The deep socio-economic crisis under the AKP regime has led to working families and individuals facing poverty and desperation, with an increase in suicides particularly amongst young people.
Unal Cetinkaya, a 25 year old construction worker killed himself in what appears to be one of a series of five suicides in the last five days in Kocaeli, Turkey.
“These are my final hours. I never wanted to do this but I cannot cope with the financial trouble.” Cetinkaya said in his suicide note.
Tugay Adak (28), Ahmet Tari (26), Samet Ozer (32) and Kadir Gunduz (28) also committed suicide at the same province in the last week to escape hunger and extreme poverty.
There is a strong correlation between the socio-economic circumstances in Turkey and suicidal despair. As the political and economic conditions deteriorate in the country, deaths from suicide cannot be seen as isolated individual cases.