Like countries all over the world, coronavirus continues to threaten lives in Turkey. Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the racist MHP (nationalist movement party) has called for the shutting down of the Turkish Medical Association.
The Turkish Medical Association had said previously that the Government are withholding the truth from the public and that the number of coronavirus cases in Turkey are higher than stated, insufficient precautions are being taken and everyday one medical professional is dying.
In Turkey, the Minister for Health owns private hospitals. Erdogan’s wife Emine Erdogan tubs a hospital in partnership with the Health Minister. Private hospital owners have turned health into a market place for trade.
Birleşik Krallık’taki sağlık emekçileri örgütlerinin Türk Tabipleri Birliği’ne destek olmaya çağırıyoruz. Çünkü tüm dünyada sağlık emekçileri hepimizin gururudur.
All political parties in Turkey have opposed this call by Devlet Bahceli, except for the MHP and the ruling AKP.
SPOT stands with medical and health workers all over the world, and calls on the British Medical Association and Health Professionals to support the Turkish Medical Association.