Evrensel newspaper fined for anniversary advert featuring Kurdish colours

4 Jan 2021 4 years old
Evrensel newspaper fined for anniversary advert featuring Kurdish colours

Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, which has been under intense pressure since it first went to print in 1995, has been fined for an advert featuring a girl holding a yellow, green and yellow scarf. The advertisement commemorated the 25th anniversary of the newspaper.

The Ministry of Trade issued the fine alleging that featuring these colours meant that the advert contained  “elements that disrupt the public order, leading to acts of violence and illegal or condemned behaviour or encouraging or supporting such behaviours”.

TELE1, a television channel that is not aligned with the AKP, was also fined recently for airing the same advert.

Turkish authorities continue to punish dissident voices and suppress independent media sources. And this latest attack on Evrensel is part of the ongoing crackdown on independent media outlets that are not pro-Erdogan.

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