Media outlets that are not pro-Erdogan and the AKP continue to be penalised in Turkey.
Most recently TELE1 (which has previously aired Evrensel newspaper adverts) was fined for airing an Evrensel advert which contained Kurdish colours. This blatant racism and interference in media freedom is unacceptable.
The Supreme Council for Radio and Television (RTÜK) in Turkey decided to impose the fine after TELE1 aired Evrensel newspaper’s advert because they said the advert used the phrase “the voice of those who want to live together, in peace and fraternity” and showed images of demonstrations.
RTÜK claimed that the advert “praised and encouraged terror, and showed terrorist organisations as strong or in a positive light” and decided that a penalty at the highest threshold should be imposed on the television channel.
RTÜK’s reasoning for the penalty included the image of a little girl holding a red, yellow and green scarf.
As SPOT we condemn this unacceptable interference in media freedom and stand in solidarity with progressive media outlets in Turkey.