We will continue our struggle!

16 Apr 2017 7 years old
We will continue our struggle!

Press release and public announcement on the outcome of the referendum in Turkey

We will continue our struggle against the shady referendum outcome and one-man rule!

This was a referendum held under a state of emergency and oppressive policies.

This was a campaign full of inequalities and injustices.

As if this was not enough, the Supreme Electoral Council made a scandalous decision and breached its own rules.  

The facts speak for itself. We face a shady and illegitimate referendum result.

President Erdogan, along with his government and owners of capital who stand behind him, will work hard to enforce the illegitimate referendum outcome upon the people. 
The people have not consented to the “One-man one-party dictatorship” rule, but (the ruling government and president) they will try and take advantage of the current situation.

Despite all this (unequal election campaign and breaches), people have made their views clear and said No.

We will continue our struggle against the shady referendum outcome and “one-man rule”.

Selma Gurkan

General Secretary, Labour Party of Turkey

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