP and Erdogan’s regime has banned the sales of alcohol as part of its announcement that there will be a complete “lock down” between 29 April and 17 May in the effort to fight the spread of Covid-19. No support is to be available for workers and those living in poverty. 

The decision to ban sales of alcohol is considered a further step in the regime’s imposition of Islamic rules and values on the country. 

Many people in Turkey were supportive of a “lock down”as factories and many non-essential businesses remained opened even as Covid cases increased. However, while the government has called this a “lock down”, it is no different to previous measures. Shops and supermarkets selling essential groceries can remain open, however they will not be allowed to sell alcohol. Opposition groups have attacked the restriction of alcohol sales, stating that this is ideologically led and a further example of interference in the private lives of Turkey’s population. 

The AKP and Erdogan’s regime have been exposed for significant breaches of social distancing, demonstrating that there is one rule for the ruling AKP and another for members of the public. Recently Erdogan’s AKP party transported thousands of supporters to their party conference at which no social distancing measures were in place for participants – at the same time other parties were banned from social gatherings/conferences citing the need for social distancing in order to take precautions against the spread of Covid-19. The government also allowed thousands (including the Minister for Health) to participate in the funeral of a religious leader, whilst restricting all other funerals to 30 participants.  With no hint of irony, the Minister for Health appeared on national television in the evenings calling on people not to participate in social gatherings. 

Turkey’s Constitutional Court refuses examination of Cizre Massacre

The Constitutional Court in Turkey has rejected another application seeking accountability for the deaths of civilians who died in the basements of buildings in the Kurdish town of Cizre (in the province of Sirnak) during the imposition of curfew 5 years ago.

Cizre was turned into a war zone under a round-the-clock military lockdown lasting 78 days from December 2015 to March 2016, during which civilian life was heavily impacted and             people lost their lives as a result of the lockdown and military intervention. There was particular outcry when more than 100 civilians who were sheltering in three basements in Cizre were burned alive. 

At the time various human rights organisations wanted an inquiry in the aftermath, and complained that no judicial authority was allowed into the basements to investigate the crimes.  International organisations including United Nations and  European Parliament formerly have stated that serious violations of human rights occurred in the region during the period of curfews.

The Turkish government also blocked independent investigations, with bodies being taken away and the basements were filled up with rubble to cover up the crimes. Nonetheless the remnants of human bones and military ammunition were found in the basements later. 

“Academics for Peace” organised at that time in opposing state violence and the use of  “heavy weapons and equipment that should only be mobilised in wartime” in Kurdish towns including Cizre. The academics were clear, they said “We will not be party to this crime”. As a result they were all accused of terrorist propaganda and dismissed from public duty. 

Asli Erdogan, prominent renowned author and activist, described the events in Cizre -in an interview published at 2019 in Kedistan magazine- as “beyond war”, and “a policy of massacre” and said that Cizre was a turning point for fascism.

“Where is the $128 billion?”

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Turkey has accused Erdogan and his party of misuse of central bank foreign reserves to uphold the Turkish Lira in 2019-20.

Economist have calculated that back then the sales by state banks to support the Turkish lira totalled $128.3 billion.  

“Where is the $128 billion?” question has become the slogan of the CHP with posters on billboards all over the country.  The ruling AKP, annoyed by this campaign, has deemed the banners on billboards “Insult to the president.” Police forces removed the banners from the billboards and also from the windows of the CHP offices in Istanbul and elsewhere overnight.

This slogan has also became a trending topic on social media. People are asking a straightforward question: “Where is the money? Who stole it?”

Turkish Medical Associations Protest Government’s Pandemic Response

“We don’t give up our right to life, stop deaths” protests, a growing movement of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), were due to take place across Turkey today.

In Istanbul representatives from various Medical Associations came together in front of the Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate to make a press statement about increasing concerns over the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey.

Over the course of the gathering police blocked the press statement and attacked the protestors.

Representatives from the Medical Chamber, Dentists’ Chamber, Pharmacists’ Chamber and Veterinarians’ Chamber wanted to call on the government to take into account the long-term consequences of their actions in order to prevent the increasing number of Covid-19 cases and deaths in the country. Protestors who were chanting “Do not stop the health care workers, stop the virus” were urging the Turkish government to consider new public health regulations across Turkey.  Organisers have stressed that the government’s approach to the pandemic will not reduce the spread of virus in Turkey which has recorded the highest number of daily coronavirus cases since the pandemic began with 60 thousand daily cases.

“The government sees the outbreak process as an opportunity. This disease is a working class disease. All production must be halted except essentials where alternate working conditions in well-ventilated environments must definitely be introduced for workers.” said TTB Chair Prof. Dr. Sebnem Korur Fincanci in a news programme that was broadcast on CommUnity Web TV on 12 April.

TTB has also released a press statement saying that “The correct method in combatting the outbreak is adherence to the science of epidemiology. Treatment is important, but success in any outbreak lies in preventing disease transmission. (…) The management of the outbreak is under the responsibility and coordination of the Ministry of Health, which must be based on scientific knowledge, and carried out in a transparent manner and in collaboration with other relevant components of the society and medical profession.”

According to the Bianet’s report, another press statement planned in Diyarbakir has also been prevented by the police forces. The Health and Social Workers’ Union (SES) Diyarbakır Co-Chair Siyar Guldiken has protested the prevention and said that due to the lack of the  preventive measures 403 health workers have died as of today.

Turkish police abduct MP Gergerlioglu from intensive care

Turkish police detained Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, former People’s Democratic Party (HDP) MP on Friday at his home. Gergerlioglu’s parliamentary status was revoked last month due to a prison sentence on “terrorism” charges and he was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison based on his social media post in 2016 where he retweeted a call for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue. Since then he has started a “justice vigil” to protest this shameful situation in Turkey’s parliament.  

Footage of the moment police arrested Gergerlioglu at his home on Friday was broadcast live through social media.  “The same scandal was repeated,” said his son in a posted message, referring to Gergerlioglu’s detention at the parliament two weeks ago when police did not allow him to put his shoes on.  Once again police did not let him to put his shoes on.

Moreover the attitude of the police officers looks like a reprisal for Gergerlioglu’s stance against torture and ill treatment practices of the Turkish security forces. Gergerlioglu later revealed that they threatened him with physical violence. His lawyer has published the medical assessment report of Gergerlioglu that marks of physical maltreatment.

Later, MP Gergerlioglu was transferred to the hospital where he underwent an urgent angiogram due to a severe chest pain. Shortly after the operation he was taken to a high security prison by the police right from intensive care unit. His family learnt his whereabouts hours later.

As SPOT we are urging our elected MPs and the UK government to call to account Erdogan and the AKP’s unacceptable attack on democracy and human rights in Turkey.

Read our solidarity campaign statement in defence of HDP and its MPs here: http://spotturkey.co.uk/2021/03/22/campaign-write-to-your-mp-to-call-to-account-turkeys-attack-on-the-hdp-and-its-mps/

SPOT calls for an end to advertisement bans on Evrensel

Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, has once again been fined for using the word “attack” while reporting about the Bogazici resistance. The newspaper has been subjected to considerable harassment since it first went to print in 1995 but recently the AKP government has put the paper on its punishment agenda.  

The Public Advertising Agency (BIK) -the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of state advertising and which is under the tight control of the government- has imposed another advertisement ban on Evrensel for allegedly aiming to create a negative perception in Turkish society regarding Turkish enforcement forces loyalty to the republic of Turkey. This accusation solely depends on choosing the “attack of the police” phrase instead of “intervention of the security forces”.

The suppression of Evrensel is part of the ongoing crackdown on independent media outlets that are not pro-Erdogan.

The latest ban came amid the Constitutional Court’s affirmative decision about Evrensel’s appeals regarding the earlier imposed bans by BIK.

As SPOT we are calling for the advertising bans on Evrensel to be lifted with immediate effect which threaten the survival of the newspaper. We also call for solidarity for the survival of the journalism in Turkey.

SPOT calls for the immediate release of detained Bogazici students

Bogazici University students in Istanbul are still under the attack of the reactionary AKP Government in Turkey and its police force. 12 students were detained on Thursday on campus as they gathered to protest against a university investigation into a student for carrying a rainbow flag during the earlier demonstrations.

In addition to yesterday’s detentions, today at least 44 students were detained at the Caglayan courthouse in Istanbul who wanted to express solidarity with the earlier detained students. Journalist Yagmur Kaya from ArtıTV was also detained while reporting the police attack on students attempting to make a statement to the the police. 

According to ArtıTV’s report, police tried to get the detainees on to different police vehicles based on  their gender. In response to objections by students, one police officer said “This is Turkey, get used to it.”  

Academic staff at Bogazici made a statement regarding the detentions saying that it is the duty of the appointed rector to protect the rights of the students: “This situation is the result of the systematic discrimination, hate speech and violence applied to the LGBT community by the government itself. The task of the appointed rector is not to throw its students into the middle of government supported police violence. He must protect their rights and ensure their security. ”

Protests against the appointment of a trustee rector to the university by President Erdogan started on January of this year.  As the resistance of the students grows, systematic police brutality becomes more visible.

SPOT calls on the Turkish president and his security apparatus to release all students in detention immediately, to stop harassments and hate speech against LGBT community and to respect the right of Bogazici staff and students to choose their rector.

Erdogan abuses powers to interfere in private lives of public in Turkey

Turkey’s President Erdogan is using executive powers, including arbitrary decrees to imprison politicians, declare anybody he disagrees with as terrorists, and shut down political parties. 

He is taking decisions in the middle of the night on issues in which he has no authority. In a country where at least 400 women were killed in the past year, he unilaterally withdrew from the Istanbul Agreement which contains important elements for the prevention of violence against women. He has also, in the middle of the night, sacked the governor of the central bank and is bringing land into public ownership only to hand it over to developers within his own party. 

Most recently at his party conference on 24 March, he called on citizens to sell their gold and foreign currency. And, as if this wasn’t enough he called for people to have more children, saying “The age of marriage has almost reached 30. Some families don’t have more than 1 or 2 children”. 

Erdogan constantly tries to enforce his own will, with no regard for any domestic or international law. Meanwhile western countries that claim to be progressive democracies, not least the UK, stand idly by.

Western countries that support Erdogan’s AKP Government to further their own economic interests must also be called to account, because they too are responsible for the authoritarianism and oppression that the people of Turkey continue to face. 

Campaign: write to your MP to call to account Turkey’s attack on the HDP and its MPs

Erdogan and the AKP’s attacks on elected democratic opposition, particularly the HDP have reached new heights.

Many HDP MPs were already in prison and facing false charges of “terrorism”, including the former co-chairs of the HDP Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag. In recent weeks we have witnessed prominent HDP MP Gergerlioglu stripped of his MP status and forced out of parliament and Turkish prosecutors have taken steps to shut down the HDP completely.

These developments are hugely worrying. For some time Erdogan and the AKP have been dismantling the foundations of democracy and using presidential powers and the politicised judiciary to suppress all forms of dissent. 

As SPOT we are urging our elected MPs and the UK government  to call to account Erdogan and the AKP’s unacceptable attack on democracy and human rights in Turkey.

Please join us by writing to your local MP to raise the issue and ask them speak out with us!

Write to your MP, template below:

Dear <<name of mp>>

My name is << insert name here>> and I’m writing to you today about serious concerns about democracy in Turkey, an ally of the British government. The People’s Democratic Party (HDP), which received 11.7 per cent support with nearly 6 million votes in the 2018 parliamentary elections, is facing yet another attack.

Most recently, a Turkish prosecutor has filed a case to demand the closure of the party. Turkey has a long history of shutting down pro-Kurdish political parties, and the crackdown against the HDP has been escalating since 2016 when its former co-chairs were imprisoned. HDP MPs have also had their parliamentary immunities removed and imprisoned by the politically led judiciary system.

The recent indictment demonstrates the scale of pressure on the HDP which has consistently opposed the interventionist politics of the ruling party, advocated democratisation and pushed for the recognition of fundamental rights for Kurdish people.

The court case against the HDP will impact the future of the country and is unacceptable both from a political and a moral perspective.

I call on you to urge the UK government to condemn these attacks on the HDP and call to account President Erdogan and the ruling AKP for its attacks on democracy, rule of law and human rights in Turkey.

Please respond to my letter as soon as possible and outline the steps you intend to take to address my concerns.

I look forward to hearing your response in due course.

Yours sincerely,




Turkey has pulled out of the Istanbul Convention -which protects victims of domestic and gender-based violence and prosecutes offenders- by an abrupt midnight presidential decree.

The Council of Europe “Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence” entered into force in 2011. At the time Erdogan proudly announced the treaty by saying “Violence against women is human rights violation. The Convention was prepared under the leadership of Turkey.”

Withdrawal from the Convention is a huge step backwards in the struggle to combat gender inequality and violence against women in Turkey where at least 419 women have been killed by men in 2020.

Islamist AKP regime perceives the Convention as adverse to the “Turkish family values”. Last year when the law was under the threat of withdrawal, progressive forces rose up and called on the government to fully implement the Convention. Back then the AKP government delayed the withdrawal to find a way to avoid a major backlash. Women organisations and progressive forces once again called for protests under the “Istanbul Convention Is Ours” banner in all major cities across Turkey following the announcement of the withdrawal.

Since consolidating his power and assuming the Presidency, Erdogan has no limits on crushing the rule of law. However according to the lawyers, under the Turkish Constitution, international agreements on human rights are above internal laws thereby overturning the Convention via presidential decree is void and null in itself without the parliament approval. Prominent human rights lawyer Kerem Altiparmak criticised the decree on Twitter by underlining that “Parliament’s will and legislative power were ignored” and said that “The Convention is still in effect.”

SPOT stands with the resistance against attacks on women’s rights and the rule of law in Turkey and condemns President Erdogan and the ruling AKP for their draconian actions.

Turkish Police arrest Human Rights Association Co-chair

Ozturk Turkdogan, Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD) Co-Chair was taken into custody in the early hours of today in Istanbul. He has since been released. 

“This is the latest and obvious example of the pressure on human rights defenders. We will keep informing the public about the process.” said IHD in a statement and added that the reason for taking Turkdogan into custody is unknown.  

Recently IHD was on the target list of the government due to the statements about the Turkish military’s attack on Gare region of Iraqi Kurdistan which has raised many questions. Back then Turkdogan said that the killing of 13 people in Gare was a “war crime” and added that “An effective investigation should be carried out by impartial and independent bodies.”

In the wake of these remarks Interior Minister Soylu targeted IHD in a speech addressing the parliament about the assault to Gare.

At the time Turkdogan responded to the Minister’s remarks saying that “Soylu does not tell the truth about Gare” and he also stressed that IHD has been targeted by authoritarian powers so many times before.

SPOT condemns attacks on HDP and it’s members

A Turkish prosecutor filed a case demanding the closure of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) which won 11.7% support with nearly 6 million votes in the 2018 parliamentary election.

Turkey has a long history of shutting down pro-Kurdish political parties. The People’s Labour Party (HEP) in 1993 and People’s Democracy Party (HADEP) in 2003 were banned from politics. The Democratic Society Party (DTP) was the latest of the series, in 2009.

The crackdown against HDP started to escalate in late 2016, including the detention of its former co-chairs. Since then the Party has faced constant suppression via the politically led judiciary targeting its members, the removal of parliamentary immunities and imprisonment of MPs.

“The AKP government has turned the judiciary into a subsidiary and partisan instrument which it is now using as a stick to design politics. The court case to close our Party is a severe blow to our country’s democracy and law. This government has inscribed its name in history as a coupist government.” HDP said yesterday in a statement. Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, co-chairs of HDP also stated that “HDP is not just a party but also an idea” and “millions of people will stand in defence of their political will and future.”

The details of the indictment were published today by the Anadolu Agency which is considered one of the mouthpieces of the ruling AKP. In the indictment the prosecutor claims that HDP plays an active role in recruiting members for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and demands a five-year political ban on 687 HDP officials. The list includes almost anyone who once served in the party organs and some of the names on the list are already jailed.

The prosecutor, Bekir Sahin, blames the HDP for not standing by the Republic of Turkey in “national affairs.” He listed the names of the military assaults in the indictment as “national affairs”: Olive Branch, Euphrates Shield, Spring Shield and Gare.  

The recent indictment demonstrates the scale of pressure on the HDP which has consistently opposed the interventionist politics of Erdogan’s Islamist party and its ultra nationalist allies, advocated democratisation and pushed for the recognition of fundamental rights for Kurdish people.

The court case against the HDP will impact the future of the country and is unacceptable both from a political and a moral perspective. 

As SPOT we condemn these attacks on the HDP and its members. We also call on the UK government, Labour Party and trade unions to condemn these attacks on the HDP and call to account President Erdogan and the ruling AKP for its attacks on democracy, rule of law and human rights in Turkey.

Turkish Parliament Expels Prominent Opposition MP Gergerlioglu

A court in Turkey has sentenced Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) MP to 2 years 6 months in prison on terror charges. Turkey’s parliament also stripped Gergerlioglu of his MP status today.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a written statement yesterday urging Turkey to not expel Gergerlioglu from the Parliament. Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at HRW said “Jailing Gergerlioglu would look like a reprisal by the Erdogan government for his brave and vocal stance in support of thousands of victims of human rights violations.” 

Gergerlioglu’s conviction is based on his social media post in 2016 where he called for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish issue.  

 “Everybody in Turkey sees that ‘The King is Naked!’. They want to punish me for saying this out loud. (…) I am proud of my struggle as a human rights defender.” said prominent MP in a news programme that was broadcast on CommUnity Web TV on 1 March.

Gergerlioglu also stated that he is “an antimilitarist human rights defender” and fights against ill-treatment in prisons, strip searches and enforced disappearances. “As a physician, I defend the right to life and as a human rights advocate I promote peace. These do not suit those in power” said the MP and stressed that people are aware that this fast-track conviction is a political verdict. 

Gergerlioglu has said that he will resist what he called a “coup” against the assembly. He shouted in Kurdish shortly after the speaker read out the court ruling at the parliament “Biji biratiya gelan. Berxwedan jiyane!” (Long Live International Solidarity. Resistance is Life!)

Baroness Christine Blower, a Labour peer and SPOT Steering Committee member commented “I understand that the Turkish Parliament has today expelled the Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu MP. This is indeed an unacceptable occurrence. As I understand it, they have sentenced him to two and half years in prison on terror charges simply for retweeting a news article from a legal news organisation. It cannot be right that in a country claiming to be a democracy that people are charged, imprisoned and expelled from parliament on the basis of retweeting material from legal sources.”

SPOT calls for solidarity in the fight against the politically led judiciary targeting and imprisoning progressive forces in Turkey.


Bogazici Indictment based on Religious Prohibitions

Seven students from Bogazici University, two of whom had been held in detention, have been acquitted at the first hearing in which they were charged with “publicly provoking the public to hatred and hostility”. The trial was held today in Istanbul.

The prosecutor had demanded that the seven students be sentenced to between 1 and 3 years in prison. 

According to Canan Coskun’s reporting from Diken newsportal, the indictment charging the students takes its reference from the religious practices of Islam. 

The indictment -dated 24 February 2021- states that “images of homosexuality and similar sexual orientations, which are prohibited in Islamic religious literature”, were used in a collage illustration at a campus exhibition alongside an image of a sacred Islamic site. The figure of Shahmaran – a mythical creature, half woman and half snake- in the collage illustration is considered to be against the Islamic belief about “the uniqueness” of God as the sole creator of everything.

This politically motivated judicial process against the Bogazici resistance is unacceptable. Moreover, as a secular country, religious beliefs cannot be invoked in Turkey as a legitimate justification in any indictment for discrimination against the LGBT community.


On 1 January 2021, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appointed a rector to Bogazici University in Istanbul from outside the Bogazici community.

Bogazici University students, staff, alumni and the broader civil society have organised peaceful protests and online campaigns demanding the appointee’s resignation, a return to the democratic process, and an end to outside interference.

These protests were met with escalating attacks by the president, the ministry of the interior, the AKP establishment, and the AKP-controlled media. The political attacks have been accompanied by excessive use of force by the police, supported with snipers located around the campus.

Hundreds of academics, students, activists and trade unionists came together in solidarity with Bogazici University at SPOT online day of action on 21 February.  

Online rally is available to watch:


SPOT sends International Women’s Day message to women in Turkey

As we celebrate international women’s day, your growing resistance against government attacks on women’s liberty, exploitation and discrimination in the workplace, gender inequality and violence against women is an inspiration to women all over the world.

We stand with you and will continue to amplify your fight for democracy, freedom and equality in Turkey for all women!

Erdogan’s Son-in-Law and ex-Treasury Minister still missing

Berat Albayrak, Erdogan’s son-in-law, had resigned publicly on social media from his position as Treasury Minister on 8 November. Since then Albayrak has not been seen and suspicions mounted that Erdogan is punishing him. 

The opposition party expressed concerns about how 128bn dollars had been spent by the treasury whilst Albayrak was minister and began a campaign asking “where is the son-in-law?” In response Erdogan and Albayrak’s lawyers claimed that Albayrak is spending time with his children. However, the CHP is not content with this inadequate response and so continues to ask where Albayrak is and is calling for an explanation for 128bn dollars of spending by the treasury. Albayrak’s lawyer, Sinan Goktas has said he will be taking CHP to court for the campaign and claiming 500 thousand TL in damages. 

It is suspected that Albayrak is being kept under house arrest by Erdogan. When Albayrak resigned as Treasury Minister via social media, pro-government news outlets did not report the story out of fear of repercussions and it was only a few opposition news outlets and journalists that reported the development. Albayrak’s disappearance and suspected punishment by Erdogan is thought to be in relation to his publicly resigning from his post, not as a punishment for misusing public funds whilst in public office. 

Police prevent 8 March exhibition organised by women’s platform

A group of women congregating to set up the “8 March women’s resistance” exhibition, organised by Avcilar Women’s Platform, were blockaded by the police. The women who were kept waiting under blockade held up photos from the exhibition and staged a sit-in protest. 

The Avcilar Women’s Platform met today at Marmara Street at the Egitim Sen Avcilar Branch to set up the “women resisting” photography exhibition. The women who wanted to make a public call for the 5 March protest in Kadikoy and 8 March protest in Taksim, were prevented as soon as they left the building. The women were forced to leave Marmara Street by the police blockade. The police also tried to prevent journalists from capturing images. 

Erdogan government targets opposition after failed military operation

Dilan Dirayet Tasdemir, HDP MP for Agri spoke out in response to Suleyman Soylu, Home Affairs minister, who described her as the “MP that went to Gare”. 

Tasdemir, reacted to Soylu’s claim that she had previously been to Gare where 13 people recently died, saying “If you have this evidence, why didn’t you pass this onto prosecutors? Why did you wait for the Gare operation? We know why you are doing this now. This is an operation to save your position. We know the extensive steps taken in this country to  protect your seats”. 

Pervin Buldan, HDP joint chair also added that the photos shared by Soylu with the press are from a previous visit to Qandil and that that visit was during the “peace process” and with the approval of Erdogan. The pro-government media have ignored both these statements which expose both Soylu and the government’s lies. 

On the other hand, Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu commented on the prison sentence he received, saying “I won’t bow down. If I was that type of person, I wouldn’t have been out on the squares, on political platforms, or defending human rights”. 

After the failed Gare operation 718 HDP members were arrested and investigations started into 9 MPs. This was despite the opposition parties having no knowledge of the military operation and the absence of any evidence to support the allegations against opposition party members. The Erdogan government while claiming successes for itself, lays the blame for its own failures on the opposition. 

Boğaziçi Online Day of Action – Virtual Rally

Hundreds of academics, students, activists and trade unionists joined us in a day of action in solidarity with the Bogazici students in Turkey. Messages of support flooded in and a virtual rally was live-streamed on our facebook page.

Chaired by Baroness Christine Blower, speakers included Tariq Ali (Journalist and Writer), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Umut Turem (Bogazici Academic), Olgun Dursun (Bogazici Student), Vicky Blake (UCU President) Louise Regan (NEU/ETUC).

Find out more about the ongoing fight for academic freedom in Turkey and be inspired by the messages of support and commitment to international solidarity.

Our online rally is available to watch below:

Gare operation being used as an excuse for further crackdown in Turkey

The illegal assault of Turkish military in the Iraqi region of Gare has devastating consequences both for Turkey and the region.

The attack on Gare, where 13 Turkish security personnel held captive by Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and 53 Kurdish guerrillas lost their lives alongside 3 high-ranking Turkish military officials conducting the assault, has raised many questions.

The families of the killed security personnel had been carrying out various activities via official channels for their relatives release since 2016.

Opposition parties have accused the government of failing to act for a peaceful release of the captives since the calls for negotiation made by Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were left unanswered by the Islamist AKP regime in the past six years.

“The government itself must be held accountable before the families of the captives and the public. (…) We call on national and international human rights organisations to take action to investigate the incident and the ensuing deaths in full detail.” said HDP in a statement. 

Ozturk Turkdogan, IHD co-chair, said that the killing of 13 people was a “war crime” and added that “An effective investigation should be carried out by impartial and independent bodies.”

Meanwhile AKP and its nationalist ally instantly vowed to expand operations against PKK.

“We will expand our operations into areas where threats are still dense. We will stay in the areas we secure as long as necessary to prevent similar attacks again.” said Erdogan.

Immediately after the incident, Communication Director of Erdogan released a video accusing HDP -the second biggest opposition party in the parliament- of being equal to PKK.

Analysts commented on the event saying that it looks like an operation designed entirely with domestic politics in mind; as an opportunity to put pressure on the Kurds, Bogazici students and other dissidents and as a path towards closing down the HDP before the elections. More than 700 people who have supported these comments and expressed similar criticisms have been arrested in Turkey since Monday for alleged PKK support, including HDP’s remaining provincial and district chairs.

It is evident that the regime in Turkey is using the death toll – that they caused themselves – as a pretext for new military invasions across the region, a way further to crackdown on dissidents inside Turkey and move toward a total authoritarianism.

Turkey accelerates steps towards facism as 718 people arrested in 40 provinces in 24 hours

Anybody who dares to criticise or defend the truth faces arrest and imprisonment in Turkey. The oppression of opposition groups, particularly HDP members continues. 

In the past 24 hours house raids and police operations have taken place in 40 provinces. 718 people, including HDP members and leadership,  have been arrested. The arrests in provinces such as Sirnak, Agri, Diyarbakir, Urfa, Van, Mardin, Siirt, Hakkari, Mersin and Elazig are a response to criticism expressed by those arrested against the state’s military operation on Gare in Iraq. 

On Saturday, the Turkish military organised an operation on Gare and no effort was made to rescue the 13 hostages held by the PKK, instead the Turkish military bombed the area with no calculations or precautions in place. Those who are saying that Erdogan and the Government should be held responsible for the deaths of the 13 soldiers who were held hostage are all being arrested. The immediate mass arrest and censorship of any criticism raises further concern about the speed at which facism is being established in the country. 

Poverty and desperation in Turkey lead to increasing suicides amongst workers

The deep socio-economic crisis under the AKP regime has led to working families and individuals facing poverty and desperation, with an increase in suicides particularly amongst young people. 

Unal Cetinkaya, a 25 year old construction worker killed himself in what appears to be one of a series of five suicides in the last five days in Kocaeli, Turkey.

“These are my final hours. I never wanted to do this but I cannot cope with the financial trouble.” Cetinkaya said in his suicide note.

Tugay Adak (28), Ahmet Tari (26), Samet Ozer (32) and Kadir Gunduz (28) also committed suicide at the same province in the last week to escape hunger and extreme poverty.

There is a strong correlation between the socio-economic circumstances in Turkey and suicidal despair. As the political and economic conditions deteriorate in the country, deaths from suicide cannot be seen as isolated individual cases.

Writer and women’s activist Aysen Sahin arrested

Aysen Sahin, writer at Evrensel newspaper and women’s rights activist was arrested at her home today and taken to İstanbul Police Headquarters. She shared news of her arrest on Twitter saying “Friends police are at the door, I am being taken to Vatan Police Station. I will get changed and leave. I was unable to let people know individually”. 

Evrensel Chief Editor Fatih Polat, stated that the police have not given a reason for arrest but that it is possibly in relation to the Bogazici protests. 

Student remanded in custody for insulting President Erdogan because her phone number ends in 12

Beyza Buldag, a fine arts student at Mimar Sinan university, has been arrested in relation to the Bogazici protests. In her questioning by prosecutors, she was accused of “insulting the president” and inciting the public to hatred and hostility through her posts on Twitter. The reason cited for the allegation was the use of account @boundayanisma and that the phone number registered to the account ended in 12. 

The purported link was that President Erdogan is the 12th president of Turkey. After her statement was taken, Buldag was referred to the court with an application for her to remain in custody. Buldag was remanded in custody by the court for having “incited the public to hatred”. 

“I salute your courage”

Tariq Ali, sends solidarity message to the Bogazici resistance in a special interview with Evrensel.

TARIQ ALI: I salute your courage. How and when the struggle for academic and other freedoms for minorities of every sort will end I cannot predict. But this moment in the history of modern Turkey will not be forgotten thanks to all of you. In the Western world they have found other ways to crush academic freedoms that were once taken for granted. And not just for students but also for the staff. Here money becomes the weapon. Many universities in Britain, for instance, are intellectual deserts. Your actions are an inspiration to your peers in Pakistan and India and Arab world too. More power to you, my friends.

Erdogan attacks Bogazici Resistance

President Erdogan once again branded the students of Bogazici University as terrorists in a speech to members of his ruling Islamist party today. Throughout his speech, Erdogan took several shots at the protestors who are demanding academic freedom. “This country will not be run by terrorists. We will do whatever is necessary to prevent this. (…) Are you students or terrorists trying to raid the rector’s room?” said Erdogan.

Erdogan also declared that his government will take an uncompromising stance against the protests. His response to the students right to protest shows that he is still in fear of the anti-government protest movement which occurred back in 2013: “This country will not again live a Gezi event in Taksim, we will not allow it.”

Erdogan’s nationalist ally Devlet Bahceli, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader, similarly targeted Bogazici resistance by claiming that “the terrorists” are disguised as students and added that they are not “children of the country.”

Countless people have been criminalised under the AKP regime in the last decade and currently Bogaziçi University staff and students are under attack.

Read our solidarity statement in defence of Bogazici students and academics here: https://tinyurl.com/bogazicisolidarity

SPOT calls for academics to sign solidarity statement in defence of Boğaziçi students and academics

Boğaziçi University staff and students are under government attacks. As SPOT we support their demands for academic freedom and freedom of expression, and call on academics to join our statement confirming our commitment to academic freedom and freedom of expression as global values that should be upheld in Turkey and all over the world.

The statement calls on the Turkish president, his government, his governors, and his security apparatus to end the demonisation of Boğaziçi students and staff; release all Boğaziçi students in detention immediately, and respect the right of Boğaziçi staff and students to choose their rector.

The statement also calls on all heads of governments, higher education institutions, and UNESCO to call on the Turkish officials to respect the demands of Boğaziçi staff and students.

Add your signature now: https://tinyurl.com/bogazicisolidarity

Bogazici resistance call for solidarity as detainees are beaten and tortured

Students at Bogazici University in Istanbul began their protests nearly a month ago against the appointment of a new rector by President Erdogan. As resistance grows, more than 220 people were detained over the solidarity protests in Istanbul and Ankara in the last two days. There are numerous posts on the social media displaying torture or other ill-treatment footages against the protestors.

One of the videos of police brutality during protests in Istanbul has caused outrage which captures multiple police officers physically assaulting an already detained protestor. Police also used disproportionate force against the students and the public ahead of the solidarity protest in Ankara.

Bogazici University students, who were released after being detained, filed criminal complaints over torture and ill-treatments under detention.

Police also targeted journalists reporting at the rally. Halk TV reporter Erdinc Yılmaz and cameraman Murat Erkmen were both hit by rubber bullets as they were covering the demonstrations in Istanbul. Documentary director Kazim Kizil also suffered a serious injury on his face, near his eye.

Bogazici solidarity group said in their Twitter account that earlier today police had made other detentions at bus stops across Istanbul without valid justification to prevent a large crowd gathering in one place.

Bogazici students are calling for solidarity under these hastags:

#9dacama #AsağıyaBakmayacağız #BogaziciDireniyor #BogaziciSusmayacak

Turkish police deploy snipers as Bogazici resistance grows

Bogazici University students gathered today following a call from the campus solidarity group to protest in support for the students who were arrested on 30 January. 

The students were arrested over a collage illustration at a campus exhibition last week.  The exhibition where the mentioned artwork was displayed was part of the ongoing protests against the appointment of a new rector by President Erdogan early this year.  The collage depicts LGBT rainbow symbols alongside an image of a sacred Islamic site. 

Following the arrests, numerous officials from the government including the Interior minister made offensive statements about the students.

Police have been deployed to oversee todays planned solidarity protest and have even positioned snipers at surrounding buildings. During the protests police clashed with students who gathered at the gates of the Bogazici University campus and made further arrests. 

According to Turkish media, journalists were prevented from recording any images of the incident. 

The UK Government must end its silence on the increasingly authoritarian and regressive AKP regime. 

As SPOT we also call on MPs, Trade Unions, Human Rights Organisations, campaign groups and individuals to condemn the horrific attacks on democratic protests in Turkey. 

Turkey’s Interior minister uses hate speech against LGBT community

Students from Bogazici University have been arrested because of a collage at a campus exhibition. The artwork illustrates LGBT rainbow symbols alongside an image of a sacred Islamic site.  

Arrests come on the heels of academics and students at Bogazici University protesting against a government appointed rector since the early days of January 2021.

Since the news broke about the collage arrests, the Governor of Istanbul issued a statement about the incident and accused the students of “mocking religious beliefs.”

Suleyman Soylu, Interior Minister has also used discriminatory remarks about the LGBT community on his twitter account, saying, “4 LGBT deviants who committed the disrespect to the Kaaba-i Muazzama were detained at Bogazici University”.

Omer Celik, spokesman of the AKP, similarly targeted the students by depicting the illustration as “full of hatred and a deviant act.”

Hate speech towards the LGBT community has become a permanent fixture of the AKP’s political rhetoric. According to the Erdogan regime, approved sexual roles are limited to manly men and feminine women, whose principal task is to bear children.  

As this latest attack demonstrates, it is well evidenced that AKP uses the same old narratives concerning religious values for the criminalisation of individuals and groups who are demanding a secular and democratic society.

Farmers to march to Turkey’s Capital against agricultural policies

Farmers across Turkey will march to the capital city on 2 February to protest the agricultural policies of AKP. This is their fifth protest in the last two months.

According to Dilan Kutlu’s report from the ANKA Agency, farmers are warning that farming is no longer a viable livelihood and Turkey will face a devastating food crisis in soon. Farmers especially find it hard to adapt to the increasing costs, which they blame on government policies such as the privatisation of the fertiliser industry.

Huseyin Demirtas, Turkish Agriculturers’ Association (TZD) Chairman, similarly points to the privatisation of the fertiliser industry that occurred in the last decade and says that farmers cannot cope with the excessive fertiliser prices. Demirtas also told Evrensel newspaper that national agricultural policies are being planned by food monopolies.

In addition to the high input costs, farmers are also facing unfair and low initial purchase prices which pushes them into a deep debt cycle. As delinquent loans have increased, agricultural lending institutions are confiscating the tractors and the lands of the farmers. Farmers complain that the bulk of the money is going to the construction companies which work extensively with the ruling AKP and that the government is on the side of Limak, Kolin and Cengiz groups. Farmers are urging the government to erase the debt interest and find a sustainable solution for the agricultural crisis in Turkey.

Solidarity forced abducted Gokhan Gunes release

Gokhan Gunes, a left wing activist has returned to his home six days after he went missing.

At the time Gunes’ family had accessed a surveillance camera footage which captured the abduction of the 23 years old worker and stated that Turkish security forces were involved in his disappearance.

As the incident created a public outcry, Gunes was dropped off blindfolded in a remote district of Istanbul yesterday morning.

“The people who kidnapped and tortured me for days were calling themselves ‘the invisibles’” said Gunes at a press conference on Tuesday organised by the Human Rights Association.

Gunes also stated that the reason for this attack is his socialist identity and his abductors were trying to recruit him as an informant on the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP).

Overwhelming solidarity forced Gunes’s release but still the perpetrators of the incident have yet to be identified.

Suspicions mount over Turkish security force involvement in disappearance of Gokhan Gunes

Gokhan Gunes, a member of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) in Turkey has been missing since 20 January 2021. The disappearance of Gunes, a left wing activist, has brought to the fore the increase in disappearances in Turkey and there is now a widespread call for accountability as to the whereabouts of Gunes.  

Video footage shows that four people surrounded Gunes on his way to work in Istanbul and dragged him into a waiting car. The footage of the abduction was captured by a surveillance camera which the family were able to obtain by their own initiative. Gunes’ family have contacted the police but the authorities have so far denied that he is being held in custody and have launched an investigation into the person that passed the surveillance footage to the family.

Gunes’ family strongly believes that the unknown perpetrators are from state forces since Gokhan has been subjected to threats and harassment and an attempted kidnapping by them in the past. According to the report by the Morning Star newspaper, an ESP spokesperson, Cengiz Fidan said that one of the methods used by the state to stop socialists is through forced disappearances and pressure to become a state agent. Meanwhile police have also arrested 12 people who were protesting the abduction of Gokhan Gunes.

Feryal Clark, Labour MP for Enfield North, also commented on the kidnapping of Gunes on her Twitter account.  “It’s extremely concerning to hear about further forced disappearance of political activist in Turkey, the latest Mr Gokhan Gunes.” said Clark and called on Amnesty International for an investigation to determine the whereabouts of Gokhan Gunes.

SPOT calls for solidarity against these increasing attacks on the members of progressive forces in Turkey and for accountability for Gokhan Gunes and all enforced disappearances. 


Tanrikulu Report Reveals 27,493 Cases of Torture and Ill Treatment under AKP

At least 27,493 people were subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the police or the gendarmerie in Turkey during the 2002-2020 period.

A total of 86 people have died as a result of torture under the ruling AKP government according to a report prepared by Sezgin Tanrikulu, regarding torture and ill-treatment in the country.

Tanrikulu, an opposition MP from the Republican People’s Party (CHP and the deputy chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Inquiry Committee, recently announced the findings of the “Report on Torture and Ill-Treatment under AKP Governments in 2002-2020 period.”

The report illustrates a growing pattern of torture, particularly in 2015 during which there were 5,671 documented cases.

Tanrikulu’s report also highlights that enforced disappearances  are also widespread since the failed coup of 15th July 2016. 

The increase in the serious abuses carried out by the law enforcement agencies seems to be part of the polarised violence climate reigning in the country.

There is an urgent need to act to end torture, inhuman and degrading treatment in Turkey. Standing up against breaches of human rights in Turkey is about standing up for our collective democratic future.

“We do not fear investigation” says Ankara Bar Association

In April 2020, the Ankara Bar Association criticised the Ministry for Religious Affairs for claiming that homosexuality and extramarital relationships spread illness in society. At the time, the Ankara Bar Association, criticised  Ali Erbas’ retention of his position as the Chair of the Ministry for Religious Affairs after his comments about homosexuality and noted that “having retained his role despite the statements he has made about women and children, we shouldn’t be surprised if he goes on in future talks to invite the public to come out in a witch hunt with torches to burn women”.

In a further act of intolerance for any form of criticism, the Ministry of Justice has allowed an investigation into Ankara Bar Association. 

The Chairman of the Bar Association in Ankara, Erinc Sagkan, has replied defiantly saying “There is nothing in our statement which insults religious values. (…) What we wrote is clear. It does not constitute crime. In response to the targeting of a particular group, as a Bar Association which understands human rights and our responsibilities, we reminded the Chair of the Ministry for religious Affairs the human rights contained in our constitution and in the European Convention on Human rights. We are not scared of this investigation. Our actual concern is the independence of the judiciary. It has to be said that in the 2020 Rule of Law Index we are 107 out of 128 countries”. 

Absurd reasons used to deny political prisoners parole

Didar Bozan, Merve Nur Isleyici and Ceylan Bozkurt were imprisoned for “terrorism” offences for attending press conferences and posting on the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) social media group while they were university students. 

The three Kurdish women were convicted of “disseminating propaganda for an outlawed organisation” in 2016 as part of the politically motivated crackdown against dissidents in Turkey.

They all became eligible for parole in January 2021 in accordance with the government’s parole law permitting prisoners who have served at least half of their sentence to be released early. According to Ayca Soylemez’s report from Bianet they were denied parole because the prison administration is of the opinion that the students are not feeling “regretful for their crimes” and can not integrate with society.

“Parole has been virtually ruled out for political prisoners via new regulation which came into effect as of 1 January” said Imdat Atas, the representative speaking on behalf of the students.

According to Penal Execution Institution’s report – dated 7 January 2021 – regarding Didar Bozan’s psychological-social assessment, she cannot integrate with the society since she reads too much. (The Institution refers to the 57 books that Bozan could obtain from her family during her jail time.)

More notably, her eviction is not deemed appropriate in the report also on the grounds of rejecting “spiritual guidance” sessions with an Islamic religious official- which is provided by the Directorate of Religious Affairs.

This case shows how the AKP regime is suppressing the freedom of thought by abusing its powers over the judiciary and prisons to continue the oppression of political prisoners and deny justice.

Erdogan Insulted by Opposition Leader’s “So-called President” Remark

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) criticised Erdogan on the occasion of January 10 Working Journalists Day in Turkey for targeting an opposition daily newspaper. “If, in 2020, a country’s so-called president is directly targeting a newspaper and telling people, ‘I am not reading that newspaper, you should also not buy and read it,’ then think about the tutelage and oppression on the media there” said Kilicdaroglu.

Erdogan has strongly reacted to the “so-called president” description and filed a court complaint against Kilicdaroglu over his remarks.

As a matter of fact Erdogan himself is fond of the “so called” expression and never hesitates to use it. For example he spoke of the peace academics in the country as “so-called intellectuals” or has used the phrase “the so-called advocates of justice” when referring to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Recently he even said that the rights of the jailed Kurdish opposition leader are “so called”: “We are not going to protect the so-called rights of a terrorist like Demirtas.”

Erdogan’s list of his usage of the term “so called” goes on and on and with his latest reaction – when it was applied to himself – shows that he deems the phrase an insult.

Worker Death Toll in Turkey at least 2,427 in 2020

Health and Safety Labour Watch (ISIG) published its “Year 2020 Report of Workplace Manslaughters”. According to the report, last year, at least 2,427 workers lost their lives in workplace manslaughters.

The report is compiled using information from the national press (66%) and workplace safety specialists, workplace doctors, trade unions and local press (34%). The number of unannounced worker deaths is unknown.

In the report, the monthly distribution of workplace manslaughters was provided as follows:

January – 114 workers

February- 132 workers

March – 113 workers

April – 223 workers

May – 166 workers

June – 190 workers

July – 164 workers

August – 218 workers 

September – 211 workers

October – 232 workers

November – 308 workers 

December – 356 workers

In the gender distribution of workplace manslaughters in 2020, it was stressed that 148 women, 2,279 men workers lost their lives.

In the age distribution of workplace manslaughters, there were 22 child workers under the age of 14, and 46 workers aged between 15 and 17. It was noted that “between the ages 18 and 27, 258 workers; between the age of 28 and 50, 1,079 workers; between the age of 61 and 64, 708 workers; over the age of 65, 159 workers; and 155 workers at unknown age, lost their lives.”

SPOT is concerned by the large number of workers losing their lives everyday in Turkey, and supports trade unions, strikes and wider campaigns aimed at securing workers’ rights, particularly with respect to health and safety. 

Turkey’s media penalised for publishing news on government corruption

In 2018 it was revealed that Erdogan’s AKP, which governed Istanbul for 25 years, was responsible for embezzling 15 million Turkish Lira. In March 2019, the CHP, the opposition party which won the local elections in Istanbul began legal proceedings against the AKP.

Following this development the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoglu, banned the news stories relating to this corruption scandal. As if this wasn’t enough, he also banned news stories reporting on the ban itself. Media and news organisations which have defied the ban have been penalised. Most recently, Evrensel newspaper was issued a penalty (banning any advertisements in the paper for three days) for publishing a news story about the Cumhuriyet newspaper’s publishing of the Minister for Communications, Fahrettin Altun’s illegal housing development as a result of which Cumhuriyet itself was taken to court. These latest developments show that Turkey is progressing towards fascism, and yet Europe and the UK continue to support this regime. 

The oppressive regime in Turkey must be opposed and SPOT calls for solidarity against these increasing attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms in Turkey.

Erdogan’s mocking freedom of press speech

President Erdogan has claimed that under his rule media has become “more vocal and more free” in Turkey. The reality is that Turkey remains the worst jailer of journalists globally and is 154th inin the 2020 World Press Freedom Index. 

Speaking on the occasion of January 10 Working Journalists’ Day, Erdogan said “As Turkey, we will never give up on freedom of the press”.  These lies by Erdogan cannot mask the reality that journalists across Turkey that dare to write, speak, publish or broadcast anything  critical of Erdogan and the AKP face criminalisation and harassment.  The severity of the repression of the media can be see in the increasing number of systematic investigations, prosecution, intimidations and harassment towards journalists and is a constant reminder of Erdogan’s  total lack of respect for freedom of press and the freedom of expression in Turkey.

At least 808 journalists have been arrested during the AKP rule and 87 journalists were sent to prison in 2020 alone. For example Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, was fined for an advert featuring a girl holding a yellow, green and yellow scarf.

International solidarity is crucial to oppose the oppression by Erdogan’s government against freedom of press.

Everyone can be branded a terrorist in Turkey

Bogazici University academics and students continued their fifth day of protests, which were sparked by the latest appointment of the rector Melih Bulu (a member of Erdogan’s Islamist AKP party).

Erdogan accuses protestors, who are defending academic autonomy, and those supporting them of being “terrorism-related.”

Meanwhile, students are rejecting the accusations and have posted a video on social media remarking that in Erdogan’s Turkey, everyone can be branded as a terrorist. One of the students said: “I was declared a terrorist because I am exercising my democratic right to protest”.

Erdogan specifically targeted Canan Kaftancioglu, Istanbul Chair of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), due to her public support for the students at Bogazici and accused her of being a militant of an outlawed organization which is known as the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C).

Kaftancioglu is widely recognised as a key factor in her party’s success against Erdogan in the municipal elections in Istanbul. Previously Istanbul had been held by AKP and its Islamist predecessors for 25 years.

In 2019, Kaftancioglu was sentenced to nearly 10 years on a range of fabricated charges including “terrorist propaganda” and insulting President Erdogan. The charges were related mostly to tweets that she has posted. An appeals court upheld the mentioned prison sentence on June 2020, this decision was later appealed against. 

After two decades of AKP rule, society and its institutions have been transformed and Turkey is increasingly shaped by nationalist, Islamist and authoritarian forces. 

As SPOT we support both the fight for academic freedom at Bogazici University and across Turkey, and the ongoing fight for democratic freedom. 

Evrensel newspaper fined for anniversary advert featuring Kurdish colours

Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, which has been under intense pressure since it first went to print in 1995, has been fined for an advert featuring a girl holding a yellow, green and yellow scarf. The advertisement commemorated the 25th anniversary of the newspaper.

The Ministry of Trade issued the fine alleging that featuring these colours meant that the advert contained  “elements that disrupt the public order, leading to acts of violence and illegal or condemned behaviour or encouraging or supporting such behaviours”.

TELE1, a television channel that is not aligned with the AKP, was also fined recently for airing the same advert.

Turkish authorities continue to punish dissident voices and suppress independent media sources. And this latest attack on Evrensel is part of the ongoing crackdown on independent media outlets that are not pro-Erdogan.

Erdogan tightens grip on universities

President Erdogan tightens his grip on universities as he directly appoints Professor Melih Bulu as the rector of Bogazici University, which is one of the most respected universities in the country.

Bulu has extremely close connections to Erdogan’s ruling party and is not from the university’s own academic community. The appointment has sparked reaction and criticisms include reference to Bulu’s lack of academic credentials and poor academic record. 

Academics at Bogazici University have released a statement saying that this is the first time since the “1980s military tutelage” that an academic from the outside of the university’s own community has been appointed as rector, ”We do not accept it as it clearly violates academic freedom and scientific autonomy, as well as the democratic values of our university.”

As if the AKP’s dismissals, expulsions, arrests and detentions of the academics since July 2016 were not enough, directly appointing university rectors sets both a dangerous precedent and greatly reduces the institutional autonomy of the universities and academic freedom in Turkey.

Police wait at hospital room to arrest woman following labour

Lawyers have criticised police in Turkey who have been waiting for Hacer Yildirim to be discharged from the hospital where she has just given birth. The decision to take into custody relates to the Bylock investigation (which concerns the use of a messaging app the government believes is linked to the Gulen movement). 

34 year old Yildirim’s baby is in intensive care due to water in the baby’s lungs. Yildirim’s lawyer Çiğdem Koç was outraged, saying “I am curious as to what her crime is…she cannot go anywhere in her state, there is no suspicion that she will run away. Detaining in custody is a precaution. What evidence do they expect her to tamper with? I don’t know how we can explain this? How can we explain the legal rights of women who have just give birth?”

Yıldırım is a sociology graduate from Erzurum Ataturk University. She was previously employed at Gaziantep District Governor Rehabilitation, Social Support and Solidarity Trust, and later Bolu Town Social Support and Solidarity Trust. In September 2016 Yildirim lost her job. Her husband, a teacher, was also dismissed from his work by decree and served 15 months in prison as part of the Government’s purge of public sector workers. Since that time Yildirim has been making ends meet selling hand made knitted bags, socks and dresses.

Regular monitoring shows dire state of media freedom in Turkey

Baris Yarkadas, ex-opposition MP and journalist continues to release regular reports on attacks on journalists and the media.  The latest report paints a tragic yet unsurprising picture with respect to press and media freedom in Turkey, showing that in December 2020 alone:

  • 35 journalists were brought before the courts,
  • 4 journalists were sentenced to 42 years and 6 months in prison,
  • 1 newspaper was given a 3 day ban on adverts,
  • 1 journalist was given a 10,000 Turkish Lira penalty, and 
  • 1 TV channel closed leaving 180 journalists unemployed

The report also shows that in 2020: 

  • 491 journalists were brought before the courts,
  • 37 journalists received a total of 151 years in prison, and 
  • 33 channels were subject to financial penalties and temporary closure. 

Protests called across Turkey after triple femicide in one day

Women across Turkey will take to the streets in protest following the murder of three women in one day. 

In 2020 at least 419 women have been killed by men in Turkey. Yesterday three more women died in this way. In Istanbul, Aylin Sozer’s throat was slit and she was burned to death by Kemal Delbe (allegedly her ex-boyfriend). In Malatya, Selda Tas was killed by her husband and in Antep, Vesile Donmez was killed by her son. 

There has been outrage at the ongoing impunity with which these murders continue to happen, especially in the context of growing concerns around the AKP’s failure to honour the Istanbul Agreement. Earlier in the year protests erupted against the AKP Government’s intention to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention, which is widely regarded as providing an effective framework for the prevention of Violence Against Women. 

These horrific murders further amplify the failure of AKP government to effectively protect women at risk and apply much needed prevention measures in relation to escalating rates of femicide and violence against women. 

Protests have been called across Turkey: 

Dr Aylin Sozer’s students will be protesting her death at 14:00 today at Istanbul Aydin University where she taught.  

The End Violence Against Women Platform will be protesting 16:00 at Maltepe Karanfil  Street, Istanbul where Aylin Sozer was killed. 

The Campaign Group for the Implementation of the Istanbul Agreement will be holding a rally at 19:00 at Kadikoy Eminonu pier, Istanbul. 

Ankara Women’s Platform will be protesting outside Cankaya Municipality at 17:30.  

The Campaign Group – We are not giving up on the Istanbul Agreement is calling a protests at 17:30 at Karsiyaka Pier in Izmir. 

Adana Women’s Platform have also called a protest for 14:00 on 31st December. 

Turkey’s main opposition leader warns “Erdogan is a dictator”

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the main opposition the Republican People’s Party (CHP), warns that Turkey is on course for a deeper economic and social disaster and reiterated his call for a snap election.

“At present Turkey is ruled by a dictator. All Erdogan’s features are in keeping with the definition of a dictator by any political textbook”, said Kilicdaroglu who supports a reinforced role for parliament in the constitution.  

According to Birkan Bulut’s report for Evrensel Daily, Kilicdaroglu has said that despite all the negativity he is not pessimistic since he believes that “Turkey will surpass the current problems with its own internal dynamics and democracy.”

Kilicdaroglu also said that Turkey must implement the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) final judgment which orders immediate release of prominent Kurdish politician Selahattin Demirtas. “Constitution obliges the implementation of the ECHR decision. It will take a heavy toll if they won’t implement it. Though it would not be surprising. (…) This will result in breaking ties with the European Union.”

The case of Olay TV – A new low in Turkish Broadcasting History

Privately owned Olay TV has been subject to intense questioning by pro-government circles over its nonpartisan coverage of news stories and has been shut down after just 26 days on air on National TV. 

Suleyman Sarilar, Chief Editor of the channel said that Cavit Caglar (the channel’s owner) claimed he is under “great pressure from government and can not continue with this broadcasting team.” On the other hand Caglar also said he deemed the station’s editorial line was too pro-Kurdish and has personally decided to shut the channel down. 

Caglar, a controversial business figure and also a former Turkish government minister in 1990s, said “I have been active in centre-right politics and served this country. I was unsettled by the broadcasts of Olay TV’s editorial team”. 

In terms of media freedom we are already witnessing one of the most difficult periods in Turkey. Media ownership is concentrated in the hands of a few companies which are allied with Islamist AKP and has overlapping ownership in almost every sector in the country. 

Numerous independent TV channels, including Hayat TV and IMC TV were closed down in the last 5 years on the pretext of terrorism charges. As part of this ongoing suppression campaign, closure of Olay TV due to the hidden pressure mechanisms of the AKP regime, reflects a new low in Turkish broadcasting history. 

Baldur Factory Workers Strike for Union Recognition

Workers at the Baldur Factory in Sekerpinar Organised Industrial Zone in Gebze, which manufactures suspension components and other parts for the automotive industry, were fired in 2016 for joining a branch of Birlesik Metal Is (United Metal Workers) Union, a progressive labour union.  

At that time the workers were forced to become members of Turkish Metal Workers Union which is a union supported by bosses, known as a yellow union. However workers continued to resist despite facing various pressures and after years of struggle they once again unionised under the Gebze No.2 branch of the United Metal Workers’ Union (Birlesik Metal İs).

Recently the union received the authorisation for to represent the workers’ rights and contract procedures. During this process, the Baldur bosses continually objected to the authority of the union. Once again the workers from Birlesik Metal-İs Union were fired on the same day that the union gained their authorisation at the Sekerpinar.

As a result Baldur workers have voted in favour of a strike in order to push for recognition of their trade union rights. Baldur bosses have hired 15 workers as strike-breakers, and the police force have threatened striking protestors and arrested four of those on strike.  Despite these intimidation tactics, the workers of Baldur factory did not allow their unity to be broken and as of today have started their resistance.

Representatives of major labour organisations and members of progressive political parties have joined the picket lines to show solidarity with the workers.

Ercument Akdeniz, General Chair of Labour Party, joined the picket line to support the workers and stressed that these kind of foreign capital forces flourish with anti-labour policies, “They can get strength from the one-man regime, but here we have the working class, we have our party. We will carry this strike to success, arm in arm with the workers.”

Notorious Judge Gurlek Sentences Exiled Journalist Can Dundar to 27 years in Jail

Can Dundar, a prominent journalist in exile since 2016, has been sentenced to 27 years in prison. This sentence is considered a continuation of the imprisonment of journalists through the use of arbitrary terrorism charges, as well as persistent harassment and suppression of media freedom by Turkey’s ruling AKP.

The sentence issued to Dundar relates to the publication of a news story evidencing the complicity of the National Intelligence Organisation of Turkey (MIT) in providing arms to ISIS in Syria. The story exposed the AKP government’s lies at the time. At the time some representatives of the government said that the arms were being transported to “Turkmen”, while others said that this was a transfer of “humanitarian aid.” In response to the news story, President Erdogan labelled Dundar as “the enemy of the state” and threatened that Dundar would “pay a heavy price”. Subsequently in 2016 Dundar, was sentenced to five years in prison and later released pending appeal.

In March 2018, the Supreme Court of Appeals reversed Dundar’s conviction for disclosing classified documents, saying that he should have been charged with espionage. A retrial began later the same year to which the current sentence relates.

Following outcry by journalists, political parties and democracy campaigners all over the world against Dundar’s latest sentence, President Erdogan’s communications director claimed that Dundar’s sentence does not violate freedom of expression and said that Turkey expects Germany to accept the court’s decision and extradite Can Dundar.

Meanwhile the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas responded to the extradition demand of exiled journalist by calling the verdict “a hard blow against independent journalistic work in Turkey.”

There has also been fierce reaction against the presiding judge in the sentencing of Dundar, who cited charges including “political espionage” and “aiding a terrorist organisation” in his decision to hand down a 27 year sentence. Few months ago the same judge also ordered the seizure of Dundar’s properties in Turkey as well as bank accounts in his name.

The judge, Akın Gurlek, is notoriously known for the heavy prison sentences in politically motivated lawsuits, and is frequently chosen to lead high-profile cases closely followed by the public. His history is full of rulings reflecting Erdogan’s significant control over the decisions of the judiciary. 

Notably, Gurlek’s list includes the trials of Selahattin Demirtas – former co-leader of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Selcuk Kozagacli, – the Chair of Progressive Lawyers Association, and Canan Kaftancioglu – Republican People’s Party (CHP) Istanbul Chair.

Gurlek was also the judge in the trial of Academics for Peace and behind the prison sentence issued to Sebnem Korur Fincanci, a prominent medical human rights expert and current Chair of Turkish Medical Association (TTB).  He also refused to implement the Constitutional Court’s “rights violation” decision regarding Enis Berberoglu, former MP from CHP.

These cases are all cited as evidence of the lack of independence of the judiciary in Turkey and how through hand picked judicial appointments President Erdogan exercises direct control over the actions of the judiciary. 

As SPOT we stand in solidarity with Can Dundar and all journalists who are facing oppression and imprisonment under the Erdogan regime.

Journalist Özcan Yaman fined for criticising President’s son

Özcan Yaman, an Evrensel journalist in Turkey has been fined 10 thousand lira for an article in which he criticises the Turkish President Erdogan’s son. The article concerned the 2014 telephone calls between the President and his son, Bilal Erdogan, which were leaked to the press. The phone calls revealed the bribes and corrupt way that Erdogan and his family made fortunes worth millions of dollars and euros. In the phone calls Erdogan calls his son to discuss how they can rescue the money, revealing money laundering activity. 

Yaman wrote an article on the subject on 4 April 2014 using a photograph taken by a photographer colleague. This article became the subject of legal action by the Erdogan family against Yaman. The case was heard in the court on 23 December as a result of which Yaman was fined 10 thousand lira. 

The lack of independent judiciary and the routine bowing of judges to the wishes of Erdogan means that no journalist in Turkey is offered a fair trial – both in the criminal and civil courts. It appears that this ruling, like many others in Turkey, is a further example of President Erdogan undermining the rule of law and stifling the freedom of the press. 

On the other hand, despite evidence of corruption and money laundering, no legal action has been taken against Erdogan, his family and or his close circle. 

European Human Rights Court orders immediate release of Selahattin Demirtas

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has ordered Turkey to immediately release from prison the prominent opposition politician Selahattin Demirtas (former co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party – HDP). 

The grand chamber ruling found that Demirtaş has had his freedom of expression, liberty and right to free elections breached, stating that his detention had “the ulterior purpose of stifling pluralism and limiting freedom of political debate”. 

Demirtas has been imprisoned since 2016, accused of more than 100 separate charges (including being the leader of a terrorist organisation and insulting the president). He faces a total of 142 years.

In today’s binding judgment the Court stated that they did not see any evidence that established a link between Demirtas and the alleged offences. Demirtas is a leading figure and highly respected opposition politician, and it is widely acknowledged that his imprisonment is motivated by President Erdogan’s wish to entrench a one-man regime and stifle all democratic opposition.

The grand chamber judgment also states that the prolonged detention of Selahattin Demirtaş is contrary to “the very core of the concept of a democratic society” (…) and sends “a dangerous message to the entire population.”

SPOT calls for the immediate release of Selahattin Demirtas and all opposition politicians who have been arbitrarily detained in Turkey. 

SPOT calls for Freedom for Leyla Guven

Leyla Guven, former Peoples’ Democratic Party MP (HDP) and co-chair of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), has been sentenced to 22 years and 3 months in prison under the pretext of “establishing and leading a terrorist organisation.”

The ruling AKP accuse all progressive democratic opposition of terrorism as a means of silencing and suppressing growing dissent, and the imprisonment of Leyla Guven, prominent female politician is unacceptable. There has been an outcry by progressive organisations, political parties and democracy campaigners against the sentence and detention of Guven in Turkey. As SPOT we call for Leyla Guven’s immediate release.

Leyla is known for her hunger strike over 200 days, calling for an end to the isolation of jailed Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan. She ended the strike in May 2019, following Ocalan’s meeting with his lawyers.

She was arrested in 2009 as part of a large crack-down against Kurdish politicians and was released in 2014. She was also imprisoned for a year in 2018 for calling the Turkish military operation against  Syrian Kurdish militia an “invasion.”

She was stripped of parliamentary immunity June this year due to another prison sentence she had received. Yesterday, while police were taking her into custody from her home in Diyarbakır, Guven said that “If I were to escape, you won’t even notice whatsoever. I am not going anywhere. Whether inside or outside, I will continue to do politics.”

In a statement, HDP said:

“Leyla Guven is the will of the people. Her resistance and struggle have been an inspiration to the people of the world. (…) This hostile decision is not only against Leyla Guven, not only against the DTK, but also against all the Kurds and the entire opposition. (…) Neither Leyla Guven nor we will give up the struggle because of punishments and arrests.”

Scores of women detainees reveal prevalence of torture and degrading treatment

Recently the declarations of an increasing number of woman detained on terrorism charges show that Turkish security forces are using strip searches systematically to enforce fear and to humiliate.

Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, MP from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), who brought up the claims regarding strip searching of female detainees across Turkey, said that in some cases detainees were asked to undress in front of several police officers and squat multiple times while naked.

In an interview on Euronews, Ozlem Zengin, vice chair of ruling lslamist AKP parliamentary group, denied the allegations by saying “I, by no means, believe that there are strip searches in Turkey.” She also accused Gergerlioglu of “terrorising the parliament” with these allegations. She even claimed that “the conditions in Turkey’s prisons are incomparably better than the rest of the world.”

Zengin’s denial stirred a debate on the social media. Even though the issue is still a taboo in Turkish culture, scores of woman detainees have found the courage to speak out, exposing their torture experiences under the hashtag “ÇıplakAramaya SessizKalma” (Don’t stay silent to strip searches).

Academic calls universities brothels

Known for his closeness to AKP, Sakarya University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu targeted young people by saying ‘Universities are brothels’

In the program named “Derin Kutu”, presented by Sabri Balaman on Akit TV (a mouthpiece for AKP and Erdogan’s propaganda), Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu, speaking about the generation Z, said that participation in university classes is low.

Sofuoğlu, who had previously been shortlisted to run as an AKP MP, continued by saying “Our President has also stressed this. They are almost brothels”. When guests on the show challenged the remarks, Sofuoğlu offered to show them around adding that this was common place. 

Sakarya University Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Savaşan made a statement on the subject on his social media account. Rector Savaşan said, “It is by no means possible to accept and tolerate the statements made by Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu, a faculty member of our university, on a national channel.” 

Istanbul Prosecutors are investigating Sofuoğlu following his remarks and Sakarya University has also announced that it will launch an internal investigation into Sofuoğlu for degrading treatment based on social class, race, religion, denomination, sex or geography.  

Students, including the youth wing of Turkey’s Labour Party (Emek Genclik), have called for Sofuoğlu’s academic titles to be withdrawn and for him to be dismissed from the university. 

Erdogan directs judiciary to keep Demirtas and Kavala behind bars

Turkey’s President Erdogan has given a clear instruction to the judiciary to keep the jailed former co-leader of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtas, and the human rights campaigner, Osman Kavala, behind bars.

When asked to comment on the unjust ongoing detention of Kavala and Demirtas, Erdogan said “Demirtas is a terrorist” and the “judiciary will not protect a terrorist like him.” In a statement, which is clearly aimed at warning the judiciary, he said “It is not for me to intervene in the business of the judiciary but we are not going to protect the so-called rights of a terrorist like Selahattin Demirtas. (…) I believe that our judiciary won’t provide an opportunity for a terrorist like him. We will never pave the way for his release.” 

These words show Erdogan’s intention to continue to deny justice to thousands activists, journalists and politicians (including those from the HDP) who remain behind bars.

It is well evidenced that Erdogan exercises significant control over the decisions of the judiciary and statements such as these result in the continued denial of justice for those already detained or in the criminalisation of individuals and groups he publicly targets. 

AKP registers all rainbow themed products 18+

Recently colours of the rainbow have become a political issue in Turkey.

A few months ago Egitim-Sen, the Teachers’ Trade Union in Turkey announced that school principals were receiving orders from local education directorates raising concerns about rainbow drawings. According to the Union’s statement, the Ministry of National Education has ordered teachers not to allow students to draw rainbows during the COVID-19 pandemic, amid fears that the drawings will “turn children gay.” 

The Ministry of Trade has also ordered the mandatory registration of rainbow coloured goods as “+18 label required products.” 

Homosexuality is not illegal in Turkey, yet this attempt of the ministry is based on the decision of the “Board of Advertisement”- to ban the patterns that resemble LGBT colours with the aim of “saving the kids” from the “sexual inversion”. 

Under the rule of Erdogan’s Islamist party, Turkey has become more and more conservative in recent years. Lately hate speech towards the LGBT community has become a permanent fixture of the AKP’s conservative political rhetoric. This +18 age warning on rainbow themed products is the latest example of the government’s attempts to suppress Turkey’s secular public. 

In addition to these homophobic regulations and political narratives of the AKP, other controversial changes which have sparked anger amongst the public include religion oriented new education curriculums and restrictive regulations on the sale of alcoholic beverages.

These overwhelming examples reflect the reality of living under the AKP regime, which has made significant moves away from being a secular state.

Reporting ban on new child abuse revelations in Batman

It has been reported that on 12 November 2020, a 15 year old child reported that she had been raped and got pregnant, to the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in the southeastern Batman province of Turkey. 

Further revelations about the sexual abuse experienced the minor were uncovered by Jinnews, a women-centered news agency, however many questions remain unanswered.

The tragedy has become a top-trending topic on Twitter in Turkey -under the hashtag “#GercüşteNeOluyor”- with people calling on authorities to reveal the claims of a child being sexually abused by 27 men, including soldiers and police officers.

After the sexual abuse was reported and caused a widespread outrage on the social media, Turkish authorities have imposed a publication and broadcast ban on the news regarding the allegations.

Since the news broke, the Governor of Batman issued a statement about the case and accused Jinnews of being “a supporter of a terror organisation”. Access has been blocked to the news agency’s website.

Suleyman Soylu, the Interior Minister said no public official has been identified as a suspect in the investigation despite numerous allegations. But the public has a deep rooted mistrust about Soylu as a result of his stance towards another sexual abuse offences, including one recently committed by a sergeant in the Turkish Army. On that occasion – which also occurred in Batman- a soldier kidnapped a teen and repeatedly raped her over a 20-day period and drove her to suicide. At the time, in response to the mounting reactions, Soylu issued a statement threatening legal action against media organisations that reported on the incident. Soylu has also accused women’s organisations of “constantly bringing this issue to the agenda in order to cover up the things done by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).”

With each passing day, an increasing number of women are becoming victims of femicide, violence and sexual abuse in Turkey.

Impunity is encouraged with reduced sentences and the release of perpetrators becoming routine. The public has lost trust not only in government officials but also the judiciary.

In the face of a growing epidemic of violence against women and girls in Turkey, the Governing AKP proposed withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, a European treaty designed to prevent violence and domestic abuse against women. This attempt in itself reflects AKP’s policies towards the women.

SPOT issued a call to action to end violence against women in Turkey on 25 November, and today we call again on MPs, Trade Unions, Human Rights Organisations, Women’s Organisations Campaign Groups, media and individuals to support the Women’s movement in Turkey.

Read our call to action here


Teenage boy shot and killed by Turkish soldiers

Ozcan Erbas, a 16-year-old Kurdish boy was killed by Turkish soldiers in Hakkari -a southeastern province of Turkey- on 30 November 2020.

According to the Mezopotamya News Agency (MA), SabriErbas, the victim’s uncle, said that Ozcan Erbas was having picnic at Anadag district with his two friends when the soldiers opened fire on them.  “We went to take him after learning about the incident, soldiers did not allow us to help him. Ozcan was shot by a bullet in the back. I finally carried Ozcan on my back and took him to the Hakkari State Hospital for a post-mortem examination.” told uncle Erbas.

The Hakkari governor called the teenagers “smugglers” in a written statement, said that Ozcan Erbas “was killed accidently while the soldiers were firing their guns into the air.”

People in Turkey’s Kurdish populated areas feel under siege because of the heavy presence of the military in the region and frequent crimes committed by the government security forces. Despite strong evidence of guilt, perpetrators often benefit from the deep rooted culture of impunity in Turkey.

Female worker at Kromsan factory fired for complaining about violence

A female Kromsan factory worker in Manisa named Selma Cetin shared her story on social media, after she experienced violence at the hands of an assistant foreman and then had her rights infringed by factory management.

The factory management declined to watch the security camera footage and instead decided to fire Selma Cetin by alleging that she “breached the rules of morality and goodwill” in the workplace.

Bosses continue to use article 25/2 to fire workers even though it is forbidden to fire workers during the pandemic. 

Women are particularly impacted as Article 25/2 allows an employer to terminate the employment of a worker without having to comply with prescribed notice periods or pay severance pay if the worker is found to engage in immoral or dishonourable conduct. Workers dismissed in this way struggle to find work with other employers because their employment record is marked with a code 29 and they are also not entitled to unemployment payments from the government.

This element of Turkish employment law has been used frequently in Turkey to dismiss women who complain about working conditions or have experienced harassment or assault at work. 

The myth of the “Independent Judiciary” in Turkey

Turkey’s Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) has appointed 11 judges and prosecutors as new members to the Supreme Court of Appeals.

The appointment came shortly after President Erdogan’s highly debated announcement about new judicial reforms aimed at stabilising the legal situation – one of the most fiercely debates topic in the country.

In the context of the biased composition of the HSK, these latest appointments do not offer any safeguards for the independence of the judiciary. On the contrary today’s appointments are yet another example of Erdogan’s control over the courts. The new list of appointees includes controversial prosecutors and judges, whose personal records thus far have demonstrated their lack of independence. For instance Irfan Fidan, Istanbul’s chief public prosecutor was mostly known for his notorious indictment against the human rights defender Osman Kavala.  

Another newly appointed member of the Supreme Court of Appeals is Yuksel Kocaman -Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor- who recently sparked controversy when he visited President Erdogan after his own wedding day. Afterwards Kocaman prepared an absurd new indictment to prevent the release of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) former co-chair Selahattin Demirtas. 

The list also includes Selfet Giray, chief judge of a High Criminal Court, which ruled on the most important mass trial known as the Akıncı case, regarding the coup attempt in Turkey in 2016.

These appointments show how appointments are made based on alliance or dependence on the AKP and President Erdogan, and further undermine the independence of the judiciary and the right to a fair trial in Turkey. 

Global coalition calls Turkey to account for lack of effective investigation into Elci’s death

Five years ago, on 28 November 2015, Diyarbakır Bar Association Chair Tahir Elçi was murdered while making a statement to the press in Sur, Diyarbakır. 

Elci was a highly respected lawyer who was well known for representing victims at the European Court of Human Rights in a cases relating to forced evictions of Kurdish villages, disappearances, and torture and ill-treatment by the security forces and the Turkish state. 

Shortly before his death on live TV Tahir Elçi stated, “The PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party] is not a terrorist organisation.” The CNN, which aired the show, was fined 700 thousand lira and Tahir Elçi was detained as a result. 

Elci had also spoken publicly about death threats he recieved, including some which described how they would kill him. Five years after his death, those responsible for murdering Elci have not been brought to justice. 

The Turkish government, judiciary and police have shown a complete lack of respect for the rule of law, and failed in their responsibility to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the murder of Elci. 

The Turkish authorities’ failure to carry out a prompt, effective, impartial, and independent investigation into Tahir Elci’s death and bring to trial those responsible for his death is unacceptable. 

This year international lawyers and human rights organisations have issued statements and written to the Turkish State to call to account the lack of effective investigation into Tahir Elci’s death. 

A global coalition of human rights organisations and law societies have written a joint letter to the Turkish authorities to call for: 

  • the case to be heard by an independent, impartial, and competent court that is capable of establishing the facts and truth around the killing of Mr Elçi
  • all future hearings comply with international standards regarding the right to a fair trial, in which the victims’ rights are also recognised
  • the lawyers for the Elçi family be given reasonable opportunities to be heard and to make their applications in relation to the procedure and the evidence
  • where submissions are refused, reasons for refusal are given in accordance with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights 
  • a fair judicial procedure be followed, that those who are responsible for Tahir Elçi’s killing are held accountable and serve sentences appropriate to the gravity of the crime committed
  • the Elçi family be provided with appropriate redress for the violations they and their loved one have suffered in accordance with the international obligations of Turkey and the Minnesota Protocol. 

The full letter and signatories can be found here

Unionised Metal workers targeted by employers

Turkish authorities, who are notorious for breaching the international labour standards, continue to violate fundamental labour rights through illegal tactics.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, unpaid leave has been used as a stick against workers which reveals the unequal impact of the pandemic in the labour market compared to the other segments of the society.

The workers of Systemair HSK, Ozer Electricity and Baldur factories -which are the Turkish supply chains in the metal industry of major multinational companies- have been put on unpaid leave or fired for joining a union (without any severance pay). 

Birlesik Metal-Is (United Metal Workers’ Union) members decided to hold a protest march from Gebze, an industrial town in Kocaeli, to Ankara to fight back against the open and illegal assault on their right to freedom of association.

The police attacked the march and detained 99 people, including workers, union leaders and members of opposition political parties that stand in solidarity with the Birlesik Metal-Is.

Adnan Serdaroglu, the chairman of Birlesik Metal-Is said in a statement that there is a shameful process going on in the Turkey’s largest, most advanced industrial site “to keep the wheels turning.”

“The workers have a much higher risk of catching Covid than all other segments of the society. And these workers are condemned to low wages or put on unpaid leave or dismissed (…) for becoming a union member.” said Serdaroglu.

We urge all friends of labour to support this struggle of the metalworkers of Birlesik Metal-Is.




SPOT Call to Action on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Violence against women and gender inequality have intensified in Turkey in the past year, even as the women’s resistance has grown in Turkey against the relentless attacks on women’s rights and failure of the judiciary and police to bring to justice perpetrators. 

On 17 November, we met with women in Turkey to better understand the reality on the ground and the biggest issues for them. Joined by Filiz Kerestecioglu (HDP MP), Cevriye Aydin (Laywer) and Hilal Tok (Ekmek ve Gul) we hosted a webinar in which we discussed the lived experiences of women in the home and at work, as well as issues relating to judicial and police protections, the Istanbul Convention and the growing women’s movement. You can watch our subtitled webinar here or read an English transcript here:

Today, we published a Call to Action, which provides an outline of the latest developments on women’s rights in Turkey and a call to action to build international solidarity with the women’s movement in Turkey.  Read and share our Call to Action here:

What is SPOT calling for? 

The UK Government must end its silence on the increasingly authoritarian and regressive regime in Turkey. Parliament should debate the issue of violence against women in girls in Turkey, and call on Turkish Government to:

• end its criminalisation of progressive and democratic opposition, including the women’s movement, and

• improve gender equality, prevent violence against women and girls, end the exploitation and discrimination of women in the workplace, and fund organisations supporting women.

We also call on MPs, Trade Unions, Human Rights Organisations, Women’s Organisations Campaign Groups, media and individuals to support women in Turkey by:

• SPOT regularly releases news stories and updates. Help us by sharing updates with your organisations, followers, members and communities to increase the visibility of women fighting against gender quality and violence against women in Turkey. 

• Trade Unions and branches can affiliate to SPOT and adopt motions on Women in Turkey. SPOT can also provide support to build links with women’s sections of trade unions in Turkey to amplify the voices of women workers in Turkey.

• Human Rights Organisations and Women’s Organisations can proactively engage with developments on women’s rights in Turkey and promote the demands of the women’s movement in Turkey through social media and innovative campaigning.

• Work with us to monitor trials of notable femicides, as well as female activists, political leaders, journalists and public figures. Close trial monitoring has in the past been shown to be effective in putting pressure on the Turkish judiciary to act lawfully. 

• MPs, Mayors and Council Members can send video or written messages of solidarity to arrested and detained political leaders in Turkey.

• Write to the Government and your MP asking them to publicly condemn the AKP Government’s attacks on women in Turkey, call for the effective implementation of legislation to protect women from violence and take steps to address gender equality. 

SPOT is ready to work with interested organisations and individuals to continue building solidarity with the Women’s movement in Turkey.

Police officer guilty of killing student is acquitted

Kemal Kurkut, 23 year old university student at the Fine Arts Faculty, was killed by police during the Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakır -a southeastern province of Turkey- on 21st March 2017.  

According to the Dicle News Agency (DIHA) Kurkut was shot despite a “Don’t shoot” order of the police chief. 

The published photos of the murder were documented by DIHA editor Abdurrahman Gok at the time of the incident. 

The photos show that Kurkut was arguing with police at the checkpoint and started to run shirtless through the checkpoint. Some police officers fired in the air and some fired on him. 

The expert report from General Command of Gendarmerie states that the bullet which killed Kurkut was fired by the defendant police officer Yakup Senocak.

Senocak who suspended from duty 3 months and was facing 9 years prison term for “deliberately causing death by negligence”. And today, despite the clear evidence and expert reports Senocak was acquitted at the Heavy Penal Court in Diyarbakır at the 12th hearing of the case. 

Gok’s photo journalism refuted the claims that Kurkut was “suspected to be a suicide attacker.”  Gok’s home was raided by police one month after the photos of the fatal shooting were published. Since the incident Turkish authorities have launched several investigations about the journalist’s reports and once he was detained for 3 days based on fabricated witness claims. Finally he was accused of “making terrorist propaganda” and now faces 20 years in jail. The first hearing of the indictment about Gok will be held on February 23, 2021 at Diyarbakır High Criminal Court.

Impunity for the police and a crackdown on journalists who dare to report the crimes of the security personnel are very common in Turkey. Authorities are trying to create a “climate of fear” for journalists by mass arrests, detentions and trials. The allegations of terrorist links has become a tool of suppression used frequently by the current AKP government, which exercises significant control over the police and judiciary.

WEBINAR: Women’s Rights and the Struggle in Turkey

Economic and social inequality, and violence against women and girls continues to rise in Turkey, but women refuse to bow to the AKP’s regressive policies and attacks on women’s rights.

In preparation for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, SPOT, together with Day-Mer Women, have organised an online webinar which will provide a closer inspection of gender inequality and violence against women in Turkey.

Watch online from Tuesday 17th November at 18:00 here:


Filiz Kerestecioğlu, HDP MP

Cevriye Aydin, Lawyer

Journalist Hilal Tok, Journalist Ekmek ve Gul (Bread & Roses)

Sarya Tunc, Day-Mer Women’s Committee

Release for men who violently kill innocent woman

Kudret Yener’s throat was slit by two men during a violent robbery in the southern Turkish city of Adana in 2017.

A criminal court yesterday sentenced the defendants, İsmail and Vural Yetik to aggravated life imprisonment for the murder of the 72 year old woman.

Aggravated life sentences of the offenders were reduced to a life sentence due to “good conduct abatement” and both have been subsequently released with a conditional discharge.

“This release decision is an obvious judicial scandal, we are petrified. (…) How can one free the criminals that were sentenced to life? Now they’ll run freely, maybe they’ll kill someone else.” said Nesibe Gencer, sister of the murdered woman.

Certain categories of defendants such as “murderers, sex offenders, violent inmates, and domestic violence offenders” usually benefit from unreasonable “good conduct abatements” whilst those who are imprisoned solely for expressing their political views get no reduction in their sentence.

Likewise gender biased judgement of offenders is common practice in Turkey. Male offenders almost always receive reduced sentences compared to women that have been convicted based on similar crimes.

Turkish authorities wage war on colours… Yellow, Red and Green

The deputy mayor of Istanbul’s Kucukcekmece district – which is led by main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) – has been suspended from his duty following an investigation related to a playground renewal in the region.

The investigation is about the colours and shapes on the rubber surfacing of the playground allegedly resembling the colours of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) flag: yellow, green and red.

Kemal Cebi, mayor of Kucukcekmece municipality describedthe incident as unfair and has urged for an end to this nonsense. He said “We cannot remove these colours from our lives just because the PKK uses these colours. Are we not going to use stars because there is a star in the PKK flag?”

Turkish state’s wage against the three colours: yellow, red andgreen is nothing new. Formerly the colours of the traffic lights in Kurdish provinces had been changed to yellow, red and blue, just to differ from the yellow, red and green combination.

And recently the media watchdog in Turkey fined a TV broadcaster, which published the video of the 25th anniversary of Evrensel newspaper, on the charge of “praising and encouraging terrorism, invigorating or justifying terrorist organisations” because of a girl holding a scarf with patterns of yellow, red and green in the video.

Organised crime leader welcomes finance minister’s resignation ahead of official confirmation

Berat Albayrak, Turkey’s finance minister, and also the son in law of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, yesterday announced his resignation in an Instagram post.

Albayrak, who mentioned health reasons for his resignation also deleted his Twitter account at the same time.

Albayrak -who was previously Turkey’s energy minister for nearly three years- resigned a day after the replacement of the governor of the central bank in Turkey (TCMB).

Long before authorities issued an official confirmation or denial about Albayrak’s statement, Alaattin Çakıcı, a notorious mafia figure who is known for his affiliation with Erdogan’s ultra nationalist ally Devlet Bahçeli – commented on the resignation on his Twitter account.

“If our head of state reshuffles him (his son in law) due to opposition pressure, he is basically saying that ‘for the survival of the state, if necessary, I will cut off my arm, if the economy will improve with this resignation for the state and our nation, it will be good.’”

At Bahçeli’s special request Cakici was released from prison on April 2020, benefiting from a bill releasing prisoners due to COVID-19 concerns. Meanwhile numerous political prisoners remain imprisoned.  

Cakici also said that “If the captain at the head of the state told the vice-captain to rest for a while, it is normal. If the dismissal is in the interest of the state, God bless you.”

Cakici’s comments attracted attention on social media since the pro-government media in Turkey were unwilling to announce the resignation of the President’s son in law until receiving official confirmation.

Cakici is known for sending threatening letters addressed to Erdogan whilst in prison.  The utterly discriminatory pandemic amnesty which Cakici benefited from, raises questions about the level of  influence a convicted organised criminal has over the government and also Turkey’s direction of travel towards a mafia state.

AKP’s spokesman Omer Celik today acknowledged Albayrak’s resignation during a press conference, saying only that “it is solely up to Erdogan to accept the resignation or make an announcement.”

Eventually after hours of uncertainty a statement was made by the Government’s Communications Directorate on Twitter: “As a result of the evaluation by our President, Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak’s request to be relieved of his duty has been accepted”.

Impunity for killings by police in Kurdish Provinces


Omer Yeğit, a Turkish policeman crashed an armoured vehicle into a house in Silopi -a town in Şırnak province in the southeast of Turkey- killing siblings Muhammed (7) and Furkan Yıldırım (6) as they were sleeping inside their house on 3 May 2017.

Shortly after, Ali İhsan Su, who was then the governor of Şırnak described the incident as “destiny” and the policeman Yeğit was released immediately at the first hearing.

The trial was completed last year and the policeman -who lacked a licence to operate the vehicle- was convicted of “involuntary manslaughter” and sentenced to two years and one month in prison. This was later reduced to a 19,000 Turkish lira (£1680) fine.  Policeman Murat Maden, who was Yeğit’s supervisor at that time, was acquitted of all charges.

The representatives of the Yıldırım family went to the appeals court, which yesterday ruled that the lower court’s sentences are “in accordance with the law.”

There are too many incidents involving armoured vehicles in Turkey’s Kurdish populated provinces. According to the Human Rights Association (İHD) in the last decade armoured police vehicles have killed 36 people and 16 of those were children.

Particularly in Şırnak at least 76 children have been killed via police shooting or armoured vehicles in the past ten years. In Turkey there are extraordinary obstacles to bringing perpetrators to justice and even when a judiciary process takes place, there is a climate of impunity for government security forces.

Earthquakes don’t kill people but Governments do

As of today at least 111 people died and 1034 people have been injured in İzmir, the coastal city of Turkey, after a strong earthquake struck in the Aegean Sea on Friday 30 October.

According to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.6, on the other hand the United States Geological Survey put the magnitude of the tremor at 7.0.

9 buildings in İzmir completely collapsed and lots of others are heavily damaged and search and rescue operations are ongoing on the fifth day.

Turkey is among the most earthquake-prone countries in the world but is ill-prepared against them.

More than two decades after the devastating earthquake in which according to official numbers more than 18,000 people died, this latest disaster revealed that Turkey is still ill prepared for such big tremors.

Following the massive earthquake disaster in 1999, extraordinary measures were declared and a “special communication tax” was one of them. Since then Turkey has collected around 66 billion Turkish liras through this tax “in order to relieve the damages” and prepare for future earthquakes. Today people are questioning what the collected taxes have been spent on.

Mehmet Şimşek, Turkey’s former Minister of Finance once told reporters that, the government had spent the special tax revenues largely on motorways rather repairing buildings damaged in the previous tremor.

In addition to this reckless misconduct the AKP government also issued several amnesties for unregulated construction works and hundreds of thousands of illegal buildings were registered. This means that there are no actual deterrent sanctions for the violations of construction laws and regulations.

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has brought the earthquake discussion into the parliamentary agenda 58 times and the government has rejected all of the presented motions.

Earthquakes do not kill people but governments do, and Erdogan’s AKP and the far-right Bahceli’s Party are partners in this crime.

We stand with Jeremy Corbyn

As Solidarity with the People of Turkey, we stand with Jeremy Corbyn and condemn his suspension from the Labour Party.

Corbyn has a strong record of campaigning against racism in all its forms and repeated this week that one antisemite in the Labour party is one too many. He has actively stood up for the rights of all communities and backgrounds both in the UK and across the world.

For many years Corbyn has stood in solidarity with the Turkish and the Kurdish community in the UK and has helped to challenge the attacks on democracy and minority rights in Turkey.

We call for the reinstatement of Corbyn to the Labour Party, and for an open and respectful debate within the labour movement about how to combat antisemitism and other forms of racism.


Turkey downplays strength of earthquake as death toll rises

Turkey’s coast (Izmir) and north of the Greek island of Samos were struck by a 7 magnitude earthquake yesterday, in which homes were destroyed and many have been killed and injured.

Turkey claimed the magnitude was lower, at 6.6, but it is widely accepted that this is inaccurate. Prof Dr Övgün Ahmet Ercan from Istanbul Technical University spoke on Fox TV news in relation to the earthquake in Izmir, saying that the official figures by the Turkish government purposefully down played the strength of the earthquake, “there is a large difference between 6.6 and 7, one is almost the strength of 2 atomic bombs and the other is almost the strength of 40 atomic bombs”.

At least 25 people have died and 831 people were injured in the province of Izmir.

Ercan also said “For the earthquake problem to be resolved in this country you need to sort out the economy. The more poverty there is the closer an earthquake is. It is the poor that die in an earthquake, not the rich.”

Ercan added “You have never heard of a famous person or a wealthy person being pulled out from under the rubble, and you will not because in the making of the building they won’t have tried to save money. Earthquakes are a problem for the poor. For as long as we don’t defeat poverty earthquakes will mean death.”

Charlie Hebdo cartoon mocking Erdogan stirs new debate on freedom of speech

Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magasine, caused a stir by publishing a cartoon, mocking Turkey’s President Erdogan.

The front page caricature of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo, depicts Erdogan in underpants and lifting up the skirt of a woman wearing a hijab to reveal her naked bottom and his speech bubble says “Ooh, the prophet!”

Charlie Hebdo’s Erdogan cartoon came after last week’s diplomatic row between Turkey and France following the cruel murder of a teacher in Paris.

Samuel Paty, the teacher was beheaded by a jihadist for showing his students Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the prophet Muhammad in a lesson on freedom of speech.

French President Macron defended Charlie Hebdo and cartoons of the prophet Muhammad were projected onto government buildings in France as part of a tribute to Samuel Paty.

Erdogan urged Turks to boycott French products in response to Macron’s defence of Charlie Hebdo.

Back in 2015 the satirical magasine itself also became a target of Islamist jihadists in which 12 people were killed after publishing the mentioned cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.

Charlie Hebdo is part of a tradition in French journalism which uses political satire to mock anything deemed as taboo.

The caricature of Erdogan sparked anger among the proponents of the Turkish government. “We condemn this most disgusting effort by this publication to spread its cultural racism and hatred” said Erdogan’s Communication Director.

Erdogan himself has no tolerance for this kind of criticism and has sued many Turkish cartoon magasines for illustrations of him. He even sued Jan Böhmermann, a German comedian, for a poem which offended him. A German court ruled in favour of Erdogan then and prevented comedian Böhmermann repeating his poem about Erdogan.

At that time Boris Johnson also won the English magasine The Spectator’s “President Erdogan Offensive Poetry Competition”. In his poem he calls the president a “wankerer”, criticising the German court’s ruling.

Back then Johnson said that “Erdoğan may imprison his opponents in Turkey. Chancellor Merkel may imprison Erdoğan’s critics in Germany. But in Britain we still live and breathe free. We need no foreign potentate to tell us what we may think or say.”

Turkey forbids healthcare workers from resigning or retiring

Turkey’s Health Ministry issued a circular today announcing that “due to the coronavirus pandemic measures” resignations of the health workers would not be accepted.

According to the document, healthcare workers will not be allowed to take their annual leaves and retirement procedures were also suspended with mandatory exceptions.

Healthcare workers in Turkey were resigning to protest the lack of measures to contain the pandemic and harsh working conditions.

Disbelief over official Covid-19 figures is common among healthcare workers due to inconsistencies between the official counts and reports from the ground.

The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) -which has long been a target of Erdogan- has repeatedly stated in recent months that the outbreak is much worse than what is being reported in the national tally.

Commenting about the ban on resignations on healthcare workers, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, the chairwoman of the TTB said that this decision “demonstrates the (true) extent of the pandemic in the country.”

Opposition figures stated that despite the significant danger of the coronavirus pandemic, government is hiding the true extent of the spread to keep the economy moving.  There is also a high level of public mistrust of official coronavirus data released by the Health Ministry in Turkey.

Opposition events and protests banned in Van province in Turkey for five years


The governor of Turkey’s eastern province of Van, has once again issued an order which bans all protest marches, open-air meetings and press statements within the boundaries of the city for 15 days as of October 21.

The ban which supposed to be temporary under exceptional circumstances has been extended for multiple times since it was first imposed in November 21, 2016.

The everlasting extensions have made the State of Emergency permanent for the opposition parties and for NGO’s in the region. On the other hand the alliance of Islamist Erdogan’s Party and the far-right Bahceli’s Party are not restricted by any means. Members of these pro-government groups can hold demonstrations and events in the city. There is no prohibitive attitude towards them.

Kurdish populated cities like Van have a long history of discriminatory practices by governors.

President Erdogan says Macron “needs mental health treatment”

Turkey’s president, Erdogan, has criticised the projection of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad onto buildings following the beheading of a teacher in France and targeted Macron. Erdogan said of Macron that he needs “mental health treatment”.

French president Emmanuel Macron, recalled Herve Magro, his ambassador in Ankara to Paris to consult. In relation to Erdogan’s comment, Macron said it was “unacceptable”.

A statement was made at the Elysee Palace that “Erdogan’s comments are unacceptable. Outrage and rudeness are not a method. We want Erdogan to change his policy, which is dangerous in all aspects. We will not get involved in unnecessary polemics and we cannot accept these insults”

Turkey to build 39 new prisons in 2021

Turkey’s parliament discussed the country’s 2021 budget which aims to allocate 24 billion Turkish lira (£ 2.4 billion) for expenditures of the Ministry of Justice.

According to Turkish media the Ministry of Justice plans to spend significant portion of this amount for the construction of 39 new prisons. This means that Turkey’s already extremely high incarceration rate will increase much more. As of May 2020 the incarceration rate in Turkey was 344 prisoners per 100,000 residents which is the second highest rate in OECD countries.

In the last decade hundreds of thousands of people who were considered critical of the current government -in particular opposition politicians, journalists and political activists- have been jailed on terrorism charges and subjected to ill-treatment in Turkey.

Politician’s supporting Erdogan must remember that anybody can become a victim of the judiciary in Turkey where the court rulings are influenced by Erdogan’s decisions.

Governor orders closure of restaurant because the worker did not recognise him

Ali Fuat Atik, the governor of Denizli -southwestern province of Turkey- has stirred a debate on the social media about his attitude towards shopkeepers and workers.

As seen on the videos uploaded to various Twitter accounts, Atik was visiting shops as part of Coronavirus inspections and a worker at a restaurant did not recognise him.

The worker continued doing his job and did not answer the governor’s conversation attempt.

Atik got furious at the lack of attention he received and ordered the shop to be closed under the pretext of enforcing Coronavirus pandemic measures even though there were no violations. Such incidents are a common occurrence across Turkey, with AKP politicians frequently abusing their authority. 

It was only after public outcry and criticism on social media that the governor was forced to apologise for his behaviour and apologised to the worker. 

According to the governor’s statement the order closing the venue has been cancelled.

Turkey monitors activists using illegal German Spyware  

German authorities have raided the offices of FinFisher, a Munich software company, which makes surveillance tools and has been accused in the past of providing software to oppressive regimes. German prosecutors launched the investigation upon the criminal complaint of GFF (Society for Civil Rights), a Berlin based non-profit human rights organisation.

According to “zdnet.com” – a website which provides technology news- FinFisher software has been “used against Turkish opposition activists.” The spyware can access address books, photos and listen to phone calls.

The surveillance program manufacturer is accused of violating Germany’s “Foreign Trade Act” via selling software system abroad without proper authorisation.

Germany strictly regulates this kind of technology exportation and Turkey does not have a licence to buy the monitoring software.

In 2018 German media reported that, this surveillance software had been used against opposition activists in Turkey. Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) made similar accusations about Finfisher back in 2017.

Sarah Lincoln, a lawyer at GFF said that “German companies should not be pawn of an oppressive regime.”


Turkish Court refuses to comply with Constitutional Court Order in Berberoglu case

Today a Turkish court refused to comply with a retrial order by the Constitutional Court, despite being legally required to do so. The retrial order states that Enis Berberoğlu’s (a former MP from the main opposition Republican People’s Party – CHP) right to be elected and engage in political activities and right to personal liberty and security have been violated, and orders a retrial.

The Constitutional Court sent Berberoğlu’s file to İstanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court for retrial. However the Penal Court unconstitutionally rejected the ruling.

A complex judicial process has been ongoing for sometime in relation to Berberoğlu’s conviction.

Many opposition figures from pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were jailed before but he was the first CHP MP jailed in a crackdown by President Tayyip Erdogan’s government.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of CHP held a protest march from Ankara to İstanbul in 2017 when Berberoğlu was convicted and sentenced for espionage.

Berberoğlu was convicted of espionage for giving an opposition newspaper a video about Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MIT) trucking weapons into Syria.

A short while ago in September, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu started a debate on the Constitutional Court’s rulings. Subsequently Erdogan’s nationalist ally Devlet Bahçeli from Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) said that The Constitutional court needs “a reconstruction in accordance with the nature of the new government system.”  

And finally asked about Bahçeli’s proposal, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – who had previously made clear that he does not respect the court’s rulings – said that he will be glad to approve such an amendment if the legislative body ratifies it.


Turkish Forces Kill Four People By Forcing Them Into Minefield

Four people from the northern Syrian city of Heseke have died in a border minefield at the Kızıltepe district of Turkey’s Mardin province.

According to Mezopotamya News Agency (MA), the horrendous incident was revealed when the survivors of the refugee group were taken into custody and were brought to the public prosecutor’s office for deportation.

A 16 year old refugee who testified to the public prosecutor said that his elder brother is one of the victims that died in the minefield.

MA cites from the statement of the refugee: They were noticed by the gendarmerie on October 5 as they tried to cross the border, and six of them were caught. One person managed to escape into Turkish territory, and three people got stuck in the border area between the wall and the barbed wire. Turkish soldiers forced the refugee -who managed to get to the Turkish side- to go back and search for the three people stuck in the mined area. The soldiers opened fire to force the refugee back and all four died from detonating mines when they started to run.

“Turkey threatened me” says Turkish Cypriot Leader Akıncı

Mustafa Akıncı, Turkish Cypriot leader, who is running for a second term for presidency, said in a TV interview today that he has been threatened for being a candidate, by an authority who is affiliated with Turkey’s leadership.

Akıncı said that they conveyed their message through his own executive assistant and told him that it will be best both for him and his family, if he withdrew his candidacy.

Akıncı on other occasions had commented that he “has never seen so much intervention by Turkey” throughout his 45 years in politics.

Critics have expressed concerns over Turkey’s interference into Turkish Cyprus politics in advance of the October 11 presidential election.

On 6 October the Turkish Cypriot government collapsed following a press briefing in Ankara, at which Minister Ersin Tatar (also a presidential candidate) announced that they will be reopening the Varosha. The press briefing announcing the reopening of the tourist resort which has been sealed off for decades was announced alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Akıncı commented that he was not informed in anyway about the decision to reopen the Varosha and said that “it is a mistake that will put the Turkish Cypriot people in a difficult situation on the international stage.”

Turkey’s leaders see Mustafa Akıncı, who is supporting a federal solution to the Cyprus problem, as an enemy due to his criticism of Ankara’s policies   including Turkey’s interventions in Syria.

This is not the first time that presidential candidates have felt threatened in Cyprus. Previously in 2000 Rauf Denktaş and Dervis Eroglu were competing in the presidential elections. However Eroğlu withdrawal in the second round, allowing Denktaş became president. Eroğlu later revealed that the Turkish National Intelligence (MIT) agents were following him.  


Journalists detained for exposing the torture of Kurdish villagers by soldiers

Turkish police have raided the office of Mezopotamya Agency (MA) and the homes of several journalists in Turkey’s eastern Van province on October 5.

MA reporters Adnan Bilen and Cemil Uğur and Jin News reporters Şehriban Abi and Nazan Sala have been detained.

Police forcibly deleted the other reporters’ camera shootings of Cemil Uğur’s detention.

According to MA, a 24-hour lawyer restriction order was also imposed to the detained journalists.
Cemil Uğur is one of the journalists who exposed that Kurdish villagers, Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban were dropped from a military helicopter after they had been taken into custody by the soldiers in Çatak district of Van.
Servet Turgut, died on September 30, after twenty days in intensive care.
“These detentions are unacceptable. We call for immediate release of our colleagues. Journalism is not a crime. ” said Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) in a statement and condemned the detentions.


Controversial Bill targeting Turkish Bar Associations is passed

Despite public outcry in July, the Turkish government has passed a controversial bill which changes the Turkish Bar Associations election procedures.

The main purpose of this legislative amendment is to disempower bar associations in larger cities in the country.

Bar associations are fierce critics of the government and their violations of human rights. The amendment paves the way for heavily biased new associations consisting of pro-government lawyers.  

Until this new legislative amendment, pro government lawyers had failed to form new bar associations, despite overwhelming support from the government.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government seeks to get rid of remaining obstacles to the cementing a one-man regime. Reducing the representation of dissident lawyers at the national Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) is of these steps.

A confrontation between the government and Ankara Bar Association took place in April 2020 over the discriminatory remarks of a public official about LGBT community. Following this, President Erdoğan immediately said that they will change the law on lawyers.

There was outrage from the Bar Associations about the proposed legal changes who in response, arranged a series of events to protest the planned changes. The events culminated in a “Defense March” where the presidents of the most progressive local bar associations, representing a large majority of lawyers in Turkey, marched to the capital Ankara.

On October 2, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a circular on postponing all the assembly activities in the country until December 1, 2020. This was enforced under the pretext of enforcing Coronavirus pandemic measures.

The president of the Ankara Bar Association, Erinç Sağkan, described this declaration as “a political decision” which specifically targets the general assemblies of the bar associations’.

Bar associations are public legal entities alongside being a professional body. These interferences to their structure breaches the principle protecting the right to an effective remedy in Turkey.

Solidarity with Bar Associations means defending the right to defend democratic society.

“September is the Darkest Month” says Turkey Press Freedom Report  

Utku Çakırözer, MP from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), has published the Press Freedom Report in Turkey for September 2020.

Çakırözer said that “September is the darkest month of this year with regard to freedom of press.”

According to the report, during September more than 60 journalists were on trial and 14 journalists face a total of 54 years in prison. Two more journalists have been arrested and six more detained.

Halk TV and TELE1 TV, broadcasters in Turkey, have been ordered to black out their screens for 5 days by Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), the broadcasting regulation body in Turkey. Furthermore 4 different TV channels were fined.

Yeni Yaşam, a daily newspaper, was also fined and had access blocked to their web site.

Turkey has also widened its already strict regulation of online broadcasting via a new legislation which controls and monitors use of social media platforms as of October 1. “Such a regulation will deprive millions of citizens of their freedom of expression.” said Çakırözer.

Social media platforms represent the last open channel for dissident journalists in Turkey. This regulation will restrict both freedom of expression and access to independent information in Turkey, which already ranks 154 out of 180 countries, according to Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF) 2020 World Press Freedom Index.


More HDP members detained as Turkey’s crackdown on Kurds deepens

Ayhan Bilgen, ex-MP from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the co-mayor of Kars province in the east of Turkey, was detained on 25 September for participating in the October 2014 protests against the siege of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani by Islamic State, alongside of many other prominent members of the party.

And in the early hours of today another operation targeting the HDP members was carried out in Kars. 19 HDP members including co-mayor Şevin Alaca Kars, Deputy co-mayor Muazzez Çağrıtekinci,

and provincial co-chair Cengiz Anlı HDP were detained on the allegation of being a member of an illegal terrorist organisation.

The latest detention of HDP members have overlapped with Ayhan Bilgen’s announcement about his resignation decision via his Twitter account on Sept. 30. Bilgen has stated that he will resign from his post if no trustee is appointed when his detention period ends.

Bilgen also said that “Kars is competent enough to govern itself” since municipal council has made decisions unanimously for the last one and a half year. Bilgen suggested that five parties can form a new administration for the Kars municipality by coming to an agreement.  

Since the March 2019 municipal elections, mayors have been replaced by trustees in more than half of the municipalities won by the HDP. Kars is the latest province which is governed by HDP co-mayors.

HDP is a legal political party in Turkey, but participating to the party activities can easily result in charges of “terrorism”.

Appointing trustees by fabricated allegations is a violation of the right to vote and harms democracy.

We urge British politicians to respond to the crackdowns against HDP and to condemn AKP’s attacks on democracy.


Controversial Regulation to Tighten Turkey’s Grip on Social Media

Turkey, the world’s worst jailer of journalists, continues its crackdown on dissident voices.

Turkey has introduced new legal provisions, which controls and monitors use of social media platforms. Social media is currently the main channel for opponents and campaigners, and these new rules threaten the existence of social media platforms in the country both through costly fines and bandwidth restrictions up to 95 percent.

According to the legislation, social media platforms are obligated to have a representative in Turkey and these representatives have to share the IP addresses or user information upon request. The basic aim of this regulation is to make it impossible for the dissidents to be anonymous on social media.

Until today blocking access to the URL addresses was the main tool for censorship but from now on search engines and content providers can be forced to delete information.

This regulation is both a violation of freedom of expression and also a direct restriction of the right to access information.

Turkey punishes another TV channel by blackening out its screens

Halk TV in Turkey has been ordered to black out its screen for 5 days by the TV and Radio governing body (RTUK) for a program they broadcasted. The body accuses the channel of offending and underestimating the Turkish Armed Forces. It also accuses the channel of going against the rules set by the governing body which allegedly protects the principles of the Republic.

For this reason Halk TV will be forced to have its screen shut between 28 September and 3 October. Freedom of press and expression in Turkey is near non-existent and fines are enforced at all levels.

On 25 September Yeni Yasam newspaper was fined and had access denied to the paper. Only last month TELE1 TV channel was also fined and had their screen blacked out for 5 days.



Prosecutors order the arrest of dissidents, including Kurdish Opposition

In the early hours of 25 September in Turkey, 82 people, including former executives and prominent members of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), were arrested for participating in the October 2014 protests against the siege of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani by Islamic State.

Back then huge protests took place in Turkey’s southeast in which protestors accused the Turkish army of protecting Islamic State.

President Tayyip Erdogan’s government accuses anyone who is not supporting AKP’s Islamic-nationalist alliance in the country with having links to terrorism and/or being a traitor. This has resulted in the prosecution of thousands.  

Mayors have been replaced by trustees in municipalities won by the HDP, thousands of members including former co-leaders and the MPs of the party were detained.

There is also a climate of intimidation against journalists and writers. Prominent journalist Can Dündar, was arrested and charged with aiding an armed terrorist organization after publishing photos and videos of Turkish intelligence officials trucking arms to Syria in 2014.  

Similarly, acclaimed writer Aslı Erdoğan was arrested in 2016 alongside more than 20 other journalists for being an advisory board member and columnist of a pro-Kurdish newspaper.

And yet again today in addition to the arrested HDP members, dissident writers were also on the target list of Erdogan’s prosecutors. Members of the “Anonymous Movement” (İsimsizler Hareketi), a social media solidarity group of writers and journalists with different political backgrounds aiming to fight against the propaganda of pro-government trolls, have also been targeted and detained.

We urge the UK government to end collaboration with Erdogan’s oppressive regime and stand with dissidents and democratic institutions.


Presidential Decree Issued To Confiscate Villagers’ Land

Every day Turkey is becoming a more eco-destructive country and a highly controversial project is again on the country’s agenda.

The Biogas plant project at Çapaklı, a village in Turkey’s western Manisa province, is another example of the Turkish government’s support of construction with no regard for the environmental impact.

Residents of Çapaklı, a village surrounded with fertile farmlands and olive gardens, have been resisting the construction project, saying that they are the owners of these lands and will be displaced, with nowhere else to go, if the plant goes ahead.

As seen on many other occasions, once again security forces were brought in and used disproportionate force to break the villagers’ resistance back in July and detained more than 30 villagers at the time.

Now a presidential decree has been issued in the country’s official gazette which begins the procedure for land expropriation in the region to make way for the biogas plant construction.

Seçil Ege Değerli, lawyer representing the villagers, criticised the decision saying that “immediate expropriation is an extraordinary method that can be employed only under exceptional circumstances.”

Değerli also described the ongoing process as “legal but unlawful” and stated that “there is no benefit to the overall public nor the villagers, and the decision is solely for the interests of the private (biogas) company.”

We call for solidarity with the resistance and stand against the capitalist exploitation of the environment.

Security Forces raid activists’ resistance area in Mount Ida

The resistance against the mining operations of Canada-based Alamos Gold Inc and its Turkish subcontractor Doğu Biga Mining at Mount Ida (Kazdağları) in Turkey’s north western Çanakkale province has been continuing for 425 days.

Activists say that the mining project will harm the natural cycle irreversibly by contaminating soil and water sources to extract gold. Over time ad-hoc protests in the region evolved into a large-scale solidarity campaign against the destruction of the precious ecological structure of the mountainous area.

Alamos Gold and Doğu Biga are still operating in the area despite their legal mining licence being expired, and according to the satellite images, they have cut down more trees than they earlier claimed. Yet protestors have been fined 500,000 Turkish Liras under the pretext of enforcing Coronavirus pandemic measures for their ongoing resistance.

Turkish gendarmerie raided the protestors’ Kirazlı campaign area at Mount Ida on September 22 and detained four of them.

Government and its security forces are the protectors of this project which is plundering the areas natural resources and as the social solidarity gains momentum they are making efforts to block the resistance, both locally and globally.

We call for solidarity with the resistance and stand against the ecological destruction of Mount Ida.





Evrensel columnist sentenced to 10 years and 6 months imprisonment


Yusuf Karatas, columnist for Evrensel Newspaper has been sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison for participating in the Democratic Society Congress (known as the DTK) panel in 2011.

Karatas spoke at the DTK as a member of the executive of the Labour Party of Turkey (Emek Partisi, or EMEP). Like Karatas, other executives and MPs from the current ruling party, the AKP, also spoke at the event. However Karatas has faced charges of “terrorism” whilst AKP representatives have not faced any proceedings.

Karatas who has been sentenced for his participation in panels in 2011, was detained in July 2017 and imprisoned for 57 days at the time. He was later released pending the trial.

EMEP is a legal political party in Turkey, but speaking publicly on behalf a legal party can easily result in charges of “terrorism” and imprisonment if you do not support the ruling AKP.




Soldiers throw villagers out of military helicopter in Turkey

Servet Turgut and Osman Şiban were detained on September 11 by soldiers conducting an operation in the Çatak district of Van province in the east of Turkey.

According to eyewitnesses the two men were subjected to torture in the village square and then detained in a military helicopter. Other villagers who defied the detention were also threatened with death by the soldiers.

Relatives tried to find the whereabouts of the detainees but could not get an answer from the soldiers. When the relatives threatened to go to the press, an unnamed official told them that they are receiving treatment in the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital.

Later Servet Turgut ve Osman Şiban were found by their families at hospital under intensive care after they were thrown out of the helicopter by the soldiers. The families have applied to the Van Bar Association Human Rights Commission and filed a criminal complaint for manslaughter.

There have been numerous reports about the ill treatment to the Kurdish people by Turkish soldiers, and in recent months human rights violations and particularly the cases of torture in Turkey have increased.

We urge all human rights organisations not to be silent and stand up for the right to life and freedom from torture in Turkey.



Journalist Can Dündar’s property to be confiscated

Turkish courts have ruled in favour of confiscating Can Dündar’s property. Can Dündar was imprisoned for espionage in Turkey after exposing the Turkish National Intelligence Organisation’s (known as MIT) complicity in the provision of arms to ISIS. Dündar had taken the decision to publish the story when he was the chief editor of Cumhuriyet.

During Dundar’s trial he was the victim of armed assault. The experienced journalist was forced to flee the country as his life was at risk and a decision was made in the case against him on 17 September. According to the judgment, if Can Dündar does not return to Turkey within 15 days, he will be considered a fugitive and his property in Turkey will be confiscated.

Can Dündar made a statement following the judgement of the court, saying that in the past 40 years he has worked as a journalist, documentary maker and writer, and that it has been through his and his wife’s labour that they have been able to buy a home and summer home. He said that these kinds of actions cannot stop people telling the truth.

When the complicity of the National Intelligence Organisation in providing arms to ISIS in Syria was exposed, the Turkish state authorities did not refute the existence of the arms and gave conflicting explanations. Some representatives said at the time that the arms were being transported to “Turkmen”, others said “a secret service can do anything.
Exposing these secrets is a betrayal” – showing that even when the National Intelligence Organisation is giving weapons to terrorist organisation ISIS, publishing this as news is considered “treason” and treated as criminal.

100 musicians commit suicide in Turkey

100 musicians commit suicide in Turkey

It has been announced that 100 musicians and singers have committed suicide in Turkey since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused significant hardship for those employed in the music  industry.  Throughout the pandemic there has been no government support provided to artists and musicians, many of whom have committed suicide because they have been unable to work or provide for their families.

Gamze Tascier, MP for the main opposition party CHP, shared with the public information from the Musician’s union (Muzik-Sen). Tascier highlighted that many have had to sell their musical instruments and said that “most work with no security and workers in the music and performing arts industry do not benefit from any government support. Hundreds of thousands of people have been left to starvation and death”.


Turkish Medical Association under threat in the midst of the pandemic  

Like countries all over the world, coronavirus continues to threaten lives in Turkey. Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the racist MHP (nationalist movement party) has called for the shutting down of the Turkish Medical Association.

The Turkish Medical Association had said previously  that the Government are withholding the truth from the public and that the number of coronavirus cases in Turkey are higher than stated, insufficient precautions are being taken and everyday one medical professional is dying.

In Turkey, the Minister for Health owns private hospitals. Erdogan’s wife Emine Erdogan tubs a hospital in partnership with the Health Minister. Private hospital owners have turned health into a market place for trade.

Birleşik Krallık’taki sağlık emekçileri örgütlerinin Türk Tabipleri Birliği’ne destek olmaya çağırıyoruz. Çünkü tüm dünyada sağlık emekçileri hepimizin gururudur.

All political parties in Turkey have opposed this call by Devlet Bahceli, except for the MHP and the ruling AKP.

SPOT stands with medical and health workers all over the world, and calls on the British Medical Association and Health Professionals to support the Turkish Medical Association.

Racist attacks in Turkey at dangerous levels


Doğan Çetin, who was doing his compulsory military service in the western Turkey in Edirne was physically attacked by two soldiers for saying “wish we had been educated in Kurdish”. The attack took place on 15th August during which Çetin fractured his nose and forehead.  Çetin, who filed a complaint with the police, said that the attackers are being protected by some of the military commanders and his life is at risk.

Despite making up at least a quarter of the population in Turkey, in practice Kurdish remains banned. It is claimed that people can speak whatever language they choose but, as this example shows, even the simple desire to be taught in Kurdish can result in an attack.

In recent times racist attacks have been increasing in Turkey. Just yesterday in Konya, western Turkey, Ozkan T – a Kurdish worker – was killed and two others were injured in another racist attack. In Samsun, Northern Turkey,  Eymen Hammami a 16 year old Syrian was also stabbed to death.

Erdogan and the AKP government have been igniting racial tensions and using racist rhetoric, including that “the Turkish race is superior” and that everybody living in Turkey is Turkish.  It is these politics that have led to the increase in racist attacks on Kurdish people and minorities in Turkey, and emboldened racist groups and individuals.





A man appointed to lead women’s office

In Mardin, a city in the south east of Turkey, where the people’s democratic party (HDP) won the local mayoral election, the government has dismissed the elected representatives and appointed Mustafa Yaman as the new administrator and also appointed a male administrator to the Women’s Office within the council. The appointed Abdurrahman Sahin is also the branch chair of the educational office within the council which means he will receive two salaries.

This reaffirms that AKP and Erdogan government cannot tolerate women representatives. It is for this reason that they unashamedly accuse women of committing a “crime” when they are killed by men. Even if male perpetrators are charged they serve no more than 2 years in prison for their crimes.

The media which is 90% under the control of AKP and Erdogan appear to discuss these issues on TV without any women present at these discussion programs.

The Bar Human Rights Committee publishes Turkish version of Gezi Park Report

The Bar Human Rights Committee (“BHRC”) has published the Turkish version of its trial observation report of the “Gezi Park” trial of sixteen leading civil society individuals in Turkey.

The report was first published in English in May 2020. BHRC closely monitored the “Gezi Park” trial of sixteen leading civil society individuals in Turkey and conducted trial observations of this case, on various dates between June 2019 and February 2020. The trial ostensibly ended on 18 February 2020 with the acquittal of Osman Kavala and nine defendants, although the case is not yet concluded against others who are based abroad. Following his acquittal, Mr. Kavala was immediately re-arrested and detained in relation to new allegations of attempting to overthrow the constitutional order through violence, in effect re-opening the criminal investigation against him.

On 3 September 2020 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which monitors the implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, urged Turkey to ensure the immediate release of jailed businessman and human rights campaigner Mehmet Osman Kavala.

The full report in English and Turkey can be viewed here




SPOT sends message of solidarity to SF Trade workers

We stand in solidarity with the SF Trade workers who were sacked for their membership of Deriteks and are now facing a compensation claim for 200,000 TL

SF Trade in Izmir Turkey, which produces luxury goods for international brands, has taken to court four leather workers who they previously unfairly dismissed for union membership.

The women workers have been on protesting at the picket line for 170 days (but had to temporarily suspend the protest due to the Covid-19 pandemic). SF has now sued all four of them individually for financial losses equating to 100,000 TL and non-pecuniary damage in the sum of 100,000 TL for “unfairly paving the way for competition” and “sharing company information”. Each worker faces a compensation claim for a sum of 200,000 TL. The first hearing in the case is being heard on 10 September at 9:30am at the Regional Court.

It is unacceptable for these workers who have already been unfairly dismissed from their jobs to now be sued by the same employer.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) – supported by trade unions such as NEU, Unison and RMT, as well as campaign groups, political parties, MPs, journalists and writers in the UK and Turkey – stands in solidarity with SF Trade workers and will continue to support the struggle of the workers against the SF attacks on workers rights.

We will continue to raise awareness of this injustice in the UK, by sharing the anti-worker practices of SF and exposing how it is using the profits from its exploitation of workers to take the same workers to court.

SF Trade must stop attacking workers exercising their democratic right to organise and must reinstate the four women union members immediately.

Journalist Müyesser Yıldız remains imprisoned but still no clarity on accusation against her     



Following a decision by Ankara 4. Criminal Court Judges Journalist Muyesser Yildiz is to remain in prison. It was noticeable that the judges made a decision without waiting for Yildiz’ lawyer to attend the trial.

Muyesser Yildaz was the Ankara News Director of OdaTV and has been in prison for the past three months. At the hearing on 9 September, the court refused to wait for her lawyer to represent her and decided that she should remain in prison.

In her statement Yildiz said “I am being accused because of the articles I wrote. Because there are restrictions on the files I do not know what I am being accused of. I did not commit any crimes, I only carried out journalism activities”.

The court’s decision cited that Yildiz is to remain detained because there is a “strong suspicion of guilt”.

Many journalists, like Yildiz, are kept imprisoned using  “secret witness” evidence. In these cases it is unclear whether there are even any “secret witnesses” and press freedom is being severely restricted in Turkey. Journalists face long prison sentences even for simple tweets, and access to a fair trial is denied.

Turkey’s taxes are being used to line the pockets of private companies

The AKP government claims to “bring to life new projects” and is having bridges, hospitals, tunnels, airports, dams and roads built all over the country. Private companies are carrying out these works which are being presented as “government services” to the public.  But all of these companies have “customer guarantees”.  When the companies building these constructions are unable to find enough “customers”, tax payer’s money is transferred to cover this gap.

When a hospital is built, there is a guaranteed number of patients. When a road is built, car usage of the road is guaranteed. When an airport is built, flight and customer guarantees are provided. Companies that build hospitals, roads, and similar facilities with customer guarantees have high road tolls or patients fees which mean people are unable to access these services. Erdogan promotes the building of bridges at every opportunity but the government still makes regular payment to the company that built the Osmangazi bridge because there is insufficient cars using the bridge.

In the first six months of the year, the government had to pay 1.75 bn Turkish liras to the company because not enough cars have been using the road. Similar contracts are in place for new hospitals.

Using tax payers money to prop up major companies is not a service, it is defrauding the public.

Mother and sister arrested for sit-in protest calling for her missing daughter to be found


A mother and daughter were arrested yesterday in Munzur for protesting the police failure to find their daughter and sister Gulistan Doku, a student at Munzur university who has been missing since 5 January. Gulistan’s mother, Bedriye Doku and her sister, Aygul Doku began a peaceful sit-in protest against the failure of the authorities to find and try suspects yesterday but were both detained by the police for refusing to comply with a decision to prohibit the protest. They were released from detention later that evening.


Gulistan’s sister, Aygul shared their experience on social media, saying “ we were arrested during the sit-in protest we held for my sister, when we asked why, the female police officer kicked me in the back, two, three more times. I tried to film them and another police officer took my phone and deleted it. My mum fainted. We are at the hospital getting a medical report on the assault. Why did you arrest my mum, why didn’t you arrest Zaynal [the suspect]?”


Efforts to find Gulistan Doku were brought to an end by the authorities on 18th August. Her family held the sit-in protest at Seyit Riza Square in Dersim, in response to the failure of the authorities to investigate and find Gulistan and  to call for the search to continue.


Much of the search effort has been led by the community as opposed to the authorities, and the suspects in the case are thought to be connected to and being protected by the State.

Criticism of ECHR President Spano’s visit in Turkey  

The President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Robert Spano paid a controversial visit to Turkey and met with President Erdogan. Many members of the judiciary and lawyers have criticised the visit.
Spano, after a number of engagements, met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had previously said that the ECHR decision calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtas was “not binding for us”.
Basak Demirtas, from her Twitter account tagged Spano in a post saying “If you will be our guest in Diyarbakir I would like to tell you about the cases of my husband Selahattin Demirtas and other HDP politicians at the ECHR. I am sure that during your visit you will have already had more than enough time to learn of the government’s position from your meetings with the authorities. It will be enough for you to spare me one hour to hear the situation from our side too.”
Dr Kerem Altiparmak, a member of the Human Rights Association Central Steering Committee, commented on Spano’s visit saying “Turkey is bleeding”. He added that Spano had previously worked for three years in the Turkey office of the ECHR and it would be impossible for him to be unaware of the human rights violations being experienced in Turkey.  Altiparmak interpreted Spano’s visit; “You cannot come to a country where there are many serious problems in the international oversight mechanism, and comment on the ‘rule of law is this and that, and governments must give direction’ in a way that is ambiguous as to who it is aimed at. This will be interpreted as: I do not have a problem with you”.
On September 4, after meetings with top government officials and the President, Spano received an honorary doctorate from the University of Istanbul. Many lawyers, academics and politicians have criticised Spano’s acceptance of the honorary doctorate and there have been calls for him to resign on social media platforms, such as Twitter. Exiled journalist Can Dündar commented on Twitter that Spano had destroyed the 30 year reputation of the ECHR in three days.

Workplace deaths continue

Despite warnings workers continue to die in workplace accidents. This year already there have been 1306 workplace deaths in Turkey. In August 208 workers died in workplace accidents because of lack of safety precautions.
The construction industry had the highest number of workplace deaths, but “accidents” are killing workers in mines, agriculture and factories too because of the lax health and safety, and lack of precautions. Turkey is already leading in workplace deaths in Europe but without any steps to call to account employers there is no sign that health and safety will improve in Turkey’s industries.

Racist attacks on Kurdish workers

It is reported that 16 workers from the Kurdish region of Mardin Mazidagi, who went to Western Sakarya as hazelnut pickers were attacked by their employers and villagers. The workers had to return to Mardin after the attack.

One of the victims of the attack, Baris Demir, said that they did not have any issues with their employer before the attack but that when they were going to work in the morning their employer called them “a pack of dogs” and in after this they left the garden.

When they were leaving the employer threatened them and said “do you think this is your home? This is ours” and then Baris says “they attacked us. 8 people with sticks attacked 3 people”. After the attack the seasonal workers returned to Mardin.

Many Kurdish and Syrian workers come to the west of Turkey as seasonal workers despite the low pay and they often face racism. These workers are treated with contempt and such racist attacks are increasing.



Turkey censors news of cult leader’s arrest for child abuse

As of 3rd September access to all news stories relating to the arrest of Uşşaki Cult Leader Fatih Nurullah’s sexual abuse of a 12 year old girl have been blocked in Turkey. Nurullah, who is known for his closeness with Erdogan and the AKP, is reported to have offered 70,000 Turkish Liras to the child’s father to silence them.
There have been a number of high profile exposes of religious schools and clerics abusing and raping children in Turkey. Such abuse is widespread across the country but it is common place for these to be covered up or buried by the authorities, or perpetrators are protected by Erdogan himself and his family members. The case of Fatih Nurullah is another example of the authorities and Erdogan protecting perpetrators of sexual violence and child abuse.

TELE1 punished with five day black-out



Media freedom is quickly becoming a thing of the past in Turkey. TELE1, a television channel that is not aligned with the Government, has been punished with a five-day black-out for critiquing President Erdogan and the AKP government.


The Supreme Council for Radio and Television (RTÜK) , which is known for its close ties with President Erdogan, issued the five day black out penalty to TELE1 because a guest on the news show on 30 April criticised Erdogan and the Ministry for Religious Affairs. The penalty began today (3rd September) at midnight. If TELE1 receives a further penalty, it’s broadcasting licence will be revoked.


In Turkey the Ministry for Religious Affairs has a budget equivalent to eight ministries, and critiquing Erdogan or the Ministry is considered a crime.  A career in journalism is considered “dangerous” because media freedom is completely denied in Turkey.


In the past Hayat TV, another opposition channel which aired similar broadcasts, had received similar penalties and numerous channels (including Hayat TV) were closed down on the pretext of clamping down on supporters of the attempted coup in 2015.


Erdogan and the AKP government is targeting all sources of criticism. The UK must end its support for the Erdogan regime. To maintain alliances with Turkey even as it criminalised democratic opposition and free speech is to be complicit in these breaches of human rights.


We know that after the five-day black out, TELE1 will return bold and committed to free speech and diversity in its programmes, and stand in solidarity with TELE1 and all media organisations/professionals fighting back against Erdogan’s attacks on media freedom.


Turkey’s cultural and religious heritage is being destroyed

The Turkish state is destroying historical sites belonging to Assyrians, Jews, Armenians, Kurds and Christians across the country. Just recently the world famous Hagia Sofia Museum was converted into a mosque, and buildings of worship belonging to minority faiths Turkey regularly face either forced conversion into a mosque or wilful neglect and disrepair by the State.


The latest victim is the St Georgios Greek Orthodox Church in Bursa. The Church is estimated to have been built in 1896 and had been turned into a mosque after the war. The Church, known as the Hagia Sophie of Bursa, had been taken into the management of the Nilufer municipality when it was opened as cultural centre. However, the State Directorate for Foundations, forced the authority to pass on ownership to the Inesiye Village Mosque foundation, which left the Church in such disrepair that it collapsed.  The Nilüfer Municipality tried to take back the ownership and rehabilitate the structure in 2016 but failed.

The case of the St Georgios Church is just one example, of the contempt towards different cultures, religions, languages and traditions by the Turkish state. We must not remain silence as Turkey’s religious, ethnic and cultural diversity is destroyed, and must call for an end to Erdogan and the AKP government’s destruction of Turkey’s heritage.

Erdogan targets the lawyers in his opening address for the judicial year

On 1st September the 2020-21 judicial year was opened with a ceremony at the presidential palace in Turkey. The Bar Associations were not invited to the ceremony. In their absence, President Erdogan boasted about the reforms to “rights and freedoms” they had implemented and justified the purge of lawyers who stood in solidarity with the Lawyer Ebru Timtik (who recently died on 238th day of a hunger strike demanding a fair trial).

Erdogan singled out the Istanbul Bar Association in particular, saying “It is not possible for lawyers who defend terrorists to become terrorists. If they do so there should be a consequence. In no country around the world would this crooked situation be allowed. We will do whatever it takes to end this bloody route from lawyer to terrorist. A lawyer in the course of their public duty cannot do what a judge, prosecutor, police or military is unable to do. The judiciary cannot be under the control of any other elements or ideologies. The judiciary must have only one ideology, and that is justice. It is sad that some Bar Associations, which should be judicial institutions have become back gardens for terrorist organisations, a source of propaganda and illegal activity”.

The CHP Mersin MP and member of the Turkish Parliament Justice Committee, Alpay Antmen, also made a written statement to the press to coincide with the opening of the judicial year. In this press release Antmen stressed that “Members of the judiciary are making judgments within compliance with [Presidential] palace, not the constitution.”

Perpetrators walk free as 27 more women murdered in August

The Platform for Ending Femicide in Turkey has published their report on the murders of women in Turkey in August 2020. The report reveals that in August, 27 women were killed by men, and 23 women were found dead under suspicious circumstances.

Of the 27 women murdered, the motivation was unclear in 16 cases. In the remaining cases economic reasons, seeking a divorce, refusing a relationship were amongst the motivations cited. The failure to identify the motivation for 16 women is a result of the invisibility of violence against women in society. For as long as there is a failure to identify perpetrators and investigate these murders, it will be impossible to ensure justice and perpetrators will continue to walk free – thereby further emboldening other perpetrators and legitimising violence against women.


The report highlights that the Coronavirus pandemic has forced women into the home and that this has created risks for women. That the attacks on the Istanbul Convention have also escalated during this period was also noted and that “in relation to the attacks on modern women’s rights, there is an increase in women being murdered, violence against women, and attacks on our right to live free and equal”.


The report goes on to state that “Women continue to struggle to protect the Istanbul Convention and for its full and effective implementation”


SPOT stands in solidarity with the women’s movement in Turkey and welcomes partnerships with women’s organisations in Turkey and the UK to campaign jointly against further attacks on women’s lives and rights in Turkey.



Attacks on media in Turkey continue at pace in August

Baris Yarkadas, ex opposition CHP MP and journalist, released a report on attacks on journalists and the media in August. Yarkadas publishes the report monthly, which shows that attacks on the media have been significant in August.

The report shows that in August:

2 journalists were arrested, 2 journalists detained, 4 journalists faced trial, and 3 journalists faced a new investigation.  1 journalist was also sued and 1 journalist had their home raided by the police. 1 journalist was attacked with a gun and 4 journalists were physically assaulted.

In August access to hundreds of websites were blocked and one website had access barred ten times. 6 TV channels were given financial penalties and legal proceedings were started against 1 channel.

Also Evrensel journalist, Diyarbakir representative Cengiz Anil Buyukbas was approached by three people who introduced themselves as spies and put pressure on Buyukbas to act as an agent.



Turkey is the only country to ban the celebration of World Peace Day

Countries all over the world have been recognising World Peace Day and calling for peace on 1st September. Meanwhile in Turkey calling for peace is considered as “terrorism”.

The People’s Democratic Party (HDP) wanted to call for peace in Diyarbakir, Van and Ankara but were met with police prohibitions and many people were arrested.

The police attacked HDP members and supporters who wanted to commemorate the deaths of 103 people who died on 10 October 2015 (in a terrorist attack on a peaceful demonstration) and hand out peace messages.

It is clear that anybody wanting “peace” in Turkey is declared a “terrorist”.

The Labour Party of Turkey issued a message for World Peace Day on 1st September, in which they stressed that peace can only be achieved through the struggle for equality and fraternity. In its message the Labour Party stated “In our country interventions in Syria and Libya continue with the aim of broadening the influence of the one man regime, and [our government] is dragging the country into these regressive wars which benefit capitalist monopolies and risk the lives of the people of Turkey with new threats everyday”.

MP Baris Atay attacked after being publicly targeted by Turkish Interior Minister

The Turkish Interior Minister, who had previously protected Musa Orhan (Ipek Er’s rapist), publicly attacked Worker’s Party MP Baris Atay.

Soylu accused Baris Atay of being a rapist on social media. On the same evening (30 August) Atay was physically assaulted by 5 people and taken to hospital where he is recovering. 

Ironically, the Interior Minister recently stood up for Musa Orhan, who raped Ipek Er. Ipek Er later killed herself and Musa Orhan was freed. 

Erdogan and the AKP accuse all those that oppose or critique them of being “traitors”. 

Atay, a well known actor and politician, has been an outspoken critic of the AKP government, and it is clear that the physical attack on him is a result of the Interior Minister’s public incitement and targeting on social media.

Turkish Health Minister lies about daily Covid-19 numbers

A number of Local Authority leaders in Turkey, including the Mayors of Ankara and Istanbul have publicly stated that the true number of Covid-19 cases and related deaths are not being disclosed.
For some time medical chambers across the country and local authorities in areas such as Diyarbakir, Antep and Adana had been stating publicly that the numbers announced by the Health Minister are wrong and that there are many more cases of Covid and deaths.
Instead of accounting for this error and responding  to these criticisms, the Health Minister has labelled as “national traitors” those exposing the government’s cover up of the number of covid cases and deaths.

Erdoğan is warmongering in attempt to prolong presidency

The Turkish President Erdogan and his party the AKP, are meddling with their neighbours again with the aim of extending their time in government.

A few years ago Erdogan used the Assad regime as a pretext for two major military operations targeting the Kurds in Northern Syria and occupying the area. In recent days the regime has its sights on the East Mediterranean and Greece because of the natural wealth of the area.

The relationship between Turkey and Greece has come to breaking point with warships in a standoff. It is likely that NATO, particularly the USA, will prevent further escalation into a war between these two allies but we may yet hear gunshots. The Turkish Navy has said that it plans to hold live-fire exercises in the Eastern Mediterranean in the coming days, which will no doubt stoke tensions further.

Erdogan is also increasing tensions further using chauvinistic propaganda against Greece to rally the Turkish public around this issue.

Even as starvation becomes even more widespread, the economy hits rock bottom and Erdogan’s popularity falls, racist nationalist propaganda reaches new heights. The government has gone into a phase of labelling anybody who is not a nationalist as a “traitor”.

Everyday Syrians are killed on the streets and the government is encouraging racism. There is only one reason for these policies and that is to keep Erdogan in the 1100 room palace built with taxpayers and siphon off the country’s wealth.

Erdogan has used the state’s resources to make his family, friends and contacts rich, and one of the biggest supporters of his racist nationalism and war mongering has been the UK.

We call on the UK government to stop working with the Turkish government and review its relationship. The UK government should know that in supporting Erdogan and the AKP, it is emboldening a regime that is oppressing and trampling over the human rights of its people.

TELE1 fined for airing an advert using Kurdish colours

Media outlets that are not pro-Erdogan and the AKP continue to be penalised in Turkey.

Most recently TELE1 (which has previously aired Evrensel newspaper adverts) was fined for airing an Evrensel advert which contained Kurdish colours. This blatant racism and interference in media freedom is unacceptable.

The Supreme Council for Radio and Television (RTÜK) in Turkey decided to impose the fine after TELE1 aired Evrensel newspaper’s advert because they said the advert used the phrase “the voice of those who want to live together, in peace and fraternity” and showed images of demonstrations.

RTÜK claimed that the advert “praised and encouraged terror, and showed terrorist organisations as strong or in a positive light” and decided that a penalty at the highest threshold should be imposed on the television channel.  

RTÜK’s reasoning for the penalty included the image of a little girl holding a red, yellow and green scarf.  

As SPOT we condemn this unacceptable interference in media freedom and stand in solidarity with progressive media outlets in Turkey.



Rapist Musa Orhan released by Turkish State

Military Seargent Musa Orhan raped 18 year old Ipek Er in the Batman in Eastern Turkey. Ipek Er committed suicide as a result. Musa Orhan, who is responsible for the death of this young woman, is being protected by the Turkish state because he served in the military and comes from a nationalist racist family.

He was released from prison after only 1 week. There has been outcry across the country with women’s organisations, campaign groups and celebrities calling out the Turkish state’s systematic protection of perpetrators of violence against women, and calls for the imprisonment of Musa Orhan have been growing. The Turkish authorities have been tightly policing dissent, exemplified in the abrupt removal of Melek Mosso (a singer) from the stage during a concert at which she called for the Istanbul Convention to be honoured and said it saved women’s lives.

Everyday there are more and more reports of women being murdered and raped across Turkey. This is fueled by the Turkish state’s open support and protection for perpertrators of violence against women.

The criminalisation of democratic protest/opposition and the protection of perpetrators of violence against women and girls in Turkey must be stopped.

Join us to strengthen solidarity in the UK with progressive forces and women’s groups in Turkey.

‪Ebru Timtik, lawyer, dies after 238 days on hunger strike

Ebru Timtik, who was on indefinite hunger strike demanding a fair trial, has died in Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Hospital after 238 days.

Timtik’s only demand was a right to fair trial and she had called on the Minister for Justice to intervene, but despite numerous warnings the government stood idly by – choosing instead to watch as she slowly died. During her 238 day hunger strike many human rights organisations and campaign groups called for the government to take steps to prevent her death. 

Even though Timtik had not committed any crime, she didn’t refuse to be tried. All she asked was for a fair trial and this was denied to her even as she lost her life. 

The Turkish government has set aside the rule of law and the right to fair trial. Britain and other countries supporting the Turkish government must review their relationships in light of the worsening human rights record of Turkey. Please support us to bring an end to this injustice.

Profiteering leads to loss of lives in flood hit Blacksea in Turkey

Floods hit the shores of Giresun in the Blacksea region of Turkey. Huge devastation hit the area of Dereli in particular. So far 8 people have died and 11 are missing. 17 buildings have collapsed and 351 buildings are damaged. Over 100 villages have become blocked off and 78 residential areas have lost their electricity.  The floods engulfed in muddy waters not just small vehicles, but also minibuses and buses. Debris built up on pavements reaching heights of 3 metres. 31 buildings are being evacuated.

The rainy seasons saw much heavier rainfall than usual. The streams didn’t overflow, the water levels simply rose and the primary reason for the significant damage was because the homes and businesses had been built in the stream bed itself. The Minister for Agriculture and Forests, Bekir Pakdemirli, exonerated the officials who granted permission for the buildings and instead blamed local residents for residing there. Just last year houses built by the collective housing association (known as TOKI and directly linked to the Ministry) were flooded in Samsun and lives were lost as a result.

The Management Board of Turkey’s Association for Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) in their press release stated that “the fundamental reasons for the flooding disasters in the last few years have been human destruction of the environment, wrong water policies and the building of hydroelectric power stations, ill-judged and unplanned urbanisation of stream stream beds, insufficient foundations and central and local government leader’s profiteering politics in cities, and not necessarily climate change”

As SPOT we send our solidarity to those impacted by the floods and call on the Government of Turkey to call to account unscrupulous officials for the lives lost and the damage done, and support those in need of emergency and long term support as a result of these devastating floods.

Turkish government watches as lawyers on hunger strike reach critical condition

The health of two lawyers, Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, on indefinite hunger strike demanding a fair trial has reached a critical point.

Ebru has been on indefinite hunger strike for 240 days and Aytac for 210 days. Their health is at risk and the Turkish government is standing idly by.

The Justice Minister has not even responded to their call for a fair trial and is practically waiting for the lawyers to die.

As SPOT, we call on the British Government to put pressure on the Turkish government and call for the demands for a fair trial to be accepted by the Turkish government.

Turkish Bar Associations fight back

The Turkish Bar Associations stand firm against attacks on their independence

Last week the main agenda across Turkey was the Government’s plan to change the way that the Turkish Bar Associations are organised and their electoral system. The Bar Association’s believe that the legal changes proposed would make the Bar Associations undemocratic and would result in them losing their independence from the government.

The Bar Associations, outraged about the proposed legal changes, organised a series of protests and events to protest the planned changes. The events culminated in a “Defense March” in which the presidents of the most progressive local bar associations, representing a large majority of lawyers in Turkey, marched to the capital Ankara.

When the Bar Association presidents arrived in Ankara to voice their demands and raise awareness of their protest, they were prevented from entering the Capital and were not allowed to continue their march. They were arbitrarily kept waiting at the border of Ankara for almost 27 hours, and were effectively detained without access to basic facilities during this time in contravention of the law.

Despite this the presidents of the Bar Association made clear that preventing their protest is illegal and were determined to enter the Capital. The prevention of this demonstration by the Bar Association presidents led to almost all other Bar Association presidents to participate in the struggle and increased public awareness and support. As a result, the Bar Association protests became a symbol against the arbitrary use of power by the Government.

Following public outcry, after 27 hours, the Government were forced to allow the Bar Association Presidents into Ankara and continue their demonstration.

The Bar Associations are considered one of the biggest obstacles to the establishment of a one-man regime and the government had hoped that it could force the lawyers into submission. This is because the Bar Associations are rarely aligned with Erdogan’s regime, and he wishes to change this so that the Bar Associations are under his control. That these attacks on lawyers in Turkey have resulted in such organised resistance has shown that the government’s tactics have backfired.

The measures taken to stop the Bar Associations protest shows that even lawyers are faced with illegal oppression by the government when exercising their democratic right to protest. The experience of the Bar Association’s Defence March shows that even the most basic democratic principles, such as the right to freedom of expression and protest are are not protected in Turkey.

On the other hand, the success of the Bar Association protest in terms of both accessing Ankara and completing their march, has been a significant boost of morale for democratic organisations. However, Erdogan and the Government is using all means at their disposal, including arbitrary use of power and actions in breach of the law to suppress the freedom of the Turkish Bar Association. This struggle will no doubt escalate in the coming months.

Public letter from international press organisations: Lift embargo on newspapers, stop penalties

20 international and local media freedom groups sent a joint public letter to the General Director of Turkey’s Public Advertising Agency, Rıdvan Duran, regarding the suspension of public ad bans imposed on the newspapers.

The International Press Institute (IPI) and 19 other international press freedom and freedom of expression groups sent a joint public letter to the General Director of Turkey’s Public Advertising Agency, which is responsible for the fair distribution of public ads in national and local newspapers. Public ads provide considerable ad revenue for newspapers and are therefore essential for the survival of their print editions.

In the letter, press freedom groups underlined the increasing trend of the number of public ad bans on newspapers under “press ethics violations” issued by BIK in 2020 compared to last year. The letter stated that in the first five months of 2020 alone, BIK issued bans on 39 national and local newspapers totaling 316 days. By comparison, between January and September 2019, BIK issued bans on only six newspapers totaling nine days. The groups raised concerns about the justification for this increase in ad bans and called on BIK to make reports on the distribution of public money and the statistics of advertising bans on newspapers public.

An IPI-led delegation previously met with BIK General Director Duran on February 6, calling for an end to the indefinite ad bans on independent newspapers. Several independent newspapers have recently been hit with bans, including Evrensel, BirGün, Cumhuriyet and Sözcü.

The letter was signed by Articolo 21, Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Danish PEN,
English PEN, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), erman PEN, Index on Censorship, International Press Institute (IPI), Norwegian PEN, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, PEN America, PEN Canada, PEN International, PEN Turkey, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), Swedish PEN, WAN-IFRA.

You can read the full letter here.


Human rights defenders react to the police violence in Turkey

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) Chairwoman Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Human Rights Association (İHD) Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan evaluated the police violence cases for Evrensel.

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) Chairwoman Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Human Rights Association (İHD) Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan reacted to the incidents of police violence from various parts of the country. Over the past few days, videos posted on social media showed police officers beating citizens in İstanbul (Kadıköy, Sultangazi, Eyüp, Zeytinburnu), Tekirdağ (Çorlu), Edirne (Keşan), Ankara (Etimesgut), Mardin (Nusaybin), Şırnak (Cizre) and Adana.

Fincancı said that when the Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu has a similar attitude and sees the right to insult the citizens who pay their salaries from their taxes. These insults have no consequences but are legitimized when citizens are convicted for exercising their right to criticize, thereby justifying authoritarianism. Those that are violently detained have investigations against them on the grounds of resisting police which is a widespread form or intimidation.

Stating that these events occurred because those who authorized the police did not apply the brakes, Türkdoğan said, “There is a state of unconstitutionality, not an authority. The Speaker of the Assembly, the Minister of the Interior should make a statement saying, “The police cannot do this,” but we do not hear this.  Someone has to say stop to the police”.


TİHV Chairwoman Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı evaluated the violent images to Evrensel.

Fincancı said, “I think that the police practices in Istanbul Kadıköy, which started with Çorlu, are important in terms of showing how the law enforcement officers perceive their relations with the citizens, and that the information about the violation of the curfew according to the statement in Çorlu is just as important. Outbreak conditions; Unfortunately, allowed the authority, which started with voluntary abandonment of rights, to become widespread, and thus to legitimize authoritarianism.”

“The informer understanding which is a growing trend in society along with the discourse hostility of politics should not be forgotten. The police violence starting in front of the garden door with no lead to the street, witnessed and recorded by another citizen as a hopeful action, is met with threat and verbal intervention which is regarded as a consequence of the impunity of law enforcement violence in Turkey”. Said Fincancı and continued as follows:

“It is also a common intimidation practice to open an investigation against those that are detained on the grounds that they resisted the police. In the İHD (Human Rights Association) 2019 report, the number of investigations opened against resistance to the police is over 163 thousand. This figure shows that 1 in every 500 citizens have resisted the police when in fact the reality is the unjust detentions and police violence, met with legitimate resistance from people. It is the aim to prevent such lawsuits as a means of intimidation”.

Recalling the violence in Kadıköy, Fincancı said, “While a police officer was shouting at a citizen and saying ‘because I made that decision’, he is acting above law imposed on him and he should know this, however,  the Minister of the Interior himself had a similar attitude towards citizens that pay his salary through their taxes. When they find the right to insult the citizens, these insults are legitimized through judicial convictions which take away the right for people to criticize. It seems that there is a need to rethink citizen and bureaucracy, to establish institutional relations in place … ”.


İHD Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan said, “The main reason behind the police violence in Çorlu is this: Police say, “I am the state”. Nobody that receives a salary from the state can say this. He President cannot either because he has limited powers. The primary duty of the police is to protect the life safety of the citizen. However, if the police endanger the life safety of the citizen, there is illegalness here”.

However, Türkdoğan stated that these incidents occurred because those who authorized the police did not hit the brakes. The Speaker of the Assembly, the Minister of the Interior should make a statement saying, ‘The police cannot do this’, but we do not hear about it. Someone has to say stop to the police”.

In addition, Türkdoğan pointed out that the curfew could be taken as a state of emergency and quarantine, and that the government did not do both. However, Türkdoğan stated that there are districts and villages in which quarantine decisions were made and said that the curfew decisions were based on the authority of the governorships and therefore there was already a legal problem.

Stating that citizens have already complied with the measures taken by the government, Türkdoğan said, “Therefore, there is no need for detective measures. Despite this, perhaps more than a hundred thousand people were fined fees. These penalties need to be forgiven because you have made a decision with a legality problem to people. In addition, you have to warn people who do not comply with the curfew once, and give fines when they repeat”.

Translated by Dilan SEÇGİN

Source: Evrensel Daily

The leaders of the ’68 youth movement were commemorated on the 48th anniversary of their executions

The leaders of the ’68 youth movement Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan, Hüseyin İnan were commemorated on the 48th anniversary of their executions.

People’s Liberation Army of Turkey (THKO) and the leaders of the youth movement of ’68, Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin Inan were executed by the junta on March 12. They were commemorated by their graves on the 48th anniversary of their death. The Karşıyaka Cemetery, where thousands of people flock every year, has witnessed the memorials made with representative participation and physical contact rules due to the coronavirus outbreak this year.

However, it was observed that many people came to visit Deniz and friends individually as of the morning hours. Political parties and youth organizations made commemoration with limited participation. Members of the Labour Party (EMEP) and the Labour Youth (Emek Gençliği) met at 12:00 at the Karşıyaka cemetery gate with limited participation. From here, by paying attention to the physical contact rules, slogans of “Long live revolution and socialism” were chanted. After the carnations were left on the graves of Deniz and friends, speeches were made.


Speaking on behalf of Emek Youth by the grave of Deniz and friends, Meri Kelleci said, “We know very well that what is happening today are not just problems related to the pandemic! The imperialism, which Deniz and friends strived to destroy, has today become unable to carry itself. The system that hung Deniz and friends has continued to kill a young 20-year-old who had no choice but to work”.


Stating that although imperialism continues to hold the people responsible for their own dilemmas, they have learned how to fight against it from Deniz and friends, Kelleci added that today they have not only commemorated them, but have also increased their struggle. Remembering Deniz and friends, means being amongst the ranks of the working people against the capitalist looting, and amongst the ranks of international solidarity against imperialist barbarism. Kelleci added ‘Commemorating Deniz and friends is to oppose capitalism and the pandemic for the growth socialism’.


Labour Party (Emek Partisi) Chairman Selma Gürkan said that they reminiscent of Deniz Gezmiş Yusuf Aslan, Hüseyin İnan and their lawyer Halit Çelenk by growing their values. Indicating that the understanding that sent Deniz and friends to the execution table is still in power today, Gürkan stated that those who grew the economy through the exploitation of labourers and at the cost of their lives, turned the exploitation wheel for the sake of monopolies during the pandemic.


Gürkan, “We saw in the pandemic process that if workers and labourers do not produce and provide services life stops. Those who stop this life are also candidates for rebuilding life. Those who deem the 6th Fleet in Qibla and those who prostrate to the 6th Fleet in Dolmabahçe continue their power for the interests of monopolies.”


Noting that the Treasury and Finance Minister will hold a closed meeting with the international investment companies in the evening, Gürkan said, “What is this meeting? What resources of the country will be negotiated to monopolize monopolies? Are they going to negotiate to put the working class labour at the disposal of monopolies which they think weakened or silenced during the pandemic process?”. Expressing that this is undoubtedly the framework of the meeting, Gürkan said that how to put the resources of the country under the command of monopolies will be discussed.


Stating that they promised Deniz and friends, Gürkan continued her speech as follows:

“Freedom, not oppression, public sovereignty and power of the people, not a single man. We say this against the system of exploitation and plunder; long live socialism. Long live the fully independent Turkey. Long live peoples’ brotherhood and peace. We know that one day, the ideals of the Deniz and friends, socialism and popular power will win”.

After the commemoration held at the grave of the Deniz and friends, the grave of their lawyer Halit Çelenk were visited and carnations were left.


Despite the pandemic conditions, the memorial in Istanbul for Deniz and friends was held in Dolmabahçe, where they pushed the 6th Fleet into the sea. “We will keep our promise to the Deniz and friends, we will enlarge our struggle for independence, democracy and socialism, and destroy the order of those who execute them”.

The commemoration event started with a moment of silence.

In the commemoration of the slogan of “Yusuf, Hüseyin, Deniz; our struggle to continue”, “Imperialists, collaborators, don’t forget the 6th Fleet”, “From Deniz and friends those amongst the ranks of youth labour”, “Youth are the future, the future is socialism”. Emek Youth of Istanbul Provincial Youth Manager Mete Kağan Yıldırım spoke.

Yıldırım, who said that the struggle of Deniz and friends will not be forgotten in the 48 years that passed, said, “Those who hung them, those who passed the string of death, believed that it would be a solution to hang them, but their expectations were destroyed! Deniz and friends have been living in the name, struggle, determination and courage of hundreds of thousands of young people for 48 years,” he said.

Photograph: Eylem Nazlıer/Evrensel

Source: Evrensel Daily

Members of European Parliament call on Turkey to end the public advertising ban on Evrensel

10 Members of the European Parliament called on Turkey’s Public Advertising Agency to lift the indefinite ban on Evrensel.

In a letter addressed to Rıdvan Duran, the general director of the Public Advertising Agency (BİK), the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of state advertising, ten members of the European Parliament called for the immediate end to the public advertising ban that has been imposed on the Evrensel newspaper since September 2019.

On March 28, 2020, the six-month deadline for Evrensel to regain its right to publish public advertisement will end. According to BİK regulation, should the ban last for a full six months, Evrensel faces being removed from the system for at least three years, which would be catastrophic for its financial stability.

Last week, 24 international and local press freedom organizations sent a joint letter to Duran calling the ban to be lifted. In February an IPI-led delegation met with Duran and raised concerns about how advertising bans on independent newspapers were being used by the authorities to stifle the free press in the country.

Read the full letter below:

“Dear Mr. Duran,

We, undersigned Members of the European Parliament who follow developments related to press freedom in Turkey closely, are writing to express our concerns regarding the indefinite ban on public advertising against the independent newspaper, Evrensel.

Media freedom and pluralism in Turkey are important to the European Union. Both are pillars of democracy as they represent essential components of open and free debate. The role of Basin Ilan Kurumu, BIK, in overseeing the distribution of public sector advertising budgets evenly and fairly across the newspaper sector, is of great importance in this respect.

However, since September 2019, Evrensel has been subjected to an indefinite advertising ban. If the ban remains in place for a full six months, until March 28, 2020, Evrensel faces being removed from the public advertising system for at least three years.

Such a decision would have a devastating impact on the finances of the newspaper, threatening its closure and weakening the diversity and pluralism of Turkey’s newspaper market.

Evrensel is judged to have breached technical regulations with respect to bulk purchases. Evrensel has since made the changes requested of it but has twice had their appeals refused after new audits conducted by BIK.

Evrensel is known for its independent reporting and has, in recent years, been subjected to considerable judicial harassment as a result. The indefinite ban by BIK together with a series of limited bans for alleged ‘violations of press ethics’ give the impression of a coordinated campaign against the newspaper as punishment for its editorial independence.

We urge you therefore to swiftly lift the ban on Evrensel prior to the end of the six month deadline.

For media pluralism in Turkey to grow, it is important that publications like Evrensel retain the economic means to survive and continue to contribute to a rich and vibrant media in Turkey.

Best regards,

David Casa MEP

Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield MEP

Kati Piri MEP

Katrin Langensiepen MEP

Michaela Šojdrová MEP

Salima Yenbou MEP

Ernest Urtasum MEP

Reinhard Bütikofer MEP

Sven Giegold MEP

Terry Reintke MEP”


We have lost our columnist, architect Cengiz Bektaş

Cengiz Bektaş, one of Turkey’s leading architects who for long years wrote articles in our newspaper, has lost his life.

We have lost our newspaper’s columnist, architect and poet Cengiz Bektaş. Holder of the Aga Khan and Mimar Sinan Grand Awards, Bektaş had been undergoing treatment for diabetes-related heart failure in an intensive care unit at a hospital in Istanbul for one week. Bektaş, who had penned his columns entitled “The Culture of Living” from our newspaper’s early years, was 86.


Born on 26 November 1934 in Denizli, Cengiz Bektaş underwent his secondary education at Istanbul Boys’ High School and his higher education in the Departments of Decorative Arts and Architecture of the Fine Arts Academy and the Faculty of Architecture at Munich Technical University. He completed his higher education in 1959. He attended German urbanization courses in 1960. He worked as a self-employed architect in Germany. He gained awards in two contests in which he competed there. He returned to Turkey on being summoned to a teaching post at the Middle East Technical University. He headed civil engineering and directed architectural affairs at the Middle East Technical University for one year in the 1962-1963 academic year.

He established his own architectural business along with Oral Vural in Ankara in 1963. He took part in architectural-urbanization contests for just six years over 1963-69. He won more than 25 awards. He brought into being buildings considered exemplary in Republican-period architectural history. He received the National Architectural Award twice. He won the international Aga Khan Award for the Akdeniz University (Antalya) Social-Cultural Centre building in 2001. The Turkish Language Institute building in Ankara is deemed by architects to be one of the twenty buildings symbolic of the Republican period.

Cengiz Bektaş was deemed worthy of the Aga Khan Architectural Award in 2001 and of the International Mimar Sinan Award in 2014. He was also deemed to merit the Mimar Sinan Grand Award at the National Architectural Exhibition and Awards in 2016.


Cengiz Bektaş embarked on his literary life with the columns he wrote in a local paper published in Denizli. He came first in a poetry contest at the State Fine Arts Academy in 1954 with Bedri Rahmi on the jury. Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca published Bektaş’s poems for the first time in Turkey in Türkçe Dergisi in 1960.

His poems have been translated into sixteen languages. Along with his poetic writings, he has 106 works devoted to architecture and culture. He has participated and submitted papers at countless meetings abroad and at home.

He served as Second Chair in PEN’s Turkish section for one term, Chair of the Turco-Greek Friendship Association for six years and for six years as Chair of the Turkish Authors’ Association.

From the early years of Evrensel newspaper onward, Cengiz Bektaş wrote a column entitled “The Culture of Living.”

Turkish Writers’ Union Chair Adnan Özyalçıner and PEN Turkey Chair Zeynep Oral had the following words for Cengiz Bektaş:


Chamber of Architects General Chair Eyüp Muhçu:

“Cengiz Bektaş had a special place in architecture and the history of architecture. He carefully formulated the relationship between nature and the city in his buildings. His works reflect a culture of living. For this reason, he won the Mimar Sinan Grand Award given biennially by the Chamber of Architects. He was an exemplary and colourful senior of our profession in all respects. He is known not just as an architect, but simultaneously for the many other sides to him such as poet, writer and journalist. He has bequeathed a very important legacy to the Chamber of Architects, the architectural community and society. We as a professional organization will stand by the values he produced and created. There have come most valuable contributions from him towards promoting architecture and fusing architecture with society in both Turkey and the international community. We will forever remember him with respect, love and longing.”


Turkish Writers’ Union Chair Adnan Özyalçıner:

“Cengiz was my school friend, my pal and a poet. He believed poetry was and should be language, and language poetry. He argued for his entire life that art was for people, not for art. His was a poetry that was of the populace and had a popular twang.


Chamber of Architects General Chair Eyüp Muhçu:

“Cengiz Bektaş had a special place in architecture and the history of architecture. He carefully formulated the relationship between nature and the city in his buildings. His works reflect a culture of living. For this reason, he won the Mimar Sinan Grand Award given biennially by the Chamber of Architects. He was an exemplary and colourful senior of our profession in all respects. He is known not just as an architect, but simultaneously for the many other sides to him such as poet, writer and journalist. He has bequeathed a very important legacy to the Chamber of Architects, the architectural community and society. We as a professional organization will stand by the values he produced and created. There have come most valuable contributions from him towards promoting architecture and fusing architecture with society in both Turkey and the international community. We will forever remember him with respect, love and longing.”


Turkish Writers’ Union Chair Adnan Özyalçıner:

“Cengiz was my school friend, my pal and a poet. He believed poetry was and should be language, and language poetry. He argued for his entire life that art was for people, not for art. His was a poetry that was of the populace and had a popular twang.


Nazife YAŞAR
Posted by Evrensel Daily


SPOT Conference 2020 – What’s the latest?

The Turkish state’s attacks on human rights, workers rights and democracy is
relentless, and President Erdogan’s war politics is fuelling further tension and
instability, not just in Turkey but across the region. It is in this context that we have
pulled our sleeves up and are finalising preparations for SPOT’s 4 th Annual
Conference, which will take place on 28 th March at the NEU, Hamilton House.
SPOT’s campaigns and activities have played a crucial role in raising awareness and
actively supporting progressive groups and unions in Turkey fighting for democracy.
As the conference approaches, we spoke with Louise Regan, Chair of SPOT who
explains what to expect and why you should be there with us.
SPOT is having its 4th conference on 28 march. What issues will you be
focusing on this year?
The SPOT conferences have been a huge success for us not only in building
solidarity but also in raising awareness and understanding about the situation in
This year we will be particularly focussing in women and the increasing oppression
that they are facing including the ways that they are fighting back against this.
We will be hearing from striking women workers at the SF Trade Leather factory in
Turkey and talking about further action that we can take here to support them.
We also have members from Egitim Sen the education union attending the
conference and we will be hearing about the attacks on trade unionists and workers
in the education sector who are speaking out against the oppressive government
and the restrictions that they have imposed.
Finally, we will be hearing from journalists who have faced unprecedented
oppression at the hands of Erdogan. Turkey has the highest number of imprisoned
journalists in the world and the regime continues to try to silence all those who speak
out against them. Turkey is one of the worst countries globally to be a worker and therefore it is even
more essential that we as trade unionists speak out about the situation.
Do you think fundamental rights and freedoms in Turkey have deteriorated
further in Turkey?
The situation in Turkey for workers, women, trade unionists and many others
continues to deteriorate. In the ITUC global rights index Turkey was in the top ten of the worlds worst
countries for workers. The attempts to silence anyone who speaks out against what is happening
continues. Trade union and progressive media outlets have their offices closed, workers
sacked or imprisoned and resources and equipment destroyed or confiscated.

Education is controlled by the government with no ability for free speech or
democratic discussion. These are all clear attempts to shut down dissent and to breed fear amongst people
about speaking out.

Do you think that the British population and media are sufficiently informed of
the developments in Turkey?
There is not enough knowledge amongst the population here in the UK about the
situation in Turkey however the trade union movement here is doing much work in
this area and I think that this is having a positive impact. The unions here have a
significant role to play in pressurising our government and in raising awareness
nationally and internationally about the ongoing injustices and attacks on workers.

Why do you think the British government is supportive of Turkey’s repressive
Unfortunately, we have re-elected a Tory government who now have a bigger
majority and who will use this to continue to attack workers here and globally.
The UK is one of the largest arms suppliers to Turkey and although these sales were
partially suspended in October this was only for weapons that may be used in Syria.
Turkey hosts a greater number of refugees than any country in the world and our
government believes that it plays a crucial role in preventing irregular migration into
the EU.
Finally. there is clearly a view that post Brexit there will be an opportunity to develop
a strong trade deal with Turkey. Given the attacks on workers and the oppressive
regime in Turkey this is something which we must oppose.
Successive governments in the UK have stood with the oppressors not the
oppressed. Our current government continues this.

What are your aims for the conference this year?
It is essential that we continue to raise awareness about the current situation in
Turkey and build the solidarity movement here in the UK but also where possible
globally. Personally, I am really concerned about the attacks and violations against women
and I think that this is an area we should really focus on over the coming year.

What are your expectations of delegates attending the conference?
I want the delegates to listen to the personal testimonies that we will hear from our
speakers, to ask questions and develop their knowledge and understanding.

Most importantly I want them to go away from the conference and spread our
message to others. By doing this we can continue to build the solidarity movement

Who is making money out of the war in Syria?

As President Erdoğan’s Idlib obduracy and AUAV strikes continue, the ruling media is making “national pride from national arms” propaganda, and son-in-law Selçuk Bayraktar is making money, too.

Object of the power holders’ relentless obduracy, Idlib remains high on the agenda. Compared to before, it has become tougher to air the voice of truth among the media bombardment that each day creates yet more disinformation and ruling propaganda.

And, most of the time, if you dig deeper into a piece of news widely covered in the ruling media you reach another important truth. By way of example, following the officially announced loss of 33 soldiers’ lives resulting from the Syrian military’s air attack on 27 February, the responses the Turkish armed forces mounted with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and armed unmanned aerial vehicles (AUAVs) began to make news. The front pages of the power-aligned newspapers assumed an arms fair-like appearance with photographs of UAVs and AUAVs

A Russian military reporter’s clip that started to circulate on social media on 29 February was covered as follows in Yenişafak newspaper: “Turkish AUAVs are striking night and day. The course of the war changed the moment AUAVs started to be seen in the skies above Idlib. They are striking convoys or even soldiers on motorbikes. What’s more, despite the great cost, Turkey continues to strike without fretting about the cash.” Let us now continue with a question that Yenişafak and the rest of the ruling media, festooned with ads for UAVs and AUAVs, passes over. Who is making money from these UAVs and AUAVs, the “pride of the national arms industry”? Turkey is one of eight countries to manufacture UAVs and AUAVs. Let us recall an announcement that was made with reference to this arms technology, which was first mooted for use in the Turkish armed forces’ anti-PKK campaign and we have most recently witnessed in use in Syria.

Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank, addressing the “BMC Future Fifty Years Gathering” held in Sakarya’s Karasu sub-province, said, noting that Ukrainian Head of State Petro Poroshenko had announced on his own social media account the signing of an agreement to buy unmanned aerial vehicles from Turkey, “Look, Ukraine is a country having a century of experience in space and aerial technology and which has manufactured thousands of planes, but it opts for Turkey in unmanned aerial vehicles because we currently have Turkish companies which manufacture UAVs and AUAVs that are the best of the most advanced technological class in the world with indigenous capabilities.” (13.01.2019, Habertürk) Turkey’s UAV-development process had its inception with the contract signed between SSM and TUSAŞ in 2004. Then, in 2009, Bayraktar Block A successfully completed its first automatic flight test. For its part, the Anka performed its first test flight in 2010, staying in the air for ten minutes. Bayraktar, in turn, was placed in service as an armed UAV in 2016. Under a resolution that took effect with President Erdoğan’s signature promulgated in the Official Gazette on 5 September 2019, unmanned aerial vehicle-manufacturer Baykar Defence (Bayraktar Brothers) set the ball rolling for a 600 million Turkish lira investment over an eight-year period. Baykar Makina, whose manufacturing capacity was announced to increase three-fold under this investment alongside the opening of a new R&D centre and which was said to have tax exemption for the duration of the investment period, stated that it would increase annual production of the TB2 Bayraktar from 46 to 92, the Communications System from 23 to 60, the Avionic System from 45 to 100 and the Ground Control System for the tactical unmanned aerial vehicles from 23 to 26. And Sabah newspaper reported as follows on the role of AUAVs in the latest Idlib proceedings, “With a stream of breaking news from Idlib, the success of the AUAVs has become the talk of the world. Experts state that the distance that could be covered in one month by firing from the ground can be covered in one day by AUAVs. With Turkey’s indigenous and national AUAVs causing a storm, some attention-grabbing words have been spoken with reference to T3 Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman, Selçuk Bayraktar. Portuguese Political Scientist and Hudson Institute Researcher Bruno Maçaes said, ‘Selçuk Bayraktar, technical manager of the Baykar company that manufactures the AUAVs and architect of the Turkey’s first national AUAV system Bayraktar TB2, is the man who changed the fate of the Middle East.’” (2 Mart 2020, Sabah)

As is known, Selçuk Bayraktar is President Erdoğan’s son-in-law. The predilection for war of those in power in Turkey, even in a period in which the sectoral consequences of the crisis in the economy are being debated, exerts an expansionary effect on the arms industry’s production and profit capacity. As Erdoğan’s Idlib obduracy and AUAV strikes continue, the ruling media is making “national pride from national arms” propaganda, and son-in-law Selçuk Bayraktar is making money, too.

Against this backdrop, Ertuğrul Özkök wrote in his column yesterday, “In selecting the ’20 people of the year in Turkey’ at New Year, I also put Selçuk Bayraktar, head of the company that manufactures AUAVs and UAVs, on that list. I was seemingly quite right.”

You have grasped it, haven’t you? The praise is for Ertuğrul Özkök and the legal action for me!

Article by Fatih POLAT
(Email: fpolat@evrensel.net)

Translated by Tim DRAYTON

EMEP: For the withdrawal of Turkish army and all foreign powers in Syria – Peace, not war!

The Labour Party (EMEP) made a written statement after the soldiers’ deaths in Idlib, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign forces in Syria, including the Turkish soldiers.

The Labour Party (EMEP) made a written statement after the soldiers’ deaths in Idlib, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign forces in Syria, including the Turkish soldiers.

The statement of the Labour Party is as follows:

“The death of 34 soldiers in recent attacks in Idlib has shown once again the high cost of Turkish government’s foreign policy, which is one of intervention in Syria and collaboration with the jihadists.

Following the Syrian army’s operation in Idlib against the jihadists, the Turkish government ignored the calls for the retreat of its soldiers, despite the fact that Turkey’s observation points were under fire, and thus paved the grounds for this bitter result.

The politicians, on the other hand, who do warmongering on these deaths and talk about destroying Syria are feeding on war and just thinking about their future at the expense of opening Turkey to bigger threats.

The use of Turkish soldiers as a shield for the jihadist gangs in Idlib, which is controlled largely by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, recognised as a terrorist organisation by many countries, including Turkey, has nothing to do with the interests of our country and its people.

Yet, the Erdogan government insists on this wrong policy, which has made the country to pay a heavy price for the past 9 years, a policy which is based on intervention in Syria and the use of jihadist gangs as an instrument for the expansionist desires.

If it is question of national security, as is claimed, then the right thing to do would be the withdrawal of the Turkish soldiers and to take steps to resolve the problems with Syria with peaceful means, rather than putting the soldiers into a position of war with the Syrian army.

The government’s efforts to negotiate with the US on Idlib and to call NATO into action has no use but to drag Turkey into a wider war and open the country to imperialist interventions.

This is confirmed by the fact that the US imperialism was quick to turn the Idlib attack into an opportunity to bring Turkey against Russia and called the Erdogan government to cooperate with the US.

The solution is not in calling NATO into action or turning the country into an area of the ongoing inter-imperialist fight between the USA and Russia for the re-division of the Middle East.

The Labour Party calls on the government and its supporters to stop warmongering and immediately withdraw the soldiers who are under fire in Idlib. The intervention in Syria and cooperation with the jihadist militias must end as this policy has cost the so much and brought it face to face with the threat of war.

The road to peace in Syria and in the region depends on putting an end to imperialist interventions and on the withdrawal of all military forces. Thus, all pro-labour, peace and democracy forces in Turkey and in the Middle East have the task of heightening the struggle for peace on the face of warmongering. Therefore, our party will continue to be part of the fight for democracy in the country and peace in the region.”

Article posted by EVRENSEL DAILY

The Erdoğan administration’s jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary

With it now apparent that the Erdoğan administration’s aims are no longer feasible, one could describe the way it has become bogged down thanks to its obdurateness over its Syria policy as its “jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary.”

There is no let-up in either the Erdoğan administration’s obdurateness over Idlib or the deaths of soldiers in the clashes occasioned by this obdurateness. Yesterday, the Ministry of National Defence and President Erdoğan first announced that two soldiers had lost their lives in air raids and then a further three soldiers in clashes. On the one hand, talks are being held on Idlib between Turkish and Russian delegations and, on the other, the Syrian army’s operation with Russian air support to remove jihadists from the city continue. Having previously announced that a “quadrilateral summit” would be held on March 5 in Istanbul with the participation of Germany and France as well as Russia, President Erdoğan said in the statement he made in the plane returning from Azerbaijan – Russia evidently not wishing to involve other actors – that on this occasion he would hold bilateral talks with Putin.

Well, if the leader of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS – formerly al-Nusra), which Turkey and the UN officially regard as being a “terrorist organization,” al-Julani says, “HTS is waging at least seventy-five per cent of the war going on in the region. Hay’at is in at least eight of the ten regions in which there is resistance and attacks,” why the obdurateness over the policy of acting as a shield for jihadists?

This is because the campaign the power holders in the country launched nine years ago to conquer Syria with expansionist designs and neo-Ottomanist dreams is today bogged down in Idlib and through support for the jihadists in Idlib who are resisting the Syrian army that is intent on capturing the city.

With it now apparent that the Erdoğan administration’s aims are no longer feasible, one could describe the way it has become bogged down thanks to its obdurateness over its Syria policy as its “jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary.”

Why jihadist impasse?

This is because the situation in Idlib bears testament that the end is nigh for the policy of using jihadists to prop up the intervention in Syria.

The period in which jihadist groups such as ISIS and Ahrar al-Sham were influential on the ground was the period in which the Erdoğan administration’s interventionist Syria policy had the most props. In this period, these jihadist groups were supported in conjunction with the policy, on the one hand, of overthrowing the Syrian/Assad administration and, on the other, of destroying the autonomous administration the Kurds had created in Rojava. However, for one thing, as part of the “Strategy of Combatting ISIS” it put into implementation to restore its authority in the region (Middle East) that was starting to wane, the USA’s move towards cooperation with the Kurdish forces (Syrian Democratic Forces-SDF) that were battling ISIS and, for another, Russia’s post-2015 military engagement in support of the Syrian administration changed the balances and upset the calculations.

Russia’s military engagement and involvement in the operations led to the shelving of calculations to overthrow the Syrian/Assad administration. Meanwhile, faced with the USA, moving towards cooperation with the Kurds (SDF), providing heavy weapons to the SDF for the operations undertaken most prominently in Raqqa and the subsequent staging of the coup attempt in July 2016 that drew strength from tension between the USA and the Erdoğan administration, the Erdoğan administration moved into cooperation with Russia. Of necessity, cooperation with Russia resulted in the sidelining of the goal of overthrowing the Syrian administration and the prioritization of the policy of eliminating the attainments in Syria of the Kurds, also perceived as being a threat with regard to the furtherance of the policy being waged at home within the Kurdish problem.

For Russia, the cooperation with Turkey was fairly expedient cooperation when it came both to eliminating the jihadist bands and engaging NATO-member Turkey to upset US calculations. On this basis, the jihadist bands in areas such as Aleppo, Eastern Ghouta and Dera’a were on the one hand liquidated bit by bit and moved to Idlib under the auspices of the power holders in Turkey, and, on the other, Turkey’s operations targeting the Kurdish autonomous administration starting with “Euphrates Shield” were permitted in the interests of both limiting the Kurds’ power and upsetting US plans.

In short, both their influence over jihadist groups and their potential to upset US plans led to Russia making the power holders in Turkey into one of the major actors in Syria. However, this situation started to change after Turkey’s “Fountain of Peace” operation. The US withdrawal from the border regions where it had been cooperating with the Kurds and the brokering by Russia, having subsequently become involved, of an agreement on border security between the Kurdish forces and the Syrian administration altered the balances here, too. Russia’s involvement brought the operation to an end and the preconditions no longer applied for Turkey’s intervention in regions apart from Tell Abyad and Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ayn) which it had taken in the initial periods of the operation. Moreover, under Russia’s guarantee, negotiations were started between the Syrian administration and the Kurdish forces (Syrian Democratic Council) on the Kurds’ status in the new Syria.

These developments pressed the power holders in Turkey bit by bit into their impasse because, even though, to halt the operation the Syrian army had commenced, the Erdoğan administration signed the Sochi Agreement with Russia in September 2018 in which it made undertakings concerning the liquidation of jihadists, it did not fulfil these undertakings, nor could it. It could not do so because the fulfilment of these undertakings would entail losing the most important card it had used to become an influential actor in Syria. But their current plight shows that there was/could have been no possibility of the non-fulfilment of the undertakings altering the outcome apart from gaining time for the power holders in Turkey.

At this juncture, it can be said that a fresh agreement may also emerge from negotiations held/to be held with Russia whereby Turkey and the jihadist groups consent to the new situation in Idlib, that is Syria and Russia having captured many of the city’s strategic points. Erdoğan’s pronouncements signal their readiness for such a compromise with a view to at least delaying departure from the other regions of Syria that have been taken and not fully relinquishing the position vis-à-vis the Kurds.

However, the jihadist impasse for the Erdoğan administration does not amount purely to the jihadist groups becoming functionless with regard to the interventionist Syria policy because going forward it will face the problem/question of what is to become of the tens of thousands of jihadists who will throng to the border gates and pose a significant security threat to Turkey.

Essentially, what has been said until now also applies to various aspects of the power holders’ Kurdish quandary.

The Kurds’ attainments in Syria also played a decisive in role in the ending of the “solution process” by the Erdoğan administration, seeing that under these conditions it would be unable to impose its own solution. Hence, the policies of oppression domestically – and Erdoğan once again signalled fresh operations against the HDP on his return from Azerbaijan – and the operations against the Kurdish autonomous region in Syria were waged simultaneously. However, as has already been stated, we have reached a point at which the preconditions for waging these operations against the Syrian Kurds no longer apply. Conversely, the talks between the Syrian administration and the pollical structures in the autonomous Kurdish region show that the Kurds in Syria will be part of the solution, even if its framework/scope will be shaped in keeping with the balances and developments in the region. This process will most certainly have inevitable effects/consequences as far as policies that are pursued in the country within the Kurdish problem are concerned.

In conclusion, the jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary summarize the point the incorrect policies of nine years have reached. Rather than reverting from this error and adopting a policy based on popular interests, Erdoğan is attempting to lengthen the life of this policy that today is bogged down in Idlib even though it will impose a heavy price on the country and create fresh dangers because he regards it as a prop for furthering his own rule.


Article by Yusuf KARATAS
Email: yusufka17@gmail.com

Translated by Tim DRAYTON



It has come to this: Refugees as instruments of war

Turkey is pushing refugees over the border and Greece is pushing them back. What we are watching is a Turkish-Greek jointly produced film of shame. The refugees are like a ping-pong ball toing and froing across the tennis table.

The right-wing government in Greece is pitiless towards refugees. Be they old, children or handicapped, the people massing at the border gate are stifled with gas and bombarded with stun grenades. The war launched against refugees is called a “push back.” Greece previously came to attention for the countless cases of torture along the Maritsa river.

So, what should the method the Turkish government is implementing be called? I think it could be called a “push forward.” Turkey is pushing refugees over the border and Greece is pushing them back. What we are watching is a Turkish-Greek jointly produced film of shame. The refugees are like a ping-pong ball toing and froing across the tennis table. The false hopes and torment are incalculable.

Becoming isolated in the Syrian theatre, the AKP administration is using the refugees as a political trump card. It wants to spread the crisis to Europe by means of the refugees. This is what it basically boils down to. The world saw two big imperialist wars in the twentieth century and millions of refugees were displaced. But it fell to the AKP in the twenty-first century to use refugees as an instrument of war.

Nothing but disgrace meets the eyes:

Millions of refugees are transported in municipal vehicles in the knowledge that the gates will not be opened. Speaking to NTV, a woman refugee says, “Officials say, ‘The gate is closed. Go by sea.’”Human traffickers brag, “The Chief has given permission anyway. We have started to transport the refugees.”The boarding of children and babies onto dinghies is broadcast live, gangs dispatch people on deadly journeys, etc.

All of these things are for sure crimes against humanity. Those who turn a blind eye to and facilitate this need shed no crocodile tears when the first child drowns in the Aegean because they hold political responsibility for this entire disgrace.

So, what about society?

You see the throngs along Vatan Street in Istanbul seeking to get aboard the buses. Refugee babies are tossed from hand to hand. A woman refugee is separated from her husband and screams. And, with all this going on, passing cars honk their horns and swearing emerges from the windows. Some shout, “Piss off and don’t come back again.” While in Adana, shops are shuttered and people stay indoors to keep Syrians from being lynched.

Do you know what this means? This means the pent-up hatred of Syrians over nine years is manifesting itself as a social eruption. How can there be intermingling under such circumstances? Where will things end up when those who leave are forced to return? We are clearly in a period in which everyone needs to exercise common sense. Questioning government decisions? OK. Criticizing political power, erroneous foreign policy and the erroneous refugee policies this policy engendered? This, of course, is what is called for at the same time. But directing the anger towards refugees can and must never be accepted.

Do you know who the first to go were when it was announced that the border gates would be opened? Those at the bottom – Syrians, Afghans, Uzbeks, Congolese. Those incapable of enduring a life devoid of status, harrowing working conditions and half-price wages, in short, the cog wheels of capitalism. A textile-worker refugee in Istanbul has the following comment: “It’s better if I go to the border rather than living under the fear of repatriation and dodging the police on the way to work.”

Are all these circumstances not being experienced thanks somewhat to the inability of workers, local and refugee, to join hands and their failure to change this ruleless working order in unison?

Look what a father on the Edirne border says speaking to Evrensel with his child in his hands and among a cloud of gas: “This is a political game. They made plenty of mistakes towards us. Neither Turkey nor Greece or Europe recognize us as people. You won this game so well done.”

The European Union also bears plenty of guilt in this refugee exchange founded on political disputes. They asked EU spokesperson Stano in Brussels about the refugees crossing the Greek border. The man’s reply was precisely, “If we are witnessing any increase … we will act accordingly.”

So, how will these developments change course?

It is clear that, however much they have been tabled, imperialist solutions have not been the solution in Syria. If the region is to breathe freely, the bloodshed is to stop and the tears are to cease, the brotherhood of peoples and struggle for peace will open the way to this. Only then will refugees avoid being made into an instrument of war.

A final note:

Why, faced with the human drama taking place at the border gates, are Thrace’s and Istanbul’s trade unions, associations and democratic mass organizations unable to display effective solidarity? Let us ask ourselves this question on behalf of every woman, child and even swaddled baby refugee. And, whatever steps can be taken, let us take them quickly.


Article by Ercüment AKDENİZ

Translated by Tim DRAYTON


Idlib message from Selahattin Demirtaş

Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş has made a statement following the death of 33 soldiers in Idlib.

Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş, detained for more than three years in Edirne Prison, has sent a message regarding the 34 soldiers who were killed in the air raid staged by the Syrian army in the Syrian town of Idlib.

Demirtaş’s message read as follows:

“May God bless the souls of the security staff who lost their lives in the attack in Idlib and I send my condolences to their relatives and wish the injured a speedy recovery. I share their pains and concerns with all my heart.

I hope the policies of war, conflict and tension being pursued at home and abroad will not lead to further destruction and pain.

Pushing for the solving of problems through peace and dialogue under all conditions is the most honourable and virtuous approach. Let us raise our voice of peace, not cries of war.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)


Is a government to promise “martyrdom” to its citizens?

Erdoğan appears to have reached the stage of holding “martyrs” in a tighter embrace and saying, “God willing, the mound of martyrs will not remain empty” in accentuating the religious-ideological grounds for his policy.

Speaking at a foundation-laying ceremony for the tram line in Izmir’s Kınık sub-province, for the second time in the past two weeks Erdoğan again aired the promise, “God willing, the mound of martyrs will not remain empty.”

This is because Erdoğan is now having great trouble replying to the questions, “Why are we in Syria?” and “Why are we in Libya?” through advancing political justifications. This is because the Erdoğan administration, which now portrays Idlib as being Turkish territory, not Syrian territory, and has reached the stage of going to war against Syria to topple the Syrian government, has become incapable of maintaining its defence of its current position in Syria with its former justifications.

The arrival now of soldiers’ remains from Libya will also bring the reason for being in Libya into greater questioning. Hence, faced with the collapse of the political justifications for his neo-Ottoman foreign policy, Erdoğan has turned to trotting out ideological reasons of Medieval provenance so as to prevent disintegration in his own base if nothing else!


Arguing in his speech in Kınık that, “Turkey’s Syrian and Libya policies are neither an adventure nor a trifling matter,” Erdoğan, in saying, “We say that we are engaged in a new independence struggle as a country and people. We are there (Libya) along with our directing heroic military and our teams from the Syrian National Army (SNA). Of course, we have a few martyrs. My brothers, we will never forget that the mound of martyrs will not remain empty!” clearly articulated the jihadist, conquestorial mentality behind the neo-Ottomanist policy in Libya, Syria and in all corners of the globe.

Let me point out straight away that the Erdoğan administration’s neo-Ottomanist policy is in dire straits in both Syria and Libya. These straits have by now stripped demagogic justifications aimed at concealing the truth of their credibility. Indeed, in invalidating propaganda premised on “We do not have our eyes on an inch of Syria’s territory” or “We respect Syria’s territorial integrity,” the Erdoğan administration has reached the stage of speaking of going to war against the Syrian regime.

And, on the day following that on which he spoke of war in Syria, Erdoğan, by saying the other day, “We are there along with our directing heroic military and our teams from the SNA” following on from his comments, “We are consulting with the Serraj administration. Members of the Turkish armed forces are not participating in the war” acknowledged that Turkey was waging war along with the Haftar forces in the guise of the Turkish Armed Forces and SNA.

Here, Erdoğan brushes off the affair by saying, “We have a few martyrs,” but, in conjunction with the deaths of three Turkish armed forces members, one of whom was Colonel Okan Altınay, in clashes in Libya, it will be no great error to say that the “numerical measuring of martyrs” will also raise questions in his own base.


The Erdoğan-AKP administration, its political justifications gradually losing credibility, needs to cloak events in an ideological sheath to prevent disintegration among those of its own persuasion if nobody else.

With the political justifications for his Libya and Syria policies becoming less credible, Erdoğan appears to have reached the stage of holding “martyrs” in a tighter embrace and saying, “God willing, the mound of martyrs will not remain empty” in accentuating the religious-ideological grounds for his policy.

What this means, in turn, is, “We will and must yield far more martyrs on the road embarked on today!”

This thinking constituted one of the predominant concepts of Islamic culture in the “wars of religion” that Islam waged against non-Islamic religions, chiefly Christianity, in the seventh century in which Islam’s period of “conquest” occurred and which has become crystalized in the “martyrdom” that such bunches as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have popularized.

Indeed, to cover up the administrative issues and administrative liability that was clearly apparent in the Elazığ earthquake and in Van, on 7 February following the avalanche disaster in Van Erdoğan attributed what had happened to “accident and fate.” However, Erdoğan did not stop at this and, saying, “We will walk undauntedly and fearlessly towards the Shahada so that, God willing, the mound of martyrs will not remain empty,” set out to make the declaration that “the mound of martyrs will not remain empty” not just into a veil for his own liability but, at the same time, into good tidings, a promise!


As has been seen, to prevent its own goals from henceforth coming into open view and the quagmire into which it has dragged Turkey in the interests of a handful of capital groupings from becoming visible and to furnish legitimacy for its bankrupt foreign policy, the Erdoğan administration is using the slogan of the jihadist and conquestorial mindset of “martyrdom” and trying to save face.

Today, unless it is of a jihadist and conquestorial ideological persuasion, no sensible government or state promises becoming martyrs to its people and populace! And, for sure, it does not try to turn the “arrival of martyrs” from across borders into a “martyrdom” that is the product of its own policies and an occurrence that is to be “coveted” and “encouraged” based on “nature,” “fate” “faith” and “hadith.” On the contrary, today, the first duty of every state, every political party and every administrator imbued with a degree of modern thinking is to ensure citizens’ safety of life.

The chief aim of domestic and foreign policy is thus ensuring citizens’ safety of life!

If the government’s domestic or foreign policy opens the way for the “martyrdom of youth,” to secure the success of these foreign policies, it renews policies, not in a way that encourages the yielding of far more martyrs and becoming martyrs, but that changes these policies and prevents citizens from becoming martyrs.

The eighteen-year AKP rule has brought Turkey into a domestic and foreign political orientation fashioned on a foundation that is rooted in seventh-century jihadism and hallows the concepts of “jihad,” “conquest” and “martyrdom” of such bunches that conduct politics through religion as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and that is combined with the issue of “survival” coloured by these concepts.

This orientation will see far more “martyrs” coming from Libya, from Syria, from Iraq, …!

Article by İhsan Çaralan

Translated by Tim Drayton

İlhan Uzgel and Kerim Has’s assessment: Idlib doggedness full of risk

Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel and Russia expert Kerim Has assessed the latest developments in Syria and Idlib for Evrensel.

The Idlib tension continues to mount. The Ministry of National Defence announced the deaths of two soldiers and the wounding of another five soldiers in İdlib. At around the same time, the Anadolu Agency intimated that members of the “moderate” opposition had launched an operation against the Syrian army in the Idlib-located town of Nayrab. Issuing a statement following the reports, the Russian Ministry of Defence in turn stated that the assault had been repulsed with the intervention of Russian air forces and called on Turkey to stop supporting armed militants.

Experts who have assessed the ongoing developments for Evrensel stress that the doggedness in Idlib is full of risk.

Recalling that there had been previous losses of lives of soldiers in Idlib, Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel pointed out that the military operation would have high-cost consequences in both political and diplomatic as well as legal and military terms. According to Uzgel, who says, “America is not troubled by the conflict in Syria,” the carrying of this conflict into a new dimension by Turkey is compatible with America’s interests.

According to Russia expert Kerim Has, for his part, what is entailed in Idlib is not Turkey’s interests but the AKP-Erdoğan’s “political” ambitions. Saying that for this reason the soldiers under the Syrian army’s control at the observation points have not been withdrawn, Has commented, “The power holders in Ankara think that ‘news of the fallen’ coming from Syria serves as it were as ‘petrol’ for the perpetuation of their own existence.”


Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel considers there to be a low probability of a direct operation. Recalling that Turkey had primed itself as if conflict was in the offing and had amassed troops in the region, Uzgel said, “I mean, the prevailing intention in military terms here was for deterrence. Why do I say this? You know the Turkish observation points in Idlib have remained in places the Syrian army controls and it is at the very least trying to secure these and to attain deterrence with a strong build-up to ward off attack. This is the first stage.”

Saying that the second stage is, “Expelling the Syrian units beyond the Sochi Agreement borders,” Uzgel continued, “This would be a riskier action. It would be an action that engenders far more high-cost consequences in both political and diplomatic as well as legal and military terms. There is a lower probability of encountering this because in the end you are in another country’s territory and would be battling it to secure spatial expansion. The perception of this in the world, including the Arab world, and especially the perception of this in Russia, would be extremely negative. I mean, build up as many troops as you like, in the end you are in another country’s territory. Furthermore, Turkey’s military units and observation points are at extremely fatigue-prone locations. The operation would have high-risk consequences because a countermove could come and military fatalities have previously been experienced in any case. If further such instances occurred, it would come at a heavier price in domestic politics and I do not really imagine this would be a strain it could withstand.”

Saying that there may nevertheless be surprise steps, Uzgel continued, “All of this has to do with the extent to which it takes these risks, for example will it risk the loss of soldiers or will it risk appearing more aggressive in the international arena, given that Turkey has appeared to be complying with the agreement until now?”


Assessing the unfolding process in Syria since 2011 also from the viewpoint of the peoples of the region, Uzgel had the following to say: “With talk of strategy, security and such like starting, the attrition of peoples is beginning. That is, if there is talk of a strategy somewhere, it means a process in which there is an attrition of peoples has begun. And this is what we are experiencing, not just in Syria; all the peoples of the region are experiencing this.”


Well, where is the USA in these discussions? With US President Donald Trump saying, “We are working together with Erdoğan over Idlib,” President Erdoğan has pronounced, “We may have all kinds of solidarity with the US at any time.”

Assessing the US’s attitude, Prof. Uzgel says, “America wants Turkey to stay in Idlib and for the presence of Islamist radicals to continue, too. In the end, a portion of them were trained under America’s train-equip programme and it inserted a portion of them there in conjunction with Turkey; they consist of warriors to which it blinded its eyes. America is not actually troubled by the dynamic of conflict in Syria, and the carrying of this conflict into a new dimension by Turkey is not contrary to America’s interests and America is consequently at Turkey’s rear in this affair. This in fact is one of the reasons lying behind the ease with which Turkey acts.”

Stating that America and Russia have never come into confrontation and will not do so, Uzgel said, “Just as today, they get on pretty fine by involving other countries. It is taking place through Turkey’s frontal war with Syria, not with Russia – Russia will not wage war with Turkey, it has America and NATO behind it and it has called them to duty, too. America has found a fresh means to keep Turkey on the anti-Russian front and, as such, it hopes to confront the Syrian army here without touching Russia.


According to Russia expert Kerim Has, President Erdoğan’s pronouncement, “The operation against Idlib is imminent” and Russia’s reply, “Ankara waging war against the Syrian armed forces on Syrian territory is the worst-case scenario” need to be taken seriously. Has said, “I am of the opinion that President Erdoğan is seriously contemplating the option of war with Syria, not because Turkey’s interests demand it, but to further his own political ambitions and cravings. In my estimation the power holders in Ankara think and are calculating that ‘news of the fallen’ coming from Syria serves as it were as ‘petrol’ for the perpetuation of their own existence.”

Considering the non-withdrawal of troops from the remaining Turkish observation points in Idlib that are besieged on all sides by the Syrian army and have to meet all their needs including day-to-day provisions under Russian supervision as a pointer towards this, Has commented, “If a war breaks out, it is probable that the Turkish troops surrounded by regime forces which will become priority targets will needlessly be left virtually hostage.”


Pointing out that the tension the AKP is experiencing with Russia over Syria has further accentuated the squabbles and differences of opinion between groups known to be “nationalist and Eurasianist” and the “components in the depths,” Kerim Has thinks that the discussion of coups and assassination allegations that have become hot issues of late are directly related to developments in Syria.


According to Kerim Has, assessing Dmitri Peskov’s comment, “It would be the worst-case scenario for Idlb” in responding on Russia’s behalf to Erdoğan’s operation pronouncement, Russia’s policy is clear: “It is an updated Sochi Agreement whereby the M4 and M5 motorways pass into Damascus’s control, the terrorist and jihadist elements are shoved away towards the Turkish border and at the very least the besieged Turkish troops are removed from the region. But it is abundantly clear that this agreement will also be temporary and regime forces, having rested for a while, will advance inside Idlib.

Secondly, President Erdoğan directly and openly targeting Syrian military positions in Syrian territory without any attack would lead to an increase in the support Russia gives the Damascus administration, which it stands behind anyhow. In this case, the Turkish army would be confronted not just by Assad regime forces, Hezbollah and Iranian-supported militias, but by Russia. If the conflict did not remain confined to Idlib and spread to Afrin and the Peace Fountain region, Russia might engage the Syrian Kurds and take certain critical steps that could lead to Ankara suffering ‘rout’ on the ground.

The AKP administration for its part appears to wish for the regime to withdraw to the borders of one and a half years ago in Idlib. It is no exaggeration to say that it is impossible for Ankara to attain this goal under prevailing conditions.”

Has stresses that all these possibilities depend on whether “President Erdoğan will acquiesce even temporarily to an updated Idlib with a changed map.”


Russia expert Kerim Has noted that, if Ankara embarks on direct war with Syria, Moscow may bring the ISIS dossiers down from the shelves that it submitted to the UN Security Council at the time of the plane crisis which initiated the process leading to President Erdoğan apologizing or that fresh ones may follow these. Has continued, “Such personal ‘blackmail tools’ that may lead to the airing of ‘dirty laundry’ ranging from relations with diverse warriors in Syria to transfers of Jihadists to Libya and from the ledgers of Reza Zarrab, whose men were apprehended at Moscow Vnukovo airport, to the lowdown on 15 July are contained in Pandora’s Box and its opening and use has in fact been awaited for a long time.

One of the most important points the Kremlin learnt in the plane crisis is that it can attain a speedier and easier result if, rather than bringing itself into confrontation with Turkey as a country, it squeezes its rulers. Otherwise, it would neither have been able to sell Ankara the S-400s for which Turkey has absolutely no need in military terms nor construct TurkStram without giving Ankara anything in return. Hence, the price of such actions as calling NATO into Idlib, needing Trump’s aid or adopting a position that encourages the US to stage an air operation in Syria will most probable serve no other purpose than increasing the cost of the war for Ankara.”

Article by Meltem Akyol

Translated by Tim Drayton




The on-stage rifle is starting to go off in Idlib!

The picture painted in Idlib conjures up the words spoken by Russian playwright Chekhov to emphasise the connection of the stage set: “If in the first act there is a rifle hanging on the wall, it absolutely must go off at the end of the play.”

Each day fresh news of conflict and death comes in step with the build-up that has been going on for weeks in Idlib and the increased number of tanks, howitzers, armed vehicles, thousands of soldiers and tons of ammunition being sent in 100-200 vehicle convoys.

The picture painted in Idlib conjures up the words spoken by Russian playwright and poet Anton Chekhov to emphasise the connection of the stage set, narrative and play with reality: “If in the first act there is a rifle hanging on the wall, it absolutely must go off at the end of the play.” It has become a veritable “maxim” in the political debate of recent years in the political and military arena as talk turns from “must go off” to “goes off.”

Taking stock of events in Idlib, we see the laconic remark drawing its inspiration from Chekhov seemingly operating as a “rule of war.”


So much so that, as the end of the scene nighs, the barrels of the rifles alleged to have been stacked up “for peace” and “to save people’s lives” turn to the people said to be “enemies!” This is accompanied by such clichés as “We may come suddenly one night,” “The blood of our fallen will not be shed in vain,” “We’ll match like with like” and “We’ll strike the enemy everywhere.” In short, even the heroics aimed at domestic politics are turning on the ground into guns ready to go off.

With the situation on the ground becoming so sensitive that conflict may erupt at any moment and becoming conducive to jihadist-terrorist groups’ provocations, Idlib is becoming and has become catalytic for every kind of nightmare scenario for Turkey.

This is because ten of the twelve observation zones Turkey set up under the Sochi Agreement have become stuck in the area under the Syrian army’s control in the past fortnight. This boils down to a lack of anything out there remaining to be observed and, moreover, the observation zones having become surrounded by the Syrian army.

Indeed, it emerged the day before yesterday that members of the “moderate opposition” said to be under Turkey’s supervision attacked the town of Nayrab under Syrian military control in a rural part of Idlib and the Turkish armed forces provided artillery support for the attack.

The attack on Nayrab was repelled with Russian warplane support.


The President and government spokespersons say at every opportunity, “We have no intention or goal of clashing with Russia.” Delegations come and go between Ankara and Moscow and there is blunt talk of no result ensuing from the talks held. If there are those who say, “Only Putin and Erdoğan talking can halt the process that is sliding towards conflict,” Putin evidently is not talking since the environment for doing so has yet to emerge.

Russia’s wishes of Turkey are that it:

Does not forget that Idlib is Syrian territory,Refrains from exaggerated comments that inflame the ground situation, andCeases arming and supporting terrorist groups.

And the US intervention in the Idlib crisis has started to assume a degree of shape.

It is beyond debate that Western imperialists such as the US, UK, France and Germany, whose wish of Turkey is that it houses the jihadists-terrorists in Idlib, want Idlib to be a “protected area” for terrorists as it is today.

The US and Western imperialists want Russia and Turkey to come into confrontation in Idlib, to give unconditional allegiance to Western imperialism and for Russo-Turkish relations to implode under the given circumstances. In fact, Merkel and Macron spoke to Putin yesterday and asked for the making of a ceasefire in Idlib.

With the Erdoğan administration having taken a position that questioned US support in the form of giving a “blank cheque” for Turkey’s Idlib policy, it has put this questioning to one side in recent days as things get stickier for it in Idlib. Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu showed that objections and concerns have been put to one side in saying, “We will be in cooperation in all forms with the USA.” Indeed, announcement has been made by both Turkey and the US that Turkey has asked the US for Patriot missile systems to cleave out the corridor they will open for its warplanes in Idlib air space.


Looked at in the light of developments in Idlib, there remains on the ground no counterpart of the Astana and Sochi agreements which portray Turkey’s presence in Idlib as “legitimate:”

The Turkish armed forces observation points are now in locations where they come into confrontation with the Syrian army.Russia and Iran stand behind Syria and both countries are Turkey’s partners in both the Astana and Sochi processes. This is a contradiction but has become a contradiction that can be resolved by Turkey withdrawing from Idlib.Russia has given a negative reply to Turkey’s request for the opening of Syrian air space to its warplanes. Turkey has asked for Patriot missile systems for use against Russia and Iran. However, an affirmative response has yet to come from the US.

The way things stack up is that if Turkey entertains any other option apart from withdrawing from Idlib, which is Syrian territory in military terms, it will get into a far greater mess militarily. However, despite this reality, Erdoğan wants the Syrian army to withdraw to behind Turkey’s observation points by the end of February. It thus appears that in the coming days the contradictions between Russia-Syria-Iran-Turkey over Idlib are set to sharpen and the conflict to harshen.

In Idlib, the rifles “on stage” have started to go off!

We will shortly see more clearly if they go off to the extent of leading to war with the Syrian army.


Article by Ihsan Çaralan

Translated by Tim Drayton

IPI: BirGün’s announcement ban lifted, Evrensel’s to be lifted too

The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the Press Notices Institute and appealed for the same ban issued to Evrensel to be lifted at once.

The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the Press Notices Institute and appealed for the same ban issued to Evrensel to be lifted at once.

The IPI has announced from its social media account that the announcement ban given to BirGün by the Press Notices Institute has been lifted. In addition the IPI also appealed for the fine issues to Evrensel to be lifted with immediate effect too.

The IPI message published in Twitter reads “Great news as #Turkey’s state ad agency @basinilankurumu ends 6-month ban on @BirGun_Gazetesi yet IPI demands urgent lifting of public ad ban on @evrenselgzt.

Ban must end w/out delay or face permanent exclusion to threaten survival of the newspaper. #FreeTurkeyJournalists”.

The General Editor of Evrensel newspaper, Fatih Polat, who quoted the message, said the following: “Get well soon wishes to our neighbour newspaper, BirGün. I would have wanted to say we wish the same for ourselves, alas, the Press Notices Institute, on the grounds that such a decision has been given, may persist on the cancellation of Evrensel’s right to notices on the pretext that ‘See, we are not biased against anyone’. This is what their attitude seems to be. This is because Evrensel has nothing missing. I wish I will be proved wrong.”


PAA rejects Evrensel’s objection to announcement ban decision – embargo continues

The Press Advertisement Agency has dismissed our objection to the announcement and advertising decision it issued whereby more than one newspaper may not be purchased.

The Press Advertisement Agency (PAA) has once more dismissed the objection we made to the announcement and advertising ban penalty it imposed premised on newsagent sales.

The Press Advertisement Agency has dismissed the objection we made after it ruled “the purchasing by one reader of more than one newspaper” to be a crime on the basis of inspections made in the Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Istanbul, İzmir and Kocaeli provinces on 28 October 2019. Alleging that Evrensel was bought by newspaper staff and this situation was of a constant nature, the PAA intimated that for this reason it had decided to continue suspension of the official announcement and advertising right. This decision was served on our paper on 14 January 2020. Purchasing more than one newspaper was deemed to be a crime element in this decision.


In the 14 January decision, the purchasing by one person of five newspapers in Diyarbakır and taking them to a prison, the purchasing by one person of eight newspapers in Meydan Market and three newspapers in Has-Er Market in İzmir, the purchasing of five newspapers from the Nesrit Bulut newsagent and two from the newsagent named Aktif Gıda Pazarlama in Adana and the purchasing of fifteen newspapers from the Şen Gıda newsagent and eight from Zaman Gıda in Gebze was deemed to be a “crime element.”


The objection we made to this decision has been dismissed by the Press Advertisement Agency. In its decision, the PAA dismissed the objection we made, saying, “… It was ascertained that just as no valid and concrete information or documentation was submitted that would constitute a basis for the lifting of the General Directorate decision in question, no cogent explanation was offered with reference to the violations. Consequently, as Evrensel Daily newspaper’s grounds in the (g)-referenced correspondence were not deemed to necessitate the lifting of the (f)-referenced General Directorate decision and to be acceptable, there was no call for the conducting of any procedures in line with the (g)-referenced correspondence of the newspaper at issue.”


Noting that the Press Advertisement Agency was maintaining its double standards, Evrensel newspaper’s lawyer Devrim Avcı said, “It does not accept our readers buying two newspapers, but on the other hand the income other press outlets derive from mass sales is massive. They want us to believe that Sabah newspaper is purchased individually from newsagents.”

Saying that the Press Advertisement Agency alleges that newspaper staff constantly purchase the newspaper and this is untrue, Avcı said, “They say staff buy the paper but staff are in fact notified to both the PAA and the Social Security Institution. Despite this, they persist in saying that ‘Staff buy the newspaper.’”

Avcı stressed that he no longer expected a law-based and independent decision from the Press Advertisement Agency.


The Press Advertisement Agency also recalled its decision, “In paragraph four of Article 46 of the Regulation on Official Announcements and Advertisements and Periodicals Which are to Publish These concerning the number of actual sales and their averages as well as distribution and sales principles, sales at final point-secondary newsagents must be made in fact and individually, with multiple sales being exceptional on reasonable and acceptable grounds.” In other words, the purchasing of more than one newspaper is deemed a “crime” under the Press Advertisement Agency decision.


Evrensel was penalized with the first official announcement and advertisement ban on 18 September 2019. Even if we as a newspaper objected to the decision on 2 October, this met with dismissal on 10 October. This was compounded by the late delivery of the Press Advertisement Agency decisions to our paper by the post office. On 14 October we then requested a “renewed inspection” for this procedure to be reassessed. The reinspection fee for the renewed inspection decision issued on 4 November was also paid by our paper. On 19 December, we subsequently petitioned for a reply to be given to our paper in view of reinspection not yet having been conducted. On 14 January, however, the report replete with outrageous details about multiple purchases was forwarded to our paper. In response to this decision, we further objected to the decision on 20 January. However, from information that reached us on 17 February, the Press Advertisement Agency announced that it would not lift the announcement and advertisement ban penalty. A mere one month remains before our newspaper, designated as being penalized for five months, forfeits its official announcement right. If the official announcement ban penalty does not end by March, our newspaper Evrensel will attain the status of a newspaper unable to carry official announcements.

Article by Gözde TÜZER

Posted by Evrensel Daily

Following signal from Erdoğan, Board of Judges and Prosecutors authorizes probe into Gezi trial judges

The Board of Judges and Prosecutors has authorized a probe into the judges which ordered acquittal in the Gezi trial. Prior to the decision authorizing the probe, Erdoğan said, “They set out with a manoeuvre to have him acquitted.”

Chamber One of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors has authorized a probe into the bench of Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 30 which ordered acquittal in the Gezi trial.

According to a report by Nazif Karaman of Sabah, the Board of Judges and Prosecutors (BJP) has authorized an examination and investigation of Presiding Judge Mehmet Perk and members Ahmet Tarık Çiftçioğlu and Talip Ergen who ordered acquittal in the Gezi trial.

From what has been gleaned, the Board will appoint an inspector into the bench. The inspector will investigate the affair.


Criticizing the judgment emanating from the Gezi trial, President Erdoğan said, “There are in a serious sense Soros-type characters behind the curtains who by means of getting certain countries to rebel stir things up there and he was within the Turkish leg of this. They set out with a manoeuvre to have him (Osman Kavala) acquitted yesterday. Others are also with him in this affair.”


The bench in the Gezi trial ordered the acquittal of nine people, including detainee Osman Kavala. The court also ordered Kavala’s release. With Kavala being released in the evening in line with the ruling, a rearrest order was issued against him in relation to the 15 July investigation.



9 People Acquitted and Osman Kavala Discharged in Gezi Trial

The court panel in the Gezi case gave the verdict of acquitting 9 people and discharging Osman Kavala, the only defendant of the case in detention. The files of 7 people abroad were set aside.

The sixth hearing of the Gezi court case of 16 people accused of “attempting to do away with the government of Turkish Republic,” one of whom has been in detention, has taken place in Istanbul Major Crimes Court 30 in Silivri. The court panel arrived at a verdict. Due to the lack of legal evidence pertaining to committing of the purported crimes by the accused, the verdict was the acquittal of 9 people and discharge of Osman Kavala. The court also decided for the files of 7 people abroad to be set aside and resolved for the removal of the orders for their arrest pending any other legal decision on them.


Having reminded that legal proceedings about Osman Kavala, Mücella Yapıcı, Can Atalay, Tayfun Kahraman, Ali Hakan Altınay, Yiğit Aksakoğlu, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi, Çiğdem Mater Utku and Mine Özerden were started due to “attempts through compulsion and violence to do away with the government of Turkish Republic or to, partially or as a whole, impede it fulfilling its tasks”, “damaging property”, “qualitative looting”, “the unpermitted possession or supply of dangerous substances”, “deliberate cause of injury”, “aggravated injury” and “opposition to the Act of Safeguarding Cultural and Natural Heritage,” the court gave a verdict of their acquittal as “there was not sufficiently concrete or definitive evidence of the committing of crimes accused which would warrant a sentence”. The court resolved to acquit and discharge Osman Kavala.

The court which resolved to set aside the files of Can Dündar, Mehmet Ali Alabora, Ayşe Pınar Alabora, Gökçe Tüylüoğlu, Handan Meltem Arıkan, Hanzade Hikmet Germiyanoğlu and İnanç Ekmekçi, also resolved to quash the order for their arrest. The court issued a warrant for their arrest in order to take their statements.

Presenting his deliberation, the prosecutor had applied for aggravated life sentences for Osman Kavala, Mücella Yapıcı and Yiğit Aksakoğlu, sentences of 15 to 20 years for Tayfun Kahraman, Ali Hakan Altınay, Mine Özerden, Can Atalay, Yiğit Al Ekmekçi and for the files of Ayşe Pınar Alabora, Can Dündar, Gökçe Yılmaz, Handan Meltem Arıkan, Hanzade Hikmet Germiyanoğlu, Memet Ali Alabora ve İnanç Ekmekçi to be set aside.


Observed by representatives of international human rights organisations, members of parliament, journalists and the public, the court hearing opened with the statement of the prosecutor’s demands. Repeating his deliberation, the prosecutor alleged that all defence pleas are to extend the case and that they should therefore be rejected and that the detention of Osman Kavala should continue.

Following the statement by the prosecutor, the head of the court asked for a statement by Osman Kavala which was objected by the solicitors. The head of the court gave the solicitors a chance to speak following these objections.

Kaan Karcıoğlu, the lawyer for Mehmet Ali Alabora spoke first. Reminding the decision for non-prosecution relating to his client’s Twitter activity, Karcıoğlu expressed their wish to analyse the records of phone calls and to look at whether or not the records were tampered with.

Following Karcıoğlu, Evren İşler, the lawyer for Can Atalay, Tayfun Kahraman and Mücella Yapıcı, spoke. İşler said “The witnesses we would like to hear are in the court. It is not the case that there is an attempt to lengthen the hearings. ”

Aynur Tuncel Yazgan, the lawyer for İnanç Ekmekçi, in her speech to the court panel, said “You gave no decision on the evidence I demanded to be collected. If the witness has been prepared in accordance with the Act of Penal Court and if a document has been submitted, the court has to accept. Our witness is here. The witness is a person to be listened to for us, we demand the witness to be heard.”

Hürrem Sönmez, the lawyer for Çiğdem Mater Utku, stated that “The witness about the allegation directed at my client is here, we demand for the witness to be heard.”


The court case resumed after the recess. The head of the court refused all demands on grounds that “It will not benefit the hearing” and gave the floor to Osman Kavala for a statement. Kavala said he wished to speak after the witnesses were heard in accordance with the advice given by his lawyers.


Speaking about the conditions of his detention, Kavala reminded the vote of opposition given by Zühtü Arslan, the head of the court in the European Human Rights Court and Constitutional Court decisions.


Senior Architect Mimar Mücella Yapıcı, being tried for life sentenced said “I am not going to provide a defence; I provided my defence in the court where I was acquitted.” Demanding extended time for all those tried in the case to provide a defence, Yapici said “I said it to the previous court panel, I am here dear chair, you are changing yet I am right here and still in the right.”

Those listening to the case applauded after Yapıcı’s words. The head of the court warned that in case of further applause, those listening to the case will be ejected from the court hall.


Baran Ali Şahin, a lawyer for the Home Ministry, then took the floor to express his agreement with the deliberation and the sentences to be issued to all defendants. The lawyer for the Treasury also expressed agreement with the court deliberations.

The court panel, having refused once again all the defence pleas, announced that they will be opening the hearing to the objections to the court deliberation.


Stating that he will not speak against the deliberation, lawyer Köksal Bayraktar said he will speak about the detention of Osman Kavala. Bayraktar stated that “The detention of Kavala violates the EHRC decision, there is a reality before us, human rights have been violated and continue to be done so… Our client has been in detention for the last 2.5 years. This is unacceptable. You should not remain a bystander to unlawful activity and cannot remain so. As stated in the EHRC decision, Kavala should be released ‘immediately’”.


Without giving permission to all of the lawyers for the defence to speak, the court panel demanded the tried to provide their final statements. Despite all the objections from the lawyers, the tried were asked to provide their final statements. Özgür Karaduman, a lawyer objecting to this was forcibly removed from the court, upon which when those in court reacted to this with applause, the listeners were demanded to leave the court and decision to this effect was given.

Without announcing a recess, the court panel then left the court.


Gendarmes with headgear brandishing shields entered the section of the court where the defence lawyers were to remove lawyer Özgür Karaduman which the head of the court demanded be removed from the court; the lawyers reacted by demanding a written decision.

Ali Kenanoğlu, the HDP MP reacted saying “You cannot remove the defence out of the court.” With the objections getting stronger, the decision to remove Özgür Karaduman was overturned despite the demand by the court earlier.

The court panel returned to the court. Having refused the lawyers plea for extension, the final statements of the lawyers were taken and then the court decision was announced.

The decision of the court met the applause of those in attendance.

Article posted by EVRENSEL DAILY

An “awareness” question: What business does Turkey have in Syria?

President Tayyip Erdoğan said: “Whoever says, ‘What business does Turkey have in Syria?’ is either unaware or intentionally an enemy of this people.”

In the speech he made at his party’s parliamentary group meeting last tuesday, President and AKP General Chair Tayyip Erdoğan targeted those who criticize Turkish troops coming under fire and a state of war being reached with the Syrian army in Idlib by saying, “Whoever says, ‘What business does Turkey have in Syria?’ is either unaware or intentionally an enemy of this people.” That is, ever since 2011 Erdoğan has accused critics of the intervention-based policy in Syria of either lacking awareness or harbouring enmity towards the nation. As his speech progressed, Erdoğan says the “Adana Agreement” signed with the Syrian administration in 1998 authorizes Turkey to stage operations in Syria and Turkish troops are in Idlib pursuant to this agreement.

Let us start with the issue of “awareness.”

I wonder if Erdoğan accuses askers of the question, “What business does Turkey have in Syria?” of either “lacking awareness” or “harbouring enmity towards the nation” because he is so sure of the correctness of the policies he is implementing and that they are in the popular interest, or to conceal the problems and threats this policy has created.

Yes, I have repeatedly posed this question and will continue to do so.

This is because if in 2011 you set out with the claim of democratizing Syria and turn the country into a motorway of jihadists from all four corners of the globe going to wage war in Syria, we are entitled to inquire, “What business do we have in Syria?”

If jihadist gangs create “emirates” and radical religious militants swarm on our borders as a result of the policies you have implemented and the interventions you have staged in the name of ensuring the country’s security, we are entitled to say, “What business do we have in Syria?”

If, having advertised the camps set up in the country so as to create a basis for the interventionist policy in Syria and encouraged the flow of refugees to this degree, you say, “We are in Idlib to stem the flow of refugees,” we are entitled to inquire, “What business do we have in Syria?”

If, with the table set up for the peaceful solution of the Kurdish problems and talks with the Syrian Kurds making headway, you abandon this policy and obdurately engage in operations that serve no other function apart from aiding imperialists in using this problem for their own interests, we are entitled to say, “What business do we have in Syria?”

This means those who ask, “What business does Turkey have in Syria?” are not asking this question for nothing.

This is because lying at the heart of all the problems and threats Turkey faces today in Syria is the AKP-Erdoğan administration’s policy of intervention in Syria in 2011 on which it embarked with claims to “regional leadership” and dreams of “neo-Ottomanism.”

Let us turn to what Erdoğan says about the Adana Agreement and the presence of Turkish troops in Idlib.

Whichever of Erdoğan’s pronouncements in his group speech you take, you are left with a dud.

In this speech, he both proclaims the Syrian regime to be “illegitimate” and says he does not recognize it and also defends Turkey’s presence in Syria by virtue of an agreement made with this regime. This is not the full extent of the quirkiness: Erdoğan threatens war and grants the Syrian army until the end of the month to withdraw from Idlib which is part of its own national territory.

Let us leave this to one side and inquire whether the Adana Agreement really, as alleged, grants Turkey the right of intervention.

The Adana Agreement was signed on 20 October 1998 with the mediation of Iran and Egypt following the removal of PKK leader Öcalan from Syria (9 October 1998), which created serious tension between the Turkish and Syrian administrations. In this five-article agreement, the Syrian administration undertakes to ban the PKK’s activities in Syria and to prevent threats and actions targeting Turkey on its own territory. There is no wording in any article of the agreement about an intervention right of Turkey. However, despite this, the Erdoğan administration intervened in areas governed by the Syrian Kurds (Syrian Democratic Forces) by arguing that this agreement granted it the right of intervention!

In fact, we encounter a situation today that cannot be accounted for on such grounds, either. The Syrian administration is staging an operation against an organization that the UN and Turkey officially proclaim to be a “terrorist organization” to ensure security in its own territory. Moreover, it is staging this operation to secure the M4 and M5 motorways in the wake of Turkey’s failure to fulfil its commitments in the Sochi Agreement signed between Erdoğan and Putin on 17 October 2018. And, see if the Erdoğan administration is not restricting itself to opposing this operation and is threatening the Syrian army with intervention and, furthermore, is premising this on the Adana Agreement!

A further important point that shows the extent of the contradiction and impasse against which the Erdoğan administration has run up is that Russia is supporting this operation by the Syrian army with aerial bombardment. But, when it comes to Russia which he cannot boss about and which in fact instrumentalizes its relationship and cooperation with the Erdoğan administration in its fight for supremacy with the USA, Erdoğan says and is obliged to say, “We attach special importance to the continuation of our friendship with Russia.”

There remains but a single question. Which betrays lack of awareness: questioning a policy that exposes the country and the people to such great threat and problems, or obdurateness over this policy?

Article by Yusuf Karatas

Translated by Tim Drayton



IPI-led international press freedom mission: Turkey must end public ad ban on independent newspapers

IPI-led international press freedom mission called for an immediate end to the ban on public advertising on the two independent newspapers Evrensel and BirGün.

The International Press Institute (IPI), Reporters without Borders (RSF), the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), called for an immediate end to the ban on public advertising on the two independent newspapers Evrensel and BirGün.

Both newspapers are part of a shrinking club of media that have stubbornly resisted pressure to curb their independent journalism and readiness to criticize the authorities. Since September they have been subjected to indefinite bans imposed by BIK (Basin Ilan Kurumu), the agency responsible for the distribution of the state advertising budget.

Should the bans remain in place for six months (until March) the newspapers will be formally excluded and unable to reapply for funding for three years. Such a result would be catastrophic for the economic viability of the newspapers.

On Thursday, February 6, the delegation of press freedom groups met with the director of BIK, Rıdvan Duran, and were told that Evrensel and BirGün had breached technical regulations regarding the crediting and sourcing of articles and their means of distribution. Duran insisted that BIK’s ban was not related to their editorial line and that both newspapers still had time to correct their practice to be once more eligible for public advertising funds.

Evrensel has been banned since September 18, accused of bulk buying that distorts their distribution figures against which measure the advertising levels are set. Some of Evrensel’s supporters place group orders of editions before distributing them through their local networks. It is a practice that Evrensel has had in place since they were first appointed to the distribution scheme in 2011.

In September 2019, BIK ruled however this practice as bulk purchasing and against the regulations. BIK added that when municipalities or travel companies purchase papers in bulk for distribution to employees or passengers, they are registered at no more than 50 copies even when the numbers sold are in their hundreds.

BirGün newspaper also received an indefinite ban at the beginning of September. The initial charge was a failure to submit distribution figures in time. When that was resolved BIK added a new charge that BirGün had failed to properly credit authors or sources in its articles.

Daily Cumhuriyet also received a short-term ban in September for a report ruled to have “humiliated the Turkish security forces”. While the paper does not currently face the threat of a permanent ban, the delegation expressed concern about how this power could be misused to stifle legitimate criticism.

BIK was first established in 1961. In 2013 its structure was changed to enable it to impose bans for breaches of its code. It has a General Assembly made up of members appointed by the government, the media industry and civil society. In August 2019 Rıdvan Duran was appointed as the new director.

According to Duran, BIK distributes funds to over 1,000 different newspapers on an annual budget of 450 million Turkish lira (around 69 million euros). The delegation was disappointed that BIK is unable to provide public reports on how these funds are distributed to the different newspapers, nor on the different penalties imposed on media.

“Turkey’s independent media have been under extreme pressure in recent years with around 170 outlets closed in 2016 and the remaining subjected to hundreds of prosecutions against their journalists”, the press freedom delegation said. “Rıdvan Duran has given his assurance that the bans are not politically motivated and can be swiftly resolved. It is imperative that he is true to his word and that the advertising bans are swiftly lifted.”

Article posted by EVRENSEL DAILY

Fighting for the right to join a trade union

CEREN SAGIR reports on an important workers’ struggle at SF Trade Leather in Izmir, Turkey

BRITISH luxury fashion company Mulberry says it prides itself for being “ethically sourced.”

Volkswagen Group UK Ltd says it has a “zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery.”

And Mercedes-Benz UK claims to have a “zero-tolerance policy towards violations of the laws banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking.”

But these major companies, along with other international brands such as Molift, Odder, Römer, Liko, Babybjörn and Audi source materials from a factory operating in Izmir, Turkey, where an important workers’ struggle is taking place.

Employees at SF Trade Leather have been fighting for their right to organise in the country’s leather workers’ union, Deriteks Sendika, since 2015.

The company initially responded by sacking about 14 workers, offering their jobs back on the condition that they cancel their union membership.

SF also demanded the local court block the union from posting material on their action online, and even filed a claim for damages.

Workers fought against the company and campaigned both locally and internationally for their colleagues’ reinstatement.

Campaigns and protests in front of brands such as Mulberry, supported by British trade unions and campaign groups, led to victory, with the opening of negotiations between SF management and Deriteks.

As a result, SF accepted the right to trade-union membership within the workplace and a protocol was signed stating that mutual dialogue would improve.

But last summer, Deriteks heard from SF workers that harassment and bullying behaviour were still taking place, and a workplace organisation committee was formed by the unionised workers In order to tackle the issue.

Union members Ayse, Pinar, Nurcan and Sevcan were immediately suspended for allegedly “not performing well” and were accused of bringing the factory “into disrepute and endangering other workers’ jobs.”

The four women have since been on a symbolic strike for over 100 days with the support of Deriteks, and continue to fight for their jobs and their right to trade-union membership.

Ironically, SF claims on its website that its core values include to work as a team, contribute to their communities and build open and honest relationships.

And the right to join a union is supposedly protected under Turkey’s constitution.

SF workers are continuing to call for the reinstatement of all sacked employees with immediate effect, for trade0union recognition and the right to organise within the workplace, and for an end to bullying and harassment by SF management.

Their struggle and determination to get their jobs back have become a symbol of resistance in the Gaziemir Zone of Izmir, which is home to many leather factories.

London-based campaign group Solidarity with the People Of Turkey (Spot), which works to build bridges between organisations and unions in Britain and Turkey, has urged trade unionists, politicians and members of the public to contact company owner Frederic Giraud.

Mulberry and BabaBjorn were the only companies that responded to pressure from the group, saying they take the matter seriously and that they have approached relevant departments.

However, Spot said that unless the workers are reinstated, protests in front of their stores in Britain will begin from this weekend.

The four women workers have thanked Spot for their support in their class struggle in a video, adding: “Long live international solidarity.”

MPs such as Labour’s Feryal Clark (Enfield North) have supported the campaign by writing to the employers of SF. Unions including Unison have also backed the campaign.

Tomorrow, demonstrators will be gathering outside Mulberry in London’s Covent Garden at 1.30pm to warn the that they will be taking action against companies that are complacent over workers’ rights abuses.

Spot secretary Cinar Altun told the Star: “We want to make sure that the voices of workers in Turkey are heard and major corporations cannot turn a blind eye to workers’ rights violations within their supply chains.

“Spot has successfully put pressure on the Turkish government, with the support of trade unions in the UK, against some of the atrocities being committed in the country from their attacks on human rights and freedom of speech, to their war against the Kurdish people.

“We hope that organisations, unions and MPs will stand with us and support these four women workers who are simply demanding their basic rights under both Turkish and international law.”

Support this campaign by contacting SF Trade Leather at:
Please send all messages to the attention of Mr Frederic Giraud


This article was posted by: Morning Star

Scandalous reason for cutting ads off for Evrensel: Readers’ solidarity was considered as a crime

According to Press Advertisement Agency (BİK) reports, readers buying more than three newspapers presented as a reason for cutting ads off for Evrensel.

Press Advertisement Agency (BİK) refused our appeal against the decision to stop allocating public sector advertisements in our newspaper. The reasons put forward for the decision were scandalous. One reader buying two papers was given as a reason for the decision.

BİK, whics is affiliated to the Presidency, is responsible for allocating public sector advertisements to newspapers. Most newspapers, especially ones like ours that are not owned by big corporations, depend on income raised via BİK advertisements.


Evrensel called its readers to stand in solidarity against a financial siege by Turkish authorities. The campaign called “Every day buy 2 copies of Evrensel: Read one, give one to someone to read” gained countrywide support in a short time.

However, BİK authorities counted the campaign as an element of a crime. According to BİK reports, readers buying more than three newspapers presented as a reason for ceasing advertisements.

The BİK also reported on where the papers were taken after purchase. Evrensel’s lawyer Devrim Avcı said that this was an attempt to punish the paper through its readership “Are you physically following readers? This is what comes through your reports.”

Following investigations in individual newsagents, BİK claimed that readers purchasing more than one paper constitutes an offense and the paper didn’t meet its minimum actual sales quota. BİK visited individual newsagents in Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakır, İstanbul, İzmir and Kocaeli on 28 December and observed sales against the rule of “final purchase should be the sale of individual papers, except for exceptional circumstances where more then one is purchased” and that readers “purchased more than one paper.”


Lawyer Devrim Avcı said that the role of BİK was to allocate public sector advertisements but that it uses its position to suppress newspapers such as Evrensel, BirGün and Cumhuriyet; “BİK makes a complaint, carries out the investigation and the sentencing. It is playing the role of complainant, victim, attorney, judge and police all at once. This unacceptable in a state of law.”


Avcı said that BİK going to cities and dictating how many copies an individual can buy is an attempt to stop Evrensel’s campaign of “Every day buy 2 copies of Evrensel: Read one, give one to someone to read”. In response to BİK’s decision that “those that purchase the paper work for the paper” she said “so you see all readers as workers? There would be many procedures involved, including national insurance payments if they really were workers of the paper. You show none of these as proof but still see all that purchase the paper as workers of the paper. This is discrimination.”


Avcı continued: “They say newspapers are bought in Diyarbakır and taken to the prison. Are you following the individuals that bought the papers? How do you know they are taken to the prison? Are you following them? That is the conclusion we reach from your report. The paper is being punished through its readership. We’ll be challenging this through legal means.”


In its decision BİK also mentioned that “papers that do not continue receiving public service advertisements for six months following a suspension… will lose permanently their right to receive these advertisements.” Our paper received its suspension on 18 September 2019. We appealed on 2 October but it was rejected on 10 October. The decision was also delayed by the late delivery of the BİK notification by PTT (National Postal Service). We asked for a “re-evaluation” on 14 October. Our newspaper paid for the re-evaluation which was granted on 4 November. By 19 November the re-evaluation had not taken place yet so we wrote asking for a response. Finally, we received the report including the alleged bulk buying on 14 January 2020. The stated decision was that “the newspaper continues to act against clause 19 of the legislation regarding removal of allocations of public service advertisements.” Our newspaper’s right to publish public service advertisements was suspended four months ago and if this ban is not lifted by March, Evrensel’s status will become one that cannot receive public service advertisement.


Many individuals and institutions in the media stated their support for Evrensel:

Gökhan Durmuş, the general secretary of the Turkish Journalists Union (TGS) mentioned that financial sanctions against opposition media outlets by BİK have increased in the recent years and that BİK is trying to economically push them to the brink, issuing suspensions using reasons against legislation. Durmuş said “everyone knows that a newspaper close to the rulership is sold in bulk but Evrensel is punished for one reader purchasing two papers” and continued “as a reader who buys two papers as a part of Evrensel’s campaign do I need to look over my shoulder to see if I’m followed? What kind of a decision is this? How many papers I buy concerns me not the BİK. They should also explain under what legislation they are following people. BİK should return immediately to its principals of equality. The suspension against Evrensel should be lifted immediately and the paper should receive its deserved share from official notices.”

DİSK Media Workers’ Branch General Secretary Faruk Eren said BİK’s decision was “like a joke” and that “they are looking for excuses to pressure people.” He said the rulership doesn’t want the public to hear the truth and “newspaper that report the truth are put under pressure. Some of this pressure is economical just as Evrensel and BirGün faced. Journalists will continue to share the truth with the public. From now on we’ll buy not two but three papers.”

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey representative, Erol Önderoğlu, said that “BİK should firstly explain its ‘performance’ against those newspapers involved in political immorality, prejudice and intolerance and feel ashamed of attacking a newspaper that reports on workers’ and peoples’ rights. We know that government institutions buy some papers in bulk or they are distributed freely, which is deemed acceptable; but why is the distribution of a newspaper by its own distributors a problem? Turkey’s media regulators are running a scheme of liquidation through double standards.”

Progressive Journalists Association (ÇGD), Can Güleryüzlü said “We are not surprised that Evrensel is targeted. Because Evrensel exposes the rulership’s system of exploitation; carries the rights of the exploited to its pages and reports on workers’ struggles as objective journalists.”

CHP MP Utku Çakırözer, formerly a journalist himself, reacted against the embargo on Evrensel and the reasons for it in the Parliament. He said “BİK suspensions continue despite the reaction. It is unbelievable that Evrensel has been punished! They went to newsagents and blacklisted readers for supporting their newspapers. They were questioned on why they buy more than one newspaper and the newspaper was fined. Reader support is not an offence. This violation of rights against Evrensel, BirGün and Cumhuriyet must be stopped immediately.”

A wave of anger is also burst out over social media. Several people shared their photos while buying ‘more than one copy of Evrensel” as “an element of a crime” through their social media accounts. Also, Evrensel’s call for solidarity campaign gained a lot of attention by re-tweets.


Strike bans are unconstitutional

Lawyer Ahmet Ergin discusses rulings the Constitutional Court has passed on strike bans: “Constitutional Court case law provides guarantees to workers intent on striking.”

A fresh strike is in the offing for metal workers, their wages eroding day by day under conditions of economic crisis. Disagreement reigned at the Turkish Employers’ Association of Metal Industries group collective agreement negotiations that were continuing in the metal sector, the mediation phase has been passed through and a strike decision taken. With the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions-affiliated Turkish Metal Union to set the implementation date later, the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions/United Metal Workers’ Union, conversely, have announced their strike resolutions to take effect on 5 February.

Strike action, one of the most basic means of “class struggle,” is one of the fundamental rights and freedoms that is enshrined in both international treaties and in the constitutions of many countries, ours included. Strike action, as well as being a fundamental right per se, is also an important and mandatory component of the right to collective agreements.

The power holders’ practices that have banned all effective strike action over the past decade willy-nilly invite the question of whether the potential metal strike will be postponed (banned). It is worth recalling in this regard the United Metal Workers’ Union’s banned 2015 strike.

The United Metal Workers’ Union’s strikes that took in 15,000 workers and which it launched at twenty workplaces on 29 January 2015 and were to start on 19 February 2015 at eighteen workplaces was banned by the Cabinet on 30 January 2015.

The ban met with resistance among workers and the strike actually continued for a few more days at major plants especially in Gebze and Istanbul and then workers began to return to the shop floor shepherded by trade unionists whose outlook was confined to “narrow legal rights” and whose actions were basically informed by concerns for no “bother to emerge.”


Touted chiefly by those of this persuasion was, “the position of unions holding illegal strikes will put paid to us and workers will become jobless.” However, as was mentioned in that period, strike action is a right granted by international treaties to which Turkey is party and the Constitution, and the power holders with their postponement-cum-ban were acting illegally. Indeed, the Constitutional Court (CC) pointed out in its ruling of 09 May 2018 on the United Metal Workers’ Union’s application number 2015/14862 that the strike postponement was unlawful and violated strike/trade union rights.

It was stated in the CC ruling that approaches of this kind “could engender a conclusion in which all strikes that will have certain economic consequences could hamper national security and lead to infringements of constitutional rights that are unnecessary in a democratic society and are disproportionate.” It was noted in the ruling that the notion, “Economic security is an integral part of national security” mooted in the Cabinet’s postponement resolution and in the Council of State ruling dismissing the stay of implementation application was in need of explanation. The CC stressed that the concept of “economic security” was not enumerated in the law as grounds for strike postponement and the postponement resolution infringed on trade union rights.


The CC, indicating that the notion of “national security” cited as grounds for banning strikes could well be expanded in scope according to personal views and rationales and, hence, was a general notion that could lead to various and phased implementations that could extend as far as arbitrariness, recalled that this had also been stated in the ruling it had passed on the ban on Glass, Cement, Ceramic and Soil Industries Workers’ Union members’ right to strike. Let us here recall that the Constitutional Court also declared a violation in its ruling of 02 July 2015 with reference to the ban affecting the strike implemented by the Glass, Cement, Ceramic and Soil Industries Workers’ Union at Şişecam workplaces. It is thus necessary and imperative to stress to all workers, not least the metal workers who are about to exercise the right to strike, that there is case law regarding strike bans, the CC’s rulings are of the same thrust and arbitrary “postponement” resolutions are contrary to the Constitution and the law.

In particular, given the argument, ““Economic security is an integral part of national security” has fallen foul of the Constitutional Court, we can say here and now that the passing of a resolution to postpone a potential strike under the metal group collective labour agreement will be unconstitutional and unlawful.


It is by now abundantly clear that no heed should be paid to the Turkish Employers’ Association of Metal Industries’ or the bosses’ veiled threats that your strike will be banned. There is no statutory or constitutional basis for resorting to the reason “our strike will be banned” and claiming that trade unionists need sign low agreements or not actually continuing to strike under such a potential ban. Strike action is a statutory and constitutional right and “arbitrary bans” are unconstitutional. Labour courts, regional courts of justice, the Court of Cassation and the Council of State are obliged to rule in line with Constitutional Court rulings. Consequently, workers and trade unions who do not recognize unlawful bans under normal conditions and under the normal legal order cannot be accused of acting unlawfully and so cannot be deprived of rights.


The statutory basis for banning strikes is Article 63 of the Trade Unions and Collective Labour Agreements Law number 6356. According to this article, “If a legal strike or lockout that has been decided on or started is of a nature that impairs national security, the Cabinet (now the President) may postpone the strike or lockout in this dispute for sixty days. The duration of the postponement starts on the date the resolution is promulgated. On the postponement resolution taking effect, the mediator appointed in accordance with paragraph seven of Article 60 shall expend all manner of effort for the duration of the postponement for the resolution of the dispute. The parties may also reach mutual agreement within the duration of the postponement and take the dispute to a special arbitrator. If agreement is unreachable at the end of the duration of the postponement, the dispute shall be resolved by the Supreme Arbitration Board on application by one of the parties within sixty working days. Otherwise, the workers’ trade union shall be derecognized.”

As everyone who reads the text of the statute can understand, there can be no resumption of the strike at the end of the sixty-day period and the collective agreement is enacted by the Supreme Arbitration Board. This procedure, dubbed postponement, is thus blatantly prohibition.

Article by Ahmet ERGİN

Translated by Time Drayton


Cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff restored

The cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff have been restored.

The cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff have been restored. When some Evrensel staff members consulted the “Press card search” section today, they saw the wording “in use” in place of the comment “annulled” they had previously seen. However, no comment in this regard has been forthcoming from the Presidency Directorate of Communications to either our newspaper or the public. The press cards of hundreds of journalists have also been similarly cancelled along with those of Evrensel staff.

After the Press Cards Commission had been attached to the Presidency Directorate of Communications, when journalists who had made much earlier renewal applications called the Press Card Support Line, they received the reply, “You can continue to use your old cards.” Nevertheless, the comment “in waiting” was displayed on the search screen. However, last week the press cards of Evrensel staffers and a great many journalists not on Evrensel’s staff were cancelled.

Notably, the change in question was made on a non-working day, on Sunday.


Among those stripped of their cards was permanent press card holder Sultan Özer. Özer’s most recent search brought an interesting error to light. Sultan Özer’s press card that had been cancelled last week had not been made available for use. The card that had been restored to use was the card issued while she was working as part of Hayatın Sesi television, closed under a ministerial circular, which it returned when the entity was shuttered. This is believed to be the result of error.


The Turkish Union of Journalists (TGS) Ankara branch called on the Directorate of Communications to grant non-issued turquoise cards forthwith. Journalists will stage a protest in front of the Presidency Directorate of Communications tomorrow at 1 pm.

The TGS Ankara branch’s call to the Directorate of Communications and its colleagues is as follows:

“The Presidency Directorate of Communications passed a law-defying resolution last week and cancelled many journalists’ press cards. This has rendered our colleagues incapable of performing their duties. Our colleagues who have been stripped of their cards have been unable to enter parliament, ministries and judicial complexes and follow up the news.

However, the Directorate of Communications has taken a step back and has restored the Yellow Press Cards that it had cancelled. The Directorate of Communications has apparently opted to revert from the error it has made.

We make a repeat call to the Directorate of Communications, which has opted for a course of action that rectifies this injustice our colleagues have suffered, and urge it to issue the turquoise cards that have gone unissued for a year without any grounds being cited.

We invite all our members and colleagues to support this call of ours.”


Erol Önderoğlu of the Reporters Without Borders organization issued the statement, “We view the restoration of the press cards to certain Evrensel staff members whose press cards had been cancelled as “reversion from a serious error.” The Presidency Directorate of Communications can only revert from all similar errors if it ends this unjust procedure.”


Presidency Communications Minister Fahrettin Altun has made a statement in relation to press cards. In his statement, Altun has dismissed the validity of claims that certain media entity staffers had had their press cards cancelled. Last week, the press cards of the entire staff of Evrensel and also many journalists not with Evrensel were cancelled.

Altun made pronouncements concerning press card applicants in a written statement he posted on his social media account.

Fahrettin Altun noted that all procedures by the Communications Ministry relating to press cards were conducted under the Press Card Directions.

Recalling that, alongside applications for initial press cards or permanent press cards, applications were made for new press cards for such reasons as general card change, loss, wear and tear, change of entity or return to the profession, Altun indicated that the Communications Ministry Press Card Application System was open and applications were currently being received.


Altun stated that the post-application assessment process was undertaken meticulously in a manner that guards the prestige and esteem of press cards.

Recalling that, with this in mind, investigation was made to determine whether applicants fulfilled the “conditions sought of persons to whom press cards are granted” set out in the Press Card Directions, Altun commented as follows in his statement:

“The Communications Ministry has since its inception furnished new press cards to 13,372 media members whose assessment processes have been completed. Included among this number are media workers having very different designations from all media entities on a national and local scale. The number of applications currently undergoing perusal is 894. Taken account of in this process, alongside technical criteria, are such various factors as whether applicants indeed conduct professional activity or have connections to any terrorist organization and convictions or demeanour that is detrimental to the honour of the profession. As things stand, cancellation does not apply to any of the cards whose assessment process is underway.”


Stressing that renewal applications for press cards not yet concluded were still active, Altun noted the following:

“Hence, claims that the cards in particular of the staff of certain media entities have been cancelled are certainly untruthful. Just as there are those in all entities who have received new press cards, there are those who continue to undergo assessment. The mere existence of recipients of new press cards at entities to which press cards are allegedly not being given gives lie to this bad-faith endeavour. The necessary communications will be made to applicants on completion of the process relating to applications undergoing continued assessment.”


In his statement, Altun spoke of the “existence of recipients of new press cards at entities to which press cards are allegedly not being given” but the press card has not been renewed of even a single journalist who works as part of Evrensel and has made their application from Evrensel newspaper.

However much Altun says, “Claims that cards have been cancelled are certainly untruthful,” the press cards of many journalists were seen to have been cancelled last week on the Communications Ministry press card search screen. Yesterday (Sunday 26 January), however, the cancelled cards appeared to have been restored.



“The political wing” of “FETÖ”

As all know, is it not Erdoğan and the AKP who has not only been “the political wing of the coup” or Gülen but its partner? Was there not a partnership of power?

First and foremost, my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the Elazığ earthquake. And my get-well-soon wishes to the injured survivors.

Everyone should take note of the efforts by the Governor of Elazığ and those who have a stake in the city’s administration on behalf of the government to manage the public’s perception so as to avail AKP to emerge unscathed from the events rather than attending to those killed and injured.

And another lesson should also be derived from government officials who allude to “fate” with their talks of “what can we do, we are powerless, the earthquake is God’s work”! There were experts in the subject who warned against the possibility of an earthquake in Elazığ four months ago. As for an earthquake in Istanbul, it is just around the corner, with expectations of its imminent arrival. If the incidents are to be associated with God then one could presumably retort “may God rehabilitate you” to the Government representatives who are currently taking legal action against Berna Laçin for her criticism of deferring the matter to God and the measures taken. How can one have a government like this? It won’t take any measures, remaining a bystander while the earthquake causes such a death toll and then it blames and takes legal action against those who deign to question this state of affairs! No conscience could accept this; it is a sign for those on their way out.

We also witness the same approach of inverting the truth on the matter of Fethullah Gülen.

It is not unknown that the Gülen Congregation, just as the vast majority of congregations, is directly involved in politics as it doesn’t limit itself as an Islamic congregation and is actively concerned with “worldly blessings”.  Such political Islam have caused the bloodbaths in Iraq and Syria with beheadings and people burned alive through ISIS and the confrontation with a Islamic coup in Turkey through “FETÖ”. And now, through the agency of Muslim Brotherhood, it is inducing Turkey to look for adventures in Libya after Syria. It is uncontentious that behind it all there lies the monopolistic capitalist interest with their green dollars. Considered from this fundamental truth, it is uncontentious that it is not the barefooted poor Aczmendis who were wandering around in the days of 28 February [1997 coup] with sticks in their hands and hooded cloaks on their backs but the Islamic congregations holding the such and such state position and offices while hoarding fortune upon fortune, who pose a threat to the people.

The Gülen Congregation or FETÖ, was but only one of these congregations and it is known that state offices have been apportioned by others now. This ministry or directorship belongs to this, and the other to that…

Who does this or is paving the way for it? Is it me? Or is it CHP which the chums of the power filling the government and its subservient media’s columns and the programs of TV channels claim to be the “political wing of FETÖ”? Is it Sözcü or Cumhuriyet newspapers which has been taken to court for being “proponents of FETÖ”? Even HAYAT TV, the voice of millions was closed down with the pretext provided by the “FETÖ coup”!

Who is “FETÖ’s political wing?” Erdoğan is pointing to the CHP. The MHP chieftain Bahçeli concurs with this only to add Akşener [the leader of İyi Parti]. What kind of conscience accepts such allegations? The product of which conscience are these?

In the days of the “struggle against military tutelage,” Erdoğan had proclaimed himself as the judge of the Ergenekon [court case], the entire chain of command was imprisoned including Başbuğ, the Chief of General Staff. Who could deny that this “operation” was organised by the Gülen Congregation? A blatant public spectacle was enacted by the prosecutors under the command of Zekeriya Öz and the judges who were later arrested and tried because of “FETÖ’ism”. How were the FETÖ’ists” presented with this opportunity? Was this possible if it were not for the support and backing by Erdoğan who was proclaiming himself as the prosecutor?

As all know, is it not Erdoğan and the AKP who has not only been “the political wing of the coup” or Gülen but its partner? Was there not a partnership of power? Was it not the case that so many prime ministers, ministers and deputies use to go to Pennsylvania to kiss Gülen’s hand and hold meetings with him? This fact is of an absolutely undeniable kind. Was it not the case that Gülen used to be treated with highest esteem as “his Worship” by primarily Erdoğan and the AKP entourage? Are these not documented in TV archives?

Later on, beginning with “FETÖ”s attempt to start legal proceeding against Hakan Fidan whom Erdoğan called “my black box,” their relationships deteriorated and a period of confrontation ensued. From this point onwards, it is not the case that efforts by “FETÖ” to meddle with other positions were not unseen. Yet, this does not change the fact either that AKP was the partner in power of the “FETÖ” or that this power is full of those with wads of mingling with FETÖ.

Article by Mustafa Yalciner

Posted on Evernensel Daily



As the general election approaches voters are looking to our Parliament to recognise the impact that our foreign policy is having on the safety of innocent civilians not just in the UK but all over the world. Democracy is under attack in Turkey, with trade unions and civil society facing arbitrary criminalisation and state violence. Turkey’s aggressive war politics, not least its attacks on elected Kurdish opposition politicians and military aggression in Kurdish regions (inside and outside its borders) threatens all prospects for peace inside Turkey, across the Middle East and Europe.

At the time of writing the NATO summit is coming to an end with President Erdogan pushing for NATO to declare the Kurdish YPG and PYD as terrorists – if NATO succumbs this will lead to the further criminalisation and oppression of all forms of democratic opposition both within and along Turkey’s borders.

The UK and its NATO allies have armed and supported Erdogan’s oppressive regime, and the EU has allowed the regime’s abuses of human rights, imprisonment of journalists and suppression of freedom of speech to continue without challenge in negotiations over migrations and Syrian refugees. Moreover, we saw recently that Turkey was able to circumvent a US export ban on killer drones with the help of missiles components developed in the UK, and that this has been crucial in helping Turkey become the second biggest user of armed drones in the world[1]. Sales of defence technology and arms to Turkey is emboldening Turkey’s anti-democratic regime, directly contributing to the deaths of innocent civilians in the region and increasing Turkey’s economic reliance on aggressive war politics as the arms industry is now its fastest growing sector.

As Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT), we recognise the significant influencing power the UK has over countries such as Turkey.

And we call on our prospective parliamentary candidates to:  

  • Work with SPOT and our partners to support democracy in Turkey;
  • Call for an immediate end to the aggression of Turkish forces in Syria and for the release of all opposition politicians who have been arbitrarily detained, starting with the HDP’s ex-leader Selahattin Demirtas;
  • Call for the withdrawal of all UK military/armed forces from Syria and region;
  • Call for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Syria and the region;
  • Call for an end to sales of defence technology and arms to the Turkish State and Turkish arms industry;
  • Ensure that any future trade agreement with Turkey includes robust protections for human and workers’ rights, democracy and the rule of law;
  • Prioritise the need for reinstating human rights, democracy and the rule of law in diplomatic relations with the government of Turkey.

As SPOT we want to work with our elected politicians and would like to set up an APPG for democracy in Turkey, which monitors the state of democracy and human rights in Turkey and works through parliament to raise awareness and develop appropriate policy responses.

Ahead of the general election, we hope that our parliamentary candidates will share with us and the public their commitment to human rights, not just at home but also abroad.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey

5 December 2019

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/nov/27/revealed-uk-technology-turkey-rise-global-drone-power)

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan penalized for her Afrin Operation critics

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan was sentenced on the count of ‘terrorist organization propaganda’ for her critics on the Afrin operation.


In a case brought for the speech she made in front of the judicial complex at the hearing of EMEP members who had been detained for handing out “No to war” leaflets, Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan was sentenced to ten months’ imprisonment and the penalty was converted into a 6,000 lira fine. Gürkan said, “This penalty is a penalty imposed on the call for peace, a penalty imposed on the right to engage in politics and a penalty imposed on freedom of expression” and she stressed that she would not stop expressing her thoughts.

Gürkan made a speech about the Afrin operation in front of the judicial complex at the first hearing of the trial in which Neslihan Karyemez and Bilal Karaman were detained for handing out EMEP “No to war” leaflets in Istanbul. The ruling hearing of the trial brought against Gürkan for this speech on the charge of “terrorist organization propaganda” was held at Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 26.

At the hearing at which Gürkan was in attendance, her lawyers Devrim Avcı, Yıldız İmrek, Songül Beydilli, Kamil Tekin Sürek, Leyla Han Tüzel, Gamze Gökoğlu, Semir Karataş, Mustafa Söğütlü, Hüseyin Boğatekin and İlknur Alcan were present.

Among those monitoring the hearing were People’s Houses Chair Nuri Günay, EMEP Deputy Chairs Levent Tüzel and Nuray Sancar, Yavuz Okçuoğlu from the Social Democracy Foundation and Begali Kurnaz, administrative board member of the Human Rights Association.

The hearing started with a repetition of the prosecution’s recommendations on the merits.


Making a statement contesting the recommendation, Selma Gürkan said, “Initially, voicing criticism against the Afrin operation by way of our party’s opinions is the exercising of our right to conduct politics. The right to engage in politics is essentially being prosecuted in this trial. With the right to engage in politics enshrined in the Constitution, this trial that has been started and is continuing is a violation of the Constitution, I wish to note this. Also, freedom of thought and expression is still under constitutional and statutory safeguard.”

Recalling the comment by organized crime leader Sedat Peker aimed at the peace declaration signatory academics, “We’ll spill their blood in streams. We’ll shower in their blood,” she continued:

“Despite being a clear call to threat and violence and making academics into a target, it is safeguarded to the extent of being treated as freedom of speech. Another example: Presidential Communications Chair Fahrettin Altun even defended the act of punching Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the attempted lynching in Çubuk saying, ‘The right of protest is under constitutional safeguard’ and treated it as belonging to the democratic plane. Also, attempted lynchings of our Kurdish citizens have been considered to be ‘protests by sensitive citizens.’ We have witnessed the making of similar assessments countless times by members of the ruling party. Now we are being prosecuted for finding a foreign policy decision of the government to be wrong and criticizing it. I imagine that in no democratic precedent are dual standards acceptable in the implementing of political rights and the freedom of thought and expression. If we as a political party are unable to express our opinions and criticise government policies, we probably cannot speak of democracy and freedom.”

Gürkan summed up by saying, “I ask for the immediate ending of this trial that should actually never have been initiated with my acquittal, taking account also of the reasons my lawyers will submit.”


The lawyers then made statements contesting the recommendation. Saying it was contrary to Article 7/2 of law number 3713 and in short Articles 1, 10, 25, 26, 28 and 38 of the Constitution, Yıldız İmrek, Attorney-at-Law, said, “We have an objection of unconstitutionality. We call for the case to be remitted to the Constitutional Court.”

The application was dismissed on the grounds of non-fulfilment of the conditions.


In turn, Devrim Avcı, Attorney-at-Law, said, “A rote application has been made for a penalty contrary to the law and statute. Your use of abstract expressions is contrary to criminal trial principles. The recommendation amounts to an imputing of intentions on the part of the prosecutor. My client’s right to conduct politics is being obstructed through this trial. We ask for a ruling to be passed acquitting my client.”

For his part, Mustafa Söğütlü, Attorney-at-Law, spoke as follows:

“It is impossible to concur with the prosecutor’s recommendation. I will start by criticizing the recommendation. The recommendation has become the ruling party’s bulletin. The recommendation should be independent. Prosecution and judges, you are bound by the Constitutional Court. My client’s freedom of expression is being impeded. Political parties’ activities are safeguarded. Impeding party activities amounts to a crime. It is natural for the chairs of political parties to make statements. My client made a speech in the language of peace in opposition to the Afrin operation. Defending peace cannot be deemed a crime under any modern law.”


A one-year jail sentence was handed down in the judgment following the taking of a recess. In consideration of Gürkan’s social relations and conduct in the course of the proceedings, it was reduced to ten months and converted to a 6,000-lira administrative fine.


Speaking to Evrensel following the ruling, Gürkan said, “This penalty is a penalty imposed on the call for peace, a penalty imposed on the right to engage in politics and a penalty imposed on freedom of expression. It is a clear pointer to the gradual democratic recession in the country. This ruling will never be able to deflect us from either conducting politics or voicing our thought and expression.”


The statement made by the Labour Party (EMEP) about the penalty handed down to Chairwoman Selma Gürkan said, “There was a wish to impede the right for a political party to engage in politics and to punish the call for peace.”

The statement said, noting that EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan had made a brief speech on 27.02.2018 in front of the Istanbul Judicial Complex prior to the trial in which party members were being prosecuted for handing out the leaflet stating “No to the Afrin Operation. We want peace not war” and had criticized the government’s policies of war and voiced the call for peace, “A trial was initiated against Selma Gürkan for this speech on the charge of making terrorist organization propaganda. A ten-month jail sentence was handed down at the 24.04.2019 hearing at the conclusion of the trial conducted by Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 26 and the jail sentence in question was converted to a fine. We will lodge our objection to the ensuing sentence with Istanbul Regional Court of Justice and will appeal it.”


The statement, stressing that the case had no legal basis and the prosecution indictment had been compiled entirely with political arguments and resembling a government declaration, commented as follows: “Our Chairwoman Gürkan’s speech was construed as an attempt to disrupt the policies of war and the creation of a charge through imputing intention was attempted. Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 26, for its part, undersigned a legal travesty in passing sentence in the case compiled under this indictment. By means of this sentence imposed on our General Chair there was basically a wish to impede a political party’s right to engage in politics and the call for peace was punished. With the general chair of a political party punished for a speech with no violent content, organized crime bosses who openly speak of killing people, talk of bathing in academics’ blood and continue with threat-laden pronouncements following this rhetoric remain at large within society.”


Noting that hate speech had continued unabated since the 31 March elections and the seeds of rancour and enmity were being sown by the political rulers themselves, the statement said, “Furthermore, the chair of a political party, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, suffered an attempted lynching in Ankara, while the perpetrators were released virtually as heroes. In these days we are living through, such punishments are not sufficed with and there is a wish to take social polarization to extreme levels by singling people out.”


Noting that even equating opposition to policies of war by itself with being a “terrorist” drove home the point the country has reached, the statement noted, “The need of Turkey’s peoples and this country’s workers and wage earners is peace, freedom and democracy. With its persistence in punishing the call for peace, the position the judiciary is taking, conversely, will go down as a black mark in history. We thus state that we do not accept the penalty imposed on our party’s Chairwoman Selma Gürkan and attribute no meaning or value to it legally. We will not abandon our fight for justice, peace and freedom.”

Syrian refugee worker in Turkey: I’ve learnt workers have no nation

​​​​​​​ Saying, “I’ve been living in Turkey for about six years. I’ve learnt about both labour and exploitation here,” a Syrian worker calls for workers’ unity.

A Syrian refugee worker

I’m a 22-year-old Syrian refugee textile worker in Çağlayan. Fighting IS in Syria while aged sixteen, I fled Syria and came to Turkey at seventeen so as not to be an Assad soldier.

They don’t greatly like the Syrians who have fled here but I’m not sorry I fled. People in Turkey have told me for years that I should be sorry. They called me a traitor and said those who stab their own country in the back will do the same to them and then they got us to work for a pittance. Working for a pittance, they said their jobs were being grabbed from them. They were always packed full of malice. The bosses wanted to employ people even more cheaply and we knew we weren’t getting the same rate of pay as the workers working here. Then we learnt to demand the same pay for putting in the same work as Turks and Kurds.

There were Syrians who were employed even more cheaply before me in Çağlayan. They gave thirty lira a week. If we even gave that to a kid they wouldn’t do the same work. With the boss at the workshop not paying the money that was due we went and started work at another workshop the following week. Turks and Kurds, seeing there were no jobs like before in textiles, found socially insured jobs instead of working with time out of known or unknown duration and without insurance. But we’re just managing to get our IDs for the first time. That is, we can get them if we’ve got money. In the end, the workshops had to give us the money we deserved because they couldn’t find decent machinists, overedgers and errand runners to do the work. They saw they couldn’t trick us like they used to if we didn’t get the pay we deserved.

Life was easier for us in Syria before the war. With it being enough if one person in a house worked to cover health, education, fare, rent and shopping costs, here my two big brothers, I and my younger brother work to take care of our family. We both send something back home and spend on our own needs to live here. If we don’t work for a month we borrow and the following month we have to do whatever work is available.


I’ve been living in Turkey for about six years. I’ve learnt about both labour and exploitation here.

The exploiters have always been the bosses. Those who put in the labour, though, have been the workers and working people. I also learnt here that there is a May Day, world workers’ festival among working people. A full two years ago. But I have somehow been unable to go. It’s always coincided with times when work is in full swing at the workshop. Then, given it’s a festival, I wondered why we worked on the workers’ festival while Muslims don’t work on all religious holidays. I then learnt that both working without social insurance and working for more than eight hours was a bad thing.

The bosses don’t give what our labour’s worth, but I still think we need to be in unity against the bosses who employ us cheaply so that they will. But this time not just with Syrians, there must be unity among Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Mongols, Afghans and Turkmen, because there is no one nation here. Workers have no nation, either. So, we must be in unity.

I found out about the papers and posters handed out for 1 May by getting my friends who are literate in Turkish to read them. It is actually very hard to find out about this. We can’t speak the same language as workers of other nationalities. So, do they know? I’ve no idea. We don’t know what our rights are and what we should ask for because we fled the country from war and those coming from other countries were getting away from unemployment. We’re afraid that if we ask for our rights, the bosses and their cronies will say get out of the country, then. I have also learnt here about the difficulty of asking for rights in a country where you aren’t a citizen. We all live together. They say having social insurance is a guarantee but even Turks cannot find insured work in textiles. There’s no regular work in the workshops and nobody works regularly. We can only be happy at times when there’s work. What we fear most is the future. We’re afraid of dying of poverty and hunger in this country we have made our home having fled war and unemployment. There’s no guarantee that war won’t break out in this country, either, in which there is no democracy even in elections.


When one of my friends said we need to call for a human existence here, I used to say how’s that to be, the local people here don’t have a human existence so how can we. But there are also those here who do things for the peoples here and call for work and rights for everyone. There are even those who write books telling us about war, poverty and exploitation. I learnt that living is a right in this country. This right belongs to all nationalities. It is our right to live in a place where there is no war, nobody is exploited and we realize we are human. I think we need to be in unity and to be strong for this. I am also happy to be thinking these things because it tells me I need to be human.

President Erdoğan’s call for a ‘Turkey alliance’ and the attack on CHP Leader Kılıçdaroğlu

With the proclamation of a ‘Turkey alliance’, Erdoğan wants to force the opposition to unite around his policies in such matters as the Kurdish problem.

Not long after President Erdoğan’s comment, “In issues pertaining to our country’s survival, we must put our political views and differences to one side and act in a unity of 82 million as a ‘Turkey Alliance,’” CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was attacked while attending the funeral in Ankara’s Çubuk of professional private Yener Kırıkçı who had lost his life in the clash in Hakkari. It suffices to watch the footage of the attack to realize that the assault was not the work of people who had chanced together but an organized attempted lynching was involved.

The police, who show not the slightest hesitation over attacking the ‘Peace Mothers’ and dragging them along the ground while clubbing them, standing and watching the assault at a ceremony at which the General Director of Police, the Ankara Police Chief, Minister of Defence and Chief of the General Staff were present can surely not be accounted for as a security lapse.

There is also no need to engage in deep analysis to be able to say that those who staged this attack drew succour from the antagonistic, terrorizing hate speech of ruling party spokespeople, not least President Erdoğan, towards their opponents. President Erdoğan’s comments on the electoral stump that, “Votes that go to the CHP will go to terrorist organizations” and talk of an “Alliance of degradation” that he employed to portray the “Nation Alliance” as a nefarious alliance is fresh in memories. On the other hand, just think that an Interior Minister, whose duty is to preserve society’s peace and provide security, proclaims the main opposition party to be a “terrorist collaborator” and can openly speak of instructing people from the CHP not be admitted to “funerals of the fallen.” It should thus come as no surprise that there are those who feel a state of affairs in which even bloody-handed organized crime bosses can act as ruling party spokesmen and threaten society imposes a duty on them.

Well, who and what calculations may lie behind this attack?

To find the answer to this question, we first need to look at President Erdoğan’s call for a “Turkey alliance” and the comment, “Our alliance is the People’s one” ensuing in reaction from the People’s Alliance’s minor partner Bahçeli.

The AKP, having lost a good number of metropolitan cities most notably Istanbul and Ankara, has clearly emerged wounded from the 31 March local elections and the election results have made the AKP-Erdoğan rule all the more dependant on the MHP. Well, Erdoğan’s comments cannot be thought of independently of these results. With the proclamation of a “Turkey alliance,” Erdoğan wants to force the opposition to unite around his policies in such matters as the Kurdish problem (intervention against the Syrian Kurds) which he sees as an issue of survival and the economic crisis. This endeavour also for sure involves an attempt to reduce the dependence of his own rule on the MHP.

Here there is a need to ask Erdoğan, who is calling on the 82 million to unite:

Where are the workers, whose strikes you have until now boasted of banning and whose severance pay you have set your sights on, in this alliance?

Where in this alliance are the millions who vote for the HDP, whose administrators you have accused of “terrorism” at every opportunity for defending a peaceful, democratic solution to the Kurdish problem in place of war and violence, and where are the Peace Mothers who come under attack for trying to make their voices heard about their hunger striking children?

In this alliance, where are the retirement age victims, the villagers engaged in agriculture and husbandry who have now come to the verge of extinction thanks to the policies of external dependence you have imposed and the public workers whose job security you announce you will eliminate?

I could keep churning out these questions, but even this many suffices to see/show this call for a “Turkey alliance” is a call for unity around the single-man regime and this regime’s anti-labour and anti-democracy policies. So, Erdoğan’s call is not, as is imagined, a sign of softening in the policies being implemented but the endeavour to legitimize his own rule among wider sections of society.

What about Bahçeli?

It would not be wrong to say that Bahçeli and his party came out of the 31 March elections as the winning side of the “People’s Alliance,” given that the MHP as it stands today both enjoys all the blessings of power and is able to exempt itself from criticism aimed at the ruling body. Also, the MHP’s victory in many places where the AKP and MHP came head to head in the local elections points to a swing in the vote from the AKP to the MHP. This clearly places the MHP in a critical position in terms of the continuation of Erdoğan’s rule and this situation is of immense satisfaction to Bahçeli.

At this very point, there is a need to turn and look at what Bahçeli said about the attack on Kılıçdaroğlu. Bahçeli’s accusatory remark aimed at assault victim Kılıçdaroğlu, “What have you done Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to make that man go as far as swinging a punch?” takes us a step closer to finding the answer to the question, “Who and what calculations lie behind this attack?”

Bahçeli is opposing Erdoğan’s call for an open-ended “Turkey alliance” and wants the People’s Alliance, constructed on polices of heightening tensions and polarizing society, to continue in its current form. Bahçeli is known to have a considerable number of supporters for this not just from his own party, but also from within the AKP.

As a result, Erdoğan’s call for a “Turkey alliance” and Bahçeli’s insistence on the People’s Alliance augurs polemics between the partners of the new regime as to how the single-man regime will and should continue after 31 March. However, it is sufficient to look at the attack staged on Kılıçdaroğlu to see that a result favourable to the forces of labour and democracy will not emerge from such polemics/clashes whose aim is to shore up the single-man regime.

For a democratic country and a human existence, no other exit route stands before the forces of labour and democracy apart from stepping up the trend of self-confidence and struggle that emerged among wide circles of society in the 31 March elections in opposition to the single-man regime.

(Translated by Tim Drayton)

Cumhuriyet staffs talked before returning to jail: May things go well for us on the inside and you on the outside

8 Cumhuriyet staffs set to go back to jail said, “May things go well for us on the inside and you on the outside.”


Those sentenced to less than five years in the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial and whose sentences have been upheld by the appeal court are now expected to go to jail. The newspaper’s former staffers Musa Kart, Kadri Gürsel, Güray Öz, Hakan Kara, Önder Çelik, Emre İper, Bülent Utku and Mustafa Kemal Güngör will go to jail. Today, the journalists made statements accompanied by their lawyers at the İstanbul Bar Association.

With the absence of Bülent Utku and Kadri Gürsel, from among the soon-to-be-jailed attending the conference were Musa Kart, Güray Öz, Hakan Kara, Emre İper, Önder Çelik and Mustafa Kemal Güngör and their lawyers Duygu Yarsuvat, Bahri Belen, Fikret İlkiz, Tora Pekin and Abbas Yalçın along with Akın Atalay, Murat Sabuncu, Aydın Engin and Orhan Erinç, who were sentenced to more than five years and have applied to the Court of Cassation. Turkish Journalists’ Association Chair Turgay Olcayto, Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions affiliated Press Union Chair Faruk Eren, Evrensel newspaper Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat, RSF Turkey representative Erol Önderoğlu and Turkish Labour Party MP Barış Atay also attended the conference.


The newspaper’s former cartoonist Musa Kart was the first to address the conference. Saying that he had been a cartoonist for forty years, Kart said, “In spite of everything, I have felt no doubt about the correctness of my choice. I now expect an apology. By now everyone knows that they jailed us to create a climate of fear in the country. My colleagues rebutted the charges against us in the historic defences they made before the first-instance court. Yes, how sad that this period will be remembered for its lack of hearings and defences. Let’s give it its due. If being tried without hearing and defence is not a comedy, what is? We at Cumhuriyet are people who believe in democracy, secularism, the rule of law and living together. Heads held high, I will go back to jail together with my colleagues who hold their professional integrity above all else. I embrace everyone who has stood at our sides from the outset.”


For his part, former Cumhuriyet newspaper employee Mustafa Kemal Güngör, Attorney-at-Law, said of the Cumhuriyet trial, “It was a trial that murdered the law,” and added, “I was prosecuted in this trial as a lawyer of 34 years’ standing. We are up against a ruling that murders the law. Those in power had a sentence that they made particular recourse to in the 2010 constitutional referendum: ‘We will bring about the supremacy of the law and not of the Supreme.’ But here the law of the supreme was defended. This is a political, not legal, trial. It intimidates the rest of the press and journalists and other opposition segments of society. It says let nobody write and nobody criticize. If this is done, the judiciary immediately moves into action. The indictment and court judgment would have it that we knowingly and willingly aided a terrorist organization without being a member. And also three organizations at the same time. How did we commit this crime? With the news that appeared in Cumhuriyet as a whole. Those who are trying us and are having us tried to know full well that we committed no such crime. But look at how odd and portentous it is when those on trial are we who for forty years warned of the “FETO” truth.”


Saying that press freedom had been destroyed with these punishments, Güngör continued, “Trust me, I am lost for words in the face of a judgment that murders the law. I grieve for my poor and beautiful country. The freedom of the press and expression was destroyed from start to finish in this trial. The principle of personal liability in criminal law has been destroyed. Our going to prison will not just be contrary to the law, but contrary to the Constitution and statute. The first-instance court found the Cumhuriyet newspaper staffers guilty. The Regional Court of Justice upheld our convictions. Our application for appeal was dismissed in a two-sentence judgment. The state will say ‘sorry’ to us years later. Is this what justice is about? Speedy trials are supposed of the essence and the Court of Cassation is supposedly heavily burdened with cases. What is to come of our burden, the burden of those who have been robbed of their lives? We noted all these things in our statement of appeal. But the legal system paid us no heed. May things go well for us on the inside and you on the outside. Farewell!”


Following the speeches, the journalists fielded questions from the press. To the question, “Cumhuriyet’s management has changed. Are you still getting support?” Musa Kart replied as follows, “It is not playing a very positive role in reflecting what is going on in the media. I do not think our trial is reflected in the terms that it warrants. I would also like to say with reference to our paper that it must be accepted that the current newspaper management also has a degree of responsibility. I think it worth saying that a praiseworthy picture of solidarity has not succeeded in emerging.”


Tora Pekin, Attorney-at-Law, gave information about the trial process. Saying, “In view of the latest developments that took place in the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial last week, we felt the need to hold such a meeting,” Pekin said, “As you know, the appeal court undertook its procedures to finalize the judgment. We have thus now come to the execution stage of the prison sentences. Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 will conduct its own correspondence and the commencement of execution will happen any time once the judgment has been sent to the executory public prosecutor’s office. This means that eight of our fourteen colleagues who have been sentenced, Güray Öz, Musa Kart, Hakan Kara, Önder Çelik, Kadri Gürsel, Bülent Utku, Mustafa Kemal Güngör and Emre İper, will go back to jail.”

Pekin noted, “Looking at the judgment, we see that the proof of guilt is merely the reports we made, the headlines we ran and a few articles by columnists. On the basis of these publications, we have been adjudged to have aided three terrorist organizations at the same time without being a member. Six of the sentences handed down out of fury with independent journalism and true reporting departed from the lower limits and sentences of from 3 years and 9 months to 8 years one month and 15 days were imposed. There is no precedent for this. We objected to this judgement in a 200-page statement. Penal Chamber No 3 of Istanbul Regional Court did not even reply to the request for a hearing. It dismissed our objections without a single sentence citing any grounds.”

Also briefly touching on Article 220/7 of the Turkish Penal Law, Pekin commented, “The European Court of Human Rights stresses that this article is vague and for this reason has no statutory character. The Venice Commission has emphasized that this article should be rescinded in full and, if not, should at least not be applied to the freedom of expression and freedoms of assembly and protest. However, unfortunately, what is written and drawn by journalists who criticize the political rulers or even by citizens who enter a few lines on social media continues to be considered a crime in this respect by our prosecutors and judiciary. We point once more to the need for Article 220 of the penal code to be reworked legally.”


Pekin finally said the following: “Even if we are here to give a reminder of the Cumhuriyet trial, what is really being told is the story of press freedom in Turkey. The IPI put the number of detained journalists at 155 in February. Every day, we witness a journalist being arrested, a search being conducted at their home and their being accused of organization membership or aiding an organization. According to the most recent Reporters without Borders (RSF) report, we are anchored in 157th position in the world press freedom league table. 95% of the media is under the ruling party’s control. The Cumhuriyet trial and the return to the jail of our colleagues for a non-existent crime is just an important detail in this horrific picture. While, in fact, free news, free information and free comment are indispensable for a democratic society. We thus call on the public to stand up for journalism and journalists and on the political rulers to respect the freedom of the press and expression. Journalism is not a crime.”

(Translated by Tim Drayton)

Ekrem İmamoğlu takes office as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor

Opposition CHP’s İstanbul candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu takes office as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor. After 25 years, the İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty has passed from the AKP to the CHP.

 İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor-elect for the CHP, Ekrem İmamoğlu, gets the certificate of election from provincial election council.

Following seventeen days of objections, Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu has obtained his certificate of election. After 25 years, the İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty has passed from the AKP to the CHP.

Following a number of recounts from Turkey’s local elections last month, the İstanbul mayoral candidate from the main opposition party on Wednesday received his certificate of election from electoral authorities.

Ekrem İmamoglu of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) was awarded the certificate of the election at İstanbul Courthouse, where the İstanbul Election Council is located, to become mayor of Istanbul.

The certificate followed recounts in districts of the metropolis such as Maltepe, Büyükçekmece, and Fatih.

Having obtained his certificate of election from the Provincial Election Board housed in the Istanbul Judicial Complex, İmamoğlu proceeded to the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality building for the handing over ceremony.

Before ascending to Mevlüt Uysal’s office for the ceremony, Ekrem İmamoğlu addressed a large number of citizens who had gathered in front of the town hall. İmamoğlu said he would make an address on top of the campaign bus following the handing over ceremony. İmamoğlu said, “We took our certificate of the election on behalf of our sixteen million people. We never gave up on society’s faith in democracy and the fight for this. We did not surrender anyone’s right. We said, ‘We will not let the right of sixteen million be usurped.’ There are processes continuing just now. We’re aware of this. We’re certainly expecting clear pronouncements immediately from the relevant bodies in connection with these processes for the wellbeing and happiness of our residents of our city. Our mind is clear. The onus is on us from now on. We’ll continue on our path while protecting the moral values and lifestyles of the people living in this city.” İmamoğlu went up to Mevlüt Uysal’s office and officially took over as Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor.


Following the handing over ceremony, İmamoğlu mounted the campaign bus in front of the town hall and addressed the thousands of citizens who had assembled there. İmamoğlu spoke as follows:

“We’re bringing peace and we’re bringing respect to this city’s beautiful people. I greet this city’s people, I greet this city’s Turks, I greet this city’s Kurds, I greet this city’s Lazes. I greet their faiths. I greet the Sunnis from among them and I greet the Alevis from among them. I greet the Christians and Armenians from among them. I greet everyone who lives in this beautiful city. Welcome, Istanbul. We never gave up. We never gave up on rights and the law and justice. We never gave up, and never will, on this city’s conscience and sense of morality and this city’s sense of justice.

We did not give up on peace, and we did not give up on whatever universal values there are in this world. We did not give up on the republic. We did not give up on our faith in this people. We did not give up on Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

I will devote myself to the babies, children and young people of this city. My valued fellow city dwellers, we have constantly spoken of this in the streets and squares, we will smile at one another. Nobody is now alienated.

This city’s upper crust is now the citizens. There is to be no plundering of this city’s bounty. There is to be a sharing of this city’s bounty. I have usurped nobody’s right and will not let yours be usurped.

What counts is serving this city and this world. We reject service for oneself, for particular people, for parties. We are coming to serve this country’s and this city’s people. We will serve everyone. I will serve supporters of the Republican People’s Party, of the Good Party, of the AK Party, of the MHP, of the HDP and of the Felicity Party. I will not discriminate against any of my people.

My hand will be in your hand at all times. My valued fellow city dwellers, I also want a promise from you. I will make a mistake one day. To put it bluntly, I may stumble and fall. Are you prepared to hold my hand and lift me to my feet as sixteen million people? I have come to be your fellow traveller.

I have special thanks for those who stood democratic watch over the ballot boxes for seventeen days, my deputy general chairs and members of parliament who did not leave me on my own over this process. I thank my party that brought me into togetherness and acquaintance with you in this way. I thank my party’s general chair, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, with all his interest and reassurance.

I thank the Good Party that was in alliance with us with its full support and steadfastly stood at my side at all times. And I thank its most valuable General Chair Meral Akşener.

I thank all those who live in this city regardless of whether they voted.

We will unite this city with the arts, production and science. We will not busy you with empty goings-on. We have to do a lot of work. We absolutely need the labour and experience of all of you. I promise you the most democratic of mayoralties.

Going home from here tell all those you see in a smiling, cheerful, enthusiastic and hopeful way that a new start has come to Istanbul.

I want a promise from you. Tell the whole of Istanbul and everyone will bring one of their neighbours to this weekend’s gathering. Will we sing songs arm in arm with women, men, kids and youngsters? There is to be no discrimination in bringing your neighbour here. Everyone will invite everyone.

When I set out on the road, I said you will love me dearly. Have I kept my word?

After having completed our duties, we will go to Atatürk’s Mausoleum once more.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

(Translated by Tim Drayton)

‘I Subscribe’ campaign continues with Evrensel and BirGün

The international ‘I Subscribe’ campaign’s second round supports the daily newspapers Evrensel and BirGün in Turkey.

The second round of the international I Subscribe campaign, which encourages reader subscriptions to support independent newspapers in Turkey, is now open.

I Subscribe is an initiative backed by the International Press Institute (IPI) and several other leading press freedom organisations. The second round supports the daily newspapers Evrensel and BirGün. The first round of the campaign, which took place in summer 2018, featured the secular daily Cumhuriyet and promoted global solidarity with that newspaper.

The I Subscribe campaign was launched to promote reader subscriptions as an essential source of financing for independent media and a symbol of much-needed global solidarity.

IPI Turkey Advocacy Coordinator Caroline Stockford said:

“Purchasing a subscription is a practical and constructive way for the international public to directly support independent newspapers that are struggling to survive in Turkey. In order for the people of Turkey to receive alternative views to those expressed in the country’s pro-government media, it is vital that newspapers like Evrensel and BirGün are able to survive financially. Subscribing to either of these newspapers will help them to continue publishing independent, critical journalism.”

Both newspapers provide critical coverage on a wide range of topics, including politics, the economy, education, health, environmental issues and human rights. As two of the most widely read independent newspapers in Turkey, both face immense financial pressure and targeted criminal prosecution.

At least 170 media outlets and printing houses have been forcibly closed in Turkey since the July 2016 coup attempt. An estimated 90 percent of the country’s media are under government influence. Those that have remained independent are starved of public and private advertising revenue and face further financial pressure due to the scores of court cases brought against them for their journalistic work.

Both Evrensel and BirGün have been targeted by the Turkish authorities for their critical coverage and face several ongoing court cases primarily on defamation, insult and revelation of state secrets charges. Editors and journalists at both newspapers currently face imprisonment over their reporting. In what is perhaps internationally the best-known case, both newspapers face proceedings for their reporting as part of the Paradise Papers investigation, which revealed offshore accounts in Malta held by Turkish officials and their families. Evrensel editor Çağrı Sarı’s next hearing in the case will take place on March 19.

The I Subscribe campaign received the 2018 Press Freedom Award by the İzmir Journalists Association, which highlighted the campaign as a vital form of engagement for strengthening international networks of solidarity around press freedom in Turkey.

Click for more information about subscription 🙂

Jail sentences for 27 peace academics

Prosecuted for having signed the peace declaration titled, “We will not be party to this crime,” 27 peace academics have been handed down jail sentences.

The joined case of 27 academics being prosecuted for having signed the peace declaration titled, “We will not be party to this crime” was heard at Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 33. The court handed down sentences of one year and ten months to one group of the academics and two years and three months to another group.

The hearing was held at Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 33 of the joined case of Prof. Dr. Hülya Kirmanoğlu, retired Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haydar Durak, Assistant Prof. Dr. Nihan Aksakallı, Assistant Prof. Dr. Doğan Çetinkaya, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bekmen, doctorate student İrfan Keşoğlu and Assistant Prof. Dr. İlkay Yılmaz of Istanbul University; Prof. Dr. Erol Katırcıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Yüksel Taşkın, doctorate student Cihan Yapıştıran, Dr. Ayşe Nilüfer Durakbaşa and Assistant Prof. Dr. Özgür Müftüoğlu of Marmara University; Research Assistant Seçkin Sertdemir, Assoc. Prof. Dr. F.A.A., Research Assistant Gözde Aytemur Nüfusçu and Research Assistant Eda Aslı Şeran of Galatasaray University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmet Akça of Yıldız Technical, Prof. Dr. Meltem Ahıska of Bosphorous University; Faculty Member Elif Akçalı and Assistant Prof. Dr. Öznur Yaşar Diner of Kadir Has University; Prof. Dr. Zeynep Tül Süalp of Bahçeşehir University; Assistant Prof. Dr. Aysuda Kölemen, Assistant Prof. Dr. T.D. and Faculty Member Esra Kaliber of Kemerburgaz University; Faculty Member İlkay Özkuralpli and Faculty Member Remzi Orkun Güner of Arel University, Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Y.Y. from Koç University and Assistant Prof. Dr. N.M. from Nişantaşı University. The hearing, at which eighteen academics and their lawyers were in attendance, was not attended by academics Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir, İlkay Yılmaz, Tuba Demirci Yılmaz, Eda Aslı Şeran, Zeynep Tül Süalp, Esra Kaliber, Doğan Çetinkaya, Aysuda Kölemen and N.M.


Academic Yüksel Taşkın’s lawyer Adil Demirci made a written submission to the court applying to submit a plea of unconstitutionality. Arguing that Article 7/2 of the Counterterrorism Law that provides for “terrorist organization propaganda” is contrary to articles of the Constitution, Demirci sought the making of application to the Constitutional Court for the annulment of the article and for a stay of the proceedings until the reply was forthcoming. Meltem Ahıska’s lawyer Alp Tekin Ocak, in turn, called for the file to be sent to the Ministry of Justice to obtain permission under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code and for a stay of proceedings until the reply was forthcoming. Ocak additionally applied for joinder with the file of four academics whose cases were pending before Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 13. To attorney Meriç Eyüboğlu, who applied for the video link to be turned on at the hearing, the presiding judge asked, “Did you make a written submission?” Eyüboğlu said that there was no such requirement. To this, the presiding judge said, “Please proceed. I will have it taken down that I approve.” Eyüboğlu also requested application to the Constitutional Court in respect of unconstitutionality and for enlargement of the examination. The hearing prosecutor sought the dismissal of the applications “in view of the current evidentiary situation in the case and the stage reached by the case.” With the court granting the application for the turning on of the video link, it dismissed the other applications. The prosecutor then gave his recommendations on the merits and sought the punishment of the 27 academics for the crimes with which they are charged.


Following the lawyers’ applications, the court moved on to the academics’ statements on the merits. Academic Hülya Kirmanoğlu stated her lawyer was at another hearing and said she wanted to make her defence later. The presiding judge said, “We rejected your lawyers’ reasons for absence. Please proceed with your defence.” Kirmanoğlu submitted her defence to the court. Rejecting the charges laid, Kirmanoğlu asked to be acquitted. Academic Haydar Durak included the following in his statement, “We simply wanted peace. Wanting peace is not a crime anywhere. But our colleagues have been punished in different courts. I do not wish for you to be party to this erroneous decision.” Academic Özgür Müftüoğlu said, “I demanded the universal right of peace in compliance with the law. Frankly, I still think we will not be punished because there exists no crime. I think the granting of deferment of sentence restricts the right of defence and I do not consent to it.” Following the academics’ statements, the attorneys submitted their defences on the merits and asked for their clients to be acquitted.


Finding thirteen academics guilty of “making terrorist organization propaganda,” the court handed down the maximum sentences sought of one year ten months and fifteen days.

Awarding contrasting sentences of two years and three months to fourteen academics the court’s grounds were as follows: “It having been ascertained that they committed the offence of making terrorist organization propaganda, for them to be sentenced to one year and six months each with it deemed appropriate from the contents of the file to apply a penalty that deviates from the bottom limit in accordance with the defendants’ acts taking into consideration the manner in which the offence was committed, the significance and value of what was involved in the offence, the place and time at which the offence was committed, the gravity of the defendants’ intention-based fault, the gravity of the danger posed, the defendants’ positions and the principles of justice and equity; and, with it ascertained that the offence was committed through the press and publication, for an extension to be made and a sentence of one year fifteen months to be imposed.” No reduction was made to the sentence on the grounds of “the defendants’ failure to engage in sincere contrition and their demeanour and actions due to their conduct following the act and during the proceedings.”

Since the sentences were of more than two years, suspension and deferment of sentence were not applied.

Translated by: Tim Drayton

Maintaining heightened political tension is the most important weapon of the Erdoğan-Bahçeli alliance

The bringing to prominence of both Cumhuriyet and the “Gezi trial” on the eve of the elections is most certainly no coincidence and it would be no mistake to view it.

Under normal conditions, even in Turkey, the political climate would soften as elections approached. Events such as protests, meetings and rallies, which normally encountered various difficulties, did not encounter them at election times and the administration would adopt a more tolerant line towards disapproval-expressing actions of this kind. Indeed, certain circles even harboured expectations of a “pardon” prior to elections!

However, in recent years the AKP-MHP alliance, it having dawned on them that they cannot take the country to the “single party single man regime” under ordinary conditions, has made heightening political tension in the country the chief policy. So, in election periods we witness a special stoking up of tension and all actions that are not to the ruling entity’s liking being met with very harsh accusations such as “insurrection,” “treason,” “cooperation with terrorism” and “espionage.”


As the election draws near, the tension in the political environment and the suppression of “opposition” circles increase. Even commonplace reactions or partial opposition to the ruling entity accelerate police violence and the taking of decisions based on ideological rather than legal grounds by prosecutors and courts.

Indeed, with the election so close, the local court’s decision was upheld by the Regional Appeal Court resulting in the rejailing of those released journalists in the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial who had been sentenced to less than five years (the Court of Cassation will rule on those sentenced to more than five years).

Also, the day before yesterday, an indictment was drafted seeking aggravated life imprisonment for Osman Kavala, who has been in detention for a period of more than a year without even knowing what he was charged with, along with fifteen people including actors and journalists like M. Ali Alabora and Can Dündar. Moreover, an incredible claim that “they aided the Gezi resistance” lies at the heart of the accusations against Kavala and the journalists, arts world people and human rights advocates included in the case. Because “the Gezi resistance was an insurrection against the government!” This is the conclusion that prosecutors, looking into the eyes of the political rulership, have reached six years after Gezi!

And, the bringing to prominence of both Cumhuriyet and the “Gezi trial” on the eve of the elections is most certainly no coincidence and it would be no mistake to view it as betokening the desire for them to be made instrumental in heightening political tension “one further notch.”


We saw in the 24 June elections and we also clearly see in the process unfolding before us just now in the local elections to be held in 37 days that Erdoğan retains no concerns about winning the votes of the segments of the population that have not previously voted for his policies. On the contrary, his basic effort since the 16 April referendum (we can also say since the 7 June election) has been to maintain his “hairbreadth” difference that is also shored up by the tainted monkey business in the referendum! If he can hang on to this difference, he thinks this will secure him enough votes to make do with, with the added use of media and state resources and with the “threats” and “impositions” he will make.

Erdoğan clearly proclaimed where he had set the bar in the local election with words amounting to, “Let’s consolidate the AKP and MHP vote and this is good enough for us” in a speech he made the day before yesterday.

However, it is also beyond doubt that when the dead ends into which they have dragged the country in domestic and foreign policy are combined with the ever deepening economic crisis into which the AKP government’s economic policies of seventeen years have dragged the country, these developments have given rise to dissatisfaction of a magnitude previously non-existent among the working people who voted AKP on 24 June.

Despite the covering up of the truth with the ruling entity’s massive media power and the resemblance the “Nation Alliance” is taking to the “People’s Alliance” and its efforts to compete over antidemocratic and graft-based municipal practices, it is a fact that “consolidating” the AKP and MHP’s 24 June vote will be pretty tough.


Here, of course, the question may come to mind of, “Well, will the political environment return to ‘normal’ after the election?” There are claims among both media and politics folk that everything will return to its “normal” course following the election. But, if this is not a claim aimed at skewing the people’s consciousness, it betrays extreme naivety. For, the most important weapon in the hands of the “People’s Alliance” serving the aim of the “single party single man regime” is to maintain heightened political tension and intimidate its opponents using all the state and media resources at its disposal.

And this means that the ruling entity will be more partisan in its use of oppression and police, judicial and domestic and foreign military operations to quell opposition responses. Moreover, such an environment of political tension has become an existential requirement for them.

Approached from this angle, the only thing that will slow them down – even if they don’t take a step back – and make things easier after the election for the forces opposed to the “single man regime” will be the “People’s Alliance” emerging from the local election dazed from the slap they have received from the people.

Consequently, in the local election, while on the one hand certainly stressing the slogan, “No vote for the People’s Alliance,” it is vital over and beyond this for there to be a gearing of the post-election period towards organizing the labour struggle to fight to reject the burden of the crisis, and election campaigning towards renewing the democracy and freedom struggle in opposition to the “single party single man regime.”

Article by: Ihsan Caralan

Candidates and alliances for local elections in Turkey on March 31

Aggravated life imprisonment is being sought for sixteen people including Osman Kavala under the investigation conducted into the Gezi Park Resistance.

The investigation involving sixteen people, including Osman Kavala who has been in prison for fifteen months and actor Mehmet Ali Alabora, into the Gezi Park events has been completed. Aggravated life imprisonment is sought for the sixteen people in the indictment on the charge of “attempting to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey.” The Gezi resistance was described as an “insurrection” in the indictment. President Erdoğan is among the complainants in the case.

The investigation into the Gezi Park resistance involving sixteen people including such figures as Osman Kavala, Mehmet Ali Alabora, Can Dündar and Mücellla Yapıcı has been completed. Ten charges have been laid against the sixteen.

In the indictment in which aggravated life imprisonment is sought for everyone on the charge of “attempting to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey,” jail terms of various lengths are also sought for some of the suspects on such allegations as “damaging property,” “unauthorized possession of dangerous substances,” “damaging places of worship and graveyards,” “breach of the firearms law,” “aggravated looting” and “aggravated battery.”


The Gezi Park resistance was described in the indictment as an “attempted insurrection.”

It is alleged in the indictment that the suspects commenced directing the Gezi resistance as of 2011. “Acts of securing finance and coordination” for the Gezi resistance have been put at issue in the indictment. The indictment states that the “suspects” were included among the top leadership of these events and are thus held accountable for the acts of “violence” that thereby occurred throughout the country.


An apprehension warrant has been issued for six people, including Can Dündar.

Those named in the apprehension warrant are:

  • Ayşe Pınar Alabora
  • Can Dündar
  • Memet Ali Alabora
  • Gökçe Yılmaz Handan
  • Meltem Arıkan Hanzade
  • Hikmet Germiyanoğlu


Included in the indictment are 746 complainants, including the members of the cabinet at the time and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.


It was recalled in the indictment that Yiğit Aksakoğlu and Osman Kavala are currently in detention. The others apart from Kavala and Aksakoğlu will seemingly not be held in detention pending trial. The 657-page indictment has been sent to Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 30. If the indictment is accepted, the suspects will appear before the judges in the coming days.


The following sixteen are named as “suspects” in the 657-page indictment:

  • Osman Kavala
  • Ali Hakan Altınay
  • Ayşe Mücella Yapıcı
  • Ayşe Pınar Alabora
  • Can Dündar
  • Çiğdem Mater Utku
  • Gökçe Yılmaz
  • Handan Meltem Arıkan
  • Hanzade Hikmet Germiyanoğlu
  • İnanç Ekmekci
  • Memet Ali Alabora
  • Mine Özerden
  • Şerafettin Can Atalay
  • Tayfun Kahraman
  • Yiğit Aksakoğlu
  • Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi


Can Atalay, Attorney-at-Law, speaking to Evrensel about this matter, said, noting that there was an exercising of constitutional rights by millions of people during the Gezi resistance, “If the matter comes to whether or not we think about whether the government should resign, demanding a change of government is the most democratic of rights in democracies. Gezi is the hope for the future of this land. It cannot be besmirched with mindboggling allegations.”


In an interview she gave Evrensel, Mücella Yapıcı opined that the quest for punishment was “a conspiracy hatched to criminalize Gezi.” Yapıcı commented, “We were tried and acquitted in this matter. The whole world knows that this is an allegation with an eye on the elections having no connection with the law to criminalize Gezi and to intimidate and threaten people. The indictment has not yet come into our hands. Under interrogation, we underwent ten and a half hours of interrogation based on unlawful and procedurally non-compliant wiretaps. Since the indictment is not yet available we cannot say anything, either. It is an operation to criminalize Gezi. It is something that has not yet successfully been comprehended. There was nobody directing and controlling Gezi. It was a popular movement and popular objection.”


Amnesty International’s Turkey Strategy and Research Manager Andrew Gardner, in a statement he made about news of the indictment in which the sentencing is sought of Osman Kavala and fifteen civil society figures on the charge of “attempting to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey” and which was submitted to the court today, noted that it was actually the authorities who denied fundamental rights and police violence that should be on trial.

Gardner said the following:

“These outlandish allegations are an attempt to rewrite history and to silence some of Turkey’s most prominent civil society figures who now face the prospect of being tried by Turkey’s deeply flawed justice system.

Almost six years after the Gezi Park protests saw tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting against state repression, this indictment – if accepted by the court – could see the accused facing a lifetime behind bars without the possibility of parole.

The Gezi protests were overwhelmingly peaceful with people simply exercising their rights. They were met by arbitrary and abusive force by police. It should be the authorities’ denial of these rights and the police violence against peaceful protestors that should be examined by the courts, not these 16 civil society figures who have not committed any crime.

These charges must be dropped and Osman Kavala, who has been in jail on pretrial detention for almost 16 months, and Yiğit Aksakoğlu, who has been in prison for four months, must be immediately released.”

Translated by Tim Drayton

Affirmatory ruling in Cumhuriyet trial: Eight people back to jail

The Appeal Court has upheld the sentences handed down in the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial. The ruling sees eight people who were sentenced to less than five years returning to prison.

The Appeal Court has upheld the sentences that Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 imposed on Cumhuriyet newspaper’s former managers and columnists. The ruling sees eight people who were sentenced to less than five years going back to jail. Those who received sentences of longer than five years have the right to apply for review to the Court of Cassation.

It was noted in the decision that the Appeal Prosecutor was also entitled to apply to the Court of Cassation over the three defendants whose acquittal had been ordered. It was stated in the ruling that the sentences of the defendants who had been handed down prison terms of less than five years had attained finality with this affirmatory ruling.

In the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial, the Appeal Court found the conviction ruling handed down by Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 to be legally compliant and upheld it.

From information supplied to Evrensel by one of the Cumhuriyet trial lawyers, Abbas Yalçın, those awarded sentences of more than five years have the right to review before the Court of Cassation. Hence, those sentenced to more than five years will not go to jail because their convictions have not yet attained finality.

The names of those whose appeal cases will continue before the Court of Cassation are:

  • Ahmet Şık
  • Akın Atalay
  • Murat Sabuncu
  • Aydın Engin
  • Orhan Erinç
  • Hikmet Çetinkaya

The names of those who will return to jail are:

  • Kadri Gürsel
  • Bülent Utku
  • Güray Öz
  • Önder Çelik
  • Mustafa Kemal Güngör
  • Musa Kart
  • Hakan Kara
  • Emre İper

Cartoonist Musa Kart said in a social media post: “A comment has come from the ruling party that is expected to create a solution to the ongoing crises: Throw the cartoonist back inside! Yes, the road to prison beckons for me once more. Take care of yourselves.”

For his part, columnist Güray Öz wrote, “The appeal court has upheld the convictions of Cumhuriyet newspaper’s columnists and managers. You know I am among them. Never mind, I have made the final corrections to my novel. We will be unable to see one another for a while. Farewell.”


From the account given by DHA, the court stated in its ruling, noting that Ahmet Şık, who was elected to parliament in the 24 June elections, was not an MP on the dates on which the crime was committed and the judgment was passed, that Şık could not invoke the legislative immunity provided for in Article 83/2 of the Constitution.


Posting a comment following the Appeal Court’s affirmation of the judgments, Amnesty International Turkey Branch Strategy and Research Manager Andrew Gardner said, “Today’s ruling to send the former Cumhuriyet staff back to prison exposes yet again the way in which politically motivated trials and unsound court decisions are simply rubber stamped by an equally biased appeals process.”

Stating that the prosecution of scores of journalists and other media workers was on ongoing affront to press freedom and justice, Gardner commented, “By using the courts to increase their stranglehold on the media, the authorities have once again displayed the ugly side of Turkey’s broken judicial system. This should ring alarm bells for anyone who cares about freedom of expression.”


Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 pronounced its judgment at the hearing dated 25 April 2018 in the trial in which former columnists and managers of Cumhuriyet newspaper were being prosecuted. The paper’s former Executive Board Chair Akın Atalay was handed down a sentence of seven years, thirteen months and fifteen days on the count of “knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization while not being a member.” Atalay was released in conjunction with the judgment. The paper’s Editor-in-Chief Murat Sabuncu, reporter Ahmet Şık and columnist Aydın Engin were each awarded sentences of seven and a half years, while Cumhuriyet Foundation Management Board Chair Orhan Erinç and columnist Hikmet Çetinkaya both received jail terms of six years and three months on the same count.

On the count of “knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization while not being a member,” Bülent Utku, Attorney-at-Law, readers’ representative Güray Tekin Öz, Cumhuriyet Foundation manager Önder Çelik, cartoonist Musa Kart and Mustafa Kemal Güngör were each sentenced to three years and nine months and columnist Kadri Gürsel was awarded jail time of two and a half years.

Yusuf Emre İper was sentenced to three years one month and fifteen days on the count of “making terrorist organization propaganda,” while Ahmet Kemal Gündoğdu, accused of using the Twitter account named jeansbiri, received a ten-year jail term on the count of “membership of a terrorist organization.” The acquittal was ordered of Turan Güney, Bülent Yener and Günseli Özaltay.

Candidates and alliances for local elections in Turkey on March 31

The period set by the SEC for announcing local election candidates has ended. Final adjustments have been made to the alliances.

Birkan BULUT

The Supreme Electoral Council (SEC)’s deadline for nominating local election candidates has ended. The picture to emerge following last-minute adjustments is that the AKP-MHP has broadened the alliance as its electoral support wilts. With the CHP and Good Party forging an alliance in many places with an eye on the nationalist vote, the HDP, conversely, has not fielded candidates in many metropolitan cities such as İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir Mersin and Adana so as to weaken the AKP-MHP block.


The People’s Alliance, having continued with its ups and downs following the 24 June elections, embarked on its endeavours for the 31 March local elections in thirty metropolitan cities and Erdoğan’s home town of Rize and Bahçeli’s home town of Osmaniye. The AKP and MHP block, targeting the CHP and Good Party alliance with talk of the latter having “made an alliance with the HDP,” has done its utmost to hush and patch up the cracks between them. With President Erdoğan frequently urging his party to avoid rhetoric harmful to the alliance, those expressing disapproval have been ousted from office, as in Samsun.

The alliance talks that restarted at the beginning of February saw a further widening in view of the risks and wilting vote witnessed in certain provinces. The two parties are cooperating in 21 provinces in addition to the 30 metropolitan cities. This thus brings to 51 the number of provinces in which the election is being contested under alliance.

The AKP has not fielded candidates in Osmaniye, Kars, Kırklareli and Iğdır where the MHP has candidates. The MHP has likewise withdrawn its mayoral candidates in Rize, Bilecik, Bolu, Burdur, Yalova, Çanakkale, Bitlis, Sinop, Edirne, Artvin, Giresun, Ardahan, Siirt, Muş, Ağrı, Şırnak and Hakkari and resolved to support the AKP in these seventeen provinces. A single list for municipal assembly seats will also be fielded in provinces falling under the alliance.


In the aftermath of the 24 June elections, the CHP has made an alliance with the Good Party alone. The CHP’s long-time tactic of winning elections through cosying up to right-wing voters has courted disapproval from many quarters. Mehmet Fatih Bucak, who hurled threats at other parties when he applied to stand for the MHP at the last elections, has become CHP candidate for Şanlıurfa Siverek in spite of objections within the party.


Critical cities like Ankara, Izmir and Mersin once more turn out to be the provinces where debate over candidates is at its hottest. In the end, cooperation under alliance was decided on in 22 metropolitan cities. The CHP has fielded candidates in more than 900 places including 18 metropolitan cities like İstanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Adana and 38 provinces. The Good Party has put forward a total of 543 candidates in 14 metropolitan cities like Konya, Kayseri, Kocaeli and Gaziantep and 28 provinces.


As to the HDP, it has played a dual tactic in these elections. Making anti-trustee alliances with Kurdish parties in provinces in the region, the HDP has announced that it is not fielding candidates in Istanbul, Adana and Izmir to hamper the AKP and MHP block. Fielding no candidates in cities like Ankara, Aydın, Adana, Hatay, Urfa, Mersin, Antalya, Bursa and Mersin, the HDP has conversely put forward candidates in certain of Istanbul and Ankara’s sub-provinces. Announcing its support for DSP candidate Celal Doğan in Gaziantep and, by contrast, Felicity Party candidate Ahmet Faruk Ünsal in Adıyaman, the HDP has nominated Van member of parliament Bedia Özgökçe Ertan in Van Metropolitan Municipality, Group Deputy Chair Ayhan Bilgen for Kars Municipality, Istanbul member of parliament Ali Kenanoğlu for Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality and Istanbul member of parliament Züleyha Gülüm for Kocaeli.


Numbering among the most critical provinces in the local elections are such provinces as Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Mersin and Adana. The People’s Alliance is using figures who have served on the cabinet in the three big cities. It has fielded Parliamentary Speaker Binali Yıldırım in Istanbul, former Minister of Environment and Urbanization Mehmet Özhaseki in Ankara and former Minister of

Economy Nihat Zeybekçi in Izmir. As to the CHP’s candidates, these are Ekrem İmamoğlu in Istanbul, Tunç Soyer in Izmir and, in Ankara, Mansur Yavaş who fought against Melih Gökçek in the last local elections. In Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, in turn, where almost all parties are neck and neck, the CHP has nominated Vahap Seçer and the MHP Hamit Tuna as candidates.


The Good Party was going to field its current chair Burhanettin Kocamaz but the late arrival of Kocamaz’s documents has caused a crisis. The SEC will decide on whether Kocamaz is to be a candidate.


The SEC blocked the Labour Party (EMEP) and Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) from contesting the election asserting that they did not meet the qualifications to do so. With the Labour Party deciding to back the HDP against the trustees, it has put up independent candidates in Balıkesir, Tekirdağ, Kayseri, Kocaeli and Denizli along with Ankara’s Sincan sub-province and Izmir’s Buca sub-province.

EMEP is also contesting the elections in Dersim in a unity of forces.

ÖDP Presidential Board member Alper Taş, in turn, has become the CHP candidate for Beyoğlu Mayor in Istanbul.


In the election marked by alliances, the Felicity Party (SP) will contest the election in all regions with its own logo and candidates. The SP will field candidates in 1389 constituencies and has dwarfed all other parties in this regard.

The Felicity Party has nominated former Interior Minister İdris Naim Şahin, who had been spoken of as CHP-Good Party Ordu candidate, as candidate for Ordu Metropolitan Mayor.


As per the Supreme Electoral Council (SEC)’s electoral timetable, the deadline for submission of lists of candidates ended at 17.00 on 19 February. The provisional list of candidates including independent candidates will be announced by provincial and sub-provincial electoral boards on 22 February and the objection period will commence. As to the final lists of candidates, these will be proclaimed on 3 March.

The future that those living in palaces in Turkey are imposing on people living in poverty

Because they live in palaces, they see unemployment, poverty and deteriorating living conditions for common people as just a rule of the game that they are playing.

The unemployment statistics in Turkey from November show not just the shocking growth in unemployment but also signal that unemployment will reach intolerable levels in 2019.
Unemployment consistently rose by 0.2% every month since August and reached 11.6% in October. But between October and November this jumped to 0.7% reaching 12.3% unemployment.
During the same period unemployment (excluding the agricultural sector) increases by 2.1 percentage points, reaching 14.3%. Unemployment amongst 15-24 year olds increased by 4.3%, reaching 23.6%.
Even according to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) unemployed figures have reached 4 million, and real figures are closer to 7 million people.
It’s not just unemployment that is of concern, in December the construction industry contracted by 9.8%, the biggest slow down since 2009.


Last week unemployment stopped being just a number and showed its real size on the field. In Zonguldak, the vacancies for 1000 coal mine workers attracted 60,000 applicants! It is suggested that 15-20 thousand of these applicants are university graduates. Even smart bourgeois economists accept that unemployment will increase to above 15% in 2019.
Despite this reality, the treasury and finance minister, Berak Albayrak boasted “in January the budget was 5 billion more. Our budget discipline measures have yielded results. Our budget deficit is falling. This year it could fall to under 20 billion dollars. We have reached all our targets in our economic plan.”

Meanwhile President Tayyip Erdogan told young people asking him for jobs that “there is work. But there is work for qualified workers. Unqualified workers have a problem” ignoring that unemployment is higher amongst qualified university graduates compared to those without qualifications.

Erdogan has also opened a new debate in relation to hunger. “There is no hunger just a problem of over catering at the dinner table” says Erdogan who seems to have forgotten that 20 million people live below the poverty line in Turkey and those reliant on social welfare have reached 30.5 million.
All of the pro-government media and AKP cronies just repeat Erdogan and his (son-in-law) Minister Albayrak’s statements.
Of course the President and Treasury Minister aren’t just saying these things because they are unaware of what is going on in the country. Because they are as smart as everyone else and know the consequences of the politics they are pursuing. The problems being faced today are not accidental or unintentional. Albayrak’s response in the face of the stark reality of unemployment and poverty is not to deny it, on the contrary when he says “we have reached all our targets in out economic programme” he reveals that this was their target. Because there was no other way they could have achieved the targets they declared in their “economic programme”.

Because they live in palaces*, they see unemployment, poverty and deteriorating living conditions for common people as just a rule of the game that they are playing. This must be why for them the unemployment of millions of people appear to be “good for everyone” because it is a result of their “necessary and legitimate” economic programme.
So what is happening is not a result of failure or wrong political initiatives by the government, on the contrary it is “the undeclared but foreseen” result of reaching their goals in their economic programme
These are the living conditions that those living in palaces impose on the people!
And nothing will change until those living in poverty rise up and struggle against this life that is imposed on them.
The history of the working class struggle proves this.

* President Erdogan has a 1100 room presidential palace built for himself, adorned with expensive and luxury furniture. Even the daily expenses are paid for by the state.

Article by: Ihsan Caralan

Journalist Çağrı Sarı’s trial adjourned and Cem Şimşek acquitted

Former Evrensel responsible editors Çağrı Sarı and Cem Şimşek appeared before the judge. Çağrı Sarı’s hearing was adjourned while Cem Şimşek was acquitted.

The adjudicatory hearing took place in former Evrensel responsible editor Çağrı Sarı’s trial over the Paradise Papers being heard at Bakırköy Penal Court of First Instance No 2, brought under a complaint by Minister Albayrak and his brother. Çağrı Sarı’s hearing was adjourned until 11.50 on 19 March with a decision for the last of the submitted documents to be examined.

Following Çağrı Sarı, the first hearing was held in the trial in which former Evrensel responsible editor İsmail Cem Şimşek was being prosecuted for reports that exposed rights violations taking place at Tarsus Prison. Şimşek was acquitted at the first hearing.

Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) General Chair Gökhan Durmuş, who called for attendance at the trials in which our staff are being prosecuted, stressed that what needed to be done when faced with reports of rights violations was to research and investigate this. Underlining that intimidatory trials were being brought against journalists instead of doing this, Durmuş said they would be at the journalists’ sides. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu emphasized that they were in solidarity with our newspaper’s staff.


Charges were laid against former Evrensel responsible editor İsmail Cem Şimşek over our articles and reports that exposed rights violations taking place at Tarsus Prison on the allegation of “defaming” the prison.

Under the indictment, Şimşek’s imprisonment for between one and four years was sought at the behest of Tarsus Penal Institution Number 2 on the charge that “defamation of Tarsus Prison” was made in the form of the reports titled “Claims of torture at Tarsus” published in our paper on 3 August 2018 and “On tenterhooks at Tarsus Prison” published on 9 August 2018 along with the article bearing lawyer Tugay Bek’s signature and titled “Brought from Afrin, forgotten in prison” published on 6 August 2018.


Following the publication in our paper of reports into the Paradise Papers, which delved into fund transfers made by politicians and bosses to evade tax and revealed that the two sons of Prime Minister at the time, Binali Yıldırım, owned an “offshore” company, and in which the names of then Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and current Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak and his brother Serhat Albayrak were mentioned, a prosecution was brought against our responsible editor at the time, Çağrı Sarı, under a complaint by Berat and Serhat Albayrak.

Sarı’s imprisonment for between one and six years was sought in the proceedings brought against him on the charge of “libel and defamation.”


Speaking to Evrensel, Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) General Chair Gökhan Durmuş had the following to say about the trials:

“Two of Evrensel daily’s former editors will appear before the judge at an interval of ten minutes to defend reports. The two trials in question are essentially trials that resemble one another. Those in power and the prosecutors who by now are quite obviously working to their instructions do not want corruption and human rights stories to be covered in Turkey. If the name of a country’s leader is mixed up in a corruption allegation they try to intimidate journalists through filing defamation trials rather than proving to the public that this is untrue, as should be done. If human rights breaches are reported on with reference to a prison, while the prosecutor’s duty is to investigate these claims and prosecute the prison governor, they prosecute the person who made that report.”

Saying, “The rulers don’t want journalism to be conducted in Turkey,” Durmuş noted, “That’s why 137 journalists are in jail and hundreds of them are busying themselves with such trials. But, if they think they will cow and frighten journalists like this, they are mistaken. For as long as what is publicly known diverges from the truth, there will always be journalists who cover this. We, at the same time, will be at the side of our union’s members Çağrı Sarı and Cem Şimşek.”


For his part, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu had the following to say:

“There is nothing specific to Turkey about it: regimes worldwide that enclose themselves target journalists who try to open the public’s eyes to truths and allegations. It is actually a great risk that journalists take in societies with weak public opinion that are not transparent. In Turkey, we see mainly women journalists chasing cases like corruption and impropriety. We are in solidarity with them so as to applaud this courage, too.”

Translated by Tim Drayton

Direct sale points of Erdoğan government in 7 questions

Why have vegetable and fruit prices gone up in Turkey? Will direct sale points cure citizens’ woes? Are market traders to blame? We made a collation of the points of concern.

Sinem UĞUR

The direct sale points proposed by the AKP-Erdoğan government with the purported aim of reducing fruit and vegetable prices have been up and running since Monday 11 February. The rise in vegetable prices, which have reached record levels, will purportedly be stemmed through sales made at fifty points in İstanbul and fifteen in Ankara.

Will the direct sale points that have both attracted interest and prompted debate cure citizens’ woes? Why have prices risen? Who is to blame? What do the government, opposition and citizens say? We have replied to these questions by imparting the views of experts and politicians.


Farmers’ Union Tüm Koy Sen Training and Organization Expert Sedat Başkavak gave an itemized reply to our question.

•    The country’s agriculture is configured to align with monopolies’ interests. (Whenever agriculture is debated import policies constantly come to the fore instead of policies that will increase production. Agricultural production and produce prices are kept under pressure with the imports that are made. This also affects agricultural production because these practices tear producers and villagers away from agriculture. Agricultural production has been annihilated as a result of the WTO and EU’s impositions.)

•    Support for production is minimal. Input prices are high. (Diesel leaving the refineries fills the villager’s tractor with a price hike of more than 100% due to the distributor’s, transporter’s and vendor’s profit. Pesticides are imported, fertilizer is imported and the monopolies set the price. As such, the producer and villager, unable to match production costs, grow produce each year as if playing the pools to see which produce will make good money. Agricultural production has become unbalanced in this way.)

•    It is the companies, commission agents and chain supermarkets that set the prices of vegetables and fruit, not the producing villager. (Unorganized, the villager cannot set the price of the product he produces. Intermediaries, traders and supermarket chains impose whatever price they want, saying this is the market price. With them getting their profit, the villagers are sometimes left unable to recoup their costs let alone the labour they have put in.)

•    Climatic conditions that have made themselves felt more this year. (Production has been negatively affected by climatic conditions. Weeks of flooding and storms have left their toll on production in areas where vegetables are produced. Agricultural areas are still under water in some places. Villagers are not being compensated for losses they have suffered from natural disaster. Intermediaries are exploiting this situation to increase prices.)


Chair of the İstanbul Branch of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects’ Agricultural Engineers Chamber, Ahmet Atalık, indicated that market traders, producers and sellers were not to blame and pointed to cost and expense items. There follows a summary of Atalık’s comments to Evrensel:

“We cannot say market traders, sellers and small business people are to blame. These people pay tax, pay rent, employ staff, pay staff wages and insurance contributions and pay electricity, water and natural gas bills. There are a whole host of cost items. If we want cheap food these items need first of all to be made more tolerable.

They say, ‘We just take the cost of diesel at direct sale points and sell at the farmers’ prices.’ They don’t pay rent and there are no tax or electricity costs at the places they make sales. Can you now, under these conditions, say, ‘Look, I am providing this service and they are food terrorists?’

Even the produce sold at direct sale points where not a penny in profit is said to be made is very expensive. This is because fertilizer has been hiked by more than 100%. Pesticides have been hiked by up to 80%. The producer uses diesel, pesticides and fertilizer coming from abroad. The slightest increase in foreign exchange is reflected in costs. Our total agricultural area has declined by 3.2 million hectares. The farmer doesn’t grow because he can’t get compensation for his labour.”

The words of market traders and producers who spoke to DHA bear Atalık out.

Finike Wholesale Market Association Chair İsmail Karataş said, ‘The cost of the produce the producer grows is very high. If our state wants to get people eating cheap vegetables it must first reduce the costs of the produce he grows. The produce isn’t beamed from here to the major centres. There is a transportation cost for this. Diesel is six lira a litre. The small business people there invoice for this and pay tax. This is also a cost for small business people. What our state could do would be to eliminate tax entirely, municipalities could dispense with duties and withholding tax could be done away with and prices would fall.”

Producers Süreyya Dalgıç and Emine Baş commented, “What we expect from our state is cheap diesel and fertilizer prices becoming cheaper and taxes being abolished.” For his part, farmer İsa said, “Our state must know how high costs are. So, they first need to revise costs.”


Evrensel newspaper’s Economics Editor Bülent Falakaoğlu stated that direct sale points will not meet needs.

“The TANSAŞ model in 1980’s Izmir gives us an insight into this issue. The model brought farmers and supermarkets into a coordinated mode of working and cut down on intermediaries. With quality produce made available to the people more cheaply, the farmer was provided with a share of the income enabling him to continue producing. The TANSAŞ model only achieved effectiveness after it had spread throughout the entire Aegean region.

It is now virtually impossible to affect food prices with a limited number of direct sale points and limited produce!

Do fifty direct sale points suffice to meet needs in Istanbul, with its population of fifteen million, or fifteen in Ankara with a population of six million?

It has no producer component, no supermarket component and no reach. Hence, it has no chance of succeeding, either. It will aid the certain number of citizens who join the queue, but that won’t last long, either. Without solving the problems of expensive motorways and bridges, expensive diesel, high taxes, high rents and farmers’ production costs, prices won’t fall.

The farmer has a production problem. The price given for produce doesn’t meet costs. With the farmer not growing produce because it doesn’t pay, where are the fruit and vegetables to come from to the direct sale point?”


CHP Niğde Member of Parliament Ömer Fethi Gürer responded as follows to this question: “Direct sale points are being implemented for the perception to be created until the election that prices have fallen and it was the producer and intermediary that were to blame.”

Speaking to Evrensel, Gürer reeled off his criticisms of the AKP’s agricultural policy as follows: “Seeds, fertilizer and insecticide are imported and expensive. Diesel and electricity hikes affect production. Transport costs attributable to road and bridge transit implementations increase the price of produce.”

Stating that direct sale points were a for-show arrangement to say that prices had fallen, Gürer said, “Until farming inputs are cheapened and scientific, planned and foreseeable support is given to the producer, no lasting solution can be created. The fault lies with the AKP General Chair’s incorrect agricultural policies and externally-dependent practices.”


President Tayyip Erdoğan harbingered the setting up of direct sale points on 5 February. Erdoğan said in the speech he made to the AKP Parliamentary Group Meeting, “Be it peppers, be it aubergines, be it tomatoes, for everything we have decided to put a check on these prices if need be and we will take our steps. We will take these steps through our municipalities. You know, at one time regulated sales were set up. We can and will take these steps through our municipalities because we have to give our citizens cheap and healthy produce.”

In response to these words of Erdoğan, Minister of Treasury and Finance Berat Albayrak said that direct sale centres would be set up.

Erdoğan said at his party’s Kastamonu rally on 12 February, “From now on the tents have been set up and with these we have set up sales places that are virtually like direct sale points. Prices have halved in an instant and will fall further because we will sell other products there. I mean, take cleaning products and whatever else there is in supermarkets. We will start selling a certain portion of these here, too. Why? Because they whipped up terrorism, terrorism. So, we have given, are giving and will give those who whip up terrorism in food the necessary lesson.”

CHP Spokesperson Faik Öztrak, commenting after the CHP Central Executive Committee on 11 February, stated, “Direct sale points alone are not enough. The components of this project are insufficient. You cannot tackle the burning problem in the kitchen without tackling the burning issues in agriculture and in the field.”

HDP Co-Chair Sezai Temelli said at the HDP Group meeting on 12 February, “Today, Erdoğan is obsessed with aubergines. He asks the people how many lira a bullet costs. A huge perception operation is underway in conjunction with the crony media with direct sales at fifty points in massive Istanbul. As if the producers themselves had not folded up, market traders and small business people are being declared enemies.”

Speaking at the Good Party group meeting on 12 February, General Chair Meral Akşener commented, “The state’s most strategic factory is being transferred to the private sector. They are going to get the state to sell potatoes and tomatoes. The way things are going, don’t be surprised if they ration tomatoes and peppers. Supposedly the opposition speaks of tomatoes and peppers. What are we to say? This is what we eat. How about you speak of the dragon fruit ‘smoothie’ you eat at the Palace.”


Evrensel reporters spoke to citizens waiting in the queue at the direct sale point in Şirinevler. There are both those at these points who are satisfied and those who think they won’t deliver a cure.

According to the report, one citizen said, “Let those who brought this to this state be ashamed. Is this a solution, I mean? Are people to stand in line for fruit and vegetables? After diesel, fertilizer and seed prices were not reduced, nothing will happen. Cosmetic measures will do nothing without supporting the producers.”

Another citizen thinks these points will teach supermarkets and markets a lesson: “I think it was welcome. Let it teach the supermarkets a bit of a lesson. This was opportunism. They’re taking advantage of the foreign currency rise.”


Direct sales first began to be implemented for the purpose of selling products to the people at more affordable prices in the 1970’s when Bülent Ecevit headed the Republican People’s Party (CHP). The initiative was centred around municipalities. This initiative started with an idea by İzmir Gültepe Mayor Aydın Erten and his deputy İlhan Güre. İzmir Mayor İhsan Alyanak launched a similar initiative in Alsancak.

Tansa, opened by the municipality in Izmir in 1973, and the direct sale shops set up in certain sub-provinces of Istanbul in 1976 spread rapidly.

The main aim through these shops was to obtain products directly from the producer or from cooperatives and circumvent price increases by eliminating the intermediary.

Izmir Tansa subsequently attained the name of TANSAŞ and turned into a supermarket chain. TANSAŞ was bought by Migros in 2011.

Direct sale shops were closed at the end of the 1990’s.

Translated by Tim Drayton

Panel Discussion: Media Under Authoritarian Rule


Join us to hear from Can Dundar, Deniz Yucel and Aidan White, who will share their experiences of the Turkish government’s purge of the media and censorship of journalists seeking the truth.

Location                                             Date and Time

NLCH                                                     Sun, 17 March 2019
22 Moorefield Road                            16:00 – 18:00 GMT
Bruce Grove
N17 6PY

For more information about this event: Eventbrite

*Please note: There will be no admission without a valid ticket and ID.

Full text of our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat’s court statement

We are publishing the statement submitted to the court by our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat, who is on trial charged with “defaming the President.”

Our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat, who is being tried on the charge of defaming the President for one of his articles and whose imprisonment for between one year and four years is sought, appeared before the judges.

The full text of the statement Polat submitted to the court at his hearing that was adjourned to 14 May reads as follows:

“The introduction to my article giving rise to the prosecution titled ‘What do those addressed say about these allegations concerning the Erdoğan family?’ published on 28 May 2017 on Evrensel newspaper’s website was as follows: ‘A report was published on theblacksea.eu  site the day before yesterday containing some important claims concerning the Erdoğan family. I am publishing the report bearing the signature of Craig Shaw, considering its importance to readers in Turkey, too.’

I subsequently reproduced without comment Shaw’s report titled ‘President Erdoğan’s family in secret offshore ship deal.’

There was a question in my article’s headline that clearly did not comprise defamation and the reply came first from the public prosecution and then from the court in the form of the acceptance of the indictment.

As the report I reproduced in my article was relatively long I will provide a summarized version within the context of my statement.

The report dated 26 May 2017 starts with the standfirst, ‘Malta Files exposes multi-million USD oil tanker deal between family of Turkey leader, his close friend, and an Azeri billionaire’ and continues, ‘Through offshore companies in the Isle of Man and Malta, the Erdoğans secretly own an oil tanker worth nearly 25 million USD called the Agdash. The deal was constructed with Erdoğan’s close friend and Turkish businessman, Sitki Ayan, and an Azeri-Turkish billionaire called Mübariz Mansimov, owner of Istanbul-headquartered shipping conglomerate, Palmali Group. Documents show that since 2008, the cost of the Agdash deal for the two businessmen totals nearly 30 million USD, with seven million from Ayan, and nearly 23 million from Mansimov.’

The report states, ‘The Erdoğans obtained the Agdash from Mübariz Mansimov in October 2008, using a company in the Isle of Man called Bumerz Limited – named after its principal owners – the president’s son, Burak Erdoğan, his brother, Mustafa Erdoğan, and brother-in-law Ziya Ilgen.’

The report notes that Mansimov ordered the Agdash petrol tanker from a Russian state-affiliated Russian shipyard called United Shipping and to pay for part of the construction costs, he applied for a loan of 18.4 million dollars from the Latvia-based bank, Parex.

It also states that Erdoğan’s brother-in-law, Ziya Ilgen, registered Bumerz Limited in the Isle of Man and Agdash was delivered to Mansimov in the autumn of 2007. It mentions that in October 2008, through the Bumerz Limited company, the Erdoğan family obtained all the shares in the Agdash’s Maltese parent company, Pal Shipping Trader One, and thus became the real owners of the tanker, valued at 25 million dollars when it was first built.

It states that records from the Isle of Man company registry show that the day after the transfer to the Erdoğans, on 24 October 2008, Parex Bank finally issued the 18.4 million dollar loan that Mansimov had applied for a year earlier for the Agdash to the Bumerz company, but the Erdoğans never repaid a cent of the loan to the bank because Mansimov chartered the ship from the Erdoğan family and repaid the credit on their behalf.

The report also comes with the documents in English at its foot. I am annexing in numbered form thirteen documents in English totalling 121 pages. You will also find annexed to my defence Turkish explanations as to the meaning of each numbered document.

I now here turn to the indictment. The indictment prosecutor, having reproduced the report in full, says, ‘It is unimportant whether writing constituting libel and defamation is taken from another report. It is as if those who unfoundedly publish verbatim the allegations within have engaged in the same libel or defamation. Otherwise, everyone will write such an article to the detriment of people they do not like, or get an acquaintance of theirs to do so, and then can have it published somewhere externally.’

Article 160/2 of the Code of Penal Procedure number 5271 reads as follows: ‘The Republic prosecutor must, with a view to the material truth being investigated and to enable a fair trial to be conducted, gather and store using the judicial law enforcement officers under his command all evidence favourable and detrimental to the suspect and protect the suspect’s rights.’

Given that by now nostalgia has become attached to the notion of ‘favourable’ evidence in trials relating to freedom of the press and expression, its absence in the indictment in this trial brought against me did not strike me as particularly odd. But the indictment prosecutor does not submit any detrimental evidence, either. Having reproduced the report that I included in my column, he speaks of ‘unfounded’ allegations. We are unable to comprehend what concrete evidence he is relying on in this assertion or which sentence in the report the prosecutor is rebutting in commenting as such. The prosecutor, who has not presented a single piece of detrimental evidence, resorts instead to laying before us a potential scenario aimed at arousing suspicion and says, ‘Everyone will write such an article to the detriment of people they do not like, or get an acquaintance of theirs to do so, and then can have it published somewhere externally.’

A prosecutor cannot hatch such an odd scenario against a journalist whose conviction he is calling for and, only if this is true, he must propound it along with evidence.

Craig Shaw is a well-known journalist who has lent his signature to similar investigative reports. The report serving as the justification for my trial remains posted online and was simultaneously published verbatim in 7-8 European newspapers.

I am contextualizing. The text I included in my column is a report and does not comprise defamation. The headline that I placed above this report consists of a question that does not comprise defamation.

A great deal to do with journalism has changed over the hundreds of years of press history. But the following truth is instructive to us, both yesterday, and today and also tomorrow:

Journalism starts with the asking of questions. When you give up asking questions you will also have given up doing journalism. I will continue to ask questions.”

Translated by Tim Drayton

Article by: Evrensel Daily

Political scientist Deniz Yıldırım: CHP is content with its opposition placing in the new regime

Dr Deniz Yıldırım: “The CHP gives the appearance of a party that has succumbed far more to a quarrel over the internal sharing of power absent the ability for a broad, encompassing political line to be charted.”

The main opposition CHP party, subject of great speculation for months especially as to who its provincial and sub-provincial mayoral candidates are to be and whether it will broker an alliance and, if so, how the cities will be shared out, came back onto the country’s agenda with the events at last week’s Party Assembly (PA) meeting at which the candidates for critical provinces and sub-provinces were nominated.

First the resignation of Istanbul Provincial Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu and then the withdrawal of her resignation a few hours later, the mass resignation of certain sub-provincial organizations, the objections mutating into activism of those mayors who were not renominated as candidates, and the mutual accusations flying back and forth on social media… The spectacle that the CHP management described as being “in-party democracy” came as grist to the mill of the ruling block’s propaganda of “a party that is incapable of managing itself”. The thinking and criticism took firmer root that the main opposition party is incapable of manufacturing policies and by and large positions itself within the political confines of the new regime.

A further development to attract the scrutiny of columnists and analysts was the response, conveyed in worried tones, of the CHP, which is continuing in the 31 March local elections with the policy of opening to the right that has been underway since Deniz Baykal, “It has nothing to do with us” to the HDP’s decision not to field candidates in the three large cities.

Today’s PA meeting will reveal where the discussion ends up and whether the nomination of the remaining candidates will lead to further tension and resignations.

I spoke to Cumhuriyet newspaper columnist and political scientist Associate Professor Dr. Deniz Yıldırım about “CHP’s crisis” that has been firmly on the political agenda for the whole week.

Let us start with your take on the events in the aftermath of the PA meeting at which the CHP’s critical provincial and sub-provincial mayoral candidates were nominated. What is the basic problem that is bringing the in-party struggle for power within the CHP back to the surface?

It is actually inevitable that this would happen. We see a multitude of prospective candidates applying in places where there is a high chance of winning and a dearth of candidates in places where the chance of victory against the AKP-MHP is low. Municipalities are the places where the CHP ranks get their strongest taste of power while in opposition. That is, the CHP, without being in power at the national level, holds some very critical sub-provinces in its hands especially in the metropolitan cities in terms of exploiting its political resources, its human, social and cultural resources. As such, a massive quarrel over the share-out is going on in these places. The CHP gives the appearance of a party that has succumbed far more to a quarrel over the internal sharing of power absent the ability for a broad, encompassing political line to be charted. What is provoking the greatest debate is that the places producing an abundance of prospective candidates being at the same time places where victory is guaranteed is indicative of a quarrel that goes beyond expanding the party.

Such a crisis could have been made less turbulent by dealing with the nomination of candidates at an earlier stage rather than close to the election. However, party management appears to have drawn this out to an extent to watch and observe the ruling block’s candidates and to an extent because it feared its own candidates being mauled. The upshot is that it is not discussion of the ruling party’s incorrect policies but the CHP’s internal crisis that is filling the agenda shortly before the election.

Is there any way CHP management could not have seen this? If the outbreak of a quarrel over power sharing was inevitable, why couldn’t it have been prevented?

For one thing, there is no overall political “cause” uniting the party. In the absence of an overall cause or a political passion and goal, we see, for instance, a reluctance for high-rankers in the party to go and stand in places that might be lost. This means there is a dearth in the ranks of those who say, “Let me make a sacrifice to boost my party and at the same time for my party to bring the power holders down a peg or two.” Everyone is trying to manoeuvre in a winnable space. I mean, this is not just a problem to do with CHP management. The second point is that it cannot be prevented because there are groups within the party. It is the old story of “that lot’s guy, this lot’s guy.” “Whose candidate is to be mayor in critical sub-provinces in the metropolises? If we give such-and-such a group so many municipalities the quarrel with them won’t get too big and we’ll maintain our power at the congress after the election thanks to the delegates these municipalities have.” So, we can think of the calculations being somewhat tied in with this. And, hence, a whole host of arguments are going on; the resignations turn out to be mayors who say, “We don’t recognize headquarters’ decision.”

CHP management accounts for what is going on saying, “We have internal party democracy – that’s why it’s happening.”

The candidate nomination process itself is not democratic in Turkey. There are internal polls in a limited number of places. However, in essence certain figures are brought before the Central Executive Committee and then go to the PA. So, the democratic phase is the PA phase at which the candidate management has picked can be blocked. This much is true. On the other hand, is it the party’s alliance with other parties, expanding the party’s electoral base or party-internal balances that are decisive in this candidate nomination process? This, basically, is the question. There are such quirks – let me give an example from Izmir. A politician who announced that he would be a prospective candidate for Çiğli and has served as chair of the party organization in this sub-province is the candidate for Narlıdere on the list submitted to the PA. Two unrelated sub-provinces. Whose doing is this? What priority is it based on? It is subsequently changed under objection. Or, while the Narlıdere mayor is a candidate for the metropolitan municipality we see he has been made candidate for Konak sub-province. Whose doing was it? Who was happy? So, does the Konak organization and do the Konak people have no right to a say at all? Internal party democracy is a phenomenon rooted in connections with the base.


You have pointed to the lack of an overall political cause in the CHP.  Do you agree the trend towards opening to the right that manifests itself through such practices as the alliance with the Good Party and fielding Mansur Yavaş, who boasts of his ultranationalism, as candidate, justified in terms of reaching out to all segments of society, nourishes the state of “causelessness?”

If political parties wish to come to power they must in any case address all segments of society. I have no issue with this part. What is problematic is the very way the opposition reads politics. I mean, if it describes political and social ailments, economic inequalities and injustices and proposes a programme, a remedy or a model to exit these, and if it also tries to address various segments with the aid of this programme, there may be no problem. But there is no such social-political project. Since it lacks one, there is a CHP that accounts for the electoral behaviour of voters who vote for parties apart from it out of purely cultural reasons and ideological identities. I am not saying that these are not influential over the electorate, but the source of the problem is not just this. Were it so, a Good Party supporter with ultranationalist roots, a conservative Felicity Party supporter or a socialist HDP supporter would not in fact vote for a CHP candidate. But they may do so as things stand post-16 April. For example, which electoral circles did the eight percent vote İnce got over and above the CHP in the presidential elections emanate from? This means the issue is not just cultural identities. Politics in Turkey acquired a new axis that relates to the authoritarian system imposed on Turkey post-16 April rather than identities. And we are currently seeing the results of this in the alliances. Just as the governing party squeezes those who don’t vote for it into a cultural mould and says, “They don’t vote for us for lifestyle reasons,” the opposition also tries to make sense of those who don’t vote for it from within the same cultural mould. And it consequently says, “Ankara is a city in which nationalist sentiment rides high, so let’s bring in an ultranationalist candidate there!” or, “Istanbul is a city in which Black-Sea conservative voters are numerous, so Ekrem İmamoğlu is an ideal candidate!” This is a person-centred approach that downplays voters’ economic electoral behaviour. In this respect, both the AKP and the CHP read and formulate politics in Turkey on the axis of cultural identities and moulds.

A further important point is that the political system in Turkey has undergone change with it given official sanction on 24 June. We are going through a period in which henceforth 50%+1 is targeted for victory and parties make alliances to this end and local elections, too, are presented with a referendum-like feel. But the parties, and the CHP appear not to have comprehended this.


The weakness of the reaction to Parliamentary Speaker Binali Yıldırım’s nomination as candidate for Istanbul, Istanbul candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu visiting Erdoğan and saying “We will draw on your experiences” … Is this a failure to comprehend that the system has changed or a product of the attempt to secure accustomization/normalization for the new regime?

For one thing, you don’t manage to politicize certain issues or you don’t consciously make them into political issues. There is a problem with the inability to politicize in the CHP. Nobody can deny this. That is, it is only the case in most exceptional situations that it transports any social issue into the political arena and sets the basic agenda itself by translating it into politics. The excuse created here is that, “The media is in the power structure’s hands so it is not at all easy to reach out to the people.” But this isn’t what setting the agenda is about. In fact, it is in precisely such environments that the agenda is set. If you bring what society is actually talking about onto the agenda, society will in fact open its ears to hear it. Recall the 16 April referendum campaign held under state of emergency conditions or the positive climate that took hold prior to the 24 June election.

Failing to politicize, however, is a conscious choice. If we bear in mind that the new system is basically a two-party system, the CHP sees that it can assemble the other parties around it because it is the biggest party in the opposition block. It is trying to steer clear of “risk” because of this. Not speaking out against the unstamped ballots operation on 16 April, similarly glossing over the constant transfer of powers to the palace, the inability to develop an opposition position apart from group meetings and, moreover, not raising the issue of Parliamentary Speaker Binali Yıldırım’s resignation that is a blatant violation of the constitution saying, “An election is not political activity” is to normalise the situation and say jokingly, “Don’t change the agenda – it will lose the election anyhow.” All these things in fact contribute to the appearance of a CHP management that is content to assume leadership of the opposition side in a de-facto two-party arrangement.


What is your take on Binali Yıldırım’s announcement that he will step down as parliamentary speaker on 18 February?

This means that this wasn’t a change of agenda at all; indeed, it was apparently an agenda that was causing disquiet to the ruling entity. The CHP has an interesting take as follows: “If we bring the issue of the constitution or the issue of the regime onto the agenda they will take precedence over fundamental issues!” If so, the economy, unemployment and high prices which number among Turkey’s fundamental issues are according to the CHP management independent of the new system. When, in fact, conditions have never been more suitable for a strategy that speaks of the economic downturn in conjunction with the corrosion of trust felt in the new system and combines politics with the economy. But CHP management persistently refrains from speaking about the people’s economic and social agenda in connection with the new authoritarian regime. The appearance is thus given of it having embraced the role of opposition in the new de-facto two-party regime, rather than of opposition to the new regime.

At this very point, let me pass on certain data that Kadir Has University’s Social and Political Trends Research has just published: Such questions were posed as whether citizens were satisfied with the promises surrounding the new system brought into being on 24 June such as the claim, “Coalitions will end and the economy will take off” and whether the AKP is successful. With the proportion of those saying “successful” standing at 51.7% in 2017, this has fallen to 36% this year. With those saying, “Erdoğan is certainly successful” amounting to 42.2% in 2017, this proportion fell to 14.2% in 2018. This is a serious regression. And the percentage from among AKP voters saying, “Erdoğan is very successful” has fallen from 71.9 to 44. The total level of support for Erdoğan has fallen from 49.7% to 33.6% over the past year. A mere 41% reply in the affirmative to the question “Is the new system successful?” That is, support for the new system had declined by ten points following the first six months of its implementation.


What inferences should the opposition draw from this drop?

This data shows that the majority of the electorate is dissatisfied with the new system. And, because the new system is equated with the single person, serious low marks have begun to appear in Erdoğan’s “success” report card. A fall to this extent is happening for the first time. And this entails the risk for those in power of Erdoğan being held to account for the single-man entity, Erdoğan-centrism and negativities of all kinds. This is what the data speaks to. This means that a link is being drawn between social injustice and unemployment and the authoritarian, antidemocratic regime. This means that it is possible just now to an extent that has not been possible to construct a political line that forms a connection between the fight for democratization in Turkey and the transition to a more people-oriented, more socially just economic model. If this cannot be done, then serious discussion needs to be engaged in: is it not being done or can’t it be done?

The results also lay bare why the AKP and MHP are declaring the local election to be an existential matter and have turned this into an electoral slogan.

For sure. The AKP-MHP block has no chance from now on of promising Turkey improvement in either economic affairs or in rights and freedoms. The prescription for this has run out. As to security, it continues to be this coalition’s most basic promise to Turkey. We see that the AKP-MHP has given up addressing those external to them or following a broadening strategy. They have come up against the boundary. On top of this, they are following a strategy of preserving what exists. That is, they are acting as the guardians of the “status quo.” The existential question is the sole basic issue they can advocate to prevent the base under their supervision from breaking away. They thus say by way of message, “If that lot get in, not only will they be unable to fix the economy, but there will be an existential issue!” This strategy of inspiring fear combined with nationalism has an effect to a certain degree. On the other hand, the opposition has not yet managed to set out another opposite political axis because there is an attitude that says, when politics is spoken of, “Let’s talk about the economy and not let it take precedence.” This is depoliticization. All research points to the state of being fed up with both those in office and the opposition being one of the basic determinants of upcoming events. We will most probably discuss this matter, matters such as the political void and the crisis of representation, far more after 31 March.


Existential rhetoric is rhetoric that also corrals the opposition, wouldn’t you say? Indeed, there is a main opposition that in its majority supports the ruling structure in the matter of the “eternity of the nation.”

“Security issues: the ruling structure, the AKP and MHP, do these issues much better than us. If we go there we’ll lose so we’ll talk about the economy!” This is the opposition’s take. Or, at most they say, “You created it!” It’s connected, you see, with what I just mentioned, the logic, “Let’s not discuss the political system; let’s change the agenda and talk about the economy!” I mean, the opposition turns the economy into an excuse to retreat and be silent over every issue that society attaches importance to. It is nevertheless possible to speak of the economy and improving security together and to create another agenda, a relationship between the people’s bread and security. There is a need to dwell on this. Does the opposition talk only about the economy because society’s agenda consists only of the economy, or to steer clear of upsetting the ruling structure’s basic political arguments? The reply we give to this will also be the reply to the question of whether CHP management is inside or outside the new regime. Here, I am searching for the resistant, unbending CHP base which, despite braving the oppression, has been deprived of the right to a voice. The opposition to the new regime among this base is most palpable, you see.


Along with the existential argument, what is your take on more pronounced talk that the loss in particular of the metropolitan cities will open the system to debate?

There is fear in the AKP of the psychological collapse the loss of certain critical cities, not least Istanbul and Ankara, will cause. This is because this ruling structure has always portrayed itself by means of a historic tale of success and a succession involving first winning these two cities and then coming to power in the country as a whole. The loss of these cities is thus likely to create the feeling psychologically of, “We’ve lost – are we moving out of power?” and panic in its organizations and ranks. These two cities are a matter of moral superiority. To prevent this, I think they will do their utmost particularly in Istanbul and Ankara because Balıkesir or Adana may not create this effect, but Istanbul and Ankara are very symbolic cities.


It is said that the internal party debates that are reappearing in the CHP will further intensify the feeling of despondency and hopelessness in the base. CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu previously replied to a question to this effect along the lines of, “I understand voters’ despondency but they have got to vote.” Will this attitude win over despondent voters?

This is based once more on the edict on the opposition wing that “they will vote, like it or not.” “If you want to continue under this ruling structure keep up your despondency and anger on 31 March, but if, conversely, you want to give a lesson to the power holders you will go to the polls like it or not!” I think they still look at things from this angle. The problem this entails is this means there is an approach to opposition that is uncomfortable with the way society is moving and feels that millions need it. We keep referring to an opposition problem, but essentially we have a willpower problem that is not confined to opposition.

Can you elaborate?

There exists an opposition block which has been unable to stamp its mark on affairs following the ruling structure’s loss of its majority on 7 June, take the initiative and create an alternative power structure, prevent the constitution from being amended through unstamped ballots on 16 April, appear before the electorate on the evening of 24 June or even operate the system relating to this, leaving people unable to do so in their posts, and bring the unconstitutional action of the parliamentary speaker into dispute in this environment. This lack of willpower creates the feeling among the electorate, “We lose even if we win.” Until the opposition block dispels this feeling in the base it will struggle to mobilize the electorate.

You cannot win for as long as you fail to execute a move that dispels the hopelessness, despondency and lack of trust of the 50% because you haven’t established a strong buttress for yourself on this side. First instil strength and instil some hope here and then go about addressing the other side with this unity and wave of hope. The opposition is trying to get votes from the other side without instilling strength here.


Let’s delve into the ongoing debate about Erdoğan going to the Fazıl Say concert. The ruling and opposition fronts have inferred Erdoğan’s attendance at the Fazıl Say concert to be a move taken in the direction of softening and normalization. If in the name of compromise and normalization the power holders need to take a step back from their polarizing language and policies, do you see a stepping back in this sense?

For one thing, there is of course no normalization strategy and this is in fact impossible. As I said a little earlier, this power structure has no chance of normalizing Turkey because it has made exceptionally authoritarian changes and mistakes and the power structure has a conspiratorial mindset that views each step back as being a compromise, defeat or even loss of power. Hence, no promise of compromise will emerge from this; it is tactical.

The AKP government’s two basic pledges of justice and development have today undergone considerable attrition. We are passing through a period in which onions are imported and peppers and aubergines are taken off supermarket shelves so that high prices go unnoticed. In such a period, strategies that centre around simply cultural polarization or simply polarization over other issues will be inadequate. The economy is now the main agenda that is uniting the people. I also think they have seen this from their own research. Going to Fazıl Say’s concert or debate about the constitution followed by Binali Yıldırım’s announcement that he will stand down as parliamentary speaker show that the power structure has moved into defensive territory more than we think. But an opposition is missing that takes advantage of this being boxed in and, if you will, scores a goal. I mean, everyone appears to be happy with their own turf. This to an extent is the problem.


How should the local elections be dealt with in the fight to surmount the economic, political and social crisis we are embroiled in? What opportunities do the harsh current conditions offer for diffusing polarization in society?

Diffusing this calls above all for the neutralization as far as possible of the political position developed on the basis of identities and cultural values and the proclaiming of a programme that will get the main problems across to society, especially the problems that present themselves in the local setting, independent of party identity. Let’s think of Istanbul. If we ask what the biggest problem in Istanbul today is, traffic, transport, infrastructure problems, unemployment and high prices will surely head the list. There are basic problems affecting all citizens living in a city regardless of their party identity. I think the basic strategy that will further boost the dynamic encompassing at least 40-45% is to steer the elections into a debate as much as possible over local, daily problems and how these problems are to be solved. I mean, on the one hand, there is a need for a main strategy that will set the agenda for the election in the whole country, such as a vote of confidence in the new system. Secondly, the opposition must present its own alternative model in concrete terms with a local reference. More ground must be taken by touching on ordinary, daily problems. National and local strategies concurrently.

But there are no signs of this in this short timespace. Hence, one of the subjects that we discuss the most in post-31 March Turkey may be the phenomenon of defeat in politics.

Article by: Evrensel Daily

Translation: Serpil İLGÜN


EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s punishment sought for her Afrin comments

The prosecutor has called for EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s punishment on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges for her Afrin comments.

Making his recommendations at the proceedings in which Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan is being tried on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges, the prosecutor sought Gürkan’s imprisonment for up to seven and a half years.

A trial on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges was brought against EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan for the speech she made in front of the judicial complex at the first hearing of the trial in which the detained EMEP members Neslihan Karyemez and Bilal Karaman are undergoing prosecution for distributing “No to war” leaflets in Istanbul. The second hearing of the trial in which Gürkan is in the dock was held at Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 26. Her lawyers Devrim Avcı, Yıldız İmrek, Kamil Tekin Sürek, Leyla Han Tüzel, Gülşah Kaya and Mustafa Söğütlü were in attendance at the hearing which Gürkan did not attend. The hearing commenced with the reading of the old records due to a change of bench. Then the hearing prosecutor Hakan Özer submitted his recommendations on the merits.


In his recommendations, the prosecutor, claiming that Gürkan had tried to create a negative perception concerning the Afrin operations, called for her to be sentenced on the charges laid against her. The prosecutor made the following pronouncements in his recommendations: “Taking into consideration as a whole along with the contents of the case that the accused appealed to the state alone and failed to appeal to the terrorist organization in any way in the events in which she tried to create a negative perception of the justified operations, the punishment of the accused is sought on the count of making terrorist organization propaganda in a manner that made the activities involving force, violence or threat of the terrorist organization appear legitimate.”

Gürkan’s lawyers requested time to make statement on the merits. Granting the request for time, the court adjourned the hearing until 24 April.


Turkish government started a military intervention in Afrin in January 2018; fanning the flames of war in Syria. This was an operation named ‘Olive Branch’.

The Labour Party (EMEP) has always been critical of this intervention in a neighbouring country, as other democratic forces in Turkey. EMEP stated and ran a campaign of propaganda that this intervention will contribute to turning the region into a quagmire of war; that all military forces, primarily the imperialist forces, must withdraw from the region; that peoples of the region must determine their own futures.

However, the government defined this intervention as war and attempted to silence all those that are opposed to it. 16 members and administrators of EMEP had been arrested for sharing news bulletins and statements on social media; they have been freed after their first hearing.

EMEP chairwoman, Selma Gürkan, speaking prior to a hearing against their local representatives Neslihan Karyemez ve Bilal Karman, again criticised the Afrin operation and prosecution of members. This speech has been deemed to be “terrorist propaganda” and Gürkan is also being prosecuted. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

SPOT – Annual Conference 2019


Our 3rd Annual SPOT Conference provides an opportunity to hear from those who have seen and experienced the reality of life under Erdogan’s authoritarian regime and invites you to find out more about what we are already doing to build international solidarity and call to account both the Turkish state and the complicity of European governments.

On the day we will be joined by the following speakers;

  • Julie Ward, MEP, The Labour Party
  • Ben Hicks, The Guardian Foundation
  • Cagri Sari, Evrensel Newspaper
  • Mustafa Kuleli, TGS
  • Sarah Clarke, Article 19
  • Aidan White, Ethical Journalism Network
  • Mustafa Yalciner, Labour Party of Turkey
  • Kate Osamor, Labour Party MP
  • Ali Seker, CHP MP
  • Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition
  • Bermal Aydin, Academic
  • Steve Sweeney, Morning Star
  • Aydin Cubukcu, Yeni E Editor
  • HDP Rep / MP (TBC)
  • Simon Dubbins, Unite the Union
  • Chris Baugh, PCS
  • Caroline Stockford, IPI
  • Naif Bezwan, UCL (TBC)
  • Joanna de Groot, University of York

Turkey’s ruling powers are pushing the country towards a dictatorship and Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s attacks on democracy are impacting all sections of society. With this increasingly authoritarian regime, the state of emergency has become normalised and entrenched in law, an executive presidency created, independent media outlets shut down, academics and public-sector workers purged and criminalised, attacks on Kurdish regions intensified, opposition politicians arrested, violence against women on the rise, discrimination and hate crimes against LGBT increasing, the environment being destroyed and so the list goes on.

Meanwhile, world leaders watch unflinching, continuing to sell weapons and tip-toeing around Turkey’s human rights record. But the battle for democracy and workers’ rights in Turkey goes on and provides a ray of hope. And we know that democracy maybe denied but it is not yet lost.

For more information about this event and/or to get involved contact us.


Ficticious voters emerge before the local elections in Turkey

Claims of bogus voters have been brought into parliament before the local elections in Turkey on March 31, 2019.

HDP Iğdır Member of Parliament Habip Eksik has brought the irregularities and bogus voter records detected on the voters roll announced for the local elections in Turkey on March 31, 2019 onto the parliamentary agenda. Eksik indicated that 399 law enforcement officers have been registered in one residence flat and 2,500 voters had been transferred into a neighbourhood in Iğdır and submitted a parliamentary question requesting a reply from Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

Noting in his parliamentary question that, “It has been established from the investigations we have made that the voters transferred to Iğdır province are to a large extent law enforcement officers,” Habip Eksik went on to state, “Registered as residing at flat number 6 of the Military Residences attached to the Regimental Command at Yüzbaşı Serdar Yücel Street number 6 in Atatürk quarter situated in the centre of Iğdır, which has the capacity for 35-40 people, are 399 law enforcement officers. It has also been ascertained from the examinations we have made that some 2,500 voters have been transferred to Iğdır’s Bağlar and Topçular quarters.”

According to T24’s report, HDP Iğdır Member of Parliament Habip Eksik has addressed the following questions requesting a reply from Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, noting that the people in question have been determined to have voted in other provinces or other sub-provinces in the 24 June elections:

  • What is the reason for the increase in the number of voters over the past six months in the said quarters in Iğdır province?
  • Is there a legal explanation for many people having different surnames living in the same household?
  • How many voters were transferred to Iğdır province from other provinces or sub-provinces following 24 June 2018?
  • Is any initiative underway for solving this problem that has come to light with the posting of the voters rolls?
  • What is the reason for the increase in the number of voters at the Military Residences attached to the Iğdır Regimental Command, in Topçular and Bağlar quarters in Iğdır Centre and the Iğdır Police House?
  • Is your ministry aware of the voters rolls in which there are alleged to be irregularities? Will the necessary investigation be launched at Provincial and Sub-Provincial Directorates into this matter?
  • In discussions with the Directorate of Civil Registry and the Supreme Election Council Directorate in Iğdır Province, I was told that they had absolutely no information about these irregularities. Will an initiative be launched to identify the responsible parties prior to the Local Administrations General Elections to be held on 31 March 2019?
  • Will the irregularity in the number of voters at the Military Residences attached to the Iğdır Regimental Command, in Topçular and Bağlar quarters in Iğdır Centre, and the Iğdır Police House be reconciled with the true situation and corrected prior to the Local Administrations General Elections, or will the ballot be held with a blind eye turned?


Unemployment rate in Turkey rises by 1.3% in October 2018 to 11.6%

A further 501,000 people joined the ranks of the jobless to make a total of 3.788 million. The youth unemployment rate rose by 3% in October to 22.3%.

In October 2018, the unemployment rate in Turkey registered a year-on-year rise of 1.3% to stand at 11.6%. In the period in question, the records showed a further 501,000 people joining the ranks of the jobless to make a total of 3.788 million. By contrast, the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey Research Institute data puts the broadly-defined unemployment rate at 18.3%. As to the number of broadly-defined unemployed, this has exceeded 6.351 million.


The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has brought out the labour force statistics for October 2018.

These show a year-on-year increase of 501,000 in the number of unemployed aged fifteen and over in Turkey as a whole, reaching 3.788 million. The unemployment rate rose in the same period by 1.3% to stand at 11.6%.

The unemployment rate rose in October 2018 by 0.2% against the previous month. The non-agricultural unemployment rate is estimated to have risen by 1.3% to 13.6%.

The youth unemployment rate comprising the 15-24 age group rose by 3% in the month in question to 22.3%. The unemployment rate in the 15-64 age group, on the other hand, came in at 11.9% with a 1.4% increase.

The statistics show the number in employment registering a year-on-year increase in October of 225,000 to 28.87 million. The employment rate fell by 0.1% to 47.5%.

With the number of employed in the agricultural sector falling in this period by 187,000, the number employed in non-agricultural sectors rose by 414,000. Of those in employment, 18.5% are in the agricultural, 19.7% in the industrial and 6.7% in the construction sector, while 55% are in the service sector.

Compared to the same period in the previous year, the share in total employment of the agricultural sector fell by 0.8% and that of the construction sector by 0.9%, while the industrial sector’s share rose by 0.6% and that of the service sector by 1%.


The labour force rose on a year-on-year basis by 726,000 to 32.658 million in October 2018, while the labour force participation rate rose by 0.6% to reach 53.7%. Comparisons reveal that over the same period the labour force participation rate among men rose by 0.6% to 73% and that among women by 0.6% to 34.8%.

The rate of those employed without attachment to any social security institution recorded a year-on-year fall of 0.2% in October to 33.7%. The rate of unregistered employment in non-agricultural sectors registered a year-on-year increase of 0.6% to 22.4%.

Employment adjusted for seasonal factors is estimated to have risen in October against the previous month by 64,000 to 28.863 million. The employment rate remained unchanged at 47.4%. The seasonally adjusted number of unemployed rose by 58,000 compared to the previous month to 3.742 million. The unemployment rate rose by 0.2% to 11.5%.

The seasonally adjusted labour force participation rate rose by 0.2% to 53.6%. Categorized by economic activity, the number of employees decreased by 2,000 in the industrial sector and by 26,000 in the instruction sector, while there was an increase of 53,000 in the service sector and 38,000 in the agricultural sector.


By contrast, the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey Research Institute (DİSK-AR)’s calculations put broadly-defined unemployment at 18.3% in the October 2018 period. Calculations that DİSK-AR has made based on Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkstat), Employment Agency (İŞKUR) and Social Security Institution data show the number of broadly-defined unemployed to be 6.351 million.

A statement issued by DİSK-AR noted, “Standing at 10.3%, standard narrowly-defined unemployment rose by 1.3% to 11.6% in the October 2018 period. The number of narrowly-defined unemployed registered a year-on-year increase of 501,000 to 3.788 million” and made the following determinations:

“The number of broadly-defined unemployed has exceeded 6.351 million, while the broadly-defined unemployment rate was calculated to be 18.3%.”

“The standard unemployment rate increased by 1.3% to 13.6% and seasonally adjusted unemployment rose by 0.2% to 11.5%.”

“The seasonally adjusted number of unemployed increased by 58,000 to 3.742 million.”

“The rate of NEETs (those not in education, employment or training) was stated to be 24.7%.”

“The women’s unemployment rate was 14.7%, while the unemployment rate among young women was 27.9%.”

“Unemployment among higher education graduates was calculated to stand at 13.3%”

DİSK-AR made the following recommendations for bringing about a reduction in unemployment and a lasting and assured increase in employment:

  • There should be an end to using apprentices, work-placees, trainees and scholarship students as a source of cheap labour under the guise of workplace training.
  • Invoking the principle of everyone working less so that everyone may work, the working week should be reduced to 37½ hours without loss of income and the annual limit applied to overtime from 270 hours to 90 hours.
  • Everyone should be granted the entitlement to at least one month’s paid annual leave in line with international labour norms.
  • The public sector has a worthwhile contribution to make in increasing employment. Increasing public-sector employment is of vital importance for bringing about an increase in secure, in-house employment in place of transient and insecure modes of working in the public sector. Public enterprise and services should be reconfigured in a way that will create employment and staff vacancies in the public sector should be filled immediately.
  • An end should be put to insecure modes of working and all subcontracted workers should be brought onto the payroll. Public-sector subcontracted workers should be brought onto the payroll as public workers.
  • Everyone should be provided with secure and quality jobs based on the International Labour Organization’s notion of “decent work.”
  • Trade-union rights and freedoms should be assured, trade-union thresholds abolished and the necessary statutory regulations made for everyone to freely enjoy trade union rights.
  • Those employed within employment programmes for the public good should be transferred to permanent worker status.
  • An end should be put to the out-of-purpose use of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
  •  An end should be put to sexist practices in the labour market to increase women’s employment and reduce their unemployment and women should be relieved from household care services through the state provision of the necessary quality, widespread and free care services.


The ads are over in Syria, now it’s reality time!

Put to one side such advertising as ‘Turkey displayed its strength against the US’ and ‘Erdoğan has become world leader’ and look at the reality.

Following US President Trump’s announcement in the phone call he had with President Erdoğan that they would withdraw their troops from northern Syria, I inquired, “Is Trump’s withdrawal decision Erdoğan’s victory?” and noted that, contrary to the air of victory being propagated, this decision would result in the Erdoğan administration being confronted by the realities of Syria all the more rapidly. With two weeks yet to pass since the withdrawal decision, the air of victory on the ruling front has given way to uncertainty and argument, because the new conditions seriously restrict the Erdoğan administration’s room for manoeuvre through exploiting the contradictions between the USA and Russia and, under these conditions, the interventionist policy being pursued with persistence is careering towards the hard wall of the realities of Syria.

Let us now put to one side such advertising as “Turkey displayed its strength against the US” and “Erdoğan has become world leader” and look at the realities.

Let us initially begin with Trump’s most recent pronouncements.

In his most recent announcement, as opposed to earlier comments, Trump put forward no timetable for withdrawal and, moreover, spoke of their wish to protect the Kurds.

These comments show that the US’s withdrawal process will be particularly aligned with negotiations conducted with Russia over limiting Iran’s presence in Syria. Given that this process will take place simultaneously with talks between the Kurds (Syrian Democratic Forces-SDF) and the Syrian regime, this will also preclude a physical intervention targeting the Kurds during the withdrawal process.

As such, all that will remain from the good tidings Trump gave Erdoğan is a reduction in the tension between the two countries given that the US will withdraw from the region where it was cooperating with the Kurds. As it is no secret that Trump needs Turkey for his strategy of besieging Iran, this reduced tension will essentially assist the US in readying the administration in Turkey for its role as “regional subcontractor” once again.

Manbij is known to be the priority target of any potential Euphrates operation by the Erdoğan administration and 15,000 FSA militants are in fact being kept in waiting on the Manbij borders. However, Manbij was the scene of the first development to portend that the US withdrawal decision, far from removing the obstacles to a potential Euphrates operation, has made this considerably more difficult. Under the agreement reached between the SDF and the Syrian regime, the SDF forces here will be withdrawn, their places to be taken by Syrian regime forces. It is indicated that 400 SDF militants left Manbij the day before yesterday as per this agreement. Russia’s confirmation of this development and, furthermore, its announcement of support for it brings the Erdoğan administration’s attempts to intervene into a dead end.

Looking at the developments in Manbij and previous calls to the Syrian regime emanating from the Kurdish forces for them to perform their sovereign duties and protect the borders, it is highly likely that the US withdrawal process will take the form of a process in which the SDF transfers its control of the border to the Syrian regime.

For sure, the talks between the Kurds (SDF) and the Syrian regime are not being conducted on the security axis alone, because the status of the Kurds constitutes one of the weightiest issues in the process of drafting the Syrian constitution and information that has made its way into the press about the draft under preparation shows that autonomy, even if limited (based more on national-cultural rights), is being envisaged for the Kurds.

At this juncture, it is necessary to recall that Turkey was only able to conduct the Euphrates Shield and Afrin operations with Russia’s “approval” – and underlying this “approval” was Russia’s desire to use Turkey’s military presence not only to upset the US’s calculations but also to force the Kurds into an agreement with the regime. Consequently, against a background in which the US has withdrawn and there is an agreement between the regime and the Kurds, Russia’s motivation for opening the door to intervention by Turkey will to a large extent have disappeared.

It is also necessary here to note a domestic development in relation to the Euphrates operation and the discussion engendered by this development. Second Army Commander, Army General Metin Temel, and Fourth Commando Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Mustafa Barut, have been removed from their posts and assigned to passive duties. The signalling by Sözcü newspaper’s Deniz Zeyrek in his column on 2 January that this “demotion” was made due to the two generals’ opposition to the Euphrates operation comes as a noteworthy indicator that all is not well domestically, either, with regard to this policy on which the administration persists.

Finally, the alarms are ringing out of Idlib, where the administration in Turkey has assured Russia the jihadist groups will be wound up. Violent clashes are taking place in Idlib between al-Nusra’s continuation, the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), and the Turkish-supported Nour al-Din al-Zenki groups. These clashes come as an early harbinger that the winding up process over which the Erdoğan administration has given its assurance will confront Turkey with serious problems and dangers.

Even though these very developments mandate a peaceful policy in Syria and dialogue between the Syrian regime and the Kurds, the Erdoğan administration persists in its policy of intervention like a foolhardy driver careering towards the wall in his car.

Article by Yusuf Karatas

Translated by Tim Drayton.

2019 will put Turkey’s ‘two red lines’ to the test

Looking ahead from 2018, it appears that Turkey’s neo-Ottoman Syrian policy involving two ‘red lines’ will have a very hard time of it in 2019.

Apart from deeply embroiling Turkey in “Syrian crisis,” Trump’s announcement in the final days of 2018 that he would withdraw US troops has turned 2019 into a year of “dealing new hands” in the efforts to “find a solution to the Syrian crisis.”

With Trump’s move “muddying” the future of Turkey’s military operation targeting Manbij or the “east of the Euphrates,” by the same token it comes as a game changer for the Turkey-Russia-Iran alliance.

Indeed, with uncertainty increasing over the commencement of the US troop withdrawal and Turkey’s military operation targeting Manbij or the “east of the Euphrates,” announcements were circulated by the Syrian Democratic Forces that “regime forces” will enter Manbij and certain towns in Rojava.


On the heels of the Syrian Democratic Forces’ announcement that the Syrian army had brought Manbij under Damascus’s control, Russia openly and successively announced that the Syrian army had entered Manbij. With the US refuting this, Turkey, for its part, restricted itself to saying through its President’s mouth that “uncertainty” prevailed.

No “certainty” was brought to bear on this uncertainty from Turkey’s standpoint following the going and coming of Turkey’s “top-notch official delegation” to Russia. This “situation of uncertainty” continues.

However, it has in the meantime become abundantly apparent that Russia opposes Turkey’s intervention in Manbij. Russia has openly stated that the US presence in Syria is illegitimate (a force not invited by the Syrian government) and so it greets its withdrawal from Syria with satisfaction. By the same token, this certainly amounts to it telling Turkey, which maintains a military force in Syria despite the Syrian government not having invited it, that its presence in Syria is illegitimate, too. Even if Turkey has ignored this, Russia’s announcement comes as an important pointer as to the state of play in the Syrian crisis.


Turkey’s other partner at Astana, Iran, has announced that it, in common with Russia, “regards” the ceding of Manbij to Syrian forces to be “a requirement of Syria’s territorial integrity.”

These circumstances make it very tricky for Turkey to intervene militarily in Manbij. It was for this reason that a top-notch delegation consisting of Turkey’s Defence Minister Akar, Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu and Presidential Spokesman Kalın (this is as top-notch as a delegation gets without Erdoğan) was sent to Moscow.

However, the statement made following these high-level talks suggested all matters had been discussed but was absolutely silent on Turkey’s potential operations targeting Manbij and the “east of the Euphrates.” This of necessity invites the conclusion that a meeting of minds eluded Turkey and Russia on this point.

Assessing all these developments in conjunction, we can reach the following conclusions:

1-) It appears that, in withdrawing his troops from Syria, Trump, while on the one hand having transferred his costs and the fight against Islamist terrorist organizations in the region to his allies caught up in the region’s realities (the fight against ISIL to Turkey and the expenses to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, etc.), is on the other harbouring the aim of splintering the Iran-Turkey-Russia alliance. At least Trump and those who point out this path to him are hoping for such a result!


2-) With this course taken by the US forcing the Syrian Democratic Forces to reach understanding with Assad, it has also unleashed factors that will bring Turkey up against the Russia-Syria-Iran alliance. This lends weight to the thesis, articulated ever since Turkey’s Syria policy became bound by the “two red lines” of “regarding the Syrian regime as being illegitimate” and “declaring the PYD-YPG to be terrorists,” that this policy by Turkey would force the Kurdish forces to come to an understanding with the Syrian regime. The US troop withdrawal and Turkey’s “east of Euphrates” operational endeavours would appear to have accelerated this process.

3-) Given the opening by the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain of embassies in Damascus, al-Bashir’s Damascus visit and the realisation that Egypt and Saudi Arabia will follow the Gulf countries, it has already become apparent that one of the “two red lines” in Turkey’s Syrian policy (regarding the Syrian regime as being illegitimate) will well and truly lose all meaning.

4-) It is calling a spade a spade to say that the “Syrian regime” reaching an understanding in one form or another with the Kurdish forces or granting them a degree of “autonomy” will also rob the “second red line” of Turkey’s Syrian policy of its foundation. Even if it is impossible to put a precise time on this, the signs are that the path taken in Syria will inevitably lead to such a result in the “medium term.”

Looking ahead from 2018, it appears that Turkey’s neo-Ottoman Syrian policy involving two “red lines” will have a very hard time of it in 2019. Of course, if it does not collapse in full!

Article by Ihsan Caralan

Translated by Tim Drayton

In Turkey, 440 women murdered and 317 women suffer sexual violence, in 2018

Last year in Turkey, 440 women killed. 131 of the deaths entered the records as being suspicious and the perpetrators were not found.

The We Will Stop Femicide Platform has produced a report quantifying violent incidents against women in 2018. The report points to an increase in women murders as against previous years.

According to the report, the national and local press picked up on the murders of 440 women and sexual violence suffered by 317 women in 2018. Eighty-five per cent of women murders were committed by husbands, boyfriends, former husbands and boyfriends they want to break up with.


The report also points out that news of women found dead in places like the sides of dams and lakes and roadsides had become more widespread in 2018. It stresses that of the 440 women killed in 2018, 131 of the deaths entered the records as being suspicious and the perpetrators were not found.

Listed as reasons for the increase in women murders were the encouragement of individual arming, the increased resort to arms in recent years and the failure for concrete steps to be taken against women murders.


Further stressing that the Protection Law number 6284, brought into being following long years of women’s struggle, was not employed effectively, the report notes, “There was no protection or none that was perceptible, for the women murdered in 2018. The Protection Law number 6284, which offers the most robust solution to violence against women and came into effect following long years of struggle by women’s organizations, is not employed effectively. There are women who would be alive today had 6284, with its abundance of measures for protecting women victims of violence such as imposing stay-away orders on assailants for at least one month, providing women with shelter and giving women new identities, been employed effectively. It is no coincidence that 2011, when 6284 came into effect, saw the fewest women murders, while they became most numerous in 2018, in which 6284 came under attack. This year women were out proclaiming “6284 is a lifesaver for women” to counter castigations in certain press outlets that 6284 is a “destroyer of families and breaker-up of households.”


Noting that the media covered 1,217 instances of child abuse in 2018, the report states, “But, we know that the true abuse figures tower above this. Children have been abused wherever they are to be found, in the hostels they stay at and schools, by teachers and school staff, and at home by the closest of relatives. Turning to December, we saw in the press that nine children suffered abuse. Two sisters attempted suicide on learning there was a chance their father, from whom they had suffered sexual abuse, would get out of jail. The two sisters indicated that the state had not stood by them and their statements to the prosecution and hospital reports had been changed.”

Of 26 children murdered in 2018, eleven were killed by their fathers. Men killed six children along with their mothers and five children were murdered while falling victim to paternal violence. It has emerged that three children were also killed after having suffered abuse.


Noting that violence and abuse directed against women were portrayed as being normal through irresponsible discourse in media outlets and on certain TV series, the report said, “It is a painful fact that four million women in the world are sex slaves and the earnings made from these women amounts to twelve billion annually. Halting violence against women and its consequences will be possible if the state and political rulerships assume responsibility through all their institutions and enact the necessary social policies for eliminating the problem. We invite women whose hearts are sensitive to the pain of women and children who face violence and exploitation in all areas of social life to unite in the aspiration of creating a non-violent, non-exploitative world in which love and fraternity dominate.”

Gripped with fear, the AKP-MHP alliance is heedless of the mere Constitution!

Bahçeli, Erdoğan and Yıldırım’s fears, on both the national scale and in İstanbul, about the local election appear not to be without foundation.

President Tayyip Erdoğan announced the AKP and MHP’s İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty candidate today. Their candidate is Parliamentary Speaker Binali Yıldırım!

The first question this invites is, “Can no metropolitan mayoral candidate for İstanbul be found among fifteen million İstanbulites, such that Binali Yıldırım, former Prime Minister and AKP General Chair and currently Parliamentary Speaker, is being fielded as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty candidate?” Yıldırım is for sure no stranger to contesting a mayoralty. In the last local elections, Yıldırım was made Metropolitan Mayoralty candidate for İzmir and he is a someone who lost the election despite having all the state’s power behind him.

There is in fact at the same time something innately debilitating about a party that has held the İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty for a quarter of a century bringing in candidates from other provinces to contest the election in an important local election constituency like İstanbul.


But, in the end, these are the AKP’s problems. In this regard, both Evrensel readers and public opinion know that there are answers to the AKP’s internal problems that came to light during the debate about “metal fatigue” which entail intensifying the wrangling over shares in the proceeds of a graft.

It was not this aspect of the problem that I wanted to discuss today. It was Yıldırım continuing to serve as Parliamentary Speaker following the announcement of his candidacy.

Legal experts have been debating this matter ever since Binali Yıldırım’s İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidacy was mooted.

Constitutional experts, citing the explicit provision (*) of the Constitution that forbids the Parliamentary Speaker and Vice-Speakers from engaging in political parties’ public activities, indicate that Yıldırım must stand down as Parliamentary Speaker to become İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty candidate.

However, Bahçeli was the first to say that Yıldırım can stand in the elections both as Parliamentary Speaker and “Istanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidate of the AKP-MHP alliance.” Now President Erdoğan, too, has adopted Bahçeli’s thesis. And he says, “Just as MPs can be mayoral candidates and return to being MPs if unelected, the Parliamentary Speaker can stand in the local election while continuing as speaker.” Of course, in heedlessness of the relevant provision of the Constitution and thundering that what Yıldırım needs to do is stand down as Speaker and not as a member of parliament!


The important question that begs itself here is why Binali Yıldırım is being entered into the election both as Parliamentary Speaker and İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidate.

Of course, legal experts will the debate the constitutional violation aspect of the issue and, as such, the degree to which such an election is legal and legitimate. However, I will dwell on its political significance here.

If the Erdoğan administration and the AKP-MHP alliance underpinning it says it will both retain Yıldırım as Parliamentary Speaker and field him as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidate, this is tantamount to them saying “We are blatantly violating the Constitution and are heedless of this. Our interests have become equated with the country’s interests because we are an alliance that formed for the “country’s survival.” So, if the country’s survival is at issue, non-compliance with the Constitution is a mere trifle!”

What this corresponds to in regime change terms is rooted in the notion that, just as the “single-man regime” is the concentration in a single hand of legislative, executive and judicial powers, no decisions of the “single man” are to be questioned, either, and must be deemed superior to the written constitution and statute.


Even if not as blatant as non-recognition of the Constitution, I also perceive the presence of a reason that the AKP-MHP alliance is not coming public with. And this is the tacit consent by Erdoğan and Bahçeli that winning the İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty is not “in the bag” for the AKP-MHP alliance or, indeed, the chance of losing is stronger. And, thus, Yıldırım is also being given the guarantee that if he doesn’t win Istanbul he will retain his post in parliament.

Who knows, perhaps Binali Yıldırım insisted on such a condition to guarantee his return realizing that you may seek and not find! And, the continued delay in announcing his candidacy adds weight to the possibility that the factional squabbling spilling out of the AKP nowadays and public discussion of some even pretty crazy possibilities have imposed this condition on “man of duty” Yıldırım.

Bahçeli, Erdoğan and Yıldırım’s fears, on both the national scale and in İstanbul, about the local election appear not to be without foundation.

(*) Article 94 of the Constitution: “The Speaker and vice-speakers of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey cannot participate, within or outside the Assembly, in the activities

of the political party or party group in which they are a member; nor in parliamentary debates, except in cases required by their functions.”

(Translated by Tim Drayton)

Syrian refugees: Who wants to leave their own country!

What are Syrian refugees living in Diyarbakır’s Bağlar sub-province going through? Syrians living in the area told us.


Disputes that have been raging of late between Syrian refugees and the Turkish population are turning into a lynch campaign against refugees both on social media and in the streets, and attacks are taking place. We set out for Kaynartepe Quarter attached to Diyarbakır’s Bağlar sub-province to find out what Syrian refugees think. Speaking of an absence of attacks on them here but saying they could make no sense of those taking place elsewhere, the refugees say, “Who wants to leave their own country? Nobody came here out of a whim. With Syria in such a state how can we go there?”


Fadil is a 32-year-old father of four who was forced to migrate five years ago from Manbij to Diyarbakır. He does his best to stay afloat by working on building sites. He is currently at a loose end, work being unavailable of late. He deplores the lynch campaign that has been set in motion but states that such things will not be experienced in Diyarbakır: “We have been here for five years and have never come across such a thing. We came here and they think we have caused unemployment. True, they employ us more cheaply here. They know we are forced to. What can we do? What are we to eat if we don’t work? We want to go, but with Syria in such a state how can we go there? Nobody came here out of a whim. Who wants to leave their own country?” Then his relative Maruf comes into the shop. He came from Kobani five years ago. On seeing the crowd in the shop, he inquires, “What’s this about?” On being filled in, he points to the economic reasons lying behind events: “These things are due to them thinking we’re taking the bread from their mouths. We want to go to our homeland far more than they want us to, but how can we go without it calming down there?”


Hadi is a father of three and came from Aleppo five years ago. He has a small grocery store. He, too, states that he can’t make much sense of what is going on: “Are all Syrians to blame because one of them went wild? We are Muslims and they are Muslims as well. What issue do we have with one another? I don’t know why there are attacks. There are also bad people among the Turks but we can’t call everyone bad. If there was no problem in Syria we would go back to our own country in any case. I took my kids out of the war and came. We’re trying to live here. We get on well with the people here and they try to help us. I don’t understand why it’s like this in other places.”


Ahmed is similarly the father of three and also came from Aleppo five years ago. He had a floor tile factory back in Aleppo. Now, he is in the kebab business in a small shop with his partner Jalal. He is from Aleppo, too. Before opening this shop, Ahmed worked in various construction trades such as painting and wall tiling. In the end, he decided to open the kebab shop using what he had learned from his butcher neighbour while in Aleppo. We ask Ahmed about events: “We came here because we had to, for our kids. People need to finally get round to accepting us.” He is most insistent that he has not disputed with anyone in Diyarbakır for the time he has lived here and says, “I’ve made friends and they’ve taught me their language. Nobody complains about us here.” We then speak to his partner Jalal, a father of two. Jalal’s impressions diverge from those of his partner. He has experienced no problem, either, but notes there are those who say they are unwanted. He says, “I think foreigners are not wanted here.” Indicating that he was not happy to be living in Turkey, he declares, “But I know I have to live here.” Jalal continues, saying that the disputes that have broken out with Syrians have suddenly been directed towards all Syrians: “There may be bad people among us but they call at once for all Syrians to go. This place has its share of bad people, too, but it’s wrong to call everyone bad.” We ask Jalal if he gets monetary assistance and he says, “No.” When we ask the reason for this, he says you must have at least three children to qualify for monetary assistance. We ask half-jokingly, “Are you thinking of having a third?” He replies laughingly, “No, I’m having trouble taking care of two.”


Following the clashes in Sur, Ahmet Kaya upped sticks from there and settled in Ceylanpınar. We speak to Ahmet in the shop where he has come to help out his in-law. He describes relations with Syrians by saying, “There are thousands of Syrians in Ceylanpınar. We have mixed together there. They have now fused into the population here.” His take on the chief reason for the racist attacks against Syrians is, “Syrians are seen as being to blame for unemployment and getting low wages. We have to rid ourselves of this idea,” and he adds, “They do us no harm. They should stay wherever they feel at ease. If conditions arise for them to return home and they want to go, they should do so. But we have no right to tell them to go.” Ahmet puts down as “irrational” the things said about Syrians and says, “Going by what is said from the outside, the Syrians lead very good lives. But this is not the case. They are made to do the worst jobs and are given the lowest pay. We need to ask serious questions about this.”

Evrensel Daily

2018 labour report of Turkey: Wage erosion, unemployment more workers’ deaths

2018 saw unemployment, insecurity, poverty and death becoming cloaked in acceptability, the erosion of wages and an increase in workers’ deaths.

The CHP Labour Offices under the coordination of CHP Deputy General Chair Veli Ağbaba have compiled a report on developments that took place in the world of labour and work. The report, which draws attention to the increase in redundancies, unpaid wages and attacks on unionization in tandem with the economic crisis, indicates that someone thousand workers continue to struggle at sixteen workplaces for unionization and to return to their jobs and get paid. Stating that thousands of workers have been usurped of their acquired rights through postponement of bankruptcy, the report notes that the unemployment fund has been opened up to plunder and usurpation of severance pay is on the cards once more.


  • The report, noting that the unemployment rate hit a high in 2018 and redundancies assumed mass scale, imparts the following information:
  • Official unemployment figures rose by 330,000 against the previous year to 3.75 million.
  • The number of broadly-defined unemployed rose to 6.4 million.
  • The youth unemployment rate was calculated to be 21.6%.
  • Turkey numbers among the seven countries with the highest youth unemployment among EU countries.
  • Over 2018, 1.2 million people applied for unemployment insurance. In November alone, 207,000 people made applications for unemployment insurance.
  • The rate of female unemployment did not fall below the 19’s per cent in 2018.
  • Nearly ten thousand workers were made redundant in September and October of 2018.
  • Mass redundancies took place mostly in the metal, construction and textile sectors.
  • Nearly one thousand press and broadcasting employees lost their jobs in conjunction with the economic crisis over 2018.


There was no change yet again this year to the dark picture painted by workers’ deaths in Turkey. According to the report, going by unofficial figures nearly two thousand workers and seventy child workers lost their lives while working.

Workers’ deaths once more occurred mostly in the construction, agriculture, transport and mining sectors. With 95% of those who lost their lives being non-unionized workers, 228 workers of retirement age also perished while working.

With at least 65 mining workers losing their lives this year in uninspected and illicit mines, nearly two hundred construction workers were killed.

Drawing attention to the Cengiz-Limak-Kolin group of companies, notorious for workplace manslaughter, the report comments, “These companies continue to train their sights on workers’ lives. With 52 workers having lost their lives according to official figures at the third airport tendered out to this group of companies, it has emerged that sub-contracting companies engaged by these companies were also involved in the viaduct disaster occurring in Gebze that led to the death of three workers.”


Eroding wages was another issue highlighted in the report, and eroding wages and workers’ purchasing power have declined by virtually fifty per cent. Pointing out that the minimum wage has fallen to five times below EU countries’ minimum wage, the report notes that basic foodstuffs have become a luxury on workers’ dining tables.

From figures given in the report, with the minimum wage purchasing 7,000 eggs in January 2018, this had fallen to 4,000 at the year-end. The minimum wage earner, able to buy 447 kilos of raw onions, could purchase 250 kilos of raw onions by the end of the year. Minimum wage earners saw no meat on their dining tables this year. A worker, able to buy 29 kilos of meat with the minimum wage in January 2018, was able to buy 20 kilos as the year ended. Thanks to increases made to the price of electricity, water and natural gas in 2018, one-fifth of the minimum wage went on bills.


Noting that the public payroll measure for subcontracted workers had also dashed workers’ hopes, the report recalled that the promise of public payroll status to 80,000 state enterprise workers had not been kept. According to the report, in place of the public payroll rights for 1.2 million workers the government had announced, transfer to companies has been envisaged. Nearly 275,000 workers have been excluded from the public payroll measure without any reason being cited. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Bosses get their wish: 2019 minimum wage has been set at 2,020 lira net

The minimum wage stays at the hunger level. The minimum wage, directly affecting ten million workers, has been set at 2,020 lira in 2019.

The Minimum Wage Determination Commission has convened for the fourth time to set the minimum wage effective in 2019.

The Minimum Wage Determination Commission has set the minimum wage, directly affecting ten million workers. The minimum wage has been set at 2,558 lira gross and 2,020 lira (381 dollars) net in 2019.

Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk announced that the decision had been taken unanimously.

Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions Chair Ergün Atalay said at the end of the meeting, “We had a threshold and our threshold was getting past two thousand lira. We wanted a wage that would support human existence. Doing so, we faced no end of accusations. With us forwarding our minimum wage demand, they said, ‘The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions Chair is calling people onto the street.’ What was I to do, then? Call them out onto the beach? When I have an issue, when I am concerned, I will articulate this within the bounds of the law without causing mayhem. I thank everyone who put in an effort, the president, minister, employers’ representatives and the colleagues on the commission. Is it a fantastic wage? No, but it is an acceptable wage. It is the poor and needy who are affected; perhaps we did not make them one hundred per cent happy but we did so by eighty per cent with this decision.”

According to an announcement made by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, the meeting chaired by Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk started at 10 o’ clock in the ministry building.

Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions Chair Arzu Çerkezoğlu commented to Gazete Duvar. Çerkezoğlu said, “It was announced to be 2,020 lira and for us, this is a low amount. We the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions say the minimum wage needs to be 2,800 lira to be a living wage. We call on the minimum wage to be adjusted for the loss in terms of inflation and national income. Considering the crisis conditions under which we are entering 2019, the amount of 2,020 is not an adequate amount in view of we working and salaried people’s working and living conditions as we embark on 2019. There is an increase in the rate of inflation but it is not only inflation that is important for us but the purchasing power of and share of national income obtained by the minimum wage. In a country where the hunger level is 1,900 lira and the poverty level is above 6,000 lira, it is impossible to consider 2,020 lira to be sufficient.”

With the new wage that has been set directly affecting ten million workers, it will also act as a benchmark for collective agreements to be made in 2019. The minimum wage is currently in force at 1,603 lira along with the minimum subsistence allowance.

A minimum-wage worker also participated for the first time at commission meetings this year.

The highest minimum wage in the world is in force in Australia at 28,768 dollars per year. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

‘Everyone is being affected by the crisis but we are experiencing a problem in mounting a joint struggle’

We spoke to Gebze Trade Union Alliance Term Spokesperson Süleyman Akyüz about the minimum wage and struggle against the crisis.

We spoke to Gebze Trade Union Alliance Term Spokesperson Süleyman Akyüz about the minimum wage, crisis and struggle against the crisis. The key points from Süleyman Akyüz’s observations were as follow:

“Although the crisis started in the summer months, its effects are only just being felt. The power holders, though, were in denial about the crisis for a long time.

The crisis saw shift workers losing their overtime. Then shifts were cut out. Then people were made to take accrued leave. Now there is talk of unpaid leave.

Our aim in staging a march and making a press statement in opposition to the crisis on 23 October was to send a message to all the workers of the country: we said, “We will not pay the price for the crisis.”

They are trying to make the workers pay the price again today. Unionized workers are opposing this to a degree but the workers are being made to foot the bill at non-unionized workplaces.

Everyone is being affected by the crisis but we are experiencing a problem in countering it jointly.

Today, many unions do not even accept the existence of a crisis. These unions cosy up to either the employers or the government.

The movement we are waging here has affected some places locally but, unfortunately, has had no impact at a confederation level.

The crisis has seen impoverished in the range of 35-50%. Inflation is very high but they are also keeping inflation low to keep the minimum wage raise low.

We say the minimum wage should be above the hunger level. To this end, the minimum wage should be above 2,500 lira.

The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions is calling for the minimum wage to be increased to 2,000 lira over the year and then for the addition of inflation and share of national wealth.

Opposition has grown to separating the minimum wage. They want to do this separation trade by trade.

If the minimum wage is set at around or below 2,000 lira, serious problems will emerge.

If the minimum wage is set at 2,500 lira this will also boost development. If there is no money in the worker’s pocket, who will buy the goods that are produced?

I cannot get the wage I earned in January in December. There are both tax deductions and I lose through inflation.

No entity or company in Turkey pays the tax working people in the country pay. Companies get tax amnesties but workers don’t. This is taxation injustice.

We want a raising of tax bands and a reduction of the rates.

The pension entitlement rate has been reduced. This may enable those who retire in this period to scrape by, but people who retire in five to ten years will have to work.

We think the injustice suffered by those caught out by the increase in the retirement age should be rectified.

The Flormar workers are waging a class struggle. This struggle is not just the struggle of a handful of people there. Support coming for this struggle is worthy of praise. All unions and the working class need to continue to stand by this struggle. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Translated by Tim Drayton

Strike at Süperpak ends in workers’ victory after 186 days

The strike at Süperpak lasting 186 days against the imposition of a zero raise has ended in victory for the workers.

Metehan UD

The 186-day strike at Süperpak has ended following the securing of a raise of 280 lira gross in the first year and, in the second year, 300 lira gross for the first six months and at the rate of inflation for the second six months.

The strike which started on 20 June following the breakdown of negotiations over the fourth-period collective labour agreement between the Austrian Mayr Melnhof (MM) Süperpak company and the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions-affiliated pulp, paper, and products workers’ union Selüloz-İş at the company’s factories in İzmir Torbalı, Karaman and Antep has ended.

Even if the company’s strike breaking tactic in Gaziantep bore fruit, the strike in İzmir and Karaman lasted 186 days. The strike, which broke out on 20 June against the imposition of a zero raise, ended with a meeting held on Saturday. Production will start at the factories on 2 January. The workers’ demands were accepted, spread out over two years.

The workers will get a gross raise of 280 lira under the new three-year agreement. They will receive a raise of 280 lira gross for 2018, 300 lira gross for the first six months of 2019 and a raise at the rate of inflation for the second six months, and at the rate of inflation for 2020. An increase in benefits close to the workers’ demands has also been obtained. With the lowest basic wage becoming 2,150 lira, the highest basic wage has become 3,700 lira. Süperpak management had proposed a zero raise and two years’ guaranteed employment.


Süperpak Shop Steward İsmail Güderoğlu indicated that the agreement has been concluded with the workers’ approval. Noting that victory has come once more to resisting workers, Güderoğlu said, “This was also an important gain for us with an eye on the subsequent collective agreement. We greatly thank all those who until now have visited us to support our just struggle and showed material and moral support and solidarity. May greetings go out to all our worker brothers. Let greetings go out to all working people fighting to survive and the modern-minded working people who walked side-by-side in this strike, in short, to those fighting on the side of labour to take humanity one step forward and all those honourable and courageous souls who have given support from far and near, added their voices to ours and their strength to ours and have never left us alone.”

Evrensel Daily

Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen released on judicial control terms

An investigation has launched into well-known actors Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen, who spoke critically of President Tayyip Erdoğan.

Actors Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen, who spoke critically of President Tayyip Erdoğan while appearing on a TV programme, came under fire from President Erdoğan following a roasting in the regime press. With them singled out, Istanbul Anatolian Republic Chief Prosecution launched an investigation into the two actors on charges of “incitement to civil war and coup.” Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen were taken to the judicial complex to make a statement by police officers who came to their homes on Sunday morning. The two actors, having completed their statement procedures, were brought before the court with judicial control terms sought. And the court released the two actors on judicial control terms.

Erdoğan had said of Akpınar and Gezen, “They are apologies for actors. Let them give account to the judiciary. They will pay the price for this. You are minded to swing this country’s president from a rope. Now go and pay the price before the judiciary.”


A police team came to Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen’s homes in Kadıköy on Sunday morning.

Following entry by the police, Akpınar came outside on his own. Akpınar said, “There’s a summons from the learned prosecutor. We are going to make a statement.”

Akpınar was taken in a police vehicle to the Anatolian Judicial Complex. Müjdat Gezen was also taken to the Anatolian Judicial Complex to make a statement. Gezen, refusing to get into the police car, went to the judicial complex in his own car.

Speaking to Odatv, Müjdat Gezen said, “I am going to the prosecutor. I will make a statement. What I said is known. I will also shortly say it at the prosecution. I do not give anyone, not just Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the right to put my patriotism on trial.”

Gezen’s lawyer Celal Ülgen met Gezen at the judicial complex. With journalists asking Müjdat Gezen at the entrance to the judicial complex, “Did you expect to be arrested?” his lawyer Ülgen interrupted and said, “There is no arrest.” Asked by members of the press, “Did you expect an investigation?” Gezen said, “Nothing will come of this.”


In his statement, Müjdat Gezen apparently said, “The words I spoke on the People’s Arena programme are true. I said it with humorous intent. I had no intention of defaming any president.” Gezen said, “At a group meeting, the President had said, ‘Those living in Kadıköy are the cream set. It is no concern of theirs if Turkey is destroyed.’ And I, since I live in Kadıköy, spoke those words with the aim of criticising this situation.”

Gezen commented, “As I said, I had no intention of defaming the president. These words I spoke are entirely correct, but they were not words spoken with the intent to defame. I am engaged in the theatre and I articulate this very sentence on stage because my theatre is in Kadıköy. I also speak these words there, in a comedy play at my theatre in Kadıköy and I speak them with humorous critical intent.” Gezen rejected Erdoğan’s accusation of defamation saying, “I had no intent to defame anybody. I had absolutely no intent, either, to defame the president. I do not accept the charges laid against me.”


The statement made by actor Metin Akpınar’s lawyers Atilla Hekimoğlu, Burçin Hekimoğlu and İrem Hekimoğlu read, “A different spin was put on the matters discussed on the programme especially by certain media outlets and it was sought to engender the perception that the President of the Republic of Turkey was seemingly being targeted, with the result that the matter was thereby conveyed incorrectly to both the public and the President.”

The statement noted that the matters discussed on the People’s Arena programme broadcast on Halk TV on which Akpınar was a guest on 21 December had been greatly misunderstood and certain distressing, mistaken conclusions had been made, and read:

“A different spin was put on the matters discussed on the programme especially by certain media outlets and it was sought to engender the perception that the President of the Republic of Turkey was seemingly being targeted, with the result that the matter was thereby conveyed incorrectly to both the public and the President. While holding the desire for the matter not to be misunderstood by the public, we respectfully announce that we will resort to legal action against the said media organs which misled society with untruthful news, and their responsible persons.”


Former CHP parliamentarian Barış Yarkadaş, who was present at the Anatolian Judicial Complex, gave an account of the procedures on his social media account: “Following Metin Akpınar, Müjdat Gezen has also been brought to the judicial complex. Metin Akpınar and Gezen’s statements will be taken at the Organized Crime and Constitutional Crime Office. I have spoken to Metin Akpınar. He is in very good spirits. He sent his greetings to everyone. Metin is waiting for the prosecutor just now.” Yarkadaş noted in another of his posts, “At 11.20, actor Müjdat Gezen was also brought accompanied by police to the Constitutional Crime Office. Müjdat is also in good spirits. He is accompanied by lawyer Celal Ülgen. Müjdat also conveyed his greetings to those who inquired. The treatment deemed to befit eighty-year-old actors shows where the bar is set as far as our democracy goes.”

As Akpınar started making his statement, Yarkadaş also announced, “Actor Metin Akpınar has started to make a statement to the Investigating Prosecutor at 11.50 because of the thoughts he voiced on HALK TV. Metin had toast in the corridors of the judicial complex to which he was brought without even having had breakfast. The dark days in which Akpınar and Gezen are brought to the judicial complex…”

Having completed their statement procedures, the actors were brought before a court with judicial control terms sought. A ban was placed on Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen leaving the country and they were ordered to attend at a police station to sign once a week. Gezen’s lawyer Celal Ülgen announced the court’s decision.


Akpınar drew attention to the polarization in the country while engaging in political criticism on the People’s Arena programme presented by Uğur Dündar on Halk TV. Akpınar commented as follows:

“The regime in which individuals can determine their futures with free will is the democracy. And I think that the sole remedy to enable us to escape this polarization, this chaos, is also democracy. If we can make it there, it will be fine and there will be no quarrelling and we will sort this business out. If we can’t, just like all versions of fascism, maybe they will hang up the leader from his feet, maybe he will die of poisoning in dungeons or maybe he will experience the bad ends that the other mentioned leaders have, but it will be a shame for us and we will be devastated.”

Müjdat Gezen, in turn, was singled out by media outlets close to the government for having said, “Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, you cannot put our patriotism to the test. Know your limits.”


On Sunday, at the 2018 Financial General Board of the Council of Foreign Economic Affairs, President and AKP General Chair Tayyip Erdoğan targeted Müjdat Gezen and Metin Akpınar without naming them, describing them as “apologies for actors.” Claiming that these people had gunned for him through the media, he said, “They are supposedly going to rope me up. What does it matter even if you are actors of wide acclaim? They will pay the price for this. Now go and pay the price before the judiciary.”

President Erdoğan again railed at the Gezi resistance in his speech. Saying the Gezi protests “erupted due to the transporting of twelve trees,” Erdoğan commented, “They looted our small business people’s shops, they left no shops on İstiklal Street, they fired bullets at our police and they burnt municipal buses.”

In his speech at a mass opening ceremony held in Arnavutköy, he also said the following, targeting Metin Akpınar and Uğur Dündar along with Müjdat Gezen:

“There are rabble-rousers garbed as actors and writers alongside the politicians with CHP badges on their lapels. Three of these railed against me and Turkey on a TV station that is the CHP’s official broadcasting outlet. They first set out insulting the people calling them a generation of rhinoceroses, and then said that everything was not to be solved at the ballot box. If you ask, they are democratic actors. But they have not the slightest respect for the people’s will. Supposedly, unless democracy is implemented in the manner they wish, maybe they will hang up the leader, that is me, by the feet. Even if the whole crowd of you are hangmen, what of it? I have testified to Islam and believe in it. But, you have no faith and let us talk about this. Let us recall past coups and see whose turn they wished for next. I will not name them; what is called for will be done before the judiciary. Apologies for actors, all of them will pay the price for this.”

Following their targeting by Erdoğan, an investigation was launched into the two actors.


A written comment on the matter signed by Istanbul Anatolian Republic Chief Prosecutor İsmail Uçar read as follows:

“With it determined that reports had been obtained whereby Müjdat Gezen and Metin Akpınar, who appeared on the 21.12.2018 edition of the programme named the People’s Arena presented by Uğur Dündar on certain press outlets and social media accounts, targeted the Head of State of the Republic of Turkey making insult-laden comments and made threats of coup and death, an investigation was launched on 22.12.2018 pursuant to Article 160 of the Code of Criminal Procedure number 5271 for the purpose of investigating the substance of the matter and bringing the necessary legal procedures to bear on the responsible parties, and both suspects were summoned to this Republic Chief Prosecution for the taking of their defences, and the matter is respectfully announced to all press/broadcasting outlets.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Translated by Tim Drayton

Steve Sweeney: Solidarity with Evrensel vital for survival of a free press in Turkey

Steve Sweeney from the Morning Star wrote an article about the pressure on media in Turkey and called for solidarity with Evrensel.

Steve Sweeney

Fatih Polat gives me a warm welcome at Evrensel’s main offices in Istanbul.

I have met the newspaper’s editor-in-chief a number of times over the years and we have built a good relationship.

Broadly similar to the Morning Star in terms of its coverage of the workers’ movement, the current political situation means Evrensel plays an increasingly important role in Turkey.

Evrensel editor Fatih Polat in the paper’s Istanbul office

Followers of Turkish politics and readers of this newspaper will not be surprised to learn that Turkey remains the world’s biggest jailer of journalists, with at least 160 behind bars.

While the figures are shocking, totalling a third of the world’s jailed journalists, the real number is likely to be higher, with press freedom campaign group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) claiming that a fall in those detained compared to last year was “deceptive.”

RSF’s annual report for 2018 ranked Turkey 157 out of 180 in terms of press freedom, a fall of seven places since 2017.

This year has seen a marked deterioration in terms of press freedom in Turkey with the country’s largest news agency — the Dogan Media Company — being sold to a pro-Erdogan conglomerate and the takeover of the trustee board of the last mainstream opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet leading to the sacking of its editorial board.

Trials and the jailing of journalists continue at an alarming rate, with 84 taking place in one week alone this September.

Such is intensity of the attacks on journalists, Polat tells me, that barely a day passes without a media worker appearing in court.

“It’s almost like if there are no journalist trials in a day in Turkey it’s surprising — the lack of a trial would be something to report in itself,” he says.

Evrensel has come under intense pressure since it was first published in 1995. In one of the country’s most notorious incidents in 1996, photojournalist Metin Goktepe was tortured and killed in police custody in Istanbul.

Five police officers who were charged with his murder were acquitted while the others were released after one year and eight months following an amnesty.

Exiled journalist Sarya Tunc addresses an Aslef meeting

Under the state of emergency purges in 2016 Evrensel-affiliated TV station Hayatin Sesi was one of the hundreds of media organisations forced to close by presidential decree.

In a bizarre twist, three of the station’s owners have been sentenced to prison for continuing a live broadcast after the Isis bombing of Ankara in October 2015, an attack on a peace rally in which 109 people were killed.

Executives Mustafa Kara and Ismail Gokhan Bayram and general director Gokhan Cetin were sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment with claims that they have been “aggregately spreading propaganda of Isis, PKK [Kurdistan Workers Party] and TAK.”

Polat says: ”If this decision is approved it would be the first time that ownership of a TV channel was used as an excuse for arresting people.

“Ownership has never been an excuse, even in Turkey, for convicting people.”

According to RSF, “these Kafkaesque trials, in which journalists are accused of terrorism on the basis of a single word or a single phone contact, have helped to tighten the regime’s grip on Turkish society.”

Polat explains that Evrensel journalists feel constantly under threat of arrest and they are aware of the potential for the newspaper to be closed down by the government.

Such is the intense environment journalists work in, many self-censor with unions describing the country as an “open prison.”

“What we do is keep our reports based on real, concrete facts. We are more sensitive than ever in this matter,” Polat says. “We dig and see if it is a fact or a rumour.

“Other than our columns we don’t use propagandist or agitational language. We keep away from that. And we always have trials.”

“We are being really careful not to be closed. There is always a chance, but we are prepared psychologically,” he says.

“Evrensel was founded based on the needs and struggle of the working class in Turkey. So as long as they need such a newspaper and as long as they have struggles Evrensel will continue,” he says defiantly.

“Even if they close us we will build another newspaper to continue the news of the working class in Turkey.”

But the latest attack on Evrensel is the most serious it has faced. The newspaper faces court and a penalty of 100,000 TL (£14,885) with the heavy fine potentially enough to see the paper close.

Charges were brought after it published an article in July claiming the government’s economic programme was an attack on workers’ rights.

With a deepening economic crisis in Turkey causing prices to rocket as the lira plummets in value it is crucial that the decisions of the government are held to account and subject to scrutiny.

However, in an attempt to silence criticism and an attack on press freedom, lawyers for Turkey’s Finance Minister — and Erdogan’s son-in-law — Berat Albayrak accused the responsible editor of “defamation.”

Coupled with a paper crisis in Turkey, which has caused the cost of production to rocket, the future of the newspaper and of a free and independent press in Turkey hangs in the balance.

While Evrensel has reduced the size of the newspaper to 12 pages, it urgently needs international support and solidarity to ensure its survival.

Last month, following a motion raised through the Morning Star chapel, the NUJ London Central Branch launched a campaign in solidarity with journalists in Turkey and to raise funds to pay the Evrensel fine in order keep the newspaper going.

Polat stresses that “international solidarity and support is very valuable” and is hopeful that the situation in Turkey will change, with its history of workers’ struggle against oppressive regimes.

Solidarity is the cornerstone of the labour movement and goes hand in hand with the struggle for press freedom.

The Turkish regime is supported both politically and militarily by the British government, which creates the conditions for Erdogan to continue his persecution of all forms of opposition with impunity.

We have a duty to stand in solidarity with all those fighting for freedom and democracy.

Support has been received from rail workers’ union Aslef and we encourage unions and individuals to support Evrensel and raise the issue in their branches.

Solidarity subscriptions can also be taken out at www.evrensel.net/subscription.

First published on Morning Star Online.

Is Trump’s withdrawal decision, Erdoğan’s victory?

How will Trump’s withdrawal decision from Syria and its potential consequences affect Turkey’s regional policies?

News of Trump’s decision to withdraw his troops from Syria following the phone call he made with Erdoğan seems to have created an atmosphere of a great victory on the ruling front and in its media. “Experts” strutting their stuff in the media speak of this decision being the result of Turkish decisiveness and of how Turkey showed its strength to the US. We will obviously be regaled by comments of this nature for a while more.

However, let me note straight away that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says the US notified them of this decision at the start of the week. That is, prior to the Trump-Erdoğan call held the other day. Moreover, Trump putting Erdoğan in the picture about the withdrawal plan can be attributed to, not as imagined Turkey’s strength or pressure, but if anything the regional role that Trump (the US) wishes to assign to Turkey in association with this plan. For, there is but one power that could play a decisive role in Trump taking such a decision and that is its rival in the struggle for domination in the region – Russia – and it was known that negotiations had been taking place for some while between the US and Russia over a political solution in Syria.

As such, let us recall the developments underlying this decision before turning to the possible effects on Turkey’s regional politics (the Middle East as whole and Syria in particular) of Trump’s decision to withdraw his Syria-based troops.

First of all, Trump has been speaking of a wish to withdraw his Syria-based troops since the day he came to office – and he reiterated in March this year that their withdrawal from Syria was imminent. However, coinciding with this statement, France sent troops to the region and a joint US-French-UK air strike targeting Syria was staged in April. For, on the heels of every one of Trump’s announcements about withdrawal from Syria, an announcement has come from the Pentagon that the business in Syria is not over yet. Following Trump’s most recent announcement, a similar statement emanated from the Pentagon. But this time, it was announced that Trump’s withdrawal plan had been put into action and the process of withdrawing from Syria would be completed in anything from sixty to one hundred days. A further important point here of which sight must not be lost is that the withdrawal by the US of two thousand troops stationed in the Kurdish region in Syria will not seriously alter the US’s capacity to intervene in the region, because the US’s interventions in this region are actually based on air operations anyhow and the US continues to keep in place military forces that can conduct such interventions in other locations (apart from İncirlik, Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman).

On the other hand, statements made on the front between France and the UK, the US’s partners in the region, declaring this decision “premature” show that, in spite of this decision, other developments may be on the cards as dictated by Western imperialists’ regional calculations.

As I noted at the outset, the negotiations he conducted with Putin (Russia) played a pivotal role in enabling Trump to take this decision. It will be recalled that an announcement was made at the Trump-Putin summit held in Helsinki on 16 July that agreement had been reached on a political solution to the Syrian problem. But, not only were details of this agreement not forthcoming but inflammatory comments between the two countries, especially over Idlib and east of the Euphrates, continued.

However, limiting Iran’s military force here constitutes Trump’s priority in consenting to a political transition in Syria and ever since the Helsinki summit Russia is known to have taken/prompted various steps entailing Iran withdrawing its military presence from border regions including regions Israel was uncomfortable with (especially in the south of Syria). It can thus be said that Trump’s decision was not independent of the negotiations conducted and the steps taken to this end.

Well, how will the withdrawal decision and its potential consequences affect Turkey’s regional policies?

Let us start with the most burning issue. One of the interpretations most frequently offered is that no obstacle now remains to Turkey’s potential operations east of the Euphrates in the wake of the US’s withdrawal decision. However, it was the US presence here that inspired Russia to make statements that the fundamental threat in Syria was east of the Euphrates and to encourage Turkey to intervene. So, under conditions in which the US has withdrawn, Russia (and undoubtedly Iran and the Syrian regime) will not wish for Turkey to intervene here. Over and above this, it is certain that the status of the regions held until now by Turkey and the FSA groups that it supports from the Jarabulus-Azaz line to Afrin in order to use NATO-member Turkey to counter the US will come into debate under circumstances in which the US has withdrawn. It will furthermore come as no surprise if the Erdoğan regime is pressurized into activating the inactive process of the Turkish-facilitated liquidation of the jihadist groups in Idlib.

So, just as the US withdrawal will not as supposed make it easier for Turkey to intervene east of the Euphrates, it will also initiate a process in which Turkey’s military presence in Syria comes into greater debate.

As with limiting Iran’s forces, another matter over which agreement is said to have been reached at the Helsinki summit between Trump and Putin relating to the political transition in Syria is that of Syrian Kurds having a political status in the new Syria. In fact, both the US and Russia, even if they occupy opposing positions, have for some time been saying that the Kurds are a force that cannot be discounted in determining Syria’s future. Hence, while its borders are currently a matter for debate, the attaining by the Kurds of an autonomous structure in the process of drafting a new constitution in Syria whose start is heralded for 2019 is a situation the US-Russia agreement can be expected to usher in.

It hardly defies prediction that the administration in Turkey will do all it takes to circumvent this. However, it should not be overlooked, either, that Turkey will be unable to find the room for manoeuvre it once had in the new process that accompanies the US’s withdrawal.

With reference to the withdrawal decision, it is finally necessary to touch on what Trump-the US may have in mind as concerns Turkey. The withdrawal decision will not stop at freeing the US’s hand in relation to the support the US has given the Kurds, the source for a considerable time of great tension between the US and Turkey, and may also give rise to a process through which Turkey comes into confrontation with Russia and Iran, at whose side it today stands in the field. It is thus no distant possibility that Trump is banking on this decision and associated developments making it easier to draw Turkey to its side as far as its strategy of encircling Iran goes.

I will continue to discuss the US’s troop withdrawal decision and potentially associated developments here. However, I can say here and now that, just as it is not an evident victory for the Erdoğan administration, the administration’s insistence on expansionist-interventionist policies in the region will continue to serve to place/keep Turkey in a position in which it is prone to use by imperialist forces even if there is a change of plan.

SPOT Annual Conference 2019

Turkey: Fighting for democracy under authoritarian rule


Our 3rd Annual SPOT Conference provides an opportunity to hear from those who have seen and experienced the reality of life under Erdogan’s authoritarian regime and invites you to find out more about what we are already doing to build international solidarity and call to account both the Turkish state and the complicity of our own government.

On the day we will be joined by the following speakers;

  • Deniz Yucel, Die Welt
  • Ben Hicks, The Guardian Foundation
  • Cagri Sari, Evrensel Newspaper
  • Mustafa Kuleli, TGS
  • Sarah Clarke, Article 19
  • Aidan White, Ethical Journalism Network
  • Mustafa Yalciner, Labour Party of Turkey
  • Kate Osamor, Labour Party MP
  • Ali Seker, CHP MP
  • Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition
  • Bermal Aydin, Academic
  • Steve Sweeney, Morning Star
  • Aydin Cubukcu, Yeni E Editor
  • Arif Kosar, Journalist
  • HDP Rep / MP (TBC)
  • Mark Serwotka, Public & Commercial Services Union (TBC)
  • Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union (TBC)
  • Feray Aytekin Dogan, EgtimSen (TBC)

Turkey’s ruling powers are pushing the country towards a dictatorship and Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s attacks on democracy are impacting all sections of society. With this increasingly authoritarian regime, the state of emergency has become normalised and entrenched in law, an executive presidency created, independent media outlets shut down, academics and public-sector workers purged and criminalised, attacks on Kurdish regions intensified, opposition politicians arrested, violence against women on the rise, discrimination and hate crimes against LGBT increasing, the environment being destroyed and so the list goes on.

Meanwhile, world leaders watch unflinching, continuing to sell weapons and tip-toeing around Turkey’s human rights record. But the battle for democracy and workers’ rights in Turkey goes on and provides a ray of hope. And we know that democracy maybe denied but it is not yet lost.

National Education Union
Hamilton House,
Mabledon Place

Date and Time
Sat 9 February 2019
10:00 – 17:00 GMT

For more information about this event and/or to get involved contact us.




Government fears another Gezi: we stand with the people’s artists, journalists and academics.

Government fears another Gezi: we stand with the people’s artists, journalists and academics.

Turkey has become a country where anybody that protests, refuses to obey and is not one of the ruling government is declared as an enemy. It has been over 5 years since the Gezi resistance but the Public Prosecutor of Ankara has begun an investigation into 63 people in relation to Gezi, and now the Public Prosecutor for Istanbul is also starting an investigation into a further 120 people. Arrest warrants have also been issued for actor Mehmet Ali Alabora and journalist Can Dundar in relation to the Gezi resistance. The investigations are being used to manipulate public opinion and rally support for Erdogan ahead of the local elections in March. Some of those being investigated including architect Mucella Yapici have already been tried and acquitted previously by the Turkish Courts, and no new evidence or charges have been brought.

Artists and journalists, who have supported millions of people by resisting encroachments on personal life and liberty, have been declared “terrorists” and courts that are aligned with the ruling political leadership are issuing warrants.

The messages from the Gezi resistance are clear: “stop interfering in my life style”, “stop the destruction of the environment by bloodsucking developers”, “stop interfering in my freedom of thought and expression” and “stop stealing the country’s resources”. And those fighting against corruption and injustice are calling for the resignation of the government and an end to AKP rule. Erdogan and the ruling AKP know that a resistance movement similar to Gezi will bring their fall from power. For this reason they cannot even tolerate theatre productions.

The “gilet jaunes” protests in France has reminded Erdogan of the power of the people. Erdogan remembers the masses in Turkey demanding his own resignation and the courts at his bidding have issued arrest warrants in response to this fear.

Peace campaigner and President of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey facing prison sentence

Furthermore, this week the president of Humans Rights Foundation of Turkey (THIV) and Evrensel columnist Dr Sebnem Korur Fincanci was tried in Istanbul for claims that she was promoting “terrorist propaganda”. The court has refused to suspend the sentence.

Fincanci was one of the 1128 academics for peace who opposed the war on the Kurdish regions and published a leaflet titled “we will not be complicit in this war”. It is her involvement in this campaign and her interviews to newspapers, that prosecutors alleged amounted to terrorist propaganda that the courts sentenced Fincanci to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment. Fincanci is not just the president of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey but also a forensic medical expert and is being punished also for revealing footage of burned children’s bones that were found in the aftermath of the government’s bombardment of (the Kurdish region) of Cizre.

It is clear that campaigning for peace poses a threat to the Erdogan and AKP regime, and it has been a long time since the judiciary was able to act independently.

We reject this sentence against Sebnem Korur Fincanci and call for all investigations aimed at her to be ceased immediately. The judiciary must immediately stop prosecuting and punishing those that fall out of favour with the ruling government.

Mehmet Ali Alabora, Can Dündar, Dr Sebnem Korur Fincanci and other friends fighting for democracy in Turkey are not alone. We will continue to struggle against a regime which arbitrarily arrests and prosecutes its citizens and invite you to join us.

We call on all trade unions, artists, campaign groups, intellectuals, the British people and all those of Turkish, Kurdish origin in the UK to stand against Erdogan/AKP’s one-man regime.

We ask that our friends fulfil their historical responsibilities by supporting the people of Turkey and their struggle. There are many ways in which you can help, some examples include:

  • issuing press releases
  • writing articles/blogs on developments in Turkey
  • raising awareness through local political and campaign groups and work places
  • writing to your MPs and the Turkish Embassy to call for an end to the persecution of democratic opposition
  • actively observing/monitoring trials
  • passing motions in your local trade union branches
  • affiliating to SPOT

Our 3rd Annual SPOT conference also provides an opportunity to hear from those who have seen and experienced the reality of life under Erdogan’s regime and we invite you to find out more at our “Fighting for Democracy under Authoritarian Rule” annual conference on 9 February 2019 at Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD at 10-5.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

The full text of Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı’s statement to the court

We are publishing the text submitted to the court by Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment.

We are publishing the text submitted to the court by Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who was sentenced to thirty months’ imprisonment. Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı was charged for “terrorist organisation propaganda” for having signed the “We will not be party to this crime” declaration.

To İstanbul Serious Crime Court No 37,

I have given great thought to what I will say here today. I have done so because I was mindful of the humility with which I received the Albert Osswald Foundation’s Hessian Peace Prize just three weeks ago at the recommendation of academics from Leipzig University’s Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution for the efforts I have made in the fight for human rights to which I have devoted my life and in documenting torture. Your colleagues listened to Gülten Akın’s poem “Awaiting the War” from beloved Aslı Takanay, and, inspired by her, I, too, ended my speech at the prize ceremony with the same poem. I do not propose to read the poem again but there is merit in repeating its concluding words once more. Let me indulge myself by once again refreshing everyone’s memory: “A human is a responsibility!” So, I had in fact on 4 October 2018 in my statement to explain to your honours what crime we were not party to summarized the Cizre preliminary investigation report which you imagine yourselves to have found by googling me and you endeavour to portray as a crime component, and I had tried to convey through the photographs at which you have expressed your discomfort several times with references to the “corpse photographs,” including the photograph of the children’s bones I found in the course of investigations, what was going on in that period.

Those images that discomforted you so are part of my work, but also part of your work. This is how it should be! This is a Serious Crime Court and, hence, the presentation I made on 4 October should have been of the nature of a criminal complaint about you. I was thus able to feel joy on seeing the report and my interviews published in newspapers that you appended to the file at the last moment and following the recommendation on the merits. However, in place of the sense of humility engendered by the prize awarded to me for doing my job and hunting down the truth as both a doctor and forensic medicine expert, I am unfortunately filled with shame as I confront the effort on this occasion to criminalize the truth and our fight for human rights.

Bertold Brecht says:

“Justice is the bread of the people

Sometimes is plentiful, sometimes it is scarce

Sometimes it tastes good, sometimes it tastes bad.

When the bread is scarce, there is hunger.

When the bread is bad, there is discontent.

Throw away the bad justice

Baked without love, kneaded without knowledge!

Justice without flavour, with a grey crust

The stale justice which comes too late!”

and I am only capable of replying with Brecht when confronted with the endeavour to criminalize a scientific fact that should be treated as a criminal complaint and regarding which nobody has come forward and proved to the contrary that there were no children there, and thus our defence evidence.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights celebrated its seventieth-anniversary last week. Noted in the preamble to the declaration is: “Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law.” With it stated in Article 10 of the same declaration, “Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him,” it is said in turn in Article 11, “Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.” The penalizing of the demand for peace and the documenting of human rights violations, which do not constitute penal offences under international law, in courts that I do not consider to be independent and impartial demonstrates to all of us here that the requirement to protect human rights by the rule of law is being treated with contempt.

My dear friend Eren Keskin, who addressed the Human Rights Panorama event that we staged as the Human Rights Association and Human Rights Foundation of Turkey said in his speech, quoting from Edward Said, “Intellectuals do not resolve crisis, they create crisis” Well, how does an intellectual create crisis? Of course, by asking questions and persistently pursuing the truth. Even if the answers will not be to anyone’s liking, they do not refrain from asking.

Personally, I make no claims to intellectualism. Let there be no misunderstanding. As a whole, what I have been referring to with every word uttered in Çağlayan over the course of a year is an extraordinary corpus that once more equates to the description by Edward Said, “Yes, an intellectual’s voice is lonely, but it has resonance only because it associates itself freely with the reality of a movement, the aspirations of a people, the common pursuit of a shared ideal.” This corpus has accumulated over the past year in trials brought under “copy and paste” indictments against 542 academics for wanting peace as, just as in what today is the 1009th hearing, they have continued to question evidence the courts have not researched, pursue the truth and pose discomforting questions. It is clear that we are referring to a whole that quite rightly creates crisis.

“The dreams of a child are peace” says Yannis Ritsos at the start of his poem “Peace.” It is a long poem. I will thus restrict myself to a few lines:

“Peace is the odour of food at evening

When an automobile stopping in the street does not mean fear

When a knock on the door means a friend

And the opening of a window every hour means sky

Feasting our eyes with the distant bells of its colours,

this is peace…

Peace is the clenched fist of men

it is warm bread on the world’s table”

I once more thank all my friends together with whom I have stood with fastened hands on our passage over a year. Wanting peace is not a crime. I do not accept your charges. (EVRENSEL DAILY)


Campaign of solidarity with Evrensel launched in Germany

The German Federation of Journalists, the German Journalists Union and Reporters Without Borders have launched a campaign in support of Evrensel.

In a display of sensitivity over the repression of the press in Turkey, German journalism organizations and journalists have launched a campaign in support of Evrensel, an independent labour-movement-focussed daily and one of the few remaining opposition titles.

Renowned journalists working on the Die Tageszeitung (TAZ), Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt and Freitag newspapers number among the champions of the campaign, which is also supported by representatives of Germany’s three largest journalist organizations, Frank Überall, President of the German Federation of Journalists (DJV), Peter Freitag, Vice-President of the Ver.di trade union-affiliated German Journalists Union (DJU), and Christian Mihr, Executive Director of Reporters Without Borders.

Daniela Dahn, one of Germany’s best-known authors, actor Rolf Becker, writer Werner Rügemer and Editor-in-Chief of the Melodie & Rhythmus magazine, Suzann Witt-Stahl, are also supporting the campaign.


The declaration published under the title “Press freedom knows no borders. Call for practical solidarity with the Turkish daily Evrensel,” reads:

A living democracy needs a free and independent media like air to breathe. As to how critical current conditions are in Turkey, this can be gleaned in no small way from the way the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan treats critical journalistic voices.

Since the failed coup attempt in July 2016, more than 170 newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations, news agencies and publishers have been closed down for allegedly threatening “national security”. Well over 100 journalists have been arrested and more than 700 press cards have been annulled. Turkey currently ranks 157th among 180 in the Reporters Without Borders’ press freedom index.

Working conditions have worsened dramatically for those colleagues who have not yet lost their freedom or jobs. Meanwhile, there are only very few media outlets in Turkey that still cannot be described as toeing the line. One of these is the daily Evrensel.

But its existence is also under acute threat. Individual issues of the left-wing, trade-union-aligned newspaper are regularly confiscated. There is an endeavour, through costly legal proceedings, to annihilate the paper economically. It is repeatedly given hefty fines for supposedly insubordinate articles. Editorial members are liable to arbitrary arrests. It is no easy task to withstand such tactics and it consumes a lot of energy. Our solidarity and support is all the more important just now.

Until July 2016, Evrensel’s Istanbul central editorial office shared premises with a TV station critical of the government, Hayatın Sesi TV. Alongside these, there was also the monthly cultural magazine Evrensel Kültür. However, both were among the media outlets that were shut down following the state of emergency in the immediate aftermath of the coup attempt. Their assets were confiscated. So, now only Evrensel remains. The question, though, is for how much longer?

The daily, founded in 1995, is fighting for its survival. There are different ways of silencing inconvenient journalism in Turkey. Economic harassment can be just as effective as state bans. This is clearly what the autocratic Erdoğan regime is embarking on in the case of Evrensel. The financial situation of the paper is truly becoming ever more precarious due to the imposition of fines, an advertising boycott by public bodies and the drastic increase in the price of paper. However, the editorship continues to fight undaunted for democratic conditions in Turkey.

Let us help it not to run out of breath! We must not leave our colleagues in Turkey alone. The struggle for the freedom of press and opinion is international. We thus hereby appeal for financial support to Evrensel. Let us by these means ensure that this small, important newspaper can continue to withstand the enormous economic and political pressure.”

The number of journalists and organizations supporting the campaign is expected to increase in the days ahead. A website has also been set up for the campaign. (Cologne/EVRENSEL)


Turkey ranks 130th for sexual inequality out of 149 countries

Turkey ranks 130th for sexual inequality in the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Gender Gap Report.

The World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Gender Gap Report shows the level of social sexual inequality has reached in Turkey. Ranked 105th in 2006, Turkey has dropped by 25 places over twelve years. The countries ranked lower than Turkey in the report are Ivory Coast, Bahrain, Nigeria, Togo, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Jordan, the Sultanate of Oman, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen.

From Bianet’s account, the report took in 149 countries and the countries were analysed in terms of sexual inequality, education, health, politics and business life.

Even if female-male equality has registered an improvement over the past ten years when it comes to participation in education, health and politics, women’s participation in the said first three areas has declined since 2017.


In the report, a score of one in the sexual equality index amounts to full equality. The countries that come closest to this score are Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen, conversely, are the countries furthest from a score of one.


According to the report, even if a notable increase was observed in women’s participation in business life in 2018, the wage disparity between women and men stands at 51%. The sole area in which they made a positive advance in the report was in the increasing number of women in leadership roles. Women’s presence in leadership roles has increased by 34 %.


The report states that women’s participation in the labour force has fallen and it puts this down to “technology/mechanisation.” It is stated in the report that works performed by women is now done by automatic machines.

It was also stressed in the report that women are underrepresented in areas calling for skill and knowledge such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


The following information is given about Turkey in the report:

Turkey ranked 130th out of 149 countries. The countries rated below Turkey were, in order, Ivory Coast, Bahrain, Nigeria, Togo, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Jordan, the Sultanate of Oman, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen.

Turkey, which ranked 105th in this index in 2006 has dropped by 25 places over twelve years.

With Turkey occupying 131st place from among 149 countries in “Women’s economic participation and equality of opportunity,” it ranked 106th in education, 67th in health and 113th in political empowerment.


Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison

Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison.

Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison. Fresh documents have been appended at the decision stage to the file of Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who is being tried on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges for having signed the “We will not be party to this crime” declaration. Attorney Meriç Eyüboğlu said the freshly appended documents contained material errors and could not be classified as evidence of a crime.

At our paper’s columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı’s third hearing on 13 December, Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 37 Presiding Judge Akın Gürlek said he had included fresh evidence in the file. The following entry was made in the hearing minutes about the evidence the court included in the file: “The inclusion as evidence in the file was observed in the course of the examination made by the court of copies of the interview with the accused she gave the newspaper named Özgür Gündem on 12 December 2018, the interview she gave Evrensel newspaper on 21 December 2015 and the preliminary investigation report following the visit made by the accused on 3 March 2016 to Cizre in the capacity of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Chair.” Fincancı’s attorney Meriç Eyüboğlu applied to the court for time to examine the evidence. The court, granting the application, adjourned the hearing until 19 December. Attorney Eyüboğlu spoke to our paper about the evidence that made its way into the file.


Recalling that fresh evidence had also been appended to the file at the 11 December hearing of Prof. Dr Gençay Gürsoy, his client who is being tried at the same court, Eyüboğlu said, “Suspecting that the same procedure would also take place with Professor Şebnem, I checked the file in the court office close to the end of the working day on 12 December, but there were absolutely no newly arrived documents. I checked this on the National Judiciary Informatics System the next day up until the time of the hearing, but we saw that there were no new documents there, either. The court said in the course of the hearing that three new items of evidence had been appended to the file.” Eyüboğlu pointed out that there were material errors in the evidence the court appended to the file: “There is a material error in the evidence minuted as being Özgür Gündem’s interview dated 12 December 2018. The report in question appeared in 2016 in the newspaper named Diyarbakır Özgür Haber. There is no direct comment by my client in the report covering the Şırnak visit of a delegation in which my client was included.”


Further criticizing the appending of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey’s Cizre report to the file as evidence, Eyüboğlu spoke of a wish for the scholarly report to be penalized: “We have frequently stated in our defences speaking of the historical truth will not amount to a crime. The Cizre report into the rights violations in the cellars is important in terms of shedding light on history. This report cannot constitute evidence of crime but, if anything, defence evidence.”

With regard to the use of the “fresh documents” having entered the file as grounds for increasing the penalties of the signatory academics, Eyüboğlu opined that this was “not merely unlawful, but at the same time irrational.” Stating that the appending of evidence to the file at the decision stage did not comply with any rule of law, Eyüboğlu said, “If these documents had entered the file at the initial stage, they would not have been evidence of crime, either, because the academics are being prosecuted for having signed the Peace Declaration. Activities conducted in relation to the fight for rights apart from the undersigned text are irrelevant to the trial. It is unlawful for these documents to be included in the file at the last minute. Academics and society are being sent a message with these punishments.” Indicating that there was nothing left to be said regarding the law, justice and the judiciary, attorney Meriç Eyüpoğlu commented, “My clients being Turkish Medical Association Chair or Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Chair is adduced as justification for the penalties that have been/will be imposed. The courts are holding the people appearing before them accountable for actions committed by juristic persons. This shows that this trial is political, not legal.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Naming a prosecutor brings ‘terrorism’ charge to Evrensel reporter Cansu Pişkin

Terrrorism charge has been laid against our reporter Cansu Pişkin citing as grounds her report on the detaining of the Bosphorus University students.

A further trial has been added to those brought against Evrensel for our news coverage. A charge has been laid against our reporter Cansu Pişkin citing as grounds her report on the detaining of the Bosphorus University students. A jail term of up to three years is sought in the indictment with the charge that Pişkin “made a public servant into a target for terrorist organisations.” The first hearing of the trial will be heard on 6 March 2019 at Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 36. Assessing the trial, Evrensel’s lawyer Devrim Avcı said that describing prosecutors as “persons who have assumed counterterrorism duties” was contrary to the 2005 European Guidelines on Ethics and Conduct for Public Prosecutors (“Budapest Guidelines”). Stressing that public prosecutors were not military people or police officers, Avcı said, “Talk of deeming prosecutors to be people who have assumed counterterrorism duties amounts in the first place to a breach of the principle of independence and impartiality.” Avcı stressed that defining the prosecutorial office as being a person who has assumed counterterrorism duties was also tantamount to the loss by prosecutors of their independence from the political rulership.


İstanbul Republic Chief Public Prosecution Press Crimes Office prosecutor Yavuz Şahin has drafted an indictment against our reporter Cansu Pişkin for the report titled “Special Prosecutor for the Bosphorus Students” published on 5 April 2018. It was alleged in the indictment that the prosecutor conducting the investigation was made into a target for terrorist organisations by naming him. The report at issue in the trial concerns the detaining of pro-peace Bosphorus students. A group of students were handing out Turkish delight at Bosphorus University on 19 March to mark the Afrin operation and pro-peace students who objected to this were arrested and detained on 22 March. The investigation file was remitted to reappointed Prosecutor Ergün Güçlü on the day the students were taken to the judicial complex. It was recalled in the report at issue that Güçlü had described the HDP as a “party that engages in politics under the guidance of a terrorist organization” in a past indictment he had drafted.

Pişkin, faced with an investigation following the publishing of the report, said the following in the statement she made to the prosecution, “The prosecutors’ names were especially included in the report. There had been press coverage of the description by Prosecutor Ergün Güçlü of the HDP, which obtained the votes of six million people, as a party that engages in politics under the guidance of a terrorist organization in an indictment he had previously drafted. I deemed the transferring of the file to this prosecutor immediately before the students were taken to the judicial complex to be newsworthy. This is why I used the name. I do not accept the charge of making into a target for terrorist organisations. I wrote this report mindful of public responsibility within a press activity context.”


With Prosecutor Güçlü defined in the drafted indictment as a “person who has assumed counterterrorism duties,” it is asserted that “the prosecutor was made into a target” through Evrensel’s report.

What is more, this was not the first time that Prosecutor Güçlü’s name had appeared in a news report. Güçlü was also named in coverage of investigations that appeared on the websites of newspapers Sabah on 17 January 2017, Habertürk and Akşam on 22 January 2017, Takvim on 31 January 2017, Milliyet on 16 February 2017 and Türkiye on 29 July 2017.


Commenting on the pending trial, Evrensel’s lawyer Devrim Avcı made the following assessment: “Evrensel reporter Cansu Pişkin is being prosecuted on the charge of ‘making persons who have assumed counterterrorism duties into targets.’ This trial concerns a news report on the reappointing of the prosecutors involved in the arrest and detention processes at Bosphorus University. The point here that in my view demands attention is the description of a prosecutor as a ‘person who has assumed counterterrorism duties’ in the indictment. However, to conclude that a prosecutor, who conducts investigations on behalf of the public and also gathers all evidence favourable and detrimental to the suspect in such investigations, is a person who has assumed counterterrorism duties is in the first place contrary to the 2005 European Guidelines on Ethics and Conduct for Public Prosecutors (“Budapest Guidelines”).

Prosecutors are not law enforcement officials or military personnel. Talk of deeming prosecutors to be people who have assumed counterterrorism duties amounts in the first place to a breach of the principle of independence and impartiality, because, by virtue of the Budapest Guidelines, the prosecutorial office is duty bound to act with fairness, impartiality and objectivity and independently within the rules of law and to respect the presumption of innocence principle while performing its duties in the course of penal proceedings. Consequently, defining the prosecutorial office as being a person who has assumed counterterrorism duties is also tantamount to the loss by prosecutors of their independence from the political rulership, and this is an unacceptable position.” (İstanbul/EVRENSEL)


Evrensel is facing 100,000 TL fine for criticizing government’s economic programme

Evrensel is facing court and a penalty of 100,000 TL because of a news story, criticizing the government’s economic programme.

Evrensel is facing court and a penalty of 100,000 TL because of a news story published on 13 July 2018 arguing that the government’s economic programme signalled an attack on worker’s rights. The responsible editor is also accused of “defamation” following an article it published rebutting the allegation on 22 July.

The proceedings against Evrensel were initiated by the Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak’s lawyer Ahmet Özel. The subject of the claim is the news article on 13 July “Albayrak signals a programme attacking workers” and the contents of the rebuttal on 22 July, both of which were submitted by Özel.

In relation to the article, which included critique by economist Dr Murat Birdal, the prosecution argued that “there is news, opinion and criticism which does not violate individual rights and are not degrading, accepting anything outside of this which amounts to unsubstantiated claims and degrading comments relying on those unsubstantiated claims leads to the conclusion that such allegations must be excluded and accepting any such claims would be in contravention of the fundamental principles of the law, and in light of this it has become apparent all elements of the illegal act are formed.”

Dilek Avci, the newspaper’s solicitor, argued in the written defence submitted to the prosecution that “the news story in question is a critique of the economic politics of the Treasury and Finance Minister, Berat Albayrak. In the news story, the views of the academic Dr Murat Birdal are sought. The article does not contain any insulting language or attacks personally to the claimant. If we are living in a democracy, the economic politics of the government, cabinet and political leadership can be criticized, as can their social welfare policies and the return of the death penalty. However, saying that such criticism of a minister, who is a public servant, violates his rights, in fact, amounts to a clear infringement of the freedom of thought and expression. It is in breach of the constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights”.

Last update: 20 November 2018 23:16


Manbij, East of Euphrates and the source of the problem

If there is going to be a winner in the escalating tensions in Manbij and East of Euphrates, this is not going to be Turkey – will be Russia and Iran.

For some time, the government-controlled media have been broadcasting programmes aimed at escalating the tensions surrounding Manbij and the East of Euphrates.

They are trying to create a perception of risk to Turkey based on news of trenches being dug in Manbij city centre. Even though Turkish and American soldiers are patrolling the border as a result of the June agreement. In the city centre, there are Arabs that are linked mainly to the Syrian Democratic Forces. Moreover, how can trenches dug in a city inside Syria pose a threat to Turkey? It is not possible for the powers in Manbij to plan an attack on other countries by digging trenches in their own cities. On the contrary, if trenches are being dug in a city this means that they are in response to a possible external threat.

So, despite there being no hint of an attack aimed at Turkey, why are they trying to escalate tensions on Manbij and the East of Euphrates?

To answer this question, it is necessary to remember the politics behind the plan to present the East of Euphrates as a threat to Turkey.

In January 2013, when the “solution process” had barely reached a year, the AKP – Erdogan Government’s Deputy Prime Minister, Yalcin Akdogan wrote in the Star newspaper, “the Democratic Union Party (PYD) expectation of gaining status using the chaos in Syria as an opportunity, is creating a dissatisfaction and impertinence towards Turkey’s democratic reforms”. Even back then Yalcin Akdogan admits that if Kurds gain status in Syria, it will be impossible for the AKP government to impose its own solution on Kurds within Turkey, and labels this as “dissatisfaction and impertinence”.  Thereafter, it is well known that a lot of hope was tied to the destruction of the Kurdish cantons in Syria but when ISIS’ failed in their siege of Kobane, President Erdogan announced that “there is no [negotiating] table” and thus brought the ‘solution process’ to a close.

The real reason for painting East of Euphrates as a threat to Turkey is not because there is the possibility of an attack. On the contrary, if Kurds gain status there [in Syria], Erdogan’s domestic approach to the Kurdish question will become unsustainable. In other words, the source of the problem is not East of the Euphrates, it is the [Turkish] government’s domestic politics.

After this reminder, if we move onto why tensions are being escalated in relation to Manbij and East of Euphrates, we see that in the backdrop to this political tension there is a disagreement between Russia and the USA in relation to Syria. When discussions were taking place to persuade Turkey to purge jihadis in Idlib, both the Iranian President Rouhani and the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced that “the actual threat is the USA’s presence in the East of Euphrates”. The real purpose of these announcements was to re-ignite the Erdogan government’s appetite for intervention in the East of Euphrates, and they did not necessarily fail at this.

There remains another question to be answered: Why do these countries want to ignite the Turkish government’s appetite for intervention in the East of Euphrates?

Because after the purge of the jihadis in Idlib, there remains one key blockage to determining Syria’s future. And that is the East of Euphrates area which is governed by the Democratic Syrian Forces and the USA’s presence there. Russia and Iran know that the Kurdish question is Turkey’s weak spot, and because of this, they want to use Turkey as a means of pressure over the East of Euphrates. This way they can bring two NATO countries, Turkey and the USA, head to head; spoil any plans the USA may have for remaining in Syria and put pressure on the Syrian Kurds to accept any solution by the Assad regime.

And so, if there is going to be a winner in the escalating tensions in Manbij and East of Euphrates, this is not going to be Turkey – it will be Russia and Iran which is using Turkey’s sensitivities on the Kurdish questions to further their own interests. In that case, there remains only one way to stop Turkey from getting more embroiled in the regional war and tensions, and prevent new threats: [Turkey] must return to the source of the problem, it must return to the Kurdish question, reopen democratic channels and end its interventions in the region in favour of pursuing a peaceful politics.

Article by: Yusuf KARATAS

Translated by: Çınar Altun

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s trial postponed to January

The Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan is on trial, because of criticising the Erdoğan government’s war policies.

Turkish government started a military intervention in Afrin in January 2018; fanning the flames of war in Syria. This was an operation named ‘Olive Branch’.

The Labour Party (EMEP) has always been critical of this intervention in a neighbouring country, as other democratic forces in Turkey. EMEP stated and ran a campaign of propaganda that this intervention will contribute to turning the region into a quagmire of war; that all military forces, primarily the imperialist forces, must withdraw from the region; that peoples of the region must determine their own futures.

However, the government defined this intervention as war and attempted to silence all those that are opposed to it. 16 members and administrators of EMEP had been arrested for sharing news bulletins and statements on social media; they have been freed after their first hearing.

EMEP chairwoman, Selma Gürkan, speaking prior to a hearing against their local representatives Neslihan Karyemez ve Bilal Karman, again criticised the Afrin operation and prosecution of members. This speech has been deemed to be “terrorist propaganda” and Gürkan is also being prosecuted.

Selma Gürkan said, “This is a prosecution of Turkish peoples’ demand for peace and democracy”.

The first hearing of Gürkan’s was held in İstanbul on 9 October 2018. The trial is postponed to January 22, 2019.


Communist Party of Greece (KKE):

“Τhe KKE denounces the dangerous escalation of repression, under the responsibility of the Turkish government, which attempts to criminalize every voice of opposition, criticism or questioning of Turkey’s imperialist military intervention in the territory of Syria, namely in Afrin.

The KKE condemns the arrests of EMEP members, which were detained for distributing bulletins against Turkey’s military intervention. We particularly condemn the prosecution of Selma Gürkan, the party’s chairwoman, for “terrorist propaganda”, because in a speech she criticized the Turkish involvement in Afrin. The first hearing of her case will take place on Tuesday 9th October.

We demand the immediate stop of all persecutions and to ensure the uninhibited mass and political activity of the Turkish workers who have every right to struggle against the participation of their country in the imperialist wars and plans.”

Revolutionary Democracy (INDIA):

“It is shocking to learn that Selma Gurkan, Chairperson of the EMEP, an internationally well-known democratic person, is being prosecuted for “terrorist propaganda.”

Her “crime” is to put forward the democratic position that Turkey should stop its military intervention in Afrin, Syria which began in January 2018.

It is the common understanding across the globe that Turkey and other powers should depart from Syria and permit the peoples of Syria to decide their own future.

We express our solidarity with the democratic position of Selma Gurkan and call upon the Turkish government to withdraw its charges.”

Organization for the Building of a Communist Workers Party of Germany:

“We want to express our solidarity with your party and with their chairwoman, Selma Gürkan. We condemn strongly the prosecution of your members and your chairwoman, because of their struggle for peace and democracy.

By invading with Turkish troops in Syria the Turkish government has offended international law. But more importantly it has drawn Turkey into a war between the imperialist powers. The working class will pay for this policy with blood, money, more social cuts.

We think that it is very important, that your party raises his voice for peace and democracy. These are the demands of the Turkish peoples and the working class. We wish you success in this struggle.

We demand the termination of the prosecution of Selma Gürkan and all members of your party!

We demand the liberation of all political prisoners!”

Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF):

“We join our voice in solidarity with Selma Gürkan and the other militants of EMEP prosecuted because they have denounced the war waged by Turkish army and government in Syria, in Afrin.

We demand freedom for them and the end of prosecution against the militants of EMEP who defend the rights of the peoples and struggle against the war waged by imperialist powers in Syria.

We join the international protest movement against this attack against democratic rights in Turkey.”


What were the negotiations with the German monopolies and Erdoğan’s government?

One of President Tayyip Erdoğan’s priority objectives of the visit to Germany is to attract more German investments in Turkey.

Which compromises and commitments took place in Erdogan’s interviews with the German monopolies providing investing more in Turkey?

Getting economic relations back on the track and attracting more German direct investment to Turkey was at the centre of President Erdogan’s visit to Germany last week. During the visit, while Prime Minister Angela Merkel said that there is no direct financial assistance to Turkey, it was stated that meetings are held with German monopolies behind the closed doors to make more investments in Turkey.

In reports in the German media, it was commented that Erdogan’s great concern was the decision German companies investing in Turkey to withdraw or reduce their investment in the country. According to official figures, while 7 thousand 200 German companies operate in Turkey, some of these had previously been targeted by Erdogan. Therefore, Erdogan met with the administrators of monopolies from Turkey especially for “the elimination of insecurity” in Berlin.

Concessions and Commitments from Erdoğan to the Monopolies

While it wasn’t announced which monopolies attended a 1-hour meeting, it was reported in the media that Erdogan made some promises to the concerns of German monopoly executives and promised reforms.

Dieter Kempf, President of the German Industrialists’ Association, who attended the meeting said “We clearly wanted to create the climate necessary for investments” to the press. Among those who organized the gathering of Erdoğan and German employers, Kempf said, “The return to the rule of law, freedom of the press and reforms are among the top. The creation of a democratic structure is inevitable for direct investments.” It is said that Erdogan expressed these promises during the visit to accelerate talks with the EU.


Erdogan, whose messages are directed to increase their investments in Turkey by the German monopolies, evaluated this visit positively from this perspective. One of Erdogan’s priority objectives is to attract more German investments in Turkey. For this reason, an office named Invest in Turkey, based in Hamburg was established and Reiner Ptok head of the German Association of Central Business Enterprises (BVMW)was appointed as the director. Soon it is expected to open an office Invest in Turkey in Berlin.

Ptok brought to office in May, stated in his own internet site that 7 thousand German companies and 140 thousand people work in Turkey with a population of 80 million, pointed to the strategic importance that it has between Asia, Europe and Russia. Whether Ptok, whose task is to ensure German monopolies invest more in Turkey, will be successful in the future is not clear yet. Ptok, said in a statement to the daily Die Weltand he summarized the situation “ many German companies follow the developments and Turkey ranks top in the list of countries to be currently invested, but the decisions are postponed, mostly by looking at the developments”.

Previously, a similar agency was founded by Turkey, “Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey” (ISPAT). Hamburg Former Mayor Ole von Beust (CDU), former Economy Ministry Undersecretary Rezzo Schlauch, Germany’s former Ambassador to Ankara Wolf- Ruthart were assigned as administration. However, they did not provide much progress.


According to Die Welt newspaper, despite the Turkish Lira crisis, the investments of the German companies in Turkey and their profit have not decreased much compared to past. It is said that Bosch is one of the most established investor monopoly achieved of 1.5 billion euros last year’s total turnover in Turkey. Bosch employs a total of 18 thousand people in Turkey.

Despite all these, it is stated that the growth of Turkey’s economy will not go to the stage quickly in the coming years. Based on a survey conducted by the institution named the Federal Ministry of Economics “German Trade & Invest” (GTA) institutions, it is expected many of the companies will face with bankruptcy and loan interest in Turkey is to rise between 30-40 per cent.

In the first half of this year, the German Machinery Employers’ Association (VDMA) reported that sales of machinery decreased by 6.6 per cent (1.8 billion euros). As long as the Lira crisis continues, the concern that this will continue to decline is dominant. Especially in the construction sector is recession expected. Investment bank J. P. Morgan, they announced that the expected growth rate in Turkey would remain 1.1 per cent in 2019.

The data shows that economic developments in Turkey where Germany’s average annual exports are 20 billion euros are not positive. This also concerns the monopolies that already invest and will invest in the future in this country. Therefore, Erdoğan was clearly given the message that the investments would be increased if the conditions were normalized.


The first important step is the employer weighted delegation visit to Turkey in the leadership of the Federal Economics Minister Peter Altmaier, later this month. The meetings in Berlin are expected to continue in Ankara. The conditions for new investments are expected to be sorted. The most important investment is that Deutsche Bahn will modernize the railway network, and will construct new lines in Turkey in exchange for 35 billion euros.

It was observed in the recent meeting that Germany is the only country that Erdoğan trusts to attract more investors to Turkey, to overcome the insecurity. German monopolies act with the awareness of this, in this difficult period by imposing more severe conditions to make more profit. For this reason, the Turkish-German Economic Forum is being revived. However, the process that Turkey has entered shows that “stability” that the German monopolies want will not come in a short time. Nevertheless, all German monopolies, especially the monopolies of guns, will continue to get more concessions from Erdogan, who has been under an economically difficult period.


Capital flow towards Germany from Turkey has also increased in recent months due to the economic developments in Turkey. According to a parliamentary question response from the German Free Democratic Party, in Turkey between April and June 4.57 billion euros capital flow took place to Germany from Turkey. The depreciation of the Turkish Lira played a major role in the capital flow. According to the response given by the Federal Ministry of Finance, 400 million euros in the last quarter of to, and 300 million in the first quarter of 2018 capital flows occurred from Turkey. In a statement issued by the government also was expressed that a total of 20 billion euros were given in loans from German banks in Turkey.

Article by: Yücel ÖZDEMİR

10 questions about Syria to President Erdoğan

We have 10 questions about Syria to President and AKP Leader Tayyip Erdoğan, who argued, they did not do anything wrong in Syria.

The president and AKP leader Tayyip Erdoğan, in assessing the agreement he made with Putin in relation to the Idlib issue during the parliamentary group meeting of his party the previous day, stated that “we have no doubt that we will also complete the test presented to us in Idlib reputably since we now see that not one step we took in Syria has been wrong.”

Yes, you did not misread, President Erdoğan did say “We have always done the right thing in Syria.” But upon forcing our memories slightly and recalling the policies implemented by the AKP-Erdoğan throughout the war-intervention process which has left its 7th year behind in Syria, it is impossible for several questions to arise.

For that reason, wondering whether “our memories are misleading us,” there is a need to pose a few questions to Erdoğan who stated that “We did not do anything wrong in Syria:”

1- In 2012, during the period when you attempted to lead the intervention of Syria, was it not the case that the Foreign Minister of the time Davutoğlu stated that “Asad will be toppled in 2 months” and that you yourself stated “God willing, we will soon be going to the Friday prayer in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus?” If it is the case your government did not commit a calculation mistake, Asad has not been toppled in the last 7 years and more importantly, why did you have to give up your designs to topple Asad?

2- if your government has always done the right thing, why is that Russia and Iran, the major supporters of Asad, whom you did all you could do to topple, have become your major allies in Syria?

3- At the period when your government, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, attempted to lead the policy of intervention in Syria, while the tens of thousands of radical Islamist militants who waltzed into Syria from all across the world became such a source of strife for both Turkey and the world, have you not even committed the smallest of mistakes that contributed to these forces becoming such a major threat?

4-  Was it not you who trusted ISIS, which Davutoğlu called “angry young people,” to the extent of spectating their taking hostage of Turkey’s Mosul Consulate staff and moreover, who presented ISIS’ siege of Kobani as a good tiding with the statements that “Kobani is about to fall or has fallen?” Very well then, what was it that transpired resulting in your redefinition of ISIS as “DEAŞ terror organisation” and declaring it as an enemy of Turkey? ISIS have massacred over 200 people in bomb attacks it committed in Turkey in this period and 71 soldiers died in the Euphrates Shield operation undertaken against ISIS. In these wrong policies which have made the country pay such a grave toll, isn’t there any part played by your government?

5- You undertook official talks in Ankara previously with Syrian Kurds who have stated that they do not pose a threat for Turkey and who even supported Turkey’s transfer of Süleyman Şah shrine against the ISIS threat. While the way for negotiations is still open today, are you sure about the validity of the warmongering policy of declaring the Syrian Kurds as “the greatest threat” and thereby creating the opportunity for imperialists to use the Kurdish question that entails also the risk of drawing the country into a regional war?

6- Was the US, with which you toppled Gaddafi in Libya and with which you collaborated in the initial period of the Syrian war, was right till then but became wrong once it began to collaborate with the Syrian Kurds (Syrian Democratic Forces) against ISIS?

7- Was it not you who changed tact from saying “our doors are always open to our Syrian brothers and sisters” because you regarded the arrival of Syrians to Turkey in the initial stages of the Syrian war as the basis of the policy of intervention in Syria to “for how long more are we going to feed them?” once the impasse reached by the policy of intervention became clear? If Turkey is facing a migration issue today, has there not been any role played by your own policies?

8- It was you yourself who stated in 2016 that “Mr Putin had made a request for al-Nusra to withdraw from Aleppo. We have relayed the necessary instructions on the issue to our friends.” What has transpired now that you included al-Nusra (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) about which Putin put a request to you in “the list of terror organisations?” Was it al-Nusra that changed or your policy?

9- You are stating that “we have no doubt that we will complete the test presented to us in Idlib reputably.” If you are so sure of your policies, let us enquire the following: was it not your government who supported the capture of Idlib in 2015 by the ‘Conquest Army’ led by Saudi Arabia and al-Nusra and Ahraru’ş Şam, who you include in the list of terror organisations now? If the agreement you have completed with Russia recently to eradicate these groups is right, how can the support you have provided to these groups yesteryear be right?

10- At the period (2016) when you apportioned the blame for the wrongdoing of the Syrian policy to Davutoğlu and steered the helm to collaboration with the foes of yesteryear, Russia and Iran, Numan Kurtulmuş, the spokesperson for the government, had stated that “the Syrian policy was wrong from the outset.” If today, after Idlib, Russia has no longer a use for you and just as the failure of your calculations to topple Asad, if your policy of obstructing Syrian Kurds from gaining a status in Syria were to fail -and this is no small possibility- would you, in that case, rather than reneging from this mistake which will cause Turkey to lose many a thing, including in relation to the Kurdish issue within the country, are you going to seek to wash your hands of responsibility by saying that “our policy was wrong from the outset?”

Article by: Yusuf KARATAS

EMEP: New Economic Plan is the proof of a plan to make the public pay for the crisis

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: New Economic Plan (NEP) creates new opportunities for monopolies and poverty for the people.

“President Tayyip Erdoğan and many government representatives deny the crisis triggered by the drop in the value of Turkish Lira, as “foreign manipulation”, saying “there is no crisis, there is psychological problems”. But the New Economic Plan (NEP)* announced by the Minister of Treasury, Berat Albayrak, is an admission of a rapid deterioration into a crisis.”

Chairwoman of the Labour Party (EMEP) Selma Gürkan, criticised the New Economic Plan of Erdoğan’s government with these words.

“Regardless of AKP attempts to define it, the dependent capitalist system and policies pursued by its staunch defender, the Erdoğan administration, are the cause of this crisis. Since taking power, Erdoğan’s focus has only been interests of himself and the capitalists behind him, working to enhance their gains. He is now trying to minimise his losses through this period; even trying to turn it into an advantage for himself. The NEP is the product of such an attempt” said Gürkan and added: “NEP, planned to span the next three years, predicts a smaller economy; a drop in industrial production; ever higher current account deficit; higher inflation and unemployment. This programme is a clear announcement of the beginning of a crisis, ‘heralding’ the hardship awaiting public in the coming months.”

According to Gürkan, the roadmap for the economy of Turkey in general, and public finances and employment in particular, summarises how the working classes will be made to pay for the crisis.


Gürkan’s statement is here:

“With this economic programme, turning the crisis into an opportunity, the gifts for the capitalist classes include; incentives, removal of redundancy pay, widespread flexible and part-time work, freezing of wages, reduction in social spending. Working classes will be stripped of their historical gains. NEP means the BES cuts – introduced as ‘individual retirement insurance’ but in essence another way of squeezing money out of the public – becoming established or the two month withdrawal period be extended until the end of the programme.

The public is told to accept this fraud and impoverishment; put up with it in the name of the survival of the country and the state. But, claiming that “austerity does not apply to prestige” they are building themselves palaces, purchasing luxury planes; not bothered at all by servicing their luxurious lifestyle by the public purse, at a time where suicides due to poverty and unemployment are on the rise.

Austerity is a sacrifice demanded only from workers. The public must adhere to this austerity; without any complaints about the high cost of education and healthcare, marketisation of public services, unemployment or lack of job security. Otherwise, the example of third airport workers- prosecuted for complaints on working conditions – should be a lesson; regardless of the level of oppression they suffer, they must be convinced that their complaint is a result of their own psychological problems!

The most striking recommendations of NEP to reduce the current accounts deficit, are the development of health tourism and an increase in the consumption of national products, linking it to the ‘national unity project’. Turning provision of health into a commodity led to health being the victim of economic interest; government guarantee of patients for hospitals built under public-private partnerships.

On the other hand, in terms of agricultural output, the country has been turned into a desert under the 16-yer rule of AKP; all grains, fruit and veg, and even hay is imported. There is no domestic product to be consumed.

Sackings already started due to crisis; workers are sentenced to poverty wages, with the threat of unemployment if their factories are shut; unpaid and forced holidays are on the increase; the abortion of collective bargaining agreements is on the agenda. Prices already burning holes in pockets; new price rises and direct/indirect taxes are on their way. Wages and rights of the workers are not the cause of this crisis; they have been well-pruned in the last 16 years.The debt that the government promised to pay the monopolies is not the debt of the 81 million, as stated by Necdet Takva, the TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Council Leader. Hence, this debt cannot be paid by the public; those that created this debt should be paying it.

The fitting response to the call for sacrifice – targeting few pennies left in the pockets of the workers – came from workers in Makel, Mercedes, the third airport, Cargill and Tüpraş. We are in no doubt that responses of this nature will increase. Crisis are periods where opportunity for coordinated struggle for the workers increase; workers can regain losses through such a struggle.

In this context, wages eroded by price rises and exchange rate manipulations should be increased; minimum wage should be determined with poverty levels in mind; basic commodity prices should be frozen; unlawful sackings should be banned; workers wages should be paid first in businesses that close down or go bankrupt. Meeting of these demands is compulsory to redress the losses and to establish minimum welfare. Workers will not give up on these demands. Policies that threaten their living and working conditions can only be defeated by a united struggle. Our party will work for this struggle to grow and strengthen.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

* Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak unveiled Turkey’s new economic program, called New Economic Plan (NEP), on September 20, Thursday.

Source: Evrensel Daily

Putin has given Erdoğan a new task by ‘honouring’ him

We can assert that Putin has gifted Erdoğan the feeling of a small success which will only prove to tie into his own success in the long run.

We had witnessed how Russia, Iran and Turkey had wanted to walk along the same line by espousing different positions in the summit on Idlib they held in Tehran. While Erdoğan’s insistence on ‘the declaration of a ceasefire’ amounted in essence to a diplomatic expression of Turkey’s strategy of remaining within the Syrian field, Putin’s emphasis on ‘the absence of terrorists around the table’ and Iran’s position of supporting this approach, had been a sign of the importance given by these two countries to the tactic of not excluding Turkey from their own axes and of not pushing it towards the US despite their determination for an operation against Idlib.

And in the days following, we also witnessed practices demonstrating Russia and Syria’s determination for an operation against Idlib even if it meant spreading it over time. As for Turkey, while paying care not to extract itself from the Russian axis, it has been displaying positions implying that it is where it was during the Tehran summit. The take of newspapers close to the government on Syria, on the other hand, has essentially been constructed around an axis of relaying the message that ‘Turkey is not content’ to Russia.

The tableau emerging from the summit taking place between Putin and Erdoğan a few days ago in Sochi under such an atmosphere seems conducive to a comprehensive interpretation in two major respects. The first of these is for Russia’s conduct along a general political axis of ejecting Turkey from the Syrian field over time while not pushing it towards the US’ axis when for Turkey, it is to be able to use the weight of Russia’s Syrian policy and the position enabled by conducting itself with Russia rather than the US axis as an opportunity for remaining as an actor in the Syrian field.

The second nexus within this nexus seems conducive to the following summation. The two leaders, in their joint statement emphasising their agreement for a disarmed region in Idlib, were, first and foremost, expressing their tendency of not breaking away from the same line in the Syrian field despite their differences.

As for the separate statements made by Putin and Erdoğan, there is a need to assess them separately. Putin’s emphasis that ‘This year, in 7 months our trade capacity has increased 34%’ should be read as an attempt to win over even more the Turkish public opinion and the media to the ‘Russia-Turkey’ axis at a time when its economy is experiencing a weighty tremor and when the tensions it’s experiencing with the US is being debated as one of the causes of this economic tremor. Given that it is not conceivable for Putin not to be able to predict how an intermediary formula about Idlib rather than the option of an operation against it immediately will be presented as a great Erdoğan success, we can assert that Putin has gifted Erdoğan the feeling of a small success which will only prove to tie in to his own success in the long run. But the not-so-easy cost of this gift for Erdoğan can be seen from the following statement by Putin: “The disarmed zone on 15th October, the fighters in al-Nusra will withdraw from this region. We have taken the decision to withdraw heavy weapons from that region with Mr Erdoğan’s recommendation. The control in that in the region will be ensured jointly by Russian and Turkish armies.”

And it is extremely clear that this means that the task of neutralising and sweeping away the jihadists groups, considered as the basis of Turkey’s remaining in the Syrian field, has been given down directly to Turkey by Russia. The stress on the joint mobilisation of Russian and Turkish armies to this end, therefore, seems to deserve the more realistic reading that ‘Russia will be following the process in the field along with its army.’ Is there a special need to separately state that at the subtext of this deputation of tasks is the emphasis, once again, that Turkey has been the protector of jihadist groups in Idlib? In other words, its attitude of ‘you know better about the jihadists, you deal with them.’ And now Putin has placed this in a packaging which the government media can present as an Erdoğan success.

Following the meeting, the absence of Erdoğan’s YPG and PYD emphasis in Putin’s speech has been a sign that the parties continue to hold different positions in relation to this issue.

Both these two nexuses, connected to one another as rings of the same chain, in actual fact, gets tied to a strategy about ending Turkey’s position in the Syrian region as a foreign force. It is known that this is the point on which Russia, Syria and Iran stand. But beyond these and what is correct is the acceptance of the reality that remaining in some other country’s soil cannot be legitimised as a need of the interests of one’s own. However, it is no longer a secret for anyone that the state policy led by Erdoğan will not accept such a position unless it is forced to and that it will resist to the last to remain there.

Source: Evrensel Daily

British trade unionists urge Turkish government to release construction workers

Several trade unionists in Britain called on the Turkish government to release 24 workers who protested for their basic rights, including edible food.


Several trade unionists in Britain including RMT, UNITE, BFAWU and TSSA called on the Turkish government to release 24 workers, who protested for their basic rights, including edible food, improved living conditions, better transport and to regularly receive payment.

Like other European trade unions, British trade unions declare full support for the construction workers and they will continue to be in solidarity with them. Unions are also monitoring the situation closely.

Here are some of the trade unions’ messages sent to Evrensel Daily’s London office:

Dear Friends,

On behalf of Unite, the UK’s largest union I call upon the Turkish Government to release without delay the construction workers arrested and imprisoned for participating in a protest for decent working conditions.

Construction is a dangerous industry but all risks to life and health can be prevented by responsible management. Unite is distressed to learn that in a ‘race against time’ to complete the airport safety standards are being swept aside. This is unacceptable, no project is worth such destruction to workers and their families.

The reported absence of proper welfare facilities, careless transportation resulting in accidents, the non-payment of wages and an aggressive culture is to be condemned.

The Construction Workers Union has the serious responsibility of representing and defending workers against such abuses. Imprisonment will not silence them nor will Unite be silenced. We stand shoulder to should in solidarity with workers demanding decent work and pay.

Together we can win.

Gail Cartmail, (Assistant General Secretary UNITE)

Dear Friends,

Solidarity to our sisters and brothers who have been arrested for standing up for workers rights. The Turkish government must release them immediately as this is a flagrant violation of ILO conventions and humans rights. If they don’t, they will rightly be condemned for their repressive and undemocratic actions. Victory for the workers!

Manuel Cortes (General Secretary TSSA)

Dear Friends,

The BFAWU condemns in the strongest terms the actions taken on behalf of the Erdogan Government by the Turkish Police and gendarmes in attacking workers standing up for their rights not to be killed or injured at work. We call for the immediate release of the 24 workers arrested for exercising their rights to protest at their workplace conditions. The BFAWU will commit to raise these dreadful events the suffering and injustices that is happening to the workers across Turkey through our trade union links.

We send our support, best wishes and solidarity to all those standing up and fighting for their basic rights of health and safety at work for freedom of expression and acces to justice.

In Solidarity

Ian Hodson (National President Bakers, Food & Allied Workers Union BFAWU)

Dear Friends,

The RMT stands in solidarity with the Turkish Workers who are suffering at the hands of the Erdogan regime.The economic crises and fall in currency has led to ever increasing attacks on Workers rights by the Turkish government.We stand in total solidarity with the 24 Workers arrested for demand health and safety at work .Long live international solidarity

Steve Hedley (Assistant General Secretary RMT)


‘An injury to one is an injury to all’

Unite supports exiled Kurdish journalist

Following its support of a TUC Congress motion against the authoritarian tactics of the Turkish government, Unite has spoken in support of a young Kurdish journalist who is exiled in London after her home was raided by Turkey’s authorities.

Under the county’s dictatorial president Recep Tayyip Erdogan the state has arrested thousands of people, including academics, journalists and politicians, for no other reason than their perceived political dissent.

Since an attempted coup in 2016, more than 160,000 people have imprisoned and around 150,000 public-sector workers have been removed from their jobs.

Journalist and biomedical graduate Sarya Tunc avoided arrest after travelling to the UK earlier this year to learn English in order to embark on a PhD in genetics.


Tunc, who is Kurdish and member of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP), was forced to claim asylum in Britain after the Turkish authorities raided her home while she was away.

Tunc’s father, brothers and uncle have also been forced to leave the country under the threat of jail by the Erdogan regime.

Sadly, Tunc’s mother is unable to join her relatives because the Turkish authorities have confiscated her passport.

As well as coming from Turkey’s persecuted Kurdish minority, the family has also drawn the ire of Erdogan’s government because of their history of journalism and political activism.

Tunc, who is as journalist for the feminist website Ekmek ve Gul (Bread and Roses), said, “Turkey has jailed more journalists than anywhere in the world. Those not in prison are working under pressure facing the threat of jail or closure of their newspaper or media organisation. During the state of emergency Erdogan banned strikes and told bosses he was doing it for them. Working conditions are worsening so despite the ban workers went on strike.

‘Cities and streets burned’

“In my country academics who wanted peace are taken to court. In the east of the country most of the cities and streets are burned and Kurdish people are on trial. The economic and political situation is worsening and the Erdogan regime is increasing pressure.

Highlighting the fact that Erdogan received a warm welcome by the UK government during his election campaign in May, Tunc said it was wrong for Britain to support his regime.

She said, “Anybody who is interested in the cause of democracy should tell the UK government to stop supporting Erdogan.”

Unite executive council member Tommy Murphy, (pictured above with Tunc) who this week seconded a TUC Congress motion decrying the Turkish regime’s “war against its own people” and calling for the release of political prisoners – including Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan – agreed.

He said, “Anyone who has an opposing view of Erdogan is labelled a terrorist no matter what: It could be you don’t like his tie. He has such an authoritarian grip on Turkey.”

Murphy said Tunc, who is unable to work in the UK and has been provided with no support by the government, is one among countless victims of Erdogan’s increasingly fascist hold over Turkey.

He said, “Her dignity has been stripped by the Turkish government and by our government because they’re not helping at all. In Sarya’s case as a trade unionist and as a member of our movement, an injury to one is an injury to all. We need to show support for her fellow brothers and sisters in Turkey as well.”

Anyone wishing to donate to Tunc’s solidarity fund should contract stevesweeneyfreelance@gmail.com.

Source: UniteLive

Hayatın Sesi TV owner and managers charged with 3 years and 9 months imprisonment

The owners of Hayatın Sesi TV, Mustafa Kara and İsmail Gökhan Bayram and General Director Gökhan Çetin, charged with 3 years, 9 months imprisonment.

The owners of the Hayatın Sesi TV, Mustafa Kara and İsmail Gökhan Bayram and General Director Gökhan Çetin, charged with 3 years and 9 months imprisonment with claims that they have been “aggregately spreading propaganda of ISIS, PKK and TAK”.

Hayatın Sesi TV was closed with emergency decrees of law (KHK) after the coup attempt on July, 2016.


Istanbul Public Prosecutor Fahrettin Kemal Yerli, who prepared the indictment, claims that ISID, TAK, and PKK propaganda were carried out in the publication of Hayatın Sesi TV channel. Among the accusations that are subject to the indictment are the last minute and live broadcast news about the incident on October 10, the Ankara Massacre, Ankara Güvenpark on March 13, 2016, and the bombing attack on Taksim Square on March 19, 2016

Yerli demanded the punishment of Kara, Bayram and Çetin by interpreting the publication of the images as “serving as a terrorist organization for the purpose and making propaganda of the organization”.


Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) monitors Marianne Mikko and Nigel Evans denounced conviction of executives of shut-down Hayatın Sesi TV channel to prison; urged Turkey to allow journalists reporting free from fear & align media freedom legislation and practice with Strasbourg Court of Human Rights case-law.


On May 30, Kara and Bayram made a defence in the first stance. Kara said public service publications are all about communicating facts to the public. “In all of these publications, we have a clear reaction to the death of people and criticism against the state is because of the reason it wasn’t prevented. It is irrational to carry out the propaganda of all terrorist organizations at the same time. I do not think it is right for television activities based on RTÜK complaints to be the subject of heavy penalties. ”

Bayram also stated in his defence that the publishing principles of the Hayatın Sesi TV are always for peace and against the killing of people without exception and that it is unwise to propagate different terrorist organizations at the same time.

Çetin, who defended in the 2nd stance on November 7, voiced that the indictment was prepared in order to produce justification for the closing the channel after the closure of Hayatın Sesi TV Channel.

Çetin, who underlined the fact that the Television of Hayatın Sesi TV has watched a broadcasting policy from the side of the peace and not the side of the war and the battle during the broadcasting life, said that “The indictment consists of hot and instant images. It is also the indictment charges that a citizen’s reaction to the terrorist attack in Ankara and the interviews with the citizens of the Cudi neighbourhood about the people living in Cizre are broadcasted to the audience on a program on television. Defending the peace and absence of death is generally considered to be equivalent to ‘propaganda of a terrorist organisation’.”



24 workers arrested over protests at new İstanbul airport site

A Turkish court has arrested 24 workers after protests over labour conditions at the construction of İstanbul’s new airport.

A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered 24 workers and union activists to stay in jail after they were detained in a mass crackdown over protests on working conditions at İstanbul’s new airport.


Police and gendarmes fired tear gas at a workers’ protest over poor working conditions during the construction of Istanbul’s new airport, a showcase mega-project for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government. The workers began strike action early on September 14, Friday and the number of protestors increased during the day.

The Union of Construction Workers said on Twitter that workers were on strike because of the increasing number who had lost their lives or been injured as a result of workplace accidents, and due to worsening working conditions as authorities rush to open the airport on Oct. 29.

“In the last couple of days, two of our friends fell from the roof, one of them is right now in surgery. Our working conditions are horrible,” one worker told Evrensel. Two shuttle buses carrying airport construction workers crashed this week injuring 17 people.

Workers complain they have to wait for hours in the rain for shuttle buses to arrive to take them to and from work and say their dormitories are full of bedbugs and fleas.

According to the workers, many sub-contractors working on the project have gone bankrupt as a result of the Turkish lira dropping by 40 per cent this year and have left the project without paying wages. “Those working for the prime contractor are being paid, but most of those working for sub-contractors cannot get their salaries,” one worker said.

“You say this is a world project, but then you fail to feed your workers in a sector earning millions of dollars,” said another worker, explaining that workers recruited by sub-contractors were not allowed to eat at cafeterias on the site. The airport, set to be the largest in Europe, is being built by a consortium of Turkish companies with close links to the government.

“The workers are not even allowed to go to the toilet. We do not even have refrigerators. We are taking showers by using the water coming from ponds near the constructions site,” another worker said.

A union representative told Evrensel that workers who had been filming the protests were threatened. Some 30,000 people work at the construction site.


On Saturday morning Turkish police and gendarmes launched an operation in the construction site and detained more than 500 people, including workers and trade union representatives, who commenced the strike.

The police and gendarmes entered the dorms of the workers by breaking doors on Saturday and detained workers whose names were on a list handed to them, the Union of Construction Workers said on Twitter. Around 2,000 workers continue the strike at the construction site.


Economy of Turkey is heading for a crash

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Durmuş: No matter what you do, there is no chance of this economy to grow like before, we are headed towards a big crash.

One US dollar was 3.40TL in September 2017 and today it is around 6.40TL. Inflation in August reached 18%, the highest level in 15 years, and experts say that CPI is at least 30%. The latest example of ‘rise in price from A to Z’ is the 50% increase in admission prices to museums and historical sites. In contrast to the statements that “the increase in the dollar will not affect the people”, we feel more acutely the consequences of the record drop in the value of the Turkish Lira. It is clearly stated in the report on inflation by the Central Bank (CB) that problems will deepen and price increases, primarily in food products, will continue…

President Erdoğan, who is also the leader of AKP, says “We will overcome this”. On his return from Kyrgyzstan, Erdoğan claimed inflation will soon come down to single figures and current problems will be overcome. The answer to the question of “How?” came from Finance Minister Berat Albayrak: “We are introducing serious austerity measures. We declare total war on inflation!”

At what stage is the crisis? What are these austerity measures? Is trade with local and national money possible? Is IMF the only option? Can we prevent the workers being burdened with the bill for this crisis?…

We discussed the crisis – the dominant agenda of the public – with academician Prof. Dr Mustafa Durmuş. Durmuş added to his contributions to economic studies last year with his book ‘Turkish Economy in the claws of Crisis, Coup and War’ published last year. He continues to write for sendika.org.

Prices of everything, from food to transport, is increasing and the CB itself is saying that increases will continue. Turkey is sinking according to the main opposition party, CHP. Is this the outcome? At which stage of the crisis are we?

The Turkish economy is facing its worst crisis in history, which I believe will deepen and much clearer signs of it will be observed within the next few months. This is a very rapid process but it has been going on for a while; its increased speed was foreseen.

This is neither the first nor the last crisis Turkey will face. I remember the crisis of 40 years ago, at the end of the 70s. Capitalism could only overcome this crisis with the military dictatorship of 12 September (1980) and the accompanying neo-liberal accumulation strategy and policies. But the people paid the price; democratic rights and freedoms were suspended along with a reduction in wages and price increases. That was followed by the crisis in 2001 where 20 banks were taken into public ownership, saving their owners. This crisis threw us into the arms of the AKP leadership. The path was cleared for the AKP; political Islamist, neo-liberal, faithful to the policies of Kemal Derviş, becoming fully integrated with international capital and later becoming more and more authoritarian. Turkish economy entered another deep crisis after 16 years, as their strategy started stumbling from 2013 onwards.

Mustafa Durmuş
Fotoğraf: Evrensel
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Durmuş

What kind of a crisis are we going through?

In essence, this is a crisis of Turkish capitalism, which is dependent on foreign investment. It is manifested in a crisis of payment balances (rapid rise in exchange rates), the foreign debt crisis of the private sector and a potential banking crisis. The first phase is complete and the second phase has started. The final phase of such a crisis is a deep recession; the shrinking of the economy in real terms.

In reality, the regime for increasing accumulation in Turkish capitalism, implemented for the last 16 years, is in a deadlock and cannot continue. This requires a change similar to the previous ones. This change will not only be in economic strategy and is necessary also in politics; the fact that the regime being built is more authoritarian and totalitarian since 2016 proves our thesis. The economic crisis from below causes unavoidable changes above. Without a doubt, such a change is not on the side of democracy.

In other words, I believe that the formulation of a way out of this crisis by the ruling classes will be a hardening stance; becoming more authoritarian; further articulation to the global capitalist system, while burdening the working classes with the political and financial costs.

The ruling block claims that the economic hardship is a result of the actions of foreign powers, especially the US. They also vehemently defend the thesis “We are fighting terrorist forces both domestically and internationally, we are carrying out cross-border operations, of course, this will have economic costs!” What do you say to the link between security politics and the crisis?

The crisis is mainly based on financial reasons but political and geopolitical reasons are also very important. Current political line rendered Turkey structurally dependent on foreign forces, like a semi-colonial country; another unique situation has risen in recent years. Especially after 2013, geopolitical risks rose sharply. There was a peace process until 2013, and then the table was instantly turned over and we witnessed a return to war. This led to an inevitable increase in military spending. The country started to get embroiled in the Syrian war at the same time. Furthermore, post-2013, infighting between the Gulenist Jamaah and the AKP took place, which reached its pinnacle with the attempted military coup in July 2015. This was followed by OHAL (State of Emergency) and the burden of related conditions on the economy; snap elections of 24 June; the tension between Trump and Erdoğan, which impacted on the exchange rate; all leading to increasing political and economic uncertainty…These have been the political contributors to the crisis and hit the economy.


Erdoğan, calling on the public to exchange their dollars, saying “they have their dollars and we have our god” last week said, “this will come to pass”. The answer to how this will happen came from Berat Albayrak. Albayrak said that total war will be launched against inflation and that strong monetary and financial policies will be introduced. What does this mean and can it be a solution?

The rulership is talking about the exchange rates but if you ask me inflation is the real problem; even more important than unemployment. As you know, inflation in ÜFE (PPI) reached 18% and in TÜFE (CPI) above 32%. This means that producers will pass these costs on to customers in the coming months. In this situation, inflation will continue to rise. Do not be surprised if it reaches 25% at the end of the year. People see in shops and markets today that prices are increasing by 30 to 50%. The government continues to increase gas, electricity and petrol prices. We will soon see the Mid-term Program (OVP); Albayrak says “Fighting inflation will be the main priority” but President Erdoğan thinks otherwise. It was revealed in his recent 100-day action plan that the inflationist growth model will be continued. There is a clear disagreement.

What kind of disagreement?

Erdoğan wants the current growth strategy to continue; at least until the local elections. But this strategy will lead to an increase both in deficit and inflation. The finance minister is talking about a programme that targets to control the increase in inflation. The two approaches are contradictory; I believe that power is at the hands of the Palace. We need to wait and see how it is reflected in the OVP. There is also another factor that we must acknowledge; economic growth started slowing in the second quarter. IMF and World Bank reports point to a big shrinkage in 2019. Regardless of intentions, current conditions point to this: regardless of what you try, you cannot grow this economy – even artificially- as you did in the past, you are on a path to a serious crisis. This will certainly have political consequences.


On the day Albayrak said they will “take serious austerity measures such as selling luxury official vehicles and cuts in public spending”, we learnt that in a reception held at the Palace on 30 August guests were served ‘Dragon Fruit Juice’ and other food and drinks we cannot even pronounce. There was an 18% reduction in the budget of MEB (Ministry of Education) around the same time. How would you evaluate the statement of ‘austerity’ in the light of these developments?

In the public eye, they have to seem to be austere; this is why they make such statements. However, despite media monopoly, someone writes about the menu at the Palace; and the public – including their own voter base – react to this news with disgruntlement. When you cannot find any affordable fruit at the market under 5TL, it is natural that people question consumption of fruits that cost hundreds of TLs. This kind of political rulers enforces austerity and tightening of belts only on the public, not themselves. They could take symbolic steps such as reducing the number of luxury official vehicles but the real question has to be: ‘why this level of luxury?’ We are the leading country among the European countries in the use of luxury vehicles for official use. This has become our lifestyle. If you go to Kocatepe Camii on a Friday, you will see hundreds of luxury official cars and armies of security officers bringing politicians and bureaucrats to Friday prayer. I am not sure if they can give up these luxuries. However, the public will face serious limitations; we saw the cuts in educational expenditure and this was already happening in healthcare. These ‘tightening the belt’ measures will be increasingly forced on the public in the coming days.

This needs to be exposed. However, I do not believe that we have the political opposition to expose this. It is very hard to change people’s opinions without overcoming the effects of neo-liberal populism. Furthermore, as the crisis deepens, instead of a shift to the left and strengthening of the opposition, it is possible to say that fascistic tendencies will increase. Developments worldwide show the same trend.

The recent banning of the action by the Saturday Mothers and strikes are pointing to this kind of tendency…

Exactly. We have examples of this in history. The economic crisis is an absolute must to build such a regime. If you look at Germany in the 1930s and Italy before that; you can see that the common factor in both cases was an economic crisis. If the working class and the wider working population are not organised, that is where you will end up.

Turkey is not going only through a financial and political crisis; the country is in a multi-crisis state. The ecological crisis is just as important. Social crisis exists mostly manifested in suicides, etc. We can see that these can transform into something else in the near future. Academic Fikret Başkaya calls this a “collapse”. I don’t think we are at that stage yet but definitely getting closer.

We can also see the decay in the system. The example of Halk Bank, where foreign currency was sold for half the exchange rate for a while with no investigation or not a single resignation of the culprits, shows the level of decay in the system. We see some deviant behaviour, which again is a sign of decay but there is still a chance to build something from this. We need to focus on those buds. We need to focus there for the solution and go to those that will bring this change.


So, how do workers overcome this, how can we stop the public footing the bill of the crisis?

Marx, in his foreword to ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy’, says: “Mankind thus inevitably sets itself only such tasks as it is able to solve…that the problem itself arises only when the material conditions for its solution are already present or at least in the course of formation.” Someone else, I cannot remember who right now, said: “if you want to find a solution, you cannot go to those who created the problem.” Starting from these two statements I can confidently say this; if the cause of the economic crisis in Turkey is neo-liberal capital, capital accumulation strategies and the political will that pursues this, they cannot provide the solution. The refusal of the current paradigm is a precondition. This requires us to discuss the anti-capitalist development and a strategy to come out of the crisis. A radical transformation of the paradigm, the political leadership that is responsible for it and economical modes of production and consumption are necessary. We seriously need to bring the reorganisation of production relations to the agenda.

Source: Evrensel Daily

Saturday Mothers subject to police violence on 700th week of vigil for disappeared loved ones

Saturday Mothers subject to police violence on 700th week of vigil for disappeared loved ones                          
On the 700th week of one of the longest running peaceful protests in Turkey, the Saturday mothers and their supporters congregated in Galatasaray Square at midday. Across Europe solidarity vigils were held to support the demands of the Saturday mothers and raise awareness of this ongoing fight for those responsible to be held accountable for the extrajudicial killings and disappearances in state custody.

Support for the Saturday mothers has been increasing across Turkey and Europe, and their just cause has rightfully gained prominence. It is within this backdrop that the Istanbul Governor announced that the 700th Saturday Mothers vigil was banned.

Defying the ban, the Saturday mothers announced on their twitter feed “under all circumstances we have held a vigil in this square for 699 weeks. We will be there again this week.”

Whilst peaceful solidarity demonstrations were convening in Europe, the Saturday mothers and their supporters in Istanbul Galatasaray square were met with police aggression and violence. Turkish police refused to allow entry into Galatasary Square, but the Saturday mothers, supported by opposition MPs, leaders, lawyers and activists resisted this undemocratic restriction on the freedom of assembly and protest. Pervin Buldan and Sezai Temelli, co-chairs of the HDP; Garo Paylan, Ahmet Sik and Erkan Bas, HDP MPs; as well as Ali Seker, Sezgin Tanrikulu, Onursal Adiguzel, CHP MPs attended Galatasaray Square in support of the Saturday mothers, and were amongst the resisting group of protestors who managed to gain entry to Galatasaray Square and hold a vigil. The police attacked protestors outside of Galatasaray Square with plastic bullets and teargas. During the clashes Levent Gokcek, DISK/Gida-IS Trade Union General Secretary was also arrested. The vigil was attended by many trade union and political parties representatives including KESK, EMEP, ÖDP and TİP.

25 people, including the loved ones of the disappeared, journalists and activists were assaulted by police and arrested.

The plight of the Saturday mothers raises fundamental questions about arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killing, access to justice and due process in a country that is increasingly autocratic and has no respect for democracy.

This afternoon hundreds gathered in Trafalgar Square to raise our voices in support of the Saturday mothers.

SPOT stands in solidarity with the Saturday mothers who represent the social conscience of a country that is increasingly unashamed in its refusal to respect democratic rights, rule of law and due process. We also condemn the political support given to Erdogan regime by the British government which legitimises the attacks on democratic forces and call for trade unions, political parties and others to condemn state brutality in Turkey.

As the SPOT steering group we invite you to join us in raising awareness of situation in Turkey and the fight for justice that the Saturday mothers represent.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey

Is Trump responsible for the situation of Turkey’s economy?

Trump cannot be held responsible if a country’s leader cannot find any example to turn to when he talks about ‘domestic and national goods’.

I stated before that, there will be sharp decreases in the value of Turkish Lira (TL) beginning in autumn, and the government will head to the local elections with a quite problematic economy. The recent events in the foreign policy accelerated the process, which seems inevitable. A fall in (currency) value happened beyond the expectations. While the exchange rate of dollar/TL is fluctuating between the wide values of 5.80-7.60, it was an opportunity for speculators.

There is an economical and political basis of this matter. Firstly, the AKP government must come to terms with this fact. The transformation, which has been experienced since 2002 under the AKP rule, created an economic structure, which is dependent on other foreign countries from agriculture to industry, and funded by the short-term foreign capital inflow. This transformation happened among the applause of the media and leaders of the western countries, who are now labelled as imperialist by the AKP government. The fall of base rate interest in the developed capitalist countries encouraged this transformation.

It was a well-known fact by everyone that this unstable economy, funded with the short-term foreign capital inflow, would experience problems once the interest rates in developed capitalist countries increased. Even if the national media turns a blind eye to the reality, identifying Turkey as the most at risk of the “fragile economies” was not without foundation. That the direction of international capital movements was channelled towards developed capitalist economies and that this coincided with the AKP foreign policy hitting a dead end exacerbated the conditions. Frequent tensions with the USA and the other western countries increased instability in relation to the risk premium of Turkish assets and the exchange rate.

We should highlight that the government’s management of the crisis could not have been worse. The government should reflect on how after every speech made by Erdoğan the Turkish Lira was devalued. This has been the case for a long time. Erdoğan addressed his speeches solely with the aim of reassuring his supporters, then another official was left to tidy up the collateral damage. In the past, the likes of Babacan, Başçı or Şimşek undertook this role. After Şimşek, it is notable that this role has not been filled.

Erdoğan’s weekend speech, which threw the market into flux and the rumblings that the foreign currency deposit accounts will be confiscated or they will be paid from the fixed rate as Turkish Liras, is a good example of this. In fact, this rumour has been circulating for a long time. Not only did the government overlook this situation, but it also triggered anxiety by threatening those who do not change their foreign currency. Maybe this was the most important point that we expected to see in Albayrak’s presentation. But he also made no mention of it and confined himself to a presentation, which did not meet expectations. Of course, Erdoğan’s speech in the aftermath created a unique opportunity for speculators.

So, what is waiting for us in the upcoming period? To begin with, it is clear that if the current exchange rate and interest rates are sustained, there will be devastating results for the economy. The problems of the real economy in the credit returns will not only burden the banking system but also distress the European banks. Besides, there will be a prominent rise in the risk premiums in other developing countries. We recently saw the rehearsal of this situation. It is impossible for Turkey, an economy which is interdependent with international economies, to remain as an isolated incident. For this reason, the efforts of other countries, particularly Europe, are not without reason.

Even if the political tension is not completely solved, we can expect it to fall. Even though the government would prefer to explain the situation that Turkey’s economy has been dragged into simply from a political perspective, this is not possible. If Turkey’s economy faces a crisis when there is tension between imperialist countries, the political leadership – the architect of the current accumulation model – has a big role in this result. Trump can be many things. However, Trump cannot be held responsible, if a country’s leader who is in power for 16 years cannot find any example to turn to when he talks about “domestic and national goods”.

Article written by Murat BİRDAL

Translated by: Cansu Güneş İspir

Worthless isolation!

Erdoğan and his rulership brought the country to the economic and political crisis and ruin and worthless isolation.

Having attempted in 2011 to become the leading country in the intervention in Syria, and becoming enemies with its neighbours, Turkey was also abandoned by imperialist powers that initially supported this policy. At the time, to cover the predicament they found themselves in, the AKP – Erdoğan leadership came up with a new concept; Valuable Loneliness!

Contrary to the common belief that it was the then Prime Minister Davutoğlu, the person that came up with this concept was the current Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın – senior consultant for external affairs at the time. The leadership defined ‘valuable loneliness’ as an honourable stance, Turkey’s determination to single-handedly defend the truth in the region (Middle East).

And now on to Erdoğan’s article in the NYT on “finding new friends”…

In the capitalist system, you cannot find ‘new friends’ – read new markets – just like that. Let’s look at the latest figures: Turkish international trade in 2017 was 391 billion dollars (imports 234 and exports 157 billion dollars). Almost half of this trade is with the EU and the US. Furthermore, approximately 70 per cent of the foreign monopolies that invest in Turkey is also from the same countries. Foreign monopolies withdraw from countries where their interests are threatened; =-pence, following the 15 July coup attempt, in a meeting organized by TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) and International Investors Association of Turkey (YASED), Erdoğan said “Any investor that worked with us in the last 14 years never lost in this country. On the contrary, they gained and will continue to gain… We will not do anything that will hurt or upset investors. I for one will not allow this. Do not be concerned.”

Consequently, a regime that is so dependent on western monopolies will find it hard to make ‘new friends’; in the event that it does, as in the case of Russia and China, these ‘friends’ will exploit Turkey’s predicament and impose further aggravated conditions.

Hence Erdoğan and his rulership brought the country to the economic and political crisis and ruin and worthless isolation.

Is there not a new path, a way out for Turkey?

Of course, there is. But this path is not one that is based on supplementing one imperialist or another; one that is unashamedly admits that it uses OHAL (State of Emergency) and politics of oppression for the interests of bosses; it is not one that can be taken by the Erdoğan rulership, which says “I am the guarantor of your interests” to national and foreign investment. Because, to enter this path, an economy-politics that prioritises humane living and working conditions for primarily the working class and the rural population and puts interests of the people at the centre is needed; as opposed to using the resources of the country to save monopolies.

Such a path requires all dependency relations with imperialists to be severed; a new foreign policy that seeks peace with neighbours and reinforces peoples’ right to self-determination must be established.

Such a path requires a real democracy, a peoples’ democracy that wrests the rule from ‘one man’ and gives it to the people.

In short, a struggle for work, bread, independence, peace and democracy by the working class and the people is the only way to save the country from this worthless isolation that the rulership dragged the country into.

Article by Yusuf KARATAS

Can we be on the same ship?

What the labourer people and the workers should do is to stop thinking of someone else’s ship, but to own themselves and their own future

On ordinary days no one speaks of the ship. Or when the ship is mentioned, the debate goes on another direction.

Remember. There was a ship debate once in a while. Then there was a more recent island debate. The island was very close to England, a “zero tax” paradise. The money was sent from here, not from there, it was surrounded, swindled, but the truth remained true. Bilal Bey, the brother of the “reis” and the son in law had a common account on the island. There was no crime! Anyone could open an account in the desired island, send money to that account from other islands or land, and withdraw it. There was no problem.

Anyone can send money or credit to any account or place. Can’t American or German monopolies, City Group or Deutsche Bank, for example, send foreign currency to Turkey to make joint investments with “local national” companies?  It is not a crime, weren’t they even quite happy with the belief that “how high the credibility of our country is, how much foreign capital comes”? They were very happy because  “hot money came”. Foreign capital was good when it came in the type of direct investment, credit, etc… It was the indicator of the growth of the Turkish economy. It was being bragged about. It wasn’t allowed to say something bad about foreigners and their capital. It was said, “capital is capital”. As if it was learned after a while that all this capital comes in terms of interest, it was not a problem when the debt was borrowed with billions of dollars, but when congestion started. And now there is a problem when Trump blocks impositions and his credit taps when there is no credit to pay back old debt rates.

Who took the debts from strangers? Who invited foreign capital to the country? Do those have the right to complain?

There were times when those who wanted freedom to send the money they wanted bought ships. At that time, the “chieftain” claimed that it was an acceptable size, saying “little ship”. The ship was neither for “all of us” nor “we” were all on that ship! The first “little ship” was bought from Malta for millions of dollars. It was built in Besiktas Shipyard in 2014. It was 140 meters long, 16 meters wide. It has the capacity to carry 7 thousand 100 DWT chemical products. There was not a single ship, they multiplied the number of the ships.

We were neither on board, nor we got off the ship! They did not put any of us on board. Which ship owner filled the ship with the people, workers and farmers?! The ones that are put on the ship or the ones that are inside are the wheelers and the crew. They also run a three-pound money-back, and their lives are dethroned under heavy work conditions. It’s like this on all ships. They also work for a pittance, and their lives are dethroned under heavy work conditions. It’s like this on all ships. Only cruise ships are for fun. Only in those cruise ships people are all on the same boat. But what a ship!

Most people know about the sinking Titanic. Rich customers are on the upper floors. The crew are underneath. And those who travel the cheapest at the bottom. Even when the ship was sinking, they were not allowed to open their gears and go up and save their lives. Earlier, the ships had paddle-like slaves called fords. They would stand rowing. The warehouses were often full of black slaves, who were transported from Africa to America.

Haa, when A. Hakan said that we are on the same ship, or when M. İnce, who accepts to be on the ship of the “chieftain” and makes the “we are on the same ship” calls from here, they liken us to these slaves!

They neither shared the vessels with us nor allowed us to get on their ships. Now, when they are stuck, they say that  “ship is all ours”, “we are all on the same ship” and they are waiting for us to rescue their ships that are sitting on the ground!

No, we’re not on the same ship! Everyone has their own ship and boat! Everybody should do their own business.

What the labourer people and the workers should do is to stop thinking of someone else’s ship, but to own themselves and their own future.

Article by Mustafa YALCINER

EMEP’s statement on the U.S. sanctions: Let’s put an end to imperialism and its cronies

‘The U.S.’s sanctions against Turkey must be ceased’, states Selma Gürkan, chairman of EMEP, but also makes a call to stand against AKP’s policies.

“The U.S.´s sanctions against Turkey must be ceased”, states Selma Gürkan, the chairman of the Labour Party (EMEP), and argues that the expansionist policies of AKP must also come to an end.

Assessing the U.S’s sanctions against Turkey, Selma Gürkan stressed that “The U.S´s decisions of sanction cannot be accepted. There cannot be any common interest between the U.S & Trump government and Turkey & peoples within the region. The U.S should put an end to the sanctions and stop interfering in Turkey and within the region. Erdoğan and his government must put an end to the expansionist and warmonger policies domestically and internationally”.

Selma Gürkan continued with the following comments:

“Erdoğan and his government is bargaining with Trump and US government for a long time over the release of the priest Brunson. As a result of these bargains, priest Brunson´s imprisonment has turned into a home detention. However, this did not solve the problem and with the U.S.’s decision to enforce sanctions, it has tuned into a political crisis.

The decision by the US Treasury Department to impose sanctions against the interior minister Süleyman Soylu and the minister of justice Abdülhamit Gül reveals that the tension between Trump and Erdoğan government will continue to escalate.


Of course, the sanction decision of US, which is still the most powerful imperialist country in the world, is unacceptable. In fact, the anti-imperialist wind that Erdoğan and his capitalist government are trying to create, is a balloon of lies which is inflated by self-interested bargaining. On the other hand, the arguments that Turkey has an independent judiciary, and that the government cannot intervene is beyond being funny.

Erdoğan and his capitalist government’s call to ensure that the “interests of the two countries should not be harmed” is the reflection of this logic. There cannot be any common interests between the U.S. & Trump government with that of Turkey and the people of the region. At the most, there could be the interests of cronies who negotiate to increase their own values.

Erdoğan and the capitalist forces behind him use interventions of this kind by the U.S. and the western imperialists as a rationale for the masses to embrace the single man regime´s warmongering, expansionist policies. This logic and the political trajectory is compatible with the U.S. interests and bears no meaning other than re-marketing the country to America.

Without getting rid of this approach and these policies, it is not possible for Turkey to pursue independence and free itself from the deepening crises it has been facing. Moreover, it is crystal clear that Turkey faces the consequences of these policies. The exploited and oppressed Turkish, Kurdish and Arab people of the region suffer the results.

We call the masses of the workers and proletarians to reject this. If any sacrifice is to be made, it should made in the anti-imperialist struggle which defends the politics of peace, both domestically and internationally against the economic and commercial dominance of the imperialist countries, particularly the U.S.

Translated by: Cansu Güneş İspir 


White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Wednesday, the U.S. would impose sanctions on Turkish ministers of justice and interior for not releasing American Pastor Andrew Craig Brunson who faces “terrorism charges” in Turkey.

Sanders said the U.S. would block the properties, if any, of the two Turkish ministers.

In a written statement published, the U.S. Ministry of Treasury said Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gul and Minister of Interior Suleyman Soylu “played leading roles in the organizations responsible for the arrest and detention of Pastor Andrew Brunson”.

According to the U.S. law, those mentioned on the sanctions list face blocking of their properties (if they are any) and are prevented from having trade relations with the U.S.


Pastor Andrew Brunson has been charged with “spying for the PKK — a designated terrorist group in the U.S. and Turkey — and the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind the defeated July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey”.

The American pastor was arrested in October 2016; later, the Izmir 5th Penal Court of Peace ordered on Dec. 9, 2016, Brunson’s continued detention pending trial.

On July 25, the High Criminal Court No:2 in Izmir decided to turn Brunson’s detention into house arrest in light of his health problems. (AA)

‘There is no condition that Erdoğan can govern the Turkey under the ordinary rule of law’

Political Scientist Süreyya Algül: There is no condition that Erdoğan can govern the country under the ordinary rule of law any more.

In our interview with Dr. Süreyya Algül, we discussed the 15 July coup attempt, which will be in the second year in a few days, with the role of restructuring the state. How did even the Turkish Grand National Assembly get bombed in a coup attempt? What role did the OHAL and KHK play in the process of single man regime? How was the struggle against the putschists directed toward the workers, the academicians who fight against the war, critize the ruling party, and toward the workers  who go on strike for their rights? Will the removal of the OHAL make a difference?

Süreyya Algül, who signed the peace report and was dismissed with the February 2017 KHK from the Political Science and International Relations Department of  Yıldız Technical University, replied.

It has been over two years, but a series of questions like why the military did not prevent the coup, why the top commanders of the army went to their homes and to their homes when a major man went to MIT (intelligence service) to report the coup. Nothing has emerged from the research commission established for this. What is the explanation for these cannot be answered despite the dominance in the police, intelligence, the military and the army?

The answer to this question is hidden in the words of dominance in your question. If the Assembly, including the research and inquiry committees, is not independent from the executive branch, if it is unable to function within a limited autonomous status provided by the legal framework against power, and if the judiciary,which must be independent and impartial, is to lose its qualitiesto a great extent, if we have a media like the one we have today, we are faced with the so-called truth, not the simple reality, but the manipulated or wholly manufactured. This is what it is! But this was happening yesterday, too. For example, I have to say this about the topic the Parliament Coup Research Commission; in the past, if a parliamentary commission of inquiry or investigation was being established, it was almost everybody else’s guess, except for some exceptions, that it was usually aimed at the assimilation of the public expectation and the demise of the subject, not the fact that it was actually investigated and questioned. This is a tradition of Turkey with new and old one. But of course all the problems in these areas are, manipulated or fabricated supposedly been offered in the fact that the scale and audacity are now so much bigger, reality of new Turkey!


Neither the partnership with the Gülen community cost anything  to the government, nor did the political footprint of the coup come in sight. While it was enough to say ‘we are deceived, my Lord, our people may forgive us”, why was the ‘struggle with putschists directed to the soldiers on the roads on July 15 or to the scholars who wanted peace?

Unfortunately, we do not have an independent, impartial and transparent legal system and a democratic political system. Yes, we have never had much, but today we are in a worse situation. For example, even a state of emergency and a martial law would have a legal ground, today there is no ground even! We live in a state where almost everybody who is mistaken in the administration of the state has no political and legal confrontation of the offences committed but is seen as a potential danger except for those with power and from ruling party. Moreover, we are in a climate in which social and political polarization and the conflict is constantly embittered for a very long time. It is not surprising that the desire for democracy and the defence of peace are criminalised in such a regime and in this climate. But let’s not get used to it and do not get carried away!

President  Erdoğan has called the coup attempt ‘a blessing from God’. How can a coup attempt be a blessing for whom?

Of course for himself. Naturally, of course, it is about the process after the coup attempt. With the pretext of fighting “FETÖ”, thousands of people who were regarded as opposition to the power of government officials were cleaned. Likewise, many left/socialist-oriented associations, trade unions, foundations, newspapers, radio and television, etc., were closed by the administrative decisions replacing the judicial decision. In the political area, HDP was constantly criminalized, trying to isolate co-presidents, members of parliament, members and administrators, and arrested and detained.CHP and other opposition parties’ are provided to stay away from ‘Yenikapı Spirit’ and HDP. At the same time, the KHKs and the constitutional amendments have changed the state so as to allow the architectural presidency and furthermore the single person to establish the administrative monarchy. In the same arrangement, the Assembly’s officials are also scrutinizing. We can say that Erdoğan’s words “a blessing from Allah” have been written down as the word of this process.


As emphasized in the report you have prepared, there is no area where the OHRCs are unfamiliar, but what was the most critical areas in terms of speeding up the transition to single man administration and ‘road cleaning’?

In particular, the regulations aimed at the remodeling of the state’s architecture, the fact that the hierarchical integrity of intelligence, security, military institutions and commandments, which are almost occupational, must be protected even if they are damaged by the hierarchical integrity of the command, the appointment of the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry to the president, the appointment of the judiciary to the architectural and even judicial institutions, to replace it … The difficulties of judicial control over privatizations and public investments are the first areas to be considered.

While discussing how to remove the OHAL will change the situation, Binali Yıldırım explains, “We will publish the final decision, and if the OHAL is left, there will be the arrangements necessary for counter terrorism” Is this statement strengthening the view that ‘OHAL is removed’?

Exactly, it is. Today, in the situation they have brought the country into there is no condition that the ruling party, which Tayyip Erdoğan is in charge of, can govern the country with the ordinary rule of law. Maybe not in appearance, but mainly with OHAL. I am not at all sure that such a way of governance can last for a long time and easily.

Serpil İLGÜN

Source: Evrensel Daily

In 7 questions, what is new ‘Presidential System of Governance’ of Turkey?

What are the powers of Tayyip Erdoğan who was elected as the first president of the new system on 24 June 2018? How will the government take form?

What is “Presidential System of Governance” which was brought about by the election on 16 April 2017? What are the powers of Tayyip Erdoğan who was elected as the first president of the new system on 24 June 2018? How will the government and cabinet take form in the new system?

Lawyer Kamil Tekin Sürek, answers the most sought 7 questions regarding the new system.

1- When will the government be formed and begin to work in the office?

After the president´s inauguration, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament) will gather and elect the chair of the assembly and the deputy chair. Then it will break for vacation.

2- Are there any requirements for vice presidents? Also, it was declared that there will be 16 ministries. Could there be new ministry roles created and some ministry roles abolished after a year?

In the past, the number of ministries and which institutions they would rule was determined by law. Now, the number of ministries and their duties are determined by the presidential decree. Therefore, the president will specify the name and number of ministries by establishing a decree after his inauguration. According to the news in the media, he will go further and establish secretaries and offices. Then on the same day or possibly on another day, he will appoint the ministers and other bureaucrats.

The number and appointments of vice presidents will be also determined by the same decree.

A change in the number (of ministries) and names can only be possible with another presidential decree.

3- Let’s clarify the authority of enacting a decree. The president does not need to present the decrees to the parliament. When does the parliament have a say on this?

The president has the authority of enacting a decree. This happens in two ways. The first one is done through the administrative arrangements and the decrees with regards to the execution (presidential decrees). So, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Parliament) cannot interfere with appointments, dismissals, establishment and removal of organisations etc.  However, the parliament can take it to the constitutional court to revoke the decree if it believes it is unconstitutional and unlawful.

The president also has the authority of enacting laws other than the ones within the constitution on fundamental rights. These decrees can also be taken to the constitutional court, and they can be bypassed with another law by the parliament.  If the president and the majority within the parliament are not from the same party, there will be clashes and conflicts on these issues. Besides, the president has the authority of enacting a state of emergency decrees if he declares a state of emergency (approved by the parliament). In this situation, the enactment of state of emergency needs to be approved by the parliament within three months.

4- How will the state of emergency be declared in the new governmental system? What is the difference between the state of emergency declared today and the one declared in the new system?

The president can declare a state of emergency over a part of or the whole country for no more than six months in the situations of war, mobilisation, a powerful and active attempt against the country or the republic, the breakdown of the public order because of the violent attacks, or the heavy economic burden. In the past, the government via the cabinet would declare the state of emergency. Now, the president will declare it.

5- Why would the president need a state of emergency when he has the authority to issue presidential decrees?

Jurisdiction does broaden for decrees under the state of emergency. “The president can enact presidential decree in emergency states without bounded by any restriction, in the issues which it believes the state of emergency requires. “

6- What can be done with the majority in the parliament?

The party or the alliance which has the majority in the parliament can make law, choose the chairperson of the parliament and do the works which can be done by an absolute majority.

7- What is the process of the trial of the president?

A prosecution can be requested by the absolute majority of the members of the parliament (more than 300) for the alleged crime committed by the president. Negotiating on the resolution within one month at the latest, the parliament will decide on the investigation with the secret votes of at least three-fifths of the parliament (360 MPs). When an investigation is decided, the 15-person commission will investigate the case. The 15-person commission will be drawn from a list of names given by the parties in proportion to the representation they have within the parliament which will be three times more than the names which they can offer to the commission. The commission will present the result of the investigation in a report within two months. If the investigation cannot be finished within two months, it will extend it for another month with a clear end date. For the alleged crimes the president has committed, the sections within the article will be applied (only) after the president´s tenure.

Source: Evrensel Daily

Translation by Cansu Güneş İspir

Questions of the post-election period, concerning foreign policy

One of the important questions of the post-election period is foreign policy… Where is Turkey to steer towards?

With the ending of election period in Turkey, the road is now paved for the presidential system. In the new system, most of the function of the Assembly is due to be slashed with the office of prime ministry abolished and the executive powers transferred to the president. In place of pluralism will be a new system wherein ministers can be appointed. Those advocating the presidential system whose simulations we have been experiencing now for a while are putting forward examples from the west yet do not deign to mention the rigid operation of the principle of checks and balances in the cases cited. In the system planned to be implemented in Turkey, leave aside the ensuring the principle of checks and balances, a single centre will instead be all-determining over its entirety. The difference between majority and pluralism has quite possibly never been this deep.

One of the important questions of the post-election period is foreign policy…

Where is Turkey to steer towards? Is it to give up its rhetoric that no longer serves a function and damages the country? We will probably learn the answers to these questions in the coming weeks.

Before Turkey stands many a case concerning foreign policy.

Turning into the proverbial tale and having been forced into an impasse over the last two years with counter rhetoric, is it to be a new beginning for the European Union process or will it be ended once and for all?

Will stable and long termed policies towards the countries of the region ranging from Egypt to Iraq be determined or will the discourse and actions seeking to save the day continue?

What are the new steps going to be in relation to the process ongoing in Syria? Are we to expect harsher policy and steps? What are we to understand from the phrase “the liberation of Syrian soil” stressed in statements made during the election night? How is the Syrian soil to be liberated? With diplomacy or even harsher military attempts? Why are the Syrian soil being liberated by Turkey, who is it being liberated for?

What is the attitude towards the Kurds in Syria going to be? Becoming even more severe in tandem with the fragile situation in Turkey it is embryonic to many a scenario in foreign policy.

Everyone is pledging the return of all refugees but how is this to take place? Is Turkey, undertaking military operations against certain regions in Syria, going to force the refugees to settle in those regions? As those regions are someone’s property, how are those property owners going to be persuaded to rescind their rights as well as those refugees in Turkey to settle on someone’s else property and who is going to do this persuading?

Before the elections, the US and Turkey had arrived at quite similar positions about Syria. However, at the same time, each countries’ agenda in Syria and its allies are considerably different. How is the discrepancy between the two countries going to close?

Yet another question is Iran… What is Turkey’s position going to be as the pressure on Iran increases? Does Turkey’s foreign-steered have a roadmap for the Iran case about which it is difficult to remain impartial?

While the Turkish-Russian rapprochement has seen fluctuations, including the issue of purchase of S-400’s which dropped from the agenda during elections, many other issues may arise. Is Turkey going to be able to provide a balance between Russia and the western bloc?

Another topic not discussed as it coincided with the election period in Turkey is Palestine. After the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, the Palestinian question entered a new period however conditions in this period by far are against the Palestinians. The period the US has dubbed the plan of the century has in effect started. Is Turkey going to do anything about the Palestinian question which remains to be an important part of the internal politics in the country and utilised frequently in public rallies? It is possible to state that leeway in relation to this has narrowed quite considerably. Either the Palestinian side or Israel… Processes of moderation etc are largely done away with nowadays since it is the US who is behind the process known as the plan of the century.

It is possible to raise more questions yet with these major lines, there stands before Turkey many a foreign policy case with a multitude of questions expecting answers.

Article by Hediye LEVENT

The rulership of the losers

Regardless of what the figures say about the results; this is in fact the rulership of those who lost and are destined to lose.

Historical examples have shown that a weak rulership is more oppressive and aggressive. A ruler that dresses every word with the clatter of chain and sword, the sound of guns and calls for hangings, in fact, tries to cover his/her own cowardice and weakness. Every ruler standing by violence and oppression is also a merchant of religion; nationalist cries are his/her capital.

In order to understand why the ruling partners are resorting to attacking the opposition with venom and hatred, only ten days after the elections, we need to look carefully at the recent past. Regardless of what the figures say about the results; this is, in fact, the rulership of those who lost and are destined to lose.

They lost because they did not form the “strong” parliament they imagined; despite all their aggression and resorting to all kinds of unlawful and immoral means, they could not cover up the dirty fight among themselves. On the contrary, they witnessed the birth of a movement of opposition, determined to continue the struggle and united on the ground.

Let me remind you of some events that took place since the elections:  Former deputy of CHP, Eren Erdem, has been arrested; Minister of Home Affairs Soylu forbade “participation of CHP organisations in funerals of soldiers”; HDP deputy Pervin Buldan was again threatened by Mr Soylu on the telephone. Especially with the threat that “Even CHP can’t save you this time…” Following this, the Governor of Sivas threatened those wanting to commemorate during the Madımak massacre (where 33 intellectuals were burned alive in Madımak Hotel in Sivas on July 1993), stating that they “will intervene if there are any slogans against the government or the President”. On the same day, another prominent news item in the papers added a new ring to the chain of threats and violence: new MPs in parliament belonging to the BBP (Big Unity Party) had ‘pulled their sleeves up’ in order to bring back the death penalty.

The fact that the AKP dreams of ‘majority rule’ were dealt a blow by the HDP surpassing the electoral threshold, realised mainly by the votes from the CHP voter base in tactical voting, created a sense of great anger and a sense of defeat in the ruling bloc. They saw a base of a great alliance and they were afraid of it; they are right to be fearful. This united opposition indication is to the direction and tendency of continued democratic struggle.

On the other hand, the rulership has taken its place in the driving seat with a fireball, in terms of economic direction, on its lap. The economy, already shaky and expected to go into crisis at any moment, is on the brink of deeper trouble due to the billions spent during the election.

The rulership losers see oppression and violence as the only path. Anger, fear and chaos manifest itself in illogical arguments and extreme displays of religious and nationalist fervour. It is time to realise our own strength, get together, strengthen the tendency to unite and continue the struggle.

Article by Mustafa YALCINER

Call from the EMEP to struggle against ‘one-man’ regime and it’s new attacks

The Labour Party (EMEP) called for the struggle to establish a new state order on the basis of a constitution, securing democratic rights and freedoms

The Labour Party (EMEP) Executive Board (GYK) assessed the results of the June 24th elections. During the two-day meetings, the election process, the election day, and the events that followed were discussed in detail. EMEP published a statement after the discussion “Erdoğan and the Presidential Alliance evaluated the victory of the elections as an “advantage” in the new attacks against the masses of labourers.” Emphasizing that Soylu’s declarations targeting the HDP and the CHP are “signs of violence and repression politics, polarizing, persisting pressure on the opposition”, EMEP called for collaboration against the one-man regime and new attack attempts.


It was underlined that during the election process and after the results were disclosed, the results of the evaluations of the residents could not be said to completely reflect the free will of the voters. It has been said in the statement that “In the 24th June elections under the OHAL conditions, Erdogan and the “Presidential Alliance parties”, while using the public power and possibilities in an unlimited and trouble-free way, prevented the political work of the opposition and led to the unfairness of the ruling coalition on the media, caused a legitimacy problem. In the election, the boxes and the census were not safe either. The announcement of results by Anadolu Agency before YSK; The announcement of an early “victory” by President Erdogan based on these results has added to the odds of the election.”


EMEP said that despite all the controversy and legitimacy discussions, the results of the elections showed that the workers’ expectations of resolving the problems of the AKP and Erdogan were gradually falling. “The June 24th elections, according to the June 7th and November 1st, 2015 elections and the April 16th referendum, indicate that mass support of the parties of the Presidential Alliance has narrowed, rather than expanding. The AKP lost votes compared to previous elections. However, it is also clear that the labourers who voted for the AKP are not yet able to act independently of choice of capital rather than their class interests. Labourers who have moved away from the AKP voted for the MHP in the Presidential Alliance and used their preferences in this block. ” EMEP, which also commented on the vote rates of The Millet Alliance, which consists of CHP, the IYI Party, the SAADET Party and the Democratic Party, said that The Millet Alliance, supported and promoted by another segment of the capital class, did not receive support it expected from the masses, even though it created an upsurge in the electoral segments.


Regarding the election results of the HDP, the EMEP made the following assessment: “The HDP, which entered the elections outside these two alliances, was entitled to be represented in the parliament as the third and largest party with both the votes of the Kurdish population and the support from the west. The support of our party, the democratic forces and some of the masses under the political influence of the CHP played a decisive role in the passage of the threshold. Despite the partial loss of votes in the provinces of the HDP, the result has shown that the Kurdish people will continue to defend democratic demands against all oppression, prohibition and attack. ”


“Erdoğan and the Presidential Alliance considered the victory of the elections to be an advantage in the new attacks against the masses of the working people, EMEP underlined that the new attacks are at the door:“The current account deficit and budget deficit are increasing and TL depreciation continues. Prices of basic consumer goods, especially food, are increasing and inflation is rising rapidly in double digits. Growth rates are declining in the world economy, and the number of crises is increasing. Together with international monopolies and financial centres after the June 24th elections, the organizations of the monopoly bourgeoisie, such as TÜSİAD, explained the expectations of the ruling bloc around Erdoğan and the “reforms” in the form of “spreading taxes”.This is a demand for the payment of the economic crisis to the workers and labourers, and it is a sign that working conditions and living conditions are getting worse in the coming period. It will not be a surprise that there will be new hikes in the austerity measures in the name of saving the economy and tax increases. it would not be wrong to say that Erdogan will use all the means against the possible workers’ strikes as in the past, that the reactions will be suppressed. ”

“The violence and repression policies, polarization, and the pressures on the opposition are the first signs that the pressures on the opposition will be sustained,” said EMEP, who also criticized the Interior Minister Soylu for threatening HDP spokesman Pervin Buldan and preventing CHP members from participating in martyrdom funerals. In this regard, the Presidential Alliance will try to build a one-man administration, disregarding all democratic gains. ”


In a statement that stated that it is possible to stop the movement that will be launched on behalf of the one man regime construction, EMEP made the following call to the workers and labourers: “Labor, peace and democracy forces will not give up this struggle. Our party has made propaganda of the choice of “people’s democracy based on a true popular sovereignty” against the regime choices in the form of “one man regime” or “parliamentary” democracy, presented before the workers in election campaigns. The regime debate is not a closed debate after the election. Regardless of the name of the political regime, current governments continue to function as the political bodies of capital powers, using all means and methods. Our party continues to call for struggle, as expressed in the election platform, “the choice of a new state order based on the constitution, which is prepared by the constituent assembly of the representatives of the people elected by the people with the widest participation and presented to the people’s consent and guarantees the absolute sovereignty and power of the people and democratic rights and freedoms”. In this framework, we call on all workers and labourers unite; all forces to strive for peace and democracy against a single man regime and new attempts to attack.”

Source: Evrensel Daily

Erdoğan’s Coup Against Democracy – the struggle continues.

Following Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections Turkey has moved into a dangerous period of one-man rule, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan taking on unprecedented powers as the country shifts from a parliamentary democracy to an executive presidency.

The role of prime minister has been deleted and Erdogan can now appoint ministers, the judiciary and set the budget, removing any checks and balances on his increasingly authoritarian power. More chillingly under the new system Erdoğan can dissolve parliament and rule by decree.

However this was not a fair or democratic election. The campaign was run in a climate of fear and with Turkey under a state of emergency that has been in place since the failed coup attempt of July 2016.

Opposition People’s Democratic Party (HDP) presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtas campaigned from his prison cell where he has been held on trumped-up terrorism charges since November 2016. Thousands of their activists have been jailed and according to the Human Rights Association, 361 were arrested during the campaign.

Meetings were broken up by security forces and at least 17 HDP election rallies were banned. Press freedom is seriously restricted in Turkey. It holds the record for numbers of journalists held in prison and since the sale of the Dogan Media Company, most media outlets are either owned by or support Erdogan. This was reflected by the extensive coverage favourable to Erdogan and the AKP compared to other candidates and parties.

The day of the election saw the arrest of international observers from Germany, France and Italy who were blocked from their work as they were accused of interfering in democratic processes. However there was evidence of fraud with allegations of stuffed ballot boxes in Urfa and Diyarbakir and images were circulated of ballot papers discovered in rubbish bins.

Voters were blocked from polling stations in Van province where soldiers were in the booths watching as people cast their votes under the barrel of a gun. 144,000 votes were affected by the decision to consolidate voting stations, with many people forced to travel for miles to cast their vote.

However despite this the results were poor for Erdoğan and showed a drop in support with the AKP losing more than 2 million votes in the east and west of Turkey. It was only because his ultra-nationalist allies the MHP made an agreement not to stand a candidate in the presidential race and entered a parliamentary coalition that he maintained his grip on power. The HDP achieved a stunning result as they smashed through the 10 percent barrier designed to keep them out of parliament winning 68 MPs and taking the third largest share of the vote.

But Turkey is about to enter a deep economic crisis, largely of Erdogan’s making. The lira remains unstable and with a looming recession Erdogan is likely to push through public spending cuts and go cap in hand to the IMF for a loan.

The election was not won or lost on one day. This was the culmination of a long-planned coup against democracy. Erdogan has been aided and abetted in his coup against the people of Turkey by the European Union, Nato and the west. They have continued to offer Erdogan political and military support while making occasional timid criticism over human rights.

But the last thing they want to see is a free and democratic Turkey which would be counter to imperialist interests in Syria, Iran, Iraq. Turkey also acts as a bulwark against their new foe, Russia, from which it is separated by the Black Sea.

In Britain we can support our brothers and sisters in Turkey by building a strong labour movement in this country, forging links with progressive forces struggling against the Erdogan regime.

We stand on the side of freedom and democracy and call on all those who support our aims to join us.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey

What do the first results of the 24 June election show?

İhsan Çaralan analysed the winners and losers of the June 24th elections in Turkey.

The “raid election” for deputy and presidency on 24th June resulted in the Erdoğan’s and the AKP-MHP alliance’s win.

In the election, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan got 52.4 per cent of the votes and Muharrem İnce got 30.8 per cent. So, Erdoğan was elected in the first round.

There is no doubt that much can be said about the consequences of this election. Of course, people will. However, as an assessment made immediately after the election, we can say the following about the general outcome of the election:


1) It is an important step for the single-party one-man regime: Turkey has passed on to “presidential government system” since last night. The Erdoğan-Bahçeli alliance has gained an important foothold for the construction of the one-party one-man regime as the most reactionary alliance ever. Therefore, democratic gains of the peoples in Turkey have been jeopardized.

2) The winner of the election was MHP: The most surprising result of the election was the MHP, with the vote of 11.1 per cent. The MHP has maintained the voting rate of it on November 1st, and the İYİ Party has not been able to create a split as expected in the MHP. Protecting its vote rate, the MHP has both increased the voting rate of the “Presidential/Cumhur Alliance”  and has been the mainstay of Erdoğan’s winning with over 50 per cent of votes. Of course, this will be an invoice for the AKP, Bahçeli and the party will impose themselves both in the Constitution and in the Assembly by putting their conditions in front of the AKP. It is not wrong to say that the MHP will play a role “limiting” Erdoğan, especially in domestic and foreign politics and even in economic policies, as the MHP will act as a “co-founder” rather than a “small partner” of the coalition.

3) Erdoğan and his party lost the most votes: Since Erdoğan won the election and the MHP has maintained its votes, the AKP, which seems the winner of the elections, actually became the party with the most votes lost in this election. Compared to the November 1 election, the AKP lost 7.5 points. This means that the AKP has lost 16 per cent of its votes. This is the loss of votes of Erdoğan, the leader of the AKP. On the contrary to the claim of the AKP, who complained that “the AKP has carried the MHP on its back when the “Presidential/Cumhur Alliance” was founded.”, the “MHP is the party “bearing the AKP on its back” at the election of 24 June.

4) The CHP lost its votes, too, but: The CHP also lost important votes like the AKP. One side of this vote loss is the fact that some of the CHP voters support the HDP to pass the electoral threshold, but in general, the CHP is facing a loss of votes. However, the CHP has not suffered the loss of votes but has made an important initiative in resolving the Kurdish question, with the attitude of providing an emotional rapprochement with the HDP and its audience.

5) Muharrem İnce won a great success: Muharrem İnce, who received eight points more votes than the CHP, has shown a success that should not be underestimated. Even though he has received a “plus vote” because of “strategic voting”, this success of İnce should be seen as a sign that the CHP may enter into an “internal reckoning” in the near future as well as a gain for the CHP.

6) The success of HDP for the democracy struggle is very important: The most critical party of this election was the HDP. Because of this, both the AKP was aiming at pushing the HDP under the electoral threshold and the opposition was aware of the AKP’s election strategy. Therefore, those who did not like HDP also wanted HDP to pass the electoral threshold. Of course, HDP was elected under the conditions that the elected Mayors, Demirtaş and Yüksekdağ, especially the deputies, thousands of party militants were arrested, the party was actually forbidden to work, and even the presidential candidate was detained. Despite all these severe conditions, the HDP, which received 11.7 per cent of the votes and issued 67 deputies, prevented the AKP from taking the majority in parliament and at the same time prevented the “Presidential/Cumhur Alliance” from acquiring the power to change the constitution. Moreover, the fact that the HDP’s 67 deputies have entered to parliament is extremely important with regard to the struggle for peace and the democratization of Turkey.

Yes, the “Presidential/Cumhur Alliance” and Erdoğan have won, but it is also true that this election carries elements of a “pyrrhic victory ” for the “winners”, given that both the domestic and foreign policy of the country and the organization of the new system are faced with major economic problems.

When it is remembered that the elections were moved to an earlier date (one and a half years) due to the fear of demolition that would be caused by the upcoming crisis, it will be clearly seen that it is very difficult for the AKP-MHP alliance to produce solutions to these big problems.

Conversely, when it is taken into account that the crisis will have a financial crisis that will directly affect the lives of the workers,

– The encouragement of the working class and labourers to fight with their own demands is important.

– It will also be important to act on a struggling line where various people will take place and provide a transformation of consciousness in the masses of the people. As the conditions for this are favourable, the lessons to be drawn from the June 24th election will also make the importance of such a struggle to be felt more.

In short, both the initial results of the election and those in the electoral process show the need to continue to struggle against the construction of the “single party one-man regime”.

Erdoğan’s A, B, C plans

People are saying that there will be a repeat of the terror environment after the 7 June elections, and repetition of the elections like on 1 November

HDP was revealed as the real reason for the transition to the presidential system. With 80 MPs and the number of MPs projected to grow, it was assumed that HDP would become the key party in the Parliamentary System. It was thought that this situation would create the need for more and more concessions to the Kurdish voters, leading to crises like in Catalonia and Spain.

In the presidential system, executive power would not come from the parliament; and so, it would not be obligatory to give concessions to the other key parties in the parliament. The Leader of the biggest party would form the government in the second round [of elections] if not in the first one.  Even if HDP could become the third party in the parliament, because HDP could not be the biggest party, it would remain ineffective when the other two/three parties have an alliance.

However, things did not go as planned. HDP became the key party in the first try of the presidential system too. Even arresting the head of HDP and thousands of the administrators of the party did not bring a solution to guarantee the presidential game. The only choice left for the parties apart from the AKP-MHP alliance is for the HDP be represented in the parliament so thatErdoğan can be prevented from being president and taking the majority in the parliament. Because of this necessity, even İYİ Party, which is not very different ideologically from MHP, cannot say anything against the HDP.

Those who thought the presidential system is not a solution, have offered an AKP-CHP coalition after June 7 elections. A group in AKP, CHP and the big bourgeoisie look at this solution positively. However, Erdoğan and his supporters, thinking that the problem would be solved with a powerful presidential system, preferred the changing of the constitution and a dominant election.

Now, it is almost certain that the AKP-MHP coalition will remain as minority in the parliament. If Erdoğan cannot be elected as the president, there is likely to be a return to focusing on the parliamentary system. Maybe the German system will be tried this time: A country which is ruled by a multi-party parliament and coalition governments…

The 7 June election, 16 April referendum, and the campaigning for the June 24 elections reveal that there is a powerful reaction in Turkey against the supporters of a Middle East type-single man dictatorship. This is why they talk about the A, B, C plans. Some people are saying that there will be a repeat of the terror environment after the 7 June elections, and repetition of the elections like on 1 November, and others who spread rumours of a civil war that a civil war and that unarmed secular segments will be purged. These are the last trump cards of the AKP and its collaborators who can see that they will lose. Despite everything, Turkey is not yet like Iraq, Syria or Libya. Although there are people who yearn for such as system [similar to Iraq, Syria or Libya], their efforts will be in vain. The struggle for democracy and freedom will prevail.

Article by Kamil Tekin SUREK

Translated by Cansu Güneş İspir

An election ploy against Qandil?

All facts point to the same direction about the reasons for the championing of the Qandil operation by the government: Operation to win the elections!

In the background of the decision to have a raid election on 24 June were government calculations to save itself before both the nationalist wave generated by the Afrin operation was dispelled and before ramifications of the worsening economy completely reflected on people’s life. However, despite everything, it can be asserted that the consequences of the opposition attempts to derail government’s calculations and especially of the loss of value of the Turkish Lira, which has reflected already on employment and inflation figures, have diluted the chemistry of the government. One of the most evident results of this situation manifests itself as the relatively low turnout to Erdoğan’s election rallies and besides this, the dwindling enthusiasm in amongst the sections attending these rallies.

In other words, Erdoğan, despite the Martial Law and Decisions of Law which has furnished him with limitless powers, despite the mobilisation of all the opportunities of the state and moreover, despite the media monopoly wielded, is facing an election in which the possibility of loss has been this high for the first time. To be sure, this state of affairs has been causing much anxiety in amongst the government front (AKP as well as its minor ally MHP).

At precisely this juncture when questions about the kind of attempts the government will undertake to alleviate the worsening turn of events for itself were raised, the expected move came: a military operation against Qandil.

With Erdoğan in the forefront, the last few days saw the main agenda of all statements given by government spokespeople and the headlines of the government drumming media becoming comprised of the Qandil operation.

Before moving onto the assessment of this operation and its possible repercussions, the following should be asserted: the military operation against Qandil is one primarily directed at the public opinion in the home front rather than against the PKK camps. Just as it was the case in Afrin, there will be an attempt to reinvigorate the government’s spoiled chemistry through the declaration of ‘national mobilisation’ and the generation of the impression that once again a victory is won or is about to be won. With 2 weeks to go before the elections, the rendering of a military operation which has in fact already been going on for a while into a political tool cannot but have this as an explanation!

As for the operation against Qandil and its possible repercussions…

The Qandil region where PKK camps are located, stretching from the Turkish border into Iraqi Kurdistan, is an area 100 kilometres deep with 700 villages spread around it. The area comprises a considerably remote physical layout of mountains with altitudes over 2,000 metres and deep valleys extending in between them. The Turkish army, until now, undertook many an operation against Qandil through air strikes and on land. One of the better knowns of these was the “Sun Operation” undertaken in February 2008 at a time when General Yaşar Büyükanıt was the chief of General Staff. The Sun Operation had taken place as an air-supported land operation against the PKK’s Zap camp located in the Qandil region but was ended in its 8th day after no serious results were achieved with the withdrawal of land forces. What was actually notable was what Büyükanıt has said about the Qandil operation in 2009, a year after it to Mehmet Ali Birand’s 32nd Day programme:

MAB: Can the Turkish Armed Forces clear Qandil?

YB: Now Qandil is not just beyond our border, it is a 100 km in a straight line from Hakkari [a border city], it is a very bad landscape.

MAB: In other words, were you to send the entire Turkish Armed Forces, will it not be cleared?

YB: No, no the landscape is very bad, too long a distance. (http://t24.com.tr/haber/yasar-buyukanitin-tarihi-itiraflarinin-tam-metni,46517)

Probably no one can assert that Büyükanıt was not as enthusiastic as the current administration to “clear Qandil.”

According to what has been relayed by sources close to the government, the plans are to primarily conduct not a land operation but an air-borne one against Qandil. The use of a fleet more crowded than the 72 planes in the Afrin operation in this operation is being mentioned. However, the possibility of such a comprehensive air-borne operation against the Qandil region where 700 villages are located leading to both substantial civilian deaths as well as a new wave of migration is not at all negligible. As mentioned before, on the other hand, in actual fact operations against Qandil on land from the border regions and air strikes against PKK camps have been going on for a while now. The declaration of these operations overtly today, therefore, could only be accounted for in terms of the political needs of the government. Otherwise, such overt declarations of these operations do not have a military explanation. According to Abdulkadir Selvi, a Hürriyet columnist known for his ties with the government, the fact that this operation will be led by Metin Temel, the commander of the 2nd Army, whose epaulets Muharrem İnce, a presidential candidate, has promised “to rip off,” demonstrates the extent to which this operation is intertwined with government’s political calculations (as is known the images of Metin Temel vehemently applauding Erdoğan’s speech criticising İnce were carried over to the media).

Meanwhile, up for debate also is whether or not it will be possible to achieve any results against PKK, which knows the region quite well and which has substantial experience against such operations but more importantly whether or not the Kurdish question can be resolved through such operations.

In conclusion, all facts point to the same direction about the reasons for the championing of the Qandil operation by the government: the Qandil operation is the government’s operation to win the elections!

Article by Yusuf KARATAS

Look at the ‘Afrin victory’ now!

While the picture in Afrin is so clear, let’s ask this question: Do you still believe Turkey was the winner in Afrin?

4 months ago, the Afrin operation was brought by the government as the “national survival” problem of the country and the operation was initiated in a “national mobilization” atmosphere. Such an atmosphere was created that if the operation had not happened, the country would have been divided. Therefore, not even criticizing this operation, even expressing concerns regarding the operation, was shown as ‘patriotic betrayal’. Eventually, the operation, which was launched on January 20th, resulted in the withdrawal of military forces by the Afrin cantonal administration to prevent civilian casualties after the city was besieged in March, and the city’s control came under the rule of the Turkish army-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces. According to a report prepared by the United Nations (UN) in this period, 137,000 people from Afrin were forced to relocate. And, as it is known, these people’s possessions were looted by the FSA who took over the city.

After this brief reminder, let us look at the present situation of Afrin. A few days ago, many newspapers and news websites reflected news from the French news agency AFP. Interviews of the agency with the East Ghoutans, who has been placed in Afrin – at least 35,000 people have been brought from other places according to The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – contain striking information in recognition of what is happening today. “Nobody wants to live in a house that is not his own, or use other people’s possessions,” says one of the East Ghoutans who was settled in Afrin. But one of the most noteworthy thing about the situation is that a person from Afrin says “People can come to our neighbourhood. They can come to Afrin, however, people from Afrin cannot come to Afrin” he summed up the situation.

Let’s go one by one now.

Where’s East Ghouta? IT was one of the settlements in the hands of the jihadist groups in the south of Damascus. The Syrian army took control of East Ghouta with an operation supported by Russia and Iran at the end of February. After the operation, the jihadist groups there have moved Cerablus and İdlib; ie to regions that Turkey directly controls or that are in the hands of Jihadist groups but Turkey has troops as an observer there. As it can be understood from the AFP news, tens of thousands of civilians in East Ghouta are placed in the homes of people who have been displaced from Afrin through the operation.

After the Afrin operation, the President’s Chief Advisor İlnur Çevik made an important statement in terms of understanding what bargains and accounts were carried out for this operation. Çevik stated “If Russia had not opened the airspace, it would not be possible to get into Bab’s, Afrin, even to launch unmanned aircraft” saying that this operation could only be done with Russia’s “approval”.

The point that needs to be clarified here is why Russia gave ‘approval’ to this operation. When we look at Afrin today, it is clear why Russia allowed this operation. Because Russia is putting all jihadist groups their families in Syria and into areas where Turkey has control over today. Thus, it both ensures the security of Syria and the Assad regime and it is using Turkey and the jihadist groups placed in northern Syria to threaten the Kurds in cooperation with the US and to disrupt plans of the US. No matter how much the ruling and its media trumpet says “big Turkey”, the real quarterback is Russia and thus the ruling power in Turkey can only move as far as Russia allows. Placing of East Ghouta people in Afrin makes it obvious that Turkey’s operation is a part of the Russian plan.

As for what is happening to us due to these developments …

We have said several times before: when Erdogan’s ruling party becomes unable to support the jihadist groups they support – as it is the case with the ISIS – these radical Islamic groups, which are placed in the border depending on the developments in Syria, will become a big trouble for the country.

Another important point is that this intervention policy has devastating results for the peaceful approach of Turkey’s Kurdish problem-solving basis. This situation makes it difficult to get out of the spiral of violence and plays a destructive role in the basis of peoples’ cohabitation. Even though the rulers of Turkey want to place jihadist groups on the border or have thousands of kilometres of wall, no matter what they do, they will not escape the reality of her own Kurdish problem. Because the real problem is not beyond the boundaries, but how the Kurdish problem within the country is to be solved.

Finally, the ruling party in the country declares this fighter-interventionist policy as “indigenous and national”, and talks about anti-imperialism as much as they want. In fact, as it is seen in the example of Russia, these policies serve to imperialists in order for them to use the weaknesses of Turkey for their advantage.

Of course, these facts also show us once again why it is so important to get rid of these power and politics during the June 24th elections.

Before I end my words, while the picture in Afrin is so clear, let’s ask this question again: Do you still believe Turkey was the winner in Afrin?


Article by Yusuf KARATAS

Some crucial points while going to June 24

During uncertain times like today, vast media monopoly in the service of the ruling power makes it much more difficult to get a clear picture.

Despite the turbulence of serious economic problems in Turkey, prior to the June 24 elections, the observed political response to the situation and interpretations on the street do not reveal a significant departure from the government line.

When you discuss with workers in a cafe or on an industrial estate the rise in the Euro and the Dollar, AKP voters interpret the situation as “games and provocation of external powers”. Despite some critics and complainants, a considerable number say they will vote for AKP again because “there is no better alternative”. In contrast, the number of those that voted for AKP in the past and now intend to vote for another party is insignificant.

The research on the issue conducted by Selcan Hacaoğlu and Onur Ant and published on May 28 in the Mersin province – in collaboration with the Evrensel news – indicated that previous AKP voters preserve their loyalty to the party despite questioning the deterioration in the economy.

Regarding public interpretation of worsening economic conditions and other areas; consequences affecting daily life, the media, opinion leaders, family members, social environment and level of organisation are important factors.

The vitality of organisation was raised by Sociologist Doç. Dr. Banu Kavaklı by Serpil İlgün in an interview with Evrensel:“Being organised is also a way for detecting the contradictions between social and political discourse and daily life; and revealing there are other things that can be done”.

For example, a striking worker can question the bombardment of messages from the government with the help of the alteration experienced in their own struggle; or suitable grounds for the evolution of consciousness materialise when workers establish powerful strikes, even with purely economic demands, and have an impact on the political arena.

In this respect, during uncertain times like today, vast media monopoly in the service of the ruling power makes it much more difficult to get a clear picture.

According to statistics by İsmet Demirdöğen and İlhan Taşçı, republican members of RTÜK (Radio Television Supreme Council), broadcasting of president Erdoğan and AKP were 10 times more than CHP, 30 times more than İYİ Party and Saadet (Felicity) Party. According to RTÜK data, between 14-24 May, Erdoğan was on national TV channels of TRT1 for 2 hours and 36 minutes, TRT News for 15 hours and 25 minutes, and on TRT6 for 10 hours 27 minutes; a total of 28 hours 28 minutes; in contrast, Muharrem Ince, presidential candidate of the CHP, was on all three TRT channels for a total of 2 hours and 51 minutes. In CNN Turk, between 30 April-24 May, broadcast that favoured AKP was 30 hours and 52 minutes, while for CHP this was 11 hours and 33 minutes. Furthermore, HDP and its presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaş was not given any air time.

This picture also reveals the importance to struggle against the power monopoly of TRT, the constitution displaying one-sided journalism despite being funded by the public. This cannot be overcome with “it is sufficient for us to protect our free media of 10%”. Of course, it is vital to protect the alternative press associations which are trying to deliver the truth but that is not sufficient.

In a country where 90% of the media is working for the benefit of the rulership, while economic problems are served as “games by external powers”; president Erdoğan’s re-election promises, which include also the continuation of the state of emergency, can be the banner with the headline “the promise of upper league in democracy” (Hürriyet, May 25, 2018).

While Turkey is going to elections, in an environment where overwhelming majority of the media works as a power tool for the rulership, it is vital to consider this power in the last 25 days. In this period, it would doubtlessly be vital to give weight to the ones that question governmentpolicies and to focus on hesitant voters in order to use the remaining time productively.

Article by Fatih POLAT

Translated by Güneş İspir

Why are the 24th June elections important?

The accepted shared formula of the election propaganda is that ‘these are the most important elections of the Turkish Republican history.’

The accepted shared formula of the election propaganda is that “these are the most important elections of the Turkish Republican history.”

What renders the 24th June elections so important is the ambition to facilitate a monopolistic terrorist power by creating the impression that the program and policy of transition into the fascistic form of the bourgeois dictatorship is approved with the “votes of the nation.” If this is achieved, it will be a transition to a period even more dangerous than the military fascist administration of the 12 September 1980 coup.

In the eventuality of the “approval” of Erdoğan’s Presidential System, viewed broadly as steering towards “the facilitation of a fascistic regime,”  and as such dubbed the “One Man-One Party System” by a diversity of political party and sections, an oligarchic cast which has captured the central leverage power in the political, judiciary and economic field, led by a “president” at its helm with the “authority” and “right” to intervene in the entirety of social life including declarations of war and military mobilisations as well as dissolution the parliament, would have gained legal right to determine every issue and every social field. The kind of cruelties such an administration which has committed all kinds of evil against even bourgeois opposition would facilitate through such a political-military-judicial and economic encirclement could be predicted once what is currently experienced is considered: the Presidential system will prove to be a period of “talking heads” with a sword in the hand.

In the eventually of Erdoğan’s and his camps’ victory, it is a certainty that the repression, prescription and attacks experienced at conditions of [current] Martial Law will continue manifold. The attacks will not only have an economic and social dimension; the entirety of those oppressed, including also the toiling sections who have not derived adequate lessons from the proscription of strikes, the wrongdoing their neighbours experience and the setting of citizens against each other as those “who are native and national” and as those “who are not,” will be squeezed into the prong of repression and prescriptions; policies of militarism and war will gain ascendancy.

Erdoğan and his AKP which came to power using the “accumulations” of 2001 economic crisis at a period when right-wing reactionary and fascistic currents have been gaining power through the exploitation of labouring sections search for solution under the weight of social and economic issues, strived to hunt down the masses of people with economic pledges as well as on the basis of religious and nationalist arguments and in a way which cannot be disregarded by anyone with a reasonable outlook, won major success at this too. Erdoğan, who came to power exploiting the social impact of the economic crisis and receiving the support of the imperialists, met the US administration five times while founding his party and implementing the “A, B, C plans” with the political-military representatives of the capital with a high level of manoeuvrability to become the prime minister. He received approval and his way paved. He was included in the list of “trustworthy men” along with A. Gül and continued his ascendance in the steps to power. Internally, the nationalist-chauvinist discourse was intensified and the religious ideological impact was abused to the effect of successfully creating a reserve from sections of the masses. The wish is now to utilise these “tools” even more effectively.

However, the “road ahead” for this power and its cabals is now in jeopardy with its appearance and concealed face exposed to the public. It has become more clear that jibes and taunts against the western imperialists and the Israeli administration are only for the show and that agreements made with these powers are very much current and operate in a way that is detrimental to the public. The continuation of its preparations to facilitate power in an increased number of areas in the Kurdish and Arabic soil and even reaching an agreement with the US has been declared. The flow of resources to war technology continues. While the negotiations with the US about the purchase of warplanes after the S-400 are well underway, British imperialism has entered the fray even more proactively. Erdoğan’s “economy staff” have queued up at English doors for military and economic “cooperation.” The US’ with the declaration of the opening of Manbij, Russia with its cutting down a 1 million dollars from what it is owed took a side at Erdoğan’s camp. The British imperialists are in the circuit with their insidious policies.

Developments experienced in the economic field, with a high possibility to gradually lead to severer repercussions indicate the challenges the dependent Turkish capitalism has entered within the scope of international developments. While it is obviously possible to render influence in conditions of capitalism with money games, embargoes and playing on the factors for crisis to implement policies of government, toppling or changing governments, accounting for the current issues of Turkey’s economy by appeal to such external interventions is an indication of disregard for the source and causes of the issues. If the increase in the Dollar or the Euro is “a ploy,” increasing or decreasing interest rates is yet another. But economic issues cannot be resolved and surpassed through such ploys. It is clear that Erdoğan and his party, which maintains its power sitting on economic opportunities and the abundant inflow of capital from outside, is due to suffer its defeat first and foremost because of economic conditions and causes associated with economic-social issues.

Erdoğan and his party, despite its hunt for votes through the distribution of small pickings, despite its efforts to preserve popular support through a religious and nationalist discourse, are now less powerful. To a high degree, it has lost its credibility internally and externally. Internally, the issues experienced with popular masses as well as certain sections of the bourgeois and opposition of capital representing their interests; externally those with its neighbours and major imperialists have been on the increase, and the contradictions have begun to acquire more definitive forms. The transformation of the expansionist tendencies in relation to the region into overt military aggression of conquest have increased the contradictions with the major power and regional administrations vying for power, the policies of hostility against the Kurdish and Arab peoples have reinforced nationalist-chauvinistic outlooks with the result of empowering the political developments to the detriment of the people; and due to the same reasons, the reaction against these policies have been on the rise.

Policies towards the workers, urban labourers, masses of women talking about women’s right and demanding equality with men, masses of young people whose future has been dimmed and whose lives has been turned upside down, has led to a great deal of despondency, lack of trust and accumulation of reaction in amongst all these sections.  And externally, the conditions for its preferred use “without being pushed into a hole” have become more severe. Even though collaborationism in all fields is maintained, the conditions for collaboration have become more severe and relationships are all the more problematic. For the majority of the masses, it is considered as a discredited force that needs to be expelled from the post. Despite the reception of a sizeable popular support still, doubts as to what will happen in amongst this sections in the near future have also increased even more. This political power is striving to maintain its power at all costs with the awareness that the problems it is facing will prove its downfall and with the fear towards the scope of the reaction as a result of the detriment its policies caused for the country and its peoples. It has both declared and exhibits openly that it will not hesitate to resort to any mean and any way to ensure this. Repression, terrorism and election fraud are amongst the major means. Despite this, the conditions for its defeat do exist. Even though the main task is to struggle in all conditions against the domination of the capital, for the conducting of this struggle with yet more effective mean and methods, and with the more effective and active utilisation of some certain opportunities, weaving a barricade against the restructuring of the state in a fascistic form is of major import. The elections are a field of this struggle and the achievements to be recorded in this field will serve the successful conducting of the struggle in the other fields too.

Article by A. Cihan SOYLU

The AKP-MHP alliance plans may be shattered

We can thwart the AKP-MHP alliance calculations and reveal the carelessness of the ‘National Alliance’.

Presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party(HDP), Selahattin Demirtaş’s attorneys’ application for release was rejected by the court. The court rejected the application stating that “at this stage, the conditions of the legal control would be insufficient”. In this way,  the court has ignored the vital condition for a fair election, i.e. all candidates “being able to attend the presidential campaign freely”. In the campaign all the other five candidates are free to attend, Demirtaş can only take part in chains.


This decision has also raised questions about the legality of the elections on 24 June, which is already a subject of concern.

The decision on the continued imprisonment of Demirtaş cannot be circumvented with the excuse of “this is a court decision, we cannot intervene it”. This is not a judicial or legal problem, but a completely political one.

Besides, since the elections of June 7, the Erdoğan-AKP rule has aimed to suppress HDP with the help of security forces, solicitors, private courts and parliamentary power. The aim is to push the HDP below the election threshold and for AKP MPs to appropriate HDP votes.  This aim is more visible with the alliance of AKP-MHP right now. This is why the decision on Demirtaş is tied to this political aim. Despite its being presented as a “court decision”, the public conscience views this as unfair, illegal and unjust, and calling into question the legitimacy of the elections.


These events reveal clearly, that the problem with the elections on 24 June is not just that a candidate is having to carry out an election campaign from prison. Even if we put the past aside, after the declaration of the state of emergency:

-Imprisonment of the HDP´s co-presidents and dropping some of their elected representatives from  parliament,

-Dismissal and imprisonment of nearly one hundred elected mayors and appointment of trustees in place of them,

– Thousands of HDP administrators´ arrested

-Suppressing of HDP activities by the police and solicitors, as well as constant harassment of the party buildings using arbitrary pressures

prove that AKP-MHP alliance not only aims to restrict Selahattin Demirtaş but also HDP to the elections in chains.


Everybody following political developments in Turkey will know that the critical issues in this election are whether or not the HDP can pass the electoral threshold. If HDP can pass the threshold, it will be hard for the AKP-MHP alliance to take the majority of the seats in the parliament. If HDP remains under the threshold, the AKP-MHP alliance may take the majority of seats even if their votes remain under thirty percent. For this reason, the alliance of Erdoğan-Bahçeli is built on a strategy of pushing the HDP under the threshold.

Furthermore, who the candidates are, what are the promises of the parties or whether there are effective speeches in the squares are all minor details in this strategy.  In fact, among his analyses of the candidate lists, an old “FETÖ” (now new AKP) member Hüseyin Gülerce concludes that “If the effect of the [candidate] lists´ not being prepared well is “1” for the elections, the effect of HDP´s passing the threshold is “10.”

HDP´s remaining under the threshold makes it easier for the AKP-MHP to take the majority of the seats in the parliament. However, this tactic also contains a plan for the second round of the presidential election (if the second round really remains). HDP´s remaining under the threshold would cause a mess among HDP voters, who the AKP is calculating on choosing not to go to the ballot box again, or vote for Erdoğan as a protest against HDP´s not being involved to the “zero thresholds” alliance.

So, the calculations of the “Republican Alliance” are not just unfair, but also go against moral norms.


Breaking this calculation is a duty for the democracy forces which support HDP as well as the citizens who are aware that pushing HDP under the threshold is a key step towards the “single man regime”.  For this reason, it is vital to overcome the blindness of the “National Alliance” and the “leftist boycotters” who unable to direct their supporters, and support Demirtaş and to form a public alliance like in  June 7 elections to help the HDP pass the threshold again.

This was achieved on June 7 by the conscious democratic public opinion, intellectuals and democrats. Even though there were some throwbacks in the November 1 elections, this was achieved again.

Today, under these current conditions, achieving this task is even more vital than in the June 7 elections. If we organise and work with the public to outline the current developments and what approach is needed, we can thwart the AKP-MHP alliance calculations and reveal the carelessness of the “National Alliance”.

Article written by Ihsan Caralan

Translation by Güneş İspir

‘If HDP fails to surpass the electoral threshold, it will impact on the future of the country’

Co-chair of HDP, Pervin Buldan: If HDP fails to surpass the electoral threshold, this will be a problem for the other political parties in Turkey.

Serpil İLGÜN

With the confirmation of candidates for the presidency, the focus for the elections shifted to which party will have the majority in the Parliament. It is accepted by all that the Kurdish vote will affect not only the Presidential elections but also determine the outcome of the Parliamentary elections; in which those that do not vote for AKP would be factious according to Tayyip Erdoğan.

HDP, abandoned to face the threshold of 10% [of the total votes] – in a journey that started with calls for ‘zero threshold’ in an attempt to democratise Turkey and to stop the one-man, one-party regime which is the goal of the Presidential Alliance – will today reveal its own roadmap in attempting to surpass the threshold. The statement made by Selahattin Demirtaş, the HDP presidential candidate, will be important in giving substance to the slogan “It can change with you.”

Nine MPs, including Demirtaş, elected mayors, thousands of members and intendants of HDP are in prison; 11 MPs of the party also had been relieved of their duties as MPs. How will the party overcome conditions of the State of Emergency (OHAL), the antidemocratic election laws and the never-ending operations?

We discussed the key issues of the election with the co-chair of HDP, Pervin Buldan.

Conditions of OHAL and the recently changed electoral legislation does away with democratic electoral competition, but another important hurdle for HDP is its relentless criminalisation every day. How will your party overcome these hurdles? How will you get your message to the electorate?

Indeed, it is hard to run an electoral campaign under OHAL but this is not an issue that affects HDP only. The whole of the population in Turkey is affected by OHAL; other parties are subjected to it too. Under conditions where our colleagues are prosecuted every day, we will, of course, find a way to reach the electorate and our base; we will build a network to take our message to the population through activities and rallies. Maybe we will not be heard on media outlets controlled by the government but we will share every activity, meeting and rally with peoples of; Turkey even if it’s only through social media. Our main job will be to meet the electorate on the doorstep and we will try to go to every door.

Considering that the change in electoral legislation is targeting to ‘not let HDP come out of the ballot box’’ in the region, what will your strategy in the region be?

The people will take ownership of the ballot boxes, we are sure of that. This is not the first time we face such conditions. Regardless of its legalisation of these acts this time around, we know that such tactics are used in every election period. Regardless, the Kurdish electorate is very political; they are aware of these tactics and irregularities. Therefore we will call on the electorate to “ not leave the ballot boxes unattended, protect your votes; stay there until the evening of the 24th of June”. I sincerely believe that the electorate and our supporters will act with this consciousness and drive. Our people will protect their votes and ballot boxes with political conviction, without falling into the trap of provocations, in a calm and measured manner.


In discussions for an alliance, CHP took a ‘non-party political’ stance, but its reluctance to insist on the inclusion of HDP was seen as ‘lack of courage’. What is your take on this: is it lack of courage; an attempt to prevent attacks by the ruling block; or the fact that the perspective of the CHP executive is not too dissimilar to the line of the ‘state’?

Let me make one thing clear: as of now, CHP already lost its status as the main opposition party. The separation and turning a blind eye displayed by the ‘main’ opposition party is watched closely by the peoples of Turkey. We held no discussions behind closed doors, neither did we attempt to bargain with anyone. They entered an alliance and decided to leave HDP out of it. It is clear that, as it stands, the threshold targets HDP only. We are indeed capable of surpassing the threshold. Nevertheless, we believe that the course taken is not a democratic one. CHP is the respondent to the question on why HDP was shunned; they should answer this question rather than us.

It should not be forgotten that AKP will have 70 to 80 more MPs, should HDP fail to surpass the electoral threshold. The electorate cannot ignore this reality as it will impact on the future of the country. Everyone should be concerned about the fact that the AKP-MHP coalition will subject the population of Turkey to more than what they already suffered. This is not only our problem; it is also a problem for CHP, İYİ Party, SP and all other political parties in Turkey. I think people should really consider this both from a democratic and a political perspective.


Let’s talk about the AKP manifesto – mainly uninspiring and unconvincing – from the perspective of the promises that operations will be continued and further operations will be launched. If it is important for Erdoğan and AKP to secure the Kurdish vote, why this emphasis on security politics?

First, I would like to make it clear that the AKP manifesto is one of total collapse. And yes, Erdoğan did give a message that promises more of the same. For this reason, especially Kurds who vote for AKP must seriously consider their decision.

Imprisoned Kurdish politicians, as well as what happened in Afrin and clear indications that the attitude towards Kurdish people will continue to be one of security politics; all of these are discussed very seriously among the Kurdish population. I must stress that there have been serious fractures and Kurdish support for AKP in the West of the country is greatly reduced.

I would like to call on the Kurdish population living in the West of the country; you must withdraw your support for AKP. It is now time for Kurds to be united. Kurds must withdraw their support for AKP in order to fight all tyranny, denial, destruction and resettlement targeted at them.


In terms of antidemocratic conditions and barriers, Selahattin Demirtaş, who has been in prison for a year and a half, is the candidate that is most disadvantaged. His candidacy seems to be supported by wide sections of society, how will you work towards developing this support and making it widespread?

Demirtaş – held hostage in prison – will not be able to run a campaign on an equal footing against the other candidates. This is a situation that is unacceptable politically, morally and in the conscience of politics in Turkey. While his opponents are meeting with the electorate: Demirtaş will try to reach them via twitter or messages – both delivered through his solicitor – being read to us by third parties. I believe that Demirtaş will still receive many more votes than his opponents; the atmosphere is ripe for this to happen. We will continue our campaign, calling for his release and an end to this anti-democratic practice.


Opposition to Erdogan in Britain is growing

Erdogan’s visit to the UK is an opportunity to whitewash his government’s dire human rights record and detract attention from Turkey’s increasingly authoritarian anti-democratic politic. Without international pressure Erdogan will continue unhindered, using the state of emergency and the anti-democratic decrees to maintain his authoritarian rule. The purge of public sector workers, clamp down on all democratic opposition and the media, as well as escalating military aggression against Kurdish people and regions both within and beyond the country’s borders must be stopped.
We condemn Theresa May’s failure to condemn Turkey’s unacceptable aggression both within and outside its borders in the Middle East. We call on all democratic and progressive individuals, politicians and organisations to condemn our government’s collusion in Turkey’s crimes against human rights, freedom and democracy.
Erdogan is due to meet with the Prime Minister and the Queen on Tuesday. We must make it clear that he is not welcome here and send a message to our government that collusion with Erdogan ahead of a critical presidential election that seeks to cement one party, one man rule is unacceptable.
Join us on Tuesday 15 May at 10:00am outside No.10 Downing Street to protest Erdogan’s visit. The protest will be followed by a march and rally at midday.

Will robots celebrate May Day?

If the robots have been exploited by capitalism, will they attend May Day marches for that reason?

An interesting caricature appeared on Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the most prominent newspapers in Germany. In this caricature by Oliver Schopf, four robots are marching with a May Day banner. One of the robots appear to be holding a flag “May Day 4.0” written on it.
The message Schopfintents to give, of course, is that if Industry 4.0 effectuates, robots replacing heavy industry workers will also participate in May Day celebrations instead of these workers.
So the message given is that workers would not have to attend to May Day marches in order to claim their rights.
But it is also possible to view the caricature from the opposite angle: The robots will have been exploited enough by capitalism too, so they may attend May Day marches for that reason.

Why not?

If robots with “artificial intelligence” are able to think like human beings, perceive like they do and proceed to make evaluations according to situations, then it is also possible for robots with “artificial intelligence” to act against the will of their bosses.
The workers working around the clock alongside conveyor belts are taking their place in May Days, strikes and marches because they do not want to comply with the wishes of the bosses.

Making use of robots more frequently and discarding human labour is discussed heavily in the context of Industry 4.0 in the last few years. This debate is naturally distressing for workers of industrial plants the most. How this situation is going to affect automotive sector, the backbone of German industry, is a largely speculative matter.

It is in plan to use more robots in order to reduce manufacturing costs since all monopolies are conditioned to produce more and cheaper electronic cars. Ford’s European headquarters located in Cologne are discussing the upcoming situation after 2021. It is needless to say, using robots in manufacture is neither a new development nor a new debate. Robots are broadly used in many sectors already. Nonetheless, a state of “manufacturing without human labour” is not yet achieved. Even though the number of human workers is reduced, there is no industrial plant without human workers. It will always be workers who will be manufacturing, programming, using and releasing robots. Neither will robots come from another planet, nor their manufacturers.

Therefore, the future anxiety created by the means of “humanless manufacturing” rhetoric serves only exploiters who are making their profits through surplus value of the production.

The monopolies who are using unemployed masses as an element of oppression for their employees in order to prevent them from demanding higher wages and claiming their rights, will also use robots in the future as a threat for human workers. They will blackmail workers by saying “if you demand too much, we will put robots to your place”.

Hence the emphasis in German May Day celebrations on novel problems that will emerge in the workplace as a result of “digital transformation” is not by chance. Therefore the reaction of the workers’ unions to this is of great importance.
The capitalists with the primary motivation of making profit solely acts through considering profit-cost calculation. “To increase production profits by means of improving production efficiency and expanding the exploitation of surplus value added by the workers is the primary reason behind the transformation and improvement of production tools” (Yusuf Akdağ, Teori ve Eylem, Nisan 2018).
As it was pointed out, using machinery and robotics instead of workers is not a novel debate. Karl Marx, whose 200th birthday was recently celebrated, largely deals with this issue in the first volume of his magnum opus, Das Kapital, especially in Chapter 15.

Marx, by giving the example of employment of machinery in textile production in England in his day, concludes that “the condition in which machinery excludes the workers from purchasing tools, also excludes them from the position of purchaser. As a result of this, demand for the produced meta decreases – voila tout- (and that’s all) (451)
So the secret of capitalism lies in the supply-demand equilibrium. Is it likely for robots to consume what they produce? Who knows, capitalists might even produce “consumer robots”!

Since the world’s capitalists are aware of this fact, they have been discussing handing out ” subsistence wages” to everyone as a vision for the future. They presume that they can solve problems by giving wages enough for basic livelihood to everyone regardless of working status.
Even solely this fact proves that more people should attend to May Days in the future, not robots. What immortalizes Marx, whose statue will be erected in his birthplace Trier in compliment to his 200th birthday, is his demonstration to humankind of how to analyze capitalist mode of production and ultimately overthrow it.

Article written by Yücel ÖZDEMİR


Erdoğan’s manifesto in 5 points: The only pledge for women is ‘to shoulder the government’s burden’

There’s not even a single pledge for women at Erdoğan’s manifesto for elections but expects the women to shoulder the entire burden of the government.

A lot has been scribbled about Erdoğan’s “Covenant Manifesto”; let us take a look at what is said under the “women” section…

1- Asserting that “we have women awaiting a duty in work-life whose path we have paved through a fight against all kinds of discrimination,” he declares that “they have done everything that could be done for women.” Moreover, he asserts this as though it wasn’t he himself who said “A women who says she is employed abstains from motherhood. A woman who has refused to be a mother, who has given up putting her home together, no matter how successful professionally, she has something missing, is a half [women/person].”
There is no mention of the issues experienced by women but there is the claim that women will continue to face whatever they are currently facing. While women who are employed experience their motherhood with a guilty conscience due to their trimmed maternity and birth allowances, while they are forcibly made to leave their children to places where they can’t trust since what they earn is not enough for childcare, while they are constantly insulted by boss and managers and are sick and tired of being subjected to abuse and discrimination in workplaces, what is exactly expected? To put up with these conditions in the name of “duty”.

2- He states that “we will continue to support all women in all areas ranging from education and learning to employment, health and family.” Today there are more than 16 million women living in poverty in Turkey. 64% of employed women are not satisfied with their work conditions. 3 out of 10 women are in unregulated employment and a half of employed women will not have a pension. 1 million women since 2015 had to leave work because of childcare. Girls are forced away from formal education. Pre-school education has been condemned to the hands of religious sects. This is the table they will continue to paint. What then is expected? Sacrifice!…

3- “The abuse of women, violence and harassment; are crimes committed against humanity. We will continue with all our effort and initiative until we completely eradicate this disgrace from our country” he says…  In the last 15 years, 6,546 women have been killed by those closest to them, with some while under governmental protection. More than 50% of these murders took place in the process of Martial law [OHAL], at a time when it was claimed that extraordinary “safety measures” were taken. Child abuse increased by 700% in the last decade; one out of every 4 rape cases heard at courts relates to children. Consider additionally that only 5% of sexual offences against children are revealed. Do recall the attempts at the Assembly not to prevent child abuse but to decrease the age of consent to 12 so that abuse is whitewashed through marriage. Expected is the shouldering of this terrifying tableau together.

4- He states that “we have trampled all traditions of the age of ignorance against women and will continue to do so too. We will continue with this struggle until such time when women have become individuals of this country and nation who have all kinds of rights equally.” It is as though it is not he himself who asserts at every opportunity that “you cannot bring women and men into the same position, this is against creation.” As the leader of the government who considers the life of women to be in the home, at the service of men and restricts it with the care of children, the ill and the aged, who paved the way for the early leaving of girls from education and child marriage, to preach about “making all women individuals who have who have all kinds of rights equally” are just hollow words.

5- “We have enabled Turkey to cross a great threshold by making our party’s women’s branches more active”, “we have considered the presence of our women in all fields of social life and decision-making structures as vital for our future and have taken steps in this direction,” it says. Yes, it is evident that they view the presence of women in these fields vital for their future; it is precisely due to this that “women who were not reasonable for them in these fields” were ‘forcibly’ removed from these fields. Tens of women MPs, council co-leader, women politicians are imprisoned. 11 women’s organisations were shut down due to Martial Law. Just as the way in which the government condemns women to a public life they have themselves designed with “defined limits, gendered character and that is divorced from life and is discriminatory,” through pink buses and pink shopping centres, it also describes the single condition for the presence of women in social and political life as “making the AKP women branches more active.”

Erdoğan states that “we are going to shoulder the burden with women at the historical juncture ahead of us…” There is not even a single pledge for women, but there is assigning of “duties” which demands all kinds of sacrifices from women and which expects the women to shoulder the entire burden of the government’s past and future. Furthermore, Erdoğan also wants to apportion the entire bill of all kinds of negative developments against himself to women before it even takes place, stating as he does that “We will shoulder the burden together.”
The unemployment of women, the work and life conditions they have been condemned to, concern and fears for the future of children show that women are the shackled slaves of this walking ship. Ask those who hear words of “sacrifice” without a pause from the husband at home, from the boss at work, from the one-man in politics; is anything left to shoulder this burden anymore?


Selma Gürkan: Halting the ‘Presidential Alliance’ is the first step towards democracy

’24th June is a critical point in strengthening the one-man regime. It is important that HDP surpasses the electoral threshold to stop this advance.’

Serpil İLGÜN

Those that will be running against Erdoğan in the Presidential election and which parties will enter alliances in the parliamentary elections were decided within the last week.

As expected, a ‘People’s Alliance’ on parliamentary elections only has been agreed between Republican People’s Party (CHP), İYİ (Good) Party, Islamist Saadet Party (SP) and Democrat Party (DP); HDP has been left out of this alliance. The presidential candidates will be Selahattin Demirtaş and Muharrem İnce for Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and CHP respectively. The attempts to an alliance between labour and democratic forces outside of the parliament have been unsuccessful.

We spoke to Selma Gürkan, chairwoman of the Labour Party (EMEP), regarding the current situation and their election policies. EMEP had recently called for an electoral alliance and a joint candidate between the forces of labour and democracy.

It has long been claimed that the ruling bloc would go to an early election. EMEP can’t take part in the elections to be held on 24 June. Were you unprepared?

An early election in Autumn 2018 was expected. However, faced with the problems brought on by the worsening economic and political conditions, the ruling block called a snap election. Hence, we were politically ready but it is the undemocratic legislation of party and elections laws that left us unable to take part in the elections.

A party must have representation in 41 cities, and two-thirds of the towns within those city limits, within the six months prior to an election. The Supreme Court can make undemocratic demands based on membership by address and each organisation to have held their congress before an election; hence it can make organisations and memberships void. Consequently, we had enough representation but these were reduced in numbers and EMEP was prevented from entering the elections. We continue to work towards overcoming these barriers.

You stated your support for Selahattin Demirtaş and HDP in the presidential and parliamentary elections respectively. How did you arrive at this decision?

We didn’t base our decision on which of the alliances to side with. We looked at the main issues: the crucial political issues in Turkey; the oppressive regime of the ruling block; the new legislation and bans curbing rights and freedoms; the democratic resolution of the Kurdish issue, which is a strong indicator of democratisation in Turkey.

24 June is a change of regime, a critical step in the establishment and strengthening of a ‘one-man, one-party rule’. We believe that HDP surpassing the electoral threshold is very important to halt this advance. Furthermore, oppression and legislation that denies the political will of the Kurdish people, and especially attempts to keep HDP out of the parliament are continued. The need for solidarity between Kurdish and Turkish people and the peaceful-democratic resolution of the Kurdish issue becomes more pressing by the day.

Does your support mean putting forward candidates through the lists of HDP? What was the framework in your discussions?

We believe as a party that forces of labour, democracy and peace should enter the presidential and parliamentary elections as an alliance around their immediate demands. We do not think it is right to put forward a candidate without such an alliance. It is also true that under the current conditions the basis for such an alliance is greatly restricted.

What do you think on HDP’s actions in this process? What are your thoughts on the criticism they receive: on their talking about the necessity for the unity of democratic forces but not attempting to achieve this in practice?

An alliance in these undemocratic election conditions is a crucial need. You would expect the forces of labour, democracy and peace to take a responsible stance in their practice. Furthermore, it is clear that there is such a demand and expectation from the people. We think that the HDP executive did not show determination and courage in organising and taking steps to achieve this; this is what leads to the criticisms. It is important that future discussions are held on a united, joint stand in the struggle for democracy.

You called on democratic forces for an alliance and a joint candidate but this did not receive support. Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) Executive member Alper Taş said that it was too late for this; stating that EMEP did not engage in their attempts for a joint candidate before the elections were called. Why didn’t you?

Rather than a democratic alliance, ÖDP persisted on a left-socialist alternative that did not involve CHP and HDP. We didn’t think this was the right approach; hence, we an agreement could not be reached in the negotiations.

In terms of being ‘too late’, it is still possible to gather around common democratic demands and mutual interests saying “we, the listed parties, will enter the election as a block within this framework.” There is still time for this; we did not miss the train yet.

On the other hand, it is clear that the election campaign will continue past 24 June as a struggle for democracy. This will not be an election about introducing candidates and asking for votes; we are in an election period of bans and obstructions, more importantly, we are under State of Emergency (OHAL) conditions and are governed through Statutory Decrees of law (KHKs). Thus, the president is exempt from electoral restrictions thanks to the latest KHK. Even that is not enough: partner of the ruling coalition, Devlet Bahçeli, openly threatened people who will support those candidates that need 100 thousand signatures to stand for office. Hence the clear need for democratic unity and alliances both prior to and after 24 June.

What will your election campaign look like?

We will primarily try to expose the political regime this rulership is after; a campaign that aims to show workers from Turkish, Kurdish, Arab and all other backgrounds how a ‘one-man, one-party rule’ is dragging the country towards a catastrophe. We will try to expose the economic policies of Erdoğan and his governments: attacks on freedom of speech and the media, the organisation of the working class, political rights and freedoms. We will expose the policies of the government hostile to the people and the workers; policies that make life unbearable for women, youth and children. This is our main duty anyway and the election campaign will be a vehicle to deliver this. We’ll take this campaign to all factories, workplaces, universities and colleges.

What will your party do if the presidential elections go to a second round?

We need to see if there will be the second ballot; it is possible that there won’t. We have seen this government’s disregard for the will of the people – in previous elections on 7 June and 16 April -when it doesn’t get the desired results form the ballot box; they will try everything they can to hold on to power. Erdoğan’s threat to the people in saying “you attempted to go for a different path and we all witnessed the consequences” points to this. What did we see when Erdoğan and his government were unhappy with the results on 7 June; bombings, massacres, conflict, the devastation of cities and the loss of hundreds of lives… The rulership dragged the country into chaos and conflict and followed policies aimed at polarising the population. Hence, he is giving the message that consequences that are much worse could follow unsatisfactory election results.

It is highly likely that they will try to confiscate ballot boxes and cause chaos and disputes at polling stations. Therefore, while we attempt to strengthen democracy and create an alternative political choice, we should also have a perspective that takes necessary steps to protect ballot boxes,  that prevents the fraudulent sacrifice of the will of the people.

Consequently, the focus for us today will be a campaign that ensures the defeat of the ‘Presidential Alliance’ and a second round in the presidential election. We would like to support the same candidate as in the first; if the developments are to the contrary, our executive will review the situation and take necessary decisions.


‘People’s Alliance’ was formed without the HDP; forming another rightwing, nationalist, conservative alliance against ‘Presidential Alliance’. What are your thoughts on this?

This means doing politics within the boundaries drawn by Erdoğan, especially for CHP. Despite secular and social-democrat elements within it; the real make-up of this alliance is clear. Political activity within boundaries determined by Erdoğan is what makes him so successful. One needs to look at Erdoğan’s election promises to decide on the alternative needed to be put forward against his alliance. What does Erdoğan say?: more democracy; more rule of law; more welfare and income. Against a rulership that admits that the lack of these, one must argue for a political regime that protects freedoms and rights. A second rightwing block will not disperse the polarisation and unite the people; that will be achieved by demanding democratic rights and political freedoms and meeting immediate economic and social demands.


One of the main points the ‘People’s Alliance’ agrees upon is a return to the parliamentarian system; Is this the issue? Will a parliamentarian system solve Turkey’s political crisis?

We are against the presidential system but do not want the old parliamentary system back either. However, it is important to halt the political discourse represented by the values and political reaction of Erdoğan and the ‘Presidential Alliance’. ‘Anyone but Erdoğan’ would be the wrong attitude. The defeat of his alliance and the election of a new president will not mean that Turkey is over its problems; it would mean the defeat of a government that wants to establish a reactionary and fascist political regime. Of course, this would not be insignificant but will not mean a democratic triumph either.

Our struggle will continue for a political system where: the judiciary is free and democratic; the press is free; the governance of the country is determined by the will of the people; the election and political party legislations are democratic; a constitution that secures all of these is established. We continue to struggle for a system based on the rule of the working class.

Serpil İLGÜN (Evrensel Daily)

More than a million people tweeted to say ‘enough’ to President Erdoğan

More than a million people tweeted to call time on President Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday, making the word ‘Tamam’ (Enough) a trending topic worldwide.

More than a million people tweeted to call out President Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday, making the word ‘tamam’ (meaning ‘enough’) a trending topic worldwide after he said, “If one day our nation says ‘enough’, then we will step aside”.

Soon after the speech, the #Tamam hashtag swept across Turkish-language Twitter, then became a global trending topic.

Erdogan’s rivals in the presidential polls also jumped in, with the “Tamam” tweets from his main opponents.

Social media has become the primary platform for opposition against the government in Turkey, where traditional media is saturated with coverage of Erdoğan and his ministers. Erdoğan’s speeches, usually two or three a day, are all broadcast live on major channels, while opposition parties get little or no coverage.

Erdoğan has been ruled Turkey for 15 years and last month, he declared snap elections for June 24, bringing the polls forward by more than a year. (EVRENSEL DAILY)


Let’s reject the one-man regime with enthusiasm of May Day!

The people who came together around the values of May Day clearly stand opposed to a ‘one party, one-man regime’.

Workers all over the world, from Tokyo to Paris, Sydney to Havana declared not just their demands against capitalist exploitation but also protested imperialist war ambitions.

Of course 1 May 2018 was also celebrated in Turkey by protesting against capitalist attacks, the governments domestic and foreign policies and the economic trajectory.

According to the news reports reaching us at the time of writing;
– İstanbul, Ankara and Izmir led participations in May Day celebrations across Turkey’s towns and cities, which attracted masses in numbers incomparable to previous years.
– As expected the demands for better working and living conditions were prominent amongst the May Day demonstrators. The prominent demands and issues related to low wages, job insecurity, outsourcing, arbitrary dismissal, trade union membership, and education and health.
– Demonstrators carried placards and banners calling for an end to the State of Emergency, the cancellation of all statutory decrees, peace and fraternity against the war, and rejecting attempts to establish a “one man one party regime”.

On the other hand, it is without a doubt that this year’s May Day attracted the largest May Day demonstrations recent years.
Despite some trade union confederations holding rallies in different cities, it is right to say that participation by both trade union and political circles at May Day was higher than in previous years.

Of course when viewed as a whole; trade union groups largely highlighted workers demands whilst political parties and their groups highlighted political demands. When compared with previous years, this year’s banners and placards featured fewer economic and political demands. Demands were overshadowed by party, political groups and trade union flags. This should be noted as a weakness to be overcome. Of course, that banners featuring direct criticism of the government were not permitted (and that this was known in advance) may have led to this outcome. In Maltepe for example demonstrators were allowed entry only after passing through three security barriers and banners directly criticizing the government were not permitted.

The reasons for higher participation in May Day as compared to previous years is due primarily to the following reasons:

1-) Discontent with the ongoing state of emergency, the effects of which have become heightened by the “war time” practices, have accumulated into a reaction.

2-) Capitalist attacks on hard won rights have reached a level at which workers are feeling the pain.

3-) The public chose to express their opposition to attempts by the Erdogan-Bahceli alliance to drag the country into a “one-man regime” by attending the May Day demonstrations.

In the end May Day is now in the past and today the most important issue which could legalise the “one party one-man regime” is the election on 24 June.

Both in İstanbul and across the country, the May Day demonstrations show that the people (of Turkey and the region) want a secular, democratic Turkey in which there is fraternity between people. The people who came together around the values of May Day clearly stand opposed to a “one party, one-man regime”. Moreover, the size of these masses is not insignificant – as long as these people can (beyond voting) mobilise around the demands articulated at May Day!

Attendees estimated that approximately 200-300 thousand people joined the May Day rally. In fact, a sizeable number of people think this number is higher. But what is important is the growth of demonstrators compared to previous years and the reasons for this increase. Based on the period ahead of us, it will be possible to look at who will be shaping this organizational progress and the backgrounds of participants.

Article written by Ihsan Caralan

Hayatın Sesi TV case postponed to September, 19

The case of Hayatın Sesi TV, which was shut down based on a Decree of Law issued under the State of Emergency has been postponed to 19 September.


The fourth hearing of the Hayatın Sesi TV, accused of propagating for ISIS, PKK and TAK, took place on Tuesday.

Birol Sarıkaş, President of Cam Keramik- İş Trade Union, İbrahim Kızılyer, DİSK Gıda-İş Marmara Regional Representative, Sinan Ceviz, Liman-İş Organising Expert,Faruk Eren, President of DİSK Basın-İş, Mustafa Kuleli, Financial Secretary of Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS), Özgür Öğret, Turkey Representative for the Committee for the  Protection of Journalists (CPJ), Ercüment Akdeniz, News Editor of Evrensel Newspaper, Istanbul City administrators of the Labour Party (EMEP) were all present at the hearing.

The owners of the TV station Mustafa Kara and İsmail Gökhan Bayram and General Director Gökhan Çetin, being charged with up to 13 years imprisonment, defended themselves against claims that they have been “aggregately spreading propaganda of the organisations” mentioned above. The court adjourned to 19 September 2018 on request from lawyers for extra time.


Editor in charge, Gökhan Çetin, said that “(Hayatın Sesi) has been against violence and terrorism since the day it was established to the day it was closed down. We do not have any publications that praise violence and terrorism, related to the events as is said in the indictment. On the contrary, we defended the human values required by our publishing principles. I have adopted a broadcast line opposing deaths. We defended the right of the people to receive news. We conducted our broadcasting on this line. I don’t think this is something that should lead to a trial. I don’t accept the accusations.”


İsmail Gökhan Bayram, one of the co-owners of the channel, said, “the subjects of accusations are topical and are of interest to the public. It is the duty of the public broadcaster to criticise authorities in these publications. It does not make any sense to say that we have made propaganda of different terrorist organisations in the indictment.

The TV station (Hayatın Sesi) has been defending life against deaths throughout its broadcasting life. Our publications are within the scope of freedom of thought and expression. I am a board member of the television. As one of the partners of the channel, it is neither possible nor realistic to follow all publications. Moreover, the Constitutional Court in 2009 stated that it is not the responsibility of the owners, and found that if the prohibited acts were committed in the press, it would be contrary to the Constitution to punish the owners just based on their ownership. There is no evidence against me other than being a member of the Board of Directors. In the case file, there is no information or evidence other than being a partner of Hayatın Sesi. I do not accept these charges, I demand to be acquitted.”


Mustafa Kara, who defended his position, said, “TV stations are established within the law. I am the chairman of the board. I do not have a responsibility for publications. There is information on 5 live broadcasts, but my name is not mentioned as a defendant related to any of these broadcasts. There is no claim that I have participated in any crime. Why am I here as a defendant? I am not responsible for these publications, which I learned about in my indictment. Why am I supposed to carry the responsibility that the laws do not put on me? There must be a link between the allegation and myself – this does not exist. I want my acquittal.”


Lawyer Devrim Avcı said, “In such cases as these, people are being punished for using freedom of expression. This has become clearly apparent in this case. The indictment was issued without referral to the law; the charges are personal. The responsibility belongs to the manager and director of the programmes. Just as in the case of Ayşe Çelik; where she was sent to the prison and Channel D was not punished; such a course of action is against legal practice also in this case. Our political rulers just want applause. They do not want any criticism, and this case is a practical reflection of this.”

Article by: Uğur Cevher ZENGİN

Raid election might turn into a nightmare for the ‘two party coalition

It is very clear that the AKP-MHP partnership has been preparing itself for an election since last year with a ‘raid election plan’.

Just hours after the “raid election” election was declared by the Erdoğan – Bahçeli coalition, the state of emergency was prolonged for another 3 months by the Turkish Parliamentwith the support of AKP and MHP MPs. Thus, AKP-MHP coalition has written one of the darkest pages in the Turkish political history.

Turkey which has been moving towards an election for the past year has found itself in the home stretch. While this home stretch is indeed a “home stretch” for the government, it constitutes a barrier for the opposition.

The substantial reasons which make it rough are the facts that it is a raid election, the opposition has been caught off balance, the election will be held under the conditions of state of emergency, the possibility of being faced with a fait accompli through the adjustment of laws and compromising the integrity of the electoral process is very real.


It is very clear that the AKP-MHP partnership has been preparing itself for an election since last year with a “raid election plan”. As a matter of fact, many methods were utilised as part of this plan so far including exploitation of domestic and cross-border military operations in order to provoke a chauvinist-nationalist wave, exploitation of religion, misuse of state of emergency to suppress the opposition and the distribution of bribes in the names of “public tender”, “normal and super incentives” and “social aid”. No matter how the opposition threw down their gauntlets in reply to government’s decision for snap election with battle-cries, this does not mean that CHP or HDP areactually ready for an election, particularly considering the fact that neither of these principal opposition partners has a candidate for presidency nor a strategy for the election. This is exactly why Erdoğan – Bahçeli partnership has decided to hold a “raid election”.


Nevertheless, it is also evident that;

– Financial parameters are giving indications of disruption,

– Domestic and foreign policies are at a dead end,

– A significant proportion of the public demonstrated their opposition to “one party, one man” rule in the referendum held just a year ago; and these facts constitute substantial advantages for the opposition and a considerable handicap for the government.

Since 16 April, there is also likely to be a growth in the adverse reaction against the government rather than increased support since the government is not in such a powerful and trouble-free position as they had expected to be considering the massive state and media power they monopolize.

Thus, although the opposition is at a disadvantage, they are not doomed to lose the election. On the contrary, they might succeed the election if they were less coy in encouraging the masses to pouronto the streets and if they could take firm actions to reorganize a campaign against the “one party, one man” rule. If the opposition stopped limiting their strategy to simply saying “vote for me, and I will save you” and if their members could organize amongst the masses with cross-cutting demands and use the streets and public spaces for this purpose, they could achieve the dynamism to secure the integrity of the elections and they could even show that they have the power to circumvent an Erdoğan – Bahçeli alliance in the election. Of course, if only they rolled up their sleeves to take action by placing “factionalism”, “turfism”, “egocentricism”, “sectarianism”, “exclusionism” biases aside!


When we look at the purported reasons for the election together with the conditions our country has been in, it is clear that the demands for an end to the “One Party, One Man” administration and for a “Democratic Turkey” will be at the heart of this electoral period. Naturally, this struggle will be demanding the “abolishment of the state of emergency conditions and cancellation of government decrees”, “freedom of the press”, “right to a fair trial”, “fair and democratic elections”, “combating with unemployment, poverty and inflation” and “use of the budget for social policies instead of armament”.

Due to all these reasons, the success of the opposition election campaign will depend on the systematic exposure of the demands stated above and the active endeavour of the working class in election campaigns. Pursuing activities such as calling for workers from a broad range of opinions to a collective struggle and organizing election rallies with the broadest participation possible in the context of a comprehensive election campaign would have a great effect on the outcome of the election.

The first condition of turning “raid election” into a nightmare for the government, is to mobilize efforts for the masses as soon as possible.

It is of great importance that the period coming up be utilized, to bring together the economic, political and social developments with the electoral demands and aims in an organized movement, including using 1 May as a means to popularize the demands and slogans of the election.

Article written by Ihsan Caralan

Another ‘election crisis’ with Europe?

Tensions with Europe are rising again in the build-up to the election. Germany, Austria and Netherlands will not permit election campaigns.

The election campaign and voting in the Turkish elections, to be held on 24 June, is again planned to start with Germany and other European countries. Approximately three million voters originating from Turkey have the right to vote in overseas ballot boxes; these votes have a small impact on the number of MPs.

Politicians that are planning to run a campaign in overseas territories are already receiving unfavourable messages from the governments of Germany, Austria and Netherlands.

Prior to the referendum in Turkey, held on 16 April 2017, especially AKP cabinet members’ attempts to join election campaigns in Germany received a backlash and campaigns were not permitted. Many venues had cancelled previously confirmed permits for rallies at the last minute. Erdoğan and AKP representatives then blamed European governments for being ‘Nazis’ and used these bans to domestically incite nationalism.


Austria was first to state that politicians that are likely to come from Turkey will not be given permission to canvas in the country. Prime Minister Sebastian Kurzstated in a statement to radio station Ö1 that “Politicians from Turkey will not be allowed to stir up our country”. There are 117 thousand voters in Austria.


Germany, where most voters reside, also stated that, just like in the eve of 16 April, AKP cabinet members arriving from Turkey will not be given permission to canvas in the country.

It is claimed that President Erdoğan wants to meet with the German President Frank Walter and follow it with an election rally. A news story in Der Spiegel stated that the President’s Office can only meet with Erdoğan after the elections. Steffen Seibert – spokesperson for the Federal Government – stated that there is no planned visit to Germany by Erdoğan at the moment.

On the other hand, German Foreign Secretary Heiko Mass, at a summit of Foreign Secretaries in the city of Toronto in Canada, said “Our stance on this matter is clear. Three months prior to an election to be held in a foreign country, there will be no election campaign ran in Germany.” Maas added that “This is true for everyone, regardless of what country they are from.”

Emphasising that he does not want the arguments with AKP witnessed last year to be repeated, Maas said “The arguments did not benefit either side.”


Netherlands, also refused AKP cabinet members’ canvassing prior to the referendum on 16 April, stated that canvassing will not be permitted before the elections of 24 June. In his statement, Prime Minister Mark Rute said “We do not want to import problems from abroad.”


In a recent TV programme, President Erdoğan stated that they hired a venue with a capacity of 10-11 thousand but did not say in which country this venue was. Following the decisions by Germany, Austria and Netherlands, it is presumed that the venue is either in France or Belgium. Following this stance of the European countries, it is predicted that Erdoğan will escalate anti-European rhetoric in an attempt to gain the overseas vote.

Article by Yücel ÖZDEMİR

Cumhuriyet’s 14 journalists and executives sentenced to jail

The court sentenced 14 journalists and executives from Cumhuriyet newspaper to various prison terms over terrorism-related charges.

The 27th High Criminal Court of İstanbul on Wednesday sentenced 14 journalists from Cumhuriyet daily to various prison terms over terrorism-related charges.

Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Murat Sabuncu, CEO Akin Atalay, and Orhan Erinc, plus journalists Ahmet Sik, Aydin Engin, and Hikmet Cetinkaya, got prison terms of six to eight years on charges of acting on behalf of a terrorist group without being members.

Atalay, however, was released in light of his time already served.

Eight journalists — Bulent Utku, Kadri Gursel, Guray Tekin Oz, Haci Musa Kart, Hakan Karasinir, Mustafa Kemal Gungor, Onder Celik, and Yusuf Emre Iper — were given up to four years in prison on the same charges.

At the first hearing in the case in July 2016, the suspects were indicted for sponsoring the PKK, Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), and leftist DHKP/C terrorist groups.

The court also sentenced Twitter user Ahmet Kemal Aydogdu, who used to handle @JeansBiri, to 10 years in prison.

Aydogdu was detained in October 2016 on charges of spreading disinformation through the Internet.

Aydogdu, said to be a teacher at a local school, was charged with armed terrorist group membership. During the course of their investigation, authorities also found a large sum of money at his home.

The court also ruled that that case against the prominent journalist Can Dundar, previously the newspaper’s editor-in-chief, would continue separately.


Following the sentences handed down to 13 journalists and executives of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet on charges of “acting on behalf of a terrorist organisation or making the organisation’s propaganda, Milena Buyum, Amnesty International’s Turkey campaigner, said:

“Since the start of this trial, it has been journalism itself that has been in the dock and today’s verdicts defy logic and offend justice.

“Throughout the nine-month course of this trial, the prosecution has failed to produce a shred of evidence of any criminal wrongdoing. These politically motivated sentences are clearly intended to instill fear and silence any form of dissent.

“This is a shocking affront to press freedom and for justice in Turkey and sets a chilling precedent for scores of other journalists facing trials on similar trumped-up terrorism related charges.”

A recent European Commission report said that under the state of emergency imposed in the wake of the coup bid, more than 150,000 people had been taken into custody, 78,000 arrested and over 110,000 civil servants dismissed. Turkish authorities say that some 40,000 have been reinstated in the process.

Turkey’s Western allies have repeatedly condemned the Turkish government’s detentions and purges after the coup attempt.

Local and international rights groups accuse the government of using the coup bid as a pretext to silence opposition in the country.

The government says that the purges and detentions are in line with the rule of law and aim to remove Gülen’s supporters from state institutions and other parts of society. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Arbitrary use of anti-terrorism laws in Turkey: The case against the school teacher Ayşe Çelik

A school teacher, Ayşe Çelik, who said ‘do not let children die’ was sent to prison with her baby daughter in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır.



On 08.01.2016, a school teacher by the name of Ayşe Çelik called a popular talk show presented by Beyazıt Özturk on Kanal D, one of the most viewed non-state TV channels in Turkey.  Ayşe Çelik talked about the clashes that had been raging for months between Kurdish militants and Turkish security forces in Diyarbakır, the largest city of the mainly Kurdish southeast. She pleaded for more media attention to killings and other human rights abuses carried out against civilians across south-eastern Turkey and she said:

“Are you aware of what is going on in the southeast of Turkey? Unborn children, mothers, people are being killed here. You should say stop! There are miserable people who are glad to hear that children are dying. The things happening here are reflected so differently on TV screens or in the media. Do not remain silent. As a human being, have a sensitive approach. See, hear and lend us a hand. It is a pity, do not let those people, those children die; do not let the mothers cry anymore. I cannot even speak over the sounds of the bombs and bullets. People are struggling with starvation and thirst, babies and children too. Do not remain silent.”

The host of the program, Beyazıt Öztürk, had the audience applaud her by saying: “We are trying our best to make it heard. Your words have been a lesson for us. We will continue to do more. Hopefully your wishes for peace will be realized as soon as possible.”


Following this call, the Diyarbakir Public Prosecutor started an investigation against Ayşe Çelik for ‘praising terrorism and a terrorist organization,’ and the Bakırköy Public Prosecutor initiated a separate investigation against both Beyazıt Öztürk and Ayşe Çelik on similar charges.

On 14.01.2016 Ayşe Çelik was questioned by the Bakırköy Public Prosecutor on the alleged suspicion of being a member of the PKK listed as a terrorist organisation under Turkish law. During the questioning, Ayşe Çelik denied that she belonged to an illegal organisation. Ms Çelik contended that she had not praised an illegal organisation in her speech and that she had not intended to disseminate propaganda.

On 20.04.2016, the Bakırköy Public Prosecutor filed a bill of indictment against Ayşe Çelik and Kadir Tunali, an executive director at Kanal D who was responsible for the show. Ayşe Çelik was charged with disseminating propaganda in support of PKK under Article 7 (2) of the Law on Prevention of Terrorism (the Law No 3713), and Article 53 of the Turkish Penal Code on account of her speech on the live broadcast of Kanal D. The public prosecutor submitted that the following passages in the speech constituted propaganda in favour of an illegal organisation:

“Are you aware of what is going on in the Southeast Turkey? Unborn children, mothers, people are being killed here. You should say stop. The things happening here are reflected so differently on TV screens or on the media. Do not remain silent. As a human being, have a sensitive approach. See, hear and lend us a hand. It is a pity, do not let those people, those children die; do not let the mothers cry anymore. People are struggling with starvation and thirst, babies and children too. Don’t remain silent. “

At the material time, Article 7(2) of the Law on Prevention of Terrorism read as follows:

“Any person who disseminates propaganda in support of a terrorist organisation shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between one and five years.”

The Bakırköy Public Prosecutor decided not to prosecute against television show host Beyazıt Öztürk on the ground that ‘Beyazıt Öztürk did not know that the guest on the phone would go beyond the agreed extent of the conversation, later lost control of the course of events in the programme and there was therefore no solid evidence pointing to any deliberate action by Özturk.’

In support of the indictment, the public prosecutor submitted video records of the television show, report by experts examining the video records, the statement of the defendant to the police, decision 2016/103 of the Supreme Council of Radio and Television (RTUK) which took action against the host of the programme Beyazıt Öztürk, and Kanal D for violating TV broadcasting regulations.

On 23.08.2016, the first hearing was held at Bakırköy 2nd Assize Court where Ayşe Çelik made her defence submission. She was represented by Mr Mahsuni Kahraman, a lawyer practising in Diyarbakir. She stated that she stood behind her words and argued that, this case infringed her right to liberty and security and her right to freedom of expression .The defendant submitted that the accusation pursuant to Article 7(2) of Law No. 3713 had been in breach of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) because her speech had not contained any elements that could be considered an incitement to violence. During the hearing the defendant denied having committed any criminal offence. The defendant contended that she had not intended to disseminate propaganda. She also thanked all scientists, politicians, intellectuals, artists and lawyer friends, who believed her innocence and embraced her words.

Ayşe Çelik received a wide support from the human rights community including scientists, politicians, intellectuals, artists, and lawyers. 38 individuals, for instance, signed a copy of Ayşe Çelik’s statement, denouncing themselves to the Bakırköy Public Prosecutor as ‘accomplices of Ayşe Çelik in this crime, if her words indeed constitute a crime.’ The public prosecutor accused them for the same act.  They stated in their joint defence at the court that, “Neither Ayşe Çelik, nor us are on trial in this case; a peace demand and the truth is on trial. Humanity and conscientious sensitivity can not be punished. We have protected the cry of Ayşe Çelik, we have joined the voice of the truth. This voice can not be a crime.” The defendants, who were represented by a number of lawyers, also submitted their written statements to the court setting out the principles of protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

On 01.03.2017, the public prosecutor filed his submissions on the merits. He sought the defendant’s conviction for the offence with which she was charged. The prosecutor demanded a prison sentence for Ayşe Çelik based on Article 7(2) of the Law No. 3713, claiming that she had ulterior motives in calling the show, and that she acted in line with PKK’s objectives, trying to portray Turkish Armed Forces as being responsible for what was going on in the southeast. The public prosecutor further noted that Ms. Çelik, in her expression ‘Do not let children get killed’ used the same language as the PKK, and that she aimed to justify the actions of the PKK by portraying the military operations against the PKK as ‘actions causing the death of innocent civilians.’

The public prosecutor demanded acquittal for Kadir Tunali and 38 other defendants for charges of ‘disseminating propaganda’ under Article 7(2) of the law No. 3713 due to lack of evidence.

In their final defence submissions, relying on international human rights standards including freedom of opinion and expression and fair trial rights, the defence lawyers demanded acquittal of all defendants.

On 26.04.2017, at the end of the fifth hearing, the Bakırköy 2nd Assize Court convicted the defendant Ayşe Çelik of disseminating propaganda in support of the PKK under Article 7(2) of Law No. 3713 and sentenced to a total of 1 year 3 months in prison.

In its reasoned decision, the court first gave a summary of the defendant’s defence submissions, the public prosecutor’s observations on the merits of the case and the evidence in the case file which included the defendant’s statements to the police and the judge, reports by experts on the examination of the video records, the defendant’s identity documents, and a document showing that she had no previous criminal record.

Bakırköy 2nd Assize Court further noted that during the television broadcast , the defendant’ s speech had subsequently turned into propaganda in favour of the PKK and in her expression ‘Do not let children get killed’ she had used the same language as the PKK, and that she aimed to justify the actions of the PKK by portraying the military operations against it as causing the death of innocent civilians. The court noted that those who disseminated propaganda in favour of the PKK were expressing their support and approval for the PKK, whose methods were those of terrorism and violence. On the arguments by Ayşe Çelik, the court contended that the expressions she had used had gone beyond the limits of freedom of expression in that they had undermined the rights of the official authorities and endangered social peace and public order. The court considered that the defendant had acted on behalf of the illegal organisation PKK, acting in line with their goals and activities, and that she should therefore be punished for disseminating propaganda in favour of the illegal organisation .The court acquitted the defendants including Kadir Tunali and 38 others on lack of evidence.

On 02.04.2017, the defendant’s lawyer appealed before Istanbul District Court of Appeal. He stated in his appeal that Ms Çelik’s conviction pursuant to Article 7(2) of the Law no. 3713 had constituted a violation of her right to freedom of expression which is protected under Article 10 of the ECHR. He continued by arguing that “[With this case] not only freedom of expression but freedom of thought is being prosecuted. … The violation went beyond the freedom of expression …. Because, not her words but rather the intention behind her words has been questioned [by the judicial authorities]. Through entering into a discussion about what she might have meant and aimed for with her expression, her thoughts have been prosecuted and a hypothetical decision has been made on that ground.”

Istanbul District Court of Appeal rejected the appeal request on 27. 09.2017. The conviction became final. Ms Çelik’s lawyer submitted an individual petition before the Turkish Constitutional Court arguing that fundamental rights and freedoms Ms Çelik is entitled to under the Turkish Constitution and the ECHR were violated with the unlawful process carried out against his client. The case is still pending before the Turkish Constitutional Court. However, her sentence was postponed to April 20, 2018 on grounds that she was pregnant.

On 20.04.2018, Ayşe Çelik was sent to prison with her baby daughter in the south eastern province of Diyarbakır after the court overturned her lawyer’s request for an additional period of delay.

(Evrensel Daily)

Selahattin Demirtaş’s defence and Turkey’s trial with peace

Demirtaş’s trial and his defence is very important and should not be lost within the wide range of other ongoing issues.

At a time when Turkeys, ‘security’ policies are aimed at decimating the limited freedom that is left in the country, the century-old Kurdish Question is going through a critical period in terms of its distance to a peaceful solution.

It is well known that policies which reduce the Kurdish Questionsolely into “fighting terrorism”, have over time deepened the issue and turned this into a regional problem. Despite this centuries-old truth, which the state authorities intermittently accept, we are at a time when the same ominous policies are in place.

For a while, defending peace has meant taking a risk. In recent times, three key points stand out in relation to defending peace. One of the includes academics who were expelled from their post at universities and whose trials are ongoing for signing a peace declaration. The second issue which comes to light is in relation to the HDP party which received 6 million people’s votes. It is the largest third party in parliament and still, its co-chairs, MPs, deputies and mayors are kept behind iron bars. Thirdly, through the appointment of administrators and arrests, the Kurdish media is being prevented from publishing and broadcasting.

Considering these current issues, Demirtaş’s trial and his defence is very important and should not be lost within the wide range of other ongoing issues.

Demirtaş, at his hearing on 11 April in relation to the Kobane incidents which took place between 6-8 October, said that they contacted the Minister of Internal Affairs, Efkan Ala, through Sırrı Süreyya Önder and that they expressed their endeavour to make a coordinated effort to prevent any deaths. Demirtaş explained that Efkan Ala had replied that “there are security forces which we cannot control” and requested that Efkan Ala to be called as a witness.

Demirtaş, continuing his defence on 12 April stated that he continued to oppose the digging of trenches and barricades and made speeches in various districts, stating that “the speeches we made in these districts, interestingly were not covered by the mainstream or the Kurdish media.”

Of course, the question of “why there was no coverage given?’ has a significance which needs to be noted by those concerned.

Demirtaş reminded (the court) that the first trench-barricades were discovered towards the end of 2014 on the motorway path between Diyarbakir-Bingöl cities and in Cizre while peace talks were on-going. He went on to say that İdris Baluken, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Pervin Buldan and co-chair of DTK, Hatip Dicle – who were part of the peace talks at the time – made an effort and were persuasive in bringing an end to the trenches.

In the summer of 2015, I went to Cizre, Silvan, Nusaybin, Sur and various other districts and witnessed the efforts made by HDP representatives in reducing the tension and in bringing an end to the deaths. This was covered within the media.

When we look back, we remember that the HDP’s winning of 13.1% of the vote in the national elections on 7 June 2015, meant that the HDP had become a political power able to prevent the AKP becoming a majority government.  Erdogan and his party dismissed these election results, dragged the country into a further election 1 November 2015 and during the interim abandoned the peace negotiations and applied a strategy of increasing tensions. During this period the “fighting against the trenches” was a key lever and was how the government changed the parliamentary balance in its favour and resulted in the election results on 1 November. Over time, the psychological barriers to defending peace were overcome and a period began when sections of society most ready to pay a price took on the cause and continued the struggle for peace.

As a politician during a difficult and special period, Demirtaş took on an important role and took responsibility for critical negotiations, and through his testimony, he portrays a photo of that period.

Erdogan has said that from now on negotiations have been frozen and his photos, despite not being in the pre-election period, have been plastered on billboards across cities and the metro. In this context, is it necessary to even search for a legal reason why Demirtaş – who had said clearly ‘we will not let you be president’ – is in prison?

Demirtaş’s rhetoric even made those under the influence of nationalist propaganda question their own language, and his imprisonment is a way to punish everybody defending peace and taking the initiative towards this end.

And it is for this reason that those defending peace must take the price paid by Demirtaş and other MPs personally.  Of course, it is no crime to defend peace during comfortable less risky periods. But we know that peace does not come to those who do not fully defend it in hard times.  It is precisely for this reason that Demirtaş’s defence and trial is a part of Turkey’s trial with peace.


EMEP: The government is once again trying to deceive the people

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: We call on the working class and all other oppressed and exploited classes to teach a lesson to the Government.

The statement released, regarding the decision to go to a snap election on 24 July, from Selma Gürkan, chairwoman of EMEP, read:

“Turkey entered a hurried election period with a decision from the Presidential Alliance. Despite repeated protests since the beginning of OHAL (state of emergency) against antidemocratic conditions, Erdoğan ve Bahçeli took the erroneous decision of going to an election. This is a demonstration of how uninterested they are in a democratic election process and a democratic environment that reflects the will of the people.”

“With this decision, they demonstrate their complete disregard for rule or legislation in pursuit of a one-man and one-party government. Through this election, they hope to overcome the hardship brought on by their domestic and foreign policies. This is not possible! Those claiming that Turkey’s problems at home and abroad will be resolved with this election are once again trying to deceive the people.”

“Nevertheless, let it be known that the people are learning, through their daily experiences, about the destruction caused by the one-man, one-party state.“

We call on the working class and all other oppressed and exploited classes to teach a lesson to the Presidential Alliance led by Erdoğan and Bahçeli, the architects of the policies that push the country further towards a dead-end. As of today, the fight to further democratic rights and political freedoms became a more urgent responsibility. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Turkey to hold early elections on 24 June, says President Erdoğan

President Tayyip Erdoğan announced early elections in Turkey on June 24, 2018.

President Tayyip Erdoğan announced early elections in Turkey on June 24, 2018. Erdoğan says the legal process for early elections, including preparations by Supreme Electoral Council, to begin immediately.

Erdoğan made this announcement after he met with his ally, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli at the presidential palace.

The meeting, came after Bahçeli made a call on Tuesday for early elections in Turkey.

Speaking at his party’s parliamentary group in the capital Ankara, Bahceli had said: “It should be known that the MHP wants early elections after the [constitutional] adjustment laws are enacted. Electing the president on Aug. 26…is the most rational and reasonable way forward.”

On April 16, 2017, Turkey held a referendum during which the ‘majority’ of voters (controversial) decided in favour of an 18-article bill to switch from a parliamentary to a presidential system.

Turkey’s parliamentary and presidential elections are currently scheduled to take place in November 2019. (Evrensel Daily)

EMEP: Troubled government seeks a solution in early election

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan criticised MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli’s call for early elections: Troubled government seeks a solution in early election.

Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan criticised Erdoğan’s ally, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli’s call for early elections.

Selma Gürkan’s statement is here:

“Call for an early election made by government partner Bahçeli is actually a call for a raid election. While inconvenience of going to an election during a political environment with state of emergency, conflict and war-ridden conditions, Bahçeli, just as he had fired the debates during 16th of April referendum, put raid election to the agenda.

It is not known yet whether these statements are his own sortie, or they have been demanded to be said by the government partner, and this is also beside the point. What is essential is to see what kind of motives this election would be held.

There is an ongoing highly debated process occurring regarding financial policies. Despite a record-setting growth rate of 2017, parameters such as high unemployment rates, low purchasing power, inflation and foreign exchange rates argue against this growth argument.

People, who are struggling to make the ends meet are and workers who feel insecure about the future both are striving with financial and social setbacks are prioritising struggle to live. Government’s foreign affairs and Syria conflict centred Middle East politics also have their predicaments.

On the other hand, government’s social policies, primarily gender and youth policies which are used as-as a base to reinforce political reactionism is not welcomed by the public, on the contrary, they get a rather different reaction. The government tightened in financial, domestic and foreign policies might be seeking refuge in an early election whether calculating the probability of a breaking out in the alliance or by not risking a possible loss of the elections.

The opposition, by which I refer to all the opposing group within parliamentary or extraparliamentary resisting against the shift to “one man, one party” government, should get ready for a possible raid election and should form a platform accordingly.” (Evrensel Daily)


Nationalist Movement Party leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections on Aug. 26, 2018.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections on Aug. 26, 2018.

“It should be known that the MHP wants early elections after the adjustment laws are enacted,” said Bahçeli, speaking at the party’s parliamentary group on Tuesday.

“Electing the president on Aug. 26,…, is the most rational and reasonable way forward,” he said.

President Tayyip Erdoğan and Devlet Bahçeli will meet tomorrow.

On April 16, 2017 Turkey held a referendum which asked voters to decide on an 18-article bill to switch from a parliamentary to a presidential system.

The parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled to take place in November 2019.

EMEP: We condemn the attacks on Syria initiated by the US, Britain and France

Labour Party: These attacks aim to materialise their imperialist interests in Syria and in the Middle East, and they target the peoples of the region.

The Labour Party (EMEP) condemned the attacks on Syria initiated by the US, Britain and France.

EMEP’s statement is here:

“In the early hours of Saturday, 14th April, the US, British and French warplanes and missiles hit Syria. These attacks had no justification. Imperialist powers once again attacked another country without presenting any concrete evidence, as was the case in Iraq.

These imperialist aggressors claim to represent the international community and state that they punish the Assad regime on their behalf. In fact, these attacks aim to materialise their imperialist interests in Syria and in the Middle East, and they target the peoples of the region.

These attacks and the fact that Russia, which backs Syria, had stated that it would retaliate against any attack but kept quiet afterwards has proved once again that when you fight against an imperialist country you cannot rely on another imperialist.

Turkey expressed its support. This was not surprising because the AKP government had called the US to act in the past to topple the Syrian government.

This support shows that the AKP government could switch easily from its collaboration with Russia in Syria to a collaboration with the US and Western imperialists. Russia would question Turkey’s trustworthiness and this will make it harder for Turkey to manoeuvre around in Syria.
Turkey’s call for further action serves to justify the imperialist interventions in the region and is the continuation of its collaborationist position.

Recent developments in Syria also bring to question Turkey’s agreement with Russia for the purchase of S-400 air defence systems. Russia could re-evaluate its relations with Turkey following its support for the attacks in Syria, or Turkey could retract from the purchase arguing that these air defence systems are ineffective.
Whatever the consequences of these attacks might be they clearly show a hightened tension in inter-imperialist relations.

The imperialists are trying in vain to present their actions as a requirement of the interests of the humanity as a whole rather than their own. But these lies are no longer convincing.
In the face of these and similar attacks, the peoples of the world must defend the right of every country to self-determination and fight against the imperialist aggression, war and the danger of a regional war, knowing that collaboration with an imperialist country against its rival is not the solution.
Down with imperialism, long live the fraternity of peoples!” (EVRENSEL DAILY)


Can Turkey really be allied with both Russia and USA?

Turkey, which is allied to Russia in Afrin, is working with the USA in Ghouta. Can Turkey really ally itself with Russia and USA?

The power struggle within the “fields” of Syria between USA and Russia is spreading with aggression.
The aggression does not stop with the exchange of words, it is spreading throughout the world as military forces take a position and the drums of war are being played at higher volume.

The leaders of these drums are trying to match their tempo with the (musical) notes which suit their interest in the region.
Trump is dominating the power struggle with his own style. He openly declares that he will be targeting the Syrian regime and he doesn’t stop there; he threatens Iran and Russia.

Putin, calls for calm from Trump but Russia’s own spokesperson does not refrain from stressing that Russia will retaliate and hit USA missiles if it carries out missile attacks.

Trump responds in his usual style; “missiles are coming, let’s see what you will do about that”. However, Trump’s defence minister Mattis repeated that the USA is ready to attack Syria but also claimed that there is no evidence that regime forces have used (chemical) weapons and therefore contradicts Trump. Nevertheless, the differences in these statements don’t stop the military fleet heading towards the shores of Syria.


There is information that in the face of these developments Russia has put its defence systems in the Black Sea and Aegean on alert. There is also news that Syrian airfields are being controlled by “Russia’s high-altitude planes”.
(..)It is also true that for the time being the USA and its allies will refrain from attacking Russia’s bases and facilities. Moreover, some predict that, unlike the military attack last year, this attack will last only a couple of days.
All these developments will not lead to a “third world war” as exaggerated by some “war lovers”. But it is true that the power struggle between the USA and Russia, and the manoeuvres they make to strengthen their own hand will escalate the conflict, and undeniably the risk of a regional war will be a closer possibility.


The USA is capitalising on the increasing tensions in the region, and with the back-up of England, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey is hoping to strengthen the anti-Iranian coalition. It is observed that the USA wants to rebrand its military attack on Syria, into a joint “coalition” attack.
No doubt, this plan aims not just to deal a heavy blow to Iran but also seeks to undermine Russia. And of course, in strengthening and stabilising its own (i.e. America’s) presence in Syria, it also wants to make its allies more effective in intervening in the region and intends to use their energy to achieve its own plans. Moreover, the aim is for (America’s) allies to take on more responsibility in the region. Wasn’t it Trump that just recently called on allies to take more responsibility?
All of these developments closely impact both the imperialists in the region seeking their own interests and countries in the region but the truth, which everybody can now see, is that the most cornered is Turkey. Faced with Trump’s actions; on the one hand, Turkey is trying not to destabilise its relationship with Russia but finds itself on the side of the USA in a power struggle that (Turkey’s) Prime Minister previously called a “street fight” and the President called an “arm wrestle”.


In the current trajectory, despite no real evidence, in saying that “Esad used chemical weapons. Esad must go” Turkey is openly supporting the USA’s military attack against Syria. This means that Turkey, which is allied to Russia in Afrin, is working with the USA in Ghouta.
Of course, this is not a situation often seen in foreign policy and is not an expert foreign policy manoeuvre. On the contrary. It is an expression of the contradiction that Turkey has fallen into because it has trapped itself within “two red lines” in Syria and has reduced all its avenues for manoeuvre. And we will see that hereafter this contradiction will become even more difficult and the results will be increasingly damaging.
Even before the missiles were deployed and the forces of evil deployed, the increasing tension caused by the power struggle between Russia and the USA began to impact the Turkish markets. This shows that Turkey’s foreign policy is also having destructive effects on Turkey’s domestic politics and economy. The first signs of this are the value of the dollar at 4.20 and the Euro at 5.20 Turkish Liras, and the fall in the stock markets.

Article written by Ihsan Caralan


Where in the War is Turkey?

One of the questions that arise at this juncture is the kind of position Turkey will take on the face of a possible conflict between US and Russia.


Tensions escalated following the claim that the regime forces conducting an operation against jihadist groups have used chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta in Syria have brought the US and Russia to the brink of war. While the US president Trump was threatening Russia with the tweet “get ready, our new smart missiles on their way,” Russia which has declared before that it will not leave any missile offensive against Syria unanswered, replied that “smart missiles should target the terrorists and not the official government.”

In the meantime, Iran has declared that it will take a position against a possible intervention in Syria with its statement that “it will stand with Syria against any foreign intervention.” However, this exchange of statements was also followed by further steps. While the US warships began to make way for the Mediterranean, Britain which has declared its open support for a US intervention has been sending war planes to its base in Cyprus.

While these very developments increasing the possibility of a direct confrontation in Syria were well underway, the news that the regime forces have secured complete control of Eastern Ghouta, turned into the grounds for this tension, have arrived. However, it is evident that the real question for the forces threatening an intervention in Syria is not Eastern Ghouta or the chemical weapons allegedly used there –and indeed this claim being a design of the ‘White Helmets’with links to Al Qaida, as stated by the Russia delegation that has carried out an inquiry in the area, is a likelypossibility. On the contrary, the real issue is that the process of elimination of the jihadists forces, the end of which has been reached, has facilitated the increased influence of Syria and the forces it has been cooperating in the region (Middle East) such as Russia and mainly Iran. Hence, the reason why the US and its allies have embraced the claim that chemical weapons have been used in Eastern Ghouta without any research is the attempt to turn this claim into the grounds for an intervention in the region with the purpose of curbing the increasing Russian-Iranian influence over it.

One of the first questions that arise at this juncture is the kind of position Turkey will take on the face of escalating tensions and a possible conflict in between the US and Russia, that is, the side it will take. For, despite its fractious political relations with the EU, almost 50% of Turkey’s foreign trade is with the EU (if the US is also considered in tandem, this figure exceeds the 50%). And besides, militarily it sustains its existence as a NATO member. On the other hand, the government in Turkey has been developing its military, trade and political cooperation with Russia since the coup attempt in 2016.

We may, in that case, ask: what is Turkey’s position in Syria the current focus of conflicts and the struggle for domination?

The US developed its relations with the Kurds who have waged the most active struggle against ISIS in the process when it began to take steps to preserve its position against Russia in the region on the basis of its “Fight against ISIS Strategy.” This cooperation has brought Turkey and the US to loggerheads, with the former viewing the empowerment of Kurds within Syria as a threat in terms of the policy it has been ensuing in relation to the Kurdish question in Turkey. The liability ascribed to the US and the west by the Erdogan government for the 15 July 2016 coup attempt, increased the possibilities for Russia to use Turkey against the US and the west despite its tense relations until then. On this basis, Russia, gave ‘the nod of approval’ to Turkey’s operations in Syria ranging from the ‘Euphrates Shield’ to Afrin operation undertaken in appearance against the ISIS but in reality for the prevention of the unification of the Kurdish cantons (Kobanê and Afrin). This is because Russia, based on this policy, was aiming to convince Kurds to its solution through a limitation of their power while making it difficult for the US trying to settle in Syria by forcing Turkey, a NATO member, to come to loggerheads with the US.

As for today: forces ranging from the Free Syrian Army used in Afrin operation to jihadist groups Ahrar al-Sham and Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement supported in Idlib has become the most important footholds of Turkey’s policy of intervention in Syria. For this reason, the Erdoğan government, even in the most fractious periods with the US and the west, supported the intervention of these forces against the Syrian regime (Asad). For instance, in the April of last year, in the statement made about the US strike on the Syrian Shayrat Airbase following claims of the use of chemical weapons in the Khan Shaykhun district of Idlib, assurances were provided that “Turkey completely supports steps taken in this direction.” The calculation was simple enough, because steps taken to cease and drive back Asad’s operations against jihadists groups would result in the broadening of the leeway for Turkey and the jihadists groups, and provide the conditions for their figuring more actively in determining the future of Syria.

However, the matter has a different dimension too. Turkey’s support for the US-west policy of intervention in Syria will inevitably endanger the relationship and cooperation it has been sustaining with Russia and Iran supporting Asad openly. Moreover, this situation will also lead to the ending of the operations and policy of interventions Turkey has been ensuing in Syria against the Kurds which has been possible only with the ‘approval’ of these forces.

In other words, the government in Turkey is heading towards a point where it will be progressively more difficult to exploit the contradictions in between two forces fighting for domination in Syria and where it would inevitably face this impasse whichever direction it will turn. And furthermore, because of this policy of war and intervention ensued by the government, wherever/whoever becomes Turkey’s side, the dragging of the country to the centre of a regional war in between imperialists is becoming more and more inevitable.

Well, is there no way out?

There is, to be sure, but this way is one which does not want to be seen, would not want to be seen by the current government that has made the construction of a one-man regime internally and the intertwined expansionists-aggressive policies in the foreign front a raison d’être for itself. This way is the one grounded on giving up the interventionist-expansionist policies in the foreign front and the cessation of support to jihadists groups, with primarily the Free Syrian Army, while in the home front, on the bringing to an end of the Martial Law (OHAL), progressing democratisation and the peaceful resolution of the Kurdish question.

Turkey detained 11 people over social media posts

At least 11 people were detained across Turkey over social media posts on the charge of ‘propagandising for an illegal organisation’.

Social media users including the Labour Party (EMEP) executives and the Federation of Opinion Clubs (FKF) members were detained on charge of “propagandizing for an illegal organisation” in a raid launched this morning in Ankara.

In capital Ankara, 10 people were apprehended, while another was arrested in southern Hatay province, according to the sources.

Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office issued arrest warrants for 13 people, who shared posts against Turkey’s ongoing Operation Olive Branch. The search for the remaining two suspects is ongoing, the source added.

Labour Party (EMEP) stated that party’s Ankara Provincial Director Rüstem Kahraman and Yenimahalle District Director Özlem Boyraz Özel were detained. Five member of the Federation of Opinion Clubs (FKF) are among the detainees in Ankara. Between March 26 and April 2, legal action has been taken against 242 social media users.

The Ministry of Interior previously announced that 845 people who criticised the Afrin operation on social media and participated in critical activities had been taken into custody.

Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch on January 20 against the YPG forces in Afrin province of North Syria.


Creating your own Afghanistan

Who can argue that the jihadi group placed (by Turkey) on the borders does not or will not pose a risk in the future?

A few days ago, some agencies reported on an agreement that the most important radical Islamist group Jaysh al-Islam in East Ghouta (Army of Islam) would relocate to Jarabulus which is currently a place under the control of Turkey.  It is known that the Syrian army was carrying out an operation against the jihadi groups in Eastern Ghouta, which was threating Damascus. The decision by jihadist groups in Syria to accept refugee under a territory controlled by Turkey is not coincident. In fact, this decision supports Turkeys strategic ambition in Syria. Turkey’s support of jihadi groups since the start of the war in Syria has now taken on a new level. The territories seized by Turkey, whilst claiming to be fighting against ISIS and PYD/YPG, are now being replaced by jihadi groups.

During Turkey’s Euphrates Shield operation, it captured territories along the line of Jarabulus, Azaz and Mare, which are now completely governed by sharia law. Through the Free Syrian Army (FSA) it is confiscating people’s property by issuing fatwas and wants to establish a similar ‘order’ in Afrin. In Idlib which is the ‘last bastion’ of the jihadi groups, the FSA has stationed ‘observer’ troops. What will happen to the jihadi groups when the Syrian regime and its supporters (Russia and Iran) turn to Idlib after the East Ghouta operation is clear (even though the Syrian regime is currently on hold, it had in the past begun an operation in the south of Idlib). Either they will enter Turkey through Hatay or they will join other jihadi groups in Syrian territories seized by Turkey.

Since the beginning of the war and to this day Erdogan’s government in Turkey has argued for a buffer zone. In fact, to make this possible it encouraged the flow of refugees from Syria to Turkey. Initially, the goal of the ‘buffer zone’ policy was to encourage the overthrow of Assad. Though the conditions and priorities have now changed, the case for a buffer zone has not. Erdogan’s ruling government wants to place jihadi groups in the territories it has seized on the border, close in on the Kurds and to have a say in the negotiation with regards to the future of Syria.
Even though Erdogan tries to dismiss the (Syrian) regime, placing jihadi groups along its own borders poses great risks to Turkey in the long run. It has not been forgotten that ISIS was supported when they carried out the bloody attacks against Kurds from Rojava. It is not unlikely, when you look at the developments within the region, that the jihadi groups, which Turkey currently supports, could be unsupportable in the future.

So, what will happen?
It is for this reason that we say Turkey risks becoming a Pakistan.

In the past, Pakistan supported the radical Islamic group, Taliban, with the hope of changing the government in Afghanistan. However, the Taliban has now become a big threat not just for Afghanistan but for Pakistan and the surrounding region. Who can argue that the jihadi group placed (by Turkey) on the borders does not or will not pose a risk in the future?

Article by Yusuf Karatas

English PEN: Freedom of expression in Turkey is in jeopardy

English PEN presents a report on the situation of freedom of expression in Turkey and engages in a critical evaluation of the violation of the rights.

English PEN launched a report, ‘Turkey: freedom of expression in jeopardy. Violations of the rights of authors, publishers and academics under the State of Emergency’.

Researched and written by leading experts in the field and internationally recognised advocates for freedom of expression in Turkey, Dr Yaman Akdeniz (professor of law, Istanbul Bilgi University) and Dr Kerem Altıparmak (assistant professor of law at Ankara University), the report examines the impact of the Turkish government’s response to the failed coup on the publishing community and academia.

Dr Akdeniz joined Maureen Freely, Chair of Trustees, English PEN in London for the launch of the report, in partnership with the Turkish Publishers Association.

The report presents an overview of the current situation of freedom of expression in Turkey and engages in a critical evaluation of violations of rights against writers, publishers, academics and academic institutions.

According to the report, prior to the failed coup attempt in July 2016, criminal investigations and prosecutions were frequently used to silence dissent along with other restrictive measures. While addressing the historical suppression of freedom of expression in Turkey, the report focuses on the effects of the State of Emergency introduced in the wake of the coup and the silencing and chilling effect that this has had on many writers, publishers and academics in both their professional and private lives.

Here is an executive summary of the report:


Turkey has always been one of the most restrictive countries among Council of Europe member states in terms of media freedom and freedom of expression:

– Of 20,657 judgments issued by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) between 1959 and 2017, 3,386 judgments (16%) involve Turkey as a respondent State, ranking it first in the list of all member States.
– Turkey also ranks first in terms of the number of judgments in which a violation was found with a total of 2,988 judgments
– Of the total of 700 judgments in which the ECtHR has found a violation of freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), Turkey easily ranks first with 281 judgments and is followed by Russia with 39, France with 37 and Austria with 35 as of the end of 2017.


Physical attacks and torture, rife in the 1980s and 1990s, have been replaced by a more subtle approach in recent times, one which has been described as ‘less brutal but more effective’.
These issues have been compounded in the wake of the attempted coup and recourse to anti-terrorism legislation, in particular, has become even more pervasive. The increase in the number of people accused following the coup attempt is startling.
– Between 2010 and 2017 a total of 94,396 cases were filed in connection with the Anti-Terror Law (TMK) on terror propaganda. Both the number of investigations and criminal cases have significantly increased following the declaration of State of Emergency.
– The nature of the indictments has also changed. New cases after the state of emergency have been initiated under provisions relating to membership to a terrorist organisation rather than the ones relating to terror propaganda.
– In 2016, 155,014 new investigations were launched under article 314 with regard to membership to a criminal organisation. This number is approximately the same (158,993) for the total of previous five years (2011-2015).


The judiciary has become much more politicised, reducing the role and effectiveness of the legal system as a protector of freedom of expression. Although the independence of the judiciary has been in question for some time and particularly following the Gezi Park protests of 2013, the situation has become more serious in the wake of the failed coup attempt of 15 July 2016.

A total of 4140 judges and prosecutors were dismissed from office including 333 judges and two prosecutors of the Court of Cassation, 276 members of the Council of State, two chief public prosecutors, 1280 public prosecutors, 2346 criminal and civil court judges and two members of the Constitutional Court. Of these, 2,200 were arrested, many of whom are still in prison.

After 2017, judiciary independence was further eroded by changes made to appointments to the new Council of Judges and Prosecutors which have meant that, in one way or another, all of its members are chosen by the government. As a result, the ability of judges to pass independent judgements is highly questionable.


The State of Emergency measures introduced in 2016 can be examined under two general categories:
– Emergency Decrees resulting in lasting effects for individuals: dismissal of public officials; closure of unions, federations, confederations, private health institutions, private educational institutions, universities; closure of private radio and television outlets, newspapers and magazines, news agencies, publishing houses and distributors; closure of associations and foundations.
– Legal amendments to various laws affecting rights safeguarded under the ECHR and the ICCPR, including but not limited to the Law on Criminal Procedure, Law on Municipalities, the Law on Elections, the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Civil Servants, the Law on Citizenship, and the Law on the Protection of Personal Information.


– 116,250 people were dismissed from public service. Their passports have been revoked, preventing them from leaving the country, and it has become impossible for them to find a job in the country through a series of de jure and de facto measures.
– 140 media organisations including television, radio and periodicals, and 30 publishing houses were shut down. 18 periodicals were also closed.
– Individuals working in such organisations have been labelled as employees of closed private institutions and therefore share a fate similar to those dismissed from public service. It is estimated that at least 2,500 media workers have become unemployed as a result of these measures. The number of people subject to long-term unemployment due to such measures is unknown.


The rise of criminal cases involving freedom of expression inevitably has direct consequences for writers and publishers. The research conducted produced a list of 80 writers. Of the 80 authors listed in this report, only three are being tried for the books they have written. A large majority of the remaining 77 authors are being prosecuted for being a member of a terrorist organisation or for having affiliations or links with such organisations due to their newspaper articles or social media posts.


There has been an even more alarming increase in the number of academics being dismissed from several universities.
– By the end of 2017, 5,822 academics had been dismissed from 118 public universities
– Like writers, many academics have also been prosecuted under criminal law. In addition to the administrative proceedings initiated at universities, Chief Public Prosecutors in many provinces launched criminal investigations against Academics for Peace who signed a peace petition criticising the state violence in South East Turkey. Some academics were taken into police custody and questioned within the scope of these investigations for ‘disseminating terrorist propaganda’ or denigrating the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the institutions and bodies of the State’.


Both the Turkish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights incorporate safeguards for freedom of expression. The actions outlined in this report are therefore arguably in contravention of:
– Article 26 of the Constitution, the freedom to hold opinions and express them and impart and disseminate ideas and opinions
– Article 28 of the Constitution, the press should not be censored
– Article 29 the right to publish periodicals and non-periodicals.
– Article 30 on the protection of printing facilities
– Article 27 on the freedom of science and the arts
– Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights

What does the sale of Doğan Media Group mean?

Evrensel Editor-in-chief, Fatih Polat, assesses the sale of Doğan Media Group to the Demirören Group, known with its ties to the government.

The sale of Doğan Media Group to the Demirören Group is of critical import in many respects within the field of media. The tension in between President Erdoğan and this group, reflecting media with its various aspects for a while now, is itself caused by this importance anyway.
It is known that one of the first things AKP had done after coming to power was to undertake an operation to wipe Cem Uzan, who had proved that he was not a rival to be ignored 7.25% of votes he secured in the 3 November 2002 elections, from the field of media and business. AKP led by Erdoğan, while taking steps to consolidate its hegemony over the judiciary and other influential institutions after that process, it also proceeded, in phases, to establish its domination of the media field.


The sale of Doğan Group constitutes the last move in the government’s struggle to dominate media by bringing together certain media groups and pledging them various opportunities.
The AKP period became a period of contracted business opportunities for Aydın Doğan, the boss of the Doğan Group and the sale of these last media operations to Demirören Group constitutes the farewell of this group to media sector in which it has been involved at least for the last 40 years.
There have been recurring rumours of the sale of Doğan Group on different occasions in the last two years. Especially the April of last year was a month when strong indications of this had been forthcoming. In the enquiries I have carried out within the group in order to understand the meaning of a farewell message by Vuslat Doğan Sabancı, whose the last position in Hürriyet where he worked for 20 years was to chair its management committee, there were reports of negotiations for the sale of Hürriyet and of a Qatari business as a potential buyer. The name of Posta [a Turkish daily] was also being mentioned in association with this sale process.
Subsequently, that process was left to incubate in amongst possible new balances and ‘searches for solution’. But in the interval, new claims of the sale continued to arrive every so often. And finally, we have witnessed the completion of this sale on a much more comprehensive basis.
The discussions I have carried out within the group confirmed that Aydın Doğan has made calls to editors-in-chief within the group, stating that ‘he had no more power to endure’ and that he said his farewells. I must also point out the existence of the following claim: “It is said that the money paid by Demirören (at least in part) is from Qatar.”
It will not be surprising that certain opportunities may have been provided to Demirören for this sale which has come to fore as a result of the tension between President Erdoğan and the Doğan Group. While this may be a financial opportunity which the government may have ensured through different means domestically, it may also be from Qatar with which a political bridge has been established. As I cannot confirm this aspect of the matter as having convinced me completely, I mention it only as a claim.


Let us now turn to the rest of the other important aspects of the matter. While the situation which the sale of Doğan Group will lead to is being discussed, the following points have to be underlined in response to what I consider to be problematic and reductive reactions in social media. To be sure, in Doğan Group, we are talking about a media conglomerate which has sacked many a journalist. And the Doğan Group is also the group that has driven trade unions out of the central media too.

The ending of İrfan Değirmenci’s employment, a news anchor for Kanal D Haber, for declaring the result of “no” in the presidential referendum, dubbed the ‘Presidential government system’ by the government is still fresh in our memories. In other words, in Doğan Group, we are not talking of a saint.


But despite all this, the presence of a media group, which could open its pages and screens to a news coverage and commentary that presented a relative contrast to the government’s hegemony on the media field, was providing a chance to breathe however partially.

For instance, in the period when the pressures on the media has intensified and saw a record number of journalists imprisoned in Turkey, in the last 3 years, the promotion of initiatives by journalists such as ‘I am a Journalist’ and ‘Journalists Outside’ campaigns in Hürriyetand Posta newspapers, was due to our colleagues and connections there. These really are not things to be belittled. Besides, at different elections processes, this group was also a platform where sections opposing the government could find some relative room. Now that door is closed shut.


The process’s dimension with regards distribution opportunities constitutes its other important aspect. For newspapers like ours, distributed by agencies belonging to the Doğan Group, we are yet to see how this will work out in the forthcoming period. Even in the case that it continues to be distributed by the same distribution agency, only time will tell if problems will be experienced in getting newspapers to the readers when we publish important and influential headlines against the government. But also taking into account all these risks, it is also high time to think more seriously about the possibilities of establishing a distribution network with neighbouring newspapers which we have been pondering for a while, as a current need.


The calls for journalists in this group to resign in the follow up to the sale of Doğan Group, on the other hand, is nothing but an irrelevant position akin to “pleading with one standing on the roof to Jump” as stated in a twit by my colleague and friend Mehveş Evin.

Let us also consider the following angle. For instance, at the time when I was a student at the communications faculty, there were only 4 communication faculties in Turkey. Today they number as high as one cannot tell. Every year hundreds of candidate journalists graduate from these faculties. Considering also the restricted opportunities for employment in the field of alternative media, where are these people going to work? Besides, those looking at the matter from outside are acquainted only with those known individuals in media and tend to base their analysis on them. On the contrary, in such media formations, there are hundreds of reporters, editors, page editors, operators who work in different fields of the profession and whose names remain unknown. Once it is taken into account that the general tendency is for such sales of media groups to be followed by mass sackings, media trade unions now should ready for a possible culling. Such periods are also a testing period for media trade unions. The successes of media trade unions and professional associations with regards defence of journalists’ rights is measured with their conduct in such critical junctures.


In concluding the article the following must be highlighted. Once the monopolisation in the field of media and the deepening of this in favour of political power is considered as constituting a serious risk to the public’s right to news, it is clear that the struggle against this course of events that implies a ‘mono-vocal order’ should be the concern of all those sections needing democracy in Turkey. Hence the matter is well beyond being the matter of a group.

Article written by Fatih Polat

Turkey’s largest media group changes ownership in one day

The whole of the Doğan Media Group owned by Aydın Doğan (including CNN Turk, Posta Daily and Channel D) has been sold to Erdoğan Demirören.

The flagship of the Turkish press, Hurriyet Daily, has been sold to a group close to the AKP government. But the sale is not just limited to Hurriyet, the whole of the Doğan Media Group owned by Aydın Doğan (including CNN Turk, Posta Daily and Channel D) has been sold to Erdoğan Demirören for 1.1 billion USD. The country’s biggest media group; all of its newspapers, magazines, radio, channels, music companies, publishing house, print press distribution company YAYSAT, its writers, illustrators, journalists, publishing staff, TV programmers, producers, film editors they all have changed hands in one day. The financial backdrop of this deal, such as how Demirören found the investment money and why Aydın Doğan, who had been retired from work of the media group and playing an honorary role for a while, has decided to let go of the media group will be exposed soon. But there is no risk in saying this: As a result of government pressure, the Doğan Media Group has stopped being critical or acting in opposition to government long time ago, and it already surrendered to Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP Government. It is clear who will be setting the headlines for Hurriyet from now on.

This important sale, which has rocked the media world, means that 21 of the 29 newspapers in Turkey (not including sports, economy and publications in foreign languages) are now in the hands of bosses that are closely allied to the government. When expressed as a percentage 73% of the country’s newspapers are now in the control of the AKP. This means that pro-government newspapers in the country now make up 90% of the national circulation (Source: BirGun)

This sale has a symbolic importance for the media, society and for press freedom. Let’s explore these in turn:
Aydın Doğan and the media outlets he owned never been in a good relationship with the AKP government. Front runners in the AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan also felt similarly about Aydın Doğan. However, the AKP’s direct interventions against the Doğan Group and its owner Aydın Doğan became more apparent after the 2007 elections. AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan, who had gained the majority (and power) in these elections exerted political pressure and Hurriyet daily was forced to show the door to its popular and dissident writer Emin Çölaşan. However, the problem could not be resolved by simply sacking Çölaşan. Following the vote on the constitutional changes bringing an end to the headscarf ban in the country, headlines such as “411 hands up for chaos” and the news stories published in the Hurriyet newspaper about famous “Light House corruption scandal” [a reference to a religious charity embroiled in funnelling charitable donations and with ties to the government] had angered AKP members. The penalty for these news stories fell on the editor-in-chief, Ertuğrul Özkök, and resulted in his dismissal(who had himself previously had dismissed Emin Çölaşan in a blink of an eye). He was removed from the role of the editor but they allowed him to continue quietly writing articles smelling of love, eroticism and quality wine. Meanwhile, the Doğan Media Group was to subject to a detailed tax investigation. 20 auditors spent 330 days examining the Doğan Media Group. As a result, a fine of 4.8 billion TL, the highest in Turkish Republic’s business history was imposed on the Doğan Media Group for alleged irregularity in the sale of 25% of its shares to the German media giant Axel Springer. Aydın Doğan would have been better off giving all of his companies to the government rather than paying this fine

This fine was the start of Doğan Media Group’s fearful and unconditional allegiance towards the AKP government. Appeals, numerous successful court hearings and the government’s “friendly” reduction of the fine just before the 2011 elections, meant that this record fine was reduced to 940 million TL. Meanwhile, the controversial headlines, writers and producers criticising the government had been trimmed off. Almost every day a journalist whose name was crossed out by the government was dismissed from their job at CNN Turk, Hurriyet, Kanal D and Posta. They were replaced by journalists known for their intimacy with the government. Doğan Media Group began being run by a media outlook in which the stars were Nagehan Alçı, Nazlı Ilıcak and Ahmet Hakan. Doğan Media Group replaced Rıdvan Akar with Hande Fırat. Aysenur Arslan with Akif Beki. You cannot forget the famous penguins of CNN Turk during the Gezi Park demonstrations. During the same period of time, there was a huge wave of resignations and mistreatment of journalists in every part of the Turkish media. And the Doğan Media Group was playing its role in this witch hunt. When we look at it from this perspective, we see that the Doğan Media became a handy media group [for the AKP], it stayed on the straight and narrow, at the chief’s [Erdoğan’s] heel, and had become a well-behaved broadcaster/publisher just trying to avoid another punishment. Clearly even this was not enough and today Aydın Doğan withdrew from the media industry completely.

The boss of Demirören Holding, Erdoğan Demirören, once said that he had become a media boss accidentally. The man was an LPG trader. At most he could have been a tourism sector investor. What does he know about publishing or broadcasting? Maybe he thinks that selling newspapers is like selling bottled gas. Fill them and sell them. When they get empty, just refill them, sell them and line your own pockets. Of course, publishing and broadcasting is a very different job. He only understood what a pain in the neck he had taken on when on Erdoğan’s suggestion he took out a loan from the state banks and purchased Milliyet and Vatan newspapers. In 2013, Milliyet under the editorial leadership of Derya Sazak ran the headline “İmralı Notes” in relation to the notes of the HDP and Abdullah Öcalan meeting. These notes were providing hints about the stage of peace talks between the state and the PKK in terms of reaching an agreement and providing public transparency. However, this transparency was not favoured by the AKP. The reaction of the AKP wings against the new boss of Milliyet, Demirören, was like an earthquake. Demirören, who had heard about the “power of the press or the power of the reis?” but never experienced it was about to receive a phone call that would jar on his ears. The phone call coming from Tayyip Erdoğan, after reading the İmralı Notes, reprimands Demirören was leaked to the media. In this call, Demirören is lost for words, breaks down into tears, apologises to Tayyip Erdoğan and says “why did I get involved in this media work.”Demirören found himself in a sector that he knows nothing about and about its working style. He had been given a newspaper but he was unable to manage it himself. Yet there was a reason why these media outlets were given to these bosses. It’s wasn’t a coincidence that these media outlets were called “pooled media”. For those who didn’t understand this, this was explained as they cried and made to adhere to the system. Tayyip Erdoğan commanded, “Down with this kind of journalism!” And of course, it would all go down. But not the companies, just the journalists trying to do their jobs properly. The İmralı Notes resulted in the dismissal of the editor-in-chief Derya Sazak and the columnists Hasan Cemal and Can Dündar, who both opposed government oppression. Many other editors and managers also lost their jobs after this crisis. Only Demirören and those who complied with the pressure kept their place. In the end, Milliyet too was caved in.

In fact, Demirören who is a businessman with close ties to the AKP had no interest in the media sector. As mentioned earlier, his entry into the media world through the purchasing of Milliyet and Vatan Dailies was not particularly enjoyable. So why is he now taking over Turkey’s biggest media giant, Doğan Media Group? Or to put it another way, was Demirören somehow forced to buy Doğan Media Group? This is likely to have been what happened.

The importance of this sale for the media sector shows that the ocean has dried up in terms of the mainstream media in Turkey. Since the all of the dissident broadcasters and publishers have also been shut down through statutory decrees after the 15 July (coup attempt), today we face the reality that the AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan is the only and absolute power of the media industry in Turkey. The cost of the media being from one voice and in the absolute power of the government means more fake news, more distorted information, more government propaganda, more false allegations, perfect disguise, and a return to smear campaigns against opposition will be unavoidable. We will be able to observe the impact of this new state of affairs even clearer in the approaching 2019 elections.

At this point in which the ocean has dried up for press/media freedom, it is even more important to seek out online independent media outlets, use social media as responsible citizens and support alternative media outlets such as Evrensel and BirGun. News can now only be received through alternative media. To stand up for the truth and find out what is really happening in the country, stay tuned into alternative media sources.

Article written by Esra Arsan


Turkish Parliament approved new law to regulate online broadcasting

The Turkish Parliament approved a new law giving the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) the authority to regulate all kinds of internet broadcasting.

According to the new legislation, all broadcasters that want to provide radio, television, and other types of broadcasting services on the internet will have to obtain a licence from RTÜK, while broadcasters on other platforms will also require a transmission authorisation from RTÜK for their internet broadcasts. Previously, RTÜK licensing and regulation was necessary only for conventional radio and television broadcasters.

RTÜK will be able to file a legal complaint to demand to block access to broadcasters which do not have licence or authorisation or whose licence or authorisation have been cancelled. The courts will have to decide on RTÜK’s application within 24 hours.

The details of the legislation will be set via a directive to be issued by RTÜK in the following six months.

The new legislation is widely criticised as it is expected to further the suppression on the freedom of expression and press, while the government backs the new regulation saying its aim is to ensure conformity of internet broadcasts to the values of the country and its moral codes. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

Hundreds of thousands celebrate Newroz in Turkey

Hundreds of thousands of people celebrated Newroz in towns and cities across Turkey, including Diyarbakır, İstanbul, Van and İzmir.

People gathered in Van, Urfa, Cizre, Nusaybin, Mardin, Siirt, İstanbul, İzmir and the Turkish capital of Ankara, among other cities, marking the holiday.

Celebrations in some towns and cities, including Kars, Ağrı, Iğdır, Muş, Doğubayezit, Derik, Ergani, however, were banned by central government-appointed authorities.
As in past years, the largest celebration took place the city of Diyarbakır, where more than a hundred thousand mostly young people showed up and attended by international guests from France, Italy, Norway.

Demonstrators waved flags belonging to the People’s Democracy Party (HDP) and others bearing the face of Abdullah Öcalan, founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and ideological figurehead for a number of Kurdish organisations.

Men and women danced in the streets of Kurdish and rebel music, while others lit bonfires and torches. Some took part in the traditional practice of jumping over bonfires.

The gathering in Diyarbakır was marked by a show of solidarity with Kurdish fighters in the Syrian enclave of Afrin. Police helicopters circled overhead while water cannons were kept on standby.

HDP co-chair Pervin Buldan slammed the tearing down of a statue of the Kurdish folk hero Kawa by pro-Turkish forces (FSA) at the weekend.

“Those who tore down the statue of Kawa in Afrin should know that every woman, man and child gathered today in this square is Kawa,” she told the crowd.

She added that the HDP was ready to challenge the AKP and their allies the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) in the upcoming 2019 parliamentary elections.

“None shall fall into despair. Those imposing tyranny on a people desiring liberty shall face defeat,” she said.

“That day is coming close. We will give a historic lesson to the AKP & MHP alliance in the elections”

Celebrations in other parts of Turkey were marked with arrests and severe security restrictions.

At least 70 people had been arrested attempting to reach celebrations in İstanbul’s Bakırkoy district.

On Tuesday, Istanbul police had detained 16 young people ahead of the celebrations on suspicion of preparing for “pirate demonstrations” and “attacks”. Another 11 people were also detained in the capital Ankara for “preparing for a provocative attack ahead of Newroz” and police were searching for 14 more.

In the southeastern province of Şırnak, police detained 76 people and 27 people had been detained in raids in the southern province of Hatay.

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: Discussion on unity should be focused on demands

EMEP Chairwoman

We talked the 2019 elections and the discussions on alliances with the Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan.

AKP [The Justice and Development Party] and MHP [Nationalist Movement Party] declared that they will enter the elections in 2019 as a ‘Presidential Alliance’; this led to an escalation in the attempts to introduce legal changes to facilitate this. The election legislation – brought to the parliament and made up of 26 articles – includes general rearrangements and provides a legal basis for ‘alliances’; as well as legitimising the presence of police and armed forces at the ballot boxes; and unstamped voting cards to be declared valid. The Labour Party (EMEP) chairwoman Selma Gürkan answered our questions on these issues.


OHAL [State of Emergency] and KHK’s [Emergency Decrees of Law] introduced following the attempted coup are continued. There are also indications that new interventions following Afrin are likely. What will an election under these conditions look like?

Turkey is run under OHAL conditions for the last two years. OHAL includes bans, prohibition, silencing of the opposition, and suppression of demands for democratic rights. The government also thinks that, with the addition of the Afrin offensive and its policies of warmongering, it will be easier to win the election. Looking at the events around 8 March alone demonstrate a picture of Turkey under OHAL. Marches and rallies were cancelled in many cities. How democratic will an election under OHAL conditions be and how much it will the ballot box reflect the will of the public are debatable.


The election legislation includes some actions observed during the referendum on 16 April, which received a reaction from the population. Even if OHAL was lifted, do these arrangements not mean that this will be an election under the shadow of OHAL?

The election law is a legal guarantee for the illegal interventions that were witnessed in the [constitutional] referendum on 16 April. Even if OHAL was lifted, if we go to an election with this law, the outcome from the ballot box will be tainted. This can be seen in every single one of the 26 articles. Let’s look at one: people living in the same block will be spread to different polling stations; previously those that lived on the same block would have voted at the same polling station. This enabled quick detection of any unusual registration of voters at that box. During 16 April [constitutional elections, 2017], 1 November [general elections, 2015] and 7 June [general elections, 2015] many people saw individuals they didn’t know registered at their addresses. Those that investigated their lineage online find out documents that point to relatives that could not be the age stated. It reminds you of the novel ‘Dead souls’…this leads to a concern that ‘they will get all the dead to vote’.

All 26 articles within the law are undemocratic.


If this legislation is passed, what will happen if OHAL is not lifted? Would a boycott be considered?

Obviously, it will greatly tarnish the legitimacy of the election. Hence, we believe that we need to start the struggle against going to an election under this legislation. One foot of this will be the parliament. The exposure by HDP [Peoples’ Democratic Party] and CHP [Republican Peoples’ Party] – both opposed to the legislation – will be important. But, if this struggle is limited to the parliament it will be incomplete. We need to go out in the streets to tell the people that this is an anti-democratic legislation and that it means the seizure of the will of the people. The struggle of the powers of democracy, workers and peace in the country must also be united.
To believe that ‘everything is concluded’ would be a show of despair; surrendering from the start. The election legislation is widely discussed in political and civil circles.

We could utilise the struggle against this legislation to form the base of joint struggle platforms in the period we are entering.

Indeed, a boycott remains a democratic option. Given the conditions of the day, a boycott is not a legitimate option. To bring about a new political option through a boycott, the majority of the population must have lost political faith in the leadership and be in a search for an alternative. What needs to be done today is the organisation of the struggle against this legislation.


What are your thoughts on the ‘Presidential Alliance’ of AKP and MHP? There are attempts to create a united front against this alliance…

The alliance of AKP-MHP, with support from BBP [Great Unity Party], is not an election alliance as is portrayed. Of course, the elections are a part of their alliance but what they are saying is “This is a union for the reshaping the rulership, a political union.”
The President has called it a “Maximum alliance and not a minimum”…

Their unity is agreed on these points: restriction of political freedoms; prohibition; curtailment of democratic rights and freedoms, primarily the freedom of expression and speech; warmongering and polarising policies…Representing reaction, this coalition is also the building force of the one-man, one-party regime. Therefore, it is shaped as the political force and the will behind the building of a political regime based on fascism.


In creating a coalition based on representation of the right, nationalist and conservative circles and the most reactionary cliques of the bourgeoisie, Erdoğan is also trying to create a bipolar political system.

On the one side is the rightwing, nationalist and conservative political focus, shaped around him; on the other side is the leftwing-socialist and other political and social sections around CHP. He believes a bipolar political arena like this will benefit him more. This is the source for his arguments around CHP and HDP. Calling it national and local – and this alliance is anything but – in order to ascribe himself some positivity, he uses language that demonises all the forces that could unite on the other side. We believe that faced with a coalition that represents political reaction, all the forces that stand against and that want to fight against it need to achieve a unity that combines their common struggle.
What would the uniting principles be for a possible union against the ‘Presidential Alliance’?

Turkey has fundamental problems: unemployment, poverty, worsening economic conditions, polarisation, restriction of democratic rights and freedoms, restriction of political freedoms, freedom of belief, etc. There is a need for a political focal point that would meet the demands created by and formulate the solutions to these problems. Against this alliance of AKP and MHP, rather than a definition of an ‘alliance of political parties’; we believe the determining factor will be our answers to the questions of “What kind of leadership do we want?” and “What kind of a country do we want to live in?”; and whether the sections of the society that is united by these answers will come or at least act together. We are not talking about a unity under one roof but rather a united struggle. This was expressed partly as a ‘no’ front during the referendum.

The issue is to not have an outlook that will deepen the polarisation created by the government; we need to create the political conditions that will enable us to unite around the solutions to the issues in Turkey.

We want to open windows to each other rather than close doors in each other’s faces.

This is what I make of what you say: some of the names that stood for the ‘no’ front on 16 April will stand against Erdoğan in the first round of the presidential elections. Is the election strategy based mainly on the second round?

There are no clear tactics agreed upon; we are in discussions. We see these as extremely important discussions. Undoubtedly, socialists have an important role here. We must be able to create political reflexes that will identify the main issues and the solutions to these issues, rather than enter limited and narrow alliances. One is based on CHP’s alliance with the centre-right and the other on the alliance of CHP, HDP and leftwing-socialist sections. Neither option seems mathematically likely to really achieve the 50+1 percent. Hence, is there a ‘base’ that will include the whole of this front?

The outlook that says ‘Majority of the population in Turkey is nationalist-conservative. Therefore, the path to a victory is a nationalist-conservative coalition’ is wrong. This was proven to be the case both in presidential elections and local elections… Of course, we should recognise the conservatism, nationalism and chauvinism that exist within the population. Our conscious choice here has to be focusing on problems created by the 15-year rule of the government and how these will be resolved.

What we desire is a democratic alliance that can appeal to all the forces and one that all of them can easily say ‘yes’ to.



Imperialist infighting in Syria and the fall of Afrin

Perhaps, I should start with what should be said at the end. Just as the start of the military operation in Afrin cannot be explained by the determination of Turkey, the withdrawal of the Kurdish forces from Afrin and the fall of Afrincannot be explained by the situation of the Kurds alone. The struggle for hegemony in Syria – between the US and Russia – is becoming clearer and the developments in cities such as Afrin, Gutha, Idlib and Deir er-Zor become meaningful within this struggle. For example, the Syrian regime, worried about Turkey controlling Afrin and being faced with a lasting problem similar to that of Israel’s occupation of Golan, wanted to send the military to the city and did end up sending a limited militia force. However, perceiving the US permanent presence as the real threat, Russia blocked the attempts of the Syrian regime and opened the path to the fall of Afrin.

It is important to remember some key points in order to better understand what has been happening in Afrin and Syrian today.

Afrin is one of the three regions the Kurds had seized in the summer of 2012 and established cantonal administration. In fact, it was one of Syria’s most peaceful regions and had taken continuous migration until Turkey’s military operation. On the other hand, Afrin was the only Kurdish canton to the west of the Euphrates river. Joining up of the Afrin with Kobane canton was obstructed by the “Euphrates Shield” with the support of the Russians, just as the Afrin operation was sanctioned. Therefore Afrin had been largely isolated from other Kurdish regions. To the east of Euphrates, despite objections from Turkey, Kurds have been collaborating with the US, starting with the resistance in Kobane. This collaboration has reached a new level during the Raqqa- Deir er-Zor operation; with US supplying heavy weapons to Democratic Syrian Forces (DSF) – the biggest component of which was the YPG. During this period, Russia in negotiation with the Kurds but also giving the ‘go ahead’ to operation Euphrates Shield, was trying to limit the strength of the Kurds and was forcing them to a solution under its own guardianship. On the other hand, in order to block a possible intervention in Afrin by Turkey, it had deployed soldiers to the Afrin borders.

During the Trump era, the United States shifted into an interventionist stance that escalates tension in contrast to the Obama era of protecting US interests through a reconciliation process throughout Syria and the region (the Middle East). This policy was declared by the US missile attack on the Shayrat Airbase in Homs in April 2017; supposedly in response to a chemical attack on Khan Sheikhun near Idlib by the Syrian regime. At the end of 2017, Putin visited the Russian Hmeymim Airbase in Latakia where he met with Assad. Putin stated that Russia would withdraw a large part of its troops in Syria following this meeting; and made a call to other forces in Syria – of course, primarily to the US – to withdraw their military forces. TheUS response to this call was, “if Russia is withdrawing, it is their choice, but we will continue to maintain stability in the country with our allies”. In fact, Russia did not pull out at all because it had signed a new agreement with the Syrian regime on the use of airbases in Tartus and the sea in Latakia. In fact, this call was a call against the US efforts to be permanent in Syria.

At a time when the struggle for hegemony between Russia and the US were becoming increasingly visible, the Syrian regime stated – using a previously unseen tone – that “forces cooperating with the US are traitors”. These developments also mobilised the leadership in Turkey; they have been looking for an opportunity to start a military operation in Afrin. The army was sent to the border with Afrin. The statement by the US in January 2018, announcing the establishment of a 30-thousand-strong ‘border security’ force, which also included the DSG, almost became the statement that triggered the recent events. The US statement of intent to become permanent in Syria, through cooperation with the Kurds – the attempt to set up an army was significant in the attempts to set up a federal government, in which the US wanted to be the one help the Kurds achieve instead of Syrian regime and Russia – led to the ‘go ahead’ Turkey received from Russia to attack the Kurds. Following negotiations with Russia and the Russians opening the Syrian airspace to Turkish jets, the Afrin offensive started on 20 January.

Russia, giving Turkey the ‘go ahead’ once again following operation ‘Euphrates Shield’, wanted to further weaken the Kurds and to corner the US, using another member of NATO in Turkey. To nullify this plan, the US first stated that “Afrin is not an area we operate in”, followed by a statement of its readiness to cooperate with Turkey on the issue of Manbij, the next target for Turkey following Afrin; a joint commission to resolve this issue was agreed upon during the recent visit to Turkey by the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, now removed from his post. The concern for the US was not the Kurds but to make permanent its bases to the east of Euphrates. It was open to negotiations on other issues such as providing intelligence support for operations on the PKK forces in Kandil and Shengal.

At the end of the first month of the Afrin operation, it was reported that militia forces that support the regime, and supported by Iran, entered the city. As we pointed out at the beginning, the Syrian regime and its most important regional supporter Iran were concerned with Turkey becoming permanently established in Afrin and wanted to prevent its advance to the city centre; despite being small in numbers, the arrival of militia forces in Afrin were seen as a manifestation of this intent. What led to the failure of this attempt was the stance of their ally Russia. This attempt would mean the end of the cooperation established between Russia, Turkey and Iran in Astana and pit Russia and Iran against Turkey. Russia wanted to continue cooperation with Turkey to derail plans of the US.

What these developments meant for Afrin was that the US, making plans for the east of the Euphrates, had abandoned the Kurds and Russia, in an attempt to use the anti-Kurdish policies of Turkey against the US, opened the gates of Afrin to keep Turkey on its side. As a result, Kurds – abandoned by both the US and the Russian camps, fighting for dominance in Syria – had to adopt a tactic of withdrawal under the current conditions.

This is the “national victory” that Turkey achieved in Afrin in a nutshell; in cooperation with the FSA, which is made up of jihadist gangs. Another point that must be mentioned here: the fact that Afrin was taken over without being destroyed is said to be a proof of the Turkish sensitivity towards the civilian population. On the contrary, the reason for the take over of Afrin without destruction – unlike like Raqqa and other cities – is the fact that fighters had already left the city. Otherwise, never mind Syrian towns, today Cizre, Şırnak and Silopi [Kurdish towns in eastern Turkey] all lie in ruins!

Before we finish, let us make it clear that when the dust from the air of victory is settled, Turkey will have to face up to the reality in Syria. For, what is presented as a victory only means Turkey getting dragged further into the middle of a region where two imperialist powers have locked horns. Furthermore, Turkish government’s perception that Kurdish gains are a threat to its security only makes it more possible for these imperialist powers to use Turkish sensitivities to serve their own interests.

Hence, the perceived victory in Afrin makes it easier for the government to jeopardise Turkey more. Therefore, in contrast to the propaganda that is spread, the way to nullify imperialist plans is not intensified interventionist policies, intertwined with imperialist plans but the defence of peaceful policies that will serve the interests of regional peoples.

By Yusuf Karatas

Police detained medics for speaking against Afrin offensive


Administrators and members of Turkish Medical Association (TTB) who were pointed as a target by Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan for calling for peace against Afrin operation have been detained.

Turkish police conducted raids on the homes of 11 administrators and members of TTB, including TTB President Raşit Tükel and members of TTB Central Council. There is 7-day detention order for the medics who have been taken to hospital for the medical check after detention.

Ankara prosecutors began a probe into the TTB council on Monday after it issued a statement last week saying “war is a human-made public health problem”. TTB’s statement is here:

War is a public health problem!

As doctors we warn:

War is a human-made public health problem with effects of destroying nature and humankind, a threat to social life.

Each armed conflict, each war brings along human tragedy by causing irremediable problems in terms of physical, mental, social and environmental health.

As members of a profession who have taken an oath to save lives, we constantly keep in mind our first and foremost duty to defend life and commit to maintaining the environment of peace.

The way to cope up with the problem of war is to have a just, democratic, equalitarian, free and peaceful life and maintain it.

No to war; peace now and everywhere!

Central Council
Turkish Medical Association”

The comments led to angry remarks Friday by Erdoğan about the Turkish Medical Association whose members he described as “terrorist-lovers”.

The association’s head office received a “large number of threats of violence by email and phone calls”, rights group Amnesty International said after the public outcry.

Erdoğan again hit out at the group on Sunday: “They are not intellectuals, they are a gang of unthinking slaves… They are the servants of imperialism.”

After the Erdoğan’s statements, TTB published secınd declaration:

“1- The Central Council of Turkish Medical Association (TTB) made an open declaration on Wednesday, 24 January 2018.

2- Different reactions were received on the following two days. Besides many approving and supporting the statement there were also discourse and threats targeting the association and even inviting lynch by adding some statements that do not exist in the original declaration.

3- The TTB Central Council pays attention to reactions from both its members and citizens.

4- What must be repeated first of all is that the statement by the TTB Central Council is formulated with utmost meticulousness by observing the well-being of our children now beyond borders, their parents and close circles, devoid of any disrespect. Those who are on duty abroad are just our souls as others who react.  The TTB Central Council rejects distortions made against itself in this respect.

5- The TTB Central Council expressed its opinion in this process in line with a stance and sense of responsibility that a medical association should adopt.  The values of the profession of medicine in regard to such cases as conflict, war, actions against terrorism and similar others as well as position statements with long years of background are clear enough to dismiss divergent interpretations. The statement by the TTB Central Council dated January 24th remains fully loyal to this ground.

6- In spite of these we sadly hear, see and experience some reactions turning into calls of stigmatization that may well bring along some provocative assaults. Indeed, the latest statements made by the highest authorities of the State bear the risk that they can be conceived as se statements pointing out to the TTB Central Council as a common target.

7- In the light of this information, TTB Central Council reminds the public authority its responsibility to fulfil the duty of creating an environment in which the life safety of all is ensured and freedom of expression is protected for all without any exception. On this occasion, we once more share our wish for a free, democratic and peaceful Turkey and the world.”


World Medical Association (WMA) has condemned the operation launched against Turkish Medical Association (TTB) Central Council members.

The WMA’s statement is as follows:

“The WMA fully supports our Turkish colleagues in their public statements that war is a public health problem. The WMA has clear policy that physicians and national medical associations should alert governments to the human consequence of warfare and armed conflicts.

“The Turkish Medical Association has a duty to support human rights and peace and we are alarmed about the latest arrests and the criminal complaint. We strongly denounce these attacks on freedom of expression, which is enshrined in article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that Turkey ratified in 2003.

“We call on the Turkish authorities to immediately release the physician leaders and to end the campaign of intimidation. We urge national medical associations around the world to advocate for the full respect of Turkey’s humanitarian and human rights obligations, including the right to health, freedom of association and expression.

Turkey launched a cross-border offensive supporting Syrian rebels with ground troops and air strikes on January 20 against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia in its western Syrian enclave of Afrin.

As many as 311 people were detained in the past week for allegedly engaging in “terrorist propaganda” through social media postings critical of the military operation.

StWC & SPOT Statement: Oppose Turkey’s attack on Afrin

On Saturday, 20th January, Turkish war planes launched air strikes on Afrin, one of the three Kurdish cantons in Northern Syria.

We oppose all outside intervention in Syria, from whatever side. We see this latest intervention as one which can only worsen the situation, while in particular targeting the Kurdish YPG. We note that the Syrian government had denied the Turkish government’s claim that which “all parties being involved were informed and operation is being carried with respect to Syria’s territorial integrity”.

It is reported that a ground operation is expected to follow with the support of the Free Syrian Army. The Turkish government is trying to justify this as “protection of the border and security”. This is a false justification of Turkey’s war on the Kurdish population in the region. These attacks are not aimed at protecting security because Turkey’s border security is not endangered. Afrin has been the calmest region in the whole Syrian civil war.

This war will have devastating consequences for the peoples of Turkey, Syria and of the region. The responsibility for this will lie with Turkey’s ruling AKP government, its leader Erdogan, and those imperialist powers who consent to these attacks.

We are particularly concerned given that Turkey is an important NATO member and there is a danger that its involvement here will herald wider intervention from other NATO powers.

This is not in the interests of anyone who is suffering as a result of this seven year long war. All outside intervention must end now. Only the people of Syria can decide their future.

We call on the British government to use all efforts to put pressure on Turkey to end the attack. It is important that the trade union movement and the anti war and peace movement exert as much pressure as possible through protests, lobbying and campaigning.

Stop the War & SPOT (Solidarity with the People of Turkey)

Solidarity with Afrin – Take Action Now

Urgent call for the people of UK, politicians, trade unionists, campaign groups, democrats, intellectuals and all those who side with peace, freedom and justice to take immediate action to protest the bombing of Afrin.

On Saturday, 20th January, Turkish war planes launched air strikes on Afrin, one of the three Kurdish cantons in Northern Syria. A ground operation has now begun with the support of the Free Syrian Army.

The Turkish government announced that the operation, cynically dubbed “Olive Branch”, targets the Syrian Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units) and ISIS.  In fact it is a war being waged on the people of Afrin and sabotages hopes for future peaceful co-existence between the Turks and the Kurds not just inside Turkey but also across the Middle East.

The Syrian government also denies being informed of the military operation targeting Afrin, despite a statement by the Turkish Government that “all parties involved were informed and the operation is being carried out with respect to Syria’s territorial integrity”.

A later statement said 108 targets belonging to Kurdish militants had been hit. The YPG said the strikes were being carried out indiscriminately, and have already killed 9 people, including 6 civilians, and wounded 13 (and rising).

The Turkish government is trying to justify this operation as being for the “protection of the border and security”. In fact, this is a wholly untrue justification of Turkey’s war on the Kurdish population. The real threat to the peoples of Turkey is not its Kurdish neighbours who fought against ISIS and other jihadist gangs in northern Syria and Rojava and built democratic regimes with other peoples of the region.

It is clear that these attacks are not aimed at protecting the security of Turkey because Turkey’s border security is not endangered. Afrin has been the calmest region in the whole Syrian civil war.

Turkey has been waging a war against the Kurdish population in Turkey and has launched these attacks to destroy the Kurdish democratic formations in Northern Syria, considering them as a “bad example”.

The responsibility of the killings lies with Turkey’s ruling AKP government, its leader Erdogan, and those imperialist powers who consent to the attacks. We will not be part of it.

Turkey was placed back on the European Union Human Rights watchlist in April 2017 and has consistently breached Human Rights both within and outside its own jurisdiction. We oppose the UK government’s involvement in arms deals with Turkey and call on our Government to put a stop these sales.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) calls on the people of the UK, including politicians, trade unionists, campaign groups, democrats, intellectuals and all those who side with peace, freedom and justice to take immediate action against these attacks.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

Send a message of protest to the Turkish Government using the email addresses below.

You can also send a letter to your local MP. If you are unsure what to write, you use the letter below. Also you can also find your MP here: https://www.writetothem.com/

Dear MP,

On Saturday, 20th January, Turkish war planes launched air strikes on Afrin, one of the three Kurdish cantons in Northern Syria. This was followed by ground attacks on Sunday with civilian casualties already being reported. We urgently need you, as a Member of Parliament, to take some action to put an end to this bloodshed.

This act of unprovoked warfare by the Turkish state threatens to destablise one of the calmest regions throughout the whole Syrian civil war. Afrin has been a crucial safe haven for people fleeing ISIS in the region, and it must stay that way!

It is clear that the Turkish government’s claim that this war is to protect Turkey’s border and security is simply untrue, and it will have devastating consequences for not just the Kurdish people who will pay with their lives but also the people of Turkey and of the broader region.

The responsibility of the killings lie with Turkey’s ruling AKP government, its leader Erdogan, and those powers who fail to oppose these attacks and take action to influence Turkey to cease its attacks on Afrin with immediate effect.

As a resident of your constituency, I am calling on you to:

  • raise this issue as a priority with the UK Government,
  • call for an end to all UK arms sales to Turkey,
  • publicly condemn Turkey’s aggression on the Kurdish regions, and
  • take any other necessary action to end the bloodshed in Afrin.

Yours sincerely,

Your name..



Long Live International Solidarity

We are pleased to announce that Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) and Academics for Peace – UK (BAK-UK) organised a fantastic fundraising event at the NEU /  NUT Head office on 23rd November. The event was attended by more than 100 people including academics, teachers, trade union representatives and political activists.  There were speeches from academics in the UK and from those in Turkey who lost their jobs following the purge in Turkey.

The event was generously hosted by the NEU/NUT and was attended by the Chair, Louise Regan who also made a speech supporting the work of SPOT and highlighting the importance of standing with the academics and teachers in Turkey.

The event was opened with welcome speeches from Oktay Sahbaz, from SPOT and Prof. Mehmet Ugur from BAK-UK. Both of the speakers stressed the importance of supporting the democratic struggle of the people in Turkey.

Dr Noemi Levy-Aksu from Bogazici Univiersity, Dr Naif Bezwan from Artuklu University and Dr Ertan Ersoy were also invited to talk about their experience following their dismissal from their roles as part of the government’s purge. They all stressed the intensified attacks on the oppositional forces in Turkey, the significance of raising international awareness and the positive impact this has on local democratic campaigns in Turkey.

We are grateful for the valuable support shown by members of the public and sister organisations / groups who made this event possible. The event not only provided an opportunity to continue raising awareness of the human rights violations in Turkey, but raised £1,719.11.

The funds raised will be given to NEU / NUT to be passed over to Egtim-Sen trade union in Turkey with the intention of supporting academics and teachers who have lost their jobs following the attacks by the government.

We stand with the Alevi communities in Turkey

We stand with the Alevi communities in Turkey

Last week members of the Alevi community in Turkey’s Malatya province voiced concerns after, at least, 13 houses were marked with red cross by “unknown” individuals. Red crosses marked with red paint were spotted on the outside walls and doors of several households belonging to Alevi people in the Cemal Gürsel neighbourhood of Malatya.

This is not the first time Alevi homes have been targeted in this way. Red crosses marked with red paint is a resemblance of some of the recent history of attacks on the Alevi communities in Turkey. It is believed that, hundreds of Alevis were killed in pogroms, which many now believe were masterminded by groups inside the state, in the cities of Çorum, Yozgat and Kahramanmaraş in the 1970s. Thirty-four Alevi intellectuals were burned to death in 1992 inside the Madımak Hotel in Sivas. In other incidents, such as in İstanbul’s predominantly Alevi neighbourhood, Gazi in 1995, Alevis were targeted by individuals armed with machine guns. The red cross marks have been used to initiate all the above massacres on Alevi communities. Such developments raise fear and create anxiety for the Alevi communities.

There are conflicting reports on how the residents became aware of the red cross marks. According to one report, residents found out about the red cross marks themselves after waking up in the morning. However, other reports suggest that the residents did not know anything about the marking until the police visited some of the houses early in the morning. One resident expressed his shock by saying “It is interesting that we hear about this from the police, even though it was our home that was marked. We believe it was the police who did the marking. The perpetrators must be brought to light at once, otherwise we will continue to blame the police for the incident.”

As SPOT we condemn the attack on Alevi communities and the lack of concern shown by state officials. It is worrying that “unknown” individuals have freely carried a hate crime and the government has shown very little interest in brining those responsible to justice.  We stand with the Alevi community and will fight against hate preachers in Turkey and Britain.


Press freedom and democracy are under attack in Turkey. The situation has intensified since last years failed coup attempt.
A third of the worlds total jailed journalists are in Turkish prisons and many  newspapers and media outlets have been closed down by the government.
Legitimate organisations including the Democratic Society Congress (DTK)- which operated freely when peace negotiations with Kurdish representatives were taking place – are now deemed terrorist organisations by the state.
Evrensel journalist Yusuf Karatas has been arrested and is prison after being charged with terrorism offences over his role in the DTK.
His legal team have revealed that from 2009-13, Yusuf was spied on the Turkish state who monitored his whereabouts and tapped his phone, listening to his conversations.
He has been questioned over his attendance at a meeting of agricultural workers organised by the DTK in Diyarbakir in 2013. There were no charges brought against him at the time however attending the meeting is now considered a “terror activity.”
Government officials from the ruling AKP have also attended meetings of the DTK in the past.
Yusuf was also quizzed over his attendance at a protest in Diyarbakir following the 2011 Roboski massacre when 34 innocent villagers were killed after a fighter jet bombed them in the mountains in south east Turkey.
The case files were built by judiciary and police officers who were purged during  operations targeting those suspected of plotting the coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The charges brought against Yusuf are politically motivated and a further attempt to silence all forms of opposition to Erdogan’s increasingly autocratic rule.
Yusuf has said “whether we are inside or outside, we will continue to speak the truth”
We demand the immediate release of Yusuf Karatas and all journalists detained for simply doing their job.
Freedom for Yusuf Karatas. Journalism is not a crime.
          Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

Academic Boycott of Turkey


A group of academics are calling on all institutions of higher education, funding councils, academic and professional associations, and individual faculty members to boycott the Turkish higher education system.

The aim of the academic boycott is to put pressure on government so that all dismissals are revoked and the persecution of academics, exacerbated under the state of emergency regime, is ended. The boycott is targeted against complicit universities and higher education institutions.


The boycott call is made by signatories of the Academics for Peace declaration living in the UK, Germany, France, Switzerland and other concerned academics. See ‘About’ tab on the boycott page.


The call is also supported by the signatories of the Academics for Peace declaration living/working in Turkey too. But they cannot come up as owners or open supporters of the call for fear of persecution in Turkey.

They call on the international academic community to stop all future collaborations with the Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), and universities complicit in violations of academic freedom in Turkey.

See the call at: https://academicboycottofturkey.wordpress.com/

The complicit university list is based on evidence reported in the press and state of emergency decrees. The evidence is supported with live links.

See list: https://academicboycottofturkey.wordpress.com/complicit-universities/

The call has been supported by more than 700 academics so far. The call for signatures (petition) is still open and can be accessed at:


The boycott call has been supported by UCU congress in May.

See: UCU Congress Open Motions Session 4.

The boycott all excludes: (a) arrangements/agreements designed to help/facilitate student exchange; and (b) requests from individual academics in Turkey for visiting fellowships or similar engagements with universities outside Turkey.


SPOT: We will not be divided

As Solidarity with the People of Turkey campaign group we are horrified by the terrorist attack on young concert goers in Manchester on Monday nightand condemn those responsible. We would like to send our condolences to those who have lost their loved ones and to the injured. The hard work and courage of the emergency services and transport workers who worked very effectively under huge pressure to evacuate the area should be commended.

No doubt those at the concert would have attended with high expectations that it would be a night to remember, as a treat or a birthday present. This is not how the night should have come to an end. The targeting of innocent civilians, particularly at a concert made up of so many young people is devastating for those impacted and the country as a whole.

We will not allow these terror attacks to divide our communities. We stand in solidarity with those impacted and with people all over the world fighting against terror and oppression. We refuse to be frightened and will continue to challenge all forms of attacks, including those fostered and encouraged by irresponsible governments and political leaders.

The terrorism that plagues us here is also tearing apart countries across the world and we call on our government to end its warmongering politics in the Middle East, which is having a hugely negative impact on our security at home and to take diplomatic steps to promote peace and security at home and abroad.

Finally we oppose any attempt to whip up racist division and stand against any racist backlash.

In solidarity

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

How the “dream” summit became the summit of “fractures”

Evrensel / Ihsan Caralan

The “Trump–Erdogan” Summit which took place the previous day, described by president Erdogan as a milestone, lasted for only 20 minutes. If we consider that this dialogue included the need for translators between the two, there remains a maximum of 5 minutes each to discuss important issues between Erdogan and Trump.

The claim that “the real discussions took place during lunch” is simply a way of saving the day. It is debateable how the numerous issues that needed to be discussed were indeed discussed over lunch, and if so to what extent.

The meeting has been a disappointment for all those Trump fans and American lovers (in Turkey).

Whereas, every time an important issue has been raised, AKP’s mouthpiece and pro government media’s well known writer’s stated “Mr Erdogan would be raising this issue when he meets Trump” and have turned the meeting with Trump into “waiting Godot”. Three days prior to his meeting, President Erdogan made a statement at Esenboga Airport claiming that he will have the opportunity to discuss important developments with USA president Trump. “We will be discussing the fight against terrorism, Syria and the issue surrounding the Fetullah Terror Organisation (known as FETO)”. We sent a delegation to USA prior and the delegation has returned. We now want to have a discussion at a more senior level and our discussions will have a final say rather than dragging this point on.” In effect the president stated that, either they accept our requests and we will continue to walk with the USA or we will put a full stop to this and we will both go our own ways.

Prior to the meeting pro government media and AKP political representatives were bragging about being firm and having the final say, whereas now they are grateful that (USA) has not ended the dialogue and are cheering that talks will resume, and are claiming this is a result of Erdogan’s “strategic skills”.

Turkish side announced the meeting as a “milestone”

During Obama administration, the days would start with accusatory call out to USA and those they claim have been pioneering the so called trouble in the country. Now Turkey is the only state which is hopeful following the surprise election of Trump as they believe he will bring “good things” to Turkey.

The argument is that the Trump administration is unaware of the issues and prior to Erdogan’s meeting, see as a milestone, president’s spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin, Chief of defence staff Hulusi Akar and National Intelligence Organisation undersecretary Hakan Fidan were sent to the USA for pre-meeting. Justice minister Bekir Bozdag also got included in this senior level meeting. However while these discussion were taking place, especially at a time when they were in brief talks with Trump at the White House, Trump gave the group of delegates the sell of weapons to YPG – PYD. This was apparently not enough to undermine the relationship with Turkey. Furthermore, following Trump’s clear stance Erdogan made the point about having the final word and that the issue will not drag on. He also stated that it will be his meeting with Trump that will determine the outcome and all issues raised by others have no substance and continued to stress the importance of his meeting with Trump.

The meeting at the white House on 16 May between Trump and Erdogan and the statements after the discussion, where there were two key issues which was raised weeks before the meeting, which was as follows:

  • There should be no arms assistance to PYG – YPG, PYD – YPG should be seen as a terrorist organisation and the operation to take Raqqa should be carried out not by them by Turkey and FSA.
  • Fetullah Gulen’s extradited to Turkey, or at least steps should be taken to make this possible.

However from the statements made following the meeting it is apparent that no progression has been made on this two issues.  Also president Erdogan said he will bring up the issue of Reza Zarrab and the legal case brought against him. It is not clear what discussions have made in relation to this. As this is a legal issue it is not expected that the administration (USA) will comment on the Reza Zarrab case.  It is for that reason that by look at the outcome of the senior delegates pre-meeting and Erdogan’s Washington visit there it should have been no more than the disappointment they have witnessed. If someone cam out and asked if all this cost was for waste it would be difficult to claim that this was not the case.

So the “discussion” was not mutual

In summary the visit if Erdogan and his team which they waited for in hope and for a discussion did not see the same response from USA and Trump. In contrast the gross 20 minute discussion became a net 5 minute discussion on 16 May was probably the least profile welcome shown to senior Turkish officials.

AKP representatives and prominent journalists writing news and columns for the government aligned media must have sensed that the meeting in Washington would not go as expected, and began to move away from their references to the Trump-Erdogan meeting being a ‘milestone’, and instead began referring to the AKP’s general assembly on 21st May as the milestone. They claim that with Erdogan taking the leadership of the party, that all of Turkey’s biggest problems will be fixed with his magic wand. Through this they want to distract attention for the failure of the Trump-Erdogan meeting.


In fact what will happen, is that those ministers and senior representatives criticised and held responsible for the policies up until now will be dismissed and those Mayors who they want to wear down and purge, will be placed in the firing line. These actions will be tied into the propaganda claiming that “the only way to freedom is to embrace the one man who knows all, sees all and is all powerful”. But none of these can be expected to resolve the chronic colossal problems that the Turkey faces.

Bold words are no longer enough and this ship cannot continue to sail by making manoeuvres that take no account of the reality of the region and the world. For this reason, if we must say that there is a ‘beneficial outcome” from the Erdogan Trump meeting, then this outcome is that the summit has shown for all to see that the Erdogan government cannot resolve Turkey’s problems through a continuation of its existing policies.

The Turkish teachers are on hunger strike for 73 days

A Turkish academic, Nuriye Gulmen and primary school teacher Semih Ozakca, have been on hunger strike in Ankara for the last 73 days to protest against their dismissal by the government. They are among the more than 150 thousand public workers who were dismissed from their jobs by government decrees following the failed coup attempt in July 2016.

Their health has been deteriorating fast as they have already passed the critical threshold. Authorities have turned a blind eye to their demand to be reinstated. The ruling AKP’s Human Rights Committee representative in parliament said to BBC Turkish service that they should “submit themselves to their fate” and “have faith in the state”. However, Gulmen and Ozakca said they will continue their hunger strike to the end.

Another hunger striker Kemal Gun who is on his 86th day of hunger strike in Tunceli also says he will carry on until his son’s remains are given to him by the authorities. Gun’s son was killed in a military operation last November. Authorities promised the delivery of the remains three days ago but no action has been taken so far. Gun says local authorities have been issuing him a fine of 227 Turkish Lira daily for occupying a public space, a park, during his hunger strike, and the fine totals more than 18,000 TL (£4000).

Turkey seeks arrests at opposition newspaper Sozcu

Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for the owner and three employees of the opposition daily Sozcu. The office of the newspaper was raided yesterday.

Officials accuse the newspaper of supporting people allegedly involved in last July’s failed coup. The newspaper is accused of having ties to the so-called “Hizmet” movement led by the self-exiled Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen. Turkish authorities blame Gulen, a former government ally, and his followers for the failed coup last July. A pro-government newspaper reported that the suspects were wanted in connection with an online article published on the same day as the attempted coup, saying it could have facilitated “a real attack on the president.”

Sozcu is the second high-circulation daily newspaper to be targeted by Turkish authorities after another leading opposition newspaper, Cumhuriyet, saw 20 staff members charged under the state of emergency imposed after the coup attempt. Turkish authorities have arrested over 150 journalists since the attempted putsch.

The role given to Turkey: to be the protectorate of jihadists

10 May 2017

Unfortunately, Turkey is doing the opposite of what it needs to do. Maybe before even it realises what troubles this might bring.

Fehim ISIK

In Syria, we have moved onto the stage of delicate calculations. Proxy wars waged by use of various organisations have for some time been replaced by those who have designated the proxies. It seems that it is now the time of “correction”, and one of the main issues is how to “put into order” those jihadists who were moved into the region from outside. One must admit that Turkey will be the one who will have the most severe headache.

When the Syrian crisis first began, the Iranian Foreign Secretary defined Turkey’s involvement as “a late but fast entrance”. This ironic definition was a referral to the end of traditional Turkish foreign policy.
In the Middle East, each country had/has its own organisation(s). Following the establishment of the Republic, especially after the annexation of Hatay Province, Turkey was one of the most unflappable countries in the region. Traditional foreign policy was based on the understanding that if you interfere in other’s business you will get being interfered with. This policy was successful in keeping Turkey distant from the quagmire in the Middle East – until a new policy based on “Neo-Ottomanism” and “Strategic Depth” was put into practice.

The Republic formed alliances only against the Kurds, and took steps to prevent Kurds from advancing. The rest was not its business. However, this policy was abandoned openly and hastily in 2012. Turkish government flung itself into the region both to prevent any Kurdish advancement and to become the new imperial power in the Middle East. The aim was phrased in the dream of having a prayer in the Umayyad mosque in Damascus and taking the Middle East under the aegis of the new Ottomans.
This is what is meant by the Iranian Foreign Secretary. When he talked of “a late but fast entrance”, he was also drawing attention to the fact that Turkey tried to use any kind of groups and organisations for its own purposes, from the Muslim Brotherhood to Al Nusra, from ISIS to Ahrar Al Sham. Today we can see how right the Foreign Secretary of Iran, the most experienced country in “controlling” the Middle East through organisations.

Now, Turkey, the country which interfered with and used everyone, is designated with the task of “correcting” those it had used. It is aware of the fact that if it fails to do this task, the process will result in its disadvantage. This is one way of looking into the agreement reached in Sochi by Turkey, Iran and Russia.

Now the question is whether Turkey can do this?

The world is against ISIS. When no one succeeded in uprooting this organisation, Kurds and their Arab, Turkmen, Circassian, Assirian and other allies stepped in. Unless a surprise development takes place, ISIS is being successfully eliminated. However, ISIS is not the only group in the Middle East. There are dozens of similar organisations, many of which materialise their connections through Turkey. Of course, other regional countries such as Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are no better than Turkey in this regard. But they have the advantage of using their experiences of being in similar situations. Blinded by its “Kurdish phobia”, Turkish government, on the other hand, couldn’t do this; almost every group it got involved in exploded in its hands somehow.

Both Russia and US and the European countries are aware of the cost of the war against ISIS. Despite successful leadership of the effective operations against ISIS by the Kurds and their allies, it is obvious that the defeated sections of this organisation do not remain in Syria. After a while their area of maneuvering will be limited both in Syria and Iraq. Most of the defeated sections of radical jihadist groups are spreading into the other parts of the world.

In Syria, on the other hand, the vacuum will most probably be filled by the members of Al Nusra, Ahrar Al Sham, Nureddin Zengi Brigades, etc. This is the “corrective” role given to Turkey. What was said to Turkey in Sochi was this: “Come to an agreement with them; prepare the grounds for them so they stay in that region and come to terms; don’t let them be a pain in the neck by spreading into other parts of the world.”

Now Turkey is making the calculations as to how this situation can be turned into an advantage. It seems that in the eyes of Turkish government, the only “gain” is to stop the Kurds at any expense.

Unfortunately, Turkey is doing the opposite of what it needs to do. Maybe before even it realises what troubles this might bring, Turkey is preparing to be the protectorate of a big number of jihadists in order to set the infrastructure for an administration based on force. And it is obvious that it is still far away from opening a single door to the Kurds who are the guarantee for lasting democracy.

14,000 TL fine for news in Evrensel

Evrensel newspaper’s ex-editor in chief Vural Nasuhbeyoglu and ex-publisher Mehmet Arif Kosar were each served with 7 thousand Turkish Liras.

Meltem AKYOL

Journalists have been swamped with imprisonment and fines just 2 days after President Tayyip Erdogan’s announcement that they fully defend freedom of expression. Evrensel newspaper’s ex-editor in chief Vural Nasuhbeyoglu and ex-publisher Mehmet Arif Kosar were each served with 7 thousand Turkish Liras (roughly £2,000 each) penalties because of an article that is claimed to ‘insult the president.’

It was demanded that Kosar and Nasuhbeyoglu be individually charged for an article titled “Bayik: expression of a kind of a mind-set” that was published in Evrensel on 20 March 2015, the contents of which allegedly ‘insulted the President’.

The quoted name, Bayik, is the co-chair of the executive council for the Association of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK); an organisation that represents various Kurdish groups in different countries.

Despite the reminder by Devrim Avci, the defence lawyer, that the mentioned article was quoted from another newspaper and that the original interview was not subjected to any investigation; therefore, there is no criminal offence. The attorney initially asked for an 11 month and 20 day imprisonment for Kosar and Nasuhbeyoglu. The commission later changed this charge to that of 7 thousand Turkish liras for each defendant.


Devrim Avci stated that Kosar and Nasuhbeyoglu receiving these charges for publishing a short quote taken from an interview with Cemil Bayik in the now closed Azadiya Welat newspaper. Avci further commented that “the court requested information about the original interview and received confirmation that was no investigation carried out.”

Avci pointed out that “It is impossible to think of an independent court feeling the breath of the Justice Department on its neck”, as after each hearing the Justice Department submitted written requests enquiring ‘the stage’ at which the hearing was. “This is against the right for a fair trial. We will appeal the decision” was the comment by Avci.


The journalists’ overtime at the justice department was not limited to Evrensel. Canan Coskun, reporter for Cumhuriyet newspaper, was condemned to a 10-month imprisonment. The prosecuting officer had called for the imprisonment of 5 journalists to a total of 46 years for joining a campaign in support of the closed Ozgur Gundem newspaper.


President Erdogan had said that they fully defend the freedom of press. Erdogan said “violence takes over where opinions are not spoken and discussed easily” and  “for this reason we have no issue what so ever with pluralism and freedoms.” As much as Erdogan may say that he fully defends freedom of expression, according to the Journalists Union of Turkey, 162 journalists are under arrest/imprisoned in Turkey.

Again, according to the ‘Press Freedom 2017 report’ by Freedom House Turkey ranks in 163 out of 199 countries. Oppression intensified following the attempted coup of 15 July. 47 newspapers, 17 magazines, 16 TV stations, 3 news agencies, 23 radio stations, and 29 publishing houses closed under the declared state of emergency. Additionally, hundreds of journalists press passes have been nulled.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Kaboglu: Individual, party and state are merged

Why was the President Erdogan re-joining his party and the judicial restructuring prioritised? What should we expect in 2019?

Serpil İLGÜN

Work on the restructuring of HSYK (Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors) as HSK (Council of Judges and Prosecutors), one of the first articles brought to TBMM (the Turkish Parliament) following the referendum on changing the Constitution, is continued.
Over the next few days, TBMM General Council will vote to identify which 7 out of the 21 candidates will be appointed to HSK. Changes in byelaws, that need to be completed within 6 months of the official declaration of result by YSK (Supreme Election Council) and President Erdoğan taking the helm at his Party’s Congress on 21 May are next in line.
Why the need for a staggered transition? Why was the President re-joining his party and the judicial restructuring prioritised? Why are the adjustment laws squeezed into 6 months? What should we expect in 2019?
Chair of Anayasa-Der (Research Centre for Constitutional Law) and a visiting professor at Sorbonne Nouvelle, Professor Dr İbrahim Kaboğlu answered these questions.  On 7 February, by the use of a KHK (decree by the power of law), Dr Kaboğlu was dismissed from his post as Head of Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law at Marmara University.

The ‘Yes’ campaign won the referendum and as expected Erdoğan became re-joined his party without delay. The transition from HSYK to HSK has been started simultaneously. Let’s start with HSYK and remind ourselves; Why is the HSYK structure changing? And what is the rush?
One of the most hotly argued topics of constitutional change had been the judiciary. Regardless of the legislative, executive and judicial powers given to the President in a way that is unseen in any other country; the transfer of parliamentary powers to one person – the President – without any attempt for justification; it is particularly striking that the higher organisation of judiciary is subordinated to the executive and especially one man. We are entering a period in which the level of authority has never been so high historically; including the period of Kanun-i Esasi. (the Ottoman Constitution)
In 2010, the Constitution was changed and the judiciary was restructured as HSYK. The new restructuring carried out now has nothing to do with that structure. This has been hardly discussed, as it was the government that changed it then and completely changing it again now are the same.

The number of members and how they will be chosen was discussed in the build-up to the referendum but what is the meaning of removing the attribution of ‘Supreme’ and changing it into HSK? 
The text of the new Constitution does not give a satisfactory reason for the change but we can explain it from a wider perspective. The individual that holds absolute executive power is in a position to be the guarantor, supervisor and the inspector of all institutions. From that perspective, what is supreme is the seat of Presidency; today’s Palace. This is the most logical reason I can think of. That is to say “I am Supreme, no one below me can be!”. There is another dimension of the judicial side that is not raised. The addition of the stress on impartiality; this was not necessary but it is not an issue.
Nevertheless, it should be seen like this; yes, you made it impartial but you removed the impartiality of the President. Why give the authority to choose the higher council of the judiciary that you name impartial to a biased President? This is not an ordinary institution, it is the institution authorised to make dispositions on 15-20 thousand judges and prosecutors of the Turkish Republic. And this council will be determined, directly or indirectly, by a biased President.

The argument against the President’s membership of a party was met by the response from the government front with: “The President’s party membership does not imply a bias in appointing judges and prosecutors!”
Yes, but we then said “No, this cannot happen!” Our concerns have been realised. The President immediately became a member of his party and will soon become the leader. The ‘Constitution of 1982’ is in effect until 2019 but the President’s membership of a party and the abolition of HSYK are decrees that will come into effect imminently. There is a synchronisation in effect. Subsequently, the argument for “the President’s appointing impartial individuals even when he is a member of a party” has collapsed. We can already see the kind of selection process on judges to be appointed.


Starting with Erdoğan, the argument that was mostly propagandised in the streets by the ‘Yes’ front was removal of the two-headed executive. But how do you define the situation first of membership, followed by the leadership to come on 21 May? Is this not two-headed?
Actually, it will not even be two-headed but three-headed. Two-headed executive is not a situation that needs questioning in a democracy. The birth and development of democracy and the rise of parliamentarian regime brought with it the two-headed executive as a mechanism of representation, stability and control. It is a natural result of the democratic regime; modern democracies function within these arrangements of constitutional balance and control. From this perspective, the argument against two-headed executive was weak. The real conflict that is taking place and that needs our attention right now is the introduction of a three-headed executive in place of a two-headed one. Namely the Presidency, the leadership of the party and the leadership of the government. This, in fact, is a new ring on the chain of conflicts we have identified from different perspectives.

You say that “there is no Presidential state system, parliamentarian regime is removed in the name of presidency, but the state system that replaces it is not a presidential system”. Why not?
Political regime and the systems, regardless of whether parliamentarian, presidency or shared-presidency, all have common characteristics. Judiciary would be independent but what are the role and power of the other two organs, legislation and executive power, how do they work and end…? There are minimum standards [to be met] on these issues. The questions of their relationship and parity is secondary. From this perspective, the principle of independence of Presidency becomes prominent. The executive and the judicial are independent. As we see in the US, the President gets elected and a third of the Senate gets renewed after a while, etc.

In that case the election of the President and MPs on the same day, as in our case, does not fit anywhere?
Yes. The system introduced does not fit in any political definition, not even the Presidential system. The attributes of these are identified in books on Constitution and political science; you saying “no, it must be this” makes no difference. Regimes outside of democracy do not say “we are non-democratic”. Therefore, we do not have a Presidency here, neither do we have a “Presidential State system”. You could try and call it “Presidential government system” but there is no government. Is there a President? there is no President any more either.
The President is the head of the state and must be impartial. But if one man is the head of the state, head of government and the head of a party then that man is not a President. There is not a system either because there is not a situation in which you can say “I’m going to choose that person as a President, he will appoint two deputies and 12 ministers, and their duties are these.” Let’s say he chose 3 deputies in 2019, he can then choose 13 deputies in 2023 as there is nothing that stops him from doing this. As there is no discernible, identified situation, it is not possible to name this as a system.

To underline it all, can you identify the new system that is being set up?
We are entering a period where a Constitutional state is turned into a “Party state” and where the courts will be controlled by AKP. A system where the powers to set up this Party state are given to one person and where his party is used as a tool to establish this; a system where the individual, the party and the state are merged.

Erdoğan-Trump meeting interpreted by political analysts from Turkey

(Evrensel, 16 Mayıs 2017)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and US President Donald Trump had their first face to face meeting on Tuesday, 16 May. This is how political scientists Sinan Birdal, Sezin Öney and Fatih Yaşlı interpreted this meeting.

‘Aim of this visit was to be photographed together’
Sinan BİRDAL – Guest Associate Professor at University of California

One of the difficult questions analysts were asked today was about the coverage of Erdogan’s visit to the White House by the American press. Alas, the picture on the front page of most newspapers show President Trump shaking hands not with Erdoğan but with Lavrov, Foreign Secretary of Russia. On the day of Erdoğan’s visit, the claim that Trump revealed highly classified information to Lavrov overshadowed this visit and deflated its non-existent significance even more. Prior to the meeting it was already known that Trump would not change his decision to arm the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria. His hands were also tied in relation to the two other issues Erdoğan wanted to discuss: the extradition of Fethullah Gulen and Reza Zarrab.

Trump may in fact want to hold onto these two issues as a trump card to control Erdoğan. Even if he wanted he is not in a position to give concessions on this as all his advisers with whom Erdoğan’s team were negotiating for the extradition for the past few months are under investigation by the Congress. Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former Republican New York Mayor Rudi Guiliani are among those top Trump advisers who are accused of having illegal relations with Erdoğan’s administration.

The fact that the same advisers were in contact with the Washington Ambassador of Russia and the removal from office of the FBI chief who was investigating them caused increasing reactions against Trump. In this atmosphere, it seems there is no will to deal with Ankara’s gripes which would do no good but delay the freeing of Raqqa and Mosul from ISIS. Trump had already given a signal prior to Erdoğan’s visit by his decision to arm the YPG. This visit’s aim was to be photographed together, and in this, it was a diplomatic success one could say.

‘A meeting squeezed in the schedule’
Sezin ÖNEY, Political Scientist

First of all, the Trump-Erdoğan meeting lacks the diplomatic victory of previous presidential meeting between former presidents of US and Turkey, a meeting Ankara now downplays. It gives the impression that this meeting was squeezed in the schedule just before the lunch. Why so? Firstly, the Trump administration suffers from various complications such as a lack of coordination and that there is no “Trump doctrine” in terms of domestic and foreign policy. The priority subject for the US media is not the “Erdoğan -Trump meeting” as such, but Trump’s revelation of highly classified information to Russia…

This is not surprising because Trump loves gossiping in his daily life. But how could the leader of a country gossips with the representatives of a rival country? Obviously, his revelation of this information, sourced by Israel and without its permission, with Russia is so serious that it could even lead to his impeachment.

It could also be said that Trump, whose legitimacy is wounded and who allegedly acted against the fundamental democratic principles of his country, was not particularly pleased, in terms of his image, with being seen with a leader who is blamed these days to have led to a “flaw in democracy”.

When Trump meets with the other leaders of “anti-democratic” countries which are partners of the US he is not identified with them, but it is different with Erdoğan and his identification with him in the US and world media somehow creates a “negative mirror effect”.

‘A low profile relation prone to tensions’
Fatih YAŞLI, Associate Proffesor at University of Abant İzzet Baysal

During the US presidential elections, the Justice and Development Party administration and Erdoğan tied their hopes to Trump’s victory. This was to do with their expectations from teh Republicans in general and trump in particular. This was replicated by the reactions of pro-government media and intelligentsia when Trump won the elections. However, things didn’t go as planned, and Trump had a phone call with Erdoğan long after his election, and Erdoğan had to wait for a face to face meeting for even longer.

What happened just before the meeting was even more disappointing for Ankara. When the three high level representatives from Turkey, the chief of the general staff, chief of intelligence, and Erdoğan’s press secretary, were in the US for initial discussions, Trump signed a decree for arms aid to the YPG, which was also said to take part in the Raqqa operation against ISIS.

There was no serious protest against this from Ankara, and the big day came. It was only a meeting of 20 minutes followed by a lunch which was not promising to resolve all those accumulated issues.

Gulen’s extradition from US not likely

We will most probably get only backstage information regarding what had been discussed about Reza Zarrab.*

We can assume that arming the YPG and their lead position in the Raqqa operation will be accepted by Ankara, maybe with some sort of usual rhetoric for the sake of appearances. Time will show whether Ankara negotiated and got the go ahead for a military operation in Sincar or Syria to limit the Kurdish control. But it is not likely that Fethullah Gulen** will be extradited to Turkey.


* Reza Zarrab is a Turkey-based Iranian businessman who was arrested last year in Miami for money laundering and for bypassing US sanctions against Iran, claims also involve high level Turkish politicians.

** Fethullah Gulen is the US-residing cleric who was once Erdoğan’s ally but now is accused of being behind the failed coup attempt last July.

What does the New Hamas Line mean?

08 May 2017

Chairman Khaleed Mashaal announced the new political programme of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). Why is a change in line?

Kamil Tekin SUREK

First the new Charter was introduced on 1 May, followed by the change in Political Leadership. Despite the Hamas leadership statement that the changes were a result of long-term discussions, the developments surprised many people.

Chairman Khaleed Mashaal announced the new political programme of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Doha, Qatar on 1 May. There are marked differences between the founding charter of 1988 and that of 1 May. Hamas no longer sees the struggle with Israel as a religious one. The struggle is expressed as one against Zionists occupying Palestinian lands. Furthermore, the aim of the struggle has been narrowed from destruction of Israel to the establishment of a Palestinian state within the boundaries established by the 1967 agreement. Armed struggle has not been fully abandoned but the fact that they are not a “terrorist” organisation has been stressed. The claim, in the previous Charter, that Muslim Brotherhood represented Palestine has also been abandoned.

Ismail Haniyeh is the new Leader

Mahmoud Abbas stated that this was the line of PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation) since 1988 and that Hamas should be self-critical. Israel stated its distrust in Hamas and stated that it sees this as a deception.

Khaleed Mashaal said that the new Charter would make it easier for friendly and allied forces to make the Palestinian case at an international level.

The announcement of the change in the Charter was followed a few days later by the announcement that Ismael Haniye has been elected as the new Leader.

The new Charter coincided with the visit of Mahmoud Abbas in Washington on 3 May and the Trump administration’s preparations for a new period of peace talks between Palestine and Israel.

Why is a change in line?

Political developments in recent years in the Middle East are certainly the reasons for this change. The collapse of the moderate Islam policy of the US in the Middle East, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood; Sisi bringing down Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in a military coup supported by the US; Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the new US approach; these could all be important reasons for the change in the Hamas line.

The social and economic situation in Gazza should also be considered. The antipathy fostered by Egypt, the only door to Gaza, because of Hamas links with the Muslim Brotherhood must also have influenced this change in line.

Tendency to recognise Palestine is strengthening

Hamas wants to shed its “terrorist organisation” status with this new Charter. The US, EU, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE regard Hamas as a “terrorist organisation”.

On the other hand, tendency to recognise Palestine as a state is strengthening; the number of countries that recognise Palestine as a state is increasing. The perception of a state ran by a “terrorist organisation” also worries some countries prepared to recognise Palestine as a state.

Will the new Charter stop the aforementioned countries categorising Hamas as a “terrorist organisation”? Such an expectation is not realistic. Nevertheless, the likes of Turkey and Qatar, sponsors of Hamas, will try hard in attempts to remove the “terrorist organisation” status of Hamas.

Will the new charter lead to a reconciliation between Hamas and FLO? That does not seem likely either.

Trump’s announcements have unsettled Palestinians

Trump’s announcements on Israel seem to have unsettled the Palestinians. It seems that convincing the US to start a new peace process between Palestine and Israel will again be the task of Mahmoud Abbas. Qatar and others will try to make Hamas a party to such a process.

The new Hamas Charter could lead to a relaxation in the blockade of the Gaza strip but this is not likely to happen in the short term.

Can the new Hamas line be seen as a betrayal of the Palestinian people? The Palestinian and Arab circles that see the change in line as a betrayal are dwindling down. The new Charter is closer to the PLO, Arafat and Abbas line. The PLO line is seen as a sensible path to resolution by global progressive and left forces.

We hope that the new Hamas Charter contributes to the resolution of the Palestinian issue; that Palestinians, forced to live in or escape from their country, turned into an open-air prison through massacres and sanctions, can live in peace in their independent country.

“A homeland that wants to kill us”

30 years ago, I was a leftist university student, living in exactly the same house that I am living now, then with my mother. I remember how much my mother would be worried each time our doorbell rang from downstairs. Neither her nor I were feeling safe in our own house. And the threat came not from some criminal gang but the “security forces.” The irony or the tragedy of the matter is that three decades on, I still feel unsafe in the same house for exactly the same reason.

In the 1980s, Turkish regime was struggling to move forward, leaving behind years of a brutal military junta, or we, democrats, wanted to believe so. Nevertheless, the political climate was difficult to cope with. So, one day, during my third year of law school, I had to pack my bags to say goodbye to my home, my city, my mother and my motherland. I lived as a refugee in the UK for a long time but my mind and heart have always been here with Turkey. Recently, I returned as an academic, a political scientist, whose main aim was to lead a peaceful life, while contributing as much as I could to the peace process between the government and the Kurdish movement. While in exile, I had had the opportunity to focus on national question, particularly the Kurdish and Irish questions, and I learnt through first-hand experience that what Karl Marx had to say almost two centuries back is truer than ever: “A people that oppress the others cannot be free”.

You are probably aware of the current situation in Turkey. But please allow me narrate my account of what has happened since January 2016. As the peace process collapsed and Turkish forces launched a genocidal campaign in Kurdish provinces, I signed a petition along with 1128 scholars stating simply that “we are not going to be part of this crime”. The petition also included a call to recommence the peace talks. Since then, we have been the target of a hate campaign concerted personally by President Erdoğan. Hundreds of signatories around the country were sacked from academic positions; many were harassed by their nationalist colleagues and students. Erdoğan repeatedly accused us of treason and an infamous gang leader (Sedat Peker) declared that he would “bath with our blood”. The police raided many offices inside universities and houses of signatories around the country. Officially, our court trials for charges of treason continue while most of us have already been penalised by the university administrations that we work in.

In Izmir where I live and work, a parliamentary deputy listed our names in a local daily as “the enemies of the city”, and death threats immediately began to appear particularly in social media. The Izmir branch of an ultra-nationalist paramilitary group publicised the names and pictures of Izmir’s signatories with serious threats and accusations. The threats have been going hand in hand with isolation. Instead of showing solidarity, many of my colleagues stopped hailing me in public. Most recently, the supreme administrative institution of Turkish universities (YÖK) has blocked my application for associate professorship. An old friend from my student years commented once that during those days we were treated by the people as if we were characters from Dostoevsky’s “The Possessed”. It is not easy to become “possessed” again after so many years.

This overdose hatred and systematic lynch campaign is something that none of us were prepared for. We are civilian citizens whose only “crime” is to demand peace. The first reason why I am reluctant to attempt to leave the country for this conference is rather tragic. Since the alleged coup attempt of July 2016, the authorities, without a court decision or legal notice, have been stopping people at the airport, taking their passports away and arresting them. Some peace signatories have also been stopped and arrested this way by the border police. What is even worse is that these scholars, who were stopped on their way to academic events, have then been defamed by the pro-government media as if they were captured while trying to flee the country. This is why I am very reluctant to attempt to cross Turkish border to attend this conference.

The second reason is harder to explain. I guess, my unconscious knows something that my ego prefers to deny: that if I leave, once in safety, I may choose to stay. Although, the danger of persecution is undeniably present, my heart is probably too weak to say farewell a second time to my loved ones, my home, my city, my cat, mother and my motherland.

Returning to my apartment’s history, after so many years of struggle and hopes for democracy, each time my doorbell rings from downstairs I am unfortunately as jumpy as I was 30 years ago. Certainly, it is usually a friend or a salesman but it could well be the local fascist gangs or, even worse, the Turkish police. This is the short story of how I learnt the truth of what novelist Tezer Özlü had to say in the 70s: “This is not our land, but the land of those who want to kill us”.

In conclusion, I beg you to accept my apologies for my absence and ask you to read this letter to the conference participants instead of my presentation.

Dr. Zafer Fehmi Yörük

Izmir University of Economics

People feel unsafe in the area, says Diyarbakir Human Rights Association

Serpil Berk, Diyarbakir

Raci Bilici, the Chairman of the Diyarbakir Human Rights Association (IHD) evaluates the human rights violation report for the first quarter of 2017.

In the past few days the Diyarbakir IHD shared with the public in the regional provinces its report of rights violations that occurred in the first quarter of 2017.

According to the report, in the first quarter of 2017, over 7,907 rights violations were committed in the region. However, Raci Bilici the chairman of the Diyabakir IHD said that they were unable to identify all incidents of violations taking place and that the actual figure is higher. The report identifies a range of serious violations, in particular extrajudicial killings, torture, mistreatment, as well as violence against women and children, and interference and prevention of the right to freedom of assembly and protest, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of the press, as well as loss of economic and social rights.

We spoke to Raci Bilici about how these violations are being experienced and perceived by the public. Bilici highlighted that with the declaration of a State of Emergency there was a fast escalation in rights violations, that it has become more difficult to monitor the increased number of arrests and detentions, that citizens living in the area no longer have any security of life or possessions, and also that a large majority of people no longer feel safe and that this is the biggest form of torture.


Bilici stresses that there are serious violations of the right to life in particular but that “there are serious pressures related to people being arrested, held in custody, tortured, children and women subject to violence and people being sacked from their jobs. Actually it is the case that there are rights violations in all aspects of peoples’ lives. Crime and punishment go beyond the individual and there is a disproportional trend. Turkey as a whole, particularly our provinces have been turned into open air prisons. There is such a fast escalation in arrests and detentions that we are getting to a point where we cannot keep up the monitoring. Also because of the pressure on the media it is also not possible to obtain information through this source either. Families are deprived of the means for seeking their rights. Sometimes they are unable to approach us, they do not have the ability or they are frightened. When people seek to enforce their rights they are faced with other sanctions.  With this being the case we are struggling to monitor. Prisons are beginning to reach capacity, and the use of torture and mistreatment is increasing. The detained and imprisoned have no access to any of their rights.  They are being isolated and subject to physical or psychological torture. Prisons have reached 100% capacity. We are receiving a lot of applications regarding rights violations in prisons”.


Bilici tells us that children have historically always experienced oppression, and said that  this comes in different form such as arrest and detention. In community protests 2-3 children were targeted and shot. Unfortunately, we often experience incidents like the one experienced in Silopi. We take action following incidents like these, sometimes we get results other times we can’t. If you drive at 100 km/h in a tiny street where the speed limit is 20km/h then you are inevitably going to hurt somebody. Incidents like these are not followed up. The civilian authorities instead of exposing the truth they try to cover up the incident in their announcements. This creates dangerous and different results. In the past, when a riot van ran over a citizen, Diyabakir Governer Mustafa Toprak, announced 5 minutes after the incident that the person was holding a bomb that detonated and that the riot van had not crashed into him. The family applied to us and through the assistance of the law society we were able to press the matter and it became apparent that the individual had indeed been run over by the riot van. However we were prevented from pursuing the matter further. The number of violations reduce where there is accountability before the courts for these abuses. People refrain from abuse if they know they will be tried for it. Using the state of emergency, people in public office are behaving outside of the law and are being protected by the civilian authorities and the judiciary is not undertaking any effective investigations. People have no security of life or possessions in the area. This is what happens when crime and punishment are removed from individuals and become disproportionate”.


“The judiciary in this country is at the stage where it protects the political rulers” said Bilici and added that “If the state sacks you from your job or you are subject to torture, you seek redress through the law. If the judiciary is independent there is objectivity. However at the current time unfortunately there is no such judiciary and this is why people do not feel safe. Scientists, public sector workers, journalists, media outlets that oppose the government are all under threat. Your MP who you elected to reflect your will is detained, all of the local councils are under administrations, NGOs are not allowed to speak. Anybody who dares to speak faces charges of being a member of an outlawed organisation. We must get out of this situation as soon as possible. Where there is no law there is chaos. As long as there are no sanctions unfortunately all of these violations are only statistics.”


We were informed by Bilici that in the first quarter of 2017 they recorded 7907 rights violations but that the true figure is over 8000. He went onto say “The oppression and abuse of the people and communities that this country does not want to accept continues. A process must start to allow for individuals to assert and secure their rights, and the conditions for this must begin by bringing the State of Emergency to an end, paving the way for an end to the conflict and by securing fundamental rights and freedoms. Repeatedly applying the same approach will lead to the same results. A new approach must be tried. By denying it, destroying it and ignoring it the reality does not change, it remains as it is. Even if you say ‘there is no Kurdish issue’ everyday, it exists. Even if you say ‘there is no democracy problem’, there is. People feel unsafe in their own country. There is no option but to try non-violent means for resolving these issues. These violations must not remain just as statistics. There must be results. In publishing these reports, we are calling on the ruling government and setting out our expectations. Moreover we must seek justice for every single individual whose rights have been violated, it is only then that we can begin to change things.”

The role given to Turkey: being the protectorate of jihadists

(Fehim Işık, Evrensel, 10 May 2017)

In Syria, we have moved onto the stage of delicate calculations. Proxy wars waged by use of various organisations have for some time been replaced by those who have designated the proxies. It seems that it is now the time of “correction”, and one of the main issues is how to “put into order” those jihadists who were moved into the region from outside. One must admit that Turkey will be the one who will have the most severe headache.

When the Syrian crisis first began, the Iranian Foreign Secretary defined Turkey’s involvement as “a late but fast entrance”. This ironic definition was a referral to the end of traditional Turkish foreign policy.

In the Middle East, each country had/has its own organisation(s). Following the establishment of the Republic, especially after the annexation of Hatay Province, Turkey was one of the most unflappable countries in the region. Traditional foreign policy was based on the understanding that if you interfere in other’s business you will get being interfered with. This policy was successful in keeping Turkey distant from the quagmire in the Middle East – until a new policy based on “Neo-Ottomanism” and “Strategic Depth” was put into practice.

The Republic formed alliances only against the Kurds, and took steps to prevent Kurds from advancing. The rest was not its business. However, this policy was abandoned openly and hastily in 2012. Turkish government flung itself into the region both to prevent any Kurdish advancement and to become the new imperial power in the Middle East. The aim was phrased in the dream of having a prayer in the Umayyad mosque in Damascus and taking the Middle East under the aegis of the new Ottomans.

This is what is meant by the Iranian Foreign Secretary. When he talked of “a late but fast entrance”, he was also drawing attention to the fact that Turkey tried to use any kind of groups and organisations for its own purposes, from the Muslim Brotherhood to Al Nusra, from ISIS to Ahrar Al Sham. Today we can see how right the Foreign Secretary of Iran, the most experienced country in “controlling” the Middle East through organisations.

Now, Turkey, the country which interfered with and used everyone, is designated with the task of “correcting” those it had used. It is aware of the fact that if it fails to do this task, the process will result in its disadvantage. This is one way of looking into the agreement reached in Sochi by Turkey, Iran and Russia.

Now the question is whether Turkey can do this?

The world is against ISIS. When no one succeeded in uprooting this organisation, Kurds and their Arab, Turkmen, Circassian, Assirian and other allies stepped in. Unless a surprise development takes place, ISIS is being successfully eliminated. However, ISIS is not the only group in the Middle East. There are dozens of similar organisations, many of which materialise their connections through Turkey. Of course, other regional countries such as Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are no better than Turkey in this regard. But they have the advantage of using their experiences of being in similar situations. Blinded by its “Kurdish phobia”, Turkish government, on the other hand, couldn’t do this; almost every group it got involved in exploded in its hands somehow.

Both Russia and US and the European countries are aware of the cost of the war against ISIS. Despite successful leadership of the effective operations against ISIS by the Kurds and their allies, it is obvious that the defeated sections of this organisation do not remain in Syria. After a while their area of manoeuvring will be limited both in Syria and Iraq. Most of the defeated sections of radical jihadist groups are spreading into the other parts of the world.

In Syria, on the other hand, the vacuum will most probably be filled by the members of Al Nusra, Ahrar Al Sham, Nureddin Zengi Brigades, etc. This is the “corrective” role given to Turkey. What was said to Turkey in Sochi was this: “Come to an agreement with them; prepare the grounds for them so they stay in that region and come to terms; don’t let them be a pain in the neck by spreading into other parts of the world.”

Now Turkey is making the calculations as to how this situation can be turned into an advantage. It seems that in the eyes of Turkish government, the only “gain” is to stop the Kurds at any expense.

Unfortunately, Turkey is doing the opposite of what it needs to do. Maybe before even it realises what troubles this might bring, Turkey is preparing to be the protectorate of a big number of jihadists in order to set the infrastructure for an administration based on force. And it is obvious that it is still far away from opening a single door to the Kurds who are the guarantee for lasting democracy.

NO and Beyond April 16, 2017 Constitutional Referendum Report

No and Beyond was established as an independent citizen organization, to contribute to the creation of a healthy electoral environment, before and after elections against possible infractions of the rules in the April 16, 2017 referendum.

  • No and Beyond received voluntary applications in almost 50 cities and served at the polling place with close to 15,000 volunteers.
  • All documents of No and Beyond, related to education and legal legislation, are produced by its volun-teering team of lawyers within its own structure. The organization has trained its own trainers and has carried out over 300 Observer Training Meetings in over 30 cities.
  • No and Beyond has developed the infrastructure used in field organization, data entry and evaluations, all the programs and applications with the help of its own volunteering software developers.
  • No and Beyond volunteers have set up bureaus, mainly in the centers and towns of big cities, have set up booths at hundreds of locations, distributed more than 300.000 informative brochures and materials.
  • No and Beyond internal communications and social media accounts are created and managed by the volunteers. Educational kits, brochures, video and visual materials for promotion and information are designed with the collective work of volunteers of No and Beyond.
  • No and Beyond worked with close to 15,000 volunteers on April 16th on the field with observers, build-ing supervisors, lawyers, coordination and support teams.
  • No and Beyond volunteers recorded 25% of the proceedings belonging to the votes on April 16 Referendum and collected the results on its infrastructure.
  • No and Beyond compared the data from the Supreme Electoral Council (will be referred to as YSK hereinafter), with the results gathered from the field and friendly associations on its own electronic infrastructure.
  • Beyond data comparison, No and Beyond compiled the pleas and interventions related to the irregular-ities encountered on the day of the referendum, made by the volunteers and the lawyers. Furthermore, it has reported these above-mentioned compilations, evaluating them along with the cases reflected on the public.


Throughout the two months of our movement, we stated that we would secure the ballot boxes. We are bringing this report, which is the product of the intensive and collective work during this period, to the public information.

Regarding the referendum on the constitutional amendment made on Sunday, April 16, 2017; the appeal information that corresponds to approximately 25% of the votes used are already recorded in the No and Beyond data system.

Data entry procedures and data analysis were done with the same meticulousness.

In this context, the appeals with wet-ink signature provided and entered into the data system by the No and Beyond volunteers were examined one by one, in comparison to the data gathered from the YSK; and thus the following determinations were made.

These findings are the preliminary study results and will be presented again to the attention of the public soon after the completion of the detailed and full report.


All votes used in the 961 ballot boxes are 100% YES, with the NO votes’ percentages and numbers being ZERO.

Exemplary ballot boxes being;

Muş Merkez ballot box no. 1171 Şanlıurfa Harran ballot box no. 1122
Şanlıurfa Harran ballot box no. 1092 Şanlıurfa Eyyübiye ballot box no. 2087
Şanlıurfa Viranşehir ballot box no. 1262 Şanlıurfa Haliliye ballot box no. 2042
Şanlıurfa Akçakale ballot box no. 1005 Şanlıurfa Akçakale ballot box no. 1129
Şanlıurfa Viranşehir ballot box no. 1023 Şanlıurfa Akçakale ballot box no. 1099
Şanlıurfa Eyyübiye ballot box no. 2161 Şanlıurfa Harran ballot box no. 1107
Şanlıurfa Haliliye ballot box no. 2276 Şanlıurfa Siverek ballot box no. 1321

In the general elections of June 7 and November 1, 2015, these ballot boxes seemed to have its votes in support of the opposition party. Hence, the current results in these ballot boxes can be regarded as contrary to the normal flow of life.


In the analyses made, it is understood that in the 30% of the 961 ballots mentioned above, 100% of the voters seems to have voted without any exceptions.

The process of to determining whether all voters have actually voted is currently underway.


It was determined that in 7448 ballot boxes, the number of votes is equal to the number of voters in the relevant ballot or higher if the polling clerks are taken into consideration. Moreover, over 2397 of these ballot boxes contained more votes than the registered number of voters.

The sum of the votes found in these ballot boxes is 1 million 672 thousand 249 and 60.7% of these votes were “YES”.

Given the previous findings on the use of block voting, the doubt that there may be voting on behalf of voters should be considered a possibility. These 7048 ballot boxes should not be neglected and need to be investigated in detail.

It is not possible that none of the 1 million 672 thousand 249 people have not lost their lives since March 10, 2017 – which is the date of confirmation of the voters lists, nor there is not any soldiers among them.

As a matter of fact, one of our citizens registered in ballot box no. 2179 in the Eyyubiye municipality of Sanliurfa, has lost her life on 31 March 2017.

This information, which we have reached within a narrow sample, over a very short period of time and un-der conditions where it was not possible to obtain personal information, suggests that there could be many cases to be investigated.


In our analysis regarding the ballot boxes which contain “YES” votes of 95%, it is understood that a huge number of opposition party voters of the November 1, and June 7, 2015 General Elections are evoaporated in the Referandum. These ballot boxes were compared to the previous elections in terms of voting behavior.

As can be seen from the comparison data presented below, the inconsistencies could affect the results of the election. This is a sign that the severity of the situation is far beyond the sealed/unsealed ballots debate.

Comparison of electoral regions with the previous elections which contain 95 percent or more YES votes


Comparison of electoral regions with the previous elections which contain 95 percent or more YES votes

MUŞ/HASKÖY 92 47 0
AĞRI/PATNOS 305 228 13


  • The YSK has announced a decision during the election, which stated that the unsealed ballots would be considered valid. Thus, “unsealed ballots and envelopes will be void” notion is openly infringed.
  • The head of the YSK reported that they had accepted the objection by the AKP, arguing that this was also the case in previous elections. However, in the same referendum, it was found out that upon objection by the AKP regarding the ballot box no. 472, which contained unsealed ballots, were also canceled by the YSK.
  • In countless ballot boxes, seals were prepared in the form of YES instead of PREFERENCE, and all votes used with this seal were considered valid even if the objections lead to changes of these seals in some cases. No legal action has been taken on the officers who explicitly mislead to the voting of YES – despite the fact that the decision to use PREFERENCE seal was made by YSK and was reported to all election centers months before the referendum took place.
  • Especially in eastern and southeastern provinces, Secret Vote/Open Counting has been converted into Open Vote/Secret Counting, armed security forces have clearly intervened in voting of the citi-zens. For example, Rıdvan Isik in the village of Dağdibi of Mus, showed up to the election with a long barreled gun when he was the polling clerk of the ballot box no. 1031. He photographed the citizens at the time of voting and published it on social media. The mentioned ballot box contains 290 “YES” and

2 “NO” votes. The distribution of votes in the 1 November elections was as follows: AKP 108, CHP 3 and HDP 109.

  • There are thousands of cases of voting outside of the election centers, ballots brought outside of the voting centers unlawfully or voting preferences intentionally or forcefully being revealed.


  • Over 200 construction workers in Muğla’s Datça province reported that they could not go to their re-gistered location of voting because they were 1,200 km away, but that all votes in this location were somehow fully intact.
  • Ballots, envelopes and seals of unknown origin outside of the polling stations are have been reported in almost every city, and thousands of people are involved in these irregularities.


  • How it was possible for the ballots to circulate outside of certain electoral areas should be explained by the YSK.
  • The allegations that the same ballots prepared against the possibility of being able to enter the second round of the 2014 presidential election with a single candidate were used in this referendum, must be clarified.
  • According to the statement of the head of the YSK, 73 million ballots for the referendum were not sent equally to each election center in accordance with the regulation. Ankara Semi-Open Prison – where the ballots are packed and sent – has been informed in advance on the number of spare ballots to send to certain election centers.
  • It has been evaluated that the spare ballots are sent intensively to the regions where opposition parties cannot or are made to not be able to carry out election campaigns. In these regions, it is believed that the dominant YES results are obtained from the polls by means of AKP and its local organizations.
  • The YSK changed the format of the election appeals 2 weeks before the referendum in the name of simplification, making it impossible to track the spare ballots. In this case, the size of this shadiness is more than 18 million votes. The YSK is obliged to announce the situation regarding the spare ballot papers.


The decision of the YSK, published on ysk.gov.tr, dated 16.04.2017 is not legally binding.

In the justified decision of the YSK, the rightful objections made to subjects such as ballots and envelo-pes without a seal are not accepted. The statement which was used to justify the decision is as follows; “In cases where it is determined that the individual rights are safely exercised, it is not possible to interpret the irregularities of the procedure as a means of eliminating the exercising of the basis of that right”.

This statement of the YSK is a violation of the law in two respects:

  1. Articles 98 and 101 of the Basic Provisions of Elections 298 and the Elements of the Law on Elections state that unsealed ballot papers and envelopes must be regarded as invalid, leaving no room for dou-bt. These clauses are compulsory legal rules. It is scandalous in terms of the Turkish history of law that YSK decides the validity of its decision through its interpretation.


  1. The principle used since Mecelle – “procedure comes first” – is again one of the chief pillars of the

Turkish legal system. The use of unsealed envelopes in the constitutional amendment on April 16, 2017 causes a doubt regarding the manifestation of the people’s will. It is not known whether or not a rig is being made to change the direction of the electorate by means of unsealed envelopes or ballots. Moreover, YSK does not even seem to be in need to examine this issue. The procedure is important for this reason and YSK is not an institution that is unaware of this.


The objection of the main opposition party regarding the 2.5 million unsealed ballots was rejected by the YSK. Even only this instance can be regarded as sufficient for the annulment of the referendum. In terms of all the above-mentioned cases, the referendum – dated April 16, 2017 – is invalid on all kinds of legal grounds.

In the entire country, tens of thousands of volunteers in thousands of polls yielded results. The ruling party and the YSK all over the country “masterminded” the constitutional referendum of April 16, 2017.

It is the cornerstone of democracy in our country and the right of every citizen to trust that the elections and public votes are safe from shady practices.

It is clear that this right cannot be established, thus the cancellation and repetition of the referendum is a must.

Big, jubilant, mass May Day demos in Turkey despite the state of emergency

(İhsan Çaralan, Evrensel, 02 May 2017)

Celebrations were held in many countries yesterday, on May Day, the day of unity, solidarity and struggle of the working class.

Workers chanted their demands, claiming the values of May Day and the ideals for a world without  exploitation and wars and for fraternity of humanity as a whole.

In Turkey, despite the state of emergency one of the biggest May Day celebrations of recent years took place in many towns, especially in industrial hotspots and working class neighbourhoods.

Different trade union confederations held their seperate events in different places, some refusing to attend the activites organised by another, and some just trying to brush over.

However, the gatherings in Gebze, an industrial town, and Ankara had a huge participation by workers and the following demands were highlighted:

* Proper severence pay, job security for public sector workers,

* No subcontracting, secure jobs,

* Prevention of deaths in workplaces,

* An end to the state of emergency, “No to one man rule”.

The sections of progressive democratic forces were dominated by slogans and placards refusing the results of the recent referendum, targetting the “One Man Rule” of Erdogan and his government , and objecting to the state of emergency, the Anti-Terror Law, and the rule by decrees.

We can say the following for the 2017 May Day in general:

  • Despite the state of emergency and local governments’ efforts to terrorize the political and social atmosphere, it was one of the biggest, the most widespread, and the most jubilant May Day celebrations of recent years.
  • The main weakness of this May Day was the weak participation of workers. This was mainly due to trade unions not trying, or even preventing, the active participation of workers on a strong platform based on common demands. The confederations Türk-İş, Hak-İş, Memur Sen and Kamu Sen tried to get only a symbolic participation of workers in their events.
  • The Confederatoin of Revolutioanry Workers Unions (DISK) and the Confederatoin of Public Sector Workers Unions (KESK) see themselves as the main representative of May Day. It would be best if everybody had this approach but in a way this led to the split of workers on May Day and played into the hands of those who were trying to divide the workers. These two confederations have a great responsibility to overcome this.

Finally, the May Day of 2017 could be praised for many of its aspects. However, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that  in the history of class struggle, this year’s May Day will be remembered as a day when the workers and progressive democratic forces of Turkey overcome the state of emergency, the repression and the political tensions, but not the trade union bureaucracy.

Leaping backward 13 years in the war of norms

(İhsan Çaralan, Evrensel, 27 April 2017)

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) decided to put Turkey on “political and legal monitoring”. The resolution was passed with 113 votes, with 45 against and 12 abstaining.

“The absence of European standards in the functioning of Turkey’s democratic institutions” was presented as the reason for PACE’s “monitoring decision”.

Turkey, a founding member of PACE, was put on “monitoring” status after the 12 September 1980 coup d’état, but was “removed” from this status in 2004!

Resultantly, Turkey attained the notoriety of being the “first country to be put back on political, legal monitoring” after being removed from this status.

PACE’s decision, which represents a “turning point” in the struggle for democratisation in Turkey, was received with the following disparagements by government representatives: “everyone is our enemy”; “they don’t want a strong Turkey”; “the alliance of crusaders” and “we have no obligation to adhere to this decision”.


The pro-government and pro-capital media did not react to PACE’s decision in the conventional manner. It could be said that they were not much bothered by it.

The pro-government newspapers did their utmost to belittle this decision; the daily Hürriyet, which leads the way when it comes to defending the government, had as its headline “to be continued” – referring to the bombing of Kurdish areas in Syria and Turkey – and PACE’s decision was a subheadline.

Of course, there are reasons behind PACE’s decision having such a reception. They are:

  • PACE’s decision was expected;
  • Turkey did not deserve this decision;
  • There are a lot of individuals in the upper echelons of the state that are content with this decision! They are evaluating PACE’s decision with the following expressions: “PACE has pushed Turkey 13 years backwards” and “13 years leap backwards” – as if PACE had given this decision out of the blue.


PACE removed Turkey from the “monitoring process” in 2004 owing to promises made and certain steps taken to “broaden democratisation and freedoms”. In the preceding years, a handful of initiatives taken in harmony with this goal notwithstanding, AKP and its governments have acted in accordance with the tactic of “one step forward two steps back”. Thus, in the previous years, AKP and its governments, with the stimulation of President Erdoğan, in opposition to western “norms of democracy and liberty”; introduced the hypothesis of “autochthon and national norms”. By doing so, it initiated “a war of norms”.

On the eve of the 7 June general election, the “autochthon and national” campaign that was unleashed by President Erdoğan with the slogan of “I want 400 autochthon and national MPs” had continued with the following norm expressions: “autochthon and national academics”, “autochthon and national trade unionists”, “autochthon and national university”, “autochthon and national economy”.

When the norms cultivated with human rights, democracy and liberty –  all of which have been nourished with the struggle of the working classes and peoples of the West in the past 500 years – fell in conflict with the products of the AKP, their ideologues and propagandists by propagating the view that “these are norms of the west and crusaders, our autochthon and national are important” aimed to promote “Turkish-type presidential system”, “Turkish-type Presidential Government System”, which in essence is nothing but the propagation of “one-party, one-man regime”. Relatedly, the point we are at today isn’t merely “Turkey delinking from one or a few of the European norms”; on the contrary, the authorities that govern Turkey, by divorcing Turkey from “western norms” are attempting to impose an arbitrary regime that is an amalgamation of the jihadism of the middle ages and the chauvinist, nationalist “autochthon and national norms”.

We are at a point wherein PACE via its decision has indicated that it is aware of the confrontation presented by means of “autochthon and national norms”. Hence, despite PACE giving the impression of monitoring Turkey, in reality, the AKP government “has leaped Turkey 13+[1] backward”. PACE’s decision is an allusion to this state of affairs.


Chiefly because the rulers of Turkey, AKP government and the imposers of the “autochthon and national norms”, want to govern Turkey:

– eternally under Anti-Terror Laws and State of Emergency,

– by controlling the judiciary,

by silencing the media through imprisoning journalists,

by “we want capital punishment” cries in public domains,

by conducting a referendum under the State of Emergency and which is recognised as fraudulent by the public,

Putting the country under the grip of “one-party, one-man regime” entailed that Turkey bawled for monitoring.

Deriving from the state of affairs in and the goals imputed to Turkey after PACE’s decision it wouldn’t be unfair to the architects of both, namely the Palace and the AKP representatives that are acting as the nucleus cadres for the Palace-oriented one-man regime, to conclude that they are content with the decision. This is because by means of PACE’s decision they rid themselves of the chains of “European norms”. For sure, the issue of to what extent the European governments defend/protect what is entitled as “European norms” and the question of what is the actual reason for the “monitoring decision” can be critiqued and debated. These matters will be discussed at length in various forms in our paper and in this column. The conclusion to be drawn from today’s piece is that the conditions that are in the making could be used by pro-democracy forces for the furtherance and defence of democracy and liberty.

[1] The 13+ is used denote a leaping backward of more than 13 years.

Referendum in Turkey: The ‘no’ bloc need to have a programme

Evrensel (24 April 2017)

Serpil Ilgun from Evrensel Daily talked to Murat Somer, Associate Professor of Political Sciences and International Relations from Koc University in Istanbul about the Turkish referendum and its social outcomes.

Somer: The ‘No’ bloc owes its success to its calm. The results have given them self-confidence and this needs to be maintained.

Somer shared the view that the 48.6 percent share of the vote by the “No” bloc has opened a new path for democratic popular movement, but for that they need to have an alternative political programme. “Such programme could help this bloc overcome its divisions and even enable some sections of the “yes” bloc to lend their support,” said Somer, as there are many people in the ‘yes’ side with some real concerns.

He believes that Turkey is going through a process of construction of an electoral authoritarian regime, and claims that “as this is not fixed yet all political actors have a window of opportunity now”.

Somer, who is known for his work on democratisation, authoritarian and hybrid regimes, Kurdish question, political Islam, politics of ethnicity and conflicts, also talked about possible effects of the referendum on the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

* * *

Let’s begin with the decision of the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) to consider the unstamped ballot papers as valid (the law requires all ballot papers should have an official stamp) which caused a lot of uproar.

Since 1950 Turkey has successfully held transparent elections in general. Previous problems were small and local and were resolved within the law. The extent of today’s allegations have the potential to influence the results of the overall referendum. The decision of the YSK presents important problems: 1. Creating suspicion about its independence, 2. The extent of the mistake or wrongdoing may change the result of the referendum, 3. Disregard for a vital principle regarding safe and secret balloting. This principle was also violated during the vote in the parliament on constitutional amendment.

When unstamped ballot papers are considered valid it is not possible to argue the case for secret balloting, or to make sure that the ballot paper is not illegally taken in from outside. As it was allowed to stamp the unstamped ballot papers while the vote was still going on, in other words, evidence was tampered with, it is almost impossible to have a recount.

What would you say to those claims that unstamped ballot papers were part of a plan in case the “No” vote won (to demand the cancellation of the vote by bringing on this issue)?

Without evidence we cannot know this but obeying the rules and regulations is important for democracy. The issue is that YSK violated the most basic principles and cast doubt on the referendum. I think there is lack of an independent institution that could effectively deal with all allegations of irregularities.

The first and second biggest parties in opposition object to the results in 60 percent of the ballot boxes. Millions of people are doubtful of the referendum result. At this stage an independent institution was to ensure a transparent process and inquiry. But this didn’t happen. Objections were sidelined and a new de facto situation was created. If this hadn’t happened we might have come to the conclusion that the irregularities were not to such an extent that would change the referendum result. But the YSK quickly concluded that “there was no violation” without proper investigation.

This created an unprecedented mistrust among the public regarding future elections. The ‘No’ bloc, which I think should be called the ‘democracy bloc’ should now concentrate on reforms and mechanisms that will ensure safe and lawful elections, an impartial YSK, and equal rights for all parties during the campaign process. These demands could also attract support from some sections of the ‘Yes’ side, and preparations could start for these demands for reforms as early as for the forthcoming elections in 2019.

How could this be achieved?

They need to have an alternative programme and a presidential candidate who could raise the demand for democracy and a scrutinized administration, pledging for reforms to strengthen the parliemantarian system and democracy. Such a candidate who gets the support of various sections can even restrict their power to ensure this transition.

This could be a semi-presidential system, which could also get support from within the AKP, ensuring real separation of powers, judiciary independence and impartiality. This agenda could also help the ‘No’ bloc to overcome its divisions.

The official application for the annulment of the referendum has been turned down. The Republican People’s Party (CHP), the main opposition, went to the supreme court , with no success, and now taking the case to the European Court of Human Rights. Half of the population feel angry and unsettled because they think the referendum result is unjust. Despite criminalisation and raids street protests are going on, but the opposition view on this is divided. What do you think is the way forward?

The democracy bloc needs to express their just cause continuously and use all legitimate methods in its search for justice. But this should not overshadow more important goals such as different sections of people coming together on a common ground to discuss how to be successful in the 2019 elections, how divisions can be overcome, what kind of candidate can be put forward and on what kind of political programme, etc.

What would you say to the criticisms that the CHP is not full heartedly defending its objections to the YSK decision on the referendum results or the demand for the invalidation of the referendum, and not supporting the street protests?

It is vital to know how to take the leadership in this kind of crises, responding quickly and decisively with well thought out steps and with strategies to communicate with the public. However, the challenges the CHP is faced with are not unique to Turkey but very similar to those regimes with what we call electoral authoritarianism. Right now in Turkey this kind of regime is in the process of being established. It is not settled yet and it could take a better or a worse direction.

In such regimes there is a political arena determined by the political power, a very restricted arena which is open to manipulations. What you can do is very limited so long as you accept to work within this arena, where you are always the one being beaten up, tripped up and shown to be weak. That is the aim. When you reject to practise politics in this arena you are marginalised. It might be relatively easy for a party which has developed with a strong rank and file as it has the experience to deal with such issues. But CHP has never been outside the system. It considers itself to be representing the state and has no experience, knowledge or reflex in having to make such choices. Same dilemmas are true for the opposition in civic society. But the advantage is that in Turkey an electoral authoritarian regime is not settled yet.

You need to show the public that all your steps are well thought out, you need to prepare the public opinion and make a strong case. You need to be seen in a strong position to defend your rights. Otherwise, in hybrid regimes the biggest danger is to be in the right but be in a weak position. This is how CHP is being portrayed. But this is not a CHP issue alone. What is important is to agree on some common principles and act in a united way. This is not hard. The rule of law and fair elections can be this common ground.

AKP’s success has worn off

AKP has lost votes for the first time in its history in the big cities. Some people see this as “AKP entering a period of regression”.

This is bad news for AKP and good news for the opposition. Big towns represent change. AKP’s rise to power was a result of it representing the new and the change. This had two bases: one was to represent the people against the elite and the status quo, and the other was its claim to represent what was national. This was successful up until 2011 but now has worn off as this political movement began to represent the status quo, power and privilege. This is a big potential for the opposition to delve into, as now they could be the one who represent change.

It is true that AKP has gone into a period of regression; its votes are decreasing. But this doesn’t mean that it would reflect in change of political power as this is not a political system with equal rights of competition in the real sense of the word. Even those who voted ‘no’ were in the belief that AKP would find a way to win anyway and nothing would change.

So, people need to believe that political power could change hands…

Yes. The belief “They would find a way to win” is inherent in authoritarian regimes, and this is very dangerous. The way to overcome this requires overcoming polarisation. Therefore, building bridges is very important, especially with those sections supporting the government for this or that reason.

The ‘no’ bloc needs to open up to the countryside and try to understand them better. People in big cities are relatively free to express their thoughts in elections. But in small places, especially in Kurdish regions casting a ‘no’ vote brings dire consequences. Therefore, the ‘yes’ vote in Anatolia should not be assessed with prejudice. People in the country need to believe in the possibility of change so they can vote for it. This trust need to be established with them.

What are the main characteristics of the referendum results?

Firstly, there is a huge number of people who gather around President Erdogan, who still trust him and can be mobilised by him. Secondly, the referendum campaign was an asymmetric one. For those who voted ‘yes’ the AKP and the Erdogan element was in the fore, while those who voted ‘no’ did so to protect democracy and because they opposed the presidential system. This is where the asymmetry is. The ‘yes’ people were for a strong state, a people’s state, a big Turkey and for trust in the leader. Now the ‘no’ side should be the guardian of this. For example, AKP promised safeguards for the criticisms of the opposition regarding the scrutiny over the president, a functional parliament, an independent judiciary, etc. Now the ‘no’ bloc could say to those who voted ‘yes’ to lend support to their bloc for the materialisation of these promises.

The 48.6% vote didn’t suffice to stop the presidential system but the ‘no’ bloc is not demoralised. Why?

Because this result was achieved despite all unequal conditions and the state of emergency. Therefore, the 48.6 percent result didn’t cause any feeling of defeat. And there is a case of self confidence of being in the right. This needs to be maintained. This campaign helped overcome some fears and prejudice. Many people who couldn’t dream of talking to each other talked and worked together.

The greatest danger today is to adopt a language of division. If the ‘no’ bloc see the other side as a monolithic group and use a divisive rhetoric they would upset the apple cart. Because the ‘no’ bloc owes its success to its calm and to not using an offensive language. If they maintain this they will continue to win.

The democracy bloc should also be able to set an alternative and be a ray of hope to the Kurdish people. For a peaceful solution to Kurdish question the Turkish side, especially its political elites need to discuss and internalise many things. 2019 may not be a realistic target for that but for this bloc to create an alternative to the presidential system it needs to come up with pledges to get the support of the Kurds.


(Fatih Polat, Evrensel, 19.4.17)

Due to its extremely oppressive atmosphere, the very public vote rigging and the unravelling political picture in its aftermath, the referendum of 16 April 2017 has been the most controversial vote in Turkish political history.

High Election Council’s (YSK) decision to accept unsealed envelopes and ballots while voting still continued – in direct contradiction with its own directive – was akin to changing the rules during the game. YSK stubbornly stands behind this unacceptable contradiction despite all objections. This behaviour bears witness to the fact that the Referendum of 16 April has been arbitrarily concluded by dominant political power relations.


Sadi Güven, the chair of YSK, stated that unsealed envelopes were accepted in an attempt to prevemt procedural mistakes by local ballot commissions – legally obliged to stamp envelopes and ballot papers – obstruct the constitutional rights of the electorate.

However, in this referendum, unstamped votes cast abroad have been declared void. The relevant decision is stated as “the objection to procedures at Voting Station 472 during the count of votes from abroad, lodged to AKP representative by Muhammed Bilal Haliloğlu, dated 16/04/2017 has been considered.”


“It is understood that Mr Haliloğlu’s petition stated “some ballot boxes at Voting Station 472 included unstamped envelopes and these votes were deemed void without opening. Kindly take the necessary action regarding opening of the envelopes.”

Article 98 of Key Voting Provisions and Voter Register Law 298 states that “Envelopes that do not fit the colour and design of those issued by the ballot commission; those without local voting commission and ballot commissions stamps; those completely ripped; those with any stamp, signature, finger print or markings other than that of the local voting commission and ballot commission stamps are void.” The same issue has been addressed by article 44 of mandate number 202/1 attached to decision number 103 by the YSK, dated 15/02/2017.”

Based on these reasons the decision taken on 17/04/2017 states that “the objectors demand that the envelopes unopened due to missing stamps be opened has been rejected.”

We should also remember that in Güroymak in 2014, the ballot had been cancelled by YSK due to a single unstamped envelope.

In its press conference on the referendum, Limited Election Observation Mission by Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) have highlighted that the YSK decision is illegal.

Consequently, the claim by Kemal Özkiraz, the owner of Avrasya Public Opinion Research Centre (AKAM), that “the information I got from parties and ballot observers is that all of the unstamped vote have been ‘YES’ votes. This cannot be explained by a coincidence.” gains undeniable importance.


The results cannot be ignored when the votes secured by AKP and MHP – the parties that proposed the change in Presidency voted on in the referendum – in the general elections of 1 November 2015 and the Referendum of 16 April are compared.

Firstly, President Erdoğan’s statement that “The rider has already gone past Üsküdar” [a Turkish proverb], based only on the unofficial Anatolian Agency [news outlet] data on the results, is ironic in terms of the stage he chose. In Sarıyer, where he made his speech, 59.13% voted for ‘No’. In Üsküdar, AKP(47.9%) and MHP(9.5%) got a total of 57.4% of the vote in 2015 but in the referendum 53.31% voted ‘NO’.

The city where Erdoğan made his speech is the metropolitan where the main fight against the attempted coup of 15 July – the event he primarily used to justify this referendum both in terms of its timing and historical significance – took place; but also, the city that Erdoğan lost in for the first time since the local elections of 1994; when he first became its Mayor.

Erdoğan also lost both in the neighbourhood of his Palace and the city it is in; Ankara. The national result is a highly disputable due to the continuing state of emergency (OHAL) but also the open breach of rules by the YSK. Despite all of this, standing on such a ground, thanking for “the support” one is given is significant.

In Ankara AKP (48.8%) and MHP (14.2%) got a total of 63% of the votes in the election of 1 November; in the referendum only 48.85% voted Yes. This is a drop of 14.15% which could not be ignored.

Likewise in Istanbul, while AKP (48.7%) and MHP (8.6%) got a total of 57.3% in the elections of 1 November, the No vote was 51.35% in the referendum; this indicates a drop of 8.65% for the ‘Yes’ vote

In the stronghold of MHP, Osmaniye, while AKP (46.8%) and MHP (34.6%) got a total of 81.4% in the elections of 1 November, the ‘Yes’ vote was 57.84%; indicating a very significant difference of 23.56%.

Evrensel had tried to accurately feel the pulse of the referendum. Our reporter Halil İmrek had been to Osmaniye and his article in the Evrensel on 9 March 2017 titled ‘the MHP stronghold of Osmaniye is distancing itself from Bahçeli’ foretold these results.

One of surprises in this referendum has been Eyüp; an area where AKP held the local authority for a long while and is frequently visited by President Erdoğan. While AKP (49.3%) and MHP (8.6%) got a total of 57.6% in the elections of 1 November, the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Eyüp was 48.46%%; a drop of 9.44%.

The differences in Fatih should also be noted. In the elections on 1 November. AKP (52.2%) and MHP (8.1%) got a total of 60.3% of the vote; the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Fatih was 51.38. The ‘Yes” campaign suffered a drop of 8.92% in this predominantly conservative area.

We also see a big difference when we compare the results in Soma; the town where 301 miners lost their lives in an accident – read murder – in a mine. In Soma in the elections of 1 November AKP (49.7%) and MHP (15.9%) got a total of 55.6% of the vote, the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Soma was 53.1%; a drop of 12.5 for the ‘Yes’ coalition.

The results in Kayseri are also interesting. In this city AKP (65.6%) and MHP (18.4%) got a total of 84% of the votes in the elections of 1 November, the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Kayseri was 67.76%; the ‘Yes’ coalition lost 16.24% of its votes in this city.

In Erzurum, a city of great support for the government, AKP (68.1%) and MHP (14.3%) got a total of 82.4% in the elections of 1 November, the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Erzurum was 74.48%; a drop of 7.48%.

Some might think this result is due to Fethullah Gülen being from there, but Erzurum is a city where the recently deceased Mehmed Kırkıncı, an important name in the Nur Sect, is considered a ‘leader of opinion’ and he had decided to side with AKP in the elections of 1 November. It seems healthier to read the vote realignment in Erzurum as the reaction by some sectors of AKP and MHP grassroots in this city to the imposition of this referendum.

In Rize in the elections of 1 November, AKP (75.9%) and MHP (5.4%) got a total of 81.3% of the vote, the ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum in Erzurum was 75.55%. It was argued that Saadet Party voters in Rize that voted for AKP in 1 November elections would not do so in the referendum. This could have contributed to the 5.75% drop.


Throughout the referendum campaign the ‘No’ front argued that politics of polarisation only helped AKP; and that a positive, explanatory campaign should be run to win over those intending to vote ‘Yes’. I think this has had as much impact on the results as the split in MHP and the limited fracturing within the AKP.

We still cannot ignore the fact that a strong ‘personal cult’ tendency towards Erdoğan among the grassroots AKP supporters still exists. While opposing the dubious results of the Referendum, we should refrain from identifying them with fixed political identities such as AKP, MHP supporters. We should approach people with their real identities as workers, labourers, teachers, doctors, academicians; it is important to use a language for change when addressing those that voted for a different party in the past. For those that said No to ‘one man’, the only option for the future is patient, correct politics.

The referendum and its results are not legitimate!

(Mustafa Yalciner, Evrensel, 18.4.17)

Scarcely 51.4% of ‘yes’ vote has been reached! 48.6% said “no.”

All the big cities, the industrial regions, with the exception of the city of Bursa and Kocaeli, declared “No, We Will Not Accept a One Man Dictatorship.”

Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Mersin, Diyarbakir… have all said its not possible but the ‘lads’ are saying, “of course it is, Turkey has won.” As if Istanbul is a city in Patagonia; the city where AKP has the majority! Add to this mix Bahceli’s MHP the majority is less then half. Across Turkey there is a 10 per cent decline in AKP and MHP votes. Apparently “Turkey has won!” What a victory!

When the state contraption has exclusively worked for the “yes” vote… when not only the gentlemens’ aeroplanes, official cars but also the whole of the “yes” campaign is sponsored from by the Treasury… When almost all newspaper and TV stations are confiscated through sackings and threats; mainstream TV and other remaining stations, with the exception of one or two, had campaigned 100 % for the “yes” vote. Under circumstances of complete disregard for equality or impartiality.

Under the circumstances of brute force of the state was put in action when the power of money was not enough. While the positions of governors and district governors could not be told apart from provincial chairman and district heads of the AKP the “No” campaigners had their rallies and meetings banned, could not find halls meetings… When every which way you look nothing but “yes” banners adorned cities, the “no” campaigners’ banners could not be seen anywhere; either not allowed to go up or quickly pulled down.

When polling clerks of opponent parties such as HDP and CHP were taken off committees for not being “reputable individuals”…  When the opposition witnesses at the polling station were expelled from duty. When, from the outset, the state either did not take ballot boxes to some areas, especially to those in the south-east, or placed them in areas that were unaccessible for the majority… Despite clear legal regulation, just like two months prior to the referendum, armed soldiers or police guarded polling stations.  In a series of villages the village guards and chiefs openly stamped “yes” in batches of 20-30 ballot papers at a time. Polling clerks have stamped unstamped ballot papers with official seal after the ballet boxes were opened.

And millions of unstamped envelops! Despite clear legal regulations and old Supreme Election Committee’s (SEC) decisions these votes were counted as valid. It is not even a controversy; the vote count was openly swindled. SEC later announced, if the ballot envelopes could not be proven to have been brought from outside “these sort of things do happen!” Gentlemen, you were supposed to have had the envelopes ready at the ballot boxes. If you haven’t, then unstamped envelopes are invalid. You cannot count them as valid; imposition does not make it valid. You want it to be accepted by force? The name for this kind of force is obvious! It is what you called Germany and Holland for not allowing you to hold referendum meetings in their countries in order to guard the safety of their citizens.

Apparently the “paper used for envelops are distinct” and are “watermarked”… and apparently  “voters right cannot be prevented because the ballot council has forgotten to stamp the envelopes.”  Get over it! Wouldn’t the devil look after his own!

Despite the unequal race, the power of money and oppression and the envelopes kept at bay the margin was still so small!

It is said that the number of unstamped envelopes are about 2.5 million, this figure does not include those stamped by polling clerks after balled boxes were opened. 2.5 million roughly equates to 5 per cent; 1.5 million is roughly 3 per cent! The difference between “yes” and “no” is a little over one million; this is about 1.5 per cent!

No! This referendum and its results are not legitimate. “One party and One Man” authority is a blatant imposition on the people! It cannot be accepted!

Erdogan and the AKP government claim victory in rigged referendum

Approximately 50 million voters headed over to the ballot boxes on 16 April to vote on the referendum for constitutional changes in Turkey.

The public were presented with manipulated figures, purporting to show a victory for the Yes vote, equivalent to 51.4% ‘yes’ and 48.6% ‘no’. All big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Mersin, Antalya and Diyarbakir voted against the constitutional changes.

Even so, while approximately 1 million votes were disregarded as unacceptable, 2.5 million ballot papers without official stamps were counted as legitimate. It clearly states in the election laws that ballot papers that are not stamped must not be accepted. This decision, which was approved by the Supreme Election Council (YSK), is being used to turn over the results with a ‘done and dusted’ attitude.

The will of the public is trampled on

In spite of referendum result showing a “No” majority in the referendum and the discovery of unsealed ballot papers in the ballot boxes, efforts are being made to announce an official “yes” victory. The two leaders of the main parties (AKP and MHP) who campaigned for a “yes” vote, made announcements thanking the nation whilst, ignoring the criticisms of numerous breaches of due process and concealing the fact that the “no” campaign won the referendum vote.

Despite the fact that the new constitutional changes have been rejected by the voters, the will of the public is trampled on and through cheating and lies a dictatorship is being imposed.

The AKP and Tayyip Erdogan’s attempts to enforce the questionable results of the referendum in favour of the yes vote have resulted in mass protests in big cities and across the country. The main oppositional parties, CHP and HDP are calling for a revocation of the referendum result, which it says is the only way to settle the questionable status of the referendum.

OSCE critical of the referendum

The referendum was held under state of emergency and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), of which Turkey is a member, stated that the conditions for the vote did not appear “fair”, and that the Supreme Electoral Council did not act in a transparent way.

We will not be silent

We therefore call upon all democratic forces of Britain to support the struggle of the people in Turkey against the undemocratic measures.

We call on Theresa May to refuse to recognise the outcome of the referendum, suspend all arms sales and pressure other bodies to do likewise. We urge the government to send a delegation of MPs to visit the country as a matter of urgency and meet the opposition and hear their voice. The government should strongly condemn the jailing of MPs, journalists and the lack of freedom of press, free speech and attacks on the opposition.

Finally, we urge you to inform the public, pressurise the UK government to take a stand on the basis of the concerns highlighted by OSCE and international observers.

Please send letters of protest to the Supreme Election Council of Turkey for its decision to validate illegally the 2.5 million votes cast without the official stamp to ensure a “yes” result is achieved.

Please email and / or tweet bilgiedinme@ysk.gov.tr /  @ysecimkurulu

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

Not even a Pyrrhic victory!

Ihsan Caralan (Evrensel, 17.4.17)

The referendum for a constitutional amendment that will take Turkey to a “one party, one man regime” was held last Sunday.

Initial reports show a 51.4 “yes” and 48.6 “no” vote. Both the close results and the fact that the two big parties of the “no” camp, People’s Republican Party (CHP) and the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP), raising their objections to the irregularities of the referendum is a sign that the controversy surrounding the referendum will be on the political agenda in the coming days, if not months.

Under normal circumstances 50 per cent +1 would technically be considered to have won in a referendum on something that would not change the regime of the country. However, the constitutional amendment voted on recently is not an ordinary thing as it brings substantial changes to the regime. Therefore, a 51 per cent “yes” vote cannot unify a divided people or be considered “legitimate”, especially if there is extensive suspicion around the results.

Moreover, this constitutional amendment

  1. Was brought to the parliament disregarding its rules on many of the opposition’s rights and the procedures for secret voting, with use of brute force by the ruling AKP and the nationalist MHP representatives, and when the parliament’s third biggest pro-Kurdish HDP party is practically excluded from parliamentary activities, and its 13 MPs, including the co-leaders, are in prison.
  2. During the referendum campaign the “yes” camp

* mobilised and used everything at their disposal, including the state owned transport vehicles;

* used the state of emergency, government decrees and the anti-terror law to terrorise the political climate and intimidate the “no” camp;

* mobilised governors, prosecutors, local governments and security forces to ban the “no” rallies;

* used even the mafia related gangs and civil militia in addition to the security forces to intimidate the “no” vote;

* stigmatised the “no” camp by identifying it with the “coup” supporters and the so-called “Fethullah Gulen Terror Organisation – or FETO for short”, named after the self-exiled cleric who is said to be behind the failed coup;

* manipulated all nationalist, religious, moral and cultural values for their black propaganda;

* and dominated the whole referendum process in an unlawful and unjust way, knowing no limits in exploiting even the most sensitive domestic and foreign policy issues.

Despite all repression and obstruction, with a 51.4 percent “yes” and a 48.6 percent “no” vote the referendum result appears to be on a knife-edge.

Another important point is that the biggest cities of Turkey –Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Adana and Antalya – have scored a “no” vote. This is a sign that AKP is losing support in big cities.

Therefore, we can say that this referendum will

* pave the way to developments that will deteriorate the problems with regards to Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy;

* open the legitimacy of the referendum and of the constitutional amendments;

* and not even be a Pyrrhic victory with this “yes” vote.

The realities of the referendum indicates significant possibilities for the “no” camp, for Turkey’s progressive democratic forces and the working class party in the short term, as well as for political restructuring in Turkey and the advancement of the positions of the working class.

Finding of the international observers. 

The 16 April constitutional referendum in Turkey was contested on an unlevel playing field, and the two sides in the campaign did not have equal opportunities, the international observers concluded in a statement released today. While the technical aspects of the process were well administered, voters were not provided with impartial information about key aspects of the reform, and limitations on fundamental freedoms had a negative effect, the statement says.

“On referendum day there were no major problems, except in some regions, however we can only regret the absence of civil society observers in polling stations,” said Cezar Florin Preda, Head of the delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. “In general, the referendum did not live up to Council of Europe standards. The legal framework was inadequate for the holding of a genuinely democratic process.”

“The referendum took place in a political environment in which fundamental freedoms essential to a genuinely democratic process were curtailed under the state of emergency, and the two sides did not have equal opportunities to make their case to the voters,” said Tana de Zulueta, Head of the ODIHR limited election observation mission.  “Our monitoring showed the ‘Yes’ campaign dominated the media coverage and this, along with restrictions on the media, the arrests of journalists and the closure of media outlets, reduced voters’ access to a plurality of views.”

Although the Supreme Board of Elections (SBE) adopted regulations and instructions to address some aspects of the process, the legal framework, which is focused on elections, remained inadequate for the holding of a genuinely democratic referendum, the observers said. Provincial governors used state-of-emergency powers to further restrict the freedom of assembly and expression.

“A state of emergency should never be used to undermine the rule of law,” Preda said.

The legal framework for the referendum neither sufficiently provides for impartial coverage nor guarantees eligible political parties equal access to public media, and gives preference to the ruling party and the president in the allocation of free airtime, while the SBE’s authority to sanction for biased coverage was repealed, the statement says.

The law limits full participation in the referendum to eligible political parties and does not regulate the involvement of other stakeholders, the statement says. Further, the SBE decided that civil society organizations and professional associations were not permitted to hold campaign events.

“The campaign framework was restrictive and the campaign imbalanced due to the active involvement of several leading national officials, as well as many local public officials, in the ‘Yes’ campaign,” de Zulueta said. “We observed the misuse of state resources, as well as the obstruction of ‘No’ campaign events. The campaign rhetoric was tarnished by some senior officials equating ‘No’ supporters with terrorist sympathizers, and in numerous cases ‘No’ supporters faced police interventions and violent scuffles at their events.”

Referendum day proceeded in an orderly and efficient manner in the limited number of polling stations visited by international observers. In some cases, access for ODIHR observers during the opening and voting in polling stations was either denied or limited. Police presence was widely reported both in and outside polling station and, in some cases, police were checking voters’ identification documents before granting access to the polls. The SBE issued instructions late in the day that significantly changed the ballot validity criteria, undermining an important safeguard and contradicting the law.

For further information contact:

Thomas Rymer, ODIHR, +90 535 891 9998 or +48 609 522 266, thomas.rymer@odihr.pl

We must stand in solidarity with the people of Turkey.

Steve Sweeney, SPOT Steering Committee member reports from Turkey on the aftermath of the referendum. 

I was part of the demonstrations in Besiktas last night where people were opposing the outcome of the referendum result. The result cannot be given any credibility and should not be legitimised.

Opposition CHP and HDP have announced they will challenge the outcome of the election.

The people of Turkey have accused president Erdogan of stealing their vote with reports of widespread corruption including 2.5 million contested votes counted as Yes, No votes going missing and AKP/Erdogan supporting AA news agency announcing results before ballot boxes had even left polling stations.

Erdogan would never have accepted defeat in the referendum. This was a long time in the planning. When the HDP election victory meant he could not command the majority needed to force the changes through parliament, he pushed through a law lifting immunity from prosecution for lawmakers and had 13 MPs thrown in jail.

It was only the failed coup last year which saw the ultra-nationalist/fascists of the MHP change their position to support the constitutional changes, however not all MPs or their supporters agreed.

The post-coup purges have seen opposition voices silenced. There is no freedom of the press, academics have been purged, journalists arrested, government workers sacked and everyone has become a suspect

In the south-east whole cities have been flattened with half a million people displaced. Many of those people cannot vote as they have no registered address due to their homes being destroyed and those that can are subject to military checkpoints, although many simply do not have the means to travel to vote. 

Independent observers were blocked from entering sensitive areas. 

Despite all of this, Erdogan could only muster 51% of the vote. It cannot under any circumstances be described as a free and fair election. 

I was stopped by the police at a polling station and they tried to take my phone from me and I have a serious suspicion that my laptop and social media have been hacked and tampered with and my internet access restricted.

But the people of Turkey are not accepting the result. A series of demonstrations spread across many districts in Istanbul last night and I expect will continue today as international bodies say they will assess the allegations of fraud and corruption.

However these same bodies have been responsible for giving Erdogan the free hand he needed to terrorise his own people. Who have offered mild rebukes which he has seen fit to ignore as they refuse to consider any serious response to what elsewhere would be described as war crimes or crimes against humanity.

The pots and pans heard across Istanbul last night stood as a reminder of the spirit of Gezi. It is to these people that the new Turkey belongs and the fight will continue.

We must stand in solidarity with the people of Turkey.

SCF: Legitimacy Of Rigged Referendum’s Result In Turkey Widely Questioned By Turks, EU And US

Stockholm Centre for Freedom expressed concerns to do with the referendum election held in Turkey.                                                     As opposition groups have taken the streets of many Turkish cities to protest allegedly rigged referendum results, both the European Union (EU) and the US officials have refrained to comment over the announced voting results until seeing the OSCE findings.

The international observers monitoring the constitutional referendum in Turkey will present their preliminary post-referendum statement at a news conference on Monday in Ankara. The mission is a joint undertaking of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

The statement will be delivered by Cezar Florin Preda, Head of the PACE delegation, and Tana de Zulueta, Head of the ODIHR Limited Referendum Observation Mission. The International Observation Mission comprises 63 observers from 26 countries, including 40 long-term observers and experts deployed by OSCE/ODIHR and 23 parliamentarians and staff from PACE.

Stefan Schennach, an Austrian member of a PACE team sent to Turkey to observe a referendum, has said on Sunday that the referendum on a constitutional amendment package to bring an executive presidency to the country was neither free nor fair.

“[A]fter our mission in Diyarbakir + Mardin we got deeply worried, referendum was neither fair nor free: police blocked 2x observation,” Schennach said in a Twitter message posted following the referendum.

PACE announced last Monday that it would send a 20-member delegation to Turkey to observe the conduct of the referendum on constitutional amendments, alongside observers from the OSCE/ODIHR. In January, the PACE Monitoring Committee expressed concern in a statement about the content of the proposed constitutional reforms and the conditions under which a referendum would be held in Turkey.

Limited Referendum Observation Mission of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR LROM) had stated in their interim report on April 7 that supporters of the ‘No’ campaign in Turkey faced campaign bans, police interventions, and violent scuffles at their events. According to interim report released by OSCE/ODIHR LROM over Turkey’s constitutional referendum, “the campaign is characterized by polarization and some restrictions.”

Meanwhile, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn issued a joint statement on Sunday and stated that “We take note of the reported results of the referendum in Turkey on the amendments to the Constitution, adopted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 21 January 2017.  We are awaiting the assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR International Observation Mission, also with regard to alleged irregularities.”

The statement has continued: “The constitutional amendments, and especially their practical implementation, will be assessed in light of Turkey’s obligations as a EU candidate country and as a member of the Council of Europe. We encourage Turkey to address the Council of Europe’s concerns and recommendations, including with regards to the State of Emergency. In view of the close referendum result and the far-reaching implications of the constitutional amendments, we also call on the Turkish authorities to seek the broadest possible national consensus in their implementation.”

 US State Department Spokesperson has also refrained to make any comment on referendum before seeing the assessment of the OSCE/ODIHR International Observation Mission. The Spokesperson sent a statement to Washington Hattı news portal when asked whether they have any comment over the results of the elections results, and stated that “We are, of course, following the referendum voting outcome in Turkey. We will refrain from commenting until the results have been confirmed and OSCE/ODIHR has reported on its initial findings.”

Despite both Turkey’s autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, together with Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and the head of Supreme Board of Election (YSK) have announced that “yes” vote won the majority in the referendum, allegations on the widespread and systematic election frauds have marked and overshadowed the historic voting.

Over 55 million Turkish citizens voted across the country on Sunday in a historic referendum proposing constitutional changes. Citizens cast their ballots at 167,000 polling stations nationwide. Over 1 million of them were first-time voters who recently turned 18.

As irregularities with regards to procedures during the polling for a historic referendum were revealed opposition groups reacted. The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has said it will object to the referendum results on grounds that the vote for the constitutional amendment were manipulated in terms of content and method, a party senior has said.

“Since the morning there has been a serious chaos all over Turkey. The Supreme Board of Elections [YSK] has declared that the board will deem voting papers without official seals as valid. They cancelled voting papers without seals in the ballots abroad. It was the same board that did this,” CHP deputy leader Erdal Aksünger said. He also stated that the opposition party will make necessary appeals to object.

“In eastern and southeastern cities, the election observers from the ‘no’ groups were removed from their ballots. There were many violations in terms of the form of the elections. There were people who voted outside booths, violating the secret ballot rule. There were people who went to the ballot boxes with their village governors; these are all violations,” he added.

The YSK, however, stated on its website that unless there was no proof that ballot papers and envelopes were brought from outside, they will be accepted as valid.

Pro-Kurdish opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has also announced that the party will object to the results. “Irrespective of the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ victory, we will object to two thirds of the ballots. The information we have received indicates a 3 to 4 percent manipulation,” the HDP announced through their official Twitter account on late April 16.

Former Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) lawmaker Meral Akşener, who renegaded from her party months ahead of the vote to campaign for the “No” vote, also criticized the YSK decisions.

“About the voting papers without the YSK seals; it is a scandal! It is a scandal that the YSK has announced that they will deem it valid. Two of our lawmaker friends are making the necessary appeals,” Akşener said in a televised interview on private broadcaster Fox TV late April 16.

Akşener also stated that the state-run agency’s results indicated a manipulation. “According to the official results received by the YSK, the ‘No’ votes lead by 52 percent,” she added. “On the other hand, the information we have received from YSK indicates that the entire results were not registered by the YSK yet. Anadolu Agency is making the manipulation,” she said.

While chair of the CHP, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, called on his party to hold an emergency meeting, in many cities people have gathered on streets and rallied to protest rigged and manipulated referendum results.  CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu has said that his party would object to the results of Sunday’s referendum on the grounds that the vote for the constitutional amendments was manipulated by the YSK in terms of content and method. 

“Due to YSK interference, the referendum results have become questionable. Now, I am asking: Why would you make such a decision? Rules cannot be changed in the middle of the game. The YSK literally cast a shadow over the decision made by this nation. We will be checking this closely,” Kılıçdaroğlu said.

Hours before the unofficial results were announced late on Sunday night the YSK declared that the board would deem voting papers without official seals to be valid. The board also declared on its website that unless there was proof that ballot papers and envelopes were brought from outside the polling place, they would be accepted as valid. The announcement reportedly came after a board meeting following a high number of complaints regarding unsealed ballot papers.

Citizens of Turkey cast their votes on Sunday in a historic referendum on whether to switch the system of governance to an executive presidency amid reports of alleged voter fraud across the country. The state-run Anadolu news agency said 99.9 percent of the votes had been counted, leading to a “yes” win with a 51.23 percent majority.

Meanwhile, President Erdoğan on Sunday said he would immediately discuss reinstating the death penalty with the government and the opposition while addressing a crowd celebrating the results of a Sunday referendum in front of Huber Palace in the Sarıyer district of İstanbul.

“I will say ‘I have always encountered this in the field.’ (MHP leader) Bahçeli already said, ‘I will support it’ and (Prime Minister) Yıldırım likewise. But [Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal ] Kılıçdaroğlu also said he would support it. If he really supports it and it comes to me, I will approve it. Otherwise what will we do? We will have another referendum on that, too,” Erdoğan added.

The issue of reinstating capital punishment in Turkey has strained ties with the European Union after Erdoğan and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) suggested its reintroduction following a failed coup attempt last summer.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on March 19 that reinstatement of capital punishment in Turkey would “lead to the end of negotiations” with Ankara for its membership in the EU.

“Executing the death penalty is incompatible with membership of the Council of Europe,” said Daniel Holtgen, director of communications at the Council of Europe and spokesperson for Secretary-General Thorbjørn Jagland, in reaction to the Turkish government plan to introduce the death penalty.

Responding to criticism from the EU, Erdoğan said during a rally in Antalya on March 25: “They say that if the death penalty is reinstated, Turkey will not have a place in Europe. We do not need that place.”

Turkey abolished the death penalty in 2004 as a part of reforms to facilitate Turkey’s accession to the European Union, although the death penalty has not been used since 1984. (SCF with turkishminute.com) April 17, 2017

We will continue our struggle!

Press release and public announcement on the outcome of the referendum in Turkey

We will continue our struggle against the shady referendum outcome and one-man rule!

This was a referendum held under a state of emergency and oppressive policies.

This was a campaign full of inequalities and injustices.

As if this was not enough, the Supreme Electoral Council made a scandalous decision and breached its own rules.  

The facts speak for itself. We face a shady and illegitimate referendum result.

President Erdogan, along with his government and owners of capital who stand behind him, will work hard to enforce the illegitimate referendum outcome upon the people. 
The people have not consented to the “One-man one-party dictatorship” rule, but (the ruling government and president) they will try and take advantage of the current situation.

Despite all this (unequal election campaign and breaches), people have made their views clear and said No.

We will continue our struggle against the shady referendum outcome and “one-man rule”.

Selma Gurkan

General Secretary, Labour Party of Turkey

Why Should We Support The “No” Vote In Turkey’s April Referendum?

As you know tomorrow is a hugely significant day for Turkey, where citizens are being asked to make a significant decision about the future of their country. The people of Turkey will tomorrow vote on a new constitution which, if passed, will result in the granting of ultimate executive powers to the President and will create a totalitarian regime.

There is no doubt that the effects of an increasingly undemocratic, indeed dictatorial regime in Turkey will have far reaching consequences for equality and human rights – not just for those living in Turkey but also for peace and democracy across the Middle East and Europe.

Citizens of Turkey living in Britain had the opportunity to exercise their voting rights in London last week, between 6 and 9 April. 43 thousand people exercised that right out of a total of approx. 90 thousand and a strong No vote is expected in Britain.

Electorates living in Turkey will have their say tomorrow and the opinion polls suggests that a No vote is likely. However, the supporters of the yes campaign are both the referees and presiding officers at this referendum. There is concern that the lack of checks and balances mean that results could be manipulated. Therefore, a large majority is necessary at the ballot box for the No side to be sure of a victory.

As SPOT we have campaigned in favour of the No vote because we believe in peace, democracy and better working conditions for all in Turkey.

Many thanks to Jamie Grant and our young friends who have produced an introductory video on the referendum, which can be viewed here:


We will continue our efforts and hope that tomorrow’s poll will be the beginning of a brighter and more democratic future for Turkey.

Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT)

Follow us on spotturkey.co.uk, @spotturkey



In the face of rising authoritarianism and right-wing populism, academic freedom is under severe threat in contemporary Turkey. Governmental repression on academics became all too apparent when the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, instigated a campaign of persecution against academics – Academics for Peace (BAK) – who signed a peace petition in January 2016. The petition, which called on the Turkish government to bring a halt to the destruction and civilian killings being carried out in Kurdish cities and towns, was signed by more than 2000 academics.

As of 2017, more than 700 BAK academics have been subject to dismissal, disciplinary actions, criminal prosecution, or even detention. The repression has escalated beyond BAK academics in the aftermath of the failed military coup in July 2016, with thousands of academics being fired, or forced to resign, and hundreds being legally detained. More than 20 universities have been closed, and their students forced to find alternative places. In addition, since January 2016, hundreds of academics and scholars have been displaced, either forced to leave Turkey or choosing it as the only viable option.
This half-day conference will address the current threats to academic freedom in Turkey, in the context of the current global political climate. We aim to start an urgent conversation about academic freedom and freedom of speech, increasingly stifled due to neoliberalism, authoritarianism, and the so-called “war on terror” in many parts of the world, from the US to India, Latin America to Egypt. We invite the university community, journalists, activists, politicians, and all concerned individuals to join us in this effort to defend academic freedom and freedom of speech and think about ways to organise solidarity to support scholars and journalists at risk. 


Panel I – 12:30 – 14:30.                               Academic Freedom, Authoritarianism and Turkey

Chair: Noémi Levy-Aksu, Boğaziçi University/Birkbeck College

Étienne Balibar, Emeritus Professor at Paris X Nanterre and Anniversary Chair of Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University London
Naif Bezwan, dismissed Lecturer from Mardin Artuklu University
Nilgün Toker Kılınç, dismissed Professor from Aegean University (via Skype)
Break – 14:30-14:45

Panel II – 14:45-17:00
Round Table Discussion: Building Solidarity with Academics in Turkey
Chair: Janroj Yilmaz Keles, Middlesex University

Jean Lambert, MEP, Green Party  
Rop Copeland, Policy Officer, UCU

Caroline Stockford, Chair of the Translation, Linguistic Rights and Writers in Prison Committee, Wales PEN Cymru
Maria Chichtchenkova, Protection Coordinator for Europe and Central Asia, Front Line Defenders
This event is organised by BAK-UK (Academics for Peace, United Kingdom) with the support of Birkbeck School of Law.
For more information go to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1392490894125441??ti=ia

Urgent Call for Xerabê Bava by Academics for Peace- Germany & Academics for Peace- UK

As Turkey’s constitutional referendum is approaching, we are, once again, witnessing an intensification of state violence in the Kurdish provinces of Turkey. For more than a week, there has been no communication with the people of Xerabê Bava (Koruköy), a village in Mardin-Nusaybin. The village is under round-the-clock military curfew and there have been claims that villagers are being tortured and executed. Visitors, including journalists, MPs and human rights observers were denied entry to the village. 
We are concerned that what is going on in Xerabê Bava might be a harbinger of approaching larger scale state violence against the Kurdish population and other minority populations in Turkey. Since the violence exercised on Kurdish population has become a strategy for the government in order to consolidate a nationalistic
support for the referendum, it is crucial to raise an urgent reaction to this violence at its very beginning. 

We, therefore, urge international human rights organizations, journalists, and peace coalitions to pay attention to Xerabê Bava and take the necessary steps to investigate the allegations of rights violations in the village.

Academics for Peace- Germany

Academics for Peace- UK

Academic For Peace Initiative (BAK) seeks international solidarity 

In the last seven months, following the failed coup attempt, nearly 100,000 civil servants have been removed from their posts in Turkey. This includes teachers, police officers, soldiers, academics and lawyers. Among these there have been many academics known for being signatories to the [“We will not be a party to this crime”] peace petition. The government previously accused the signatories of being members of terrorist organizations or groups seen as a threat to national security for merely signing the petition. This time the same academics are being removed from their positions on the basis of so-called special decrees… The government and university administrators have taken away jobs and rights (such as pension rights) without official or judicial justification.

When these academics have demanded their rights, they’ve been mistreatd by the police. Recently, academics have decided to not leave their offices and universities. University administrators have, however, at times called upon police forces to either prevent them from entering their universities or to stop their peaceful demonstrations on campus.

Among these academics, there is a famous music maestro, a leading neuropsychologist (aged 82), a well-known constitutional law professor and a lecturer who was imprisoned for signing a petition denouncing Turkey’s conflict with Kurdish rebels.

But their slogan became “We will not leave our universities.” Sacked professors began delivering lectures as part of a “Street Academy” outside university buildings. “Everywhere is the Academy,” they say. Other symbolic protests have been carried out by students, academics, and opposition MPs in the capital, Ankara, and in Istanbul. In some cases, academics laid their gowns on the ground in protest against the police blockades preventing them from entering universities.

Now we are asking you to support this growing resistance led by effected academics. If you can write a statement, at least one paragraph long, of your views on this situation, we can have your statement read publicly in the meetings of our colleagues. Short videos are also welcome. We prefer your message directly address these academics engaged in resistance, but feel free to also address the government, and call for a stop to these unlawful acts. Please include your name and academic position at the beginning or end of your message and send them to: betyarar@gmail.com 

Examples of videos and photos in support of these efforts can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/solidaritywithacademicsfromTurkey/?pnref=story

With Best Wishes,

Academic For Peace Initiative (BAK)

May Accused of Propping up Erdoğan

LEADING trade unionists have demanded that Theresa May stop selling arms to Turkey, accusing her of propping up one of the world’s most oppressive regimes.The call was made at an emergency press conference on Wednesday night, organised by Solidarity with the People of Turkey (Spot), after a new decree issued under the state of emergency last week led to a further 300 academics being removed from their posts.

Shocking statistics reveal the scale of repression in Turkey, where over 200,000 public-sector workers have been sacked, 5,000 academics ousted from their jobs and nearly 200,000 people arrested.

There are also 151 journalists currently in jail, a third of the world’s total.

“Democracy is on a knife edge in Turkey,” said Spot spokesman Cagdas Canbolat, adding that “people feel the need to hide their opinions and beliefs.”

He warned that if radical changes to the Turkish constitution are approved in a referendum in April, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will gain “the power to appoint ministers himself, dismiss the parliament and determine the judiciary.”

Mr Canbolat also accused the Prime Minister of bolstering Mr Erdogan’s authoritarian rule.

He said: “May is making deals to sell jet aircraft to one of the world’s most repressive regimes, effectively condoning the undemocratic pressure and brutal attacks on academics and other groups in Turkey.”

Day-Mer Turkish and Kursish community centre secretary Oktay Sahbaz stressed: “It is important to show public-sector workers in Turkey that they are not alone.

“These are crucial times in the country and Turkish people need support and solidarity from our brothers and sisters.”

NUT vice-president Louise Regan highlighted the need to raise awareness of the situation, urging the meeting to “go away and tell people what is happening.”

TUC international secretary Owen Tudor pledged support, saying the “attacks on democracy and freedom of speech” in the country were a “testament to the rise of those calling for a ‘New Turkey’.”

He warned there was “a global struggle against anti-democratic forces attempting to split the working class.”

RMT assistant general secretary Steve Hedley slammed Ms May for her “dictators tour” following her recent meetings with US President Donald Trump, Mr Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He demanded that the British government stop selling arms to brutal regimes, including Turkey’s, which will use the weapons to oppress their own people.

This article was taken from Morning Star. We would like to thank Steve Sweeney for permitting us to share this article. 


The policies of the AKP government, which have been ruling the country for the last 14 years, have pushed democracy to the edge. The severity of the situation exceeds even the circumstances of the military coup in 1980.By using the failed coup attempt of July 15th as a pretext, the government is arresting and firing all those that oppose the authoritarian regime in the country. This is a Turkey where people feel the need to hide their opinions and beliefs. Citizens are being accused of and punished for being affiliated with the Gülen movement, allegedly behind the July 15th coup attempt, whom Erdogan and AKP were arm-in-arm with until recently.

More than 200,000 public sector workers have been fired. Approximately 5,000 academics have been removed from their positions. 197,000 people have been arrested, of which 151 are journalists. Not even the indictments have been prepared for 11 writers despite being held for 105 days.

Turkey has the highest number of imprisoned journalists in the world. 112,000 webpages have been banned and approximately 100 TV and radio stations shut down. Zarok TV, a channel broadcasting in Kurdish, and even Hayatın Sesi TV, a channel trying to be the voice of workers, have been shut down claiming propaganda for terrorist organisations. Bank accounts, equipment and property of these media stations have been seized and their assets are now up for sale. Corporations, private schools, private hospitals and small businesses allegedly linked to Gülen community and terrorist organisations have been seized.

12 HDP MPs, the second largest opposition party in the country with 59 MPs in parliament, have been arrested. Its co-leaders Demirtas and Yuksekdag have also been detained with the former facing 142 years of imprisonment. Dozens of Kurdish municipalities had their mayors re-appointed with their elected mayors detained.

A one-man authoritarian system is being called for with a new constitutional reform. If the result of the referendum on the 16th April is a ‘Yes’ vote, the president will be able to enforce any law he wishes. This is a path to a one-man regime with aims to form a dictatorship.

According to the proposed constitution, the President will hold the power to appoint ministers himself, dismiss the parliament and determine the members of highest judicial bodies.

Erdogan and the AKP government have now proceeded to say that any person who sides with the ‘No’ campaign is in agreement with terrorist organisations; they are pressurising institutions to fire journalists, teachers and academics for saying ‘No’.

All of these injustices are justified by using the 15th July coup attempt as an excuse. Turkey has been under a State of Emergency for seven months, and every other week a decree-of-law emerges enabling the government to close whichever media platform they wish or fire any academic they want to remove. Over 300 academics, most of who have no affiliation to the alleged terrorist organisations, have been removed from their jobs under decree-of-law 687 released this week. This has meant that courses cannot be delivered in many universities.

This is why, primarily students, teachers and academics, have started to say ‘enough’ and demonstrations are taking place at many universities. The security forces that took detainees and attacked the streets were given authority to use force by the State of Emergency; even elderly academics have been beaten and removed from the protests.

And yet there is resistance in spite of all these attacks. The academics and students that are under attack need our support. We need to raise our voice and put pressure on both the Turkish state and the UK government.

Let us not forget: Turkey is a major buyer of arms for the Theresa May government. In an attempt to prove to Europe that she “can trade with other countries”, May is making deals to sell jet aircrafts to one of the world’s most repressive regimes, effectively condoning the undemocratic pressure and brutal attacks on academics and other groups in Turkey.

Academics in Turkey should not feel alone.

We call on the British government to condemn the Turkish government’s attack on academics. We also demand that the emergency state governed through decrees are lifted, teachers, academics, journalists and Members of Parliament are freed without any further delay.

We must organise together to achieve these demands.


Please use the hashtags below and tweeter accounts when posting on social media:

#HayirGitmiyoruz, #HocamaDokunma , #AcademicsForPeace , #TurkeyPurge, #HandsOffMyTeacher

@BarisAkademik , @spotturkey , @ScholarsAtRisk

# # #

If you would like more information about this topic please email us at spot@daymer.org.

Steel worker’s planned strike action denied by Turkish Ministers

The planned strike action by steel workers in Bursa, namely Asil Celik, has been banned for “security reasons” according to the Council of Ministers.

However, we believe that the emergency state which has recently been extended is used as a pretext to deny workers the right to protest or strike. The decision by the minsters in Turkey highlights the partnership of the owners of capital and the current AKP government.

SPOT delegation visits Turkey

Over the Christmas period we convened a delegation of journalists and activists from the UK. This delegation travelled to Istanbul last week to meet with prominent individuals and groups that are being persecuted for opposing the politics of the ruling AKP government.

The delegation, which included journalists from the Guardian, Morning Star, The Telegraph, PEN and NUJ met with LGBT activists, various newspapers (including Evrensel, Ozgurlukcu Demokrasi, Cumhuriyet and Birgun), trade unions, opposition parties and family members of prominent journalists’ in prison.

The visit was welcomed by the press and politicians in Turkey, who thanked the delegation for raising awareness of the AKP’s increasingly violent attacks on democracy and welcomed the growing solidarity. The observations of the delegates will be presented at a meeting at SOAS University on Thursday, 2 February between 5-7pm.

We are grateful to Owen Jones (The Guardian), Abi Wilkinson (The Guardian / Telegraph), Steve Sweeney (Morning Star), Caroline Stockford (PEN), Barry White (National Union of Journalists -NUJ), Ceren Sagir (Day-Mer), Arif Bektas (Evrensel Newspaper), Alev Yaman (Freelance Journalist / Researcher) for joining the SPOT delegation to Turkey and for sharing their observations through both social media and / or their articles in the press.
Steve Sweeney and Caroline Stockford (for Morning Star) and Owen Jones (for Guardian) have written about their experiences during this visit. The links to these articles are provided below:

The Guardian



Morning Star


The failing Turkish economy

The rise in unemployment and the fall of Turkish Lira against the dollar has prompted the president to name those who hold dollars instead of Turkish Lira as terrorists and attacked institutions for not releasing cash into the markets. 
In the same breath, without a hint of irony, the president threatens to remove the citizenship of academics and journalists abroad who do not return to the country within months, whilst promising to reward foreign nationals with citizenship if they bring cash into country and make investments. 

The road to dictatorship

A new constitution has been passed by the Turkish Parliament. The new controversial constitution substantially expands the powers of the presidency under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and removes the office of the Prime Minister. The new constitution, which is expected to be put to a referendum in the spring, is opposed by pro-democracy groups and politicians who object to an executive presidency which has unfettered power over a range of key decisions such as issuing decrees and unilaterally making judicial appointments. 
Commentators from opposition groups and newspapers argue that the new constitution makes a mockery of the rule of law and democracy, and that it must be opposed in order to safeguard the future of the country against an increasingly totalitarian regime. 
Also recently the AKP introduced an education curriculum which moves away from Darwin by removing the teaching of evolution theory in science lessons. Furthermore it has included a section on jihad and religious teachings.

‘Feel this support and be powerful!’

Özgür Gündem guest editors’ trial adjourned until 21 March 2017


The trial took place today at Çağlayan High Criminal Court, İstanbul of Ahmet Nesin, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Financı and RSF reporter Erol Önderoğlu.

The three acted as guest editors in support of the pro-Kurdish newspaper Özgür Gündem in association with which Aslı Erdoğan and Necmiye Alpay were recently released on bail from Bakırköy Women’s Prison.

The courtroom of the 13th High Criminal Court was packed with many observers sitting on the floor.

The three were charged with aiding propaganda of a terrorist organisation for their stints as guest editors of the pro-Kurdish paper Özgür Gündem (Free Agenda).

The case was adjourned until 21st March so that all of the cases associated with the pro-Kurdish newspaper Özgür Gündem, which was closed down by a court order in August 2016, can be tried simultaneously.

There was a great show of international solidarity in the court room with representatives and board members from the International Federation of Journalists, the Secretary General of Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF), the IRTC Sweden (International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims), People’s Lawyers Against Torrture, IPPN (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) Germany, Wales PEN Cymru, Amnesty International, People’s Lawyers Against Torture, the Turkish Human Rights Association, Human Rights Watch and others.

Speaking after the short trial, Human Rights and anti-torture activist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Financı thanked the international organisations present for their support adding that thousands of supportive messages had been received from all over the world.

Financi said,

‘The international solidarity shows that we are all stuggling together.   We will continue this struggle defending the primary human right of freedom of speech. We thank all our friends. Feel this support and be powerful!’

Erol Önderoğlu report with Reporters Sans Frontières added,

‘With this struggle we are defending the rights that the people of Turkey have had abused for the last 20 years. We will continue in solidarity with our international support and the struggle for democratic values and human rights will never end.’

Christophe Deloire, the Secretary General of Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) ended the press conference outside the court by saying that he was tired of delegations having to come to this courthouse for cases that should never be tried in the first place, saying,

‘It’s wrong that journalists should ever have to risk going to jail. We are tired of having to come to this courthouse. Of all of the countries in the world, Turkey worries us most.’

Earlier in the moring, in a nearby courtroom Cumhüriyet newspaper’s Can Dündar and Erdem Gül were on trial again for stories regarding the possible smuggling of arms by the state intelligence authorities, published in the paper in the summer of 2015.

Gül said,

‘The only evidence in our case is journalism. The media is on trial. All journalists should be freed immediately from prisons in Turkey. The only organisation we are members of is the journalists’ organisation.’

He finished by quoting poet Can Yücel,

‘Ne kadar yalansız yaşarsak o kadar iyi’,

‘However much we are able to live without lies, so much the better.’


The case will continue on the 21st of March 2017.


Prominent journalist Ahmet Şık arrested

Even as extremist groups gain momentum across the country and innocent citizens die at the hands of brutal terrorists, the AKP government intensifies its attacks on democratic rights and freedoms. On 29 December 2016,a prominent investigative journalist Ahmet Sik was arrested over his social media posts. Ahmet Sik was due to join a photo in which journalists in Turkey joined forces to call for the release of their colleagues subject to persecution, imprisonment and censorship by the AKP government – however he was arrested before he could join his colleagues in this act of solidarity. 
Furthermore our journalist friends, Tunca Öğreten (former editor of Diken.com.tr), Ömer Çelik and Metin Yoksu (from Dihaber), Mahir Kanaat (from BirGün), Derya Okatan (Chief Editor of ETHA) and Eray Sargın (editor-in-chief of daily Yolculuk) were all arrested on Christmas day following raids to their house. 
The draconian use of emergency powers introduced following the failed coup continue being used by the President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to silence all opposition forces critical of the anti-democratic fascist developments in Turkey. For more information, please see the link below by PEN condemning the arrest of Ahmet Sik and raising concerns regarding the political situation in Turkey: 


NY terror attack in Istanbul nightclub

During the New Year celebrations last night, a gunman stormed the well-known Reina nightclub in Istanbul killing 39 people and injuring a further 65. The attacks followed a series of statements in preceding weeks by Turkish officials and ultra-nationalist muslims denouncing Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations as evil and anti-Islamic. Mehmet Gormez of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, had referred to New Year celebrations as “illegitimate” and was critical of Muslims celebrating Christmas and New Years Eve. Furthermore mainstream newspapers and banners have been condemning those engaging in christmas celebrations, this even included a stunt in which a man dressed as Santa Clause was held at gun point. Such propaganda has further increased tensions and encouraged violence against minorities, particularly secular and Christian citizens. 
Following the brutal attack at the Reina club last night, in significant contrast with their previous position, Turkish Government officials issued statements condemning the barbaric act. The gunman remains at large. Despite over a dozen terrorist attacks and the death of thousands of civilians at the hands of the terrorist groups and government military action in South East of Turkey, the AKP government has failed to take any preventative action to secure the safety of its citizens and no official has accepted responsibility or resigned following such atrocities. 

Delegation to Turkey

The Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) will be sending a further  delegation to Turkey on 11 – 14 January 2017. The aim of this delegation is to:
• meet with prominent progressive individuals and organisations in Turkey,
• observe the effects of the ongoing state of emergency,
• create wider public awareness in the UK, and
• report back to the UK using real lived experiences and case studies collected as evidence.
The delegation will visit as many opposition groups and organisations as possible in Turkey, including opposition political parties such as the HDP, LGBT groups, trade unions, journalists and writers. There are currently 10 representatives who will be joining the delegation to Turkey.

Evrensel journalists released

A delegation of representatives including PEN International, Morning Star and SPOT travelled to Turkey last week to observe the trial of two Evrensel journalists (Cemil Ugur and Halil Ibrahim Polat), who faced 15 years in prison and were accused of being members of terrorist organisations following their reporting of a rally in Diyarbakir earlier this year. The charges brought against the journalists were unfounded. Whilst the State of Emergency continues many journalists/activists remain in prison based on fabricated charges.
However the presence of this delegation, organised by SPOT, was an expression of international solidarity and served to increase pressure on the Turkish courts to obey the Rule of Law. Thanks to the struggle of domestic forces and through strong international pressure, both journalists were found not guilty.  Steve Sweeney of the Morning Star also joined the delegation and has provided his observations here:

Executive Presidential System

Prior to terror attacks in Turkey and following the consensus between AKP and the nationalist party MHP, formal proceedings to introduce the executive presidential system in Turkey have been presented to the parliament. Proposed changes seek to give the president extended executive powers while abolishing the prime ministry.

Two terror attacks in one week

On 10 December 2016 two terror attacks in Istanbul resulted in the death of 46 people and injured 166. On 17 December another terror attack took place, this time in the city of Kayseri, killing 14 people and injuring a further 56. Whilst the relatives of the deceased and the injured were still recovering from the trauma, opposition forces were subject to political smearing by the pro-government media and the government, which accused democratic forces of being complicit in terrorism. President Erdogan also called on all citizens to mobilise against opposition parties and act as informants within their communities. This has only served to heighten tensions within an already polarised country. Opposition parties such as HDP and EMEP have had their offices attacked (including arson attacks), as well as the lynching of young members of CHP by pro-government / nationalist forces.


Aysen Guven, Television presenter at Hayatin Sesi TV and arts editor at Evrensel Daily Newspaper.

5 July 2016

Aysen Guven shares her observations of developments in Turkey in relation to press freedom.


In terms of press freedom we are witnessing one of the most difficult periods in Turkey. Everyday someone is put on trial, questioned and / or arrested. The political environment changes so fast in Turkey, such that it resembles the ad-hoc movement in financial stock markets. As I prepare my statement on 29 June 2016 the following developments had happened in Turkey.


  • Three people arrested for taking part in the daily rotating editor in chief role

The issue of press freedom resurfaces mostly with the issue of Kurdish question. The pressure on the press escalated following president Erdogan’s statement that the negotiations between the state and Kurdish movement representatives “were put on ice” and a period of conflict was initiated. For example the “pro-Kurdish” newspaper Ozgur Gundem was not subject to any court proceedings or arrests at the time of peace negotiations between the state and the representatives of the Kurdish people. However once the negotiations were “put on ice” the newspaper became subject to intense questioning over its articles and news stories. In response to the arrest and the court proceedings against its chief editor, the paper launched a campaign calling out for individuals to take on the responsibility of chief editor for a day as a way to show support for the paper during this difficult time.

As part of this ongoing campaign journalists, human rights activists, intellectuals and artists took the role of chief editor for a day. In total 56 people took on the chief editor responsibility, 50 were questioned, 16 had court proceedings brought against them, 3 were arrested. Of these only 6 people had their cases dropped due to lack of grounds for legal action. On 20 June 2015, Reporters Without Borders’ Turkey representative, Erol Onderoglu; the writer, Ahmet Nesin; and the president of Turkey’s Human Rights Foundation, Sebnem Korur Fincanci were detained for taking part in this campaign. They have now been released.

  • A new low in press freedom – 37 journalists detained in Turkey’s prisons

According to the National Union of Journalists in Turkey there are 37 journalists who are currently arrested and convicted. Moreover, the Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters without Borders cites Turkey as one of the most difficult countries in which to be a journalist. Turkey is listed as 151 of 180 nations that have been surveyed, confirming that it is one of the least free countries in terms of press freedom.

  • Rise in the number of criminal investigations for insulting the president

The most common criminal investigations in Turkey are ones that relate to “insulting” the president and it has become a very popular topic of discussions. According to the formal announcement by the Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag, 1845 people have had criminal investigations brought against them for allegedly insulting the president.

  • Censorship extended to Germany

President Erdogan went as far as to make a formal complaint against German comedian Jan Bohmermann for allegedly insulting him in one of his lyrics broadcasted on TV. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel further escalated the situation by apologising for Bohmermann’s “intentionally hurtful” poem and the government approved Bohmermann’s criminal prosecution.

  • Criminal proceedings against Evrensel reporters

Evrensel reporters have also come under fire for their coverage of developments in Turkey and court proceedings have been brought against journalists who are alleged to have engaged in “terrorist propaganda” or “promoted and/or praised perpetrators of terrorism”. Additionally, other excuses are also utilised against reporters who critique the Government, for example Ender Imrek and A. Cihan Soylu who both write for Evrensel Newspaper in Turkey recently were subject to court proceedings for allegedly insulting the president.

  • Cutting of the financial livelihood of opposition newspapers

As a result of its critical news coverage, Evrensel has also become a target by the Press Advertisement Body which has blocked official advertisements in the newspaper without any criminal or civil proceedings to justify this intervention. Access to formal advertisements is a key source of income for the press (including Evrensel Newspaper) and is now being used by the State to force the opposition press to broadcast in favour of the AKP government.

  • Can Dundar and Erdem Gul

Can Dunar and Erdem Gul have exposed the AKP government’s complicity in the supply of weapons to Islamic extremist groups in Syria. Both were convicted of obtaining and publishing secret documents belonging to the state. Can Dundar was sentenced to 5 years and 10 months imprisonment, and Erdem Gul was sentenced to 5 years.

  • Censorship of opposition TV Stations – a series of fines and warnings for Hayatin Sesi TV

The TV and Radio regulator (also known as RTUK) is at the heart of the government clampdowns on opposition media sources. The regulator is overseen and controlled by AKP. There is a so-called cross party board that oversees the regulator however the AKP and pro-establishment parties dominate board. Moreover the nationalist party MHP, often votes in complicity with the ruling government to censor and punish oppositional views. This is increasingly the case due to the lack of public opposition to the abuse of power by the regulator.

In the past month Hayatin Sesi received four fines from RTUK. These related to a series of broadcasts relating to current developments in Turkey. In particular, Hayatin Sesi received a warning and fine 14,359 TL (approx. £3800) for its reporting of the terrorist attack on 13 March in Ankara, a warning for its reporting of the ISIS attack in the area of Istiklal Street in Istanbul, and another fine of 14 359 TL for its special report on the curfews in Cizre. The TV station has also been warned that should these “offences” be repeated that it faces forced closure of 10 days and possible revocation of its licence. There are two more penalties being discussed by RTUK which relate to Hayatin Sesi but decision have not been made at the time of writing.

  • IMC TV censored by Turksat Satellite

IMC TV, another opposition TV station which has been highly critical of the AKP government has also had its license revoked by TurkSat Satellite as part of the clamp down and censorship of those critical of the AKP government. The station is now only able to broadcast from the alternative platform the HotBird satellite

  • The closing of Ozgur Gun (Freedom Day) TV

The alternative TV station Ozgur Gun which broadcasts from Diyarbakir was also subject to one day closure and 14,359 TL fine by RTUK. The rational for the fine and censorship was the channel’s broadcast by a reporter on 20 January commenting on the opening of fire on civilians trying to rescue injured people in Cizre, and the resulting death of 2 people and further 12 injured. 

  • Censorship of Social Media

Following the recent terrorist attacks at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, the AKP government’s first knee jerk reaction was to ban broadcasting and commentary on the attacks, and intervene to block or slow down access to social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This has become the default position of the AKP government which has sought to deprive the public of news and communications at times of desperate need. It is widely felt that the purpose of such censorship is to prevent the exposure of the government’s complicity and or failure with regards the growth of Islamic extremism in Turkey. The public continued to face difficulties accessing social networking sites the day after the terrorist attack in Istanbul Ataturk Airport. The Information Technology and Communications Institute announced that they considered all digital footage and images of the attacks on social networking sites as serving “the aims of terrorism”.

No to military coup, no to one man rule. Fight for a secular & democratic Turkey

On Friday, 15th July 2016, Turkey witnessed an unprecedented example of a failed coup with more than 300 killed and over a thousand injured. The coup is said to be attempted by a section of officers within the military, judiciary and police. 9,000 people have been arrested and further arrests are expected in connection with the failed coup.


However over the past decade, Erdogan has silenced, marginalised, or crushed many opposition including newspaper editors, university professors, aid workers, and dissident politicians. We are concerned that Erdogan will escalate these attacks following the failed coup.


What seems evident is the nature of the incident on Friday which demonstrated the clash between oppressive forces. This was not in any way in the interest of the people of Turkey. This was a direct result of the naked struggle for power in which Erdogan has been at the heart of it. The aim of building a ‘one man nation’ has generated issues and conflicts both within his party as well as those in opposition.


On the night of 15 July the coup plotters took over the state TV channel TRT and announced that they had taken over the administration of government. On the other hand, the radio and television regulator RTUK under the control of president Erdogan shut down Hayatin Sesi TV and Halk TV which stand in opposition to his power but did not support the coup.


It is ironic that the same president that ordered police to fire at protestors during the Gezi uprising in 2013, last night used social media to call on his supporters to come onto the streets in defiance of the attempted military coup.


During his first speech after the failed coup at the Istanbul Airport, Erdoğan referred to the attempted coup as a “gift from God.” Erdoğan is usually a precise speaker, but in this case, perhaps in his excitement, he showed his cards. With the coup attempt thwarted, he will no doubt seize the moment. In recent months, Erdogan has made little secret of his desire to rewrite the constitution to give himself near total power. As a leader who have been criticised recently regarding the human rights and freedom of speech violations, this so called ‘Gift from the God’ might be perfect cover for him to implement and impose more Islamic and oppressed policies.


We in Europe and the people of Turkey say “No to military coups and no to an authoritarian regime. We want a secular and democratic Turkey”. This conflict of competing interests between some sections of the military and the ruling AKP is not in the interests of the people.  We stand against these forces and raise the common demand of the people of Turkey for a secular, democratic and free country.  


Statement dated 19 July 2016



Turkey after the failed coup and the battle for democracy


29 October 2016 @ NUT Headquarters, London



As Turkey heads towards a dictatorship, standing up for democracy is not just in the interests of the people of Turkey, it is also essential for the future peace, security and democracy of Europe and the Middle East.


A message from SPOT

The first SPOT conference on Turkey took place on 29 October 2016 at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) Headquarters in Euston, London. Over 150 people attended the conference from a range of organisations, with representation from the Turkish and Kurdish community, as well as UK based trade unions, academics, human rights associations, campaign groups and the media.

SPOT aims to build a bridge that connects a diverse range of individuals and groups fighting for justice and democratic freedom – both in the UK and in Turkey.

Turkey is undergoing a critical period in its history and there is an urgent need to act to support and strengthen the fight for democratic rights and freedoms, and put an end to the breaches of human rights across the country, particularly in the Kurdish-majority regions.

This report sets out the key outcomes from the conference and next steps we will be taking in the coming months.

We are grateful to all our speakers, supporting organisations and delegates for making the conference possible. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the NUT for hosting us and to Anne Swift, NUT President for further reaffirming their solidarity.

In Solidarity,

SPOT Steering Committee[1]



We are on the verge of a third world war, and the struggle today is not just about struggling with Turkey. It is about standing up for our collective future.


Making international solidarity a reality

There is a long tradition of joint working between the Turkish and Kurdish communities, progressive individuals and the campaigning organisations in London, not least trade unions and academics. The aim of this conference was to build on and extend these relationships by bringing together key players in the democratic struggle in the UK with representatives from Turkey. During the course of the day we heard from speakers about their aspirations for working together, and how supporting the resistance in Turkey strengthens the ongoing fight in the UK against attacks on workers’ rights and on public services under the pretext of austerity.

Trade union and academic representatives sent a message of solidarity, pledging that they would not remain silent as attacks in Turkey on Kurdish people, the freedom of expression, freedom of the media and workers’ rights intensified. There was also a commitment from SPOT to continue actively supporting the struggle of the working class in the UK against austerity and increasing hardship faced by indigenous communities and migrants in the UK.

Stressing the connection between war and fascism, speakers from Turkey also shared their observations of developments in Turkey following the attempted coup on 15 July 2016 and the ongoing state of emergency that was declared. It was highlighted that the politics of the AKP is one of war at home and abroad, and that it is in this context that workers’ rights are being trampled on and flagrant breaches of human rights are taking place.

Freedom of expression and the media as a means of raising awareness and calling to account such attacks on democratic freedoms was recognised as essential to a functioning democracy. The role that the media have in strengthening the efforts of progressive forces and effective opposition were also noted as key reasons behind the state’s closure of media outlets and scores of academics and journalists being arrested. As a result, the struggle for democracy in Turkey must at its heart be anti-war, which necessitates a peaceful and democratic resolution of the long-standing Kurdish Question in Turkey by the recognition and granting of the long-denied demands and socio-cultural, political and economic rights of Turkey’s Kurds. Together we must join forces so that we maximise our reach and effectiveness when standing up for the fundamental rights of the all minorities, working people and human rights for all.


SPOT is a campaign group dedicated to making a real difference to the struggle for democracy in Turkey, and the success of this conference will be judged by the extent to which we are able to bring to life the campaigns and actions agreed.


What next for SPOT?

During the course of the conference, we had passionate conversations with delegates both within and outside the workshops on how to take forward our aspirations and work better together as the attacks on democracy intensify in Turkey. Even as we spoke the AKP had begun taking steps to shut down news agencies and alternative publications, including Cumhuriyet, Evrensel Kulture, Ozgurluk Dunyasi and Tiroj. At the time of writing attacks have intensified against the elected HDP members of parliament, including the co-leaders of the Party Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag who were arrested and detained when their homes were raided on the evening of 3 November. All attempts at democratic opposition are now under siege, as such the work of SPOT is more important than ever before.

Going forward SPOT will work in solidarity with all democratic and progressive individuals and groups to:

  • Continue supporting anti-war movements both in the UK and Turkey
  • Continue supporting pro-refugee campaigns in the UK
  • Create a dialogue between the anti-war movements in the UK and Turkey.
  • Provide regular updates on the treatment and conditions of refugees in Turkey.
  • Campaign for academic Freedom and Freedom of the Press
  • Support the struggle of the Kurdish community
  • Create a workers’ charter to advocate and promote workers’ rights in Turkey.
  • Organise and publicise a campaign to demand an amnesty for trade unionists imprisoned.
  • Promote the rights of the women workers who are being forced out of workplaces and replaced by men.
  • Identify companies in the UK which have links with the Turkish government and companies – lobby and advocate for an end to the attacks on workers’ rights.
  • Develop a dialogue between the British and Turkish and Kurdish labour movement through:
    • Organising meetings to discuss the issues of the workers in Turkey – this could be both standalone meetings as well as through trade union conferences.
    • Invite trade union and workers to UK to give their account of workers’ rights in Turkey.
    • Organise trade union delegation to Turkey to meet with union representations in Turkey.
  • Write to journalists, authors and academics in Turkey to express solidarity with them and their struggle for peace and democracy.
  • Promote their work and introduce them to the British public through meetings, events and promotions.
  • Continue working with freedom of expression campaign groups to put pressure on the Turkish Government to release arrested academics, journalists and elected representatives.
  • Work with academics and human rights campaigners to ensure that trials of opposition academics, journalists and elected representatives are monitored.

Developments in Turkey have not been dealt with in detail in this report, and, needless to say, there are many aspects of the struggle in Turkey, including LGBT rights, women’s rights and environmental campaigns. SPOT is keen to hear from groups and individuals passionate about these causes too and would welcome opportunities to support the work of specialists and experts in these fields.

For more information and to sign up to our bulletin please contact us via email (spot@daymer.org).

Alternatively follow us on Facebook or twitter (@spotturkey).



[1] The SPOT Steering Group is made up of representatives from Day-Mer Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre / National Shop Stewards Network, Public and Commercial Services Union, Rail and Maritime Union, SOAS, King’s College London, Greater London Authority Trade Union Council, Academics



Turkish Government proposes legislation allowing perpetrators of rape to avoid punishment by marrying their victims

17 November 2016 will be remembered as one of the darkest days in the history of Turkey for women and girls. On the evening of 17 November, AKP MPs proposed and voted in favour of draft legislation which paves the way for the normalisation of sexual violence and legalises the marriage of survivors with perpetrators of rape and child abuse. The draft legislation in effect means that;


A person’s punishment will be removed, if he commits the crime of rape or sexual abuse and marries the victim. This means that if a person sexually abuses a child and then marries that child, they will avoid punishment.


We know that women and girls in Turkey are already illegally being married to their rapists and abusers – through threats, pressure and force… From now on it will be legal for rapists and abusers to marry their victims. Rapists and abusers are being rewarded and cleared of their crimes; but millions of women and children will be forced to marry their perpetrators with the approval of parliament.


Even before this motion was brought to parliament, under the pretext of fighting against the coup plotters, the ruling AKP used the powers allowed under the state of emergency to close down women’s groups and organisations set up to protect children. We now know why so many women’s groups and organisations protecting children’s rights were recently shut down and their work purposefully thwarted.


This is not the first time the AKP Government has brought this issue onto the agenda. At the start of 2016 a similar motion was proposed by the Divorce Commission set up by the parliament. At the time the motion was not passed but has now been revised and forced through parliament so that it can be legally binding.


We refuse to accept this decision which is imposed on women and children. While democratic rights are suspended under the state of emergency, the AKP Government works tirelessly to put together a motion which allows rapists to avoid punishment and further normalises violence against women and girls.


The Labour Party of Turkey

Britannia Democratic Union Initiative

Supporters of SPOT are encouraged to attend a solidarity demonstration with Turkey at 12:00 noon on Sunday 11 December 2016 outside the Turkish Embassy, 43 Belgrave Square, SW1X 8PA London to condemn the attacks on the progressive forces in Turkey, including MPs, journalists, workers and the NGOs.

The protest is organised by Britannia Democratic Union Initiative. It is a coalition of Turkish and Kurdish organisations which supports the democratic struggles in Turkey and Britain. The union is made up of 17 Turkish and Kurdish community centres in Britain.

Austrian Parliament suspends sale of arms to Turkey

The Austrian parliament has unanimously adopted a motion calling for a ban on selling arms as well as dual-use products for military or police purposes to Turkey. The move provoked an outcry among politicians and civil servants in Turkey. The motion called on the Austrian government to consider the threat of armed conflicts, as well as the human rights situation when considering approval of such exports.

European Parliament voted to suspend EU accession talks with Turkey

This week the European Parliament voted to suspend accession talks with Turkey while the state of emergency continues. In response to this decision President Erdogan of Turkey threatened to open the Turkish borders and allow migrants to enter EU. Turkey also threatened to join the Shanghai Pact instead of the EU, despite the fact that it currently exports 2-5% of its goods to the Shanghai Pact member countries, which is hardly comparable to the EU share of 50-60% of Turkey’s total exports.

AKP withdraws motion that would have released rapists

The Turkish government was forced to do a U-Turn on a proposed new bill which, if passed, would have allowed rapists to avoid punishment if they married their victims. Hundreds of thousands rallied against the proposed new law, which was widely condemned across the world. Nonetheless, the prime minister has the audacity to claim that the motion was being withdrawn because of a “misunderstanding” and not because it was controversial.

Deteriorating economic conditions in Turkey

There are growing concerns in Turkey due to the rise in unemployment (11%), interest rates and the record breaking rise of the dollar against Turkish Lira. Government representatives have tried to downplay the deteriorating economic conditions but have failed to reassure the people or the global markets.