New Education Curriculum in Turkey Sparks Controversy: Critics Cite Religious and Authoritarian Leanings

Minister Yusuf Tekin unveils ‘Turkey Century Education Model’ amidst scrutiny over its ideological underpinnings In a move that has ignited widespread debate, Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin has introduced a new educational curriculum titled the ‘Turkey Century Education Model’. This announcement comes amid criticism from various quarters regarding its content and approach, with detractors […]

A trustee was appointed again to the Hakkari Municipality

A trustee was appointed once more to the Hakkari Municipality, located in the easternmost part of Turkey where Kurds predominantly live. Hakkari Co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış was detained in Van in the morning hours. While the police raided the municipality, the Ministry of Interior announced that a trustee had been appointed in place of Akış. […]

In the AKP Government in Turkey, 33 Thousand Workers Lost Their Lives in Work Accidents

In Turkey, under the AKP and Erdogan government, approximately 33 thousand workers lost their lives in work-related accidents. During the 22-year reign of the AKP, Turkey witnessed some of its worst work-related accidents in history. Despite significant negligence on the part of the government and state institutions, not a single resignation has been tendered to […]

Turkey: Everyone is now a “spy”

Turkey’s partisan President (from the Islamist/Nationalist Justice and Development Party – AKP), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, signalled a “softening process” aimed at compensating for his party’s defeat in local elections a few days ago by stating, “I want to initiate a softening process in Turkish politics.” Erdoğan’s move resonated with the main opposition party, the Republican […]

Journalists Continue to Be Arrested in Turkey

In the past two weeks, approximately 20 journalists have been detained in Turkey. As the latest example of this trend, two journalists were detained in Diyarbakır last night following raids on their homes. Concerns over press freedom in the country are escalating. Journalists’ right to report critically is continuing to be restricted. Nurcan Yalçın and […]

288 people who participated in May Day demo detained, 38 arrested!

On May 1st, police attacked workers who wanted to demonstrate in Taksim Square in Istanbul and detained a total of 288 people. 38 people were arrested and placed in prison. Although demonstrating in Taksim Square is a constitutional right, the Erdoğan government arbitrarily banned it. On May 1st, 247 people were detained, and yesterday and […]

Turkey’s trade with Israel breaks records

According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), exports to Israel have reached a record level since the conflicts began in October 2023. In March, exports to Israel amounted to $436,928,000. Export figures between October 2023 and February 2024 were as follows: $347,868,000; $319,207,000; $429,054,000; $349,481,000; $422,059,000; $436,928,000. So, while Erdogan declares support for […]

May Day demonstration banned from Taksim Square!

Taksim Square, known for its historical significance as the site of the Gezi resistance in 2013 and the tragic May Day demonstration in 1977 where 37 workers lost their lives, has been banned for this year’s May Day demonstration. The decision has faced criticism from labour unions, who argue that workers should have the right […]

Nine Journalists Detained in Istanbul and Ankara Police Operations

This morning, police operations were carried out against journalists in Istanbul and Ankara. In a house raid conducted in Ankara, Mehmet Aslan, a reporter for Mezopotamya Agency (MA), was detained. In house raids conducted in Istanbul, MA reporter Esra Solin Dal, Enes Sezgin from Yeni Yaşam newspaper, as well as journalists Saliha Aras, Yeşim Alıcı, […]

Press Freedom Under Siege: More Journalists Face Prosecution in Turkey”

Another journalist in Turkey is confronting criminal prosecution for the publishing of news and opinion. Journalist Oktay Candemir faces investigation following complaint filed by Abdulahat Arvas, the AKP Van Metropolitan Municipality Candidate, resulted in an investigation being launched against journalist Oktay Candemir on charges of “insulting a public official” during the local elections. However, it […]

Massacre and Trade are separate

The Turkish government and AKP’s response to public calls for cutting trade with Israel has stirred significant interest. Nihat Zeybekci, AKP Vice Chairman and Head of Economic Affairs delivered a notable response by drawing a line between the atrocities and commercial ties, stating, “Massacre is one thing, trade is another.” Zeybekci’s remarks highlighted the complexity […]

Political Prisoners Remain Detained

The detention of political prisoners, including HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş, continues as the court rejected the request for their release. The decision hearing has been postponed to May 16 due to procedural deficiencies and time constraints. Despite being held for nearly 8 years, the reasons for their detention remain unclear. This situation raises concerns about […]

Why should trade unionists in the UK support SPOT?

Solidarity with the People of Turkey was established to support those struggling for democracy and fundamental freedoms in Turkey, whilst also contributing to the working people’s struggle in the UK. People often ask why international work has anything to do with trade unions in the UK. As trade unionists, we understand the need for solidarity. […]

The individuals who expressed their opinion of ‘Ceasing trade with Israel’ were apprehended.

In Taksim, Istanbul, 43 individuals expressing their desire to sever trade relations with Israel were apprehended. President Erdogan and the AKP government’s strong rhetoric against Israel has consistently sparked reactions. However, the recent developments have caused a significant backlash in Turkey, which has also been reflected in the election results. Despite widespread public support for […]

Opposition figure who ousted Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s nominee restored to Van’s mayoral position

Turkish authorities have yielded to significant protests in the southeastern city of Van, reversing their decision to disqualify an opposition politician who secured victory over the candidate from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ruling party in Sunday’s election. Van, a vibrant city situated near Turkey’s border with Iran, erupted into jubilant celebrations on Wednesday and Thursday […]

Erdoğan suffered defeat in the local elections yet persists in lawlessness!

Turkey has been governed unlawfully for years. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who obtained a majority in the government, tries to do as he pleases in the country. He disregards judicial decisions and does not grant any freedom to his people. Even in elections, he always stayed in power through various fraudulent means. However, he suffered […]

Workers trapped in goldmine after landslide destruction

Search and rescue operations are currently underway for the nine workers who are trapped in the collapsed heap leach at the Çöpler Gold Mine, which is owned by Anagold Mining in the İliç district of Erzincan. This incident has once again brought attention to the country’s poor safety record, as previous calls to shut down […]

SPOT urges solidarity with Rojava amid ongoing attacks

The Turkish government’s bombardment of the autonomous Kurdish administration in northeast Syria (Rojava), which began two days ago, amounts to the collective punishment of the Kurdish people in the region. Erdogan’s Islamist regime is targeting infrastructure facilities and civilian settlement areas in Rojava. “The infrastructure in the north and east of Syria is a legitimate […]

Turkey launches deadly attack on Kurds

Turkey has launched deadly airstrikes on the Kurds in Kobani, and various areas of North Eastern Syria.  These latest aerial attacks on Kobani and various other places in North East Syria are yet further examples that radical Islamists and their ideology are favoured and supported by Erdogan regime. The Kurdish groups in the region previously […]

SPOT Conference: Life & Resistance Under Erdogan’s Turkey

Starting as Prime Minister and cementing his premiership through rigged elections, referendums and an executive presidency, Tayyip Erdogan has managed to demolish the fundamental apparatus required for the rule of law and democracy since 2002. He is responsible for Turkey’s economic, cultural, political and ecological demise. At its 4th conference, SPOT invites you to join […]

Prisoners denied fundamental rights and access to a fair trial

Makbule Ozer, an 80 year-old mother is in prison in Turkey on so-called charges of “aiding and abetting a terrorist organisation”. She has been denied an application for release made by her lawyers on grounds of her serious illness and deteriorating health. Ozer’s case was not reviewed at Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) on the grounds […]

The advertisement bans on Evrensel must end!

Evrensel Daily, a Turkish daily workers’ newspaper which has been subjected to considerable harassment from the establishment since it first went to print in 1995, recently received Press Advertising Agency (BIK) decision revoking its right to receive public ads.  BIK is the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of state advertising and which is […]

Turkish Pop Star’s arrest over joke on religious schools sparks outrage

A Turkish pop star, Gulsen was jailed on Thursday in relation to a joke she made on stage about religious schools in Turkey. She was jailed for commenting about one of her musicians, in particular saying that he is a pervert since he graduated from a “imam hatip” school (a type of islamic religious school).  […]

Turkish Finance Minister “Sticks Two Fingers Up” to the Public Over Inflation

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Finance, said  in a live broadcast that while chatting with a foreign country’s minister about the rocketing inflation in Turkey, he told him that “I can go out and mingle with the public even with this high inflation rate while you cannot do it with 10%”.  Nebati’s remarks have […]

Sect leader’s funeral reveals close links government officials

According to various Turkish outlets hundreds of thousands of men have attended a so-called cleric’s funeral in Turkey on 24 June. Mahmut Ustaosmanoglu, a notorious Islamic sect leader was mostly known for his hostility towards women. He wouldn’t want women in his funeral and his sect said “please obey his wishes” in a press release. […]

Femicide in Turkey: Another Family is Fighting for Justice

Pinar Gultekin (27), was brutally killed by Cemal Metin Avci on July 21, 2020.  The charge filed for the murderer Cemal Metin Avci was “killing with monstrous feeling or by tormenting”. There were also other collaborators charged with “destroying, hiding or tampering with criminal evidence” in the case, namely murderer’s brother Mertcan Avci, his mother […]

Massive Crackdown on Kurdish Journalists

In Diyarbakir, a Kurdish-majority south-eastern province of Turkey, 20 journalists who were working in various media outlets such as Dicle Firat Journalists Association (DFG), Mesopotamia News Agency and Jin News have been under arrest since 8 June. No official charges have been pressed. Erol Onderoglu, the Turkey representative for Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said that […]

Erdogan calls protestors sluts

President Erdogan once again used cheap words to insult the dissidents in Turkey. On the 9th anniversary of the Gezi protests, the fiercest anti-government unrest in Turkey for years, he branded the protestors as “sluts”, “terrorists” and “rotten”.  Erdogan, who is known as the “most insulted” head of state, did not hesitate when using offensive […]

Kurdish Culture Banned

Kurdish musicians and actors are being banned from performing in Turkey. Prominent Kurdish singer and composer Aynur Dogan – who recently performed at the Barbican as part of the London Jazz Festival- was one of the banned artists. An Islamist-Nationalist municipality in Kocaeli cancelled Dogan’s concert without specifying any reason.  Soon after leading Kurdish duo Metin […]

Crossroads for Opposition in Turkey

Canan Kaftancioglu, a leftwing leading Turkish politician who challenged the ruling Islamist AKP’s power during 2019’s mayoral campaign has been banned from politics.  Kaftancioglu has been sentenced to 4 years 11 months in prison for insulting “the President of Turkey” via her tweets in 2013 and 2014.  Kaftancioglu was expecting this sentence for sometime since […]

Statement of Solidarity with Imprisoned Gezi 8

Signatories of a petition released today in Turkey sent a message of solidarity with the Gezi 8. “Whatever they said or did during the Gezi movement, we did the same, we said the same words. If they are convicted, we must be convicted too. If they are considered guilty, we are guilty too. We are […]

PROTEST – Free the Gezi 8!

Saturday 7 May 2022 at 11am / Turkish Embassy, London Join the protest against Turkey’s criminalisation of Gezi and help strengthen the call for the Gezi 8 to be released. On 25 April, a Turkish court sentenced Osman Kavala to life imprisonment for allegations of “attempting to overthrow the government by force” during the 2013 […]

Pegasus Sacks Workers for a Drinking Post

Pegasus Airlines – a privately owned economy airline in Turkey – sacked their workers due to a shared photo of a social gathering. Workers from the airline shared a photo on social media showing them drinking alcoholic beverages with a note saying “may God accept” and a tag related to a holy Islamic day.  The […]

SPOT Supports The Gezi Resistance

A Turkish court in Istanbul has sentenced Osman Kavala to aggravated life imprisonment on the account of allegedly “attempting to overthrow the government” in 2013. The court also sentenced seven activists to 18 years imprisonment with an order for their immediate detention for “aiding the attempt. ”  The trial, widely referred to as the Gezi […]

Anti-refugee Hostility Rises in Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of Turkey’s ruling Islamist-nationalist coalition recently said that “We are trying to send migrants by their own will. ”  Erdogan’s statement came amid rising hostile environment towards migrants in Turkey in recent times.  Public misery due to the soaring living economic conditions accompanied by social polarisation has made the hostility more […]

Intention to Abolish Co-education in Turkey

A school head teacher in Turkey has formally announced an arbitrary classroom sitting plan which bans interaction between boys and girls.  Haydar Akin, the Islamist head teacher in Bursa (a northwestern province in Turkey) ordered the school staff in official correspondence not to allow girls to sit next to boys in the classroom. The Bursa […]

Polarisation increases in Turkey

Mahire Yenturk, a council worker in Turkey has lost her job for sharing a photo of Selahattin Demirtas’, former co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), on her personal social media account.  Yenturk was forced to resign after she was labeled as a “terrorist” on a local newspaper that published a story about her social media […]

Doctors on strike over worsening conditions in Turkey

Healthcare professionals across Turkey, represented by the Turkish Medical Association(TTB) are on a one-day strike today.  Doctors say that they are calling on the government for new regulations since they are suffering from the worsening economy  and the dysfunction of the national health care system in Turkey.  TTB made a statement saying “We are on […]

Privatisation Policies Kill

Isparta, a southwestern city in Turkey has been without electricity since Thursday 3 February.  The Governer’s office made a statement saying “There is a delay in restoring power due to disruptions on power transmission lines.” This power cut is solely because of the privatisation policies. Eighty percent of the electricity distribution has passed to private […]

Workers’ Resistance Map

In Turkey workers from all branches of the labour force are demanding that employers pay the price of the failures of the ruling class.  Do not expect us to pay for the crisis, say workers from various cities.  From couriers to metal workers,  you can follow the resistance all over Turkey on this workers’ protests […]

Prisoners with underlying health issues at risk in Turkey

Turgay Deniz, 39,  a prisoner in Turkey, passed away on 1 February. Deniz, was a tuberculosis patient with a tube inserted into his left lung for nearly 12 years. According to Meltem Akyol’s report from Evrensel daily, Deniz was imprisoned pending trial since February 2021.  Turgay Deniz was one of many in Turkey’s overcrowded prisons […]

SPOT Calls For Farplas To Respect Trade Union Rights

Workers at the Farplas in Gebze occupied the factory on January 31. They urged employers to respect the right to join a trade union and to reinstate their dismissed unionised co-workers. Protests at the factory began last week after Farplas, which manufactures components for the major automotive brands, fired 150 workers for leading an unionisation […]

“Do Not Overreact to The Killing”

Abdulgaffar Dayan, 23, died on 26 January after being hit by a state-owned vehicle on January 24 in the Sirnak province in the southeast of Turkey. Mezopotamya News Agency (MA) reported that the vehicle which hit him was an escort vehicle of the trustee mayor of municipality of Cizre, located in Sirnak.  Mehmet Sait Dayan, […]

Erdogan’s “necessary measures” is a further assault on the media

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey yesterday issued a circular designed to muzzle the media under the pretext of protecting “youth and the family values.” President says “necessary measures” will be taken against media outlets that endanger “family and common values.” Erdogan’s Islamist rule systematically assaults media by shutting down critical outlets and by […]

Islamists Target Famous Singer

Sezen Aksu, a famous Turkish pop star is the latest target of the ruling Islamist-nationalist alliance of Turkey.  Bigoted Erdogan supporters targeted Aksu on the pretext of “insulting religious values” citing lyrics in a song recorded five years ago. In the song, the lyrics references are “Say hello to the ignorant Eve and Adam…”.  Fanatics […]

Vendor Burns Himself to Death Over Poverty

Suleyman Ekici, a 63 year old street vendor, set himself on fire and last week died in a hospital in Muğla, in the southwestern province of Turkey. According to Health and Safety Labour Watch bulletin, Ekici burnt himself to death after police did not allow him to work on the street. He was living in […]

Protest for Free Sanitary Towels

Women activists demanding sanitary products to be free of charge, were arrested in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey on January 18. “Sanitary towels and tampons are basic necessities, they are not luxury products” said the protestors who were gathered in front of the parliament. The number of women who are unable to afford sanitary […]

Racist Burns Syrian Workers to Death in Turkey

The Human Rights Association Izmir branch (IHD) reported that three Syrian men were burnt alive in a racially motivated killing on 16 November 2021 in Turkey. According to the press release of IHD, a Turkish man (identified just as Kemal) set alight Mamoun al-Nabhan (23), Ahmed Al-Ali (21) and Muhammed el-Bish (17) after pouring gasoline […]

Political prisoner Hanged in solitary confinement

Garibe Gezer, a Kurdish woman has died in a suspicious way in the Kandıra F-Type Prison, which  is known as one of the most notorious secure prisons in Turkey. Garibe, a member of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) died in solitary confinement after speaking out about the sexual assaults and torture she was subject to […]

Collective Punishment for Demirtas Family

A court in Turkey has sentenced Basak Demirtas, former People’s Democratic Party (HDP) co-leader Selahattin Demirtas’s wife to 30 months in prison  on “document forgery charges” due to a date typo in a medical report for sick leave. She had medical operations to resolve complications of a miscarriage and her physician is also convicted on forgery. The lawyers stated that the verdict was made deliberately when […]

Kurdistan is being denied

“Our language, identity and Kurdistan are denied.” said Cemil Taskesen, a Kurdish worker (Turkish citizen)  who is living in Siirt, a province in the South East of Turkey. He spoke to Meral Aksener during her visit to the region. Aksener is leader of The Good Party (IYI Party) which is affiliated with the nationalist far […]

Turkish Minister Targets LGBTQ

Suleyman Soylu, Turkey’s Interior Minister, once again used hate speech aimed at the LGBTQ community.  LGBTQ was one of the targets in his speech at Hak-Is confederation, a pro-Islamist AKP trade union, meeting.  The Minister said that they  (AKP government) have prevented LGBTQ activities so that “they will not spoil Turkish family values.” Soylu said […]

Turkey’s Business Association Targets Erdogan’s Regime

The Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen (TUSIAD) has called for a change in the current political system of Turkey. TUSIAD criticised the current presidential system in Turkey which they’ve paved the way for by supporting President Erdogan for many years. The Businessmen’s Association called for the need of democratisation and secularism in Turkey at […]

Erdogan’s latest family scandal

TUGVA (Turkish Youth Foundation), which is affiliated with TURGEV (Turkey Youth and Education Service Foundation) is the latest scandal linked to President Erdogan in Turkey. Erdogan founded TURGEV in the 1990s, and his close family members and his inner circle sit on the board of the foundation. After the corruption scandal about Erdogan’s family in […]

Turkey’s “Moral” dresscode in public dorms

“Cihannuma Kız Ogrenci Yurdu”, a public funded dormitory for higher education in Turkey’s İzmir distict has announced a “moral” dresscode for students. Administration ordered the residents to dress “morally. ” According to Derya Dogan’s report from Yeni Yasam, a public funded dormitory announced to the students that they could no longer walk inside the perimeters […]

Turkey Deports Cypriot Journalist

Ali Kismir, President of the Press Workers’ Union (Basın-Sen) of northern Cyprus, was detained at Istanbul Airport and deported for “security reasons.” The journalist said that he was deported due to his support for the presidential candidate Mustafa Akinci in the latest election in northern Cyprus. At the time of the elections there were serious […]

Baldur Srike Ends After Workers Win Their Union Rights

A strike involving workers at the Baldur Factory in Sekerpinar Organised Industrial Zone in Gebze, has been called off after a massive win for workers.  Baldur workers who manufacture suspension components and other parts for the automotive industry went on strike for 281 days in order to push for recognition of their trade union rights. Along with the determination of the striking workers, the powerful solidarity of representatives of major labour organisations both from Turkey and abroad paved the way for the victory.   Further background: 

Police Attack Waste Pickers in Istanbul

Turkish police raided waste warehouses yesterday in Istanbul on the pretext of public order and attacked workers with tear gas and rubber bullets. Three waste pickers have been arrested. There has been tension for some time between the Governor Office and waste pickers about the recent regulations on waste which are in favour with some big investors in recycling sector. Ali Mendillioglu, […]

Erdogan Attacks Bogazici Students Once Again

President Erdogan once again targeted the Bogazici Resistance and branded the students as terrorists in a speech yesterday. The Turkish president said: “I cannot accept a Turkey where there are students stamping on the rector’s car. We don’t need such students (…) these are terrorists who have infiltrated the university.” Since the start of 2021, Bogazici university students, staff, alumni […]

Turkey’s Separatist Kebab Shops

“Separatist kebab shops” said Devlet Bahceli, “are one of the reasons of unemployment”. Speaking at parliament today Bahceli, Chair of extremist right wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), incomprehensibly blamed the kebab shops for “aiding and abetting terrorism” and argued that they are one of the reasons of unemployment among the country. No one could understand what Bahceli is talking about and soon this nonsense statement became a topic […]

Armed Men Attack MP’s Home

Tulay Hatimogullari, Deputy Co-Chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was attacked at her home last Friday by two armed men claiming to be undercover police officers. MP Hatimogullari said that this is not an isolated event since abductions of dissidents became widespread recently in Turkey. She also stated that they (HDP) have a pretty […]

Ex-EMEP Chair faces 15 Years Imprisonment

Levent Tuzel, the former MP and the former chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) faces trial and up to 15 years jail over charges of terrorism and propaganda for participating in the activities of DTK.  DTK stands for the “Democratic Society Congress”, a non- governmental organisation that aims to draw attention to democracy […]

Students call for affordable student accommodation

There is a growing “Movement of the Unsheltered” protests against rising living costs and lack of affordable accommodation for students who are enrolled in universities in Turkey. Since last week students in seven cities are sleeping outdoors and camping, mainly at parks where they conduct their vigil. Students also have launched a campaign on social […]

Remarks on the Kurdish Question

Ercument Akdeniz, the chair of the Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) said on Tuesday, that the Kurdish question is a fact in Turkey and “the denial of the democratic demands of the Kurdish people is the main source of this question.”  Akdeniz made his statement on Twitter regarding the current discussions about who will be […]

Emine Senyasar calls for support on 200th day of vigil for justice

Emine Senyasar, who lost her husband and two sons three years ago is calling for solidarity on Friday, September 24 which marks the 200th day of her vigil for justice. The Senyasar family were subjected to a brutal attack on 14 June 2018 which was launched by the relatives of Ibrahim Yildiz, an MP from […]

Another Kurdish Child Killed by Armoured Police Vehicle

Mihrac Miroglu (7) was killed by a Turkish policeman while riding his bicycle in front of his house in Sirnak province in the southeast of Turkey. According to Mezopotamya News Agency, Mihrac died shortly after the crash of an armoured vehicle on 3 September 2021. “The deaths involving the security forces and the vehicles they […]

Kurds brutally killed by Turkish Gang

Seven Kurds from the same family were brutally murdered today in a racist  attack in their home in Konya; a central province in Turkey.   The Dedeoglu family was threatened and racially abused by a gang of 60 grey wolf members earlier this month. The racist group said to the Kurdish family, “We are nationalists, […]

Gunman attacks HDP offices and kills employee in Turkey

Deniz Poyraz, a party employee at the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir branch was killed today in a brutal attack at the party office.   An armed attacker has been identified as  Onur Gencer. It is believed he entered the building in the early hours despite the presence of constant police force at the gate of […]

Gendarmerie opens fire on peaceful protest in Turkey

Turkish gendarmerie opened fire against villagers protesting the demolition of their barns for a marble quarry in the village of Gurpinar in Van eastern province of Turkey on 26 May 2021. “Where shall we go?” said the villagers stressing that their only source of income is livestock and they are afraid of the death of […]

SPOT calls for the immediate release of health care workers

Trade union leaders and the members of the Turkish Health and social service workers union (SES) were arrested last week. The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office claims that the SES members “operated under the name of ‘the public health committee’ but were connected with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).” It is believed that the prosecution’s […]

Organised Crime Leader Exposes AKP Corruption on Youtube

Sedat Peker, who was convicted for organised criminal activity in 2007 in Turkey, has broadcast a series of videos via his personal YouTube account. He has been in exile in Dubai for the last two weeks. He released allegations against well-known figures in Turkey including Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, former Interior Minister Mehmet Agar and […]

In the face of Israel’s brutal crimes, we can’t remain silent!

SPOT Statement on Palestine Israel is attempting to ethnically cleanse Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem. As Palestinians protest in Jerusalem against these evictions, and Israel’s ongoing programme of ethnic cleansing, Israeli forces have responded with brutality, including an assault on worshippers at Al Aqsa Mosque that has wounded hundreds. Israel […]

Turkish Army Kills Civilian in Dersim

Murat Yildiz, a 28-year-old Kurdish man was killed by Turkish soldiers in Dersim (Tunceli) in eastern Turkey on 7 May 2021. Local sources said that Yildiz may have been killed by a drone (UAV) attack which occurred near the village of Agacpinar. Tunceli Gendarmerie Command said in a written statement that three members of Kurdistan […]


On the 10th Anniversary of the Istanbul Convention SPOT sends solidarity to the hundreds of thousands of women in Turkey fighting back against the Turkish State’s attacks on women’s rights and gender equality. Violence against women has intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey and gender inequality has been rife, with women workers more likely […]

Turkey bans sale of alcohol citing the precautions against the pandemic

The AKP and Erdogan’s regime has banned the sales of alcohol as part of its announcement that there will be a complete “lock down” between 29 April and 17 May in the effort to fight the spread of Covid-19. No support is to be available for workers and those living in poverty.  The decision to ban sales […]

Turkey’s Constitutional Court refuses examination of Cizre Massacre

The Constitutional Court in Turkey has rejected another application seeking accountability for the deaths of civilians who died in the basements of buildings in the Kurdish town of Cizre (in the province of Sirnak) during the imposition of curfew 5 years ago. Cizre was turned into a war zone under a round-the-clock military lockdown lasting […]

“Where is the $128 billion?”

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Turkey has accused Erdogan and his party of misuse of central bank foreign reserves to uphold the Turkish Lira in 2019-20. Economist have calculated that back then the sales by state banks to support the Turkish lira totalled $128.3 billion.   “Where is the $128 billion?” question […]

Turkish Medical Associations Protest Government’s Pandemic Response

“We don’t give up our right to life, stop deaths” protests, a growing movement of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), were due to take place across Turkey today. In Istanbul representatives from various Medical Associations came together in front of the Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate to make a press statement about increasing concerns over the […]

Turkish police abduct MP Gergerlioglu from intensive care

Turkish police detained Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, former People’s Democratic Party (HDP) MP on Friday at his home. Gergerlioglu’s parliamentary status was revoked last month due to a prison sentence on “terrorism” charges and he was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison based on his social media post in 2016 where he retweeted […]

SPOT calls for an end to advertisement bans on Evrensel

Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, has once again been fined for using the word “attack” while reporting about the Bogazici resistance. The newspaper has been subjected to considerable harassment since it first went to print in 1995 but recently the AKP government has put the paper on its punishment agenda.   The Public Advertising Agency (BIK) -the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of […]

SPOT calls for the immediate release of detained Bogazici students

Bogazici University students in Istanbul are still under the attack of the reactionary AKP Government in Turkey and its police force. 12 students were detained on Thursday on campus as they gathered to protest against a university investigation into a student for carrying a rainbow flag during the earlier demonstrations. In addition to yesterday’s detentions, […]

Erdogan abuses powers to interfere in private lives of public in Turkey

Turkey’s President Erdogan is using executive powers, including arbitrary decrees to imprison politicians, declare anybody he disagrees with as terrorists, and shut down political parties.  He is taking decisions in the middle of the night on issues in which he has no authority. In a country where at least 400 women were killed in the […]


Turkey has pulled out of the Istanbul Convention -which protects victims of domestic and gender-based violence and prosecutes offenders- by an abrupt midnight presidential decree. The Council of Europe “Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence” entered into force in 2011. At the time Erdogan proudly announced the treaty by saying […]

Turkish Police arrest Human Rights Association Co-chair

Ozturk Turkdogan, Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD) Co-Chair was taken into custody in the early hours of today in Istanbul. He has since been released.  “This is the latest and obvious example of the pressure on human rights defenders. We will keep informing the public about the process.” said IHD in a statement and […]

SPOT condemns attacks on HDP and it’s members

A Turkish prosecutor filed a case demanding the closure of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) which won 11.7% support with nearly 6 million votes in the 2018 parliamentary election. Turkey has a long history of shutting down pro-Kurdish political parties. The People’s Labour Party (HEP) in 1993 and People’s Democracy Party (HADEP) in 2003 were […]

Turkish Parliament Expels Prominent Opposition MP Gergerlioglu

A court in Turkey has sentenced Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) MP to 2 years 6 months in prison on terror charges. Turkey’s parliament also stripped Gergerlioglu of his MP status today. Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a written statement yesterday urging Turkey to not expel Gergerlioglu from the Parliament. Hugh Williamson, Europe […]

Bogazici Indictment based on Religious Prohibitions

Seven students from Bogazici University, two of whom had been held in detention, have been acquitted at the first hearing in which they were charged with “publicly provoking the public to hatred and hostility”. The trial was held today in Istanbul. The prosecutor had demanded that the seven students be sentenced to between 1 and […]

SPOT sends International Women’s Day message to women in Turkey

As we celebrate international women’s day, your growing resistance against government attacks on women’s liberty, exploitation and discrimination in the workplace, gender inequality and violence against women is an inspiration to women all over the world. We stand with you and will continue to amplify your fight for democracy, freedom and equality in Turkey for […]

Erdogan’s Son-in-Law and ex-Treasury Minister still missing

Berat Albayrak, Erdogan’s son-in-law, had resigned publicly on social media from his position as Treasury Minister on 8 November. Since then Albayrak has not been seen and suspicions mounted that Erdogan is punishing him.  The opposition party expressed concerns about how 128bn dollars had been spent by the treasury whilst Albayrak was minister and began […]

Police prevent 8 March exhibition organised by women’s platform

A group of women congregating to set up the “8 March women’s resistance” exhibition, organised by Avcilar Women’s Platform, were blockaded by the police. The women who were kept waiting under blockade held up photos from the exhibition and staged a sit-in protest.  The Avcilar Women’s Platform met today at Marmara Street at the Egitim […]

Erdogan government targets opposition after failed military operation

Dilan Dirayet Tasdemir, HDP MP for Agri spoke out in response to Suleyman Soylu, Home Affairs minister, who described her as the “MP that went to Gare”.  Tasdemir, reacted to Soylu’s claim that she had previously been to Gare where 13 people recently died, saying “If you have this evidence, why didn’t you pass this […]

Boğaziçi Online Day of Action – Virtual Rally

Hundreds of academics, students, activists and trade unionists joined us in a day of action in solidarity with the Bogazici students in Turkey. Messages of support flooded in and a virtual rally was live-streamed on our facebook page. Chaired by Baroness Christine Blower, speakers included Tariq Ali (Journalist and Writer), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Umut Turem […]

Gare operation being used as an excuse for further crackdown in Turkey

The illegal assault of Turkish military in the Iraqi region of Gare has devastating consequences both for Turkey and the region. The attack on Gare, where 13 Turkish security personnel held captive by Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and 53 Kurdish guerrillas lost their lives alongside 3 high-ranking Turkish military officials conducting the assault, has raised […]

Turkey accelerates steps towards facism as 718 people arrested in 40 provinces in 24 hours

Anybody who dares to criticise or defend the truth faces arrest and imprisonment in Turkey. The oppression of opposition groups, particularly HDP members continues.  In the past 24 hours house raids and police operations have taken place in 40 provinces. 718 people, including HDP members and leadership,  have been arrested. The arrests in provinces such as […]

Writer and women’s activist Aysen Sahin arrested

Aysen Sahin, writer at Evrensel newspaper and women’s rights activist was arrested at her home today and taken to İstanbul Police Headquarters. She shared news of her arrest on Twitter saying “Friends police are at the door, I am being taken to Vatan Police Station. I will get changed and leave. I was unable to […]

“I salute your courage”

Tariq Ali, sends solidarity message to the Bogazici resistance in a special interview with Evrensel. TARIQ ALI: I salute your courage. How and when the struggle for academic and other freedoms for minorities of every sort will end I cannot predict. But this moment in the history of modern Turkey will not be forgotten thanks to […]

Erdogan attacks Bogazici Resistance

President Erdogan once again branded the students of Bogazici University as terrorists in a speech to members of his ruling Islamist party today. Throughout his speech, Erdogan took several shots at the protestors who are demanding academic freedom. “This country will not be run by terrorists. We will do whatever is necessary to prevent this. […]

Turkish police deploy snipers as Bogazici resistance grows

Bogazici University students gathered today following a call from the campus solidarity group to protest in support for the students who were arrested on 30 January.  The students were arrested over a collage illustration at a campus exhibition last week.  The exhibition where the mentioned artwork was displayed was part of the ongoing protests against […]

Turkey’s Interior minister uses hate speech against LGBT community

Students from Bogazici University have been arrested because of a collage at a campus exhibition. The artwork illustrates LGBT rainbow symbols alongside an image of a sacred Islamic site.   Arrests come on the heels of academics and students at Bogazici University protesting against a government appointed rector since the early days of January 2021. […]

Farmers to march to Turkey’s Capital against agricultural policies

Farmers across Turkey will march to the capital city on 2 February to protest the agricultural policies of AKP. This is their fifth protest in the last two months. According to Dilan Kutlu’s report from the ANKA Agency, farmers are warning that farming is no longer a viable livelihood and Turkey will face a devastating […]

Solidarity forced abducted Gokhan Gunes release

Gokhan Gunes, a left wing activist has returned to his home six days after he went missing. At the time Gunes’ family had accessed a surveillance camera footage which captured the abduction of the 23 years old worker and stated that Turkish security forces were involved in his disappearance. As the incident created a public outcry, Gunes was dropped off blindfolded in a remote district of Istanbul yesterday morning. “The people who kidnapped and tortured me for days were calling themselves ‘the invisibles’” […]

Tanrikulu Report Reveals 27,493 Cases of Torture and Ill Treatment under AKP

At least 27,493 people were subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the police or the gendarmerie in Turkey during the 2002-2020 period. A total of 86 people have died as a result of torture under the ruling AKP government according to a report prepared by Sezgin Tanrikulu, regarding torture and ill-treatment in the country. Tanrikulu, […]

“We do not fear investigation” says Ankara Bar Association

In April 2020, the Ankara Bar Association criticised the Ministry for Religious Affairs for claiming that homosexuality and extramarital relationships spread illness in society. At the time, the Ankara Bar Association, criticised  Ali Erbas’ retention of his position as the Chair of the Ministry for Religious Affairs after his comments about homosexuality and noted that “having […]

Absurd reasons used to deny political prisoners parole

Didar Bozan, Merve Nur Isleyici and Ceylan Bozkurt were imprisoned for “terrorism” offences for attending press conferences and posting on the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) social media group while they were university students.  The three Kurdish women were convicted of “disseminating propaganda for an outlawed organisation” in 2016 as part of the politically motivated crackdown […]

Erdogan Insulted by Opposition Leader’s “So-called President” Remark

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) criticised Erdogan on the occasion of January 10 Working Journalists Day in Turkey for targeting an opposition daily newspaper. “If, in 2020, a country’s so-called president is directly targeting a newspaper and telling people, ‘I am not reading that newspaper, you should also […]

Worker Death Toll in Turkey at least 2,427 in 2020

Health and Safety Labour Watch (ISIG) published its “Year 2020 Report of Workplace Manslaughters”. According to the report, last year, at least 2,427 workers lost their lives in workplace manslaughters. The report is compiled using information from the national press (66%) and workplace safety specialists, workplace doctors, trade unions and local press (34%). The number […]

Turkey’s media penalised for publishing news on government corruption

In 2018 it was revealed that Erdogan’s AKP, which governed Istanbul for 25 years, was responsible for embezzling 15 million Turkish Lira. In March 2019, the CHP, the opposition party which won the local elections in Istanbul began legal proceedings against the AKP. Following this development the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoglu, banned […]

Everyone can be branded a terrorist in Turkey

Bogazici University academics and students continued their fifth day of protests, which were sparked by the latest appointment of the rector Melih Bulu (a member of Erdogan’s Islamist AKP party). Erdogan accuses protestors, who are defending academic autonomy, and those supporting them of being “terrorism-related.” Meanwhile, students are rejecting the accusations and have posted a […]

Evrensel newspaper fined for anniversary advert featuring Kurdish colours

Evrensel, a daily newspaper in Turkey, which has been under intense pressure since it first went to print in 1995, has been fined for an advert featuring a girl holding a yellow, green and yellow scarf. The advertisement commemorated the 25th anniversary of the newspaper. The Ministry of Trade issued the fine alleging that featuring […]

Erdogan tightens grip on universities

President Erdogan tightens his grip on universities as he directly appoints Professor Melih Bulu as the rector of Bogazici University, which is one of the most respected universities in the country. Bulu has extremely close connections to Erdogan’s ruling party and is not from the university’s own academic community. The appointment has sparked reaction and […]

Police wait at hospital room to arrest woman following labour

Lawyers have criticised police in Turkey who have been waiting for Hacer Yildirim to be discharged from the hospital where she has just given birth. The decision to take into custody relates to the Bylock investigation (which concerns the use of a messaging app the government believes is linked to the Gulen movement).  34 year […]

Regular monitoring shows dire state of media freedom in Turkey

Baris Yarkadas, ex-opposition MP and journalist continues to release regular reports on attacks on journalists and the media.  The latest report paints a tragic yet unsurprising picture with respect to press and media freedom in Turkey, showing that in December 2020 alone: 35 journalists were brought before the courts, 4 journalists were sentenced to 42 […]

Protests called across Turkey after triple femicide in one day

Women across Turkey will take to the streets in protest following the murder of three women in one day.  In 2020 at least 419 women have been killed by men in Turkey. Yesterday three more women died in this way. In Istanbul, Aylin Sozer’s throat was slit and she was burned to death by Kemal […]

Turkey’s main opposition leader warns “Erdogan is a dictator”

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the main opposition the Republican People’s Party (CHP), warns that Turkey is on course for a deeper economic and social disaster and reiterated his call for a snap election. “At present Turkey is ruled by a dictator. All Erdogan’s features are in keeping with the definition of a dictator by any […]

The case of Olay TV – A new low in Turkish Broadcasting History

Privately owned Olay TV has been subject to intense questioning by pro-government circles over its nonpartisan coverage of news stories and has been shut down after just 26 days on air on National TV.  Suleyman Sarilar, Chief Editor of the channel said that Cavit Caglar (the channel’s owner) claimed he is under “great pressure from […]

Notorious Judge Gurlek Sentences Exiled Journalist Can Dundar to 27 years in Jail

Can Dundar, a prominent journalist in exile since 2016, has been sentenced to 27 years in prison. This sentence is considered a continuation of the imprisonment of journalists through the use of arbitrary terrorism charges, as well as persistent harassment and suppression of media freedom by Turkey’s ruling AKP. The sentence issued to Dundar relates […]

Journalist Özcan Yaman fined for criticising President’s son

Özcan Yaman, an Evrensel journalist in Turkey has been fined 10 thousand lira for an article in which he criticises the Turkish President Erdogan’s son. The article concerned the 2014 telephone calls between the President and his son, Bilal Erdogan, which were leaked to the press. The phone calls revealed the bribes and corrupt way that […]

European Human Rights Court orders immediate release of Selahattin Demirtas

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has ordered Turkey to immediately release from prison the prominent opposition politician Selahattin Demirtas (former co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party – HDP).  The grand chamber ruling found that Demirtaş has had his freedom of expression, liberty and right to free elections breached, stating that his […]

SPOT calls for Freedom for Leyla Guven

Leyla Guven, former Peoples’ Democratic Party MP (HDP) and co-chair of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), has been sentenced to 22 years and 3 months in prison under the pretext of “establishing and leading a terrorist organisation.” The ruling AKP accuse all progressive democratic opposition of terrorism as a means of silencing and suppressing growing […]

Scores of women detainees reveal prevalence of torture and degrading treatment

Recently the declarations of an increasing number of woman detained on terrorism charges show that Turkish security forces are using strip searches systematically to enforce fear and to humiliate. Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, MP from Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), who brought up the claims regarding strip searching of female detainees across Turkey, said that in some […]

Academic calls universities brothels

Known for his closeness to AKP, Sakarya University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu targeted young people by saying ‘Universities are brothels’ In the program named “Derin Kutu”, presented by Sabri Balaman on Akit TV (a mouthpiece for AKP and Erdogan’s propaganda), Prof. Dr. Ebubekir Sofuoğlu, speaking about the generation Z, said that participation in […]

Erdogan directs judiciary to keep Demirtas and Kavala behind bars

Turkey’s President Erdogan has given a clear instruction to the judiciary to keep the jailed former co-leader of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtas, and the human rights campaigner, Osman Kavala, behind bars. When asked to comment on the unjust ongoing detention of Kavala and Demirtas, Erdogan said “Demirtas is a terrorist” and the “judiciary […]

AKP registers all rainbow themed products 18+

Recently colours of the rainbow have become a political issue in Turkey. A few months ago Egitim-Sen, the Teachers’ Trade Union in Turkey announced that school principals were receiving orders from local education directorates raising concerns about rainbow drawings. According to the Union’s statement, the Ministry of National Education has ordered teachers not to allow students to draw rainbows during the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Reporting ban on new child abuse revelations in Batman

It has been reported that on 12 November 2020, a 15 year old child reported that she had been raped and got pregnant, to the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in the southeastern Batman province of Turkey.  Further revelations about the sexual abuse experienced the minor were uncovered by Jinnews, a women-centered news agency, however many […]

Teenage boy shot and killed by Turkish soldiers

Ozcan Erbas, a 16-year-old Kurdish boy was killed by Turkish soldiers in Hakkari -a southeastern province of Turkey- on 30 November 2020. According to the Mezopotamya News Agency (MA), SabriErbas, the victim’s uncle, said that Ozcan Erbas was having picnic at Anadag district with his two friends when the soldiers opened fire on them.  “We went to take him after learning about the incident, soldiers did not allow […]

Female worker at Kromsan factory fired for complaining about violence

A female Kromsan factory worker in Manisa named Selma Cetin shared her story on social media, after she experienced violence at the hands of an assistant foreman and then had her rights infringed by factory management. The factory management declined to watch the security camera footage and instead decided to fire Selma Cetin by alleging […]

The myth of the “Independent Judiciary” in Turkey

Turkey’s Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) has appointed 11 judges and prosecutors as new members to the Supreme Court of Appeals. The appointment came shortly after President Erdogan’s highly debated announcement about new judicial reforms aimed at stabilising the legal situation – one of the most fiercely debates topic in the country. In the […]

Unionised Metal workers targeted by employers

Turkish authorities, who are notorious for breaching the international labour standards, continue to violate fundamental labour rights through illegal tactics. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, unpaid leave has been used as a stick against workers which reveals the unequal impact of the pandemic in the labour market compared to the other segments of […]

Police officer guilty of killing student is acquitted

Kemal Kurkut, 23 year old university student at the Fine Arts Faculty, was killed by police during the Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakır -a southeastern province of Turkey- on 21st March 2017.   According to the Dicle News Agency (DIHA) Kurkut was shot despite a “Don’t shoot” order of the police chief.  The published photos of the murder were documented by DIHA editor Abdurrahman Gok at the […]

Release for men who violently kill innocent woman

Kudret Yener’s throat was slit by two men during a violent robbery in the southern Turkish city of Adana in 2017. A criminal court yesterday sentenced the defendants, İsmail and Vural Yetik to aggravated life imprisonment for the murder of the 72 year old woman. Aggravated life sentences of the offenders were reduced to a […]

Turkish authorities wage war on colours… Yellow, Red and Green

The deputy mayor of Istanbul’s Kucukcekmece district – which is led by main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) – has been suspended from his duty following an investigation related to a playground renewal in the region. The investigation is about the colours and shapes on the rubber surfacing of the playground allegedly resembling the colours […]

Earthquakes don’t kill people but Governments do

As of today at least 111 people died and 1034 people have been injured in İzmir, the coastal city of Turkey, after a strong earthquake struck in the Aegean Sea on Friday 30 October. According to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.6, on the other hand the United […]

Charlie Hebdo cartoon mocking Erdogan stirs new debate on freedom of speech

Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magasine, caused a stir by publishing a cartoon, mocking Turkey’s President Erdogan. The front page caricature of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo, depicts Erdogan in underpants and lifting up the skirt of a woman wearing a hijab to reveal her naked bottom and his speech bubble says “Ooh, the […]

Turkey forbids healthcare workers from resigning or retiring

Turkey’s Health Ministry issued a circular today announcing that “due to the coronavirus pandemic measures” resignations of the health workers would not be accepted. According to the document, healthcare workers will not be allowed to take their annual leaves and retirement procedures were also suspended with mandatory exceptions. Healthcare workers in Turkey were resigning to […]

Opposition events and protests banned in Van province in Turkey for five years

  The governor of Turkey’s eastern province of Van, has once again issued an order which bans all protest marches, open-air meetings and press statements within the boundaries of the city for 15 days as of October 21. The ban which supposed to be temporary under exceptional circumstances has been extended for multiple times since […]

President Erdogan says Macron “needs mental health treatment”

Turkey’s president, Erdogan, has criticised the projection of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad onto buildings following the beheading of a teacher in France and targeted Macron. Erdogan said of Macron that he needs “mental health treatment”. French president Emmanuel Macron, recalled Herve Magro, his ambassador in Ankara to Paris to consult. In relation to Erdogan’s […]

Turkey to build 39 new prisons in 2021

Turkey’s parliament discussed the country’s 2021 budget which aims to allocate 24 billion Turkish lira (£ 2.4 billion) for expenditures of the Ministry of Justice. According to Turkish media the Ministry of Justice plans to spend significant portion of this amount for the construction of 39 new prisons. This means that Turkey’s already extremely high […]

Governor orders closure of restaurant because the worker did not recognise him

Ali Fuat Atik, the governor of Denizli -southwestern province of Turkey- has stirred a debate on the social media about his attitude towards shopkeepers and workers. As seen on the videos uploaded to various Twitter accounts, Atik was visiting shops as part of Coronavirus inspections and a worker at a restaurant did not recognise him. […]

Turkish Court refuses to comply with Constitutional Court Order in Berberoglu case

Today a Turkish court refused to comply with a retrial order by the Constitutional Court, despite being legally required to do so. The retrial order states that Enis Berberoğlu’s (a former MP from the main opposition Republican People’s Party – CHP) right to be elected and engage in political activities and right to personal liberty […]

Profiteering leads to loss of lives in flood hit Blacksea in Turkey

Floods hit the shores of Giresun in the Blacksea region of Turkey. Huge devastation hit the area of Dereli in particular. So far 8 people have died and 11 are missing. 17 buildings have collapsed and 351 buildings are damaged. Over 100 villages have become blocked off and 78 residential areas have lost their electricity.  […]

Turkish government watches as lawyers on hunger strike reach critical condition

The health of two lawyers, Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, on indefinite hunger strike demanding a fair trial has reached a critical point. Ebru has been on indefinite hunger strike for 240 days and Aytac for 210 days. Their health is at risk and the Turkish government is standing idly by. The Justice Minister has […]


Attacks on democratic opposition escalates and municipalities are prevented from supporting residents impacted by Covid-19     You can read the full statement here:  SPOT Turkey Update – June 2020    

Human rights defenders react to the police violence in Turkey

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) Chairwoman Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Human Rights Association (İHD) Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan evaluated the police violence cases for Evrensel. Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV) Chairwoman Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Human Rights Association (İHD) Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan reacted to the incidents of police violence from various parts […]

Members of European Parliament call on Turkey to end the public advertising ban on Evrensel

10 Members of the European Parliament called on Turkey’s Public Advertising Agency to lift the indefinite ban on Evrensel. In a letter addressed to Rıdvan Duran, the general director of the Public Advertising Agency (BİK), the authority in Turkey responsible for the distribution of state advertising, ten members of the European Parliament called for the […]

We have lost our columnist, architect Cengiz Bektaş

Cengiz Bektaş, one of Turkey’s leading architects who for long years wrote articles in our newspaper, has lost his life. We have lost our newspaper’s columnist, architect and poet Cengiz Bektaş. Holder of the Aga Khan and Mimar Sinan Grand Awards, Bektaş had been undergoing treatment for diabetes-related heart failure in an intensive care unit […]

Who is making money out of the war in Syria?

As President Erdoğan’s Idlib obduracy and AUAV strikes continue, the ruling media is making “national pride from national arms” propaganda, and son-in-law Selçuk Bayraktar is making money, too. Object of the power holders’ relentless obduracy, Idlib remains high on the agenda. Compared to before, it has become tougher to air the voice of truth among […]

The Erdoğan administration’s jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary

With it now apparent that the Erdoğan administration’s aims are no longer feasible, one could describe the way it has become bogged down thanks to its obdurateness over its Syria policy as its “jihadist impasse and Kurdish quandary.” There is no let-up in either the Erdoğan administration’s obdurateness over Idlib or the deaths of soldiers […]

It has come to this: Refugees as instruments of war

Turkey is pushing refugees over the border and Greece is pushing them back. What we are watching is a Turkish-Greek jointly produced film of shame. The refugees are like a ping-pong ball toing and froing across the tennis table. The right-wing government in Greece is pitiless towards refugees. Be they old, children or handicapped, the […]

Idlib message from Selahattin Demirtaş

Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş has made a statement following the death of 33 soldiers in Idlib. Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş, detained for more than three years in Edirne Prison, has sent a message regarding the 34 soldiers who were killed in the air raid staged by the Syrian army in the Syrian town […]

Is a government to promise “martyrdom” to its citizens?

Erdoğan appears to have reached the stage of holding “martyrs” in a tighter embrace and saying, “God willing, the mound of martyrs will not remain empty” in accentuating the religious-ideological grounds for his policy. Speaking at a foundation-laying ceremony for the tram line in Izmir’s Kınık sub-province, for the second time in the past two […]

İlhan Uzgel and Kerim Has’s assessment: Idlib doggedness full of risk

Prof. Dr. İlhan Uzgel and Russia expert Kerim Has assessed the latest developments in Syria and Idlib for Evrensel. The Idlib tension continues to mount. The Ministry of National Defence announced the deaths of two soldiers and the wounding of another five soldiers in İdlib. At around the same time, the Anadolu Agency intimated that […]

The on-stage rifle is starting to go off in Idlib!

The picture painted in Idlib conjures up the words spoken by Russian playwright Chekhov to emphasise the connection of the stage set: “If in the first act there is a rifle hanging on the wall, it absolutely must go off at the end of the play.” Each day fresh news of conflict and death comes […]

IPI: BirGün’s announcement ban lifted, Evrensel’s to be lifted too

The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the Press Notices Institute and appealed for the same ban issued to Evrensel to be lifted at once. The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the […]

PAA rejects Evrensel’s objection to announcement ban decision – embargo continues

The Press Advertisement Agency has dismissed our objection to the announcement and advertising decision it issued whereby more than one newspaper may not be purchased. The Press Advertisement Agency (PAA) has once more dismissed the objection we made to the announcement and advertising ban penalty it imposed premised on newsagent sales. The Press Advertisement Agency […]

9 People Acquitted and Osman Kavala Discharged in Gezi Trial

The court panel in the Gezi case gave the verdict of acquitting 9 people and discharging Osman Kavala, the only defendant of the case in detention. The files of 7 people abroad were set aside. The sixth hearing of the Gezi court case of 16 people accused of “attempting to do away with the government […]

An “awareness” question: What business does Turkey have in Syria?

President Tayyip Erdoğan said: “Whoever says, ‘What business does Turkey have in Syria?’ is either unaware or intentionally an enemy of this people.” In the speech he made at his party’s parliamentary group meeting last tuesday, President and AKP General Chair Tayyip Erdoğan targeted those who criticize Turkish troops coming under fire and a state […]

Fighting for the right to join a trade union

CEREN SAGIR reports on an important workers’ struggle at SF Trade Leather in Izmir, Turkey BRITISH luxury fashion company Mulberry says it prides itself for being “ethically sourced.” Volkswagen Group UK Ltd says it has a “zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery.” And Mercedes-Benz UK claims to have a “zero-tolerance policy towards violations […]

Strike bans are unconstitutional

Lawyer Ahmet Ergin discusses rulings the Constitutional Court has passed on strike bans: “Constitutional Court case law provides guarantees to workers intent on striking.” A fresh strike is in the offing for metal workers, their wages eroding day by day under conditions of economic crisis. Disagreement reigned at the Turkish Employers’ Association of Metal Industries […]

Cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff restored

The cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff have been restored. The cancelled press cards of Evrensel newspaper staff have been restored. When some Evrensel staff members consulted the “Press card search” section today, they saw the wording “in use” in place of the comment “annulled” they had previously seen. However, no comment in this […]

“The political wing” of “FETÖ”

As all know, is it not Erdoğan and the AKP who has not only been “the political wing of the coup” or Gülen but its partner? Was there not a partnership of power? First and foremost, my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the Elazığ earthquake. And my get-well-soon wishes […]

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan penalized for her Afrin Operation critics

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan was sentenced on the count of ‘terrorist organization propaganda’ for her critics on the Afrin operation. Eylem NAZLIER İstanbul In a case brought for the speech she made in front of the judicial complex at the hearing of EMEP members who had been detained for handing out “No to war” leaflets, […]

Syrian refugee worker in Turkey: I’ve learnt workers have no nation

​​​​​​​ Saying, “I’ve been living in Turkey for about six years. I’ve learnt about both labour and exploitation here,” a Syrian worker calls for workers’ unity. A Syrian refugee worker I’m a 22-year-old Syrian refugee textile worker in Çağlayan. Fighting IS in Syria while aged sixteen, I fled Syria and came to Turkey at seventeen […]

Ekrem İmamoğlu takes office as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor

Opposition CHP’s İstanbul candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu takes office as İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor. After 25 years, the İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty has passed from the AKP to the CHP.  İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor-elect for the CHP, Ekrem İmamoğlu, gets the certificate of election from provincial election council. Following seventeen days of objections, Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu has […]

‘I Subscribe’ campaign continues with Evrensel and BirGün

The international ‘I Subscribe’ campaign’s second round supports the daily newspapers Evrensel and BirGün in Turkey. The second round of the international I Subscribe campaign, which encourages reader subscriptions to support independent newspapers in Turkey, is now open. I Subscribe is an initiative backed by the International Press Institute (IPI) and several other leading press […]

Jail sentences for 27 peace academics

Prosecuted for having signed the peace declaration titled, “We will not be party to this crime,” 27 peace academics have been handed down jail sentences. The joined case of 27 academics being prosecuted for having signed the peace declaration titled, “We will not be party to this crime” was heard at Istanbul Serious Crime Court […]

Candidates and alliances for local elections in Turkey on March 31

Aggravated life imprisonment is being sought for sixteen people including Osman Kavala under the investigation conducted into the Gezi Park Resistance. The investigation involving sixteen people, including Osman Kavala who has been in prison for fifteen months and actor Mehmet Ali Alabora, into the Gezi Park events has been completed. Aggravated life imprisonment is sought […]

Affirmatory ruling in Cumhuriyet trial: Eight people back to jail

The Appeal Court has upheld the sentences handed down in the Cumhuriyet newspaper trial. The ruling sees eight people who were sentenced to less than five years returning to prison. The Appeal Court has upheld the sentences that Istanbul Serious Crime Court No 27 imposed on Cumhuriyet newspaper’s former managers and columnists. The ruling sees […]

Candidates and alliances for local elections in Turkey on March 31

The period set by the SEC for announcing local election candidates has ended. Final adjustments have been made to the alliances. Birkan BULUT Ankara The Supreme Electoral Council (SEC)’s deadline for nominating local election candidates has ended. The picture to emerge following last-minute adjustments is that the AKP-MHP has broadened the alliance as its electoral […]

The future that those living in palaces in Turkey are imposing on people living in poverty

Because they live in palaces, they see unemployment, poverty and deteriorating living conditions for common people as just a rule of the game that they are playing. The unemployment statistics in Turkey from November show not just the shocking growth in unemployment but also signal that unemployment will reach intolerable levels in 2019. Unemployment consistently […]

Journalist Çağrı Sarı’s trial adjourned and Cem Şimşek acquitted

Former Evrensel responsible editors Çağrı Sarı and Cem Şimşek appeared before the judge. Çağrı Sarı’s hearing was adjourned while Cem Şimşek was acquitted. The adjudicatory hearing took place in former Evrensel responsible editor Çağrı Sarı’s trial over the Paradise Papers being heard at Bakırköy Penal Court of First Instance No 2, brought under a complaint […]

Direct sale points of Erdoğan government in 7 questions

Why have vegetable and fruit prices gone up in Turkey? Will direct sale points cure citizens’ woes? Are market traders to blame? We made a collation of the points of concern. Sinem UĞUR İstanbul The direct sale points proposed by the AKP-Erdoğan government with the purported aim of reducing fruit and vegetable prices have been […]

Panel Discussion: Media Under Authoritarian Rule

Description Join us to hear from Can Dundar, Deniz Yucel and Aidan White, who will share their experiences of the Turkish government’s purge of the media and censorship of journalists seeking the truth. Location                                             Date and Time NLCH                                                     Sun, 17 March 2019 22 Moorefield […]

Full text of our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat’s court statement

We are publishing the statement submitted to the court by our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat, who is on trial charged with “defaming the President.” Our Editor-in-Chief Fatih Polat, who is being tried on the charge of defaming the President for one of his articles and whose imprisonment for between one year and four years is sought, […]

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s punishment sought for her Afrin comments

The prosecutor has called for EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s punishment on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges for her Afrin comments. Making his recommendations at the proceedings in which Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan is being tried on “terrorist organization propaganda” charges, the prosecutor sought Gürkan’s imprisonment for up to seven and a half years. A […]

SPOT – Annual Conference 2019

Description Our 3rd Annual SPOT Conference provides an opportunity to hear from those who have seen and experienced the reality of life under Erdogan’s authoritarian regime and invites you to find out more about what we are already doing to build international solidarity and call to account both the Turkish state and the complicity of […]

Ficticious voters emerge before the local elections in Turkey

Claims of bogus voters have been brought into parliament before the local elections in Turkey on March 31, 2019. HDP Iğdır Member of Parliament Habip Eksik has brought the irregularities and bogus voter records detected on the voters roll announced for the local elections in Turkey on March 31, 2019 onto the parliamentary agenda. Eksik […]

Unemployment rate in Turkey rises by 1.3% in October 2018 to 11.6%

A further 501,000 people joined the ranks of the jobless to make a total of 3.788 million. The youth unemployment rate rose by 3% in October to 22.3%. In October 2018, the unemployment rate in Turkey registered a year-on-year rise of 1.3% to stand at 11.6%. In the period in question, the records showed a […]

The ads are over in Syria, now it’s reality time!

Put to one side such advertising as ‘Turkey displayed its strength against the US’ and ‘Erdoğan has become world leader’ and look at the reality. Following US President Trump’s announcement in the phone call he had with President Erdoğan that they would withdraw their troops from northern Syria, I inquired, “Is Trump’s withdrawal decision Erdoğan’s […]

2019 will put Turkey’s ‘two red lines’ to the test

Looking ahead from 2018, it appears that Turkey’s neo-Ottoman Syrian policy involving two ‘red lines’ will have a very hard time of it in 2019. Apart from deeply embroiling Turkey in “Syrian crisis,” Trump’s announcement in the final days of 2018 that he would withdraw US troops has turned 2019 into a year of “dealing […]

In Turkey, 440 women murdered and 317 women suffer sexual violence, in 2018

Last year in Turkey, 440 women killed. 131 of the deaths entered the records as being suspicious and the perpetrators were not found. The We Will Stop Femicide Platform has produced a report quantifying violent incidents against women in 2018. The report points to an increase in women murders as against previous years. According to […]

Gripped with fear, the AKP-MHP alliance is heedless of the mere Constitution!

Bahçeli, Erdoğan and Yıldırım’s fears, on both the national scale and in İstanbul, about the local election appear not to be without foundation. President Tayyip Erdoğan announced the AKP and MHP’s İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoralty candidate today. Their candidate is Parliamentary Speaker Binali Yıldırım! The first question this invites is, “Can no metropolitan mayoral candidate for […]

Syrian refugees: Who wants to leave their own country!

What are Syrian refugees living in Diyarbakır’s Bağlar sub-province going through? Syrians living in the area told us. Fırat TOPAL Orhan KURUL Diyarbakır Disputes that have been raging of late between Syrian refugees and the Turkish population are turning into a lynch campaign against refugees both on social media and in the streets, and attacks […]

2018 labour report of Turkey: Wage erosion, unemployment more workers’ deaths

2018 saw unemployment, insecurity, poverty and death becoming cloaked in acceptability, the erosion of wages and an increase in workers’ deaths. The CHP Labour Offices under the coordination of CHP Deputy General Chair Veli Ağbaba have compiled a report on developments that took place in the world of labour and work. The report, which draws […]

Bosses get their wish: 2019 minimum wage has been set at 2,020 lira net

The minimum wage stays at the hunger level. The minimum wage, directly affecting ten million workers, has been set at 2,020 lira in 2019. The Minimum Wage Determination Commission has convened for the fourth time to set the minimum wage effective in 2019. The Minimum Wage Determination Commission has set the minimum wage, directly affecting […]

Strike at Süperpak ends in workers’ victory after 186 days

The strike at Süperpak lasting 186 days against the imposition of a zero raise has ended in victory for the workers. Metehan UD İzmir The 186-day strike at Süperpak has ended following the securing of a raise of 280 lira gross in the first year and, in the second year, 300 lira gross for the […]

Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen released on judicial control terms

An investigation has launched into well-known actors Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen, who spoke critically of President Tayyip Erdoğan. Actors Metin Akpınar and Müjdat Gezen, who spoke critically of President Tayyip Erdoğan while appearing on a TV programme, came under fire from President Erdoğan following a roasting in the regime press. With them singled out, […]

Is Trump’s withdrawal decision, Erdoğan’s victory?

How will Trump’s withdrawal decision from Syria and its potential consequences affect Turkey’s regional policies? News of Trump’s decision to withdraw his troops from Syria following the phone call he made with Erdoğan seems to have created an atmosphere of a great victory on the ruling front and in its media. “Experts” strutting their stuff […]

SPOT Annual Conference 2019

Turkey: Fighting for democracy under authoritarian rule Description Our 3rd Annual SPOT Conference provides an opportunity to hear from those who have seen and experienced the reality of life under Erdogan’s authoritarian regime and invites you to find out more about what we are already doing to build international solidarity and call to account both […]

The full text of Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı’s statement to the court

We are publishing the text submitted to the court by Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment. We are publishing the text submitted to the court by Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who was sentenced to thirty […]

Campaign of solidarity with Evrensel launched in Germany

The German Federation of Journalists, the German Journalists Union and Reporters Without Borders have launched a campaign in support of Evrensel. In a display of sensitivity over the repression of the press in Turkey, German journalism organizations and journalists have launched a campaign in support of Evrensel, an independent labour-movement-focussed daily and one of the […]

Turkey ranks 130th for sexual inequality out of 149 countries

Turkey ranks 130th for sexual inequality in the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Gender Gap Report. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global Gender Gap Report shows the level of social sexual inequality has reached in Turkey. Ranked 105th in 2006, Turkey has dropped by 25 places over twelve years. The countries ranked lower than Turkey […]

Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison

Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison. Evrensel columnist, academic & chair of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, Prof. Dr Şebnem Korur Fincancı gets 30-month prison. Fresh documents have been appended at the decision stage to the file of Evrensel columnist Prof. Dr […]

Naming a prosecutor brings ‘terrorism’ charge to Evrensel reporter Cansu Pişkin

Terrrorism charge has been laid against our reporter Cansu Pişkin citing as grounds her report on the detaining of the Bosphorus University students. A further trial has been added to those brought against Evrensel for our news coverage. A charge has been laid against our reporter Cansu Pişkin citing as grounds her report on the […]

Evrensel is facing 100,000 TL fine for criticizing government’s economic programme

Evrensel is facing court and a penalty of 100,000 TL because of a news story, criticizing the government’s economic programme. Evrensel is facing court and a penalty of 100,000 TL because of a news story published on 13 July 2018 arguing that the government’s economic programme signalled an attack on worker’s rights. The responsible editor […]

Manbij, East of Euphrates and the source of the problem

If there is going to be a winner in the escalating tensions in Manbij and East of Euphrates, this is not going to be Turkey – will be Russia and Iran. For some time, the government-controlled media have been broadcasting programmes aimed at escalating the tensions surrounding Manbij and the East of Euphrates. They are […]

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan’s trial postponed to January

The Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan is on trial, because of criticising the Erdoğan government’s war policies. Turkish government started a military intervention in Afrin in January 2018; fanning the flames of war in Syria. This was an operation named ‘Olive Branch’. The Labour Party (EMEP) has always been critical of this intervention in […]

What were the negotiations with the German monopolies and Erdoğan’s government?

One of President Tayyip Erdoğan’s priority objectives of the visit to Germany is to attract more German investments in Turkey. Which compromises and commitments took place in Erdogan’s interviews with the German monopolies providing investing more in Turkey? Getting economic relations back on the track and attracting more German direct investment to Turkey was at […]

10 questions about Syria to President Erdoğan

We have 10 questions about Syria to President and AKP Leader Tayyip Erdoğan, who argued, they did not do anything wrong in Syria. The president and AKP leader Tayyip Erdoğan, in assessing the agreement he made with Putin in relation to the Idlib issue during the parliamentary group meeting of his party the previous day, […]

EMEP: New Economic Plan is the proof of a plan to make the public pay for the crisis

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: New Economic Plan (NEP) creates new opportunities for monopolies and poverty for the people. “President Tayyip Erdoğan and many government representatives deny the crisis triggered by the drop in the value of Turkish Lira, as “foreign manipulation”, saying “there is no crisis, there is psychological problems”. But the New Economic Plan […]

Putin has given Erdoğan a new task by ‘honouring’ him

We can assert that Putin has gifted Erdoğan the feeling of a small success which will only prove to tie into his own success in the long run. We had witnessed how Russia, Iran and Turkey had wanted to walk along the same line by espousing different positions in the summit on Idlib they held […]

British trade unionists urge Turkish government to release construction workers

Several trade unionists in Britain called on the Turkish government to release 24 workers who protested for their basic rights, including edible food. Arif BEKTAŞ London Several trade unionists in Britain including RMT, UNITE, BFAWU and TSSA called on the Turkish government to release 24 workers, who protested for their basic rights, including edible food, […]

‘An injury to one is an injury to all’

Unite supports exiled Kurdish journalist Following its support of a TUC Congress motion against the authoritarian tactics of the Turkish government, Unite has spoken in support of a young Kurdish journalist who is exiled in London after her home was raided by Turkey’s authorities. Under the county’s dictatorial president Recep Tayyip Erdogan the state has […]

Hayatın Sesi TV owner and managers charged with 3 years and 9 months imprisonment

The owners of Hayatın Sesi TV, Mustafa Kara and İsmail Gökhan Bayram and General Director Gökhan Çetin, charged with 3 years, 9 months imprisonment. The owners of the Hayatın Sesi TV, Mustafa Kara and İsmail Gökhan Bayram and General Director Gökhan Çetin, charged with 3 years and 9 months imprisonment with claims that they have been […]

24 workers arrested over protests at new İstanbul airport site

A Turkish court has arrested 24 workers after protests over labour conditions at the construction of İstanbul’s new airport. A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered 24 workers and union activists to stay in jail after they were detained in a mass crackdown over protests on working conditions at İstanbul’s new airport. WHAT HAPPENED? Police and […]

Economy of Turkey is heading for a crash

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Durmuş: No matter what you do, there is no chance of this economy to grow like before, we are headed towards a big crash. One US dollar was 3.40TL in September 2017 and today it is around 6.40TL. Inflation in August reached 18%, the highest level in 15 years, and experts say […]

Saturday Mothers subject to police violence on 700th week of vigil for disappeared loved ones

Saturday Mothers subject to police violence on 700th week of vigil for disappeared loved ones                           On the 700th week of one of the longest running peaceful protests in Turkey, the Saturday mothers and their supporters congregated in Galatasaray Square at midday. Across Europe solidarity vigils were held to support the demands of the Saturday mothers and […]

Is Trump responsible for the situation of Turkey’s economy?

Trump cannot be held responsible if a country’s leader cannot find any example to turn to when he talks about ‘domestic and national goods’. I stated before that, there will be sharp decreases in the value of Turkish Lira (TL) beginning in autumn, and the government will head to the local elections with a quite […]

Worthless isolation!

Erdoğan and his rulership brought the country to the economic and political crisis and ruin and worthless isolation. Having attempted in 2011 to become the leading country in the intervention in Syria, and becoming enemies with its neighbours, Turkey was also abandoned by imperialist powers that initially supported this policy. At the time, to cover […]

Can we be on the same ship?

What the labourer people and the workers should do is to stop thinking of someone else’s ship, but to own themselves and their own future On ordinary days no one speaks of the ship. Or when the ship is mentioned, the debate goes on another direction. Remember. There was a ship debate once in a […]

In 7 questions, what is new ‘Presidential System of Governance’ of Turkey?

What are the powers of Tayyip Erdoğan who was elected as the first president of the new system on 24 June 2018? How will the government take form? What is “Presidential System of Governance” which was brought about by the election on 16 April 2017? What are the powers of Tayyip Erdoğan who was elected […]

Questions of the post-election period, concerning foreign policy

One of the important questions of the post-election period is foreign policy… Where is Turkey to steer towards? With the ending of election period in Turkey, the road is now paved for the presidential system. In the new system, most of the function of the Assembly is due to be slashed with the office of […]

The rulership of the losers

Regardless of what the figures say about the results; this is in fact the rulership of those who lost and are destined to lose. Historical examples have shown that a weak rulership is more oppressive and aggressive. A ruler that dresses every word with the clatter of chain and sword, the sound of guns and […]

Call from the EMEP to struggle against ‘one-man’ regime and it’s new attacks

The Labour Party (EMEP) called for the struggle to establish a new state order on the basis of a constitution, securing democratic rights and freedoms The Labour Party (EMEP) Executive Board (GYK) assessed the results of the June 24th elections. During the two-day meetings, the election process, the election day, and the events that followed […]

Erdoğan’s Coup Against Democracy – the struggle continues.

Following Sunday’s presidential and parliamentary elections Turkey has moved into a dangerous period of one-man rule, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan taking on unprecedented powers as the country shifts from a parliamentary democracy to an executive presidency. The role of prime minister has been deleted and Erdogan can now appoint ministers, the judiciary and set […]

What do the first results of the 24 June election show?

İhsan Çaralan analysed the winners and losers of the June 24th elections in Turkey. The “raid election” for deputy and presidency on 24th June resulted in the Erdoğan’s and the AKP-MHP alliance’s win. In the election, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan got 52.4 per cent of the votes and Muharrem İnce got 30.8 per cent. So, Erdoğan […]

Erdoğan’s A, B, C plans

People are saying that there will be a repeat of the terror environment after the 7 June elections, and repetition of the elections like on 1 November HDP was revealed as the real reason for the transition to the presidential system. With 80 MPs and the number of MPs projected to grow, it was assumed […]

An election ploy against Qandil?

All facts point to the same direction about the reasons for the championing of the Qandil operation by the government: Operation to win the elections! In the background of the decision to have a raid election on 24 June were government calculations to save itself before both the nationalist wave generated by the Afrin operation […]

Look at the ‘Afrin victory’ now!

While the picture in Afrin is so clear, let’s ask this question: Do you still believe Turkey was the winner in Afrin? 4 months ago, the Afrin operation was brought by the government as the “national survival” problem of the country and the operation was initiated in a “national mobilization” atmosphere. Such an atmosphere was […]

Some crucial points while going to June 24

During uncertain times like today, vast media monopoly in the service of the ruling power makes it much more difficult to get a clear picture. Despite the turbulence of serious economic problems in Turkey, prior to the June 24 elections, the observed political response to the situation and interpretations on the street do not reveal […]

Why are the 24th June elections important?

The accepted shared formula of the election propaganda is that ‘these are the most important elections of the Turkish Republican history.’ The accepted shared formula of the election propaganda is that “these are the most important elections of the Turkish Republican history.” What renders the 24th June elections so important is the ambition to facilitate […]

The AKP-MHP alliance plans may be shattered

We can thwart the AKP-MHP alliance calculations and reveal the carelessness of the ‘National Alliance’. Presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party(HDP), Selahattin Demirtaş’s attorneys’ application for release was rejected by the court. The court rejected the application stating that “at this stage, the conditions of the legal control would be insufficient”. In this way,  […]

Opposition to Erdogan in Britain is growing

Erdogan’s visit to the UK is an opportunity to whitewash his government’s dire human rights record and detract attention from Turkey’s increasingly authoritarian anti-democratic politic. Without international pressure Erdogan will continue unhindered, using the state of emergency and the anti-democratic decrees to maintain his authoritarian rule. The purge of public sector workers, clamp down on […]

Will robots celebrate May Day?

If the robots have been exploited by capitalism, will they attend May Day marches for that reason? An interesting caricature appeared on Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the most prominent newspapers in Germany. In this caricature by Oliver Schopf, four robots are marching with a May Day banner. One of the robots appear to be holding […]

Selma Gürkan: Halting the ‘Presidential Alliance’ is the first step towards democracy

’24th June is a critical point in strengthening the one-man regime. It is important that HDP surpasses the electoral threshold to stop this advance.’ Serpil İLGÜN Those that will be running against Erdoğan in the Presidential election and which parties will enter alliances in the parliamentary elections were decided within the last week. As expected, […]

More than a million people tweeted to say ‘enough’ to President Erdoğan

More than a million people tweeted to call time on President Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday, making the word ‘Tamam’ (Enough) a trending topic worldwide. More than a million people tweeted to call out President Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday, making the word ‘tamam’ (meaning ‘enough’) a trending topic worldwide after he said, “If one day our […]

Let’s reject the one-man regime with enthusiasm of May Day!

The people who came together around the values of May Day clearly stand opposed to a ‘one party, one-man regime’. Workers all over the world, from Tokyo to Paris, Sydney to Havana declared not just their demands against capitalist exploitation but also protested imperialist war ambitions. Of course 1 May 2018 was also celebrated in […]

Hayatın Sesi TV case postponed to September, 19

The case of Hayatın Sesi TV, which was shut down based on a Decree of Law issued under the State of Emergency has been postponed to 19 September.   The fourth hearing of the Hayatın Sesi TV, accused of propagating for ISIS, PKK and TAK, took place on Tuesday. Birol Sarıkaş, President of Cam Keramik- […]

Raid election might turn into a nightmare for the ‘two party coalition

It is very clear that the AKP-MHP partnership has been preparing itself for an election since last year with a ‘raid election plan’. Just hours after the “raid election” election was declared by the Erdoğan – Bahçeli coalition, the state of emergency was prolonged for another 3 months by the Turkish Parliamentwith the support of […]

Another ‘election crisis’ with Europe?

Tensions with Europe are rising again in the build-up to the election. Germany, Austria and Netherlands will not permit election campaigns. The election campaign and voting in the Turkish elections, to be held on 24 June, is again planned to start with Germany and other European countries. Approximately three million voters originating from Turkey have […]

Cumhuriyet’s 14 journalists and executives sentenced to jail

The court sentenced 14 journalists and executives from Cumhuriyet newspaper to various prison terms over terrorism-related charges. The 27th High Criminal Court of İstanbul on Wednesday sentenced 14 journalists from Cumhuriyet daily to various prison terms over terrorism-related charges. Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Murat Sabuncu, CEO Akin Atalay, and Orhan Erinc, plus journalists Ahmet Sik, Aydin Engin, […]

Selahattin Demirtaş’s defence and Turkey’s trial with peace

Demirtaş’s trial and his defence is very important and should not be lost within the wide range of other ongoing issues. At a time when Turkeys, ‘security’ policies are aimed at decimating the limited freedom that is left in the country, the century-old Kurdish Question is going through a critical period in terms of its […]

EMEP: The government is once again trying to deceive the people

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: We call on the working class and all other oppressed and exploited classes to teach a lesson to the Government. The statement released, regarding the decision to go to a snap election on 24 July, from Selma Gürkan, chairwoman of EMEP, read: “Turkey entered a hurried election period with a decision […]

Turkey to hold early elections on 24 June, says President Erdoğan

President Tayyip Erdoğan announced early elections in Turkey on June 24, 2018. President Tayyip Erdoğan announced early elections in Turkey on June 24, 2018. Erdoğan says the legal process for early elections, including preparations by Supreme Electoral Council, to begin immediately. Erdoğan made this announcement after he met with his ally, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) […]

EMEP: Troubled government seeks a solution in early election

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan criticised MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli’s call for early elections: Troubled government seeks a solution in early election. Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan criticised Erdoğan’s ally, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli’s call for early elections. Selma Gürkan’s statement is here: “Call for an early election made by government partner […]

Nationalist Movement Party leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections on Aug. 26, 2018. Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli called for early elections on Aug. 26, 2018. “It should be known that the MHP wants early elections after the adjustment laws are enacted,” said Bahçeli, speaking at the party’s parliamentary group on […]

EMEP: We condemn the attacks on Syria initiated by the US, Britain and France

Labour Party: These attacks aim to materialise their imperialist interests in Syria and in the Middle East, and they target the peoples of the region. The Labour Party (EMEP) condemned the attacks on Syria initiated by the US, Britain and France. EMEP’s statement is here: “In the early hours of Saturday, 14th April, the US, […]

Can Turkey really be allied with both Russia and USA?

Turkey, which is allied to Russia in Afrin, is working with the USA in Ghouta. Can Turkey really ally itself with Russia and USA? The power struggle within the “fields” of Syria between USA and Russia is spreading with aggression. The aggression does not stop with the exchange of words, it is spreading throughout the […]

Where in the War is Turkey?

One of the questions that arise at this juncture is the kind of position Turkey will take on the face of a possible conflict between US and Russia.   Tensions escalated following the claim that the regime forces conducting an operation against jihadist groups have used chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta in Syria have brought […]

Turkey detained 11 people over social media posts

At least 11 people were detained across Turkey over social media posts on the charge of ‘propagandising for an illegal organisation’. Social media users including the Labour Party (EMEP) executives and the Federation of Opinion Clubs (FKF) members were detained on charge of “propagandizing for an illegal organisation” in a raid launched this morning in […]

Creating your own Afghanistan

Who can argue that the jihadi group placed (by Turkey) on the borders does not or will not pose a risk in the future? A few days ago, some agencies reported on an agreement that the most important radical Islamist group Jaysh al-Islam in East Ghouta (Army of Islam) would relocate to Jarabulus which is […]

English PEN: Freedom of expression in Turkey is in jeopardy

English PEN presents a report on the situation of freedom of expression in Turkey and engages in a critical evaluation of the violation of the rights. English PEN launched a report, ‘Turkey: freedom of expression in jeopardy. Violations of the rights of authors, publishers and academics under the State of Emergency’. Researched and written by […]

What does the sale of Doğan Media Group mean?

Evrensel Editor-in-chief, Fatih Polat, assesses the sale of Doğan Media Group to the Demirören Group, known with its ties to the government. The sale of Doğan Media Group to the Demirören Group is of critical import in many respects within the field of media. The tension in between President Erdoğan and this group, reflecting media […]

Turkey’s largest media group changes ownership in one day

The whole of the Doğan Media Group owned by Aydın Doğan (including CNN Turk, Posta Daily and Channel D) has been sold to Erdoğan Demirören. The flagship of the Turkish press, Hurriyet Daily, has been sold to a group close to the AKP government. But the sale is not just limited to Hurriyet, the whole […]

Turkish Parliament approved new law to regulate online broadcasting

The Turkish Parliament approved a new law giving the Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) the authority to regulate all kinds of internet broadcasting. According to the new legislation, all broadcasters that want to provide radio, television, and other types of broadcasting services on the internet will have to obtain a licence from RTÜK, […]

Hundreds of thousands celebrate Newroz in Turkey

Hundreds of thousands of people celebrated Newroz in towns and cities across Turkey, including Diyarbakır, İstanbul, Van and İzmir. People gathered in Van, Urfa, Cizre, Nusaybin, Mardin, Siirt, İstanbul, İzmir and the Turkish capital of Ankara, among other cities, marking the holiday. Celebrations in some towns and cities, including Kars, Ağrı, Iğdır, Muş, Doğubayezit, Derik, […]

EMEP Chairwoman Selma Gürkan: Discussion on unity should be focused on demands

We talked the 2019 elections and the discussions on alliances with the Labour Party (EMEP) Chairwoman Selma Gürkan. AKP [The Justice and Development Party] and MHP [Nationalist Movement Party] declared that they will enter the elections in 2019 as a ‘Presidential Alliance’; this led to an escalation in the attempts to introduce legal changes to […]

Imperialist infighting in Syria and the fall of Afrin

Perhaps, I should start with what should be said at the end. Just as the start of the military operation in Afrin cannot be explained by the determination of Turkey, the withdrawal of the Kurdish forces from Afrin and the fall of Afrincannot be explained by the situation of the Kurds alone. The struggle for […]

Erdogan and the AKP government claim victory in rigged referendum

Approximately 50 million voters headed over to the ballot boxes on 16 April to vote on the referendum for constitutional changes in Turkey. The public were presented with manipulated figures, purporting to show a victory for the Yes vote, equivalent to 51.4% ‘yes’ and 48.6% ‘no’. All big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, […]

Not even a Pyrrhic victory!

Ihsan Caralan (Evrensel, 17.4.17) The referendum for a constitutional amendment that will take Turkey to a “one party, one man regime” was held last Sunday. Initial reports show a 51.4 “yes” and 48.6 “no” vote. Both the close results and the fact that the two big parties of the “no” camp, People’s Republican Party (CHP) […]

Finding of the international observers. 

The 16 April constitutional referendum in Turkey was contested on an unlevel playing field, and the two sides in the campaign did not have equal opportunities, the international observers concluded in a statement released today. While the technical aspects of the process were well administered, voters were not provided with impartial information about key aspects of the […]

We must stand in solidarity with the people of Turkey.

Steve Sweeney, SPOT Steering Committee member reports from Turkey on the aftermath of the referendum.  I was part of the demonstrations in Besiktas last night where people were opposing the outcome of the referendum result. The result cannot be given any credibility and should not be legitimised. Opposition CHP and HDP have announced they will […]

We will continue our struggle!

Press release and public announcement on the outcome of the referendum in Turkey We will continue our struggle against the shady referendum outcome and one-man rule! This was a referendum held under a state of emergency and oppressive policies. This was a campaign full of inequalities and injustices. As if this was not enough, the […]

Why Should We Support The “No” Vote In Turkey’s April Referendum?

As you know tomorrow is a hugely significant day for Turkey, where citizens are being asked to make a significant decision about the future of their country. The people of Turkey will tomorrow vote on a new constitution which, if passed, will result in the granting of ultimate executive powers to the President and will […]


In the face of rising authoritarianism and right-wing populism, academic freedom is under severe threat in contemporary Turkey. Governmental repression on academics became all too apparent when the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, instigated a campaign of persecution against academics – Academics for Peace (BAK) – who signed a peace petition in January 2016. The […]

Urgent Call for Xerabê Bava by Academics for Peace- Germany & Academics for Peace- UK

As Turkey’s constitutional referendum is approaching, we are, once again, witnessing an intensification of state violence in the Kurdish provinces of Turkey. For more than a week, there has been no communication with the people of Xerabê Bava (Koruköy), a village in Mardin-Nusaybin. The village is under round-the-clock military curfew and there have been claims […]

Academic For Peace Initiative (BAK) seeks international solidarity 

In the last seven months, following the failed coup attempt, nearly 100,000 civil servants have been removed from their posts in Turkey. This includes teachers, police officers, soldiers, academics and lawyers. Among these there have been many academics known for being signatories to the [“We will not be a party to this crime”] peace petition. […]

May Accused of Propping up Erdoğan

LEADING trade unionists have demanded that Theresa May stop selling arms to Turkey, accusing her of propping up one of the world’s most oppressive regimes.The call was made at an emergency press conference on Wednesday night, organised by Solidarity with the People of Turkey (Spot), after a new decree issued under the state of emergency […]


The policies of the AKP government, which have been ruling the country for the last 14 years, have pushed democracy to the edge. The severity of the situation exceeds even the circumstances of the military coup in 1980.By using the failed coup attempt of July 15th as a pretext, the government is arresting and firing […]

Steel worker’s planned strike action denied by Turkish Ministers

The planned strike action by steel workers in Bursa, namely Asil Celik, has been banned for “security reasons” according to the Council of Ministers. However, we believe that the emergency state which has recently been extended is used as a pretext to deny workers the right to protest or strike. The decision by the minsters […]